Marcos Alan Ferreira | UFPB - Universidade Federal da Paraíba (original) (raw)
Papers by Marcos Alan Ferreira
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2024
This article examines the role of grassroots actors in regions of violent conflict where competin... more This article examines the role of grassroots actors in regions of violent conflict where competing governance systems exists. Specifically, it focuses on those living in the borderlands of South America, where alternative forms of governance may be created in response to violence between state and criminal organizations. In this context, how can grassroots actors overcome protracted armed violence and establish new, legitimate forms of social governance? To explore this question, our methodology employs data triangulation, combining literature, news reports, and fieldwork data collected in two violence-prone territories: the borderlands of Cúcuta (Colombia)/Táchira state (Venezuela) and Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay)/Ponta Porã (Brazil). We argue that grassroots actors can develop innovative and alternative governance structures that differ from those of the state and criminal groups. This research also contributes to the ongoing discussion about the agency of local actors in violent conflicts between nonstate actors and the state. The findings demonstrate that grassroots actors in violent border regions can actively transform conflicts and build peace, particularly in areas such as migration, security, health, and education.
Peacebuilding, 2024
This article examines the relationship between state formation, symbolic violence, and the blurri... more This article examines the relationship between state formation, symbolic violence, and the blurring of public and private interests in Brazil. Drawing on a variety of sources – including academic literature, government reports, and media accounts – we use a historical approach to analyse how these factors have contributed to violence in Brazil, focusing on the case of the Northeast region. We argue that both symbolic violence and the problematisation regarding the separation between public and private interests have been overlooked in statebuilding literature. The blurring of public and private interests, grounded in symbolic violence (through the naturalisation of racism and aporophobia), contributes to sustained historical patterns of violence in Brazil. These patterns were introduced during the colonial period and have persisted to this day.
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2021
Link: This article analyzes ... more Link:
This article analyzes the practice and implications of criminal governance through the effective exercise of a system of parallel justice. It is examined the case of the Brazilian gang Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which since 1993 has evolved its scope moving from a powerful prison gang to a complex organization directed to drug trafficking, also having solid governance capacities in deprived urban areas. To examine PCC's judicial function of governance, our methodology is grounded in data triangulation, combining the analysis of documents from the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo state (Brazil), interviews, and literature review. The research confirms empirically earlier conceptual developments on judicial criminal governance by showing a sophisticated parallel justice system by PCC that is operational in three ways. First, PCC manages a trial and punishment system in spaces under their control. Also the gang conducts mechanisms of dispute resolutions for the civilians under their control. Lastly, judicial governance support debt collection and contract enforcement activities. Furthermore, the article innovates by detailing that PCC's judicial function has different purposes depending on the group's hegemony in a given social space, impacting the conditions of peace or violence in these places.
This article analyses how criminal governance creates blockages that prevent peace formation in L... more This article analyses how criminal governance creates blockages that prevent peace formation in Latin America. Two blockages emerge where criminal governance prevails: criminal structures do not reduce violence and also take advantage of cultural and structural violence; their legitimacy pushes the state away from citizens. Consequently, civil society usually responds in two ways: promoting alternative forms of political praxis against violence; fostering dialogue between political actors and civil society while building broader networks. Our argument shows that local agency has potential competences and the knowledge necessary to address criminal governance discursively, but its capacity to effect structural change is limited in direct terms.
Latin American Research Review, 2021
In several Latin American countries, social violence has risen to warlike levels. Nevertheless, l... more In several Latin American countries, social violence has risen to warlike levels. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to the extent of social violence and the new (informal) forms of governance generated by the so-called violent nonstate actors (VNSAs). Where a state's forces fail to provide for the physical protection and social security of its citizens, some areas are governed by a mix of formal (vertical) and informal (horizontal) forms of governance, mixing state and nonstate actors. In these socially bounded spaces, nonstate actors produce and distribute public goods similarly as the state does. In this article, we explore how hybrid governance has appeared in the South American region, considering the operation of two regional VNSAs, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) in Brazil and the Bandas Criminales (BACRIM) in Colombia. We show that such VNSAs are significant agents for security governance, as they challenge preconceived notions of state authority (legitimacy).
Em várias nações latino-americanas, a violência social atingiu níveis semelhantes aos da guerra. No entanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada à extensão da violência social e às novas formas (informais) de governança geradas pelos chamados atores não-estatais violentos (VNSAs). Onde os estados falham em prover a proteção física e a segurança social de seus cidadãos algumas áreas são governadas por uma mistura de formas de governança formal (vertical) e informal (horizontal), misturando atores estatais e não estatais. Nesses espaços socialmente delimitados, atores não-estatais produzem e distribuem bens públicos de forma semelhante ao Estado. Neste artigo, propomos explorar como a governança híbrida apareceu na região da América do Sul, considerando as operações de dois VNSAs regionais, o Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no Brasil e as Bandas Criminais (BACRIM) na Colômbia. Mostramos que tais VNSAs são agentes significativos para compreender a governança securitária na região, visto que desafiam noções preconcebidas sobre a autoridade estatal (legitimidade).
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 2021
This paper aims to expand the concept of hybrid governance and analyses the case of Rio Janeiro, ... more This paper aims to expand the concept of hybrid governance and analyses the case of Rio Janeiro, where criminal control coexists with the state. This study addresses the following research question: is Rio de Janeiro an important case for expanding the concept of hybrid governance in peace and security studies? The results show that not only can it be considered a space of hybrid governance, but also a dynamic hub with constant violence outbreaks with local and global impact.
Organized Crime; Hybrid Governance; Violent Non-State Actors; Rio de Janeiro
• Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto e distribuído sob os termos da Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
Trends in Organized Crime, 2018
This article aims to analyze the evolution of Brazilian criminal organization Primeiro Comando da... more This article aims to analyze the evolution of Brazilian criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC—First Command of the Capital), especially its transformation from a group advocating human rights to a transnational violent non-state actor. Created in the late 1990s by inmates at Taubate Prison, PCC is currently a key trigger of violence in South America. Since a massive attack performed in 2006 against security forces, the group continues to be highly operative, also coordinating drugs and arms smuggling in Brazil and abroad. A combination of sources supported this analysis of PCC’s evolution, mainly Brazilian official judicial minutes, NGOs reports, and news released from reputable sources. The article shows that PCC has gained strength in the 2010s, expanding illicit business operations in cooperation with other criminal groups. The results suggest that PCC's expansion has changed significantly since their beginnings, into an actor that poses a challenge for the building of peaceful society in all of South America.
Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 2023
This article analyzes the criminal governance exercised by the Mexican criminal organ-ization Car... more This article analyzes the criminal governance exercised by the Mexican criminal organ-ization Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), contributing to the scarce information available on this topic. Specifically, we ask how the CJNG has exercised territorial control to ensure the operation of its businesses, mostly concentrated in the production and sale of illegal drugs. Based on a small number of existing studies and publicly available information, we argue that the CJNG relies on a dual system of territorial control consisting of the prioritization of violent coercion vis-à-vis its opponents together with a discourse of protecting Mexicans sustained by selected initiatives to provide security and other basic services to the population to gain legitimacy. This combination has allowed the cartel to grow and expand rapidly over the last decade.
The articles published by Revista Científica General José María Córdova are Open Access under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives.
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios para la Paz y Conflictos, 2023
Esta investigación pretende contribuir a debates que incluyan manifestaciones de violencia social... more Esta investigación pretende contribuir a debates que incluyan manifestaciones de violencia social armada y el papel de actores no convencionales, como la agencia local (de abajo hacia arriba), en sus prácticas cotidianas de resiliencia y transmutación de conflictos. Como alternativa a la agenda vertical de promoción de la paz, examinamos el caso del Instituto Favela da Paz, un proyecto concebido y coordinado por vecinos del lugar que tiene como objetivo establecer, en múltiples frentes de acción, una comunidad sostenible guiada por una cultura de paz en el barrio Jardim Ângela, considerado por la ONU en la década de 1990 como uno de los barrios más peligrosos del mundo. Partimos de la premisa de que los debates que reflejan la violencia más allá de los contornos inmediatos del Estado siguen siendo limitados en las literaturas de paz convencionales y, sin embargo, merecen una mayor atención. A partir de investigaciones realizadas mediante la triangulación de datos oficiales, entrevistas y literatura especializada, se observó que las prácticas del Instituto Favela da Paz convergen intuitivamente con el enfoque de Formación de Paz de Oliver P. Richmond, al emancipar a los actores locales, conectados en redes transversales y transnacionales, en la promoción de la paz en sus propios términos.
