Vania V Estrela | UFF - Universidade Federal Fluminense (original) (raw)

ACADEMIC DOCS by Vania V Estrela


Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and... more Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) facilitates an open and clear data infrastructure to handle publication products. ORCID is a unique identifier that accepts data interoperability for funders, industries, and publishers by exploring indicators for research aspects that they aspire to evaluate instead of using current indicators because they are readily accessible. This manuscript examines the use of ORCID for publication metrics, grant applications, management and reporting platforms. The benefits of ORCID offer a quick way to promote and organize a researcher's work as well as to foster better communication among researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications 2017  (CHIRA 2017)

The purpose of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applicatio... more The purpose of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
Research and Applications (CHIRA) is to bring together professionals, academics
and students who are interested in the advancement of research and practical
applications of human-technology & human-computer interaction. Five parallel
tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Computer-Human Interaction,
including Interaction Design, Human Factors, Entertainment, Cognition, Perception,
User-Friendly Software and Systems, Pervasive Technologies and Interactive
Papers describing original work on advanced methods, prototypes, systems, tools
and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are
encouraged. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the
authors and published in the Proceedings of CHIRA, which will be placed on at least
one Digital Library and sent for indexation by the major international indexes.

Research paper thumbnail of HAICTA 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment

HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (... more HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA). Until now HAICTA has organized a series of seven successful international conferences. HAICTA 2017 aims to bring together professionals, experts and researchers working on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment. We additionally aim to emphasize on the applicability of ICT solutions to real industry cases and the respective challenges. Topics We accept submissions in all areas of ICT in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment.

Research paper thumbnail of PETRA 2017 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments

The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly inter... more The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly interdisciplinary conference that focuses on computational and engineering approaches to improve the quality of life and enhance human performance in a wide range of settings, in the workplace, at home, in public spaces, urban environments, and other. Outcomes of this conference have a broad impact in application areas that include, manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, energy systems, security and safety, robotics, biomedicine, environment and conservation, and many others. PETRA brings together very different types of technologies to also address important social and healthcare issues for sensitive populations, such as the elderly, persons suffering from chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, and other disabilities or traumas.

Research paper thumbnail of Oriented Bounding Boxes Using Multiresolution Contours for Fast Interference Detection of Arbitrary Geometry Objects

Interference detection of arbitrary geometric objects is not a trivial task due to the heavy comp... more Interference detection of arbitrary geometric objects is not a trivial task due to the heavy computational load imposed by implementation issues. The hierarchically structured bounding boxes help us to quickly isolate the contour of segments in interference. In this paper, a new approach is introduced to treat the interference detection problem involving the representation of arbitrary shaped objects. Our proposed method relies upon searching for the best possible way to represent contours by means of hierarchically structured rectangular oriented bounding boxes. This technique handles 2D objects boundaries defined by closed B-spline curves with roughness details. Each oriented box is adapted and fitted to the segments of the contour using second order statistical indicators from some elements of the segments of the object contour in a multiresolution framework. Our method is efficient and robust when it comes to 2D animations in real time. It can deal with smooth curves and polygonal approximations as well results are present to illustrate the performance of the new method.


Research paper thumbnail of Emergency Response Cyber-Physical Framework for Landslide Avoidance with Sustainable Electronics

Technologies, 2018

An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas locat... more An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection circuits using salvaged components can pinpoint floods in impoverished regions. CPSs simplify hazard prediction and mitigation in disaster supervision. Nonetheless, few green practices and efforts have been accomplished in this regard. Recent technical advances help landslides studies and the evaluation of suitable risk alleviation measures. This work addresses in situ meters, and cameras to observe ground movements more accurately. The ER-CPS identifies and can help mitigate landslides using techniques based on motion detection that can productively predict and monitor the zone conditions to classify it, and the landslide-related data can be transmitted to inspecting stations to lessen the erosion/sedimentation likelihood while increasing security.

Research paper thumbnail of Relatorio de Atividades 2011 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Relatorio Estagio Probatorio 2010 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Relatório sobre Estágio Probatório Protocolado

Research paper thumbnail of Protocolo (da Reitoria) para Criação de Grupo de Pesquisa na UFF

Research paper thumbnail of Solicitação de Cadastro de Grupo de Pesquisa UFF


Research paper thumbnail of Projeto proposto ao Chefe de Departamento para Criação de Grupo de Pesquisa

BOOKS/LIVROS by Vania V Estrela

Research paper thumbnail of INTELLIGENT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS


The book sheds light on medical cyber-physical systems while addressing image processing, microsc... more The book sheds light on medical cyber-physical systems while addressing image processing, microscopy, security, biomedical imaging, automation, robotics, network layers’ issues, software design, and biometrics, among other areas. Hence, solving the dimensionality conundrum caused by the necessity to balance data acquisition, image modalities, different resolutions, dissimilar picture representations, subspace decompositions, compressed sensing, and communications constraints. Lighter computational implementations can circumvent the heavy computational burden of healthcare processing applications. Soft computing, metaheuristic, and deep learning ascend as potential solutions to efficient super-resolution deployment. The amount of multi-resolution and multi-modal images has been augmenting the need for more efficient and intelligent analyses, e.g., computer-aided diagnosis via computational intelligence techniques. This book consolidates the work on artificial intelligence methods and clever design paradigms for healthcare to foster research and implementations in many domains. It will serve researchers, technology professionals, academia, and students working in the area of the latest advances and upcoming technologies employing smart systems’ design practices and computational intelligence tactics for medical usage. The book explores deep learning practices within particularly difficult computational types of health problems. It aspires to provide an assortment of novel research works that focuses on the broad challenges of designing better healthcare services.

Research paper thumbnail of Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies ─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings Proceedings of the ICHSMT 2019

This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical T... more This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT), held in Tlemcen, Algeria, from December 5 to 7, 2019. The proceedings present a forum for the latest projects and research in scientific and technological development with an emphasis on smart healthcare system design and future technologies. ICHSMT brings together researchers, students, and professionals from the healthcare, corporate, and academic sectors. It includes a far-reaching program supported by a variety of technical tracks that seek to promote medical technologies and innovation at a nationwide level. • Presents the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT 2019) • Offers technology-driven solutions to overcome obstacles in the research and development of medical technologies • Includes multidisciplinary society sectors and knowledge reflecting a humanistic and inclusive approach to medical technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Volume 1: Control and Performance

Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and ... more Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and Data Storage, Integrated Optical Flow for Detection and Avoidance Systems, Navigation and Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Multisensor Data Fusion, Vision in Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), Computer Vision in UAV using ROS, Security Aspects of UAV and Robot Operating System, Vision in Indoor and Outdoor Drones, Sensors and Computer Vision, and Small UAVP for Persistent Surveillance.

Research paper thumbnail of Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications

Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry prof... more Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry professionals alike. The areas of application of these two disciplines range widely, encompassing fields such as medicine, robotics, and security and surveillance. The aim of this book, 'Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications', is to offer concepts from these two areas in the same platform, and the book brings together the shared ideas of professionals from academia and research about problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of the two disciplines. The first chapter provides an introduction to deep learning, and serves as the basis for much of what follows in the subsequent chapters, which cover subjects including: the application of deep neural networks for image classification; hand gesture recognition in robotics; deep learning techniques for image retrieval; disease detection using deep learning techniques; and the comparative analysis of deep data and big data. The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the use of deep learning and image processing techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Total Variation Applications in Computer Vision Total Variation Applications in Computer Vision

The objectives of this chapter are: (i) to introduce a concise overview of regularization; (ii) t... more The objectives of this chapter are: (i) to introduce a concise overview of regularization; (ii) to define and to explain the role of a particular type of regularization called total variation norm (TV-norm) in computer vision tasks; (iii) to set up a brief discussion on the mathematical background of TV methods; and (iv) to establish a relationship between models and a few existing methods to solve problems cast as TV-norm. For the most part, image-processing algorithms blur the edges of the estimated images, however TV regularization preserves the edges with no prior information on the observed and the original images. The regularization scalar parameter λ controls the amount of regularization allowed and it is an essential to obtain a high-quality regularized output. A wide-ranging review of several ways to put into practice TV regularization as well as its advantages and limitations are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Tutorial C++

The online version is constantly revised and may contain corrections and changes T Th he e C C+ +... more The online version is constantly revised and may contain corrections and changes T Th he e C C+ ++ + L La an ng gu ua ag ge e T Tu ut to or ri ia al l 2


Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and... more Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) facilitates an open and clear data infrastructure to handle publication products. ORCID is a unique identifier that accepts data interoperability for funders, industries, and publishers by exploring indicators for research aspects that they aspire to evaluate instead of using current indicators because they are readily accessible. This manuscript examines the use of ORCID for publication metrics, grant applications, management and reporting platforms. The benefits of ORCID offer a quick way to promote and organize a researcher's work as well as to foster better communication among researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications 2017  (CHIRA 2017)

The purpose of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applicatio... more The purpose of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction
Research and Applications (CHIRA) is to bring together professionals, academics
and students who are interested in the advancement of research and practical
applications of human-technology & human-computer interaction. Five parallel
tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Computer-Human Interaction,
including Interaction Design, Human Factors, Entertainment, Cognition, Perception,
User-Friendly Software and Systems, Pervasive Technologies and Interactive
Papers describing original work on advanced methods, prototypes, systems, tools
and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are
encouraged. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the
authors and published in the Proceedings of CHIRA, which will be placed on at least
one Digital Library and sent for indexation by the major international indexes.

Research paper thumbnail of HAICTA 2017 - 8th International Conference on Information & Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment

HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (... more HAICTA is the Greek Branch of the European Federation for Information Technology in Agriculture (EFITA). Until now HAICTA has organized a series of seven successful international conferences. HAICTA 2017 aims to bring together professionals, experts and researchers working on Information and Communication Technologies in Agriculture, Food and Environment. We additionally aim to emphasize on the applicability of ICT solutions to real industry cases and the respective challenges. Topics We accept submissions in all areas of ICT in Agriculture, Food, and the Environment.

Research paper thumbnail of PETRA 2017 10th International Conference on PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments

The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly inter... more The PErvasive Technologies Related to Assistive Environments (PETRA) conference is a highly interdisciplinary conference that focuses on computational and engineering approaches to improve the quality of life and enhance human performance in a wide range of settings, in the workplace, at home, in public spaces, urban environments, and other. Outcomes of this conference have a broad impact in application areas that include, manufacturing, transportation, healthcare, energy systems, security and safety, robotics, biomedicine, environment and conservation, and many others. PETRA brings together very different types of technologies to also address important social and healthcare issues for sensitive populations, such as the elderly, persons suffering from chronic conditions such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, Cerebral Palsy, and other disabilities or traumas.

Research paper thumbnail of Oriented Bounding Boxes Using Multiresolution Contours for Fast Interference Detection of Arbitrary Geometry Objects

Interference detection of arbitrary geometric objects is not a trivial task due to the heavy comp... more Interference detection of arbitrary geometric objects is not a trivial task due to the heavy computational load imposed by implementation issues. The hierarchically structured bounding boxes help us to quickly isolate the contour of segments in interference. In this paper, a new approach is introduced to treat the interference detection problem involving the representation of arbitrary shaped objects. Our proposed method relies upon searching for the best possible way to represent contours by means of hierarchically structured rectangular oriented bounding boxes. This technique handles 2D objects boundaries defined by closed B-spline curves with roughness details. Each oriented box is adapted and fitted to the segments of the contour using second order statistical indicators from some elements of the segments of the object contour in a multiresolution framework. Our method is efficient and robust when it comes to 2D animations in real time. It can deal with smooth curves and polygonal approximations as well results are present to illustrate the performance of the new method.


Research paper thumbnail of Emergency Response Cyber-Physical Framework for Landslide Avoidance with Sustainable Electronics

Technologies, 2018

An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas locat... more An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection circuits using salvaged components can pinpoint floods in impoverished regions. CPSs simplify hazard prediction and mitigation in disaster supervision. Nonetheless, few green practices and efforts have been accomplished in this regard. Recent technical advances help landslides studies and the evaluation of suitable risk alleviation measures. This work addresses in situ meters, and cameras to observe ground movements more accurately. The ER-CPS identifies and can help mitigate landslides using techniques based on motion detection that can productively predict and monitor the zone conditions to classify it, and the landslide-related data can be transmitted to inspecting stations to lessen the erosion/sedimentation likelihood while increasing security.

Research paper thumbnail of Relatorio de Atividades 2011 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Relatorio Estagio Probatorio 2010 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Relatório sobre Estágio Probatório Protocolado

Research paper thumbnail of Protocolo (da Reitoria) para Criação de Grupo de Pesquisa na UFF

Research paper thumbnail of Solicitação de Cadastro de Grupo de Pesquisa UFF


Research paper thumbnail of Projeto proposto ao Chefe de Departamento para Criação de Grupo de Pesquisa

Research paper thumbnail of INTELLIGENT HEALTHCARE SYSTEMS


The book sheds light on medical cyber-physical systems while addressing image processing, microsc... more The book sheds light on medical cyber-physical systems while addressing image processing, microscopy, security, biomedical imaging, automation, robotics, network layers’ issues, software design, and biometrics, among other areas. Hence, solving the dimensionality conundrum caused by the necessity to balance data acquisition, image modalities, different resolutions, dissimilar picture representations, subspace decompositions, compressed sensing, and communications constraints. Lighter computational implementations can circumvent the heavy computational burden of healthcare processing applications. Soft computing, metaheuristic, and deep learning ascend as potential solutions to efficient super-resolution deployment. The amount of multi-resolution and multi-modal images has been augmenting the need for more efficient and intelligent analyses, e.g., computer-aided diagnosis via computational intelligence techniques. This book consolidates the work on artificial intelligence methods and clever design paradigms for healthcare to foster research and implementations in many domains. It will serve researchers, technology professionals, academia, and students working in the area of the latest advances and upcoming technologies employing smart systems’ design practices and computational intelligence tactics for medical usage. The book explores deep learning practices within particularly difficult computational types of health problems. It aspires to provide an assortment of novel research works that focuses on the broad challenges of designing better healthcare services.

