Poppy Ismalina | Universitas Gadjah Mada (Yogyakarta) (original) (raw)
Papers by Poppy Ismalina
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2012
Creative industries tend to cluster in specific places and the reasons for this phenomenon can be... more Creative industries tend to cluster in specific places and the reasons for this phenomenon can be a multiplicity of elements linked mainly to culture, creativity, innovation and local development. In the international literature, it is pretty well recognized that creativity is frequently characterized by the agglomeration of firms so that creative industries are not homogeneously distributed across the territory but they are concentrated in the space. Three theories are becoming the dominant theoretical perspectives in agglomeration economies theory and they are increasingly being applied in industrial clusters analysis to study the effect of clustering industries. The theories are Marshall’s theoretical principles of localization economies, Schmitz’s collective efficiency and Porter’s five-diamond approach. However, those have adequately theorized neither the institutionalization process through which change takes place nor the socio-economic context of the institutional formations...
Kelola, 1999
Liberalisme dan marxisme adalah dua paham yang mewarnai perialanan pemikiran-pemikiran dunia. Sei... more Liberalisme dan marxisme adalah dua paham yang mewarnai perialanan pemikiran-pemikiran dunia. Seiring dengan dinamika p emikiran dunia, dua paham ini berkembang menjadi suatu ideologi yang menjadi dasar keyakinan umat manusia dalam menggariskan segala sikap, kebijakan, dan pemikiran. Kerap kali diskursus tentang arah kebijakan dan strategi suatu negara akhirnya rdilarikan' pada perdebatan dua teori besar ini (grand narratives discourse). Dalam mengatur, merumuskan, dan menganalisis konsep kepenmilikan, posisi negara, pilihan kebijakan ekottonti, dan hak kewajiban warga negara, konsep kebebasan menjadi dasar tolakan dua pahant dunia ini. Segala rumusan, aturan, dan analisis dua paham besar tersebut dapat kita kembalikan pada bagaimana paham-paham tersebut menggariskan kebebasan seorang manusia. Kemudian, yang berkembang sekarang adalah, seiring dengan dominasi liberalisme dalam kehidupan manusia, liberalisme dipahami dan diyakini sebagai paham maupun ideologi yang sangat mengagungkan terciptanya kebebasan dalant kehidupan an tar manusia. Menjadi keyakinan umum bahwa liberalisme merupakan ideologi yang membebaskan manusia. Konsep pasar bebas dan kep emilikan pribadi merupakan simbol pemikiran dari liberalisme sebagai "the true guardian of freedom". Sebaliknya, marxisme, lebih populer dengan teorinya tentang perluasan clan "penzusatan kekuasaan negara". Teori yang kerapkali dijadikan dasar argumentasi bahwa marxisme membuang jauh syarat perlunya rasa dan kehidupan yang bebas seorang manusia. Hal inilah yang menjadi salah satu alasan pokok yang dapat menjelaskan mengapa marxisme tidak menjadi ideologi pilihan dunia. Pertanyaannya kemudian, benarkah persyaratan kebebasan dalant kehidupan manusia luput dari rumusan, aturan, dan pandangan dalant marxisme? Apakah marxisme memang menempatkan manusia dalam posisi yang terkurung? Apakah konsep kebebasan yang digariskan marxisme malahan membatasii kebebasan manusia itu sendiri? Tulisan ini tidak dimaksudkan menjadi pledoi bagi marxisme meskipun tulisan ini berangkat dari kritik terhadap pemikiran yang skeptis tentang konsep kebebasan tersebut. Dengan membandingkan konsep kebebasan dalam marxisme dan liberalisme, tulisan ini mencoba menjawab kesangsian yang selama ini berkembang tentang keberpihakan marxisme dalam kebebasan manusia. Analisis akan berkembang ke dalam paparan teori-teori tentang negara, pasar, dan kepemilikan, semata-mata untuk menunjukkan bagaimana konsep kebebasan melambari setiap aturan, rumusan, dan pilihan kebijakan dua paham tersebut. Keywords: capitalis
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 2000
Pertumbuhan ekonomi telah lama menjadi orientasi dominan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan di hampir ... more Pertumbuhan ekonomi telah lama menjadi orientasi dominan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan di hampir seluruh negara di bumi raya ini. Namun demikian, orang tidak dapat mengingkari bahwa kian hari, kian lama, udara yang mereka hirup semakin tak segar, suhu bumi makin tak menentu, dan makin berkurang kekayaan sumber daya alam sebagai sarana produksi. Kesadaran ini akhirnya melahirkan kepedulian akan pembangunan yang memperhatikan lingkungan hidup sekitar. Seiring dengan peningkatan kepedulian orang akan kualitas lingkungan hidup, para ekonom mulai merancang dan merumuskan konsep, teori maupun model, yang menjelaskan hubungan antara kualitas lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan ekonomi. Tulisan ini menjelaskan dampak pembangunan ekonomi terhadap kualitas lingkungan hidup. Hipotesis Kuznets mengatakan bahwa pada pada awal upaya pertumbuhan ekonomi, kualitas lingkungan hidup akan menurun tetapi lambat laun akan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi. Persoalannya adakah dukungan...
