Ganis Lukmandaru | Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta) (original) (raw)

Papers by Ganis Lukmandaru

Research paper thumbnail of Discolored Components from the Black-streaked Heartwood Extracts of Teak

Wood Research Journal, 2021

With regard to black-streaked discoloration of teak wood, the ethyl acetate extract from successi... more With regard to black-streaked discoloration of teak wood, the ethyl acetate extract from successive extraction was examined. By column chromatography, tectol and and two unknown compounds i.e. C-1 (molecular weight of 240) and C-2 (molecular weight of 210) were isolated. Discoloration tests, i.e. air oxidation, acidic (acetic acid), and alkaline (potassiun hydrogen carbonate) treatments were conducted to the isolated and other standard quinoine compounds (tectoquinone, lapachol, 2-tert-buthyl-anthraqunone, 2-hydroxy-methyl-anthraqunone). The results showed that tectol changes its color by the considerable decreasing in brightness whereas C-1 showed huge decrease in yellowness by air oxydation. Tectol did not change its color in pH value of 2.9 to 8.3 but C-1, C-2, and lapachol did change. Tectoquinone was hardly change color under alkaline or acidic treatment. The difference in quinone coloration might be due the structural features of a hydroxyl group and a double bond conjugated.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Characterization of Black-streaked Heartwood in Teak: Inter-tree Variation

Wood Research Journal, 2014

The objective of this study was to investigate the variation in the color and chemical characteri... more The objective of this study was to investigate the variation in the color and chemical characteristics of black-streaked heartwood of teak and explore the relationship of these chemical properties with the degree of blackening. The samples used were outer heartwood parts from 11 trees with black streaks both thin and thick and 7 trees with normal heartwoods for comparison. The colorimetric analysis in CIEL*a*b* system was used to determine the brightness values (L*) of blackstreaked heartwood of teak ranging from 40~49 and a thick portion produced appreciably higher average values of extractive contents including n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and total extractive content as well as tectoquinone contents and pH values but lower squalene content compared to those in normal wood. The degree of blackening in the black-streaked heartwood was highly correlated to its extractive contents, especially the ethyl acetate soluble extractive content (r = −0.94) while moderate correlations were measured between the brightness index and tectoquinone content (negative) and squalene (positive). Moreover, no significant difference was found in the ash and individual inorganic elements contents between the group. The increase in pH values was observed to have corresponded with a decrease in brightness (r =-0.75). Therefore, the blackening was assumed to be due to the polymerization of quinones in weakly acidic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extractive Content and Colour Properties of 11-Year-Old Superior Teak Wood

Wood Research Journal, 2021

As a fancy wood, teak is valued for beautiful grain and color. However, there is a lack of unders... more As a fancy wood, teak is valued for beautiful grain and color. However, there is a lack of understanding about the properties of fast-growing teak trees harvested in young stage. In addition, wood variation in vertical direction is less investigated. Therefore, the objective of this research was to assess superior teak woods (11 years, 5 trees) grown in Pemalang FMU in vertical and radial positions for its extractive contents and colour. Extractions were conducted using a sequence of toluene, ethanol, and hot water. The color evaluation was performed using CIEL*a*b*'s chromaticity system. The contents of toluene-extract, ethanol extract, hot-water extract, and total extractive ranged between 1.16~5.00%; 0.29~1.04%, and 0.98~2.35%, and 4.03~7.31%, respectively. For color properties, the brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) indices ranged from 49.50~57.42, 6.08~10.81, and 20.47~25.74, respectively. Toluene-and total extractive contents were greater in heartwood than in sapwood, while the reverse occurred for the hot-water extractive content. Toluene-and total extractive contents were higher in outer heartwood than in inner heartwood. With regard to colour properties, L* and a* values were significantly differed between sapwood and heartwood. Vertical stem analysis of samples obtained at bottom, center, and top showed the toluene extractive content, total extractive content, and a* levels of center part of the tree were found to be lower than other parts. The L* were negatively correlated with extractive contents, with the highest correlation degree (-0.83**) being observed in the total extractive content in the heartwood. This comparatively high level of correlation might be useful to predict its extractive amount as well as its natural durability. It is also noticed that superior teak wood was less darker and extractive contents than the heartwood control of a 72-year-old tree.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inorganic Elements of Mangium Stem (Acacia mangium Willd) from Different Provenances

Wood Research Journal, 2015

This study aimed to investigate the ash content and concentrations of inorganic elements present ... more This study aimed to investigate the ash content and concentrations of inorganic elements present in the stem of Acacia mangium. The tree samples (24 years) were collected from five different provenances (Sidei, West of Morehead, Daintree, Ellerbeck, and El Arish). Meanwhile, the disc samples were obtained from the trunk of each tree on the lower parts. The samples were collected from four radial positions (bark, sapwood, outer heartwood, inner heartwood), and the ash and insoluble acid contents were determined. Furthermore, the concentration of 5 elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, K, and Na) was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The interaction of provenance and radial position factors affected ash and potassium contents. Also, acid insoluble ash and calcium contents showed a provenance factor effect. The barks obtained from the tree samples contained the highest concentrations of ash content and most of the elements. The wood and bark of El-Arish provenance showed the lowest (0.50~0.72%) and highest levels (4.75%) of ash content respectively. Furthermore, the highest amount of insoluble acid ash (3075 ppm) and calcium (4513 ppm) content was also measured in samples of El-Arish provenance, and radial position factor was a significant source of variation for Ca, Mg, Na, and Mn concentrations. Except Mg, the inner and outer portions of the heartwood mostly showed no significant difference in unprecedented element concentrations. Ash content was positively correlated with Ca in sapwood (r=0.39) and Mn in bark (r=0.54). In addition, moderate correlations were observed between Mg and Ca in heartwood (r=0.63) and bark (r=0.54) tissues. For ash and silica content, the comparatively low concentration on samples from El-Arish provenance are good options to improve wood quality for breeding programs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Properties of 15 year old Teak (Tectona grandis L.f) from Different Seed Sources

Wood Research Journal, 2016

Fifteen year-old teak wood samples planted in Ciamis FMU (Perhutani Enterprise) were evaluated fo... more Fifteen year-old teak wood samples planted in Ciamis FMU (Perhutani Enterprise) were evaluated for their chemical properties. Three seed sources such as conventional seed, clone, and superior wood and radial positions namely sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood were the observed factors. The specimens were taken from the bottom parts of their sources. Completely randomized design was used. Cell wall components were analyzed by various gravimetric methods. Analysis of variance and Duncan’s test were performed for data analysis. The results showed that no significant difference in the quantity of cell wall components (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), extractives (ethanol-toluene and hot-water solubles), ash, and silica content among the seed sources. Superior teakwood or Jati Plus Perhutani, which has the highest growth rate (2.1~3.6 cm/year) among others, showed a comparative higher average pH values (7.08~7.38) and solubility in 1% NaOH (17.22~17.83%) than other sources. Radial factors lignificantly affected ethanol-toluene extractive and lignin content. The ethanol-toluene extractive had the highest content (9.30~11.54%) at the outer part of heartwood while lignin content was the lowest (28.12~30.10%) in the inner part. The result indicated some good characteristics of young teak trees compared to the mature ones in relation to wood processing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reduction in Toxicity of Tectoquinone Against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe Termites

Wood Research Journal , 2020

This study investigated the cause of low toxicity against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe termite s... more This study investigated the cause of low toxicity against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe termite species of teakwood (Tectona grandis L.f.) under natural conditions. Anti-termite test was conducted to evaluate the effectivity of four major components (tectoquinone, deoxylapachol, tecomaquinone, and squalene) of ethanol-benzene extracts in the teak heartwood. Tectoquinone was far superior to other components and exhibited both strong toxicity and antifeedancy. The strength reduction of tectoquinone bioactivity is assumed to be due to interaction with other major components. As squalene was found in considerable amounts or 1.8 to 13.1 times as high as the tectoquinone concentration in woods, termite feeding was set to the mixtures of tectoquinone and squalene in various ratios (1:1, 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20). It was revealed that squalene addition could decrease the termite mortality from 15% to 44% from its initial value (tectoquinone only). On the other hand, the mixtures only slightly reduced mass loss due to termite attacks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of stimulants and environmental factors on resin yield of Pinus merkusii tapping

Bioresources, 2021

Oleoresin from Pinus merkusii is one of the most important forest products in Indonesia. The obje... more Oleoresin from Pinus merkusii is one of the most important forest products in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of various stimulants and environmental factors on oleoresin yield. The first factor was the stimulant treatment, i.e., SAEt1 (20% sulfuric acid + 1% Ethephon); SAEt2 (20% sulfuric acid + 2% Ethephon); SR4 (mainly composed by sulfuric acid); ETRAT (mainly composed by ethylene and citric acid); and without stimulant spraying. The second factor was the site with different altitudes, i.e., West Banyumas (326 m asl), East Banyumas (797 m asl), and West Pekalongan (1150 m asl). Through analysis of variance, the relation between stimulant and site was highly significant in regards to the average daily oleoresin yield. The results indicated that the combination of sulfuric acid and Ethephon increased oleoresin production 1.69-to 2.85-fold compared with untreated trees, depending on the sites. The trees with SAEt1 and SAEt2 treatments yielded an equivalent amount of oleoresin compared to that of trees exposed to the SR4. The ETRAT showed the lowest resin yields compared to the other stimulants. The values of daily relative humidity and temperature did not show similar responses in all sites when correlated with daily oleoresin yield.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Mixing Ratio of Heavily Beaten Pinus merkusii Pulp on Physical Properties of Kraft Acacia nilotica Pulp Sheets

Wood Research Journal, 2019

Paper industries commonly produce pulp sourced from a mixture of pulps, rather than from a single... more Paper industries commonly produce pulp sourced from a mixture of pulps, rather than from a single pulp, to obtain desired properties. In addition, the beating process is an essential step with respect to physical properties of pulp. Kraft pine (Pinus merkusii/PM) pulps were beaten to different degrees, i.e 200~300 CSF (heavy-beating) and 300~400 CSF (moderate-beating), paper sheets then were formed from each beaten sample. It was found that the strength properties of prepared paper sheets decreased the longer they were beaten, particularly as seen by the tear index and fold number. By microscopic investigation, it was found that cut or shortened fibers occurred very frequently in the pine pulps. Furthermore, the effects of heavily beaten pine pulp additions on handsheet properties of kraft pulps of Acacia nilotica (AN) were investigated. Four different mixing ratios by weight of AN/PM from 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 during beating, as well as four different kappa numbers of AN pulps (32.5, 34.0, 34.2, and 35.9) were applied. In general, the decrease in strength properties (3~25%) that occurred with increasing pine pulp ratio was more evident between pulp without pine and a 30% ratio of pine pulps. Fold number was reduced considerably (2.8~24.7%) by the blend composition but less pronounced in tear index (3.0~8.9%) from the initial values. However, the 10% or 20% ratio of PM pulps could increase opacity, brightness, and strength properties in some cases. No clear trend was found with increasing kappa number.

