María Lourdes Pineda Castro | Universidad de Costa Rica (original) (raw)

Papers by María Lourdes Pineda Castro

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica de carne de conejo “Nueva Zelanda” y efecto del marinado con CaCl2

Agronomía Mesoamericana

Introducción. La carne de conejo tiene un alto valor nutricional, pero su textura, dureza y color... more Introducción. La carne de conejo tiene un alto valor nutricional, pero su textura, dureza y color impactan la decisión de compra de los consumidores, por ello su mejora es deseable. Objetivo. Realizar una caracterización física, química y microbiológica de la carne de conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) y determinar el efecto de la aplicación de CaCl2 sobre la calidad de la misma. Materiales y métodos. En San José, Costa Rica, entre enero y septiembre, 2015, se analizaron piezas de muslo de conejo marinadas y sin marinar con CaCl2, cocinadas y sin cocinar, tanto al momento inicial como después de un almacenamiento de cinco días. A estas se les efectuó un análisis proximal completo y pruebas de plateo microbiológico, medición de pH, determinación de la pérdida de agua por goteo y medición del color y textura. Resultados. La carne presentó una humedad de 75,3 %, 2,8 % de grasa, 21,1 % de proteína y 0,8 % de cenizas. Las proteínas se distribuyeron en 54,8 % sarcoplasmáticas, 35,1 % miofibri...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de carne de conejo marinada en mostaza y en vino blanco con especias

Agronomía Mesoamericana

Introducción. Desarrollar nuevas opciones comerciales puede generar beneficios al mercado de carn... more Introducción. Desarrollar nuevas opciones comerciales puede generar beneficios al mercado de carne de conejo. Objetivo. Evaluar características sensoriales, fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas de dos preparaciones marinadas de carne cunícola en mostaza y vino blanco con especias. Materiales y métodos. La investigación, realizada en Costa Rica, implicó un estudio de almacenamiento en refrigeración, con dos productos marinados de carne cunícola: con mostaza y con vino con especias. Se evaluó un recuento total de psicotrofos anaerobios, rendimiento, color, pH, textura, y el agrado sensorial con 100 consumidores. Resultados. No existieron diferencias (α>0,05) en el rendimiento. Se obtuvieron valores de pH más bajos que los reportados en conejo fresco, para la preparación con vino, que tuvo cargas de UFC/g de psicotrofos anaerobios menores (p>0,05), lo cual le dio mayor estabilidad y permitió almacenarla hasta 28 días sin sobrepasar 106 UFC/g. Se obtuvo un L* alto para ambas preparaci...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of stirred strawberry yogurt derived from different proportions of cow and goat milk

Agronomia Mesoamericana, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Composição físico-química de frutos de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) na Costa Rica

The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrop... more The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) fruit was studied with a view to its exploitation as a potential source of bioactive compounds. The variability present in five batches of peach palm fruit obtained from two regions in Costa Rica: Tucurrique (T) and Pérez Zeledón (PZ), was studied. Significant differences were found for fruit weight, length and width amongst the batches studied. The moisture, fat and protein contents of the Tucurrique fruit were significantly lower than those from Pérez Zeledón. No significant difference in starch content was found between any of the batches of peach palm fruit studied. In terms of antioxidant compounds, the total carotenoid content ranged between 109 and 202 µg β-carotene equivalents/g dry weight (dw), while the total polyphenol content varied from 54 to 106 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) /100 g (dw). Both these compone...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de la aceptación por consumidores de un bocadillo de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) y estudio de su potencial como alimento funcional

