João Vicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira | Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ) (original) (raw)

Papers by João Vicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira

Research paper thumbnail of Homenagem Ao Professor Emérito Eduardo Portella (1932-2017)

Critico literario, professor titular e emerito, conferencista e pesquisador de renome mundial, ex... more Critico literario, professor titular e emerito, conferencista e pesquisador de renome mundial, ex-ministro da Educacao e membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras, Eduardo Portella e, literalmente, uma personagem imortal. Tive a honra de ser seu aluno de doutorado, orientando de pos-doutorado, colega e amigo. A conferencia em apreco e um panorama da sua vida e de sua obra, destacando sua importância nao so para a comunidade academica da UFRJ, mas tambem da propria cultura brasileira como um todo. Portella considerava-se fundamentalmente escritor e educador. Escrevia com fertilidade e competencia. Fundou e (nos ultimos anos) dirigiu a Editora Tempo Brasileiro, referencia nuclear para a cultura brasileira. Tomava o conceito de educacao no sentido literal (cf. latim: educere, conduzir para fora) e dava-lhe aplicacao pratica imediata, levando seus discipulos para fora de si mesmos, convidando-os incessantemente a ingressar num mundo outro. Eduardo Portella era anfitriao e guia nessa trans...

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre a Cegueira a Deficiencia e a Escravidao O Caso Africano

Tudo leva a crer que existe uma relação direta entre o estigma da deficiência e o da escravidão n... more Tudo leva a crer que existe uma relação direta entre o estigma da deficiência e o da escravidão no continente africano. Não é à toa que se costuma dizer que a escravidão tem a idade da África. Apoiando-se na experiência que tive em solo africano e numa bibliografia tão confiável quanto possível, este artigo tenta esclarecer algumas implicações daquela relação mencionada.

Research paper thumbnail of Two words about Cecília Meireles, a name to be remembered

This article addresses some relevant facts of the Brazilian writer, educator and poet Cecília Mei... more This article addresses some relevant facts of the Brazilian writer, educator and poet Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), unfairly forgotten by not a few of her compatriots. Used to deal with odd situations, Cecília did not care about following trends and fashions; her poetry is usually considered “Modernist”, what is not without reason, given her unfailing readiness to make it new, as touchstone of the movement (actually an Ezra Pound’s injunction) goes. She did not, however, said a radical no to the culture of the past, as rejecting it as a something merely “obsolete”, as many of her contemporaries did (consider Dadaism).

Research paper thumbnail of Une Société Sans Handicap Est Une Société Qui N'Existe Pas

Il n'y a pas longtemps, Beyrouth, capital du «pays du Cèdre», était connu comme «Paris du Moy... more Il n'y a pas longtemps, Beyrouth, capital du «pays du Cèdre», était connu comme «Paris du Moyen-Orient», compte tenu de sa prospérité et son bon et traditionnel accueil à certaines valeurs, tels que le respect des autres, la liberté d'opinion et de critique. Au cours de son séjour au Moyen-Orient à la fin du XIXe siècle, l'Empereur brésilien Dom Pedro II (1825-1891) a été ravi, surtout avec le Liban, qu'il décrit comme «sentinelle de la Terre Sainte».[i] À Beyrouth, JoãoVicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira est professeur et chercheur du Centre de Référence en Technologie d'Assistance de l'Institut Tércio Pacitti de l'Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro (CRTA-NCE / UFRJ), Brésil. Il est l'auteur de livres et d'articles dans le domaine des Études sur le Handicap, l'Histoire de la Culture, l'Esthétique et la Philosophie de l'Art. Cet article reproduit partiellement une des conférences que j'ai prononcées à l'Université Saint-Joseph de...