Relaciones Internacionales, 2022
This essay discusses how criminal organizations in South America have reconfigured themselves in ... more This essay discusses how criminal organizations in South America have reconfigured themselves in the face of the pandemic scenario experienced since late 2019. In particular, it examines how the practices and actions carried out by these associations were carried forward in the pandemic, maintaining or even giving force the influence of crime on the life of South American society. It is argued that in order to understand criminal governance, it is essential to consider the discussion of how the territories in which these organizations operate are not in conflict with the state, but rather there is a hybrid governance in which criminal organizations and the state coexist as two sources of legitimacy and authority. There is a complementarity of actions, in which criminal organizations were seen during the pandemic occupying state functions in the adoption of protective measures, and provision of assistance, but always with a clear objective of maintaining the status quo of their illicit activities. In the end, it is clear that criminal organizations have consolidated themselves as a governance space recognized as legitimate during the pandemic, complementing and, perhaps even, eclipsing the role of state bureaucracy in the face of the seriousness of the health emergency experienced, especially in the cases of Brazil and Colombia.
Cadernos ENAP, 2022
O presente trabalho tem como foco o exame de um desafio de governança regional importante para o ... more O presente trabalho tem como foco o exame de um desafio de governança regional importante para o Brasil, ligado à implementação dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), e que demanda estreita cooperação com organismos internacionais: a promoção da paz e justiça diante de um contexto social permeado pela criminalidade organizada. Configurado como o 16o ODS, a temática “Paz, Justiça e Instituições Fortes” (ODS 16) aparece como uma das novidades entre as metas para o desenvolvimento divulgada em 2015 pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Em seu parágrafo 4º, o ODS 16 (ou ODS 16.4) coloca a meta de reduzir até 2030 “significativamente os fluxos financeiros e de armas ilegais, reforçar a recuperação e devolução de recursos roubados e combater todas as formas de crime organizado”
(ONU, 2015). No presente relatório, apresentamos como a temática pertinente ao 16.4 vem sendo debatida nos últimos anos em dois organismos regionais latino-americanos: União das Nações Sul-Americanas (Unasul) e Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA). Ao final, após comparar ambas organizações, examinamos as possibilidades que tal cooperação abre para a administração pública federal.
Peace & Change, 2022
Link to access: Brazil is one of the... more Link to access:
Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and the vast majority of victims of lethal violence are under 30 years of age. Given this context, it seems important to understand what the perceptions and experiences of young people are regarding peace, violence, and power. This article does this through a study of the views of 153 high school students in nine public institutions in three municipalities. Engaging with the debates on the “local turn” and on youth in peacebuilding, we show that young people, while embracing some values intrinsic to the influential “liberal peace discourse,” also express views that are critical of important assumptions that shape such discourse. Students also criticized entrenched dynamics of symbolic violence, such as machismo and racism, factors which affect their subjectivities of empowerment and agency. To reduce violence, participants reiterated the need to change values through critical (peace) education.
Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2021
Participation in democratic regimes has been a central issue in foreign policy (FP) studies. This... more Participation in democratic regimes has been a central issue in foreign policy (FP) studies. This article seeks to contribute to the empirical discussion about FP participation through the analysis of the public consultation process conducted by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with non-state actors in the context of the preparations for the Paris Climate Agreement (2015). We employed automated text analysis using Python and R qualifying open responses submitted to the questionnaire launched at the first round of the consultations process and comparing them to the official document presented by Brazil establishing its own carbon emission targets. We found that the Brazilian academia members had a relevant influence on the content of the final document presented by Brazil, strengthening the literature on the importance of the epistemic community to environmental politics and raising new questions on the paths of foreign policy influence.
Journal of Sociology and Theory of Religion, 2022
This article has as objective to discuss how the peace concept evolved along with the history, an... more This article has as objective to discuss how the peace concept evolved along with the history, and subsequently, to examine how this concept dialogue with the perspective provided by Bahá'í Faith according to authoritative texts and experts. Aiming to provide an overview for a discussion of a term in flux, this exploratory analysis was conducted aiming to respond to the following question: which are the interfaces between the discussion on peace developed by Peace Studies and the conceptual framework provided also on peace by Bahá'í Faith? The research shows that there are intersections both in concepts of peace and violence. Moreover, Bahá'í Faith brings an additional contribution to Peace Studies, which is a unique discussion on human nature and the principle of the oneness of mankind.
Conjuntura Austral, 2023
The present work analyzes the position of Russia in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) du... more The present work analyzes the position of Russia in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during the Syrian Civil War. The Syrian Civil War began in 2011 and continues to the present day. The conflict has generated several deaths, displacements and a humanitarian crisis that needs a resolution. In this scenario, a position from the UNSC and actions to resolve the case are expected. However, there is a lack of consensus among UNSC members and Russia played a central role, as it participated in the conflict in 2015, supported Bashar al-Assad and vetoed some resolution proposals on the conflict. For this important role, we seek to explore possible Russian motivations and interests that led to the lack of consensus in the UNSC regarding the Syrian conflict, under the lenses of offensive realism. Therefore, we present the Syrian conflict and its actors; then we discuss Russian foreign policy and its interests; finally, we explore the Russian position in the UNSC during the conflict. As a methodological basis, we start from an exploratory-descriptive analysis with data collection and documentary research based on the UNSC resolutions in the years 2012 to 2020. In conclusion, we emphasize that Syria is a central part of Russian foreign policy, with economic and strategic dimensions that overcome the civil conflict. Therefore, Russia continues to protect one of its allies in the region and maintains a zone of influence, in which, in addition to the economic and geopolitical advantages that its presence can guarantee, it also receives political and diplomatic support from Syria in its actions on the international stage.
Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD, 2022
This article addresses how China carries out Humanitarian Aid as a central instrument of its fore... more This article addresses how China carries out Humanitarian Aid as a central instrument of its foreign policy.The People’s Republic of China is increasingly inserted internationally and engages in partnerships and cooperation. Although it does not participate in many humanitarian actions, it has expanded its international engagement and provided humanitarian aid to its partners or nations in need. This article initially presents the context of what is meant by international cooperation and the concept of humanitarian aid. It then discusses the Chinese foreign policy and how it carries out its foreign aid and international cooperation. Finally, China’s role in global humanitarian aid is examined via a discussion of cases from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the China International Search and Rescue (CISAR)
Migration and Society, 2023
[Early View Open Access version of: Lugosi, P., Allis, T., Ferreira, M., Palacio Leite, E., Pesso... more [Early View Open Access version of: Lugosi, P., Allis, T., Ferreira, M., Palacio Leite, E., Pessoa,A., & Forman, R. (2023). Migrant visibility, agency and identity work in hospitality enterprises. Migration and Society, 6 (In-press). Please consult the final published version if citing.]
This article examines how migrants create value through food and hospitality-related enterprises, focusing on the ways in which they exercise their agency in mobilizing various cultural resources and on how their organizational practices intersect with identity work. Drawing on empirical research conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, the work explores how specific dishes, knowledge of foods, recipes, craft skills and migration histories are transformed into valued cultural resources in these realms of enterprise. The article explores three themes: first, how foods become "pliable heritage" through migrants' identity work; second, how migrants' ongoing identity work shapes their activities and experiences in food and hospitality businesses; and third, how migrants' individual identity work is entangled in collective interests and the activities of a wider set of (migrant) stakeholders.
Revista Paz y Conflictos, 2021
O presente artigo objetiva examinar como se configurou a Ajuda Humanitária em Aleppo no ano de 20... more O presente artigo objetiva examinar como se configurou a Ajuda Humanitária em Aleppo no ano de 2016, no contexto da guerra civil síria. O conflito na Síria começou com manifestações pacíficas contra o governo de Bashar Al-Assad e transformou-se em uma Guerra Civil em 2011. Devido à grande presença da resistência ao regime de Bashar Al-Assad estar concentrada na cidade de Aleppo, os embates resultaram em uma séria crise humanitária, aspecto que é o foco deste trabalho. Metodologicamente a pesquisa é uma análise exploratória, fundamentando-se em fontes documentais das organizações humanitárias que são trianguladas com a bibliografia especializada e análises de think-tanks. O artigo inicialmente busca abordar o conceito e discussão sobre Ajuda Humanitária, seus atores e ações. Em seguida, apresenta uma contextualização do conflito sírio e da Batalha de Aleppo. Por fim, examina a assistência realizada em Aleppo por três organizações Cruz Vermelha (em parceria com o Crescente Vermelho Árabe Sírio), os Médicos sem Fronteiras e os Capacetes Brancos. A investigação demonstrou que a ajuda humanitária foi realizada, apesar do intenso conflito na região, e que os atores humanitários buscaram garantir as necessidades básicas para os que permaneceram no país.