El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la aceptación de 4 formulaciones de un bocadillo de pe... more El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la aceptación de 4 formulaciones de un bocadillo de pejibaye combinado con harina de maíz, por consumidores; así como determinar su potencial como alimento funcional. Se evaluó el agrado a las 4 formulaciones, en 100 consumidores de bocadillos y los resultados fueron sometidos a un análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados se conformaron en dos conglomerados, en donde el 2 fue el que otorgó mejores calificaciones a las características evaluadas. En dicho conglomerado, quedaron la mayoría de las personas que consumen más frecuentemente bocadillos y pejibaye. Todos los consumidores del conglomerado 2 y aproximadamente el 85% del grupo 1 indicaron que comprarían el producto, por lo que se concluyó que hay un nicho de mercado para el bocadillo de pejibaye. Posteriormente, se realizó una evaluación cualitativa con los dos productos de mayor aceptación seg&...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Evaluation of consumer's acceptance of a peach palm snack (Bactris gasipaes) and determination of its potential as a functional food]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to dete... more The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to determine its potential as a functional food by chemical characterization. An assessment was conducted with 100 consumers to determine the acceptance of different snack formulations and the results were subjected to cluster analysis. This analysis revealed two groups. Group 2 included people that consume snacks and peach palm frequently and showed the highest grades for the snack evaluated characteristics. All the consumers in group 2 and approximately 85% of the consumers in group 1 indicated that they would buy the product suggesting that there is a niche market for the developed peach palm snack. Also, a qualitative evaluation, using mini focus groups, of the two most widely accepted formulas of the snack (chosen according to previously described study) was performed. The sessions considered the opinion of middle class professionals and housewives. It was determined that the combination o...

Research paper thumbnail of Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca y cabra

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2006

Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca ... more Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca y cabra. Durante 2004, en San José, se eva luó el efec to de di feren tes pro por cio nes de le che de ca bra (c) y le che de va ca (v) (0%c/100%v, 30%c/70%v, 50%c/50%v, 70%c/30%v y 100%c/0%v), so bre el pH, la vis co si dad y la si né re sis de un yo gurt ba ti do de fre sa, du ran te los días 1, 7, 14 y 21 de al ma ce na mien to en re fri ge ra ción a 4-5°C. El pH dis mi nu yó en al ma ce na mien to acen tua da men te en los pri me ros siete días e in dis tin ta men te pa ra to das for mu la cio nes (p≤0,05) des de ám bi tos ini cia les de 4,35-4,40 has ta 4,25-4,30. Du rante los pri me ros sie te días au men tó la vis co si dad de to das las mues tras, pa ra pos te rior men te des cen der has ta el día 21. Las mues tras con 100% le che de ca bra pre sen ta ron me nor vis co si dad (p≤0,05) (me dia = 11277 cp) que las elabo ra das con 100% le che de va ca (me dia = 19979 cp). La si né re sis pa ra to das las mues tras des cen dió con el tiem po. La mues tra de ma yor si né re sis du ran te to do el pe rio do fue la de 100% le che de va ca (me dia = 9,4%), mien tras la de me nor fue la de 100% ca bra (me dia = 2,1%). Pa ra la si né resis se en con tró una in te rac ción sig ni fi ca ti va (p≤0,05) en tre el día de al ma ce na mien to y el ti po de le che, con clu yén dose que la si né re sis disminuyó con el tiem po y conforme aumentó el con te ni do de le che de va ca. Se eva luó con 105 jue ces el efec to de di fe ren tes for mu la cio nes (30%c/70%v, 50%c/50%v, 70%c/30%v y 100%c/0%v), so bre el agra do ge ne ral así co mo la acep ta ción del co lor y tex tu ra. La formu la ción de ma yor agra do glo bal (p≤0,05) fue la de 30% le che de ca bra, que en pro me dio al can zó un va lor de 8,1 en una es ca la he dó ni ca hí bri da 10 cm.

Research paper thumbnail of Lácteos bovinos y percepción de la leche caprina entre estudiantes de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2006

Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica. Our object... more Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica. Our objective was to establish meaningful differences between age, gender, exercise practice and consumption habits and its interactions among students of the University of Costa Rica. The knowledge and the perception of goat milk among these persons were studied as well. In September 2005 a study devoted to understand consumer habits related to dairy products took place among 506 students (272 women and 234 men between 17 and 26 years) using the random interview technique to profile age, gender, exercise, most consumed products, quality demanded and overall knowledge about goat milk. Coded data were evaluated using the chi square test. The population age ranged 90% between 18 and 24 years. Milk (38.1%), cheese (14.2%) and yogurt (9.9%) were the most consumed products, which are usually bought at supermarkets (59.5%). About 64.5% of the population consumes dairy products on a daily basis but 28.3% only have these products occasionally and 5.9% almost never. Such nutritional behavior could be linked with a poor calcium intake. Women preferred low-fat products, especially if they are not involved in some exercise practice. Good flavor is undeniably the most important characteristic demanded by dairy consumers (50.4%). As it is usual in Costa Rica, non traditional sources of milk such as goat milk and related products are not very popular among the students, fact that can be noted in their low consumption and the poor knowledge when it comes to this milk.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of cell wall polysaccharides of purple pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) pericarp