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Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Included Phloem in Teakwood

Wood Research Journal, 2018

In some areas of Indonesia, the heartwood of teak tree (Tectona grandis L.f.) contains included p... more In some areas of Indonesia, the heartwood of teak tree (Tectona grandis L.f.) contains included phloem, which is categorized as defects. This paper characterized the colour and chemical properties of such abnormal wood. Three selected trees from Perhutani plantation, Randublatung region, were assessed. The heartwood colour properties were measured by CIELAB system. Result showed that the included phloem-containing heartwood (IPHW) was darker (L*), but less red (a*) and yellow (b*) compared to the adjacent normal heartwood (NHW). The lignin and ash contents were not significantly different in the wood radial direction. In contrast, the level of extractive contents were significantly different between sapwood and heartwood. The amount of ethanol-benzene extractive and solubility in 1% NaOH in the IPHW region were significantly higher than that in normal tissues. The analysis of extractive components using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the deoxylapachol and lapachol was highly marked in the IPWH region. The obtained results suggest that napthaquinone compounds were related to the protection against wood-destroying organisme attack.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurements of Inorganic Materials and Acidity in Plantation Teakwood

Wood Research Journal, 2018

Information concerning ash materials and acidity (pH values) within the wood of teak (Tectona gra... more Information concerning ash materials and acidity (pH values) within the wood of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations is especially limited. Samples taken from the stands of Perhutani plantation (Madiun and Randublatung) and community forests in Kulon Progo (Temon and Kalibawang) were analyzed to determine the ash content, metallic elements constituting the ash fraction, as well as pH values. The ranges of ash content were 0.55-3.88% whereas acid insolube ash content (silica/silicates) were 0.12-2.45%. The main four inorganic elements in wood were assayed by atomic absorption. The levels of these metals ranged from 340-4774 ppm for calcium, 17-4399 ppm for potassium, 143-1676 ppm for magnesium, and 0-247 ppm for iron. Further, the pH values varied from 5.33-7.25. Differences of inorganic variables and pH values in wood were found between trees of different growth-site and radial position. The variation among the different sites was significant in the contents of silica, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium while the effects of radial direction were significant in the silica and potassium levels. Ash content was positively correlated with acid insoluble ash (r = 0.77) and potassium content (r = 0.47). Furthermore, pH values were positively correlated with the magnesium content (r = 0.65) and negatively correlated with potassium (r =-0.49) and sodium contents (r =-0.55). A description of the chemical properties of the soil, however, was not sufficient in determining whether there was a relationship between the levels of metal elements or pH values in the wood and in the soil.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi terhadap Stimulan Ethephon dalam Penyadapan Pinus merkusii (Evaluation on Ethephon Stimulant to Pinus merkusii Tapping

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, 2018

The aim of this study was to find out the effect of Ethephon, an ethylene releasing compound, in ... more The aim of this study was to find out the effect of Ethephon, an ethylene releasing compound, in a combination with sulfuric acid resin production Pinus merkusii. The tested stimulants were ETRAT; SR4; 20% sulfuric acid; 20% sulfuric acid-Ethephon 2%; 3.3% sulfuric acid-4.1% Ethephon; and sulfuric acid-8.3% Ethephon. Trees without stimulant spraying were the controls. The results showed that for daily production, the first-day observation gave the highest value but decreased drastically after second-day observation in a varied degree depent on the stimulants. On the basis of accumulated production, the addition of Ethephon in a high or low level of sulfuric acid concentration exhibited significantly higher resin production compared to that of ETRAT; SR4; and 20% sulfuric acid stimulants as well as control trees. It increased resin production by 98.0-150.6% compared to control trees in class age of VII and increased by 140.9-227.1% in class age of IV stands. Moderate significant correlations (r=0.65) were observed between the values of resin production and tree diameter (controls) as well as between the values of resin production and tree diameter of trees treated by sulfuric acid stimulants (r=0.65-0.82).

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Research paper thumbnail of Ketahanan terhadap Rayap, Sifat Kimia, dan Warna Kayu Jati dari Hutan Rakyat di Kulon Progo (Termite Resistance, Chemical, and Colour Properties of Teak Wood from Community Forests of Kulon Progo

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, 2017

Teak woods from community forests are harvested at young stage with high sapwood proportion. The ... more Teak woods from community forests are harvested at young stage with high sapwood proportion. The aim of this study was to measure the variation of termite resistance, chemical, and colour properties for teak wood from two site (Temon dan Kalibawang) with different ecological conditions in Kulon Progo and it is compared to mature woods from Perhutani plantation of FMU Madiun. The results showed that wood from community forests and Madiun were not statistically different with regard to the attacks of dry-wood Cryptotermes cynocephalus termites. Against subterranean Cryptotermes cynocephalus termites, wood samples from Kulon Progo were more susceptible particularly the sapwood parts although samples from Kalibawang showed termite resistance similar to termite resistance of Madiun samples in the heartwood region. The gravimetric determination of ethanol-toluene extractive and lignin content resulted no significant effect of site and radial direction factors. Based on colour properties by CIELab system measurements, samples of Kulon Progo community forests exhibited a lighter colour than those of Madiun. A significant correlation was measured between mass loss and extractive content. Mass loss due to subterranean termite attacks in the heartwood part significantly correlated to colour properties (lightness and redness indices).

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Wood Research, 2018

Eucalyptus pellita has been posited as a primary raw material in Indonesia due to its fast growth... more Eucalyptus pellita has been posited as a primary raw material in Indonesia due to its fast growth. In some areas, however, trees with heart rot were found. Thus, the wood with heart rot was analysed chemically both in sound (sapwood, outer heartwood, inner heartwood) and degraded parts (heart rot-affected wood/HRAW). The results revealed that there was a different trend in the wood chemical composition between bottom and centre parts. In bottom parts, wood with bigger diameter of heart rot, the slight changes in polysaccharides and lignin amounts was observed in HRAW compared to sound wood parts. On the contrary, comparatively high lignin and low polysaccharide levels in HRAW were measured in centre parts. HRAW was also characterized with high content of inorganic materials and high pH values but low in extractive content, mostly ethanol soluble extractives or its polar fraction. Increasing of phenolic contents was more pronounced in HRAW of lower part than that of upper of the stem. The difference trend of chemical composition between bottom and centre parts suggesting the cause of heart rot could be several wood degraders.

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Research paper thumbnail of SIFAT KIMIA KAYU MAHONI YANG DIMODIFIKASI DENGAN PERLAKUAN PANAS (Chemical Properties of Modified Mahogany Wood by Heat Treatment)

Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallaceae, 2018

Mahogany woods from community forests generally have relatively low qualities due to lack of main... more Mahogany woods from community forests generally have relatively low qualities due to lack of maintenance activities and for their young harvesting stage. Heat treatment is known as wood modification method that could improve the quality of the wood. The aim of this study was to determine the interaction effect of temperature and method of heat treatment on the chemical properties of young mahogany wood. Materials used in this research were mahogany wood boards from community forest which were heat-treated using oven and steam methods performed at the temperature of 90°C, 120°C, and 150 o C for 2 hours. In this research, some chemical changes were analyzed. Results of the research showed that the interaction of temperature and heat treatment method gave a significant decreasing on the pentosan amount, and hot-water extractive solubility, particularly the steaming at 150 o C. The increasing temperature of heat treatment significantly decreased the content of holocellulose, α-cellulose, hemicellulose, and pH values whereas it increased lignin content, extractives (cold-water and alcohol-benzene extractives) and solubility in 1% NaOH. Steaming method provided lower levels in the content of holocellulose, ethanol-benzene extract, cold-water solubility, and pH values compared to the oven heating. However, the steaming method over 120 0 C should be considered as it would reduce the wood strengths.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Mutu Kayu Jati di Hutan Rakyat Gunungkidul. VII. Ketahanan terhadap Rayap Tanah

Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2018

Teak wood has been used for various uses because of its excellent natural durability as well as b... more Teak wood has been used for various uses because of its excellent natural durability as well as beautiful grain and colour of its heartwood. However, variability in natural durability exists between trees of different geographical zones. The previous paper in this series reported on the chemical properties of teak wood from different zones (Nglipar, Panggang, and Playen). In this study, as a continuation, natural termite resistance of teak wood grown in community forests of Gunungkidul and the factors correlating to the termite resistance i.e. chemical and colour properties, were determined. Further, the data obtained here were compared with that of wood samples from Perhutani forest plantation (Randublatung site). No-choice termite feeding test by using a subterranean termite Coptotermes curvignathus were conducted on wood samples taken from three trees of three planted sites. The colour properties of each sample were measured using the CIELAB (L*, a*, b*) system. The chemical and colour characteristics results then were correlated with the mass loss of wood and survival rate of termites after 13 days of feeding. The heartwood and sapwood of all of the trees tested exhibited antitermitic activities. Significant differences were found in survival rate of termites due to interaction of the site and radial position. Samples from Panggang had larger termite resistance judging by its survival rate of termites. Further, the heartwood regions of Panggang and Playen sites exhibited higher antitermite activities than those of Randublatung samples. Measurements of colour showed that no significant differences were found between outer and inner heartwood parts. Samples from Playen showed the lightest on the basis of the sites. In the combined sapwood and heartwood data, mass loss was positively associated with hot-water solubility levels and negatively with ethanol-toluene extractive content. In addition, pH values moderately correlated with survival rate on 8-day