Research paper thumbnail of Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies ─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings Proceedings of the ICHSMT 2019

This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical T... more This book collects the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT), held in Tlemcen, Algeria, from December 5 to 7, 2019. The proceedings present a forum for the latest projects and research in scientific and technological development with an emphasis on smart healthcare system design and future technologies. ICHSMT brings together researchers, students, and professionals from the healthcare, corporate, and academic sectors. It includes a far-reaching program supported by a variety of technical tracks that seek to promote medical technologies and innovation at a nationwide level. • Presents the proceedings of the International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies (ICHSMT 2019) • Offers technology-driven solutions to overcome obstacles in the research and development of medical technologies • Includes multidisciplinary society sectors and knowledge reflecting a humanistic and inclusive approach to medical technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems Volume 1: Control and Performance

Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and ... more Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and Data Storage, Integrated Optical Flow for Detection and Avoidance Systems, Navigation and Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Multisensor Data Fusion, Vision in Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), Computer Vision in UAV using ROS, Security Aspects of UAV and Robot Operating System, Vision in Indoor and Outdoor Drones, Sensors and Computer Vision, and Small UAVP for Persistent Surveillance.

Research paper thumbnail of Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications

Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry prof... more Deep learning and image processing are two areas of great interest to academics and industry professionals alike. The areas of application of these two disciplines range widely, encompassing fields such as medicine, robotics, and security and surveillance. The aim of this book, 'Deep Learning for Image Processing Applications', is to offer concepts from these two areas in the same platform, and the book brings together the shared ideas of professionals from academia and research about problems and solutions relating to the multifaceted aspects of the two disciplines. The first chapter provides an introduction to deep learning, and serves as the basis for much of what follows in the subsequent chapters, which cover subjects including: the application of deep neural networks for image classification; hand gesture recognition in robotics; deep learning techniques for image retrieval; disease detection using deep learning techniques; and the comparative analysis of deep data and big data. The book will be of interest to all those whose work involves the use of deep learning and image processing techniques

Research paper thumbnail of Total Variation Applications in Computer Vision Total Variation Applications in Computer Vision

The objectives of this chapter are: (i) to introduce a concise overview of regularization; (ii) t... more The objectives of this chapter are: (i) to introduce a concise overview of regularization; (ii) to define and to explain the role of a particular type of regularization called total variation norm (TV-norm) in computer vision tasks; (iii) to set up a brief discussion on the mathematical background of TV methods; and (iv) to establish a relationship between models and a few existing methods to solve problems cast as TV-norm. For the most part, image-processing algorithms blur the edges of the estimated images, however TV regularization preserves the edges with no prior information on the observed and the original images. The regularization scalar parameter λ controls the amount of regularization allowed and it is an essential to obtain a high-quality regularized output. A wide-ranging review of several ways to put into practice TV regularization as well as its advantages and limitations are discussed.

Research paper thumbnail of Tutorial C++

The online version is constantly revised and may contain corrections and changes T Th he e C C+ +... more The online version is constantly revised and may contain corrections and changes T Th he e C C+ ++ + L La an ng gu ua ag ge e T Tu ut to or ri ia al l 2

Research paper thumbnail of State-of-the Art Motion Estimation in the Context of 3D TV

Progress in image sensors and computation power has fueled studies to improve acquisition, proces... more Progress in image sensors and computation power has fueled studies to improve acquisition, processing, and analysis of 3D streams along with 3D scenes/objects reconstruction. The role of motion compensation/ motion estimation (MCME) in 3D TV from end-to-end user is investigated in this chapter. Motion vectors (MVs) are closely related to the concept of disparities, and they can help improving dynamic scene acquisition, content creation, 2D to 3D conversion, compression coding, decompression/decoding, scene rendering, error concealment, virtual/augmented reality handling, intelligent content retrieval, and displaying. Although there are different 3D shape extraction methods, this chapter focuses mostly on shape-from-motion (SfM) techniques due to their relevance to 3D TV. SfM extraction can restore 3D shape information from a single camera data.

Research paper thumbnail of Methodology for Optimization of Polymer Blends Composition

Due to the wide use and key importance of mathematical models in process engineering, application... more Due to the wide use and key importance of mathematical models in process engineering, applications of experiment design are becoming essential as a way of turning their realization viable and speed up development time. Several experiment design techniques have been developed in the past and applied successfully to a wide range of systems. In order to provide an adequate background to this technique, a detailed description of the key elements of a model-oriented procedure (the model itself, the experiment, the statistical tools, etc.) and the major steps of a model-building strategy are introduced before focusing on the experiment design for parameter precision. An overview and critical analysis of the state of the art in this sector is done.

Research paper thumbnail of CONTRASTES DOS EXÉRCITOS DA GUERRA DA INDEPENDÊNCIA DA BAHIA: Mercenários e Portugueses

Monografia sobre inssurreições ocorridas no estado da Bahia. Independência da Bahia, Independênci... more Monografia sobre inssurreições ocorridas no estado da Bahia. Independência da Bahia, Independência do Brasil, Cidadania

Research paper thumbnail of A Bahia na Independência Nacional - Coletânea 2 de julho

Independência Nacional, o papel da Bahia na formação da consciência nacional. Heróis baianos

Research paper thumbnail of Capoeira Skills

Research paper thumbnail of A Revolta da Chibata, by Felipe C.

A Revolta da Chibata ocorreu durante o governo de Hermes da Fonseca, em 1910. Foi um levante de c... more A Revolta da Chibata ocorreu durante o governo de Hermes da Fonseca, em 1910. Foi um levante de cunho social, realizado em subdivisões da Marinha, sediadas no Rio de Janeiro. O objetivo era por fim às punições físicas a que eram submetidos os marinheiros, como as chicotadas, o uso da santa-luzia e o aprisionamento em celas destinadas ao isolamento. Os marinheiros requeriam também uma alimentação mais saudável e que fosse colocada em prática a lei de reajuste de seus honorários, já votada pelo Congresso. De todos os pedidos requeridos, o que mais afligia os marujos eram os constantes castigos a que eram sujeitos. Esta situação revoltou os marinheiros, que eram obrigados, por seus comandantes, a assistir a todas as punições aplicadas, para que elas servissem de exemplo. Os soldados se juntavam e ao estampido de tambores traziam o rebelado, despido na parte de cima e com as mãos atadas, iniciando o castigo.

Research paper thumbnail of Revolta da Chibata

Esqueci a senha Procure no site Home História do Brasil Brasil República Rebeliões na República V... more Esqueci a senha Procure no site Home História do Brasil Brasil República Rebeliões na República Velha Revolta da Chibata 0 Tweet Revolta da Chibata João Cândido organizou uma revolta contra os desmandos do governo oligárquico No início do século XX, os marinheiros brasileiros eram submetidos a uma dura rotina de trabalho e recebiam salários baixíssimos. Não bastando, os membros de baixa patente eram submetidos a castigos físicos toda vez que não cumpriam uma ordem estabelecida. Apesar de a prática ser proibida desde o fim do Império, era comum que os marinheiros recebessem chibatadas como forma de punição. Em 1910, sob comando de um marujo negro e analfabeto chamado João Candido, os marinheiros dos couraçados Minas Gerais e São Paulo organizaram um protesto. Neste, tomaram o controle das embarcações e enviaram um telegrama ao presidente exigindo que os castigos fossem abolidos, os salários incrementados e uma folga semanal concedida a todos os marinheiros. Se não tivessem seu pedido imediatamente atendido, ameaçavam bombardear a capital. Mediante a gravidade da situação e o alarde dos grupos políticos oposicionistas, o governo decidiu atender aos pedidos. Em poucos instantes, o Congresso votou uma lei em que o castigo físico era abolido e todos os envolvidos na revolta não sofreriam qualquer tipo de punição. Entretanto, revelando sua face autoritária, o governo descumpriu suas próprias determinações ao realizar a prisão de alguns dos participantes dessa primeira revolta.

Research paper thumbnail of TOMADA DE LAGUNA - 2010 - HISTÓRIA DE ANITA GARIBALDI

Research paper thumbnail of República oligárquica

Research paper thumbnail of Guerra do contestado

Research paper thumbnail of The Contestado War

Research paper thumbnail of Guerra do Contestado

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS: Agriculture 4.0 in Latin America -Fostering Technological Innovation and Sustainability for the Next Decade

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS Agriculture 4.0 in Latin America - Fostering Technological Innovation an... more CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS

Agriculture 4.0 in Latin America - Fostering Technological
Innovation and Sustainability for the Next Decade

Keywords: Agriculture 4.0, Internet of Things, Sustainability, Remote Sensing, Disaster Mitigation, Production Engineering, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Designs, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Farming.

Vania V. Estrela
Federal Fluminense University, Telecommunications Department, RJ, Brazil

Henrique R. M. da Hora
Rogerio de Carvalho Atem
Instituto Federal de Educação, Ciência e Tecnologia Fluminense (IFFCampos), RJ, Brazil

Book Content Description:

The world faces a tremendous challenge: producing more food for a growing population while also taking care of the environment. Sustainable agriculture entails the establishment of strategic partnerships, technological innovation, new ways to treat old problems, and assimilation of solutions from other knowledge areas such as healthcare and governance. These actions and
activities can mitigate several issues while reaching out to more farmers and the communities to which they belong.
Agriculture 4.0 describes significant trends facing agribusiness, including a greater focus on precision agriculture, the internet of things (IoT), and big data to drive greater business
efficiencies in the face of rising populations climate change.
Given the pandemic and previous problems in Latin America (LA), the amount of undernourished will increase considerably in the next 10 years. Since very little innovation has
taken place in LA to address food scarcity and hunger.
Meeting these challenges will require a combined effort by governments, investors, and R & D innovations. Agriculture 4.0 will no longer depend on applying water, fertilizers, and pesticides uniformly across entire fields. Instead, farmers will use the minimum quantities
required and target particular areas. Future farms, agricultural arrangements, agribusiness
operations will be very different. These paradigm changes are primarily due to the advancements in technology, e.g., sensors, actuators, devices, software packages, robots, aerial images, mapping areas, GPS usage, cloud computing, assessing the stage/vigor of crops, probing of
phytosanitary problems, and impacts due to drought/hail, crop planning, fertilizer spraying, and pesticides application. These advanced frameworks for precision agriculture must integrate robotic systems and human beings in a harmonious way to allow farms to be more profitable,
efficient, safe, humane, sustainable, and environmentally friendly.

Research paper thumbnail of Haicta 2020 Call for Papers

Research paper thumbnail of Springer CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS 2020: Computational Intelligence Methods for Super- Resolution in Image Processing Applications Book Series: Biological and Medical Physics, Biomedical Engineering

Springer Call for Book Chapters, 2020

SCOPE OF THE BOOK Super-Resolution (SR) techniques can be used in general image processing, micro... more SCOPE OF THE BOOK Super-Resolution (SR) techniques can be used in general image processing, microscopy, security, biomedical imaging, automation/robotics, biometrics among other areas to handle the dimensionality conundrum posed by the conflicts caused by the necessity to balance image acquisition, image modality/resolution/representation, subspace decomposition, compressed sensing, and communications constraints. Lighter computational implementations are needed to circumvent the heavy computational burden brought in by SR image processing applications. Soft computing and, specifically, Deep Learning (DL) ascend as possible solutions to SR efficient deployment. The amount of multi-resolution and multimodal images has been augmenting the need for more efficient and intelligent analyses, for example, computer-aided diagnosis via Computational Intelligence (CI) techniques. To facilitate this to the research community working in various fields, we and Springer Nature are coming up with Book consolidating the work carried in the subject of Computational Intelligence methods for Super Resolution in Image Processing Applications. The intend of publishing the book is to serve for researchers, technology professionals, academicians and students working in the area of latest advances and upcoming technologies employing CI methods for SR in imaging processing applications. This book explores the application of deep learning techniques within a particularly difficult computational type of computer vision problem: SR. This book aspires to provide assortment of novel research works that focuses on broad challenges of CI approaches for SR in image processing applications. We invite all researchers, academicians, developers and research scholars to contribute chapters in the field of CI and SR with an emphasis on practical examples. Each article is expected to cover Computational Intelligence methods for Super Resolution in image processing applications.