Food Hydrocolloids, 2014

Sicana odorifera is a Brazilian native fruit. In this work, cell wall polysaccharides from S. odo... more Sicana odorifera is a Brazilian native fruit. In this work, cell wall polysaccharides from S. odorifera pulp were isolated by sequential extraction with water, citric acid, and sodium hydroxide solutions. The monosaccharide composition of crude polysaccharide fractions was determined. The aqueous fractions displayed the highest yields and they were constituted by pectins, having mainly galactans as side chains. The citric acid fraction (SCA) had galactose as the main component. The hemicellulosic fractions consisted mainly of xylose, mannose, galactose, and glucose, suggesting the presence of xyloglucans, xylans and mannans. The SCA fraction was further purified, resulting in a linear galactan (SCAI2). NMR and methylation analysis showed that SCAI2 was a β-(1→4) D-galactan with molar mass of 17,560 g/mol, determined by light scattering. The presence of a linear galactan in free form in fruits is unusual because these polymers usually occur as side chains of type I rhamnogalacturonans.

Research paper thumbnail of Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2007


Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2009

Resumen es: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las cineticas de deshidratacion de la... more Resumen es: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las cineticas de deshidratacion de la morera bajo diferentes condiciones de temperatura, velocidad y hume...

Research paper thumbnail of EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (Morus alba)1

1 re­ci­bi­do: 17 de­ se­ti­e­mbre­, 2008. ace­p­ta­do: 16 de­ novi­e­mbre­, 2009. inscri­to e­n ... more 1 re­ci­bi­do: 17 de­ se­ti­e­mbre­, 2008. ace­p­ta­do: 16 de­ novi­e­mbre­, 2009. inscri­to e­n Vi­ce­rre­toría­ de­ inve­sti­ga­ci­ón no 737-a5-074 y no 735-a2502, Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. 2 escue­la­ de­ Te­cnología­ de­ ali­me­ntos. Fa­culta­d de­ ci­e­nci­a­s agroa­li­me­nta­ri­a­s. Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. sa­n José, costa­ ri­ca­. ma­ri­a­. p­i­ne­da­ca­stro@ucr.a­ 3 esta­ci­ón exp­e­ri­me­nta­l alfre­do Voli­o ma­ta­. Fa­culta­d de­ ci­e­nci­a­s agroa­li­me­nta­ri­a­s. Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. ca­rta­go, costa­ ri­ca­. a­le­ja­ndro.cha­con@ucr.a­ 4 La­bora­tori­os gri­ffi­th ce­ntro améri­ca­, s.a. gcorde­ro@gri­ffi­thla­bora­tori­e­ EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (Morus alba)1

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de la aceptación por consumidores de un bocadillo de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) y estudio de su potencial como alimento funcional

Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion, 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to dete... more The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to determine its potential as a functional food by chemical characterization. An assessment was conducted with 100 consumers to determine the acceptance of different snack formulations and the results were subjected to cluster analysis. This analysis revealed two groups. Group 2 included people that consume snacks and peach palm frequently and showed the highest grades for the snack evaluated characteristics. All the consumers in group 2 and approximately 85% of the consumers in group 1 indicated that they would buy the product suggesting that there is a niche market for the developed peach palm snack. Also, a qualitative evaluation, using mini focus groups, of the two most widely accepted formulas of the snack (chosen according to previously described study) was performed. The sessions considered the opinion of middle class professionals and housewives. It was determined that the combination o...

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto del almacenamiento en refrigeración sobre las características químicas del coco (Cocos nucifera Linn.)