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Research paper thumbnail of Komponen Kimia dan Sifat Antioksidan Kopal (Chemical Components and Anti-oxidative Properties of Copal)

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis , 2017

Analysis of the chemical components and anti-oxidative properties of copals were conducted. Copal... more Analysis of the chemical components and anti-oxidative properties of copals were conducted. Copal samples were procured from 6 trees of Agathis borneensis stand established in Banyumas Timur Forest Management Unit. SNI 7634:2011 was referred in chemical analysis of the samples. The copals were dissolved in toluene and ethanol, consecutively. Neutral and acidic fractions were obtained by fractionation of toluene soluble extracts. Total phenolic content of ethanol soluble extracts were determined by Folin-Ciolcateu method. Copal components were detected by GC-MS analysis and anti-oxidative properties were examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) test. Dirt content, ash content, and acid number were found in the range of 6.25-22.63%, 0.05-0.16%, and 190-378, respectively. Solubility in toluene was of 19-46% and solubility in ethanol was of 53-81% based on extract weights. Neutral and acidic fractions based on toluene extract were in the range of 20-44% and 56-80%, respectively. The components of copal were assigned as resin acid (agatholic acid), neutral diterpene derivates (agathadiol, labdanenone, labdadienedioat), and alcohol monoterpene. Total phenolic content was in the range of 12-22 mg g-1 extract equivalent to gallic acid. Anti-oxidative values of the presently investigated copal were comparatively low, regardless of the copals were indicated to contain phenolic compounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Mutu Kayu Jati di Hutan Rakyat Gunungkidul VI Kadar Zat Anorganik dan Keasaman

Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2017

Inorganic materials and acidity in the wood has been proved to affect the wood properties. The pr... more Inorganic materials and acidity in the wood has been proved to affect the wood properties. The previous paper in this series reported on the physical and chemical properties of teak wood from community forests. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the content of inorganic materials and acidity of teak wood grown in the 3 sites (Panggang, Playen, Nglipar) with different ecological attributes from community forests in Gunungkidul. The evaluated parameters were pH values, the contents of ash (ASTM D-1102), silica and silicates (SNI 14-1031-1989), and inorganic matters (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu) by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The ranges of ash and silica-silicates content were 0.38-2.62%, and 0.01-1.17%, respectively. The ranges of inorganic element content for Ca, K, Mg, Na, and Fe were 408–2919 ppm; 69 – 23705 ppm; 947–1653 ppm; 4 – 31 ppm; and 0 – 326 ppm, respectively whereas Mn and Cu were not detected in any samples. Further, the obtained pH values range was 5.23–6.98. On the basis of analysis of variance, the contents of ash, silica-silicates, and Na were affected significantly by site and radial direction (sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood) factors. The woods from Playen (middle zone/Ledok Wonosari) had significantly high in ash and silica-silicate contents. By Kruskal-Wallis test, radial direction factor affected significantly the levels of Ca, K, and Mg. As defined by Pearson's correlation analysis, it was found a strong correlation between the ash and silica-silicates contents (r=0.77-0.88), as well as between the ash-Ca content (r=-0.51) and the ash-Mg content (r=0.59) in the heartwood part. In the inorganic element levels, the strongest correlation was measured between Ca-Mg content (r=-0.46). Special attention should be given to the comparatively high amounts of the silica-silicates content in the observed samples as it would dull cutting tools considerably.

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Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2016

This study aimed to explore the chemical properties of teak wood grown in community forests from ... more This study aimed to explore the chemical properties of teak wood grown in community forests from Gunungkidul Regency. Trees (dbh 28-37 cm) were selected from three different sites i.e. Nglipar, Panggang, and Playen. Three trees were cut from each site and disks were taken from the base of the trees. The disk in radial cross section was divided into 3 parts: sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood. Chemical properties tested were holocellulose, á-cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ethanol-toluene extractives, hot-water soluble extractives, solubility in NaOH 1%, and ash contents. Mature teakwoods from Randublatung (Perhutani plantation) were used for comparison purpose.The values range of chemical composition in the cell wall components of the Gunungkidul teak wood were holocellulose content 75.76-79.74%, , á-cellulose content 46.72-50.90%, hemicellulose content 27.41-30.14%, lignin content 29.22-32.80%, and solubility in NaOH 1% 16.43-17.35%. Further, the ethanol-toluene extractive, hot-water soluble, and ash content values ranged from 5.04 to 10.77%, 2.74-7.85%, and 0.60-1.66%, consecutively. Interaction between two factors affects significantly to holocellulose, á-cellulose, hemicellulose, and ethanol-toluene extractive contents. The growth-site significantly influence on the ash contents as radial factor has significantly affect on the levels of hot water soluble extractives and ash content. The amounts of ethanol-toluene extractive and ash contents of Gunungkidul teak wood showed the lower values than those of teak from Randublatung. The values of other parameters were remain in the range of value of teak from Randublatung.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioaktivitas dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Batang Mahkota Dewa

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis , 2016

Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.] is commonly used by Indonesian for medicinal p... more Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.] is commonly used by Indonesian for medicinal purposes. This study elucidated the bioactivity and antioxidant activity of mahkota dewa stem and extractive compound analysis. The base part stem powder of 40 mesh was extracted successively with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, and hot-water. The analysis of extractive compound consisted of identification of secondary metabolites by chemical reaction, colorimetric, and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Bioactivity experiments involved antitermitic test to dry-wood termites (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light) and brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT). Antioxidant activity was examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The analysis of extractive compound by qualitative method showed that terpenoid, steroid, alkaloid, and saponin were detected. Further, the quantitative analysis showed the low level of total phenolic compound while flavonoids were not detected. GC-MS analysis showed that the 11 main components was dominated by fatty acid methyl esters. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate soluble fractions were toxic to dry-wood termites (termites mortality of 41-95%) and exhibited the lowest weight loss of paper disc (0.37-1.60 mg). BSLT showed that all fractions were highly toxic (LC50 ≤30 ppm). DPPH method gave the level of antioxidant activity in relatively low inhibition values (7.59-18.12%).

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Research paper thumbnail of HUBUNGAN ANTARA KADAR EKSTRAKTIF DENGAN SIFAT WARNA PADA KAYU TERAS JATI (Correlation between Extractive Content and Colour Properties in teak heartwood)

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 2016

Beside for its high natural durability and resistancy of weather properties, teak (Tectona grandi... more Beside for its high natural durability and resistancy of weather properties, teak (Tectona grandis) wood is also valued for its beautiful grain and colour. Theoretically, wood colour is highly affected by extractive content, particularly in the heartwood. Identification of correlation between wood colour and extractive content was determined through wood colour and extractive measurements on the outer part of heartwood zone. The wood samples were collected from two locations of Perum Perhutani forest plantations, i.e. KPH Randublatung (35 trees, age class III-IV) and KPH Purwakarta (32 trees, age class VI). Samples were cut from bottom part of the trees and then ground into powder measuring of 40-60 mesh. The wood colour properties(CIE-L*a*b, CIE-L*C*h, CIE-X*Y*Z, Munsell Colour Chart and ISO Brightness) were then measured. Solubility of the teak wood extractives were determined by extracting the powder in ethanol-benzene and hot water respectively. Results showed that the range of colour properties were L*= 40-62; a* = 3-0 11; b* = 19-31; C* = 20-31; h = 70-82; X= 10-25; Y= 8-23; Z=4-13; H=5-8; V =3-8; C =3-6; and W (ISO Brightness) = 4-12. Different sample location resulted in different trends of correlation between colour properties and extractive contents. No significant correlation was found between extractive solubles in hot water and colour parameters. In general, the best correlations were encountered between brightness parameters from CIE-L*a*b* or ISO with ethanol-benzene extractive contents (r=-0.54 or 0.50, respectively).

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Research paper thumbnail of Discolored Components from the Black-streaked Heartwood Extracts of Teak

Wood Research Journal, 2021

With regard to black-streaked discoloration of teak wood, the ethyl acetate extract from successi... more With regard to black-streaked discoloration of teak wood, the ethyl acetate extract from successive extraction was examined. By column chromatography, tectol and and two unknown compounds i.e. C-1 (molecular weight of 240) and C-2 (molecular weight of 210) were isolated. Discoloration tests, i.e. air oxidation, acidic (acetic acid), and alkaline (potassiun hydrogen carbonate) treatments were conducted to the isolated and other standard quinoine compounds (tectoquinone, lapachol, 2-tert-buthyl-anthraqunone, 2-hydroxy-methyl-anthraqunone). The results showed that tectol changes its color by the considerable decreasing in brightness whereas C-1 showed huge decrease in yellowness by air oxydation. Tectol did not change its color in pH value of 2.9 to 8.3 but C-1, C-2, and lapachol did change. Tectoquinone was hardly change color under alkaline or acidic treatment. The difference in quinone coloration might be due the structural features of a hydroxyl group and a double bond conjugated.

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Research paper thumbnail of The Characterization of Black-streaked Heartwood in Teak: Inter-tree Variation

Wood Research Journal, 2014

The objective of this study was to investigate the variation in the color and chemical characteri... more The objective of this study was to investigate the variation in the color and chemical characteristics of black-streaked heartwood of teak and explore the relationship of these chemical properties with the degree of blackening. The samples used were outer heartwood parts from 11 trees with black streaks both thin and thick and 7 trees with normal heartwoods for comparison. The colorimetric analysis in CIEL*a*b* system was used to determine the brightness values (L*) of blackstreaked heartwood of teak ranging from 40~49 and a thick portion produced appreciably higher average values of extractive contents including n-hexane, ethyl acetate, and total extractive content as well as tectoquinone contents and pH values but lower squalene content compared to those in normal wood. The degree of blackening in the black-streaked heartwood was highly correlated to its extractive contents, especially the ethyl acetate soluble extractive content (r = −0.94) while moderate correlations were measured between the brightness index and tectoquinone content (negative) and squalene (positive). Moreover, no significant difference was found in the ash and individual inorganic elements contents between the group. The increase in pH values was observed to have corresponded with a decrease in brightness (r =-0.75). Therefore, the blackening was assumed to be due to the polymerization of quinones in weakly acidic conditions.