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS), 2017
Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, « Estudos Críticos da Paz e Crime Organizado Transnacional », Revista... more Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, « Estudos Críticos da Paz e Crime Organizado Transnacional », Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais [Online], 113 | 2017, colocado online no dia 27 Julho 2017, criado a 28 Julho 2017. URL :
This article aims to understand how key concepts in Peace Studies (PS), particularly its critical approach, can be useful in the analytical understanding of the ills inherent to Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). The article is structured in three parts. First, the differences between PS in its conventional and critical aspects is explored, followed by an analysis of TOC as a broad threat to peace that affects societies, be they in conflict or stable. Prior to the final considerations, the third part re -examines categories and conceptual frameworks of PS in the light of TOC, comparing other works and showing their limitations in understanding organized crime. This structure of reflection allows us to discuss critical analytical possibilities that encompass a consistent explanation of TOC in light of the conception of violence as proposed by Johan Galtung.
Keywords: drugs; illicit networks; organized crime; Peace Studies; violence.
Revista de Seguridad Internacional (RESI), 2020
Este artículo examina cómo el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) se estructura como un modelo part... more Este artículo examina cómo el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) se estructura como un modelo particular de organización criminal en Sudamérica, entre lo que podría considerarse un cartel de tercera generación y una proto-mafia. Tras el fin de los grandes carteles colombianos, las organizaciones criminales debieron modificar la forma en la que se estructuraban. Estos cambios, se tradujeron en una marcada fragmentación que generó una multiplicidad de organizaciones pequeñas en Sudamérica que lograron ingresar al mercado del tráfico de droga, impulsadas por la "democratización" de la cocaína. Sin embargo, en la última década en Brasil se ha visto el proceso contrario. Mientras que en Latinoamérica se pasó de la concentración a la fragmentación-de la existencia de los carteles a la proliferación de un gran número de estructuras criminales pequeñas-, en Brasil, el PCC ha dejado de estar fragmentado para concentrarse y multiplicar su poder, a partir de su presencia y fortaleza en todo el territorio nacional, pero también gracias a su transnacionalización hacia países productores de drogas como Paraguay, Bolivia y Perú. Cabe preguntarnos entonces si estamos frente al surgimiento de una nueva generación de estructuras criminales, que se auto-perciben como empresas transnacionales y que adoptan una forma distinta a la de los carteles tradicionales, mucho más flexible y capaz de adaptarse frente al cambio, lo que las vuelve similar a una mafia, aunque no se han consolidado como tales aún.
Conflict Resolution Quarterly, 2024
This article examines the role of grassroots actors in regions of violent conflict where competin... more This article examines the role of grassroots actors in regions of violent conflict where competing governance systems exists. Specifically, it focuses on those living in the borderlands of South America, where alternative forms of governance may be created in response to violence between state and criminal organizations. In this context, how can grassroots actors overcome protracted armed violence and establish new, legitimate forms of social governance? To explore this question, our methodology employs data triangulation, combining literature, news reports, and fieldwork data collected in two violence-prone territories: the borderlands of Cúcuta (Colombia)/Táchira state (Venezuela) and Pedro Juan Caballero (Paraguay)/Ponta Porã (Brazil). We argue that grassroots actors can develop innovative and alternative governance structures that differ from those of the state and criminal groups. This research also contributes to the ongoing discussion about the agency of local actors in violent conflicts between nonstate actors and the state. The findings demonstrate that grassroots actors in violent border regions can actively transform conflicts and build peace, particularly in areas such as migration, security, health, and education.
Peacebuilding, 2024
This article examines the relationship between state formation, symbolic violence, and the blurri... more This article examines the relationship between state formation, symbolic violence, and the blurring of public and private interests in Brazil. Drawing on a variety of sources – including academic literature, government reports, and media accounts – we use a historical approach to analyse how these factors have contributed to violence in Brazil, focusing on the case of the Northeast region. We argue that both symbolic violence and the problematisation regarding the separation between public and private interests have been overlooked in statebuilding literature. The blurring of public and private interests, grounded in symbolic violence (through the naturalisation of racism and aporophobia), contributes to sustained historical patterns of violence in Brazil. These patterns were introduced during the colonial period and have persisted to this day.
International Journal of Law, Crime and Justice, 2021
Link: This article analyzes ... more Link:
This article analyzes the practice and implications of criminal governance through the effective exercise of a system of parallel justice. It is examined the case of the Brazilian gang Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC), which since 1993 has evolved its scope moving from a powerful prison gang to a complex organization directed to drug trafficking, also having solid governance capacities in deprived urban areas. To examine PCC's judicial function of governance, our methodology is grounded in data triangulation, combining the analysis of documents from the Public Prosecutor's Office of São Paulo state (Brazil), interviews, and literature review. The research confirms empirically earlier conceptual developments on judicial criminal governance by showing a sophisticated parallel justice system by PCC that is operational in three ways. First, PCC manages a trial and punishment system in spaces under their control. Also the gang conducts mechanisms of dispute resolutions for the civilians under their control. Lastly, judicial governance support debt collection and contract enforcement activities. Furthermore, the article innovates by detailing that PCC's judicial function has different purposes depending on the group's hegemony in a given social space, impacting the conditions of peace or violence in these places.
This article analyses how criminal governance creates blockages that prevent peace formation in L... more This article analyses how criminal governance creates blockages that prevent peace formation in Latin America. Two blockages emerge where criminal governance prevails: criminal structures do not reduce violence and also take advantage of cultural and structural violence; their legitimacy pushes the state away from citizens. Consequently, civil society usually responds in two ways: promoting alternative forms of political praxis against violence; fostering dialogue between political actors and civil society while building broader networks. Our argument shows that local agency has potential competences and the knowledge necessary to address criminal governance discursively, but its capacity to effect structural change is limited in direct terms.
Latin American Research Review, 2021
In several Latin American countries, social violence has risen to warlike levels. Nevertheless, l... more In several Latin American countries, social violence has risen to warlike levels. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid to the extent of social violence and the new (informal) forms of governance generated by the so-called violent nonstate actors (VNSAs). Where a state's forces fail to provide for the physical protection and social security of its citizens, some areas are governed by a mix of formal (vertical) and informal (horizontal) forms of governance, mixing state and nonstate actors. In these socially bounded spaces, nonstate actors produce and distribute public goods similarly as the state does. In this article, we explore how hybrid governance has appeared in the South American region, considering the operation of two regional VNSAs, the Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) in Brazil and the Bandas Criminales (BACRIM) in Colombia. We show that such VNSAs are significant agents for security governance, as they challenge preconceived notions of state authority (legitimacy).
Em várias nações latino-americanas, a violência social atingiu níveis semelhantes aos da guerra. No entanto, pouca atenção tem sido dada à extensão da violência social e às novas formas (informais) de governança geradas pelos chamados atores não-estatais violentos (VNSAs). Onde os estados falham em prover a proteção física e a segurança social de seus cidadãos algumas áreas são governadas por uma mistura de formas de governança formal (vertical) e informal (horizontal), misturando atores estatais e não estatais. Nesses espaços socialmente delimitados, atores não-estatais produzem e distribuem bens públicos de forma semelhante ao Estado. Neste artigo, propomos explorar como a governança híbrida apareceu na região da América do Sul, considerando as operações de dois VNSAs regionais, o Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) no Brasil e as Bandas Criminais (BACRIM) na Colômbia. Mostramos que tais VNSAs são agentes significativos para compreender a governança securitária na região, visto que desafiam noções preconcebidas sobre a autoridade estatal (legitimidade).
Revista Brasileira de Política Internacional, 2021
This paper aims to expand the concept of hybrid governance and analyses the case of Rio Janeiro, ... more This paper aims to expand the concept of hybrid governance and analyses the case of Rio Janeiro, where criminal control coexists with the state. This study addresses the following research question: is Rio de Janeiro an important case for expanding the concept of hybrid governance in peace and security studies? The results show that not only can it be considered a space of hybrid governance, but also a dynamic hub with constant violence outbreaks with local and global impact.
Organized Crime; Hybrid Governance; Violent Non-State Actors; Rio de Janeiro
• Este é um artigo publicado em acesso aberto e distribuído sob os termos da Licença de Atribuição Creative Commons, que permite uso irrestrito, distribuição e reprodução em qualquer meio, desde que o autor e a fonte originais sejam creditados.