Research paper thumbnail of Middle East. A Few Remarks on Geography, History and Art

Open Access Journal of Science

This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visits to the Middle ... more This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visits to the Middle East in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2011 and 2017, as well as from some suggested readings. Special emphasis is laid on geographical factors, as well as on historical circumstances connected with architecture and sculpture in the ancient Middle East. Important to stress is that the tale of the Mesopotamian hero Gilgamesh is much more than the first epic ever written in the world; Gilgamesh's wish for immortality is the drama of every single man, no matter if he lived in ancient Mesopotamia during the 3 rd millennium BC, or if he lives in the 21 th century's Manhattan.

Research paper thumbnail of A word about somebody I met in Bulgaria (from the primacy of matter over spirituality to the primacy of spirituality over matter)

Open Access Journal of Science

The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons... more The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give (Mt 10,10). On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" He said, "Who are you, sir?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what to do" (Acts, 9,3-6). Built in the 10 th century and massively restored in the second half of the 15 th century, the Monastery of Saint Ivan of Rila helped the Bulgarian culture (and language) to survive the half millennium of Muslim oppression.

Research paper thumbnail of Icelandic Chronicle

Acta Scientific Agriculture

At least three reasons make Iceland a fascinating country: its nature, its history and its people... more At least three reasons make Iceland a fascinating country: its nature, its history and its people. The following lines are based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Iceland, in the year 2013. Special emphasis is laid on geographical factors, as well as on cultural circumstances. E15 was the abbreviation established by the press for the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, when it erupted in the year 2010, given the near impossibility of pronouncing properly that sixteen-letter word (E + 15) for those who do not speak the language of Iceland. Its uniqueness and richness seem to mirror the very society that speaks it. Descending from the old Norwegian (gammelnorsk), the Icelandic is a member of the family of the northern Germanic languages, and is part of the cultural legacy of the Vikings' era (793 to 1066). During that period, the Vikings-a

Research paper thumbnail of Insight into Goa. An Attempt to Describe the Smallest State of India

Acta Scientific Agriculture

Based on my readings about India and own experiences in that magnificent country, this article ad... more Based on my readings about India and own experiences in that magnificent country, this article addresses geographical and historical issues concerning the Indian state of Goa. One must bear in mind that tiny Goa-let alone giant India itself-lies far beyond any description. Whatever the case, I must express my gratitude to Mr Carlos Noronha, my first Goan friend, who helped me to live each of my Goan days to the fullest. To him the following lines are dedicated.

Research paper thumbnail of Edda Heiðrún Backman, flying in all latitudes

Open Access Journal of Science

This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visit to Iceland in 2... more This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visit to Iceland in 2013. In that occasion, I had the pleasure to know the Iceland artist Edda Heiðrún Backman, a distinguish member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World (AMFPA), founded by the German Arnulf Erich Stegmann (1912-1984). Some geological and cultural aspects of Iceland are also addressed in the lines that follow.

Research paper thumbnail of Six words: two about Lebanon, two about disability and two about us all

Open Access Journal of Science

This article reproduces partially one of the lectures I delivered at the Université Saint-Joseph ... more This article reproduces partially one of the lectures I delivered at the Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth in October 2017. The main focus is disability itself and the tact that no one is immune to it. Whatever the social circumstances, one must always try to assure the disabled person the right to live, as well as to live with others. Likewise, it should not be forgotten that the sociological categories of "us" and "them" can change position in the twinkling of an eye.

Research paper thumbnail of About the preservation of ancient art: Egypt

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences

Based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Egypt in the beginning of 1998, this art... more Based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Egypt in the beginning of 1998, this article focuses on the preservation of art in ancient Egypt. It is particularly inspired by the long and unforgettable conversation I had then with Professor Raymond Johnson, Field Director of The Epigraphic Survey of Chicago House, in Luxor. The destruction of the ancient art produced in the cradle of civilization means not only a breach with the past; it is also a bad omen for the very existence of art in the future of mankind.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronicle of the West. Notes on the Uniqueness of Constructive Self-criticism and Freedom of Speech

Open Access Journal of Science

If western culture is shown to be rich, it is because, even before the Enlightenment, it has trie... more If western culture is shown to be rich, it is because, even before the Enlightenment, it has tried to dissolve harmful simplifications through inquiry and the critical mind. Umberto Eco.