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Research paper thumbnail of Extractive Content and Colour Properties of 11-Year-Old Superior Teak Wood

Wood Research Journal, 2021

As a fancy wood, teak is valued for beautiful grain and color. However, there is a lack of unders... more As a fancy wood, teak is valued for beautiful grain and color. However, there is a lack of understanding about the properties of fast-growing teak trees harvested in young stage. In addition, wood variation in vertical direction is less investigated. Therefore, the objective of this research was to assess superior teak woods (11 years, 5 trees) grown in Pemalang FMU in vertical and radial positions for its extractive contents and colour. Extractions were conducted using a sequence of toluene, ethanol, and hot water. The color evaluation was performed using CIEL*a*b*'s chromaticity system. The contents of toluene-extract, ethanol extract, hot-water extract, and total extractive ranged between 1.16~5.00%; 0.29~1.04%, and 0.98~2.35%, and 4.03~7.31%, respectively. For color properties, the brightness (L*), redness (a*), and yellowness (b*) indices ranged from 49.50~57.42, 6.08~10.81, and 20.47~25.74, respectively. Toluene-and total extractive contents were greater in heartwood than in sapwood, while the reverse occurred for the hot-water extractive content. Toluene-and total extractive contents were higher in outer heartwood than in inner heartwood. With regard to colour properties, L* and a* values were significantly differed between sapwood and heartwood. Vertical stem analysis of samples obtained at bottom, center, and top showed the toluene extractive content, total extractive content, and a* levels of center part of the tree were found to be lower than other parts. The L* were negatively correlated with extractive contents, with the highest correlation degree (-0.83**) being observed in the total extractive content in the heartwood. This comparatively high level of correlation might be useful to predict its extractive amount as well as its natural durability. It is also noticed that superior teak wood was less darker and extractive contents than the heartwood control of a 72-year-old tree.

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Research paper thumbnail of Inorganic Elements of Mangium Stem (Acacia mangium Willd) from Different Provenances

Wood Research Journal, 2015

This study aimed to investigate the ash content and concentrations of inorganic elements present ... more This study aimed to investigate the ash content and concentrations of inorganic elements present in the stem of Acacia mangium. The tree samples (24 years) were collected from five different provenances (Sidei, West of Morehead, Daintree, Ellerbeck, and El Arish). Meanwhile, the disc samples were obtained from the trunk of each tree on the lower parts. The samples were collected from four radial positions (bark, sapwood, outer heartwood, inner heartwood), and the ash and insoluble acid contents were determined. Furthermore, the concentration of 5 elements (Ca, Mg, Fe, Mn, K, and Na) was measured by Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometry (AAS). The interaction of provenance and radial position factors affected ash and potassium contents. Also, acid insoluble ash and calcium contents showed a provenance factor effect. The barks obtained from the tree samples contained the highest concentrations of ash content and most of the elements. The wood and bark of El-Arish provenance showed the lowest (0.50~0.72%) and highest levels (4.75%) of ash content respectively. Furthermore, the highest amount of insoluble acid ash (3075 ppm) and calcium (4513 ppm) content was also measured in samples of El-Arish provenance, and radial position factor was a significant source of variation for Ca, Mg, Na, and Mn concentrations. Except Mg, the inner and outer portions of the heartwood mostly showed no significant difference in unprecedented element concentrations. Ash content was positively correlated with Ca in sapwood (r=0.39) and Mn in bark (r=0.54). In addition, moderate correlations were observed between Mg and Ca in heartwood (r=0.63) and bark (r=0.54) tissues. For ash and silica content, the comparatively low concentration on samples from El-Arish provenance are good options to improve wood quality for breeding programs.

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Research paper thumbnail of Chemical Properties of 15 year old Teak (Tectona grandis L.f) from Different Seed Sources

Wood Research Journal, 2016

Fifteen year-old teak wood samples planted in Ciamis FMU (Perhutani Enterprise) were evaluated fo... more Fifteen year-old teak wood samples planted in Ciamis FMU (Perhutani Enterprise) were evaluated for their chemical properties. Three seed sources such as conventional seed, clone, and superior wood and radial positions namely sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood were the observed factors. The specimens were taken from the bottom parts of their sources. Completely randomized design was used. Cell wall components were analyzed by various gravimetric methods. Analysis of variance and Duncan’s test were performed for data analysis. The results showed that no significant difference in the quantity of cell wall components (cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin), extractives (ethanol-toluene and hot-water solubles), ash, and silica content among the seed sources. Superior teakwood or Jati Plus Perhutani, which has the highest growth rate (2.1~3.6 cm/year) among others, showed a comparative higher average pH values (7.08~7.38) and solubility in 1% NaOH (17.22~17.83%) than other sources. Radial factors lignificantly affected ethanol-toluene extractive and lignin content. The ethanol-toluene extractive had the highest content (9.30~11.54%) at the outer part of heartwood while lignin content was the lowest (28.12~30.10%) in the inner part. The result indicated some good characteristics of young teak trees compared to the mature ones in relation to wood processing.

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Research paper thumbnail of Reduction in Toxicity of Tectoquinone Against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe Termites

Wood Research Journal , 2020

This study investigated the cause of low toxicity against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe termite s... more This study investigated the cause of low toxicity against Reticulitermes speratus Kolbe termite species of teakwood (Tectona grandis L.f.) under natural conditions. Anti-termite test was conducted to evaluate the effectivity of four major components (tectoquinone, deoxylapachol, tecomaquinone, and squalene) of ethanol-benzene extracts in the teak heartwood. Tectoquinone was far superior to other components and exhibited both strong toxicity and antifeedancy. The strength reduction of tectoquinone bioactivity is assumed to be due to interaction with other major components. As squalene was found in considerable amounts or 1.8 to 13.1 times as high as the tectoquinone concentration in woods, termite feeding was set to the mixtures of tectoquinone and squalene in various ratios (1:1, 1:5, 1:10, and 1:20). It was revealed that squalene addition could decrease the termite mortality from 15% to 44% from its initial value (tectoquinone only). On the other hand, the mixtures only slightly reduced mass loss due to termite attacks.

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Research paper thumbnail of The effect of stimulants and environmental factors on resin yield of Pinus merkusii tapping

Bioresources, 2021

Oleoresin from Pinus merkusii is one of the most important forest products in Indonesia. The obje... more Oleoresin from Pinus merkusii is one of the most important forest products in Indonesia. The objective of this study was to examine the effects of various stimulants and environmental factors on oleoresin yield. The first factor was the stimulant treatment, i.e., SAEt1 (20% sulfuric acid + 1% Ethephon); SAEt2 (20% sulfuric acid + 2% Ethephon); SR4 (mainly composed by sulfuric acid); ETRAT (mainly composed by ethylene and citric acid); and without stimulant spraying. The second factor was the site with different altitudes, i.e., West Banyumas (326 m asl), East Banyumas (797 m asl), and West Pekalongan (1150 m asl). Through analysis of variance, the relation between stimulant and site was highly significant in regards to the average daily oleoresin yield. The results indicated that the combination of sulfuric acid and Ethephon increased oleoresin production 1.69-to 2.85-fold compared with untreated trees, depending on the sites. The trees with SAEt1 and SAEt2 treatments yielded an equivalent amount of oleoresin compared to that of trees exposed to the SR4. The ETRAT showed the lowest resin yields compared to the other stimulants. The values of daily relative humidity and temperature did not show similar responses in all sites when correlated with daily oleoresin yield.

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Research paper thumbnail of Effects of Mixing Ratio of Heavily Beaten Pinus merkusii Pulp on Physical Properties of Kraft Acacia nilotica Pulp Sheets

Wood Research Journal, 2019

Paper industries commonly produce pulp sourced from a mixture of pulps, rather than from a single... more Paper industries commonly produce pulp sourced from a mixture of pulps, rather than from a single pulp, to obtain desired properties. In addition, the beating process is an essential step with respect to physical properties of pulp. Kraft pine (Pinus merkusii/PM) pulps were beaten to different degrees, i.e 200~300 CSF (heavy-beating) and 300~400 CSF (moderate-beating), paper sheets then were formed from each beaten sample. It was found that the strength properties of prepared paper sheets decreased the longer they were beaten, particularly as seen by the tear index and fold number. By microscopic investigation, it was found that cut or shortened fibers occurred very frequently in the pine pulps. Furthermore, the effects of heavily beaten pine pulp additions on handsheet properties of kraft pulps of Acacia nilotica (AN) were investigated. Four different mixing ratios by weight of AN/PM from 100:0, 90:10, 80:20, and 70:30 during beating, as well as four different kappa numbers of AN pulps (32.5, 34.0, 34.2, and 35.9) were applied. In general, the decrease in strength properties (3~25%) that occurred with increasing pine pulp ratio was more evident between pulp without pine and a 30% ratio of pine pulps. Fold number was reduced considerably (2.8~24.7%) by the blend composition but less pronounced in tear index (3.0~8.9%) from the initial values. However, the 10% or 20% ratio of PM pulps could increase opacity, brightness, and strength properties in some cases. No clear trend was found with increasing kappa number.

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Research paper thumbnail of Properties of Included Phloem in Teakwood

Wood Research Journal, 2018

In some areas of Indonesia, the heartwood of teak tree (Tectona grandis L.f.) contains included p... more In some areas of Indonesia, the heartwood of teak tree (Tectona grandis L.f.) contains included phloem, which is categorized as defects. This paper characterized the colour and chemical properties of such abnormal wood. Three selected trees from Perhutani plantation, Randublatung region, were assessed. The heartwood colour properties were measured by CIELAB system. Result showed that the included phloem-containing heartwood (IPHW) was darker (L*), but less red (a*) and yellow (b*) compared to the adjacent normal heartwood (NHW). The lignin and ash contents were not significantly different in the wood radial direction. In contrast, the level of extractive contents were significantly different between sapwood and heartwood. The amount of ethanol-benzene extractive and solubility in 1% NaOH in the IPHW region were significantly higher than that in normal tissues. The analysis of extractive components using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry showed that the deoxylapachol and lapachol was highly marked in the IPWH region. The obtained results suggest that napthaquinone compounds were related to the protection against wood-destroying organisme attack.