Trends in Organized Crime, 2018
This article aims to analyze the evolution of Brazilian criminal organization Primeiro Comando da... more This article aims to analyze the evolution of Brazilian criminal organization Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC—First Command of the Capital), especially its transformation from a group advocating human rights to a transnational violent non-state actor. Created in the late 1990s by inmates at Taubate Prison, PCC is currently a key trigger of violence in South America. Since a massive attack performed in 2006 against security forces, the group continues to be highly operative, also coordinating drugs and arms smuggling in Brazil and abroad. A combination of sources supported this analysis of PCC’s evolution, mainly Brazilian official judicial minutes, NGOs reports, and news released from reputable sources. The article shows that PCC has gained strength in the 2010s, expanding illicit business operations in cooperation with other criminal groups. The results suggest that PCC's expansion has changed significantly since their beginnings, into an actor that poses a challenge for the building of peaceful society in all of South America.
Revista Científica General José María Córdova, 2023
This article analyzes the criminal governance exercised by the Mexican criminal organ-ization Car... more This article analyzes the criminal governance exercised by the Mexican criminal organ-ization Cartel Jalisco Nueva Generación (CJNG), contributing to the scarce information available on this topic. Specifically, we ask how the CJNG has exercised territorial control to ensure the operation of its businesses, mostly concentrated in the production and sale of illegal drugs. Based on a small number of existing studies and publicly available information, we argue that the CJNG relies on a dual system of territorial control consisting of the prioritization of violent coercion vis-à-vis its opponents together with a discourse of protecting Mexicans sustained by selected initiatives to provide security and other basic services to the population to gain legitimacy. This combination has allowed the cartel to grow and expand rapidly over the last decade.
The articles published by Revista Científica General José María Córdova are Open Access under a Creative Commons license: Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives.
Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios para la Paz y Conflictos, 2023
Esta investigación pretende contribuir a debates que incluyan manifestaciones de violencia social... more Esta investigación pretende contribuir a debates que incluyan manifestaciones de violencia social armada y el papel de actores no convencionales, como la agencia local (de abajo hacia arriba), en sus prácticas cotidianas de resiliencia y transmutación de conflictos. Como alternativa a la agenda vertical de promoción de la paz, examinamos el caso del Instituto Favela da Paz, un proyecto concebido y coordinado por vecinos del lugar que tiene como objetivo establecer, en múltiples frentes de acción, una comunidad sostenible guiada por una cultura de paz en el barrio Jardim Ângela, considerado por la ONU en la década de 1990 como uno de los barrios más peligrosos del mundo. Partimos de la premisa de que los debates que reflejan la violencia más allá de los contornos inmediatos del Estado siguen siendo limitados en las literaturas de paz convencionales y, sin embargo, merecen una mayor atención. A partir de investigaciones realizadas mediante la triangulación de datos oficiales, entrevistas y literatura especializada, se observó que las prácticas del Instituto Favela da Paz convergen intuitivamente con el enfoque de Formación de Paz de Oliver P. Richmond, al emancipar a los actores locales, conectados en redes transversales y transnacionales, en la promoción de la paz en sus propios términos.
Relaciones Internacionales, 2022
This essay discusses how criminal organizations in South America have reconfigured themselves in ... more This essay discusses how criminal organizations in South America have reconfigured themselves in the face of the pandemic scenario experienced since late 2019. In particular, it examines how the practices and actions carried out by these associations were carried forward in the pandemic, maintaining or even giving force the influence of crime on the life of South American society. It is argued that in order to understand criminal governance, it is essential to consider the discussion of how the territories in which these organizations operate are not in conflict with the state, but rather there is a hybrid governance in which criminal organizations and the state coexist as two sources of legitimacy and authority. There is a complementarity of actions, in which criminal organizations were seen during the pandemic occupying state functions in the adoption of protective measures, and provision of assistance, but always with a clear objective of maintaining the status quo of their illicit activities. In the end, it is clear that criminal organizations have consolidated themselves as a governance space recognized as legitimate during the pandemic, complementing and, perhaps even, eclipsing the role of state bureaucracy in the face of the seriousness of the health emergency experienced, especially in the cases of Brazil and Colombia.
Cadernos ENAP, 2022
O presente trabalho tem como foco o exame de um desafio de governança regional importante para o ... more O presente trabalho tem como foco o exame de um desafio de governança regional importante para o Brasil, ligado à implementação dos Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS), e que demanda estreita cooperação com organismos internacionais: a promoção da paz e justiça diante de um contexto social permeado pela criminalidade organizada. Configurado como o 16o ODS, a temática “Paz, Justiça e Instituições Fortes” (ODS 16) aparece como uma das novidades entre as metas para o desenvolvimento divulgada em 2015 pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU). Em seu parágrafo 4º, o ODS 16 (ou ODS 16.4) coloca a meta de reduzir até 2030 “significativamente os fluxos financeiros e de armas ilegais, reforçar a recuperação e devolução de recursos roubados e combater todas as formas de crime organizado”
(ONU, 2015). No presente relatório, apresentamos como a temática pertinente ao 16.4 vem sendo debatida nos últimos anos em dois organismos regionais latino-americanos: União das Nações Sul-Americanas (Unasul) e Organização dos Estados Americanos (OEA). Ao final, após comparar ambas organizações, examinamos as possibilidades que tal cooperação abre para a administração pública federal.
Peace & Change, 2022
Link to access: Brazil is one of the... more Link to access:
Brazil is one of the most violent countries in the world, and the vast majority of victims of lethal violence are under 30 years of age. Given this context, it seems important to understand what the perceptions and experiences of young people are regarding peace, violence, and power. This article does this through a study of the views of 153 high school students in nine public institutions in three municipalities. Engaging with the debates on the “local turn” and on youth in peacebuilding, we show that young people, while embracing some values intrinsic to the influential “liberal peace discourse,” also express views that are critical of important assumptions that shape such discourse. Students also criticized entrenched dynamics of symbolic violence, such as machismo and racism, factors which affect their subjectivities of empowerment and agency. To reduce violence, participants reiterated the need to change values through critical (peace) education.
Journal of Politics in Latin America, 2021
Participation in democratic regimes has been a central issue in foreign policy (FP) studies. This... more Participation in democratic regimes has been a central issue in foreign policy (FP) studies. This article seeks to contribute to the empirical discussion about FP participation through the analysis of the public consultation process conducted by the Brazilian Ministry of Foreign Affairs with non-state actors in the context of the preparations for the Paris Climate Agreement (2015). We employed automated text analysis using Python and R qualifying open responses submitted to the questionnaire launched at the first round of the consultations process and comparing them to the official document presented by Brazil establishing its own carbon emission targets. We found that the Brazilian academia members had a relevant influence on the content of the final document presented by Brazil, strengthening the literature on the importance of the epistemic community to environmental politics and raising new questions on the paths of foreign policy influence.
Journal of Sociology and Theory of Religion, 2022
This article has as objective to discuss how the peace concept evolved along with the history, an... more This article has as objective to discuss how the peace concept evolved along with the history, and subsequently, to examine how this concept dialogue with the perspective provided by Bahá'í Faith according to authoritative texts and experts. Aiming to provide an overview for a discussion of a term in flux, this exploratory analysis was conducted aiming to respond to the following question: which are the interfaces between the discussion on peace developed by Peace Studies and the conceptual framework provided also on peace by Bahá'í Faith? The research shows that there are intersections both in concepts of peace and violence. Moreover, Bahá'í Faith brings an additional contribution to Peace Studies, which is a unique discussion on human nature and the principle of the oneness of mankind.
Conjuntura Austral, 2023
The present work analyzes the position of Russia in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) du... more The present work analyzes the position of Russia in the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) during the Syrian Civil War. The Syrian Civil War began in 2011 and continues to the present day. The conflict has generated several deaths, displacements and a humanitarian crisis that needs a resolution. In this scenario, a position from the UNSC and actions to resolve the case are expected. However, there is a lack of consensus among UNSC members and Russia played a central role, as it participated in the conflict in 2015, supported Bashar al-Assad and vetoed some resolution proposals on the conflict. For this important role, we seek to explore possible Russian motivations and interests that led to the lack of consensus in the UNSC regarding the Syrian conflict, under the lenses of offensive realism. Therefore, we present the Syrian conflict and its actors; then we discuss Russian foreign policy and its interests; finally, we explore the Russian position in the UNSC during the conflict. As a methodological basis, we start from an exploratory-descriptive analysis with data collection and documentary research based on the UNSC resolutions in the years 2012 to 2020. In conclusion, we emphasize that Syria is a central part of Russian foreign policy, with economic and strategic dimensions that overcome the civil conflict. Therefore, Russia continues to protect one of its allies in the region and maintains a zone of influence, in which, in addition to the economic and geopolitical advantages that its presence can guarantee, it also receives political and diplomatic support from Syria in its actions on the international stage.