UCR::Vicerrectoria de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias:... more UCR::Vicerrectoria de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Tecnologia de Alimentos

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of stirred strawberry yogurt derived from different proportions of cow and goat milk

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto del grado de sustitución de harina de trigo con harina de pejibaye (Bactris Gasipaes H.B.K.) sobre las características sensoriales de un queque seco

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry (Morus alba)

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto De La Proporción De Leche Bovina y Caprina en Las Características Del Dulce De Leche

Effect of different proportions of goat milk and cow’s milk on the physical and sensory character... more Effect of different proportions of goat milk and cow’s milk on the physical and sensory characteristics of “dulce de leche”. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of the proportion of cow and goat milk in the composition of milk candy “dulce de leche”. The evaluation was conducted at the Universidad de Costa Rica and the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (from January 2010 to May 2011), to establish the effect on the pH, Brix degrees, color and texture in days 1 and 60 of storage, of different goat milk proportions in the milk candy (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Sensorial acceptance of such formulations was estimated for 100 consumers using formulations at day fifteen and a commercial product used as reference; this data was assessed using a cluster analysis. For all variables there is a significant effect of storage (p≤0.05), but only interactions between storage and pH were revealed. The higher the proportion of goat milk, the lower the pH, especially as storage t...

Research paper thumbnail of EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (

Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry ( Morus alba). The­ obje­cti­ve­... more Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry ( Morus alba). The­ obje­cti­ve­ of thi­s work wa­s to de­te­rmi­ne­ the­ de­hydra­ti­on ki­ne­ti­cs of mulbe­rry unde­r di­ffe­re­nt condi­ti­ons of te­mp­e­ra­ture­, sp­e­e­d a­nd a­i­r humi­di­ty, be­twe­e­n June­ a­nd De­ce­mbe­r 2006 i­n costa­ ri­ca­. Whi­te­ mulbe­rry le­a­ve­s ( Morus alba) wi­th a­n a­ge­ of 75 da­ys we­re­ use­d a­s substra­te­ for the­ dryi­ng p­roce­ss. The­ dryi­ng ki­ne­ti­cs wa­s i­nve­sti­ga­te­d i­n a­ e­le­ctri­c conve­cti­ve­ drye­r wi­th a­ si­ngle­ tra­y (di­a­me­te­r of 0.22 m) loa­de­d wi­th 122 ±1 g of mulbe­rry le­a­ve­s p­e­r ba­tch, ma­i­nta­i­ni­ng the­ p­roce­ss unti­l a­ humi­di­ty conte­nt of 5 % wa­s re­a­che­d. Thre­e­ dryi­ng a­i­r temperatures (60 °C, 75 °C and 90 °C), two fixed airflow ra­te­s (1 m/s a­nd 2.5 m/s) a­nd two a­i­r humi­di­ty conte­nts (12 g/kg dry a­i­r a­nd 45 g/kg dry a­i­r) we­re­ e­va­lua­te­d for a­ tota­l of 12 treatments. The drying data were fi...

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical and antioxidant composition of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) fruits in Costa Rica

Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 2016

Summary The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents an... more Summary The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) fruit was studied with a view to its exploitation as a potential source of bioactive compounds. The variability present in five batches of peach palm fruit obtained from two regions in Costa Rica: Tucurrique (T) and Pérez Zeledón (PZ), was studied. Significant differences were found for fruit weight, length and width amongst the batches studied. The moisture, fat and protein contents of the Tucurrique fruit were significantly lower than those from Pérez Zeledón. No significant difference in starch content was found between any of the batches of peach palm fruit studied. In terms of antioxidant compounds, the total carotenoid content ranged between 109 and 202 µg β-carotene equivalents/g dry weight (dw), while the total polyphenol content varied from 54 to 106 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) /100 g (dw). Both these...

Research paper thumbnail of Caracterización fisicoquímica y microbiológica de carne de conejo “Nueva Zelanda” y efecto del marinado con CaCl2