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Research paper thumbnail of Measurements of Inorganic Materials and Acidity in Plantation Teakwood

Wood Research Journal, 2018

Information concerning ash materials and acidity (pH values) within the wood of teak (Tectona gra... more Information concerning ash materials and acidity (pH values) within the wood of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.) plantations is especially limited. Samples taken from the stands of Perhutani plantation (Madiun and Randublatung) and community forests in Kulon Progo (Temon and Kalibawang) were analyzed to determine the ash content, metallic elements constituting the ash fraction, as well as pH values. The ranges of ash content were 0.55-3.88% whereas acid insolube ash content (silica/silicates) were 0.12-2.45%. The main four inorganic elements in wood were assayed by atomic absorption. The levels of these metals ranged from 340-4774 ppm for calcium, 17-4399 ppm for potassium, 143-1676 ppm for magnesium, and 0-247 ppm for iron. Further, the pH values varied from 5.33-7.25. Differences of inorganic variables and pH values in wood were found between trees of different growth-site and radial position. The variation among the different sites was significant in the contents of silica, calcium, magnesium, potassium, and sodium while the effects of radial direction were significant in the silica and potassium levels. Ash content was positively correlated with acid insoluble ash (r = 0.77) and potassium content (r = 0.47). Furthermore, pH values were positively correlated with the magnesium content (r = 0.65) and negatively correlated with potassium (r =-0.49) and sodium contents (r =-0.55). A description of the chemical properties of the soil, however, was not sufficient in determining whether there was a relationship between the levels of metal elements or pH values in the wood and in the soil.

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Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi terhadap Stimulan Ethephon dalam Penyadapan Pinus merkusii (Evaluation on Ethephon Stimulant to Pinus merkusii Tapping

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, 2018

The aim of this study was to find out the effect of Ethephon, an ethylene releasing compound, in ... more The aim of this study was to find out the effect of Ethephon, an ethylene releasing compound, in a combination with sulfuric acid resin production Pinus merkusii. The tested stimulants were ETRAT; SR4; 20% sulfuric acid; 20% sulfuric acid-Ethephon 2%; 3.3% sulfuric acid-4.1% Ethephon; and sulfuric acid-8.3% Ethephon. Trees without stimulant spraying were the controls. The results showed that for daily production, the first-day observation gave the highest value but decreased drastically after second-day observation in a varied degree depent on the stimulants. On the basis of accumulated production, the addition of Ethephon in a high or low level of sulfuric acid concentration exhibited significantly higher resin production compared to that of ETRAT; SR4; and 20% sulfuric acid stimulants as well as control trees. It increased resin production by 98.0-150.6% compared to control trees in class age of VII and increased by 140.9-227.1% in class age of IV stands. Moderate significant correlations (r=0.65) were observed between the values of resin production and tree diameter (controls) as well as between the values of resin production and tree diameter of trees treated by sulfuric acid stimulants (r=0.65-0.82).

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Research paper thumbnail of Ketahanan terhadap Rayap, Sifat Kimia, dan Warna Kayu Jati dari Hutan Rakyat di Kulon Progo (Termite Resistance, Chemical, and Colour Properties of Teak Wood from Community Forests of Kulon Progo

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis, 2017

Teak woods from community forests are harvested at young stage with high sapwood proportion. The ... more Teak woods from community forests are harvested at young stage with high sapwood proportion. The aim of this study was to measure the variation of termite resistance, chemical, and colour properties for teak wood from two site (Temon dan Kalibawang) with different ecological conditions in Kulon Progo and it is compared to mature woods from Perhutani plantation of FMU Madiun. The results showed that wood from community forests and Madiun were not statistically different with regard to the attacks of dry-wood Cryptotermes cynocephalus termites. Against subterranean Cryptotermes cynocephalus termites, wood samples from Kulon Progo were more susceptible particularly the sapwood parts although samples from Kalibawang showed termite resistance similar to termite resistance of Madiun samples in the heartwood region. The gravimetric determination of ethanol-toluene extractive and lignin content resulted no significant effect of site and radial direction factors. Based on colour properties by CIELab system measurements, samples of Kulon Progo community forests exhibited a lighter colour than those of Madiun. A significant correlation was measured between mass loss and extractive content. Mass loss due to subterranean termite attacks in the heartwood part significantly correlated to colour properties (lightness and redness indices).

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Wood Research, 2018

Eucalyptus pellita has been posited as a primary raw material in Indonesia due to its fast growth... more Eucalyptus pellita has been posited as a primary raw material in Indonesia due to its fast growth. In some areas, however, trees with heart rot were found. Thus, the wood with heart rot was analysed chemically both in sound (sapwood, outer heartwood, inner heartwood) and degraded parts (heart rot-affected wood/HRAW). The results revealed that there was a different trend in the wood chemical composition between bottom and centre parts. In bottom parts, wood with bigger diameter of heart rot, the slight changes in polysaccharides and lignin amounts was observed in HRAW compared to sound wood parts. On the contrary, comparatively high lignin and low polysaccharide levels in HRAW were measured in centre parts. HRAW was also characterized with high content of inorganic materials and high pH values but low in extractive content, mostly ethanol soluble extractives or its polar fraction. Increasing of phenolic contents was more pronounced in HRAW of lower part than that of upper of the stem. The difference trend of chemical composition between bottom and centre parts suggesting the cause of heart rot could be several wood degraders.

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Research paper thumbnail of SIFAT KIMIA KAYU MAHONI YANG DIMODIFIKASI DENGAN PERLAKUAN PANAS (Chemical Properties of Modified Mahogany Wood by Heat Treatment)

Jurnal Penelitian Kehutanan Wallaceae, 2018

Mahogany woods from community forests generally have relatively low qualities due to lack of main... more Mahogany woods from community forests generally have relatively low qualities due to lack of maintenance activities and for their young harvesting stage. Heat treatment is known as wood modification method that could improve the quality of the wood. The aim of this study was to determine the interaction effect of temperature and method of heat treatment on the chemical properties of young mahogany wood. Materials used in this research were mahogany wood boards from community forest which were heat-treated using oven and steam methods performed at the temperature of 90°C, 120°C, and 150 o C for 2 hours. In this research, some chemical changes were analyzed. Results of the research showed that the interaction of temperature and heat treatment method gave a significant decreasing on the pentosan amount, and hot-water extractive solubility, particularly the steaming at 150 o C. The increasing temperature of heat treatment significantly decreased the content of holocellulose, α-cellulose, hemicellulose, and pH values whereas it increased lignin content, extractives (cold-water and alcohol-benzene extractives) and solubility in 1% NaOH. Steaming method provided lower levels in the content of holocellulose, ethanol-benzene extract, cold-water solubility, and pH values compared to the oven heating. However, the steaming method over 120 0 C should be considered as it would reduce the wood strengths.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Mutu Kayu Jati di Hutan Rakyat Gunungkidul. VII. Ketahanan terhadap Rayap Tanah

Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2018

Teak wood has been used for various uses because of its excellent natural durability as well as b... more Teak wood has been used for various uses because of its excellent natural durability as well as beautiful grain and colour of its heartwood. However, variability in natural durability exists between trees of different geographical zones. The previous paper in this series reported on the chemical properties of teak wood from different zones (Nglipar, Panggang, and Playen). In this study, as a continuation, natural termite resistance of teak wood grown in community forests of Gunungkidul and the factors correlating to the termite resistance i.e. chemical and colour properties, were determined. Further, the data obtained here were compared with that of wood samples from Perhutani forest plantation (Randublatung site). No-choice termite feeding test by using a subterranean termite Coptotermes curvignathus were conducted on wood samples taken from three trees of three planted sites. The colour properties of each sample were measured using the CIELAB (L*, a*, b*) system. The chemical and colour characteristics results then were correlated with the mass loss of wood and survival rate of termites after 13 days of feeding. The heartwood and sapwood of all of the trees tested exhibited antitermitic activities. Significant differences were found in survival rate of termites due to interaction of the site and radial position. Samples from Panggang had larger termite resistance judging by its survival rate of termites. Further, the heartwood regions of Panggang and Playen sites exhibited higher antitermite activities than those of Randublatung samples. Measurements of colour showed that no significant differences were found between outer and inner heartwood parts. Samples from Playen showed the lightest on the basis of the sites. In the combined sapwood and heartwood data, mass loss was positively associated with hot-water solubility levels and negatively with ethanol-toluene extractive content. In addition, pH values moderately correlated with survival rate on 8-day

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Research paper thumbnail of Komponen Kimia dan Sifat Antioksidan Kopal (Chemical Components and Anti-oxidative Properties of Copal)

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis , 2017

Analysis of the chemical components and anti-oxidative properties of copals were conducted. Copal... more Analysis of the chemical components and anti-oxidative properties of copals were conducted. Copal samples were procured from 6 trees of Agathis borneensis stand established in Banyumas Timur Forest Management Unit. SNI 7634:2011 was referred in chemical analysis of the samples. The copals were dissolved in toluene and ethanol, consecutively. Neutral and acidic fractions were obtained by fractionation of toluene soluble extracts. Total phenolic content of ethanol soluble extracts were determined by Folin-Ciolcateu method. Copal components were detected by GC-MS analysis and anti-oxidative properties were examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl-hydrazyl (DPPH) test. Dirt content, ash content, and acid number were found in the range of 6.25-22.63%, 0.05-0.16%, and 190-378, respectively. Solubility in toluene was of 19-46% and solubility in ethanol was of 53-81% based on extract weights. Neutral and acidic fractions based on toluene extract were in the range of 20-44% and 56-80%, respectively. The components of copal were assigned as resin acid (agatholic acid), neutral diterpene derivates (agathadiol, labdanenone, labdadienedioat), and alcohol monoterpene. Total phenolic content was in the range of 12-22 mg g-1 extract equivalent to gallic acid. Anti-oxidative values of the presently investigated copal were comparatively low, regardless of the copals were indicated to contain phenolic compounds.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Mutu Kayu Jati di Hutan Rakyat Gunungkidul VI Kadar Zat Anorganik dan Keasaman

Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2017

Inorganic materials and acidity in the wood has been proved to affect the wood properties. The pr... more Inorganic materials and acidity in the wood has been proved to affect the wood properties. The previous paper in this series reported on the physical and chemical properties of teak wood from community forests. Therefore, this study aimed to explore the content of inorganic materials and acidity of teak wood grown in the 3 sites (Panggang, Playen, Nglipar) with different ecological attributes from community forests in Gunungkidul. The evaluated parameters were pH values, the contents of ash (ASTM D-1102), silica and silicates (SNI 14-1031-1989), and inorganic matters (Ca, Mg, K, Na, Fe, Mn, and Cu) by means of Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer. The ranges of ash and silica-silicates content were 0.38-2.62%, and 0.01-1.17%, respectively. The ranges of inorganic element content for Ca, K, Mg, Na, and Fe were 408–2919 ppm; 69 – 23705 ppm; 947–1653 ppm; 4 – 31 ppm; and 0 – 326 ppm, respectively whereas Mn and Cu were not detected in any samples. Further, the obtained pH values range was 5.23–6.98. On the basis of analysis of variance, the contents of ash, silica-silicates, and Na were affected significantly by site and radial direction (sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood) factors. The woods from Playen (middle zone/Ledok Wonosari) had significantly high in ash and silica-silicate contents. By Kruskal-Wallis test, radial direction factor affected significantly the levels of Ca, K, and Mg. As defined by Pearson's correlation analysis, it was found a strong correlation between the ash and silica-silicates contents (r=0.77-0.88), as well as between the ash-Ca content (r=-0.51) and the ash-Mg content (r=0.59) in the heartwood part. In the inorganic element levels, the strongest correlation was measured between Ca-Mg content (r=-0.46). Special attention should be given to the comparatively high amounts of the silica-silicates content in the observed samples as it would dull cutting tools considerably.

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Jurnal Ilmu Kehutanan, 2016

This study aimed to explore the chemical properties of teak wood grown in community forests from ... more This study aimed to explore the chemical properties of teak wood grown in community forests from Gunungkidul Regency. Trees (dbh 28-37 cm) were selected from three different sites i.e. Nglipar, Panggang, and Playen. Three trees were cut from each site and disks were taken from the base of the trees. The disk in radial cross section was divided into 3 parts: sapwood, outer heartwood, and inner heartwood. Chemical properties tested were holocellulose, á-cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin, ethanol-toluene extractives, hot-water soluble extractives, solubility in NaOH 1%, and ash contents. Mature teakwoods from Randublatung (Perhutani plantation) were used for comparison purpose.The values range of chemical composition in the cell wall components of the Gunungkidul teak wood were holocellulose content 75.76-79.74%, , á-cellulose content 46.72-50.90%, hemicellulose content 27.41-30.14%, lignin content 29.22-32.80%, and solubility in NaOH 1% 16.43-17.35%. Further, the ethanol-toluene extractive, hot-water soluble, and ash content values ranged from 5.04 to 10.77%, 2.74-7.85%, and 0.60-1.66%, consecutively. Interaction between two factors affects significantly to holocellulose, á-cellulose, hemicellulose, and ethanol-toluene extractive contents. The growth-site significantly influence on the ash contents as radial factor has significantly affect on the levels of hot water soluble extractives and ash content. The amounts of ethanol-toluene extractive and ash contents of Gunungkidul teak wood showed the lower values than those of teak from Randublatung. The values of other parameters were remain in the range of value of teak from Randublatung.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioaktivitas dan Aktivitas Antioksidan Ekstrak Batang Mahkota Dewa

Jurnal Ilmu dan Teknologi Kayu Tropis , 2016

Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.] is commonly used by Indonesian for medicinal p... more Mahkota Dewa [Phaleria macrocarpa (Scheff) Boerl.] is commonly used by Indonesian for medicinal purposes. This study elucidated the bioactivity and antioxidant activity of mahkota dewa stem and extractive compound analysis. The base part stem powder of 40 mesh was extracted successively with n-hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol, and hot-water. The analysis of extractive compound consisted of identification of secondary metabolites by chemical reaction, colorimetric, and gas chromatography – mass spectrometry (GC-MS). Bioactivity experiments involved antitermitic test to dry-wood termites (Cryptotermes cynocephalus Light) and brine shrimp lethality test (BSLT). Antioxidant activity was examined by 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) method. The analysis of extractive compound by qualitative method showed that terpenoid, steroid, alkaloid, and saponin were detected. Further, the quantitative analysis showed the low level of total phenolic compound while flavonoids were not detected. GC-MS analysis showed that the 11 main components was dominated by fatty acid methyl esters. The n-hexane and ethyl acetate soluble fractions were toxic to dry-wood termites (termites mortality of 41-95%) and exhibited the lowest weight loss of paper disc (0.37-1.60 mg). BSLT showed that all fractions were highly toxic (LC50 ≤30 ppm). DPPH method gave the level of antioxidant activity in relatively low inhibition values (7.59-18.12%).

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Research paper thumbnail of HUBUNGAN ANTARA KADAR EKSTRAKTIF DENGAN SIFAT WARNA PADA KAYU TERAS JATI (Correlation between Extractive Content and Colour Properties in teak heartwood)

Jurnal Penelitian Hasil Hutan, 2016

Beside for its high natural durability and resistancy of weather properties, teak (Tectona grandi... more Beside for its high natural durability and resistancy of weather properties, teak (Tectona grandis) wood is also valued for its beautiful grain and colour. Theoretically, wood colour is highly affected by extractive content, particularly in the heartwood. Identification of correlation between wood colour and extractive content was determined through wood colour and extractive measurements on the outer part of heartwood zone. The wood samples were collected from two locations of Perum Perhutani forest plantations, i.e. KPH Randublatung (35 trees, age class III-IV) and KPH Purwakarta (32 trees, age class VI). Samples were cut from bottom part of the trees and then ground into powder measuring of 40-60 mesh. The wood colour properties(CIE-L*a*b, CIE-L*C*h, CIE-X*Y*Z, Munsell Colour Chart and ISO Brightness) were then measured. Solubility of the teak wood extractives were determined by extracting the powder in ethanol-benzene and hot water respectively. Results showed that the range of colour properties were L*= 40-62; a* = 3-0 11; b* = 19-31; C* = 20-31; h = 70-82; X= 10-25; Y= 8-23; Z=4-13; H=5-8; V =3-8; C =3-6; and W (ISO Brightness) = 4-12. Different sample location resulted in different trends of correlation between colour properties and extractive contents. No significant correlation was found between extractive solubles in hot water and colour parameters. In general, the best correlations were encountered between brightness parameters from CIE-L*a*b* or ISO with ethanol-benzene extractive contents (r=-0.54 or 0.50, respectively).

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Research paper thumbnail of Oleoresin yield of Pinus merkusii trees from East Banyumas

Proceedings of 3rd International Congress in Agroforestry, 2020

Pinus merkusii is the main pine found in Indonesia to produce oleoresin. The present study assess... more Pinus merkusii is the main pine found in Indonesia to produce oleoresin. The present study assessed the oleoresin yield treated by various stimulants (ETRAT, SR4, sulphuric acid, sulphuric acid-Ethepon mixtures), and relate it with several tree characteristics. Trees were selected from different two different class ages i.e. IV (16-20 years) and VII (31-35 years) and were tapped for 8 days by bark chipping method in 5 replications. The pine stand was located in East Banyumas of Perhutani. Results showed that the mixture of sulfuric acid and Ethephon gave comparatively high oleoresin yield levels. In general, tree from age class of VII exhibited higher amount of resin production than those of age class of IV. The levels of oleoresin yield were significantly correlated with tree height in 31-35-year-old trees. After combining data from the two age classes, only a positive relationship between tree diameter and oleoresin yield was measured in untreated trees. For stimulated trees, the oleoresin yield exhibited positive significant correlation coefficient with tree diameter, tree height, and crown closure for certain stimulants. The negative significant correlation was observed between oleoresin yield and site elevation. As no consistent pattern of correlations with regard to stimulating agents, it suggests that the role of other factors should be explored in future works.

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Research paper thumbnail of Colour Properties and Extractive Content in Young Teak Woods

Proceeding of the 9th International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society, 2019

Wood color is one of important quality parameters for many end-products and is associated with wo... more Wood color is one of important quality parameters for many end-products and is associated with wood extractives. In this study, the colour of teak wood from young trees was investigated in relation to extractive content. The samples were 8 trees of Mega teak (superior teak wood, 5 years) planted in Gunungkidul (Jogjakarta) and 3 trees of Seruyan teak (conventional plantation, 7 years) from Sei Seruyan (Centrak Borneo). The results demonstrated that difference site significantly affected the colour properties in the CIE L*a*b* space (L* lightness, a* red/green axis,b* yellow/blue axis), particularly in the sapwood. Further, the heartwood of Seruyan teak exhibited a significantly yellower (high b* values) than Mega teak. By successive extraction (petroleum ether, dichloromethane, acetone/water, ethanol/water and hot-water), different extractive composition between the sites was found. Seruyan wood had higher proportion in acetone/water solubles than Mega wood in both sapwood and heartwood. The difference in color between sapwood and heartwood was mainly the result of a lower concentration of extractives in sapwood with exception for ethanol/water extractive content. In the sapwood, the highest correlation was observed between hot-water extractive content and parameter L* or b*. The a* and b*-coordinate turned out to be negatively strongly correlated with hot-water extractive content in the heartwood region. The result suggests that the phenolics measurement from successive fractionation should be conducted for better prediction in wood colour.