Monções: Revista de Relações Internacionais da UFGD, 2022
This article addresses how China carries out Humanitarian Aid as a central instrument of its fore... more This article addresses how China carries out Humanitarian Aid as a central instrument of its foreign policy.The People’s Republic of China is increasingly inserted internationally and engages in partnerships and cooperation. Although it does not participate in many humanitarian actions, it has expanded its international engagement and provided humanitarian aid to its partners or nations in need. This article initially presents the context of what is meant by international cooperation and the concept of humanitarian aid. It then discusses the Chinese foreign policy and how it carries out its foreign aid and international cooperation. Finally, China’s role in global humanitarian aid is examined via a discussion of cases from the People’s Liberation Army (PLA) and the China International Search and Rescue (CISAR)
Migration and Society, 2023
[Early View Open Access version of: Lugosi, P., Allis, T., Ferreira, M., Palacio Leite, E., Pesso... more [Early View Open Access version of: Lugosi, P., Allis, T., Ferreira, M., Palacio Leite, E., Pessoa,A., & Forman, R. (2023). Migrant visibility, agency and identity work in hospitality enterprises. Migration and Society, 6 (In-press). Please consult the final published version if citing.]
This article examines how migrants create value through food and hospitality-related enterprises, focusing on the ways in which they exercise their agency in mobilizing various cultural resources and on how their organizational practices intersect with identity work. Drawing on empirical research conducted in São Paulo, Brazil, the work explores how specific dishes, knowledge of foods, recipes, craft skills and migration histories are transformed into valued cultural resources in these realms of enterprise. The article explores three themes: first, how foods become "pliable heritage" through migrants' identity work; second, how migrants' ongoing identity work shapes their activities and experiences in food and hospitality businesses; and third, how migrants' individual identity work is entangled in collective interests and the activities of a wider set of (migrant) stakeholders.
Revista Paz y Conflictos, 2021
O presente artigo objetiva examinar como se configurou a Ajuda Humanitária em Aleppo no ano de 20... more O presente artigo objetiva examinar como se configurou a Ajuda Humanitária em Aleppo no ano de 2016, no contexto da guerra civil síria. O conflito na Síria começou com manifestações pacíficas contra o governo de Bashar Al-Assad e transformou-se em uma Guerra Civil em 2011. Devido à grande presença da resistência ao regime de Bashar Al-Assad estar concentrada na cidade de Aleppo, os embates resultaram em uma séria crise humanitária, aspecto que é o foco deste trabalho. Metodologicamente a pesquisa é uma análise exploratória, fundamentando-se em fontes documentais das organizações humanitárias que são trianguladas com a bibliografia especializada e análises de think-tanks. O artigo inicialmente busca abordar o conceito e discussão sobre Ajuda Humanitária, seus atores e ações. Em seguida, apresenta uma contextualização do conflito sírio e da Batalha de Aleppo. Por fim, examina a assistência realizada em Aleppo por três organizações Cruz Vermelha (em parceria com o Crescente Vermelho Árabe Sírio), os Médicos sem Fronteiras e os Capacetes Brancos. A investigação demonstrou que a ajuda humanitária foi realizada, apesar do intenso conflito na região, e que os atores humanitários buscaram garantir as necessidades básicas para os que permaneceram no país.
Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais (RCCS), 2017
Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, « Estudos Críticos da Paz e Crime Organizado Transnacional », Revista... more Marcos Alan S. V. Ferreira, « Estudos Críticos da Paz e Crime Organizado Transnacional », Revista Crítica de Ciências Sociais [Online], 113 | 2017, colocado online no dia 27 Julho 2017, criado a 28 Julho 2017. URL :
This article aims to understand how key concepts in Peace Studies (PS), particularly its critical approach, can be useful in the analytical understanding of the ills inherent to Transnational Organized Crime (TOC). The article is structured in three parts. First, the differences between PS in its conventional and critical aspects is explored, followed by an analysis of TOC as a broad threat to peace that affects societies, be they in conflict or stable. Prior to the final considerations, the third part re -examines categories and conceptual frameworks of PS in the light of TOC, comparing other works and showing their limitations in understanding organized crime. This structure of reflection allows us to discuss critical analytical possibilities that encompass a consistent explanation of TOC in light of the conception of violence as proposed by Johan Galtung.
Keywords: drugs; illicit networks; organized crime; Peace Studies; violence.
Revista de Seguridad Internacional (RESI), 2020
Este artículo examina cómo el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) se estructura como un modelo part... more Este artículo examina cómo el Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) se estructura como un modelo particular de organización criminal en Sudamérica, entre lo que podría considerarse un cartel de tercera generación y una proto-mafia. Tras el fin de los grandes carteles colombianos, las organizaciones criminales debieron modificar la forma en la que se estructuraban. Estos cambios, se tradujeron en una marcada fragmentación que generó una multiplicidad de organizaciones pequeñas en Sudamérica que lograron ingresar al mercado del tráfico de droga, impulsadas por la "democratización" de la cocaína. Sin embargo, en la última década en Brasil se ha visto el proceso contrario. Mientras que en Latinoamérica se pasó de la concentración a la fragmentación-de la existencia de los carteles a la proliferación de un gran número de estructuras criminales pequeñas-, en Brasil, el PCC ha dejado de estar fragmentado para concentrarse y multiplicar su poder, a partir de su presencia y fortaleza en todo el territorio nacional, pero también gracias a su transnacionalización hacia países productores de drogas como Paraguay, Bolivia y Perú. Cabe preguntarnos entonces si estamos frente al surgimiento de una nueva generación de estructuras criminales, que se auto-perciben como empresas transnacionales y que adoptan una forma distinta a la de los carteles tradicionales, mucho más flexible y capaz de adaptarse frente al cambio, lo que las vuelve similar a una mafia, aunque no se han consolidado como tales aún.
IDESF, 2024
O livro “Defesa e segurança nas fronteiras amazônicas” reúne estudos de diversos autores e pesqui... more O livro “Defesa e segurança nas fronteiras amazônicas” reúne estudos de diversos autores e pesquisadores sobre temas importantes para o Brasil e demais países amazônicos, como questões de soberania, segurança e desenvolvimento sustentável, sob a perspectiva dos desafios e as oportunidades presentes na Amazônia, com foco na promoção da paz e da segurança regional.
A publicação é resultado de uma das ações do projeto de pesquisa “Defesa Nacional, Fronteiras e Migrações (PROCAD-Defesa)”, financiado pela Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) e pelo Ministério da Defesa. Ele representa um esforço conjunto de pesquisadores e instituições dedicados a investigar questões cruciais para a segurança e a soberania do Brasil, especialmente na
região amazônica.
Organizadores: Tássio Franchi, Marcos Alan Ferreira e Tomaz Espósito Neto.
Full book in: This edited volume examin... more Full book in:
This edited volume examines how the multiple manifestations of social violence in Brazil impacts the building of a peaceful society. The chapters reflect on the role of state, organized crime and civil society. They provide a unique analysis of how the Brazilian state deals with criminal violence, but also finds challenges to comply with Sustainable Development Goal 16, to interdict police violence, and to provide an efficient gun policy. The book shows the agency of civil society in a violent society, in which NGOs and communities engage in key peace formation action, including advocacy for human rights and promoting arts. The overall aim of this book is to advance the research agenda regarding the intersections between peace, public security, and violence, under the lens of peace studies. In Brazil, the challenges to peace differ markedly from areas in regular conflict.
É notável a qualidade e quantidade de novos pesquisadores se debruçando em compreender como o tra... more É notável a qualidade e quantidade de novos pesquisadores se debruçando em compreender como o transcendente afeta a política internacional. Tem sido cada vez mais natural a busca de discentes em pesquisar temas como o papel da Igreja Católica na mediação de conflitos, os aportes das tradições hindus e budistas na paz, a contribuição das religiões africanas na compreensão da política, dentre outros temas de igual relevância. Intrinsecamente ligado a este primeiro aspecto, está a realização de eventos sobre o tema no país. Dentre estes, destacamos aqui o I Encontro Nacional de Política, Religião e Relações Internacionais (ENAPRIR), realizado em 2019 na Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB), realizado pelo CEPRIR (Centro de Estudos em Política, Religião e Relações Internacionais). O Centro surge, no ano de 2017, com o objetivo de preencher uma lacuna de amplo diâmetro existente entre os internacionalistas brasileiros, que resulta de um profundo vazio de produção e reflexão sobre tal tema, um mais emblemáticos da interação humana. Sua formação está ligada à identificação, por parte de seus fundadores, do pouco espaço fornecido pelas instituições e, por conseguinte, grandes eventos de Relações Internacionais e Política no Brasil, para o debate aberto sobre a religião e seus temas correlatos. Dessa forma, o Encontro congregou cerca de cem pesquisadores de todos os cantos do país e permitiu um frutífero debate sobre a atuação da religião no contexto contemporâneo de uma política polarizada e que flerta com um passado que gostaríamos de ter esquecido. Na ocasião, os organizadores notaram que os debates ali propostos não poderiam ficar limitados aos muros da universidade. Logo se notou que ampliar o debate, compartilhar os achados científicos e explorar novos caminhos da interconexão religião/relações internacionais seria fundamental. Esta obra é fruto deste memorável encontro. Ele congrega perspectivas diversas de intelectuais de todo o Brasil. Suas análises apresentam em comum um aspecto: religião e relações internacionais podem, definitivamente, ser reconciliadas e compreendidas como dois fenômenos sociais que dialogam – e precisam dialogar – na construção de atores e processos sociais.