Research paper thumbnail of Levanta-te e anda! Duas palavras sobre o passado, o presente e o futuro dos deficientes na África

Revista Educação Especial, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Arte e visualidade: a questão da cegueira

Resumo Combinando experiências concretas e dados teóricos, o artigo visa a contribuir para novas ... more Resumo Combinando experiências concretas e dados teóricos, o artigo visa a contribuir para novas reflexões sobre o tema eo ingresso das pessoas cegas no mundo da arte. Abstract By combining concrete experiences and theorethical data, this paper contributes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aleijadinho, Escultor Único Por Tres Motivos: Venció Las Dificultades Inherentes Al Arte, La Esclavitud y La Minusvalía

Atenea (Concepción)

Este artículo trata de algunos aspectos de la obra escultórica del artista brasileño Antônio Fran... more Este artículo trata de algunos aspectos de la obra escultórica del artista brasileño Antônio Francisco Lisboa, apodado Aleijadinho ("el pequeño estropeado") debido a las deformaciones físicas que tenía. Protagonizó el arte colonial brasileño, con sus proyectos de iglesias, tallas y estatuas, todas ellas de carácter religioso. Hijo de un portugués blanco y de una esclava negra, Aleijadinho es metáfora viva de la mezcla de razas que tanto influyó y todavía influye en el proceso de formación cultural no sólo de Brasil, sino que de América en su totalidad.

Research paper thumbnail of Michelangelo, cidadão de quatro mundos: o moderno e o medieval, o terrestre e o divino

Resumo: Elaborado em janeiro de 2017, este artigo fala de Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) e ... more Resumo: Elaborado em janeiro de 2017, este artigo fala de Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) e de sua performance em diferentes campos da arte, notadamente a pintura, a escultura, a arquitetura, o urbanismo e a poesia. Unico no genero, Michelangelo e um nome-chave nao so para o Renascimento, o Maneirismo, o Barroco e a propria Historia da Arte com um todo; a Historia Universal pareceria vazia sem o seu nome. Suas obras sao o testemunho vivo de que a verdadeira arte transcende os estilos e as epocas. A sua maneira, Michelangelo e cidadao de, no minimo, quatro mundos diferentes: o medieval, o moderno, o terrestre e o divino. Palavras-chave: Michelangelo. Arte. Cultura. Historia. Idade Media. Abstract: Written in January 2017, this article addresses the issue of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and his performance in different fields of art, notably painting, sculpture, architecture, urbanism and poetry. Michelangelo is one of a kind, a real key-name not only for the Renaissance...

Research paper thumbnail of Acessibilidade na UFRJ: desafios e perspectivas

E louvavel que nossa universidade se torne mais acessivel aos deficientes, e isso nas tres catego... more E louvavel que nossa universidade se torne mais acessivel aos deficientes, e isso nas tres categorias que compoem o corpus universitarium : estudantes, funcionarios e docentes. Claro esta que as iniciativas e medidas viabilizadoras do acesso dos deficientes a UFRJ precisam ocorrer nao apenas no sentido fisico, mas tambem no imaterial da convivencia humana. Ambas as instâncias requerem adaptacoes. Trata-se de incluir o deficiente, o que significa que a sociedade em geral precisa se adaptar a ele (e.g., adaptacoes urbanisticas e arquitetonicas no campus, que favorecam a locomocao do cego usuario de bengala); conta-se, obviamente, com a reciproca, que e a da integracao: o proprio deficiente esforca-se para adaptar-se a sociedade em geral (e.g., o aprendizado do uso da bengala por parte do cego). No caso particular da UFRJ, entendo, salvo melhor juizo, que todo e qualquer projeto de acessibilidade deve ter como pre-requisito a seguranca interna do campus, que tem deixado muito a desejar...