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Research paper thumbnail of Pengaruh penambahan antrakinon terhadap sifat pulp dan  lindi hitam proses sulfat pada kayu karet


Anthraquinone is an effective catalyst for pulping especially to increase the rate of delignifica... more Anthraquinone is an effective catalyst for pulping especially to increase the rate of delignification. The research which aimed to determine the effect of anthraquinone addition was carried out through kraft process pulping in rubber wood. The conditions were : activate alkali concentrations at 16 and 18 %, anthraquinone addition in three levels concentrations (0; 0.05 and 0.10 %). Further, chips to white liquor ratio was 1 : 4; sulfidity 25 %; maximum temperatures at 170 0 C; time to maximum temperature was 2 h; time on maximum temperatures was 2 h. The research used completely randomized design. The research findings showed that average for total yield, screened yield, and rejects varied from 51.16-64.84 %, 44.13-53.59%, and 0.50-18.5%, respectively. Kappa number and alkali consumption of black liquor were ranged 23.1-30.6 ml and 8.38-14.73 %, respectively. Total and suspended solid of black liquor 1600-8500 mg/l and 160-600 mg/l, respectively. By analysis of variance, no significant interaction was found between activate alkali and anthraquinone concentrations. Anthraquinone addition affected significantly to kappa number and total solid levels which is the increasing of anthraquinone concentration caused the decreasing in kappa number as well as the increasing in total solid of black liquor. Activate alkali concentration affected significantly to the levels of pulp yields and kappa number.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional " Peranan dan Strategi Kebijakan Pemanfaatan Hasil Hutan Bukan Kayu (HHBK) dalam Meningkatkan Daya Guna Kawasan (Hutan), 2015

Getah kopal dari pohon Agathis (damar) termasuk klasifikasi getah vernis/laquer dengan ciri propo... more Getah kopal dari pohon Agathis (damar) termasuk klasifikasi getah vernis/laquer dengan ciri proporsi yang relatif rendah untuk zat mudah yang mudah menguap. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi getah kopal berdasarkan metode fraksinasi/ekstraksiyang berbeda. Bahan kopal berasal dari tegakan damar (Agathis loranthifolia) dari KPH Kedu Selatan. Hasil menunjukkan bahwa melalui
perendaman dingin secara berturutan dengan berbagai pelarut, fraksi non-polar (terlarut larut toluena dan eter) mencakup sekitar 71 % berat total getah sedangkan fraksi semi-polar (terlarut etil asetat) sekitar 19 %. Perendaman dingin kopal padat dengan berbagai pelarut secara terpisah menghasilkan pelarut etanol melarutkan sekitar 70 % getah yang lebih efektif dibandingkan pelarut standar seperti eter (48 %). Ekstraksi panas dengan pelarut heksana dan diklorometana hanya mampu melarutkan 3-8 % berat kopal. Fraksinasi dengan eter pada kopal yang digerus sampai halus mampu melarutkannya sampai 83 % sedangkan residunya tidak larut dalam etanol (13 %). Data-data di atas menunjukkan bahwa komposisi getahkopal bisa bervariasi karena perlakuan awal atau metode ekstraksi.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioactive Extracts from Neutrals of Teakwood (Tectona grandis L.f

Proceedings of the 3rd International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society, 2012

Bioassay-guided investigation by brine shrimp lethality and termite activity tests from the heart... more Bioassay-guided investigation by brine shrimp lethality and termite activity tests from the heartwood of teak (Tectona grandis) led to the fractionation of n-hexane soluble extract. After the washing by alkaline solution and followed by saponification, the unsaponifiable, acidic and insoluble fractions were obtained. The unsaponifiable fraction was the major part and exhibited strong activity both against termites and brine shrimps. Repeated column chromatographic fractionations resulted to the isolation of tectoquinone, and other three compounds that exhibited various levels of activity in brine shrimp and termite tests. The correlation between brine shrimp lethality and termite activity test was also discussed.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI XIV, 2012

Seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan kayu jati umur muda, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk m... more Seiring dengan meningkatnya penggunaan kayu jati umur muda, maka penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komposisi ekstraktif dari jati dalam fase juvenil. Sampel yang dipakai adalah kayu jati bibit unggul (Mega) asal Gunungkidul (8 pohon) yang berumur 5 tahun dan jati dari Sei Seruyan, Kalimantan Tengah (3 pohon) yang berumur 7 tahun. Sebagai pembanding, digunakan pohon jati berumur 18 tahun (hutan rakyat Gunungkidul) dan 65 tahun (Perhutani, Madiun). Ekstraksi berturutan dilakukan dengan soxhlet melalui 5 pelarut yaitu eter minyak, diklorometana, aseton:air (9:1), etanol:air (8:2) dan air panas. Kadar ekstraktif total pada kayu juvenil Kalimantan (3,8-8,8%) lebih tinggi dibandingkan jati Mega (2,2-5,7%) dimana kadar ekstraktif aseton:air (9:1) merupakan komponen dominan pada gubal maupun teras. Dibandingkan kayu dewasa, jati juvenil mempunyai nilai rerata proporsi kadar ekstraktif aseton:air (9:1) di gubal lebih rendah tetapi kadar terlarut etanol:air (8:2) lebih tinggi. Komposisi fraksi polar-nonpolar relatif tidak berubah pada gubal seiring umur tetapi cukup bervariasi pada bagian teras.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI VII, 2004

Alkaline pulping is the dominant chemical pulping process today, but it has some serious shortcom... more Alkaline pulping is the dominant chemical pulping process today, but it has some serious shortcomings : air and water pollution and the high investment costs. In recent years, the search for pulping processes has led to the development of several organosolv methods capable of producing pulps with properties near those of kraft pulps. In this study, the possibility of ethanol as pulping liquor has been evaluated through alkaline-ethanol process. Materials used in this study where 25-year-old pinus trees. The objective of this study was to find out the optimum concentrations of ccoking agents in pinus pulping. The alkaline-ethanol process has 2 factors, i.e. ethanol concentrations (40%, 50%, 60%, v% based on pulping liquor) and caustic soda concentrations (20%, 25%, 30%, w% based on ovendrywood). The research findings revealed that the average values of screened yield and reject were ranged from 43.67 % – 69.55 % and 0.59 %-16.49 %, respectively. The average values of kappa number and solubility in 1% caustic soda were ranged from 28.9 – 37.4 and 13.0 %-35.24 %, respectively. Ethanol concentrations had no significant effect on screened yield, reject, and kappa number but gave interaction with caustic soda concentrations. Ethanol concentration of 40% and caustic soda concentrations o f 30% gained the best results.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI XIV, 2012

Salah satu sifat perlu diperhatikan untuk produk akhir berupa papan panel adalah sifat perekata... more Salah satu sifat perlu diperhatikan untuk produk akhir berupa papan panel adalah
sifat perekatannya. Sifat tersebut bisa dievaluasi dengan mempelajari sifat kimianya yaitu kelarutan dalam air dingin, keasaman serta kapasitas penyangganya. Sampel penelitian berasal dari 8 pohon jati berumur muda (8 dan 22 tahun) dari hutan rakyat di Jogja serta 5 pohon jati berumur 51 tahun dari Perhutani di Randublatung. Bagian yang dipakai adalah pangkal pohon yang dibagi menjadi teras (luar, tengah, dalam), gubal (dalam dan luar), dan kulit. Kadar kelarutan air dingin mengacu pada standar ASTM. Kapasitas penyangga asam (KPA) ditentukan dengan titrasi NaOH 0,05 N dari pH awal sampai mencapai pH 10 sedangkan kapasitas penyangga basa (KPB) dengan titrasi H2SO4 dari pH awal sampai ke pH 3. Kapasitas penyangga total (KPT) dan relatif (KPR) dihitung dari penjumlahan dan rasio antara KPA dan KPB. Kadar kelarutan air dingin (1,5 – 7,6 %) dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh faktor arah radial sedangkan nilai pH (4,8 – 6,8) dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh faktor umur dan arah radial. Kisaran rerata nilai KPA 0,0046-0,0095 ml/ml ; KPB 0,0056-0,0104 ml/ml ; KPT 0,0102-0,0199 ml/ml ; dan KPR 0,48-1,82. Faktor umur berpengaruh nyata terhadap KPA, KPB, dan KPT dimana nilai tertinggi diamati pada umur 51 tahun. Dengan analisa korelasi, didapatkan bahwa nilai pH di bagian kulit kayu berkorelasi dengan derajat moderat dengan parameter kadar kelarutan pada air dingin (r = -0,63) serta nilai KPR (r = -0,54).

Kata kunci: Tectona grandis, pH, kapasitas penyangga, ekstraktif, perekatan

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI XIII, 2011

Kadar ekstraktif merupakan sifat kimia yang banyak berpengaruh pada proses pengerjaan kayu menjad... more Kadar ekstraktif merupakan sifat kimia yang banyak berpengaruh pada proses pengerjaan kayu menjadi produk akhir, sedangkan sifat warna menjadi salah satu faktor yang dipertimbangkan bila suatu produk mempersyaratkan aspek keindahan. Objek dari penelitian ini adalah kayu mangium yang juga menjadi salah satu spesies andalan dari Hutan Tanaman Industri karena sifat pohonnya yang cepat tumbuh. Pada penelitian ini, kayu mangium (25 tahun) dari 5 provenans telah diteliti kadar ekstraktif, sifat warna, serta korelasi pada kedua parameter tersebut. Sampel kayu diambil pada bagian pangkal (5 pohon tiap provenans) kemudian dibagi lagi menjadi bagian gubal, teras luar dan teras dalam. Kadar ekstraktif diukur dengan menggunakan 3 pelarut yaitu n-heksana, metanol, dan air panas. Sifat warna kayu diukur dengan spektrokolorimeter yang menunjukkan skala L*a*b* (L* = kecerahan, a* = kemerahan, b* = kekuningan). Kadar ekstraktif terlarut n-heksana (KEH), metanol (KEM) dan air panas (KEA) kayu mangium berkisar antara 0,7-8 %; 2-15 %; dan 1-10 %, secara berturutan. Nilai KEH dan KEM dipengaruhi secara nyata oleh faktor arah radial dimana kadar tertinggi didapatkan pada kayu terasnya. Pada sifat warna, kisaran kecerahan, kemerahan dan kekuningan di kayu teras mangium adalah 32-43, 9-13, dan 16-22, sedangkan pada kayu gubal adalah 60-72, 6-9, dan 17-23, secara berurutan. Pengaruh provenans dan arah radial sangat nyata pada nilai kecerahan (L*) dan kekuningan (b*) sedangkan pada kemerahan (a*) didapatkan interaksi antara provenans dan arah radial. Provenans Daintree (Australia) dan Sidei Irian (Indonesia) menerikan warna relatif lebih gelap. Korelasi terkuat antara warna dan ekstraktif kayu teras didapatkan pada nilai kecerahan L* dengan KEM (r = 0,51), sedangkan pada kayu gubal didapatkan pada nilai kemerahan a* dengan KEM (r = 0,64).