Research paper thumbnail of IEEE 3rd International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference EXTENDED DEADLINE

Worldwide, public healthcare is facing diverse kind of care delivery issues. High-income countrie... more Worldwide, public healthcare is facing diverse kind of care delivery issues. High-income countries are facing exploding medical costs primarily due to the growing population of elderly people. Elderly are the fastest-growing demographic group in developed countries. The UN forecasts that by 2050, the elderly (60 years et and older) would constitute up over 20% of the world population. In developed countries, the nursing home provides adequate care services to elderly; nevertheless, elderly people prefer staying at home in their familiar and usual social environment and take care of their health by themselves as long as they are able to. Home care applications are therefore increasingly in demand. Rural areas, particularly in developing countries, are suffering from poor access to health care services. Among the reasons are poor healthcare infrastructures, inappropriate public health structure, lack of health insurance, brain drain and lack of medical expert specialists. Telehealthcare and remote care delivery are a continuing trend today in developing countries public health care systems to overcome care provision issues and increase access to care service. Recent research in rural and elderly health is based on current technological advancements in sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine-to-Machine (M2M), patient-centric/patient-centered personalized and remote health care as well as patient empowerment through medical education. The Internet of Things (including M2M) is a rapidly growing technology which enables connected things to communicate with each other. IoT technology is increasingly present in medical applications e.g. pervasive/ ubiquitous monitoring systems, cardiac telemetry systems, sensing systems. IoT-enabled health care is multidisciplinary involving methodologies from several domains and applied to the area of medicine and public healthcare systems. IREHI conference is an IEEE sponsored interdisciplinary conference including workshops, tutorials and demo sessions with multifaceted topics of interests. The main objective of the conference is to bring together Health Informatics researchers from the industry as well as public health care bodies working towards improving and transforming rural and elderly healthcare. Considering that, submissions may especially focus on novel ideas and non-invasive systems that could be deployed and used in developing countries as well as in the developed world.

Research paper thumbnail of IEEE 3rd International Rural and Elderly Health Informatics Conference EXTENDED DEADLINE

Worldwide, public healthcare is facing diverse kind of care delivery issues. High-income countrie... more Worldwide, public healthcare is facing diverse kind of care delivery issues. High-income countries are facing exploding medical costs primarily due to the growing population of elderly people. Elderly are the fastest-growing demographic group in developed countries. The UN forecasts that by 2050, the elderly (60 years et and older) would constitute up over 20% of the world population. In developed countries, the nursing home provides adequate care services to elderly; nevertheless, elderly people prefer staying at home in their familiar and usual social environment and take care of their health by themselves as long as they are able to. Home care applications are therefore increasingly in demand. Rural areas, particularly in developing countries, are suffering from poor access to health care services. Among the reasons are poor healthcare infrastructures, inappropriate public health structure, lack of health insurance, brain drain and lack of medical expert specialists. Telehealthcare and remote care delivery are a continuing trend today in developing countries public health care systems to overcome care provision issues and increase access to care service. Recent research in rural and elderly health is based on current technological advancements in sensors, Internet of Things (IoT), Machine-to-Machine (M2M), patient-centric/patient-centered personalized and remote health care as well as patient empowerment through medical education. The Internet of Things (including M2M) is a rapidly growing technology which enables connected things to communicate with each other. IoT technology is increasingly present in medical applications e.g. pervasive/ ubiquitous monitoring systems, cardiac telemetry systems, sensing systems. IoT-enabled health care is multidisciplinary involving methodologies from several domains and applied to the area of medicine and public healthcare systems. IREHI conference is an IEEE sponsored interdisciplinary conference including workshops, tutorials and demo sessions with multifaceted topics of interests. The main objective of the conference is to bring together Health Informatics researchers from the industry as well as public health care bodies working towards improving and transforming rural and elderly healthcare. Considering that, submissions may especially focus on novel ideas and non-invasive systems that could be deployed and used in developing countries as well as in the developed world.

Research paper thumbnail of Call for Papers for the Brazilian Technology Symposium 2019 (BTSym 2019)

Call for Papers for the Brazilian Technology Symposium 2019 (BTSym 2019)

Research paper thumbnail of ICHSMT 2019 International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies, Tlemcen, Algeria 5-7 December 2019 Proceedings by Springer Verlag

ICHSMT 2019 International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies, Tlemcen, Algeria ... more ICHSMT 2019 International Congress on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies, Tlemcen, Algeria 5-7 December 2019 Proceedings by Springer Verlag

Research paper thumbnail of ICHSMT18 - 2018 International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies

ICHSMT'18 the third edition of International Congress on health sciences and Medical Technologies... more ICHSMT'18 the third edition of International Congress on health sciences and Medical Technologies will be held at CERIST between 21 and 23 October 2018. The first edition of this congress (ICHSMT'16) was held at the University of Tlemcen, Algeria. The second, ICHSMT'17, took place at the Renaissance Hotel, Tlemcen, Algeria. Adding to exceptional events for scientific exchange and discussions about research progress, the contributors of the last two editions came from 14 and 15 different nations respectively. Several publications have been produced (2 books and more than 35 articles published in reputed journals (original articles, review articles and conference abstracts)), all publications can be found at The Congress concerns all medical domains as well as assistive technology for healthcare such as (but not limited to):

Surgery, Internal Medicine, Midwifery, Nursing, Biomedical Science, Microbiology and Infectious Diseases,
Psychiatry, Pediatrics, Cardiology, Neurology, Nephrology and Urology, Orthopedics, Neurosurgery, Dermatology,
Rheumatology, Hematology and Transfusion Science, Anatomy, Histopathology, Laboratory, Imaging Science, Oncology, Community Health, Occupational Health, Environmental Health, Social Health, Epidemiology, Health Informatics, E-Health, Bio-Medical Engineering, Medical Information Systems, Assistive Technologies in Medicine,
Social Insurance Medicine, Public health, Patient Security, Image and Signal Processing for Medicine, Medical
Computer-Aided Diagnosis, Bioinformatics, Drug Design, Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery for Health
Sciences, Mobile Health, Telemedicine, Health 2.0, Medical education, E-learning for Medicine.
The congress will be organized as a set of specialized conferences and workshops:
ICMT’18: International Conference on Medical Technologies 2018
International Conference on Preclinical and Clinical Basic Sciences 2018
International Workshop on Public Health 2018
International Workshop on Genetic Items 2018
Workshop 1: Infectious diseases and Microbiology
Workshop 2: Cancer and Haematological Neoplasia Treatment
Workshop 3: Clinical Specialties
Workshop 4: Gynecology
Workshop 5 : Publication Ethics

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS: Applications of Image Processing and Soft Computing Systems in Agriculture - SCOPUS indexed - Free of Charge

Applications of Image Processing and Soft Computing Systems in Agricultur, 2018

Introduction The variety and abundance of qualitative characteristics of agricultural products ha... more Introduction The variety and abundance of qualitative characteristics of agricultural products have been the main reason for the development of different types of Non-Destructive Methods (NDTs). Quality control of these products is one of the most important tasks in manufacturing processes. The use of control and automation has become more widespread, and new approaches provide opportunities for production competition through new technologies. The need to intensify the quality and quantity of a product leads to the use of advanced automated machines. Machine tools are increasingly becoming more automated and less reliant on human factors. Nowadays, visual machine technology and image processing techniques are widely used in the industry, particularly common in product quality control, robot guidance and self-guided mechanisms.

Research paper thumbnail of CHIRA 2018 Call for Papers

is to bring together professionals, academics and students who are interested in the advancement ... more is to bring together professionals, academics and students who are interested in the advancement of research and practical applications of human-technology & human-computer interaction. Five parallel tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Computer-Human Interaction, including Interaction Design, Human Factors, Entertainment, Cognition, Perception, User-Friendly Software and Systems, Pervasive Technologies and Interactive Devices. Papers describing original work on advanced methods, prototypes, systems, tools and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are encouraged. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the authors and published in the Proceedings of CHIRA, which will be placed on at least one Digital Library and sent for indexation by the major international indexes. CONFERENCE AREAS Each of these topic areas is expanded below but the sub-topics list is not exhaustive. Papers may address one or more of the listed sub-topics, although authors should not feel limited by them. Unlisted but related sub-topics are also acceptable, provided they fit in one of the following main topic areas:

Research paper thumbnail of Book Title: Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor on one of ... more We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor on one of the topics listed below. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional info (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have decided to contribute to the book. Visit to get all contributor's information to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (with approximately 550 words per page and a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send us the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new insights for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration. We would appreciate your feedback by December 31, 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. We look forward to working with you towards the successful publication.

Research paper thumbnail of IET INVITATION Book Title: Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor on one of ... more We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor on one of the topics listed below. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional info (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have decided to contribute to the book. Visit to get all contributor's information to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (with approximately 550 words per page and a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send us the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new insights for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration. We would appreciate your feedback by December 31, 2017. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any queries. We look forward to working with you towards the successful publication.

Research paper thumbnail of 2nd Call for Book Chapters - Book Title: Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles

We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since thi... more We would like to invite you to join this exciting new project as a chapter contributor. Since this is a textbook, a great deal of this chapter entails a survey on the topic under the paradigm of cyber-physical systems, what can be done onboard and remotely, the distributed nature of the system and some exercises on futurology (anticipating trends can shed some light on upcoming designs). IET will bring great visibility to your work. You are welcome to suggest another topic/chapter title if you feel it would be more suitable. Each chapter should be around 20-25 pages each and can be submitted as a Word or Latex File. The IET will send you additional information (formatting, permission form, etc.) with the contributor's agreement once you have agreed to contribute to the book. Visit http:// to get all information you need as a contributor to an IET research-level book. Each book is expected to have a total number of 500 printed pages (based on approximately 550 words per page with a 20% allowance for figures and tables). We have included a tentative schedule and list of topics below. If this is something you would consider, please send me the title of your chapter, a short description/abstract of the chapter content, and your full contact details. We will expect original content and new results for this book. You can, of course, reuse published material but the percentage of material reuse for the chapter should be less than 40%. The IET will run a piracy software on the full manuscript to control that you are including original material and will reject chapters who contain a large amount of already-published material so please do take this into consideration.

Research paper thumbnail of Optical Flow Estimation Using Total Least Squares Variants

Oriental Journal of Computer Science and Technology, 2017

The problem of recursively approximating motion resulting from the Optical Flow (OF) in video thr... more The problem of recursively approximating motion resulting from the Optical Flow (OF) in video thru Total Least Squares (TLS) techniques is addressed. TLS method solves an inconsistent system Gu=z , with G and z in error due to temporal/spatial derivatives, and nonlinearity, while the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) model has noise only in z. Sources of difficulty involve the non-stationarity of the field, the ill-posedness, and the existence of noise in the data. Three ways of applying the TLS with different noise conjectures to the end problem are observed. First, the classical TLS (cTLS) is introduced, where the entries of the error matrices of each row of the augmented matrix [G;z] have zero mean and the same standard deviation. Next, the Generalized Total Least Squares (GTLS) is defined to provide a more stable solution, but it still has some problems. The Generalized Scaled TLS (GSTLS) has G and z tainted by different sources of additive zero-mean Gaussian noise and scaling [G;z] by nonsingular D and E, that is, D[G;z]E makes the errors iid with zero mean and a diagonal covariance matrix. The scaling is computed from some knowledge on the error distribution to improve the GTLS estimate. For moderate levels of additive noise, GSTLS outperforms the OLS, and the GTLS approaches. Although any TLS variant requires more computations than the OLS, it is still applicable with proper scaling of the data matrix.



IET indexes its books and journal in SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore. Computer Vision (CV) and Sensors pl... more IET indexes its books and journal in SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore.
Computer Vision (CV) and Sensors play a decisive role in the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), but there exists a void when it comes to analysing the extent of their impact on the entire UAV system. In general, the fact that a UAV is a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is not taken into account. In this proposal, we propose to expand on earlier books covering the use of CV and sensing in UAVs. Among other things, an entirely autonomous UAV can help to (i) obtain information about the environment, (ii) work for an extended period of time without human interference, (iii) move either all or part of itself all over its operating location devoid of human help and (iv) stay away from dangerous situations for people and their possessions. A Vision System (VS) entails the way CV data will be utilized, the appropriate architecture for total avionics integration, the control interfaces, and the UAV operation. Since the VS core is its sensors and cameras, multi-sensor fusion, navigation, hazard detection, and ground correlation in real time are important operational aspects that can benefit from CV knowledge and technology. This book will aim to collect and shed some light on the existing information on CV software and hardware for UAVs as well as pinpoint aspects that need additional thinking. It will list standards and a set of prerequisites (or lack of them thereof) when it comes to CV deployment in UAVs. The issue of data fusion takes a centre place when the book explores ways to deal with sensor data and images as well as their integration and display. The best practices to fuse image and sensor information to enhance UAV performance by means of CV can greatly improve all aspects of the corresponding CPS. The CPS viewpoint can improve the way UAVs interact with the Internet of Things (IoT), use cloud computing, meet communications requirements, implement hardware/software paradigms necessary to handle video streaming, incorporate satellite data, and combine CV with Virtual/Augmented Realities.

VOLUME 2-DEPLOYMENT AND APPLICATIONS: This tome introduces procedures, standards, and prerequisites for the deployment of Computer Vision (CV) in UAVs from their application point of view. It discusses existing/desirable open source software tools, image banks, benchmarks, Quality of Experience (QoE), Quality of Service (QoS) and how CV can benefit from a Robot Operating System (ROS) in surveillance, remote sensing, inspection, maintenance and repair among other usages, while offering an assessment of current bottlenecks and trends. It will pave the road towards better studies on the necessity and viability of implementing collaborative environments for visualization, knowledge management and teleoperation of UAVs. This is planned to be the companion volume of Estrela, Hemanth, Saotome (Eds) / Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Volume 1-Control and Performance.