Agronomía Mesoamericana

Introducción. La carne de conejo tiene un alto valor nutricional, pero su textura, dureza y color... more Introducción. La carne de conejo tiene un alto valor nutricional, pero su textura, dureza y color impactan la decisión de compra de los consumidores, por ello su mejora es deseable. Objetivo. Realizar una caracterización física, química y microbiológica de la carne de conejo (Oryctolagus cuniculus) y determinar el efecto de la aplicación de CaCl2 sobre la calidad de la misma. Materiales y métodos. En San José, Costa Rica, entre enero y septiembre, 2015, se analizaron piezas de muslo de conejo marinadas y sin marinar con CaCl2, cocinadas y sin cocinar, tanto al momento inicial como después de un almacenamiento de cinco días. A estas se les efectuó un análisis proximal completo y pruebas de plateo microbiológico, medición de pH, determinación de la pérdida de agua por goteo y medición del color y textura. Resultados. La carne presentó una humedad de 75,3 %, 2,8 % de grasa, 21,1 % de proteína y 0,8 % de cenizas. Las proteínas se distribuyeron en 54,8 % sarcoplasmáticas, 35,1 % miofibri...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de carne de conejo marinada en mostaza y en vino blanco con especias

Agronomía Mesoamericana

Introducción. Desarrollar nuevas opciones comerciales puede generar beneficios al mercado de carn... more Introducción. Desarrollar nuevas opciones comerciales puede generar beneficios al mercado de carne de conejo. Objetivo. Evaluar características sensoriales, fisicoquímicas y microbiológicas de dos preparaciones marinadas de carne cunícola en mostaza y vino blanco con especias. Materiales y métodos. La investigación, realizada en Costa Rica, implicó un estudio de almacenamiento en refrigeración, con dos productos marinados de carne cunícola: con mostaza y con vino con especias. Se evaluó un recuento total de psicotrofos anaerobios, rendimiento, color, pH, textura, y el agrado sensorial con 100 consumidores. Resultados. No existieron diferencias (α>0,05) en el rendimiento. Se obtuvieron valores de pH más bajos que los reportados en conejo fresco, para la preparación con vino, que tuvo cargas de UFC/g de psicotrofos anaerobios menores (p>0,05), lo cual le dio mayor estabilidad y permitió almacenarla hasta 28 días sin sobrepasar 106 UFC/g. Se obtuvo un L* alto para ambas preparaci...

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of stirred strawberry yogurt derived from different proportions of cow and goat milk

Agronomia Mesoamericana, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Composição físico-química de frutos de pupunha (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) na Costa Rica

The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrop... more The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) fruit was studied with a view to its exploitation as a potential source of bioactive compounds. The variability present in five batches of peach palm fruit obtained from two regions in Costa Rica: Tucurrique (T) and Pérez Zeledón (PZ), was studied. Significant differences were found for fruit weight, length and width amongst the batches studied. The moisture, fat and protein contents of the Tucurrique fruit were significantly lower than those from Pérez Zeledón. No significant difference in starch content was found between any of the batches of peach palm fruit studied. In terms of antioxidant compounds, the total carotenoid content ranged between 109 and 202 µg β-carotene equivalents/g dry weight (dw), while the total polyphenol content varied from 54 to 106 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) /100 g (dw). Both these compone...

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de la aceptación por consumidores de un bocadillo de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) y estudio de su potencial como alimento funcional

El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la aceptación de 4 formulaciones de un bocadillo de pe... more El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar la aceptación de 4 formulaciones de un bocadillo de pejibaye combinado con harina de maíz, por consumidores; así como determinar su potencial como alimento funcional. Se evaluó el agrado a las 4 formulaciones, en 100 consumidores de bocadillos y los resultados fueron sometidos a un análisis de conglomerados. Los resultados se conformaron en dos conglomerados, en donde el 2 fue el que otorgó mejores calificaciones a las características evaluadas. En dicho conglomerado, quedaron la mayoría de las personas que consumen más frecuentemente bocadillos y pejibaye. Todos los consumidores del conglomerado 2 y aproximadamente el 85% del grupo 1 indicaron que comprarían el producto, por lo que se concluyó que hay un nicho de mercado para el bocadillo de pejibaye. Posteriormente, se realizó una evaluación cualitativa con los dos productos de mayor aceptación seg&...