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI XIII, 2011

Acacia mangium merupakan salah satu jenis spesies cepat tumbuh yang diharapkan bisa memenuhi kebu... more Acacia mangium merupakan salah satu jenis spesies cepat tumbuh yang diharapkan bisa memenuhi kebutuhan tidak hanya di industri pulp melainkan juga industri lainnya. Dengan memanen kayu pada umur lebih dewasa, diharapkan kayu mangium cocok untuk produk-produk solid seperti halnya produk-produk yang direkat. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kayu mangium berumur 25 tahun dari 5 provenans berbeda untuk pengujian keasaman (pH) dan kapasitas penyangganya. Pengujian dilakukan di 3 bagian pada arah radial (gubal, teras luar dan teras dalam) di bagian pangkal dari total 25 pohon. Kisaran nilai pH pada kayu gubal mangium antara 5,8 – 6,4 sedangkan pada teras antara 6,3 – 6,8. Pengaruh arah radial sangat berbeda nyata, sedangkan faktor provenans tidak berbeda nyata terhadap nilai pH. Nilai kapasitas penyangga asam (KPA) berkisar antara 0,0030-0,0072 ml/ml dan kapasitas penyangga basa (KPB) antara 0,0018-0,0031 ml/ml. Kapasitas penyangga relatif (KPR) dalam kisaran 0,9-3,2 pada daerah gubal dan 1,7 – 3,8 pada teras. Nilai-nilai pada parameter kapasitas penyangga hanya dipengaruhi oleh faktor radial dimana nilai tertinggi KPA dan KPR diamati di bagian teras luar. Dalam kisaran pH 5,9-6,7, bagian gubal dan teras memberikan respon yang berbeda pada nilai KPA.

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Prosiding Seminar “Hutan Kerakyatan Mengatasi Perubahan Iklim”, 2010

This work aims to find out the variation of ash content in order to establish sampling method by ... more This work aims to find out the variation of ash content in order to establish sampling method by using increment borer. By using two normal trees and one black-streaked teak (Tectona grandis) tree, ash content values were determined in the outer heartwood part in many angles. To obtain the nearest actual mean values, it is suggested that at least two samplings are required in a 90 degree/angle interval of a tree disk.

Key word : Tectona grandis, ash content, increment borer, intra-tree

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Prosiding Seminar “Hutan Kerakyatan Mengatasi Perubahan Iklim”, 2010

The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of growth site on wood growth properties, of tea... more The aim of the study was to evaluate the effects of growth site on wood growth properties, of teak (Tectona grandis L.f.). The trial was conducted on a teak plantation (dbh about 30 cm) in three different ecological types of typical community forest stands (Panggang, Playen and Nglipar) in Gunungkidul. Growth properties included the thickness and proportion of bark, sapwood, and heartwood as well as the annual increment. The results revealed that the annual growth is significantly affected by growth site. The interaction of growth site and axial position of the tree significantly affected the bark and heartwood thickness whereas growth site significantly affected the bark dan sapwood proportion. The lowest sapwood proportion is found in teak grown in Nglipar, while the highest annual growth and the lowest bark thickness are measured in teak grown in Playen. A strong correlation is measured between tree diameter and heartwood thickness.

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Research paper thumbnail of Bioactive compounds from ethyl acetate extract of teakwood

Proceedings of the 6th International Wood Science Symposium LIPI-JSPS Core, 2005

Ethyl acetate soluble extract from the heartwood of 72 years old teak (Tectona grandis) tree grow... more Ethyl acetate soluble extract from the heartwood of 72 years old teak (Tectona grandis) tree grown in Central Java, Indonesia, exhibited strong activity against termites (Reticulteremes speratus) and brine shrimps (Artemia Salina) in bioassay tests. Several chromatographic fractionations led to the isolation of 7 compounds that exhibited moderate and strong activities in a termite antifeedant test.

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Research paper thumbnail of KUALITAS KAYU NILOTIKA Acacia nilotica SEBAGAI BAHAN BAKU PULP

Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI V, 2002

Nilotika, which grows in great numbers at Baluran National Park, Situbondo regency, is a kind of ... more Nilotika, which grows in great numbers at Baluran National Park, Situbondo regency, is a kind of fast growing species and can grow fast naturally covering a large area. Due to the unchecked growth of its seedlings, it is disliked by the management of the park. Therefore, the numbers of these plants allowed to grow will be decreased and eliminated all together. Considering the fastness of its growth, however, nilotika is a potential alternative to cover the shortage of pulp raw materials in Indonesia. Given this fact, it is necessary to investigate some possibilities of its use as a pulp raw material. The objective of this study was to investigate the pulp quality of nilotika. The pulping of 450 g ovendry chips used sulfate process by 1 : 4 wood to cooking liquor ratio, 25 % sulfidity; maximum temperature at 170 0 C, time to maximum temperature 2 hours, time at maximum temperature 1,5 hours, 8 – 10 atm pressure and 4 levels of activated alkali concentrations (15, 16, 17, and 18 %) with 3 replications. Beating degree and sheet grammature were 200 – 300 CSF and 60 g/m 2 , respectively. The data were analyzed by analysis of variance (ANOVA) and honestly significant difference (Tukey) test. The research findings revealed that the average values of screened yield and kappa number were ranged from 40,68 – 46,02 % and 31,8 – 36,3 ml, respectively. The average values tear index, burst index, and tensile index of the sheet's physical properties were ranged from 16,75-17,84 mN m 2 /g; 5,06 – 5,36 KPa m 2 /g; and 49,40 – 53,64 Nm/g, respectively. The average values of brightness and print opacity of the sheet's optical properties were ranged from 15,78 –17,13 % and 98,74 – 99,49 %, respectively. In general, activated alkali concentration of 17 % gains the best results. Based on the tear and burst index of the physical properties, it has higher value and meets the wood sulfate pulp requirement of Indonesia National Standard. The high kappa number and low brightness degree indicated low bleachability property of nilotika pulp.

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Prosiding Seminar Nasional MAPEKI V, 2002

Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman Hutan Tanaman Industri yang dipers... more Leda (Eucalyptus deglupta) merupakan salah satu jenis tanaman Hutan Tanaman Industri yang dipersiapkan untuk pulp dan kertas. Untuk memperoleh nilai yang lebih dari tanaman ini maka perlu dimanfaatkan bagian selain kayunya dalam hal ini adalah daunnya yang mengandung minyak atsiri. Penelitian ini selain bertujuan untuk mengetahui rendemen dan kualitas minyak atsiri leda, juga untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama waktu penyimpanan daunnya. Daun leda dalam tanaman ini diperoleh di Hutan Pendidikan Wanagama, Gunung Kidul. Minyak atsiri diperoleh dengan cara distilasi pada 150 gr (berat kering tanur) daun yang sudah dipotong dengan ukuran 1 x 1 cm selama 6 jam dengan 2 kali ulangan. Pemasakan berdasarkan lama penyimpanan daunnya yaitu 1 sampai 6 hari. Minyak yang telah diperoleh tiap harinya dihitung rendemennya. Minyak dari daun yang disimpan pada 1, 2 dan 3 hari dicampurkan menjadi satu (penyimpanan pendek) demikian halnya pada 4, 5, dan 6 hari (penyimpanan lama) untuk diukur berat jenis, indeks bias, kelarutan dalam 80 % alkohol, dan komponen utama minyak. Penentuan komponen utama minyak memakai alat Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry (GC-MS) Shimadzu QP-500. Hasil pengujian menunjukkan rerata rendemen minyak berkisar antara 0.46 – 0.80 ml/100 gr dengan nilai tertinggi diperoleh pada penyimpanan daun 4 hari. Rerata berat jenis, indeks bias, dan kelarutan dalam alkohol 80 % berkisar antara 0,722-0,877; 1,475-1,469 and 1:1 secara berurutan. Komponen utama minyak terdiri dari trans-nerolidol (terbesar), alpha-phelandrene, cymene dan caryophyllene. Lama penyimpanan 4-6 hari cenderung memberikan nilai berat jenis dan trans-nerolidol yang lebih tinggi.

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Proceedings of the 5th International Symposium of Indonesian Wood Research Society, 2015

Teak (Tectona grandis) wood is recognized to exhibit antitermitic activities. The antitermitic ac... more Teak (Tectona grandis) wood is recognized to exhibit antitermitic activities. The antitermitic activities of its bark, however, is still unexplored. This research is aimed to evaluate teak bark extracts and their components against Reticultermes speratus Kolbe termites species. Materials used in this study were wood powder from teak trees aged 8 years (6 trees) and 22 years (4 trees). The extraction were performed separately by cold extraction (one week) by three solvents: n-hexane, ethyl acetate and methanol. No choice antifeedant bioassay test by paper discs was carried out in this research. By analysis of variance, the results showed that methanol soluble extracts (1.04 %) is significantly higher than those other solvents. The extracts of n-hexane exhibited the antifeedant activity (4-5 mg) which is measured by the mass loss due to termites. The similar tendency was also found in the mortality rate of termites (20-38 %) although the magnitude was not so high compared to the controls (17 %). Tree age factor did not affect significantly to both extractive contents and antitermitic properties of the bark. By means of gas chromatography, deoxylapachol detected in the teak wood extracts was also found in the bark extracts. This compound, however, did not significantly correlate to the antitermitic properties.

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