Book published in 2020 presenting the main theories and concepts on Foreign Policy Analysis.
Versão impressa disponível na Amazon: Os Estudos par... more Versão impressa disponível na Amazon:
Os Estudos para a Paz constituem uma área do conhecimento voltada ao estudo do fenômeno da violência e do conflito e à sua redução em distintas esferas. Como uma área consolidada desde finais dos anos 1950, os EPP têm contribuído decisivamente para os debates de políticas públicas internacionais, tanto pela promoção de mediação, reconciliação e transformação de conflitos armados quanto pela promoção do debate sobre o próprio conceito de paz, não mais focado apenas na cessação de violência armada entre beligerantes, mas entendido como um conceito que inclui elementos 'positivos', como acesso à justiça, bem-estar social e equanimidade. A presente obra tem como objetivo atender a uma crescente demanda por literatura em língua portuguesa na área de Estudos para a Paz. Visa facilitar a divulgação do conhecimento sobre a promoção da paz e seus conceitos em cursos de graduação e pós-graduação, bem como para pessoas que trabalhem diretamente com atividades que visam a redução da violência e a promoção de valores que reafirmem a paz como princípio fundamental da sociedade. Com a colaboração de acadêmicos do Brasil, Portugal, Moçambique e Estados Unidos, esta obra tem um caráter introdutório, unindo conceitos elementares que compõem o pano de fundo da área a discussões aprofundadas sobre temas centrais desta agenda.
UFPB, 2019
This book examines two major contemporary social challenges: Political Polarizations and Socioeco... more This book examines two major contemporary social challenges: Political Polarizations and Socioeconomic Inequalities in Latin America and Europe. The regional focus is explained by the origin of this work: the institutional partnership between the Department of International Relations at UFPB and the Social Sciences Program at the University of Vechta, Germany.
UFPB, 2019
Strategic and International Security Studies are here investigated through discussions on Militar... more Strategic and International Security Studies are here investigated through discussions on Military Transformation, Defense Cooperation, New Technologies for Military Use, Public Policies in the Defense Sector, Geopolitics, Emerging Powers, Violent Non-State Actors and Terrorism. An invitation to reflect on the Strategy and to understand the phenomenon of war, the use of military force, and the loss of the monopoly of force by the State.
Defesa e Segurança nas Fronteiras Amazônicas, 2024
Com esse contexto em mente, objetiva-se analisar neste capítulo, à luz dos estudos a respeito da ... more Com esse contexto em mente, objetiva-se analisar neste capítulo,
à luz dos estudos a respeito da paz e do conceito de governança
híbrida, a convergência criminal nas terras indígenas brasileiras e os
seus mecanismos para garantir legitimidade paralela/criminal no local,
dentro do período de 2017 a 2023.
The Quest for the Sustainable Development Goals, 2024
In the current era in which the discussion on the 2030 Agenda and its objectives are at the cente... more In the current era in which the discussion on the 2030 Agenda and its objectives are at the center of debate on development and peace, it is key to discuss the extent to which a violent state affects the fulfillment of the global goals of the SDG 16. While usually the state is a central actor to promote the SDG, there are also cases in which the state serves as a block¬age to peace, as shown by a recent literature. Institutions and its process not only serve as peacebuilders, but also as a blockage that works as a counter-peace, which seems the case of the Brazilian state. This chapter aims to observe the compliance of the SDG 16 goal in Brazil as well as point out more directly the state actions related to it. To do so, we triangu¬late data provided by the IPEA (Institute of Applied Economic Research, Brazil), Brazilian Public Security Forum (FBSP), and UNODC, combined with analysis of current news on the issue. Our argument here is that the historical background normalizes the state violence, which makes the implementation of the 16th Goal more difficult in Brazil.
Violência, segurança pública, eugenia e direitos humanos, 2023
In: Luziana Ramalho Ribeiro, José Welhinjton Cavalcante Rodrigues. Violência, segurança pública,... more In: Luziana Ramalho Ribeiro, José Welhinjton Cavalcante Rodrigues.
Violência, segurança pública, eugenia e direitos humanos
João Pessoa, Editora CCTA
Mano Dura Policies in Latin America, 2023
(To have access to full text, please send direct message to author) This chapter examines how st... more (To have access to full text, please send direct message to author)
This chapter examines how state violence in Brazil can be understood in a historical continuum. It then discusses the securitization of the impoverished population in contemporary Brazil and focuses on the mano dura strategies of the Brazilian state as a reflection of the historically perverse state, which translates into important recent policies with great impact on the population, such as the Guarantee of Law and Order military operations against crime as well as arms liberalization policies under the Jair Bolsonaro administration. Currently, Brazil ranks as one of the most violent countries in the world and its citizens experience the collateral effects of a society with high levels of criminal violence. Citizens also endure state violence due to mano dura policies, especially. While in 1964–1985 the institutionalized approach was clear and victimized mostly critics of the regime, in the following years Brazil witnessed an increase in armed social violence putting in the clash between gangs and the state.
Afeto e autoritarismo, expressões psicossociais da política brasileira, 2023
Neste capítulo, optamos por olhar para outro espectro da juventude: os jovens que ascenderam a um... more Neste capítulo, optamos por olhar para outro espectro da juventude: os jovens que ascenderam a uma posição de poder importante, tornando- -se deputados federais. O objetivo foi examinar como eles se posicionam e constroem os afetos em seus discursos públicos. Entendemos que esses afetos podem tanto corroborar a democracia e valores como empatia, inclusão e respeito, como também podem instigar valores e políticas opostas, alinhadas com tendências autoritárias. Nesse sentido, este capítulo parte de um pressuposto muito simples: os jovens têm potencial tanto para fomentar a paz quanto a violência e os afetos construídos, quando não manipulados, constituem elementos essenciais para se compreender essa agência.
Política Internacional nas Américas: desafios e tensões no século XXI., 2022
SUAREZ, Marcial (org.) Política Internacional nas Américas: desafios e tensões no século XXI. Nit... more SUAREZ, Marcial (org.) Política Internacional nas Américas: desafios e tensões no século XXI. Niterói : EdUFF, 2022.
Pandemic Pedagogy: Teaching International Relations Amid COVID-19, 2022
This chapter aims to present how International Relations (IR) bachelor's programs in Brazil have ... more This chapter aims to present how International Relations (IR) bachelor's programs in Brazil have adapted to changes to online instructions in the context of the emergence of the COVID-19 pandemic. In particular, we focus on the adaptations experienced by public universities, which stand out for their quality in teaching, research, and outreach in the context of higher education in Brazil. As developed by previous studies, public institutions multiplied in emerging fields of knowledge in Latin America. IR is one of these fields, experiencing a development never seen before with the support of easing regulation, increasing public investments, and, in some cases, the growing interest of public opinion on a particular topic. From 2002 to 2020, 27 new IR programs were created in Brazilian public universities, in all regions of the country. Nevertheless, most of these institutions were not prepared for distance education, being severely affected by COVID-19 pandemics. Besides, this emergency hit Brazil amid an ongoing political and economic crisis, which was aggravated by socioeconomic, health, organizational, technical, and operational challenges. As a consequence, most of these institutions had to abruptly stop teaching activities. In some cases, going online revealed several challenges, beyond internet access. Using as methodology an interpretative analysis grounded in participatory observation and surveys conducted by federal universities with stakeholders, our research points to the challenges to prepare a safe environment to learn in a public health emergency and the negative effects of structural and conjunctural uncertainties in learning.