Dr. Vania V. Estrela,
Universidade Federal Fluminense (UFF), RJ, Brazil

Dr. Jude Hemanth,
Karunya University, Coimbatore, India

Dr. Osamu Saotome,
Instituto Tecnológico de Aeronáutica, CTA-ITA-IEEA, São José dos Campos, SP, Brazil

1. Image Acquisition and Restoration in UAVs
2. Image Fusion in UAVs
3. Super-Resolution Imaging in UAVs
4. 2D/3D/4D Imaging in UAVs
5. Multi-view Image and ToF Sensor Fusion in UAVs
6. Range Imaging in UAVs
7. Multispectral and Hyperspectral Imaging in UAVs
8. Imaging Standards and UAVs
9. Virtual/Augmented Reality in UAVs
10. Collaborative Environments in UAVs
11. Archiving, Storage, and Compression in UAVs
12. Analysis, Indexing, Retrieval in UAVs
13. Multicast/Broadcast/Streaming in UAVs
14. Modelling, Simulation and UAVs
15. Image-Oriented Estimation and Identification in UAVs
16. Open Source Software in UAVs
17. Image Banks and Benchmarks in UAVs
18. Quality of Experience (QoE) and Quality of Service (QoS) in UAVs
19. Robot Operating System (ROS) in UAVs
20. Cloud Computing in UAVs

Specification and Schedule

July 1st, 2017: Call for Chapter Abstracts
September 1, 2017: One-Page Chapter Abstract (up to 1000 words) Submission Deadline. Free style.
A proposal must outline one of topics fromthe list above (mention its number, for instance 1. and reference PBCE120B).
November 30, 2017: Last Day for Notification of Acceptance
Jan 30, 2018: Full Chapter Submissions
March 30 2018: Review Chapter Submissions and send comments to authors
May 31, 2018: Receive revised Chapter Submissions
June 30, 2018: Notification of Final Acceptance
July 31, 2018: Gather all material, figure files and copyrights permission forms
Aug 30, 2018: Book editors to finalize introduction and conclusion chapters
Sept 15th, 2018, Delivery of full manuscript to the IET
Scheduled publication: Feb/March 2019

Readership: Graduate students and Researchers in the fields of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Computer Science, Mechanical Engineering, Civil Engineering, Humanitarian Engineering, Control Systems, Geoscience and Remote Sensing, Instrumentation and Measurement, Intelligent Transportation Systems, Oceanic Engineering, Safety Engineering, Reliability, Robotics and Automation, Signal Processing, Technology and Engineering Management, Environmental Engineering, Public Health Management, Non-Invasive Testing/Monitoring and Vehicular Technology.

Additional Information: Dr. Vania V. Estrela,
Dr. Jude Hemanth,

Research paper thumbnail of 1st IET Call for Book Chapters: IMAGE AND SENSING FOR UNMANNED AERIAL VEHICLES. Volume 1- CONTROL AND PERFORMANCE


IET indexes its books and journal in SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore. Computer Vision (CV) and Sensors pl... more IET indexes its books and journal in SCOPUS and IEEE Xplore.
Computer Vision (CV) and Sensors play a decisive role in the operation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV), but there exists a void when it comes to analysing the extent of their impact on the entire UAV system. In general, the fact that a UAV is a Cyber-Physical System (CPS) is not taken into account. In this proposal, we propose to expand on earlier books covering the use of CV and sensing in UAVs. Among other things, an entirely autonomous UAV can help to (i) obtain information about the environment, (ii) work for an extended period of time without human interference, (iii) move either all or part of itself all over its operating location devoid of human help and (iv) stay away from dangerous situations for people and their possessions. A Vision System (VS) entails the way CV data will be utilized, the appropriate architecture for total avionics integration, the control interfaces, and the UAV operation. Since the VS core is its sensors and cameras, multi-sensor fusion, navigation, hazard detection, and ground correlation in real time are important operational aspects that can benefit from CV knowledge and technology. This book will aim to collect and shed some light on the existing information on CV software and hardware for UAVs as well as pinpoint aspects that need additional thinking. It will list standards and a set of prerequisites (or lack of them thereof) when it comes to CV deployment in UAVs. The issue of data fusion takes a centre place when the book explores ways to deal with sensor data and images as well as their integration and display. The best practices to fuse image and sensor information to enhance UAV performance by means of CV can greatly improve all aspects of the corresponding CPS. The CPS viewpoint can improve the way UAVs interact with the Internet of Things (IoT), use cloud computing, meet communications requirements, implement hardware/software paradigms necessary to handle video streaming, incorporate satellite data, and combine CV with Virtual/Augmented Realities.

VOLUME 1-CONTROL AND PERFORMANCE: This tome explores how sensors and computer vision technologies are used in unmanned aerial vehicles for the navigation, control, stability, reliability, guidance, fault detection, self-maintenance, strategic replanning and reconfiguration of the entire system. It helps analyse the manner UAVs interact with the Internet of Things (IoT), use cloud computing, meet communications requirements, implement hardware/software paradigms necessary to handle still imagery, video streaming, incorporate satellite data, and combine computer vision with virtual/augmented realities (VR/AR).NB: This is planned to be the companion volume of Estrela, Hemanth, Saotome (Eds) / Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aerial Vehicles: Volume 2-Deployment and Applications

Research paper thumbnail of International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications 2017 (CHIRA 2017) - 2nd Call for Papers and Participation

Proceedings of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications 2017 (CHIRA 2017), 2017

website: October 31 - 2, 2017 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal Spo... more website:
October 31 - 2, 2017 Funchal, Madeira, Portugal
Sponsored by: INSTICC INSTICC is Member of: FIPA, WfMC and OMG SCOPUS Indexed Logistics Partner: SCITEVENTS, Springer Verlag

The purpose of the International Conference on Computer-Human Interaction Research and Applications (CHIRA) is to bring together professionals, academics, and students who are interested in the advancement of research and practical applications of human-technology & human-computer interaction. Five parallel tracks will be held, covering different aspects of Computer-Human Interaction, including Interaction Design, Human Factors, Entertainment, Cognition, Perception, User-Friendly Software and Systems, Pervasive Technologies and Interactive Devices. Papers describing original work on advanced methods, prototypes, systems, tools and techniques as well as general survey papers indicating future directions are encouraged. Accepted papers will be presented at the conference by one of the authors and published in the Proceedings of CHIRA, which will be placed on at least one Digital Library and sent for indexation by the major international indexes .

Research paper thumbnail of ICHSMT17 2017 International Conference on Health Sciences and Medical Technologies

This event follows the success of the first edition of ICHSMT at Tlemcen University www.ichsmt.or...[ more ](;)This event follows the success of the first edition of ICHSMT at Tlemcen University, with contributors from 14 nations, the successful publication of the best contributions in the Electronic Physician Journal, and an interdisciplinary platform for medical findings and innovations. Several relevant international projects started after the ICHSMT’16. Mehr Publishing Group has published the contributions in an exceptional book with the ISBN: 978-600-96661-0-2.

The second edition will be held at Tlemcen University between 10 and 12 October 2017. All researchers, students, and organizations are invited to contribute to this great endeavor to increase and strengthen the outstanding academic and professional progress fostered by all the joined efforts as well as relevant feedback on keeping the prior quality.

Research paper thumbnail of IWMT 2017 _ International Workshop on Medical Technologies 2017.pdf

he Program Committee of the International Workshop on Medical Technologies invites contribution o... more he Program Committee of the International Workshop on Medical Technologies invites contribution of original articles, technical notes or reviews articles for the workshop, to be held in Tlemcen, Algeria, on October 10th, 2017, and co-located with ICHSMT’17. Submissions are invited on significant, original, and previously unpublished research.

Research paper thumbnail of Brazilian Technology Symposium BTSym'17

by Vania V Estrela, Osamu Saotome, Douglas do Nascimento, Ricardo Leite, Vicente Sablon, Janito Ferreira, victor diniz, Luiz Carlos Branquinho Caixeta Ferreira, Maria Thereza de Moraes Gomes Rosa, silvio carvalho, Edson Camilo, Paolo Bacega, Edson Jose Goncalves, and Frank Canahuire Cabello

The Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym), ISSN 2447-8326, is an event created by Laboratory of ... more The Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym), ISSN 2447-8326, is an event created by Laboratory of Visual Communications of the School of Electrical and Computer Engineering of the University of Campinas. This is an excellent forum for presentations and discussions of the latest results of projects and development research, in several areas of knowledge, in scientific and technological scope.
This event seeks to bring together researchers, students, and professionals from the industrial and academic sectors, seeking to create and/or strengthen the linkages between issues of joint interest, promoting in this way the technology and innovation nationwide. Participants are invited to submit research papers, case studies, articles of opinion or posters, showing studies, methodologies and results achieved in scientific level research projects, completion of course work for graduation, dissertations, and theses.
Jointly with the BTSym’2017 will occur the 7º Workshop Smart Grid Energia, this union aims to provide to the visitors a wide range of option with lectures of companies, organizations, and institutes of technology.

Research paper thumbnail of Contos e Apólogos

Trata-se de uma coletânea de pequenas estórias que ajudam a edificar o espírito e crescer interi... more Trata-se de uma coletânea de pequenas estórias que ajudam a edificar o espírito e crescer interiormente.
Nota1: Apólogos são como fábulas, mas os personagens são virtudes, sentimentos, etc.
Nota2: "Irmão X" é um pseudônimo do escritor Humberto de Campos. A família dele não só reconheceu o estilo literário psicografado, como exigiu direitos autorais, dai a mudança. Houve um processo bizarro na época!

Research paper thumbnail of Boa Nova

Crônicas cristãs. Psicografado por Chico Xavier.

Research paper thumbnail of Jesus no Lar

Coletânea de parábolas cristãs, psicografada por Chico Xavier. As estórias são pequenas, e, porta... more Coletânea de parábolas cristãs, psicografada por Chico Xavier. As estórias são pequenas, e, portanto adequadas aos jovens de hoje e contém importantes ensinamentos morais e de cidadania. É um de meus livros favoritos.

Research paper thumbnail of A Lição da Borboleta

Um dia, uma pequena abertura apareceu num casulo; um homem sentou e observou a borboleta por vári... more Um dia, uma pequena abertura apareceu num casulo; um homem sentou e observou a borboleta por várias horas, conforme ela se esforçava para fazer com que seu corpo passasse através daquele pequeno buraco.

Research paper thumbnail of A Macieira Encantada

Era uma vez um reino antigo e pobre, situado perto de uma grande montanha.

Research paper thumbnail of A Cerca

Research paper thumbnail of Contos dos Irmão Grimm

"No tempo em que os bichos falavam..." é uma das fórmulas mais comuns de se começar um conto popu... more "No tempo em que os bichos falavam..." é uma das fórmulas mais comuns de se começar um conto popular, também muitas vezes chamado de conto de fadas, embora muitas vezes não tenha fada alguma. De qualquer forma, essas histórias tradicionais estão entre os maiores clássicos da literatura universal. São amplamente conhecidos pelos mais variados povos, por gente de todas as idades em todo canto. Muitos deles são muito antigos, já existiam havia séculos na boca do povo. Em determinado momento, foram recolhidos por algum grande escritor, que lhes deu uma forma definitiva. Foi o que fizeram os irmãos Wilhelm e Jakob Grimm na Alemanha, no século XIX.

Research paper thumbnail of Fábulas de Esopo e La Fontaine

Research paper thumbnail of Lendas do Sul

Research paper thumbnail of Contos e Lendas da Mitologia Grega para Jovens

suportar, e a inútil descendência deles parava aí -ou quase... Algumas gotas de sangue da ferida ... more suportar, e a inútil descendência deles parava aí -ou quase... Algumas gotas de sangue da ferida de Urano caíram na terra e a fecundaram, dando origem a demônios, as Erínias, 1 a outros monstros, os Gigantes, e às ninfas, 2 as Melíades.

Research paper thumbnail of A Galinha Ruiva

galinha ruiva achou umas espigas de trigo. Ela chamou o gato. Ela chamou o ganso. Ela chamou o po... more galinha ruiva achou umas espigas de trigo. Ela chamou o gato. Ela chamou o ganso. Ela chamou o porco. A galinha ruiva disse: -Quem me ajuda a semear o trigo? -Eu não -disse o gato. -Eu não -disse o ganso. -Eu não -disse o porco. -Então semeio eu o trigo -disse a galinha ruiva. E a galinha ruiva semeou o trigo. O trigo cresceu. A galinha ruiva disse: -Quem me ajuda a ceifar o trigo? -Eu não -disse o gato. -Eu não -disse o ganso.

Research paper thumbnail of Classificadores e aprendizado em processamento de imagens e visao computacional

Research paper thumbnail of Classificadores

Research paper thumbnail of Classificacao_Supervisionada_de_Padroes_Utilizando__Floresta_de_caminhos_otimos

Research paper thumbnail of Estimadores de Kalman

This paper presents a robust predictor design for uncertain discrete-time systems. All uncertaint... more This paper presents a robust predictor design for uncertain discrete-time systems. All uncertainties in the proposed model are time-varying and supposed norm-bounded in both state and output matrices. The predictor is obtained by minimizing an upper bound of the estimation error variance, i.e., the design leads to a guaranteed cost for all allowed uncertainties. A simulation example is provided to illustrate the performance of the proposed estimator.