Research paper thumbnail of Jacques Maritain e seu apostolado da melhor parte. Variações sobre uma crítica de Maritain a Rousseau

Coletanea, 2019

Neste artigo, discorro sobre a crítica do filósofo francês Jacques Maritain ao ideólogo genebrino... more Neste artigo, discorro sobre a crítica do filósofo francês Jacques
Maritain ao ideólogo genebrino Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Pai da Revolução Francesa – e, por isso, avô da Revolução Russa –, o suposto “amante da natureza e da igualdade entre os seres humanos” é responsável por um sem-número de problemas (para dizer o mínimo) que até hoje assolam a cultura ocidental e a própria humanidade como um todo. Pouco ou nada ligando para as coisas deste mundo (que são as de Marta), Jacques Maritain, em Trois Réformateus, preferiu a melhor parte, que é a de Maria. Maritain seguiu as pegadas de Aristóteles e de Santo Tomás de Aquino – protagonistas do verdadeiro amor pela sabedoria, aquela sabedoria que os filósofos de verdade
chamam de philosophia perennis.

Research paper thumbnail of Tribute to Eduardo Portella (1932-2017) Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

Annals of Geographical Studies, 2021

The following lines roughly transcribe the conference of the same title that I delivered at the p... more The following lines roughly transcribe the conference of the same title that I delivered at the premises of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, on September 6, 2017, during the celebrations of its 100th anniversary. The conference concerned the Brazilian intellectual Eduardo Mattos Portella (1932-2017), who was Professor Emeritus at this institution, as well as writer, literary critic, lecturer and researcher of world renown, Minister of Education of Brazil (1979-1980) and member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 1981. As if that were not enough, he was Secretary of Culture of the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro (1987-1988); in addition, between 1988 and 1993 Portella was vice-president of UNESCO, an entity which he chaired between 1997 and 1999. I had the privilege and the honour of having him as professor during my doctorate, research supervisor in my post-doctorate and, above all, as a friend during more than two decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Three Paragraphs about Mário De Andrade, a Man Focused On Things That Make Life worth Living

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Homenagem Ao Professor Emérito Eduardo Portella (1932-2017)

Critico literario, professor titular e emerito, conferencista e pesquisador de renome mundial, ex... more Critico literario, professor titular e emerito, conferencista e pesquisador de renome mundial, ex-ministro da Educacao e membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras, Eduardo Portella e, literalmente, uma personagem imortal. Tive a honra de ser seu aluno de doutorado, orientando de pos-doutorado, colega e amigo. A conferencia em apreco e um panorama da sua vida e de sua obra, destacando sua importância nao so para a comunidade academica da UFRJ, mas tambem da propria cultura brasileira como um todo. Portella considerava-se fundamentalmente escritor e educador. Escrevia com fertilidade e competencia. Fundou e (nos ultimos anos) dirigiu a Editora Tempo Brasileiro, referencia nuclear para a cultura brasileira. Tomava o conceito de educacao no sentido literal (cf. latim: educere, conduzir para fora) e dava-lhe aplicacao pratica imediata, levando seus discipulos para fora de si mesmos, convidando-os incessantemente a ingressar num mundo outro. Eduardo Portella era anfitriao e guia nessa trans...

Research paper thumbnail of Sobre a Cegueira a Deficiencia e a Escravidao O Caso Africano

Tudo leva a crer que existe uma relação direta entre o estigma da deficiência e o da escravidão n... more Tudo leva a crer que existe uma relação direta entre o estigma da deficiência e o da escravidão no continente africano. Não é à toa que se costuma dizer que a escravidão tem a idade da África. Apoiando-se na experiência que tive em solo africano e numa bibliografia tão confiável quanto possível, este artigo tenta esclarecer algumas implicações daquela relação mencionada.