[Research paper thumbnail of [Evaluation of consumer's acceptance of a peach palm snack (Bactris gasipaes) and determination of its potential as a functional food]](

Archivos latinoamericanos de nutrición, 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to dete... more The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to determine its potential as a functional food by chemical characterization. An assessment was conducted with 100 consumers to determine the acceptance of different snack formulations and the results were subjected to cluster analysis. This analysis revealed two groups. Group 2 included people that consume snacks and peach palm frequently and showed the highest grades for the snack evaluated characteristics. All the consumers in group 2 and approximately 85% of the consumers in group 1 indicated that they would buy the product suggesting that there is a niche market for the developed peach palm snack. Also, a qualitative evaluation, using mini focus groups, of the two most widely accepted formulas of the snack (chosen according to previously described study) was performed. The sessions considered the opinion of middle class professionals and housewives. It was determined that the combination o...

Research paper thumbnail of Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca y cabra

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2006

Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca ... more Características del yogurt batido de fresa derivadas de diferentes proporciones de leche de vaca y cabra. Durante 2004, en San José, se eva luó el efec to de di feren tes pro por cio nes de le che de ca bra (c) y le che de va ca (v) (0%c/100%v, 30%c/70%v, 50%c/50%v, 70%c/30%v y 100%c/0%v), so bre el pH, la vis co si dad y la si né re sis de un yo gurt ba ti do de fre sa, du ran te los días 1, 7, 14 y 21 de al ma ce na mien to en re fri ge ra ción a 4-5°C. El pH dis mi nu yó en al ma ce na mien to acen tua da men te en los pri me ros siete días e in dis tin ta men te pa ra to das for mu la cio nes (p≤0,05) des de ám bi tos ini cia les de 4,35-4,40 has ta 4,25-4,30. Du rante los pri me ros sie te días au men tó la vis co si dad de to das las mues tras, pa ra pos te rior men te des cen der has ta el día 21. Las mues tras con 100% le che de ca bra pre sen ta ron me nor vis co si dad (p≤0,05) (me dia = 11277 cp) que las elabo ra das con 100% le che de va ca (me dia = 19979 cp). La si né re sis pa ra to das las mues tras des cen dió con el tiem po. La mues tra de ma yor si né re sis du ran te to do el pe rio do fue la de 100% le che de va ca (me dia = 9,4%), mien tras la de me nor fue la de 100% ca bra (me dia = 2,1%). Pa ra la si né resis se en con tró una in te rac ción sig ni fi ca ti va (p≤0,05) en tre el día de al ma ce na mien to y el ti po de le che, con clu yén dose que la si né re sis disminuyó con el tiem po y conforme aumentó el con te ni do de le che de va ca. Se eva luó con 105 jue ces el efec to de di fe ren tes for mu la cio nes (30%c/70%v, 50%c/50%v, 70%c/30%v y 100%c/0%v), so bre el agra do ge ne ral así co mo la acep ta ción del co lor y tex tu ra. La formu la ción de ma yor agra do glo bal (p≤0,05) fue la de 30% le che de ca bra, que en pro me dio al can zó un va lor de 8,1 en una es ca la he dó ni ca hí bri da 10 cm.

Research paper thumbnail of Lácteos bovinos y percepción de la leche caprina entre estudiantes de la Universidad de Costa Rica

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2006

Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica. Our object... more Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica. Our objective was to establish meaningful differences between age, gender, exercise practice and consumption habits and its interactions among students of the University of Costa Rica. The knowledge and the perception of goat milk among these persons were studied as well. In September 2005 a study devoted to understand consumer habits related to dairy products took place among 506 students (272 women and 234 men between 17 and 26 years) using the random interview technique to profile age, gender, exercise, most consumed products, quality demanded and overall knowledge about goat milk. Coded data were evaluated using the chi square test. The population age ranged 90% between 18 and 24 years. Milk (38.1%), cheese (14.2%) and yogurt (9.9%) were the most consumed products, which are usually bought at supermarkets (59.5%). About 64.5% of the population consumes dairy products on a daily basis but 28.3% only have these products occasionally and 5.9% almost never. Such nutritional behavior could be linked with a poor calcium intake. Women preferred low-fat products, especially if they are not involved in some exercise practice. Good flavor is undeniably the most important characteristic demanded by dairy consumers (50.4%). As it is usual in Costa Rica, non traditional sources of milk such as goat milk and related products are not very popular among the students, fact that can be noted in their low consumption and the poor knowledge when it comes to this milk.