Research paper thumbnail of Inteligencia artificial

Agenda 1. Introdução 2. IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje 3. Principais Tipos de Intel... more Agenda 1. Introdução 2. IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje 3. Principais Tipos de Inteligencia Artificial 4. Inteligência Artificial Distribuída e Agentes Inteligentes 5. Aplicações na Indústria 6. Outras Aplicações 13/06/2008 2 Introdução A Inteligência Artificial não possui definição precisa, pois para defini-la, seria primeiro necessário definir inteligência. Tenta modelar o processo de raciocínio lógico. Busca assimilar interpretação à programação, permitindo decisões e aprendizado. IA Mole IA Dura Imitar mecanismos cognitivos, onde tenta-se copiar o comportamento de peritos, sem qualquer preocupação direta com o comportamento interno do sistema Modelo onde se aplica exatamente os processos cognitivos dos peritos COELHO, 1996 Introdução Aprendizado humano x Aprendizado computacional Aprendizado lento. Humanos Aprendizado instantâneo, uma vez gerado o código do problema. Computadores Próximo do ideal Problemas com diferentes características; Programas geralmente são incompletos; Referem-se a domínios dinâmicos; Suas soluçõs costumam ser adequadas, nem sempre corretas. IA COELHO, 1996 13/06/2008 3 Agenda 1. Introdução 2. IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje 3. Principais Tipos de Inteligencia Artificial 4. Inteligência Artificial Distribuída e Agentes Inteligentes 5. Aplicações na Indústria 6. Outras Aplicações IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje Origem Dartmounth College -EUA, 1956 Herbert Simon e Allan Newell desenvolvem o Logic Theorist, considerado o primeiro programa de inteligência artificial, em 1956 O programa era capaz de provar teoremas matemáticos, criando proposições novas utilizando as proposições já dadas. Um grupo de jovens iniciou um trabalho de pesquisa em cima da idéia de construir "máquinas inteligentes" Desenvolvimento do GPS (General Problem Solver) Opera pela lógica Mean-End Analysis COELHO, 1996 13/06/2008 4 IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje O sistema de símbolos é comumente representado por lógica de primeira ordem, ou FOL (First Order Logic) PSSH -Physical Symbol System Hypotesis "Um sistema simbólico físico tem os meios necessários e suficientes para a ação inteligente e genérica" (Newell e Simon, 1976) No FOL são inseridas expressões genéricas, que são trabalhadas para retornar resultados conclusivos V x advogado (x) => rico (x) V x temcasa (x) Λ rico(x) => casagrande(x) O sistema entenderá que para qualquer x advogado, este será rico Para todo x que possuir casa, caso esse x também seja rico o sistema entenderá que esse x possui casa grande Exemplo Tirado de Inteligência Artificial:Presente, passado e futuro -Sergio C. Navega IA: Desde seu surgimento até os dias de hoje Sistemas Simbólicos: Continuação O sistema que opera por FOL rearranja as expressões contidas na memória e retorna resultados.

Research paper thumbnail of Classificação

Aos meus pais, Maria Lucia e José, que sempre confiaram em mim e me apoiaram. Vocês são o grande ... more Aos meus pais, Maria Lucia e José, que sempre confiaram em mim e me apoiaram. Vocês são o grande tesouro da minha vida. AGRADECIMENTOS A Deus, por permitir meu renascimento e por ter me libertado das águas do rio Macaé, podendo estar hoje finalizando mais uma etapa da minha vida. Ao amigo e orientador Prof. Francisco Javier Ramirez Fernandez, pelo estímulo, apoio, pelos conselhos, pela mão amiga, pelos cafezinhos que geravam inúmeras dúvidas, mas às vezes também as esclareciam e principalmente pela confiança que depositou em mim durante este período. Tenho convicção de que fui uma aluna de sorte por ter encontrado em meu caminho uma pessoa que acima de tudo mostrou que nada é impossível quando existe vontade e dedicação. Você é insubstituível. Aos meus pais pela compreensão e apoio, por suportarem a distância e estarem presentes em mais uma etapa da minha vida. Vocês são os cúmplices de todas as dificuldades que encontramos neste período e são também vencedores e merecedores de todo meu respeito. Aos meus colegas do grupo SIM (Sensores Integráveis e Microssistemas) que de alguma forma colaboraram no desenvolvimento deste trabalho, trocando idéias e opiniões e na revisão do mesmo; todos de alguma forma me ajudaram a gerar este material. À Bete, ao Mauricio e à Nathalia que muito tempo dispensaram para revisão deste texto. Mesmo que eu monte uma fábrica de brigadeiros, não terei condições de retribuir. Em especial, à amiga Adriana pela companhia nos almoços, o sagrado cafezinho da tarde, algumas viagens e por todos os momentos de apoio. Aos amigos João Marcelo de Oliveira e Luciano Marques Arantes, que mesmo aos fins de semana e feriados, sempre estiveram disponíveis para ajudar-me na resolução dos problemas. Muito mais que os problemas que ficaram para trás, agradeço a dedicação e amizade verdadeira. Ao amigo Gilberto da Cruz, por todos os ensinamentos e material sobre dactiloscopia, todo o meu respeito e agradecimento. Ao amigo Marcos Alberto Lopes, pós-graduado pelo Cefet-Pr, pelo auxílio as incessantes dúvidas e trocas de e-mails. Tenho certeza que agradeci apenas uma pequena fração das pessoas a quem devo muito e peço especial perdão àquelas que omiti. SUMÁRIO Lista de Figuras Lista de Tabelas RESUMO ABSTRACT INTRODUÇÃO

Research paper thumbnail of Teoria_dos_Conjuntos_Fuzzy_com_Aplicacoes

Research paper thumbnail of Água (Water)

Research paper thumbnail of Eficiencia Energetica na Arquitetura

Research paper thumbnail of Fossa Biodigestora

Research paper thumbnail of Bacia Hidrográfica

Research paper thumbnail of Análise de Drenagem da Microbacia dos Rios Gurijuba e Piririm

The Amapa Coastal Zone as well the Gurijuba -Piririm microbasin is directly influenced by the Ama... more The Amapa Coastal Zone as well the Gurijuba -Piririm microbasin is directly influenced by the Amazon river and antrophic processes, resulting in constant changes on the reverine landscape. The multitemporal analisis of the hydrographic microbasin throughout the sensors in distinct periods is the main goal of this paper. The images LandSat TM 7 and TM 5 and aerophotos were used to demonstrate the main changes at the microbasin. Economic activities and the overture of roads are the main antrophic actions modifying the microbasin while tides pluviometric precipitation and the solid discharge of the Amazon river are the main natural processes on the area.

Research paper thumbnail of Vulnerabilidade Ambiental em Bacias Hidrográficas

iv DEDICATÓRIA Aos meus pais Fátima e Hélio pelo amor, dedicação e princípios que me foram dedica... more iv DEDICATÓRIA Aos meus pais Fátima e Hélio pelo amor, dedicação e princípios que me foram dedicados, e que se constituem a base de minha formação pessoal. Aos meus irmãos Alexandre e Joyce pelo companheirismo, incentivo e apoio que me foi dispensado. A todos os moradores de áreas de riscos situados às margens do leito principal e afluentes do rio Cocó.

Research paper thumbnail of Lei de Zoneamento Urbano

Research paper thumbnail of Cândido

Research paper thumbnail of A Moreninha

Bravo! exclamou Filipe, entrando e despindo a casaca, que pendurou em um cabide velho. Bravo!... ... more Bravo! exclamou Filipe, entrando e despindo a casaca, que pendurou em um cabide velho. Bravo!... interessante cena! mas certo que desonrosa fora para casa de um estudante de Medicina e já no sexto ano, a não valer-lhe o adágio antigo: -o hábito não faz o monge.

Research paper thumbnail of Os Sertões

Escrito nos raros intervalos de folga de uma carreira fatigante, este livro, que a princípio se r... more Escrito nos raros intervalos de folga de uma carreira fatigante, este livro, que a princípio se resumia à história da Campanha de Canudos, perdeu toda a tualidade, remorada a sua publicação em virtude de causas que temos por emos -lhe, por isto, outra feição, tomando apenas variante de assunto geral a escusado apontar. D o tema, a princípio dominante, que o sugeriu. Intentamos esboçar, palidamente embora, ante o olhar de futuros historiadores, os traços atuais mais expressivos das sub-raças sertanejas do Brasil. E fazêmo-lo porque a sua instabilidade de complexos de fatores múltiplos e diversamente combinados, aliada às vicissitudes históricas e deplorável situação mental em que jazem, as tomam talvez efêmeras, destinadas a próximo desaparecimento ante as exigências crescentes da ivilização e a concorrência material intensiva das correntes migratórias que jagunço destemeroso, o tabaréu ingênuo e o caipira simplório serão em equilíbrio, que Ihes não permite mais a velocidade dquirida pela marcha dos povos neste século. Retardatários hoje, amanhã otriz da História" que Gumplowicz, maior do que Hobbes, lobrigou, num isto, mal unidos àqueles extraordinários patrícios pelo olo em parte desconhecido, deles de todo nos separa uma coordenada . ção integral da palavra, um crime. permitir a firmeza do nosso espírito façamos jus ao dmirável conceito de Taine sobre o narrador sincero que encara a História co "i sen en s et défigurent l'âme; il veut sentir en barbare, parmi les ba nciens, en ancien. " Euclides da Cunha. São Paulo, 1901 c começam a invadir profundamente a nossa terra. O breve tipos relegados às tradições evanescentes, ou extintas. Primeiros efeitos de variados cruzamentos, destinavam-se talvez à formação dos princípios imediatos de uma grande raça. Faltou-lhes, porém, uma situação de parada, o a se extinguirão de todo. A civilização avançará nos sertões impelida por essa implacável "força m lance genial, no esmagamento inevitável das raças fracas pelas raças fortes. A campanha de Canudos tem por isto a significação inegável de um primeiro assalto, em luta talvez longa. Nem enfraquece o asserto o termo-la realizado nós filhos do mesmo solo, porque, etnologicamente indefinidos, sem tradições nacionais uniformes, vivendo parasitariamente à beira do Atlântico, dos princípios civilizadores elaborados na Europa, e armados pela indústria alemã -tivemos na ação um papel singular de mercenários inconscientes. Além d s histórica -o tempo. Aquela campanha lembra um refluxo para o passado E foi, na significa Denunciemo-lo. E tanto quanto o a mo ela merece: l s' irrite contre les demi vérités que sont des demi faussetés, contre les auteurs qui n'altèrent ni une date, ni une généalogie, mais dénaturent les timents et les moeurs, qui gardent le dessin des événements et changent la couleur, qui copient les fait rbares, et, parmi les a A TERRA I. Preliminares. A entrada do sertão. Terra ignota. Em caminho para Monte Santo. Primeiras impressões. Um sonho de geólogo. II. Golpe de vista do alto de Monte Santo. Do alto da Favela. III. O clima. Higrômetros singulares. IV. As secas. Hipóteses sobre a sua gênese. As caatingas. V. Uma categoria geográfica que Hegel não citou. Como se faz um deserto. Como se extingue o deserto. O martírio secular da terra. Capítulo I Preliminares O Planalto Central do Brasil desce, nos litorais do Sul, em escarpas inteiriças, altas e abruptas. Assoberba os mares; e desata-se em chapadões nivelados pelos visos das cordilheiras marítimas, distendidas do Rio Grande a Minas. Mas ao derivar para as terras setentrionais diminui gradualmente de altitude, ao mesmo tempo que descamba para a costa oriental em andares, ou repetidos socalcos, que o despem da primitiva grandeza afastando-o consideravelmente para o interior. De sorte que quem o contorna, seguindo para o norte, observa notáveis mudanças de relevos: a principio o traço contínuo e dominante das montanhas, precintando-o, com destaque saliente, sobre a linha projetante das praias; depois, no segmento de orla marítima entre o Rio de Janeiro e o Espírito Santo, um aparelho litoral revolto, feito da envergadura desarticulada das serras, riçado de cumeadas e corroído de angras, e escancelando-se em baias, repartindo-se em ilhas, e desagregando-se em recifes desnudos, à maneira de escombros do conflito secular que ali se trava entre os mares e a terra; em seguida, transposto o 15° paralelo, a atenuação de todos os acidentes -serranias que se arredondam e suavizam as linhas dos taludes, fracionadas em morros de encostas indistintas no horizonte que se amplia; até que em plena faixa costeira da Bahia, o olhar, livre dos anteparos de serras que até lá o repulsam e abreviam, se dilata em cheio para o ocidente, mergulhando no âmago da terra amplíssima lentamente emergindo num ondear longínquo de chapadas... Este facies geográfico resume a morfogenia do grande maciço continental. Demonstra-o análise mais íntima feita por um corte meridiano qualquer, acompanhando à bacia do S. Francisco. Vê-se, do fato, que três formações geognósticas díspares, de idades mal determinadas, aí se substituem, ou se entrelaçam, em estratificações discordantes, formando o predomínio exclusivo de umas, ou a combinação de todas, os traços variáveis da fisionomia da terra. Surgem primeiro as possantes massas gnaissegraníticas, que a partir do extremo sul se encurvam em desmedido anfiteatro, alteando as paisagens admiráveis que tanto encantam e iludem as vistas inexpertas dos forasteiros. A princípio abeiradas do mar progridem em sucessivas cadeias, sem rebentos laterais, até as raias do litoral paulista, feito dilatado muro de arrimo sustentando as formações sedimentárias do interior. A terra sobranceia o oceano, dominante, do fastígio das escarpas; e quem a alcança como quem vinga a rampa de um majestoso palco, justifica todos os exageros descritivos -do gongorismo de Rocha Pita às extravagâncias geniais de Buckle -que fazem deste país região privilegiada, onde a natureza armou a sua mais portentosa oficina. É que, de feito, sob o tríplice aspecto astronômico, topográfico e geológico a nenhuma se afigura tão afeiçoada à Vida. Transmontadas as serras, sob a linha fulgurante do trópico, vêem-se, estirados para o ocidente e norte, extensos chapadões cuja urdidura de camadas horizontais de grés argiloso, intercaladas de emersões calcárias, ou diques de rochas eruptivas básicas, do mesmo passo lhes explica a exuberância sem par e as áreas complanadas e vastas. A terra atrai irresistivelmente o homem, arrebatando-o na própria correnteza dos rios que, do Iguaçu ao Tietê, traçando originalíssima rede hidrográfica, correm da costa para os sertões, como se nascessem nos mares e canalizassem as suas energias eternas para os recessos das matas opulentas. Rasgam facilmente aqueles estratos em traçados uniformes, sem talvegues deprimidos, e dão ao conjunto dos terrenos até além do Paraná a feição de largos plainos ondulados, desmedidos. Entretanto, para leste a natureza é diversa. Estereografa-se, duramente, nas placas rígidas dos afloramentos gnáissicos; e o talude dos planaltos dobra-se do socalco da Mantiqueira, onde se encaixa o Paraíba, ou desfaz-se em rebentos que, após apontarem as alturas de píncaros centralizados pelo Itatiaia, levam até o âmago de Minas as paisagens alpestres do litoral. Mas ao penetrar-se este Estado nota-se, malgrado o tumultuar das serranias, lenta descensão geral para o norte. Como nos altos chapadões de São Paulo e do Paraná, todas as caudais revelam este pendor insensível com derivarem em leitos contorcidos e vencendo, contrafeitas, o antagonismo permanente das montanhas: o rio Grande rompe, rasgando-a com a força viva da corrente, a serra da Canastra, e, norteados pela meridiana, abrem-se adiante os fundos vales de erosão do rio das Velhas e do S. Francisco. Ao mesmo tempo, transpostas as sublevações que vão de Barbacena a Ouro Preto, as formações primitivas desaparecem, mesmo nas maiores eminências, e jazem sotopostas a complexas séries de xistos metamórficos, infiltrados de veeiros fartos, nas paragens lendárias do ouro. A mudança estrutural origina quadros naturais mais imponentes que os da borda marítima. A região continua alpestre. O caráter das rochas, exposto nas abas dos cerros de quartzito, ou nas grimpas em que se empilham as placas do itacolomito avassalando as alturas, aviva todos os acidentes, desde os maciços que vão de Ouro Branco a Sabará, à zona diamantina expandindo-se para nordeste nas chapadas que se desenrolam nivelando-se às cimas da serra do Espinhaço; e esta, apesar da sugestiva denominação de Eschwege, mal sobressai, entre aquelas lombadas definidoras de uma situação dominante. Dali descem, acachoantes, para o levante, tombando em catadupas ou saltando "travessões" sucessivos, todos os rios que do Jequitinhonha ao Doce procuram os terraços inferiores do planalto arrimados à serra dos Aimorés; e volvem águas remansadas para o poente os que se destinam à bacia de captação do S. Francisco, em cujo vale, depois de percorridas ao sul as interessantes formações calcárias do rio das Velhas, salpintadas de lagos, solapadas de sumidouros e ribeirões subterrâneos, onde se abrem as cavernas do homem pré-histórico de Lund, se acentuam outras transições na contextura superficial do solo. De fato, as camadas anteriores, que vimos superpostas às rochas graníticas, decaem, por sua vez sotopondo-se a outras, mais modernas de espessos estratos de grés. Novo horizonte geológico reponta com um traço original e interessante. Mal estudado embora, caracteriza-o notável significação orográfica, porque as cordilheiras dominantes do sul ali se extinguem, soterradas, numa inumação estupenda, pelos possantes estratos mais recentes, que as circundam. A terra, porém, permanece elevada, alongando-se em planuras amplas, ou avultando em falsas montanhas de denudação, descendo em aclives fortes, mas tendo os dorsos alargados em plainos inscritos num horizonte de nível,...