Research paper thumbnail of Two words about Cecília Meireles, a name to be remembered

This article addresses some relevant facts of the Brazilian writer, educator and poet Cecília Mei... more This article addresses some relevant facts of the Brazilian writer, educator and poet Cecília Meireles (1901-1964), unfairly forgotten by not a few of her compatriots. Used to deal with odd situations, Cecília did not care about following trends and fashions; her poetry is usually considered “Modernist”, what is not without reason, given her unfailing readiness to make it new, as touchstone of the movement (actually an Ezra Pound’s injunction) goes. She did not, however, said a radical no to the culture of the past, as rejecting it as a something merely “obsolete”, as many of her contemporaries did (consider Dadaism).

Research paper thumbnail of Une Société Sans Handicap Est Une Société Qui N'Existe Pas

Il n'y a pas longtemps, Beyrouth, capital du «pays du Cèdre», était connu comme «Paris du Moy... more Il n'y a pas longtemps, Beyrouth, capital du «pays du Cèdre», était connu comme «Paris du Moyen-Orient», compte tenu de sa prospérité et son bon et traditionnel accueil à certaines valeurs, tels que le respect des autres, la liberté d'opinion et de critique. Au cours de son séjour au Moyen-Orient à la fin du XIXe siècle, l'Empereur brésilien Dom Pedro II (1825-1891) a été ravi, surtout avec le Liban, qu'il décrit comme «sentinelle de la Terre Sainte».[i] À Beyrouth, JoãoVicente Ganzarolli de Oliveira est professeur et chercheur du Centre de Référence en Technologie d'Assistance de l'Institut Tércio Pacitti de l'Université Fédérale de Rio de Janeiro (CRTA-NCE / UFRJ), Brésil. Il est l'auteur de livres et d'articles dans le domaine des Études sur le Handicap, l'Histoire de la Culture, l'Esthétique et la Philosophie de l'Art. Cet article reproduit partiellement une des conférences que j'ai prononcées à l'Université Saint-Joseph de...

Research paper thumbnail of Middle East. A Few Remarks on Geography, History and Art

Open Access Journal of Science

This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visits to the Middle ... more This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visits to the Middle East in 1994, 1998, 2002, 2011 and 2017, as well as from some suggested readings. Special emphasis is laid on geographical factors, as well as on historical circumstances connected with architecture and sculpture in the ancient Middle East. Important to stress is that the tale of the Mesopotamian hero Gilgamesh is much more than the first epic ever written in the world; Gilgamesh's wish for immortality is the drama of every single man, no matter if he lived in ancient Mesopotamia during the 3 rd millennium BC, or if he lives in the 21 th century's Manhattan.

Research paper thumbnail of A word about somebody I met in Bulgaria (from the primacy of matter over spirituality to the primacy of spirituality over matter)

Open Access Journal of Science

The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons... more The kingdom of Heaven is at hand. Cure the sick, raise the dead, cleanse lepers, drive out demons. Without cost you have received; without cost you are to give (Mt 10,10). On his journey, as he was nearing Damascus, a light from the sky suddenly flashed around him. He fell to the ground and heard a voice saying to him: "Saul, Saul, why are you persecuting me?" He said, "Who are you, sir?" The reply came, "I am Jesus, whom you are persecuting. Now get up and go into the city and you will be told what to do" (Acts, 9,3-6). Built in the 10 th century and massively restored in the second half of the 15 th century, the Monastery of Saint Ivan of Rila helped the Bulgarian culture (and language) to survive the half millennium of Muslim oppression.