Peace and Violence in Brazil, 2021
Full text:\_1 Taking as a starting po... more Full text:
Taking as a starting point that Brazil cannot be analyzed without a thorough analysis of its sociogeographical surroundings—in this case, the subcontinent of South America—this chapter aims to offer an alternative perspective, based on the concepts of Peace Studies, for understanding the violence and social conflicts in South America. Although this approach is appropriate for understanding the direct and structural violence that permeates South American societies, Peace Studies has rarely been applied to the analysis of the region’s social conflicts. However, traditional approaches to the study of international security are inadequate to understand the current violence in South America. The chapter will first provide the current status of the study of violent conflicts in South America, explaining the conceptual frameworks most commonly used to observe social conflict and violence in the region: state-centered theories, the Copenhagen School, and the human security approach. The relevant concepts of Peace Studies will then be explored as a means to revisit the alarming prevalence of violent deaths, direct, and structural violence seen in poor neighborhoods of South America. The chapter concludes by demonstrating that concepts such as structural violence and positive peace create new opportunities for a multidisciplinary analysis.
Peace and Violence in Brazil, 2022
Ferreira, Marcos Alan. Introduction: examining peace and violence in Brazil. In: Ferreira M.A. (e... more Ferreira, Marcos Alan. Introduction: examining peace and violence in Brazil. In: Ferreira M.A. (eds) Peace and Violence in Brazil. Palgrave Macmillan, Cham.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace and Conflict Studies, 2021
This entry examines state violence in South America, and how civil society reacts to this phenome... more This entry examines state violence in South America, and how civil society reacts to this phenomenon, especially in the recent decades since the military dictatorships. The systematic state violence during military dictatorships from the 1960s to 1990s devastated the social fabric, leading to approximately 40,000 deaths and disappearances and 100,000 tortured people (Loveman 2011), including political leaders who would later become presidents in their countries.
Decolonising Conflicts, Security, Peace, Gender, Environment and Development in the Anthropocene, 2021
This chapter examines the role of violent non-state actors (VNSA) and their capacity to offer gov... more This chapter examines the role of violent non-state actors (VNSA) and their capacity to offer governance in competition with the Brazilian state, specifically in poor urban communities, where state security forces fail to provide the basic needs of their citizens in terms of physical protection, human dignity and social security – primarily in areas with a high level of structural violence. Scholars have pointed to the emergence of areas that are not governed by the State. In such cases, informal governance structures led by criminal organisations emerge and unbalance actors and processes aiming a sustainable peace. Using the case study method on two criminal organisations – Primeiro Comando da Capital (PCC) (First Capital Command) and Família do Norte (FDN) (Northern Family) – the chapter argues that the State’s failure or negligence in the areas with high structural violence in the cities give these VNSAs legitimacy, promoting rules of conviviality, resolution of litigation and also promoting material goods for their criminal members.
Religião e Relações Internacionais: reflexões rumo a um contexto pós-laicista, 2020
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace & Conflict Studies, 2020
The definition of urban violence can have multiple meanings (Moser 2004; Pavoni and Tulumello 201... more The definition of urban violence can have multiple meanings (Moser 2004; Pavoni and Tulumello 2018) – as expected in all discussions concerned to analyze violence – but for this entry, we follow the definition that urban violence “as the interplay between representations and the reality that people experience in certain urban environments. In other words, the city is generally referred to as a dangerous place because, the discourse says, dangerous populations live there in dangerous neighborhoods and make life unbearable for others” (Body-Gendrot 1995, p. 525). This definition is seconded by Pavoni and Tulumello (2018, p. 12) because “it can provide a further challenge to the ‘urban age’ thesis and its reductionist characterisation of the urban as a mere question of (human) inhabitation” opening the analysis for a “whole array of other entities, practices, and relations that constitute the urban,” including the manifestation of violent crime. In particular, violent crime is a key obstacle to peace in some countries, like Brazil, El Salvador, and South Africa. Those latter cases will be better examined in this entry.
The Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace & Conflict Studies, 2020
South America is a sub-continent of the Americas that comprises 12 sovereign states (Argentina, B... more South America is a sub-continent of the Americas that comprises 12 sovereign states (Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Guyana, Paraguay, Peru, Suriname, Uruguay, and Venezuela), the British overseas territory Falkland Islands (disputed by Argentina), and a French overseas department, French Guyana. Despite a nineteenth-century mostly built on independence wars and social conflicts, currently the sub-continent is seen by some analysts and international organizations as a peaceful region, especially in terms of the low number of inter-state conflicts in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries (Kacowicz 1998; Holsti 1996; UNGA 2003; see also Kurtenbach 2019). However, if violence is studied beyond inter-state tensions and we focus on armed social violence (Pearce 2012), it becomes clear that the absence of conflicts between states does not mean a peaceful environment (Pearce and Perea 2019; Perea 2019; Kurtenbach 2019).
Palgrave Encyclopedia of Peace & Conflict Studies, 2020
The Federative Republic of Brazil is a country located in South America, the largest in its subre... more The Federative Republic of Brazil is a country located in South America, the largest in its subregion and the fifth in the world in terms of size. Its history is marked by colonization by Portugal between 1500 and 1822, a monarchic period from 1822 to 1889, followed by the Republican era lasting from 1889 to the present. Unlike the image of peace and joy that often permeates the country due to its low participation in international conflicts, Brazil has a background of numerous conflicts and intense violence, often related to struggles against inequality, discrimination, and minorities recognition. Currently, the main challenge is chronic social violence, mostly related to the clashes between organized crime and the state. Brazil ranks as one of the most violent countries in the world and its citizens, even those not involved in illicit networks, experience the collateral effects of a society with high levels of violence (robbery, homicides, violence against women, etc.), especially those living in poor urban areas.
Polarizações Políticas e desigualdades socioeconômicas na América Latina e Europa, 2019
Book chapter published in: Castro, Aline; Ferreira, Marcos A. S. V.; Leite, Alexandre C. C. (orgs... more Book chapter published in: Castro, Aline; Ferreira, Marcos A. S. V.; Leite, Alexandre C. C. (orgs). Polarizações Políticas e desigualdades socioeconômicas na América Latina e Europa. João Pessoa ; EdUFPB, 2019.
Post-conflict Security, Peace and Development. Cham : Springer, 2019
This paper is a research note that explores the links between transna-tional organized crime (TOC... more This paper is a research note that explores the links between transna-tional organized crime (TOC)-namely the groups linked to drugs and arms trafficking-and the structural violence in Brazil. Grounded on the discussion on violence explored by Johan Galtung and thereafter developed by other scholars of Peace Research, the paper specifically aims to answer the following question: How does TOC take advantage of societal configurations that perpetuate social injustice in contemporary Brazil? The exploratory research is grounded in the analysis of data provided by non-governmental organizations (NGOs) specialized in crimi-nality and violence in South America, government communications and public security studies, as well as United Nations agencies reports (mainly United Nations Office for Drugs and Crime (UNODC) and United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)). The preliminary results show a correlation between transnational illicit networks and structural violence, with minor differences between rural and urban areas.
Os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e as relações internacionais, 2019
Book chapter. To cite: FERREIRA, M. A. S. V. "ODS 16 - Promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas... more Book chapter. To cite:
FERREIRA, M. A. S. V. "ODS 16 - Promover sociedades pacíficas e inclusivas para o desenvolvimento sustentável, proporcionar o acesso à justiça para todos e construir instituições eficazes, responsáveis e inclusivas em todos os níveis". In: MENEZES, Henrique Z. (Org.). Os objetivos de desenvolvimento sustentável e as relações internacionais. João Pessoa: UFPB, 2019, v. 1, p. 255-268.
SAINT-PIERRE, Héctor; VITELLI, Marina (orgs). Dicionário de Segurança e Defesa. São Paulo : Ed.UNESP, p. 705-717., 2018
Por paz entende-se a ausência ou redução significativa da violência de todos os tipos, bem como a... more Por paz entende-se a ausência ou redução significativa da violência de todos os tipos, bem como a transformação não violenta e criativa do conflito (GALTUNG, 1996, p. 9). É com base nesta definição que destrincharemos a ideia de paz neste verbete. Cabe salientar que a paz é um conceito amplamente discutido em diversos círculos sociais, que perpassa desde a academia, até a religião e ambientes políticos em distintos níveis. Almeja-se aqui fornecer um panorama geral do conceito dentro do espectro acadêmico, sem perder de vista – embora não seja o foco – seu caráter holístico. Inicia-se esta tarefa consciente da impossibilidade de abarcar a completude do conceito, porém com o objetivo de dar um panorama suficientemente claro de uma conceituação central para qualquer estudo na área de segurança e estratégia.
Co-authored with Michael Karlberg. Entry published in "The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Scien... more Co-authored with Michael Karlberg. Entry published in "The SAGE Encyclopedia of War: Social Science Perspectives", edited by Paul Joseph (2017).