Research paper thumbnail of CALÇA LITERÁRIA (Carlos Drummond de Andrade)

Research paper thumbnail of Origem das Espécies

Quanto ao mundo material, podemos pelo menos Ir até à conclusão de que os factos se não produzem ... more Quanto ao mundo material, podemos pelo menos Ir até à conclusão de que os factos se não produzem em consequência da intervenção isolada do poder divino, manifestando-se em cada caso particular, mas antes pela acção das leis gerais.» WHEWELL, «Bridgewater Treatises». «O único sentido preciso da palavra «natural» é a qualidade de ser «estabelecido, fixo ou estável»; por isso tudo o que é natural exige e supõe qualquer factor inteligente para o tornar tal, Isto é, para o produzir continuamente ou em intervalos determinados, enquanto que tudo o que é sobrenatural ou miraculoso é produzido uma só vez, e de um só golpe.» BUTLER, «Analogy of Revealeci Religion». «Para concluir, não deixeis crer ou sustentar, devido a uma ideia muito acentuada da fraqueza humana ou a uma moderação mal entendida, que o homem pode ir longe ou ser instruído com a palavra de Deus, ou com a do livro das obras de Deus, isto é, em religião ou em filosofia; mas que todo o homem se esforce por progredir cada vez mais numa e noutra, e tirando disto vantagem sem jamais Parar.» BACON, «Advancement of Learning».

Research paper thumbnail of Filosofia, Logica e Existencia

Research paper thumbnail of Dicionário de Internetês

Com isto pretendo documentar (quase) todo o vocabulário utilizado e/ou relacionado com a Internet... more Com isto pretendo documentar (quase) todo o vocabulário utilizado e/ou relacionado com a Internet e redes globais. Como é normal, ainda pode ser muito melhorado pela adição de novos termos ou correção de eventuais erros existentes. Qualquer sugestão ou adição, queiram escrever-me diretamente para um dos endereços acima. Obrigado. Este documento foi feito com o objetivo de servir de ponto de referência para aqueles cujo "internetes" (a língua da Internet) ainda não seja perfeito! :-) Neste dicionário podem-se encontrar tanto os termos ingleses correntemente utilizados assim como termos portugueses correspondentes. O vocabulário está disposto por ordem alfabética.

Research paper thumbnail of Dicionario de Mineirês

Com isto pretendo documentar (quase) todo o vocabulário utilizado e/ou relacionado com a Internet... more Com isto pretendo documentar (quase) todo o vocabulário utilizado e/ou relacionado com a Internet e redes globais. Como é normal, ainda pode ser muito melhorado pela adição de novos termos ou correção de eventuais erros existentes. Qualquer sugestão ou adição, queiram escrever-me diretamente para um dos endereços acima. Obrigado. Este documento foi feito com o objetivo de servir de ponto de referência para aqueles cujo "internetes" (a língua da Internet) ainda não seja perfeito! :-) Neste dicionário podem-se encontrar tanto os termos ingleses correntemente utilizados assim como termos portugueses correspondentes. O vocabulário está disposto por ordem alfabética.

Research paper thumbnail of MATEMÁTICA, MÚSICA E EDUCAÇÃO

Geralmente, ao comentar sobre música, dificilmente pensamos na possibilidade da interatividade da... more Geralmente, ao comentar sobre música, dificilmente pensamos na possibilidade da interatividade das ciências exatas como a física e a matemática, necessárias para entender as propriedades e os detalhes que ocorrem na música. Essa monografia despertará o interesse de muitos leitores para a obtenção de um melhor conhecimento e enriquecimento na aprendizagem, quando raramente pensamos na análise científica com a arte musical. Conhecer essas influências matemáticas é, antes de tudo, conhecer a essência da própria música.Basicamente, os objetivos específicos relacionados a matemática, música e educação são:
• Aplicar as relações entre a matemática e a música na construção de significados educacionais;
• Reconhecer o enriquecimento, a importância da matemática na música;
• Associar a ciência exata com a arte musical; e
• Saber da existência da música que se tornou uma extensão da matemática.

Research paper thumbnail of Classificação de Gestos de Mãos

Research paper thumbnail of Matematica Discreta  para a Computação e Informatica Prof. Paulo Blauth Menezes

Research paper thumbnail of Conversores  A/D e D/A

Funções geradas por blocos funcionais analógicos são muitas vezes processadas por circuitos digit... more Funções geradas por blocos funcionais analógicos são muitas vezes processadas por circuitos digitais (por exemplo, um computador). Para processar este sinal usando circuitos digitais, deve-se necessariamente efetuar uma conversão para a forma digital. Tal conversão é efetuada por um conversor analógico/digital ("A/D converter" ou ADC). Este sinal processado (ou transformado) deve (na maioria das vezes) atuar, produzindo um efeito sobre o circuito analógico que gerou o sinal original, ou outro similar.

Research paper thumbnail of Introdução a Linguistica

Research paper thumbnail of Plantas Medicinais

CATÁLOGO Plantas e Ervas Medicinais O homem conhece os benefícios medicinais das plantas há sécul... more CATÁLOGO Plantas e Ervas Medicinais O homem conhece os benefícios medicinais das plantas há séculos. Registros da medicina romana, egípcia, persa e hebraica mostram que ervas eram utilizadas de forma extensiva para curar praticamente todas as doenças conhecidas pelo homem. Muitas ervas contém poderosos ingredientes que, se usados corretamente, podem ajudar a curar o corpo. Nos seus primórdios, a indústria farmacêutica baseava-se na sua capacidade de isolar esses ingredientes e torná-los disponíveis em uma forma mais pura. Contudo, os herbalistas alegam que a natureza colocou na mesma erva outros ingredientes que se equilibram com os ingredientes mais poderosos. Esses outros componentes, embora relativamente menos poderosos, podem ajudar a servir de intermediário, sinergista ou contrapeso quando trabalham de forma harmônica com o ingrediente mais poderoso. Portanto, ao usar essas ervas na sua forma completa, o processo de cura do corpo utiliza os ingredientes oferecidos pela natureza de uma forma mais equilibrada.

Research paper thumbnail of Plantas Medicinais na Amazonia e na Mata Atlântica

Research paper thumbnail of   	 Avaliação experimental de algoritmos de visão computacional em maquinas MIMD baseadas em "transputers"

Research paper thumbnail of Evangelho segundo Marcos - comentários

O mais antigo manuscrito pertencente à Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro é um códice em perga... more O mais antigo manuscrito pertencente à Biblioteca Nacional do Rio de Janeiro é um códice em pergaminho, escrito com caracteres minúsculos, contendo os quatro Evangelhos e datado do século XII. Foi doado àquela instituição em 1912, por João Pandiá Calógeras, conhecido intelectual e político brasileiro, de ascendência grega. Em 1953, Kurt Aland repertoriou-o, atribuindo-lhe o número 2437. Neste trabalho, serão analisadas feições lingüísticas e manuscritológicas do Evangelho segundo Marcos nesse documento. Palavras-chave: a língua do Evangelho segundo Marcos, tradução, comentários lingüístícos, históricos e paleográficos.

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 1

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 2

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 3

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 4

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol. 5

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 6

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar: Geometria Analitica - vol. 7

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 8

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matemática Elementar Vol 9

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 10

Geometria Espacial, Posição e Métrica

Research paper thumbnail of Fundamentos de Matematica Elementar Vol 11

Matemática financeira, estatistica

Research paper thumbnail of Algebra Linear Exercícios Resolvidos

Agosto de 2001 1 Exercícios Resolvidos -Uma Revisão 5 2 Mais Exercícios Resolvidos Sobre Transfor... more Agosto de 2001 1 Exercícios Resolvidos -Uma Revisão 5 2 Mais Exercícios Resolvidos Sobre Transformações Lineares 13 3 4 SUMÁRIO Capítulo 1 Exercícios Resolvidos -Uma Revisão Ex. Resolvido 1 Verifique se V = {(x, y, z, w) ∈ R 4 ; y = x, z = w 2 } com as operações usuais de R 4é um espaço vetorial.

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Memória com new e delete

Alocação dinâmica de memória, arrays, liberação de memória.

Research paper thumbnail of Lista 4 OOP

Lista de exercícios sobre ponteiros e arquivos em disco.

Research paper thumbnail of FLTK Programming Manual

Research paper thumbnail of Aula sobre POINTERS

ponteiros, new, delete, C++

Research paper thumbnail of Biblioteca Allegro (Português)

Research paper thumbnail of Code::Blocks Tutorial

Research paper thumbnail of Manual wxDevC++

Research paper thumbnail of Formatação de Entrada e Saída para todos os dispositivos em C++

Research paper thumbnail of POO Introdução

Notas: 3 provas: Média vale 50%, ou seja, Média das Provas = MP = (P1+P2+P3)/3 Listas: 20% serão ... more Notas: 3 provas: Média vale 50%, ou seja, Média das Provas = MP = (P1+P2+P3)/3 Listas: 20% serão descartadas Média das Listas = ML vale 20% Laboratório (em dupla): Média dos Labs = Mlab vale 30% Nota Final = 0,5xMP + 0,20xML + 0,30xMlab Introdução wxDev-C++ que no Code::Blocks corresponde ao wxwidgets It uses a template system to allow the user to more easily create specific projects. By this point you've encountered templates without knowing it. When you select File, New, Project on the IDE menu, the project type options listed in the dialog box (e.g. Console application, wxWidgets frame, etc.) are preset templates.