Research paper thumbnail of Icelandic Chronicle

Acta Scientific Agriculture

At least three reasons make Iceland a fascinating country: its nature, its history and its people... more At least three reasons make Iceland a fascinating country: its nature, its history and its people. The following lines are based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Iceland, in the year 2013. Special emphasis is laid on geographical factors, as well as on cultural circumstances. E15 was the abbreviation established by the press for the Icelandic volcano Eyjafjallajökull, when it erupted in the year 2010, given the near impossibility of pronouncing properly that sixteen-letter word (E + 15) for those who do not speak the language of Iceland. Its uniqueness and richness seem to mirror the very society that speaks it. Descending from the old Norwegian (gammelnorsk), the Icelandic is a member of the family of the northern Germanic languages, and is part of the cultural legacy of the Vikings' era (793 to 1066). During that period, the Vikings-a

Research paper thumbnail of Insight into Goa. An Attempt to Describe the Smallest State of India

Acta Scientific Agriculture

Based on my readings about India and own experiences in that magnificent country, this article ad... more Based on my readings about India and own experiences in that magnificent country, this article addresses geographical and historical issues concerning the Indian state of Goa. One must bear in mind that tiny Goa-let alone giant India itself-lies far beyond any description. Whatever the case, I must express my gratitude to Mr Carlos Noronha, my first Goan friend, who helped me to live each of my Goan days to the fullest. To him the following lines are dedicated.

Research paper thumbnail of Edda Heiðrún Backman, flying in all latitudes

Open Access Journal of Science

This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visit to Iceland in 2... more This article results basically from personal impressions gathered during my visit to Iceland in 2013. In that occasion, I had the pleasure to know the Iceland artist Edda Heiðrún Backman, a distinguish member of the Association of Mouth and Foot Painting Artists of the World (AMFPA), founded by the German Arnulf Erich Stegmann (1912-1984). Some geological and cultural aspects of Iceland are also addressed in the lines that follow.

Research paper thumbnail of Six words: two about Lebanon, two about disability and two about us all

Open Access Journal of Science

This article reproduces partially one of the lectures I delivered at the Université Saint-Joseph ... more This article reproduces partially one of the lectures I delivered at the Université Saint-Joseph de Beyrouth in October 2017. The main focus is disability itself and the tact that no one is immune to it. Whatever the social circumstances, one must always try to assure the disabled person the right to live, as well as to live with others. Likewise, it should not be forgotten that the sociological categories of "us" and "them" can change position in the twinkling of an eye.

Research paper thumbnail of About the preservation of ancient art: Egypt

MOJ Ecology & Environmental Sciences

Based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Egypt in the beginning of 1998, this art... more Based on personal impressions gathered during my stay in Egypt in the beginning of 1998, this article focuses on the preservation of art in ancient Egypt. It is particularly inspired by the long and unforgettable conversation I had then with Professor Raymond Johnson, Field Director of The Epigraphic Survey of Chicago House, in Luxor. The destruction of the ancient art produced in the cradle of civilization means not only a breach with the past; it is also a bad omen for the very existence of art in the future of mankind.

Research paper thumbnail of Chronicle of the West. Notes on the Uniqueness of Constructive Self-criticism and Freedom of Speech

Open Access Journal of Science

If western culture is shown to be rich, it is because, even before the Enlightenment, it has trie... more If western culture is shown to be rich, it is because, even before the Enlightenment, it has tried to dissolve harmful simplifications through inquiry and the critical mind. Umberto Eco.

Research paper thumbnail of Levanta-te e anda! Duas palavras sobre o passado, o presente e o futuro dos deficientes na África

Revista Educação Especial, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Arte e visualidade: a questão da cegueira

Resumo Combinando experiências concretas e dados teóricos, o artigo visa a contribuir para novas ... more Resumo Combinando experiências concretas e dados teóricos, o artigo visa a contribuir para novas reflexões sobre o tema eo ingresso das pessoas cegas no mundo da arte. Abstract By combining concrete experiences and theorethical data, this paper contributes ...

Research paper thumbnail of Aleijadinho, Escultor Único Por Tres Motivos: Venció Las Dificultades Inherentes Al Arte, La Esclavitud y La Minusvalía

Atenea (Concepción)

Este artículo trata de algunos aspectos de la obra escultórica del artista brasileño Antônio Fran... more Este artículo trata de algunos aspectos de la obra escultórica del artista brasileño Antônio Francisco Lisboa, apodado Aleijadinho ("el pequeño estropeado") debido a las deformaciones físicas que tenía. Protagonizó el arte colonial brasileño, con sus proyectos de iglesias, tallas y estatuas, todas ellas de carácter religioso. Hijo de un portugués blanco y de una esclava negra, Aleijadinho es metáfora viva de la mezcla de razas que tanto influyó y todavía influye en el proceso de formación cultural no sólo de Brasil, sino que de América en su totalidad.