Research paper thumbnail of Characterization of cell wall polysaccharides of purple pitaya (Hylocereus sp.) pericarp

Food Hydrocolloids, 2014

Sicana odorifera is a Brazilian native fruit. In this work, cell wall polysaccharides from S. odo... more Sicana odorifera is a Brazilian native fruit. In this work, cell wall polysaccharides from S. odorifera pulp were isolated by sequential extraction with water, citric acid, and sodium hydroxide solutions. The monosaccharide composition of crude polysaccharide fractions was determined. The aqueous fractions displayed the highest yields and they were constituted by pectins, having mainly galactans as side chains. The citric acid fraction (SCA) had galactose as the main component. The hemicellulosic fractions consisted mainly of xylose, mannose, galactose, and glucose, suggesting the presence of xyloglucans, xylans and mannans. The SCA fraction was further purified, resulting in a linear galactan (SCAI2). NMR and methylation analysis showed that SCAI2 was a β-(1→4) D-galactan with molar mass of 17,560 g/mol, determined by light scattering. The presence of a linear galactan in free form in fruits is unusual because these polymers usually occur as side chains of type I rhamnogalacturonans.

Research paper thumbnail of Bovine dairy and goat milk perceptions among students of the University of Costa Rica

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2007


Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2009

Resumen es: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las cineticas de deshidratacion de la... more Resumen es: El objetivo del presente trabajo fue determinar las cineticas de deshidratacion de la morera bajo diferentes condiciones de temperatura, velocidad y hume...

Research paper thumbnail of EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (Morus alba)1

1 re­ci­bi­do: 17 de­ se­ti­e­mbre­, 2008. ace­p­ta­do: 16 de­ novi­e­mbre­, 2009. inscri­to e­n ... more 1 re­ci­bi­do: 17 de­ se­ti­e­mbre­, 2008. ace­p­ta­do: 16 de­ novi­e­mbre­, 2009. inscri­to e­n Vi­ce­rre­toría­ de­ inve­sti­ga­ci­ón no 737-a5-074 y no 735-a2502, Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. 2 escue­la­ de­ Te­cnología­ de­ ali­me­ntos. Fa­culta­d de­ ci­e­nci­a­s agroa­li­me­nta­ri­a­s. Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. sa­n José, costa­ ri­ca­. ma­ri­a­. p­i­ne­da­ca­stro@ucr.a­ 3 esta­ci­ón exp­e­ri­me­nta­l alfre­do Voli­o ma­ta­. Fa­culta­d de­ ci­e­nci­a­s agroa­li­me­nta­ri­a­s. Uni­ve­rsi­da­d de­ costa­ ri­ca­. ca­rta­go, costa­ ri­ca­. a­le­ja­ndro.cha­con@ucr.a­ 4 La­bora­tori­os gri­ffi­th ce­ntro améri­ca­, s.a. gcorde­ro@gri­ffi­thla­bora­tori­e­ EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (Morus alba)1

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluación de la aceptación por consumidores de un bocadillo de pejibaye (Bactris gasipaes) y estudio de su potencial como alimento funcional

Archivos Latinoamericanos De Nutricion, 2015

The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to dete... more The aim of this study was to evaluate consumers' acceptance of a peach palm snack and to determine its potential as a functional food by chemical characterization. An assessment was conducted with 100 consumers to determine the acceptance of different snack formulations and the results were subjected to cluster analysis. This analysis revealed two groups. Group 2 included people that consume snacks and peach palm frequently and showed the highest grades for the snack evaluated characteristics. All the consumers in group 2 and approximately 85% of the consumers in group 1 indicated that they would buy the product suggesting that there is a niche market for the developed peach palm snack. Also, a qualitative evaluation, using mini focus groups, of the two most widely accepted formulas of the snack (chosen according to previously described study) was performed. The sessions considered the opinion of middle class professionals and housewives. It was determined that the combination o...

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto del almacenamiento en refrigeración sobre las características químicas del coco (Cocos nucifera Linn.)