Research paper thumbnail of Programming in wxDev-C++

It's got some quirks but then again don't we all" NinjaNL The Boring Bit • Introduction • History... more It's got some quirks but then again don't we all" NinjaNL The Boring Bit • Introduction • History of wxDev-C++ • Who This Book Is For • Acknowledgements Appendix A. Keyboard Shortcuts B. C/C++ Keywords C. Appendix C -wxDev-C++ event names and wxWidgets equivalents D. C Standard Libraries E. C++ Standard Libraries This Page Intentionally Left Blank (Just to irritate you when you print it out) WYSINAWYG (What You See Is Not Always What You Get) application, some of this will improve with time, but I doubt it will ever be a perfect match. This book then is written with the experience I have gained, the experience of other users on the forums and in the hope that it will be useful. Some of it will no doubt be out of date quite soon as wxDev-C++ continues to improve, but this book will reflect these changes as it grows alongside the IDE.

Research paper thumbnail of LISTA 1 OOP

Research paper thumbnail of Code::Blocks and WxWidgets Tutorial

Research paper thumbnail of Code::blocks Instructions

Research paper thumbnail of EMENTA OOP


Research paper thumbnail of Diagramas de CPU de 8 bits

CPU de 8 bits, arquitetura de computadores, processador de 8 bits

Research paper thumbnail of Alocação de Memória com new e delete

Alocação dinâmica de memória, arrays, liberação de memória.

Research paper thumbnail of Image transmission in UAV MIMO UWB-OSTBC system over Rayleigh channel using multiple description coding (MDC)

Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Volume 2: Deployment and Applications, 2020

Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBC) and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication... more Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes (OSTBC) and multiple-input-multiple-output (MIMO) communication system are new techniques with high performance that have many applications in wireless telecommunications. This chapter presents an image transfer technique for the unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) in a UWB system using a hybrid structure of the MIMO-OSTBC wireless environment in Multiple Description Coding (MDC) deals. MDC technique for image transmission is a new approach in which there is no record of it so far. This ensures that in the packet loss scenario due to channel errors, images with acceptable quality with no need for retransmission can be reconstructed. The proposed system is implemented using a different number of transmitter and receiver antennas UAV. Assuming a Rayleigh model for the communication channels, the MDC image transmission performance is compared with single description coding (SDC). Experimental results confirm that the proposed hybrid method has better performance than the single description coding.

Research paper thumbnail of Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems. Volume 1: Control and Performance

Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and ... more Volume 1 concentrates on UAS control and performance methodologies including Computer Vision and Data Storage, Integrated Optical Flow for Detection and Avoidance Systems, Navigation and Intelligence, Modeling and Simulation, Multisensor Data Fusion, Vision in Micro-Aerial Vehicles (MAVs), Computer Vision in UAV using ROS, Security Aspects of UAV and Robot Operating System, Vision in Indoor and Outdoor Drones, Sensors and Computer Vision, and Small UAVP for Persistent Surveillance.

Research paper thumbnail of A Model for Medical Staff Idleness Minimization

Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym'18), 2019

Operation research concepts can help healthcare facilities with unplanned situations, crisis, and... more Operation research concepts can help healthcare facilities with unplanned situations, crisis, and handling of supplies, utilities, and strategies. A methodology for dealing with the Man-Hour (MH) distribution in a cellular type Healthcare Organization (HCO) is introduced, and its goal is to maximize the use of resources and workforce. The problem is modeled via Linear Programming (LP), which results in a minimal cost flow problem with the simplex algorithm. The proposed framework (MCFP) can motivate individuals, reward ability and individual knowledge (not only moneywise) plus improving patient care. Such model can help to devise a software tool for decision making with performance and efficiency; it brings direct profit for the HCO and its staff due to the superior management of their MHs, and it increases the benefits to the community they serve. The methodology models MHs in an HCO to optimize management, decision-making tasks, and resource distribution.

Research paper thumbnail of A Solution for Dubins Path Problem with Uncertainties Using World Cup Optimization and Chebyshev Polynomials

Proceedings of the 4th Brazilian Technology Symposium (BTSym'18), 2019

In this paper, an efficient numerical approach is developed for solving the baseline problem with... more In this paper, an efficient numerical approach is developed for solving the baseline problem with interval uncertainties. Interval arithmetic is also utilized for developing the proposed method in the presence of uncertainties with only lower and upper bounds of parameters. In the proposed method, the equation of motion, performance index, and boundary conditions are first changed into some algebraic equations. This process converts the problem into an optimization problem. The presented technique is based on an interval extension of Chebyshev polynomials where its coefficients are achieved by world cup optimization algorithm, as a new optimization algorithm. The proposed method approximates the control and state variables as a function of time. The proposed solution is based on state parameterization, such that the state variable is approximated by the proposed interval Chebyshev polynomials with unknown interval coefficients. Finally, by solving the baseline problem in the presence of interval uncertainties, the reliability and effectiveness of the proposed method are demonstrated.

Research paper thumbnail of Estudo comparativo da efetividade de selamento marginal de dois sistemas adesivos aplicados após a utilização de um material provisório a base de óxido de zinco e eugenol

Revista da Faculdade de Odontologia - UPF, Aug 13, 2010

a influência de restaurações temporárias de óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE) na microinfiltração ma... more a influência de restaurações temporárias de óxido de zinco e eugenol (OZE) na microinfiltração marginal de restaurações de resina composta em esmalte e cemento-dentina, utilizando dois sistemas adesivos. Foram realizadas duas cavidades classe V ...

Research paper thumbnail of Error concealment by means of motion refinement and regularized Bregman divergence

This work addresses the problem of error concealment in video transmission systems over noisy cha... more This work addresses the problem of error concealment in video transmission systems over noisy channels employing Bregman divergences along with regularization. Error concealment intends to improve the effects of disturbances at the reception due to bit-errors or cell loss in packet networks. Bregman regularization gives accurate answers after just some iterations with fast convergence, better accuracy and stability. This technique has an adaptive nature: the regularization functional is updated according to Bregman functions that change from iteration to iteration according to the nature of the neighborhood under study at iteration n. Numerical experiments show that high-quality regularization parameter estimates can be obtained. The convergence is sped up while turning the regularization parameter estimation less empiric, and more automatic.

Research paper thumbnail of Aplicação da Técnica SIFT na Identificação de Olhos Humanos, M.Sc. thesis

Research paper thumbnail of Emergency Response Cyber-Physical Framework for Landslide Avoidance with Sustainable Electronics †

Technologies, 2018

An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas locat... more An Emergency Response (ER) Cyber-Physical System (CPS) to avoid landslides and survey areas located on or near slopes is introduced that handles two problems: electronic waste disposal, and environmental disasters. Uncomplicated detection circuits using salvaged components can pinpoint floods in impoverished regions. CPSs simplify hazard prediction and mitigation in disaster supervision. Nonetheless, few green practices and efforts have been accomplished in this regard. Recent technical advances help landslides studies and the evaluation of suitable risk alleviation measures. This work addresses in situ meters, and cameras to observe ground movements more accurately. The ER-CPS identifies and can help mitigate landslides using techniques based on motion detection that can productively predict and monitor the zone conditions to classify it, and the landslide-related data can be transmitted to inspecting stations to lessen the erosion/sedimentation likelihood while increasing security.

Research paper thumbnail of Advances in Multidisciplinary Medical Technologies ─ Engineering, Modeling and Findings

Research paper thumbnail of How to Use Orcid to Facilitate Intellectual Property Management

Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and... more Productivity metrics provoke mixed responses from the research community. The Open Researcher and Contributor ID (ORCID) facilitates an open and clear data infrastructure to handle publication products. ORCID is a unique identifier that accepts data interoperability for funders, industries, and publishers by exploring indicators for research aspects that they aspire to evaluate instead of using current indicators because they are readily accessible. This manuscript examines the use of ORCID for publication metrics, grant applications, management and reporting platforms. The benefits of ORCID offer a quick way to promote and organize a researcher's work as well as to foster better communication among researchers.

Research paper thumbnail of An In-Situ Disaster Prevention Framework with Sustainable Electronics and Cyber-Physical Systems

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamic System for Assemblage and Execution of Interactive Classes (SISDI) Sistema Dinâmico para Montagem e Execução de Aulas Interativas (SISDI)

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema de Energia a Impacto Marítimo (SEAM)

"Sustainability is a concept, related to the continuity of economic,... more "Sustainability is a concept, related to the continuity of economic, social, cultural and environmental aspects of human society. For a human enterprise to be sustainable, it must have four basic characteristics: environmental correctness, economical viability, socially impartial, and culturally acceptable. Through studies on the floating type mono-column - SSP300 - we use a plate-spring system as a transducer, which captures and converts mechanical energy from sea waves into electrical energy stored for use in health care facilities at low cost. The net result is a system for clean and renewable energy production that bears in mind the sustainability concept. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Sustentabilidade é um conceito sistêmico, relacionado com a continuidade dos aspectos econômicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais da sociedade humana. Propõe-se a ser um meio de configurar a civilização e atividade humanas, de tal forma que a sociedade, os seus membros e as suas economias possam preencher as suas necessidades e expressar o seu maior potencial no presente, e ao mesmo tempo preservar a biodiversidade e os ecossistemas naturais, planejando e agindo de forma a atingir pró-eficiência na manutenção indefinida desses ideais. A sustentabilidade abrange vários níveis de organização, desde a vizinhança local até o planeta inteiro. Para um empreendimento humano ser sustentável, tem de ter em vista 4 requisitos básicos: Empreendimento ecologicamente correto; economicamente viável; socialmente justo; e culturalmente aceitável. Através de estudos sobre a unidade flutuante do tipo monocoluna - SSP300 -, constatamos que esta pode receber um Sistema Chapa-mola, o qual capta energia mecânica e converte em energia elétrica armazenada para utilização em instalações de serviços. Desta forma, temos um meio limpo e renovável de produção energética, podendo ser enquadrado no quadro de sustentabilidade. Palavras-chave: Energia, Fontes renováveis, Sustentabilidade."

Research paper thumbnail of Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Ciência da Computação - UENF

Research paper thumbnail of UAV-CPSs as a test bed for new technologies and a primer to Industry 5.0

Imaging and Sensing for Unmanned Aircraft Systems: Volume 2: Deployment and Applications, 2020

The extensive Cloud pool of resources and infrastructure can deliver significant improvements to ... more The extensive Cloud pool of resources and infrastructure can deliver significant improvements to Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Cyber-Physical Systems (UAV-CPSs) relying on data or code from a network to operate, but not all sensors, actuators, computation modules and memory depots from a single fixed structure. This chapter is organised around the potential benefits of the Cloud: (1) Big Data (BD) access to visual libraries containing representations/descriptive data, images, video, maps and flight paths, (2) Cloud Computing (CC) functionalities for Grid Computing (GC) on demand for statistical analysis, Machine Learning (ML) algorithms, Computational Intelligence (CI) applications and flight planning, (3) Collective UAV Learning (CUL) where UAVs share their trajectories, control guidelines and mission outcomes and (4) human-machine collaboration through crowdsourcing for analysing high-dimensional high-resolution (HDHR) images/ video, classification of scenes/objects/entities, learning and error correction/ concealment. The Cloud can also expand UAV-CPSs by offering (a) data sets, models, all sorts of literature, HDHR benchmarks and software/hardware simulators, (b) open competitions for UAV-CPS designs with Open Source Hardware (OSH) and (c) Open-Source Software (OSS). This chapter talks about some open challenges and new trends in UAV-CPSs.

Research paper thumbnail of Projeto de Difusão de Software Livre e Automatização Administrativa

"O Projeto objetiva a confecção de um web site e promocao de software livre para o colégio e... more "O Projeto objetiva a confecção de um web site e promocao de software livre para o colégio e elaboração de estratégias para melhor aproveitamento do seu laboratório de informática e secretaria. Inventariou-se as máquinas existentes, onde pôde ser identificada a necessidade de uma estruturação do cabeamento que conecta as máquinas em rede, e de alguns reparos de hardware e troca de periféricos. Em seguida, foi feita a instalação e configuração de software das máquinas. Foi verificado que o laboratório ainda não tem acesso à internet, mas essa questão já está sendo resolvida pelo colégio junto à Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro para a instalação da Velox. Há muitos obstáculos a isto Também foi feita uma avaliação do software SGE, de uso obrigatório para as escolas estaduais do estado do Rio de Janeiro, de acordo com a Secretaria de Estado de Educação do Rio de Janeiro. Este software gerencia o controle de notas dos alunos do colégio, informação interessante para ser disponibilizada por consulta ao web site. Será estudada a possibilidade da utilização do banco de dados do SGE para dispor os boletins dos alunos no web site. Foi verificada a necessidade de cursos básicos de informática para professores, funcionários e alunos, visando capacitá-los a lidar com o computador como ferramenta facilitadora do trabalho, levando aos funcionários uma proposta de automatização dos servidos administrativos. Incentivou-se os professores a: utilizarem softwares para melhorar a qualidade das aulas e estimularem os alunos a pesquisarem na internet, preparando-os para lidar com a atualização do web site do colégio, ministrar cursos e promover a inclusão digital. "

Research paper thumbnail of On improving sub-pixel accuracy by means of B-spline

2014 IEEE International Conference on Imaging Systems and Techniques (IST) Proceedings, 2014

ABSTRACT Local perturbations nearby contours strongly perturb the final result of processing remo... more ABSTRACT Local perturbations nearby contours strongly perturb the final result of processing remotely sensed images (RSI). It is common to establish a priori data to aid the estimation process. One can move some steps forward by means of a deformable model, for example, the snake model. In up to date research, the deformable contour is represented via B-spline snakes, which allows local control, concise depiction, and the use of fewer parameters. The estimation of edges with sub-pixel accuracy via a global B-spline depiction depends on determining the edge according to a Maximum Likelihood (ML) agenda and using the observed information likelihood. This practice guarantees that outliers present in data will be cleaned out. The data likelihood is calculated as a result of the observation model comprising both orientation and position data. Experiments where this procedure and the traditional spline interpolation have revealed that the algorithm introduced outperforms the conventional method for Gaussian as well as Salt and Pepper noise.