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa, 2021
As fronteiras são extensivamente estudadas nas Relações Internacionais como um dos elementos cent... more As fronteiras são extensivamente estudadas nas Relações Internacionais como um dos elementos centrais que delimitam a existência de um Estadonação. Mais especificamente, muito se discute sobre o papel delas nas temáticas atinentes à segurança internacional e defesa, tal como tem sido visto inclusive na academia brasileira em anos recentes (vide Braga and Villa 2022; Ferreira 2016; Lisboa et al. 2021; Neves and Ludwig 2022). Nas últimas décadas, o aumento da interdependência econômica e política trouxe consigo uma percepção de que as fronteiras pacificadas por arranjos cooperativos gozariam de maior controle por parte do Estado. Consequentemente, ameaças à segurança nacional diminuiriam na medida que as fronteiras fossem mais pacificadas. Contudo, a recente e instigante análise promovida por Arie Kacowicz e colegas em The Unintended Consequences of Peace: Peaceful Borders and Illicit Transnational Flows sugere um caminho inverso em uma detida análise de cinco regiões do planeta.
Crime, Law and Social Change, 2021
Book review "The Entangled City: Crime as Urban Fabric in Sao Paulo", written by Gabriel Feltran
Journal of Latin American Studies, 2020
importance of considering different scales of analysis and focusing on subnational contexts, as w... more importance of considering different scales of analysis and focusing on subnational contexts, as well as the benefits of cross-disciplinary and qualitative research. Jean Daudelin's chapter on the limitations of the current research agenda is particularly valuable and strengthens the book's contribution. It highlights, among other issues, the problems and blind spots produced by relying on homicide rates to understand the complex phenomenon of violence, and from conflating lethal violence and crime. It is also extremely refreshing that the editors include contributors' honest reflections on the challenges involved in undertaking fieldwork on violence, especially in terms of access, safety of researchers and participants, and ethical problems derived from producing knowledge on such sensitive and emotional topics.
Review of: Branco, Carlos, Sousa, Ricardo Real P., Oliveira, Gilberto Carvalho (coords.). Incursõ... more Review of: Branco, Carlos, Sousa, Ricardo Real P., Oliveira, Gilberto Carvalho (coords.). Incursões na Teoria de Resolução de Conflitos. Lisboa: Universidade Autônoma de Lisboa/
Observare, 2017.
Review of Human Insecurities in Southeast Asia (Springer, 2017)
MALALA - Revista do Grupo de Trabalho Oriente Médio e Mundo Muçulmano, 2017
Resenha/Book Review de 'Uma História dos Povos Árabes', de Albert Hourani. Tradução de Marcos San... more Resenha/Book Review de 'Uma História dos Povos Árabes', de Albert Hourani. Tradução de Marcos Santarrita. Publicação São Paulo: Companhia das Letras, 2007, 701p. ISBN: 978-85-359-0867-1
Book review of "Quality peace: peacebuilding, victory & world order", by Peter Wallensteen. To c... more Book review of "Quality peace: peacebuilding, victory & world order", by Peter Wallensteen.
To cite: Ferreira, Marcos Alan S. V. (2017) Quality peace: peacebuilding, victory & world order. Peacebuilding, 5(4).
Cambridge Review of International Affairs
Book Review of "The New War on Poor", by John Gledhill. DOI:[ more ](;)Book Review of "The New War on Poor", by John Gledhill.
Cambridge Review of International Affairs - Online 25 Oct. 2016
Author Posting. © 2013 University of Miami. This is the author's version of the work. It is poste... more Author Posting. © 2013 University of Miami. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of the University of Miami for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Latin American Politics and Society, 58:3,
Interview for Malala Bulletim (Center for Studies on Middle East - University of Sao Paulo)
Book review of 'Law’s Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern Private Militar y Company’, by Hin-... more Book review of 'Law’s Impunity: Responsibility and the Modern
Private Militar y Company’, by Hin-Yan Liu.
Meridiano 47, v.14, n.138, Jul-Ago 2013, p. 45-46
não-estatais religiosamente motivados no sistema internacional, o estudo do fenômeno religioso na... more não-estatais religiosamente motivados no sistema internacional, o estudo do fenômeno religioso nas Relações Internacionais é uma tendência relativamente nova dentro da área no Brasil e no exterior. Em especial, os atentados de 11 de setembro trouxeram à tona a necessidade de um entendimento maior de como aspectos ligados a religiosidade e a prática de valores ligados a aspectos transcendentais podem impactar decisivamente no relacionamento político entre os países.
Ementa: Construção e avaliação de cenários: evolução da área e as especificidades para a área da... more Ementa:
Construção e avaliação de cenários: evolução da área e as especificidades para a área da administração pública e governança internacional. O debate metodológico e conceitual sobre avaliação de cenários. Bases de dados para avaliação de cenários internacionais. Avaliação de riscos corporativos, ambientais e políticos no ambiente internacional.
Syllabus - M.A. in International Relations
Syllabus - Course for M.Sc. in Public Management and International Cooperation
Course taught by Pascoal Gonçalves and Marcos Alan Ferreira
Syllabus - Undergraduate level - B.A. in International Relations
Syllabus of course for M.A. in Political Science and International Relations (Universidade Federa... more Syllabus of course for M.A. in Political Science and International Relations (Universidade Federal da Paraíba)
Policy paper/Commentary prepared for report "Direitos Humanos e Diversidade Religiosa: Experiênci... more Policy paper/Commentary prepared for report "Direitos Humanos e Diversidade Religiosa: Experiências de Diálogo" (Human Rights and Religious Diversity: Dialogue Experiences), released by 'Ministry for Women, Racial Equality, Youth of Human Rights' (Brazil). Brasília, 2016.
June 2016
This policy paper aims to show the compliance with international agreements concerning women’s ri... more This policy paper aims to show the compliance with international agreements concerning women’s rights for economic participation in the Middle East. The focus is on the cases of Saudi Arabia and Iran, two important players in the Middle East, which represent the top two gross national incomes (GNI) in the region with significant influence in the neighbour countries. Our exploratory investigation analysed UN treaties and documents regarding women’s rights signed by both countries. The research shows that some progress can be seen in the last years, but some fields can be improved through the promotion of women’s rights in the workplace and changing laws to allow higher gender equality.
Revista Brasileira de Estudos de Defesa , 2021
This op-ed was originally published in Apr 6, 2014 in newspaper InfoBae Americas.
This op-ed was originally published in May 26, 2015 in newspaper Valor Econômico, when the discus... more This op-ed was originally published in May 26, 2015 in newspaper Valor Econômico, when the discussions about Iranian nuclear program was being discussed in UN.
This op-ed was originally published in newspaper O Imparcial (Araraquara, Brazil) in May 19, 2009.
This op-ed was originally published in Aug, 25 2008 in newspaper Valor Economico. It analyzes the... more This op-ed was originally published in Aug, 25 2008 in newspaper Valor Economico. It analyzes the Russian attacks in Ossetia in the same year.
Ph.D. Thesis in Political Science (2010)
Master's Dissertation in International Relations (2006)
Revista Brasileira de Segurança Pública, 2020
Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever a evolução histórica e institucional de duas das principai... more Este artigo tem por objetivo descrever a evolução histórica e institucional de duas das principais organizações
criminosas brasileiras, o Primeiro Comando da Capital e a Família do Norte. A metodologia se baseia em uma
análise qualitativa, por meio da revisão bibliográfica de literatura, além de se fundamentar em entrevistas
feitas pelos autores no decorrer de dois anos de investigação científica. Os resultados indicam que as
organizações criminosas brasileiras aqui estudadas se desenvolveram em meio ao vácuo da atuação estatal,
possibilitando seu crescimento e a ameaça à paz não só da região, mas de toda a América Latina.
Dossiê: Segurança Internacional no Pós-Guerra Fria
Ante o surgimento de novas ameaças à paz, este artigo visa a mapear a manifestação de violência e... more Ante o surgimento de novas ameaças à paz, este artigo visa a mapear a manifestação de violência e potenciais conflitos no Brasil. Para tal, analisaram-se as perspectivas de cinco entidades internacionais que produzem estudos voltados para prevenção e diagnóstico de conflitos, pretendendo-se preencher uma lacuna existente na literatura brasileira que examina paz e segurança. Tal comparação nos permite ter um cenário mais claro dos caminhos a serem percorridos pela sociedade e instituições brasileiras rumo a construção de uma sociedade mais pacífica. Adicionalmente, o caso nos permite ver a relevância de cada instituição e suas peculiaridades na compreensão da paz e do conflito em distintas regiões do globo.