Research paper thumbnail of Michelangelo, cidadão de quatro mundos: o moderno e o medieval, o terrestre e o divino

Resumo: Elaborado em janeiro de 2017, este artigo fala de Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) e ... more Resumo: Elaborado em janeiro de 2017, este artigo fala de Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) e de sua performance em diferentes campos da arte, notadamente a pintura, a escultura, a arquitetura, o urbanismo e a poesia. Unico no genero, Michelangelo e um nome-chave nao so para o Renascimento, o Maneirismo, o Barroco e a propria Historia da Arte com um todo; a Historia Universal pareceria vazia sem o seu nome. Suas obras sao o testemunho vivo de que a verdadeira arte transcende os estilos e as epocas. A sua maneira, Michelangelo e cidadao de, no minimo, quatro mundos diferentes: o medieval, o moderno, o terrestre e o divino. Palavras-chave: Michelangelo. Arte. Cultura. Historia. Idade Media. Abstract: Written in January 2017, this article addresses the issue of Michelangelo Buonarroti (1475-1564) and his performance in different fields of art, notably painting, sculpture, architecture, urbanism and poetry. Michelangelo is one of a kind, a real key-name not only for the Renaissance...

Research paper thumbnail of Acessibilidade na UFRJ: desafios e perspectivas

E louvavel que nossa universidade se torne mais acessivel aos deficientes, e isso nas tres catego... more E louvavel que nossa universidade se torne mais acessivel aos deficientes, e isso nas tres categorias que compoem o corpus universitarium : estudantes, funcionarios e docentes. Claro esta que as iniciativas e medidas viabilizadoras do acesso dos deficientes a UFRJ precisam ocorrer nao apenas no sentido fisico, mas tambem no imaterial da convivencia humana. Ambas as instâncias requerem adaptacoes. Trata-se de incluir o deficiente, o que significa que a sociedade em geral precisa se adaptar a ele (e.g., adaptacoes urbanisticas e arquitetonicas no campus, que favorecam a locomocao do cego usuario de bengala); conta-se, obviamente, com a reciproca, que e a da integracao: o proprio deficiente esforca-se para adaptar-se a sociedade em geral (e.g., o aprendizado do uso da bengala por parte do cego). No caso particular da UFRJ, entendo, salvo melhor juizo, que todo e qualquer projeto de acessibilidade deve ter como pre-requisito a seguranca interna do campus, que tem deixado muito a desejar...

Research paper thumbnail of Jacques Maritain e seu apostolado da melhor parte. Variações sobre uma crítica de Maritain a Rousseau

Coletanea, 2019

Neste artigo, discorro sobre a crítica do filósofo francês Jacques Maritain ao ideólogo genebrino... more Neste artigo, discorro sobre a crítica do filósofo francês Jacques
Maritain ao ideólogo genebrino Jean-Jacques Rousseau. Pai da Revolução Francesa – e, por isso, avô da Revolução Russa –, o suposto “amante da natureza e da igualdade entre os seres humanos” é responsável por um sem-número de problemas (para dizer o mínimo) que até hoje assolam a cultura ocidental e a própria humanidade como um todo. Pouco ou nada ligando para as coisas deste mundo (que são as de Marta), Jacques Maritain, em Trois Réformateus, preferiu a melhor parte, que é a de Maria. Maritain seguiu as pegadas de Aristóteles e de Santo Tomás de Aquino – protagonistas do verdadeiro amor pela sabedoria, aquela sabedoria que os filósofos de verdade
chamam de philosophia perennis.