UCR::Vicerrectoria de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias:... more UCR::Vicerrectoria de Docencia::Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Facultad de Ciencias Agroalimentarias::Escuela de Tecnologia de Alimentos

Research paper thumbnail of Characteristics of stirred strawberry yogurt derived from different proportions of cow and goat milk

Agronomía Mesoamericana, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto del grado de sustitución de harina de trigo con harina de pejibaye (Bactris Gasipaes H.B.K.) sobre las características sensoriales de un queque seco

Research paper thumbnail of Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry (Morus alba)

Research paper thumbnail of Efecto De La Proporción De Leche Bovina y Caprina en Las Características Del Dulce De Leche

Effect of different proportions of goat milk and cow’s milk on the physical and sensory character... more Effect of different proportions of goat milk and cow’s milk on the physical and sensory characteristics of “dulce de leche”. The objective of this work was to determine the effect of the proportion of cow and goat milk in the composition of milk candy “dulce de leche”. The evaluation was conducted at the Universidad de Costa Rica and the Instituto Nacional de Aprendizaje (from January 2010 to May 2011), to establish the effect on the pH, Brix degrees, color and texture in days 1 and 60 of storage, of different goat milk proportions in the milk candy (0%, 25%, 50%, 75% and 100%). Sensorial acceptance of such formulations was estimated for 100 consumers using formulations at day fifteen and a commercial product used as reference; this data was assessed using a cluster analysis. For all variables there is a significant effect of storage (p≤0.05), but only interactions between storage and pH were revealed. The higher the proportion of goat milk, the lower the pH, especially as storage t...

Research paper thumbnail of EfEcto dE las condicionEs dE sEcado sobrE la cinética dE dEshidratación dE las hojas dE morEra (

Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry ( Morus alba). The­ obje­cti­ve­... more Effect of drying conditions upon dehydration kinetic of mulberry ( Morus alba). The­ obje­cti­ve­ of thi­s work wa­s to de­te­rmi­ne­ the­ de­hydra­ti­on ki­ne­ti­cs of mulbe­rry unde­r di­ffe­re­nt condi­ti­ons of te­mp­e­ra­ture­, sp­e­e­d a­nd a­i­r humi­di­ty, be­twe­e­n June­ a­nd De­ce­mbe­r 2006 i­n costa­ ri­ca­. Whi­te­ mulbe­rry le­a­ve­s ( Morus alba) wi­th a­n a­ge­ of 75 da­ys we­re­ use­d a­s substra­te­ for the­ dryi­ng p­roce­ss. The­ dryi­ng ki­ne­ti­cs wa­s i­nve­sti­ga­te­d i­n a­ e­le­ctri­c conve­cti­ve­ drye­r wi­th a­ si­ngle­ tra­y (di­a­me­te­r of 0.22 m) loa­de­d wi­th 122 ±1 g of mulbe­rry le­a­ve­s p­e­r ba­tch, ma­i­nta­i­ni­ng the­ p­roce­ss unti­l a­ humi­di­ty conte­nt of 5 % wa­s re­a­che­d. Thre­e­ dryi­ng a­i­r temperatures (60 °C, 75 °C and 90 °C), two fixed airflow ra­te­s (1 m/s a­nd 2.5 m/s) a­nd two a­i­r humi­di­ty conte­nts (12 g/kg dry a­i­r a­nd 45 g/kg dry a­i­r) we­re­ e­va­lua­te­d for a­ tota­l of 12 treatments. The drying data were fi...

Research paper thumbnail of Physicochemical and antioxidant composition of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes Kunth) fruits in Costa Rica

Brazilian Journal of Food Technology, 2016

Summary The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents an... more Summary The variability of the physicochemical composition, carotenoid and polyphenol contents and hydrophilic antioxidant capacity of fresh peach palm (Bactris gasipaes) fruit was studied with a view to its exploitation as a potential source of bioactive compounds. The variability present in five batches of peach palm fruit obtained from two regions in Costa Rica: Tucurrique (T) and Pérez Zeledón (PZ), was studied. Significant differences were found for fruit weight, length and width amongst the batches studied. The moisture, fat and protein contents of the Tucurrique fruit were significantly lower than those from Pérez Zeledón. No significant difference in starch content was found between any of the batches of peach palm fruit studied. In terms of antioxidant compounds, the total carotenoid content ranged between 109 and 202 µg β-carotene equivalents/g dry weight (dw), while the total polyphenol content varied from 54 to 106 mg gallic acid equivalents (GAE) /100 g (dw). Both these...