Research paper thumbnail of Pensamento Numérico Valorizando O Saber

""Por meio de métodos aplicados e orientados de forma eficaz, o docente pode te... more ""Por meio de métodos aplicados e orientados de forma eficaz, o docente pode ter noção do que os alunos sabem, e sobre as possíveis falhas de aprendizagem, recuperar a capacidade cognitiva destes e pesquisar maneiras de incentivar e desenvolver habilidades de raciocínio lógico-matemático"" 85-86957-07-0

Research paper thumbnail of CALL FOR PAPERS: Intelligent Healthcare Systems - FREE OF CHARGES

CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS<br> <strong>INTELLIGENT</strong> <strong>HEALTHCAR... more CALL FOR BOOK CHAPTERS<br> <strong>INTELLIGENT</strong> <strong>HEALTHCARE</strong> <strong>SYSTEMS</strong> <br> <strong>Scopus</strong>-<strong>indexed</strong>, <strong>Free</strong> <strong>of</strong> <strong>charges</strong>, <strong>published</strong> <strong>by</strong> <strong>CRC</strong> <strong>Press/Taylor</strong> <strong>&</strong> <strong>Francis</strong> <strong>Keywords: </strong> Health 4.0, Internet of Medical Things, Public Health, Disaster Mitigation, Vehicular Communications, Wireless Networks, Wearables, Artificial Intelligence in Healthcare, Cyber-Physical Systems, Smart Designs, Blockchain, Digital Twins, Telemedicine, 5G, Medical Imaging, Cloud Computing. <strong>Editor: </strong>Vania V. Estrela Federal Fluminense University, RJ...

Research paper thumbnail of SLIDES 1

Research paper thumbnail of LAB 3

Research paper thumbnail of LAB 2

Execute no ambiente MATLAB os comandos abaixo, corrigindo-os quando necessário:

Research paper thumbnail of Lista 2 PDI

  1. Qual a diferença entre computação gráfica e processamento de imagens? 2) O que é realidade vir... more 1) Qual a diferença entre computação gráfica e processamento de imagens? 2) O que é realidade virtual? 3) O que é realidade virtual aumentada? 4) O que é resolução, em se tratando de imagens digitais? 5) O que é uma GUI? Defina visualização. 6) O que é visão computacional? Com que disciplinas está relacionada? 7) O que é uma aplicação standalone no ambiente MATLAB?

Research paper thumbnail of SLIDES Lab1 and Lab2

Research paper thumbnail of Apostila em Português de MATLAB

Research paper thumbnail of Lista 1 PDI

Research paper thumbnail of Pdi aulas

Research paper thumbnail of PDI with MEX

Inúmeras pessoas colaboraram, direta ou indiretamente para a concretização deste projeto e a elas... more Inúmeras pessoas colaboraram, direta ou indiretamente para a concretização deste projeto e a elas dedicamos nossa eterna gratidão. À Editora Brasport, em especial ao Sr. Sérgio Martins, pela confiança depositada na importância deste trabalho e na seriedade de seus autores.

Research paper thumbnail of Uso de técnicas de síntese de imagem aplicadas a um ambiente de representação de superfícies líquidas estáticas e dinâmicas

Research paper thumbnail of Uso da Transformada de Hough na Detecção de Círculos em Imagens Digitais

Palavras Chave -Processamento de Imagens Digitais, Transformada de Hough, Detecção de círculos em... more Palavras Chave -Processamento de Imagens Digitais, Transformada de Hough, Detecção de círculos em imagens digitais.

Research paper thumbnail of Apostila INPE

Research paper thumbnail of Projeto de Difusão de Software Livre e Automatização Administrativa

professora,, CCH/UENF RESUMO O Projeto objetiva a confecção de um web site e pro... more professora,, CCH/UENF RESUMO O Projeto objetiva a confecção de um web site e promocao de software livre para o colégio e elaboração de estratégias para melhor aproveitamento do seu laboratório de informática e secretaria.

Research paper thumbnail of OLIMPÍADAS DE MATEMÁTICA

De uma maneira geral, as Olimpíadas de Matemática municipais, são competições individuais de reso... more De uma maneira geral, as Olimpíadas de Matemática municipais, são competições individuais de resolução de problemas não-convencionais de Matemática que exigem alto grau de criatividade e imaginação e não necessitam de uso de fórmulas.

Research paper thumbnail of Laboratorio Multidisciplinar de Geoprocessamento

Research paper thumbnail of Sistema de Energia a Impacto Marítimo

Sistema de Energia a Impacto Marítimo RESUMO Sustentabilidade é um conceito sistêmico, relacionad... more Sistema de Energia a Impacto Marítimo RESUMO Sustentabilidade é um conceito sistêmico, relacionado com a continuidade dos aspectos econômicos, sociais, culturais e ambientais da sociedade humana. Propõe-se a ser um meio de configurar a civilização e atividade humanas, de tal forma que a sociedade, os seus membros e as suas economias possam preencher as suas necessidades e expressar o seu maior potencial no presente, e ao mesmo tempo preservar a biodiversidade e os ecossistemas naturais, planejando e agindo de forma a atingir pró-eficiência na manutenção indefinida desses ideais. A sustentabilidade abrange vários níveis de organização, desde a vizinhança local até o planeta inteiro. Para um empreendimento humano ser sustentável, tem de ter em vista 4 requisitos básicos: Empreendimento ecologicamente correcto; economicamente viável; socialmente justo; e culturalmente aceitável. Através de estudos sobre a unidade flutuante do tipo monocoluna -SSP300 -, constatamos que esta pode receber um Sistema Chapa-mola, o qual capta energia mecânica e converte em energia elétrica armazenada para utilização em instalações de serviços. Desta forma, temos um meio limpo e renovável de produção energética, podendo ser enquadrado no quadro de sustentabilidade.

Research paper thumbnail of Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Ciência da Computação - UENF

Research paper thumbnail of Projeto Pedagógico do Curso de Tecnólogo de Polímeros

Research paper thumbnail of Compiladores

Compilador _ De maneira geral, um compilador é um programa tradutor que transforma um programa es... more Compilador _ De maneira geral, um compilador é um programa tradutor que transforma um programa escrito em uma linguagem de programação de alto nível (Pascal, C)linguagem fonte (programa fonte)-em um programa equivalente em uma linguagem de baixo nível -linguagem objeto (programa objeto) Um Compilador C é um programa que tem a finalidade de traduzir ou converter um programa Pf (fonte) escrito numa linguagem Lf -linguagem fonte -para um programa Po (objeto) escrito numa outra linguagem Lo -linguagem objeto; Po é o resultado da tradução.

Research paper thumbnail of Problemas Inversos

Curso apresenta uma introdução sucinta aos problemas inversos. Primeiramente, conceito e classifi... more Curso apresenta uma introdução sucinta aos problemas inversos. Primeiramente, conceito e classificação de problemas inversos são descritos, para então serem comentadas algumas técnicas "clássicas" de solução -a ênfase do Mini-Curso estará centrada na técnica de regularização, onde vários exemplos são apresentados e discutidos. Contudo, a parte final do Mini-Curso está voltada a técnicas novas de solução de problemas inversos. Duas dessas técnicas serão analisadas: redes neurais e algoritmos genéticos. Estas duas técnicas serão testadas em problema inverso de condução de calor.

Research paper thumbnail of Acordo Ortográfico

Research paper thumbnail of SCILAB Tutorial for DSP

Research paper thumbnail of SCILAB na Engenharia

Research paper thumbnail of Introdução ao SCILAB 3.0

Research paper thumbnail of Programação SCILAB (Português)

Research paper thumbnail of Writing toolboxes for SCILAB in Windows

Research paper thumbnail of SCILAB TUTORIAL

Research paper thumbnail of Modeling and Simulation with SCILAB and SCICOS

Research paper thumbnail of Using the mathematical features of Word

Research paper thumbnail of Scilab Image Processing Toolbox SIP

Research paper thumbnail of Equivalence between MATLAB and SCILAB

Research paper thumbnail of Apostila de Computação gráfica

Research paper thumbnail of AULA1 PDI

Research paper thumbnail of AULA2 PDI

As operações aritméticas pixel a pixel são aquelas em que os valores dos pixels podem ser somados... more As operações aritméticas pixel a pixel são aquelas em que os valores dos pixels podem ser somados, diminuídos, multiplicados ou divididos, produzindo uma imagem resultado. Ex.: Seja a imagem binária abaixo (2 níveis) Lembre-se: 0 = preto 1 = branco

Research paper thumbnail of AULA 1 Proc. de Imagens

As operações aritméticas pixel a pixel são aquelas em que os valores dos pixels podem ser somados... more As operações aritméticas pixel a pixel são aquelas em que os valores dos pixels podem ser somados, diminuídos, multiplicados ou divididos, produzindo uma imagem resultado. Ex.: Seja a imagem binária abaixo (2 níveis) Lembre-se: 0 = preto 1 = branco

Research paper thumbnail of Circuitos Basicos de Automação

são mostrados alguns Diagramas de Passos.

Research paper thumbnail of A Robotica na Educação

Research paper thumbnail of Culinária Vegetariana

002@ABACATE ALASCA 2 abacates, 3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga, 2 colheres (sopa) de farinha de tri... more 002@ABACATE ALASCA 2 abacates, 3 colheres (sopa) de manteiga, 2 colheres (sopa) de farinha de trigo, 2 1/3 xícaras de leite, 3 ovos, sal, pimenta-do-reino, 100 g de queijo prato ralado, manteiga para untar a fôrma.

Research paper thumbnail of Culinaria: Soja e CIA

Research paper thumbnail of Culinaria SESC

mas coisas não podem faltar: uma boa receita, os ingredientes bem selecionados, os utensílios ade... more mas coisas não podem faltar: uma boa receita, os ingredientes bem selecionados, os utensílios adequados e , é claro, saber cozinhar. Mas se nada disso pode faltar, o melhor ainda é que nada possa sobrar. Isso por que uma boa cozinha é aquela onde nada é desperdiçado. Às vezes a gente não percebe, mas na nossa cozinha tem muita coisa indo para o lixo sem necessidade. São partes de alimentos como talos de verduras, cascas de frutas ou legumes, apenas para citar alguns exemplos, que podem ser aproveitados para preparar alimentos deliciosos e nutritivos. Isso significa economia e, especialmente, respeito, por que o que é desperdiçado em algum lugar, pode estar faltando em outro. No Brasil ainda existe muito desperdício de alimentos, são toneladas e toneladas que a cada dia se perdem. Nutrientes Vitaminas A e B1, Nessa receita foram usadas cascas de abacaxi, cenoura, mamão e melancia. Podem ser usadas também cascas de maçã, pêra, chuchu, beterraba, nabo, pêssego, caqui. Nutrientes Vitaminas A, C e B1,

Research paper thumbnail of Principal Component Analysis - Engineering Applications

This book is aimed at raising awareness of researchers, scientists, and engineers on the benefits... more This book is aimed at raising awareness of researchers, scientists, and engineers on the benefits of Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in data analysis. In this book, the reader will find the applications of PCA in fields such as energy, multi-sensor data fusion, materials science, gas chromatographic analysis, ecology, video and image processing, agriculture, color coating, climate and automatic target recognition.

Research paper thumbnail of Content Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) in Remote Clinical Diagnosis and Healthcare

Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) locates, retrieves and displays images alike to one given as... more Content-Based Image Retrieval (CBIR) locates, retrieves and displays images alike to one given as a query, using a set of features. It demands accessible data in medical archives and from medical equipment, to infer meaning after some processing. A problem similar in some sense to the target image can aid clinicians. CBIR complements text-based retrieval and improves evidence-based diagnosis, administration, teaching, and research in healthcare. It facilitates visual/automatic diagnosis and decision-making in real-time remote consultation/screening, store-and-forward tests, home care assistance and overall patient surveillance. Metrics help comparing visual data and improve diagnostic. Specially designed architectures can benefit from the application scenario. CBIR use calls for file storage standardization, querying procedures, efficient image transmission, realistic databases, global availability, access simplicity, and Internet-based structures. This chapter recommends important and complex aspects required to handle visual content in healthcare.

Research paper thumbnail of Dispositivos Inteligentes e Ferramentas de Análise para Estimular a Inovação na Internet das Coisas (Internet of Things ou IoT

A Internet das Coisas é um " espaço " em rápida evolução em que praticamente qualquer dispositivo... more A Internet das Coisas é um " espaço " em rápida evolução em que praticamente qualquer dispositivo de um telefone hardware inteligente móvel, um marca passo, um sensor de sinais vitais ou de fitness, até mesmo uma geladeira, podem ser conectados à internet para gerar e receber dados.