Research paper thumbnail of Tribute to Eduardo Portella (1932-2017) Unus pro omnibus, omnes pro uno

Annals of Geographical Studies, 2021

The following lines roughly transcribe the conference of the same title that I delivered at the p... more The following lines roughly transcribe the conference of the same title that I delivered at the premises of the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, on September 6, 2017, during the celebrations of its 100th anniversary. The conference concerned the Brazilian intellectual Eduardo Mattos Portella (1932-2017), who was Professor Emeritus at this institution, as well as writer, literary critic, lecturer and researcher of world renown, Minister of Education of Brazil (1979-1980) and member of the Brazilian Academy of Letters since 1981. As if that were not enough, he was Secretary of Culture of the Brazilian State of Rio de Janeiro (1987-1988); in addition, between 1988 and 1993 Portella was vice-president of UNESCO, an entity which he chaired between 1997 and 1999. I had the privilege and the honour of having him as professor during my doctorate, research supervisor in my post-doctorate and, above all, as a friend during more than two decades.

Research paper thumbnail of Three Paragraphs about Mário De Andrade, a Man Focused On Things That Make Life worth Living

International Journal of Arts Humanities and Social Sciences Studies, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Estética de Santo Agostinho. Um breve comentário

Filosofia na Praia, 2019

Santo Agostinho (354-430), filho de Santa Mônica e discípulo de Santo Ambrósio, nasceu na cidade ... more Santo Agostinho (354-430), filho de Santa Mônica e discípulo de Santo Ambrósio, nasceu na cidade norte--africana de Tagaste, então integrante do Império Romano. Na juventude abraçou o maniqueísmo, doutrina
dualista de origem persa. Converteu-se ao cristianismo em 386. Em 391 tornou-se padre e, poucos anos depois, foi eleito bispo da cidade de Hipona, também no norte da África. Leu e escreveu muitíssimo. Não é à
toa que alguns especialistas consideram-no o pensador que mais influiu sobre a cultura ocidental. No ano de 430 morreu Santo Agostinho, enquanto Hipona era assediada pelos vândalos chefiados por Genserico.

Research paper thumbnail of On Blindness, Music and Technology: a Brazilian Experience

Festgaben aus Floras Füllhorn, Pomonas Gärten und vom Helikon. Eine Blütenlese kultur- und kunsthistorischer Beiträge zum 65. Geburtstag von Gerd-Helge Vogel, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Amerikanische Kunst: eine kulturphilosophische Betrachtung

Pflanzen, Blüten, Früchte: botanische Illustrationten in Kunst und Wissenschaft, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Kleine Geographie des Monotheismus

Aus Hippocrenes Quell' Ein Album amicorum kunsthistorischer Beiträge zum 60. Geburtstag von Gerd-Helge Vogel, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Recensão - Dizionario delle “apparizioni” della Vergine Maria

Coletânea, 2017

LAURENTIN, René & SBALCHIERO, Patrick. Dizionario delle “apparizioni” della Vergine Maria. Traduz... more LAURENTIN, René & SBALCHIERO, Patrick.
Dizionario delle “apparizioni” della Vergine Maria.
Traduzido do francês por Silvia Franceschetti,
prefácio do Cardeal Roger Etchegaray.
Roma: Edizioni ART, 2010, 1195p.
ISBN 978-88-7879-144-2

Research paper thumbnail of Resenha: Santa HILDEGARDA DE BINGEN. Scivias.

Revista Coletânea, 2019

Scivias (Scito Vias Domini, “Conhece os Caminhos do Senhor”) Santa Hildegarda de Bingen Tradução... more Scivias (Scito Vias Domini, “Conhece os Caminhos do Senhor”)
Santa Hildegarda de Bingen
Tradução: Paulo Ferreira Valério, a partir da edição de Madre Columba Hart e Jane Bishop;
Introdução de Bárbara Newman e Prefácio de Caroline Walker Bynum.
São Paulo: Paulus, 2015.