For those of agricultural society, agriculture is part of their life, even a way of life. In addi... more For those of agricultural society, agriculture is part of their life, even a way of life. In addition to economic aspects, social aspects such as cultural and religious beliefs and traditions, play an important role in the actions of farmers. Agricultural community is governed by the institutions which are original and the result of cultural work. The existence of Lengge (communal granary) which is a cultural product of the past will bear the specific social interaction of Maria village�s society, Wawo sub district, Bima. This research is aimed to identify the behavior of Maria village�s society associated with the existence of Lengge as the center of attention. The suitability between informal norms as a social interaction effects and characteristics of social capital will be seen. In the end, it will be proved whether social capital of Lengge community in Maria village can encourage community economic improvement. This research is a descriptive research and the type is case st...
The states with better institutions will be able to allocate resources effectively so economy can... more The states with better institutions will be able to allocate resources effectively so economy can work better. One of the elements of institution in society that is very important for economic growth is social capital. The objective of this study is to fine out the effect of social capital on economic growth in all the provinces of Indonesia. The study used three main analysis instruments: (1) Factor analysis used in social capital formation
This research aimed to estimate the economic value of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum. The ec... more This research aimed to estimate the economic value of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum. The economic valuation of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum was the travel cost method and contingent valuation aplication by using the visitors individual data. Sample used both for travel cost and contingent valuation method was 115 visitors. Factors that influenced the number of visits to the Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum are travel cost, income, and education. Factors that influenced the individual willingness to pay for the Fort Rotterdam are travel cost, income, age, education, and substitute. The individual willingness to pay for La Galigo Museum are influenced by travel cost, income, age, education, and substitute. The consumer surplus result for travel cost method was Rp1.029.601,03 � Rp7.505.791,50. The willingness to pay of the Fort Rotterdam visitors was Rp3.400,00, and for the La Galigo Museum was Rp10.700,00. The economic value interval of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo M...
This paper primarily discusses how Indonesia as a developing country and one of the world’s top 1... more This paper primarily discusses how Indonesia as a developing country and one of the world’s top 10 greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors – has committed and struggled to attain low carbon development goals, which are crucial for its national development sustainability and the world campaign on climate change impact mitigation and adaptation. Indonesia’s awareness of the impact of disasters due to climate change on the sustainability of its national development brings forth commitments at the international level and robust programs at the national level in reducing GHG emissions. These programs have delivered historical achievements, especially in the forestry sector and the energy sector, the two most critical sectors of national GHG emission. Discussions continue on the conceivable green finance support options varying from the banking sector until the facilitation of ASEAN regional cooperation on low carbon sustainable development. The awareness of stakeholders to prevent potentially ...
The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the economic value of forest and oil palm pl... more The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the economic value of forest and oil palm plantation at Kapuas Regency , Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The values of forest that measured by researcher in this study are timber, job availability, biodiversity and the cultures of the local society. Meanwhile, oil palm plantation assessed based on value of crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel oil (PKO) and income from employment provided by palm oil plantations. This research used three methods of economic valuation. The methods are market value approach, benefit transfer and contingent valuation. Based on the research, total economic value of forest is Rp11.000.128,71 per ha/year whereas total economic value of oil palm plantations is Rp7.458.015,60 per ha/year. Because of comparison necessity, researcher used the area of oil palm plantations (20,600 hectares). So, economic value of forest for 20,600 hectares is Rp226.602.651.396,96 per year while the economic value of oi...
... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and P... more ... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and Practical Choice Poppy Ismalina A ... Moreover, with respect to the inef-ficiency of the system, Anderson and Hiil (1997) conclude thai rent-dissipation as a ...
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2001
... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and P... more ... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and Practical Choice Poppy Ismalina A ... Moreover, with respect to the inef-ficiency of the system, Anderson and Hiil (1997) conclude thai rent-dissipation as a ...
Jurnal Perempuan
&... more &am…
This paper analyzes the link between globalization and working conditions using labor-force surve... more This paper analyzes the link between globalization and working conditions using labor-force surveys in Indonesia during the 1990-2003 period. The data include wage and non-wage measures of working conditions. The results suggest that wages and non-wage measures of working conditions are positively related at the industry level and that wages are positively linked to increases in foreign investment, suggesting a positive link between globalization and working conditions in Indonesia. from 25 to 11 and converted several import licenses (which at their peak covered 43 per cent of tariff lines) into tariff equivalents. Under the new system, the government also abolished non-tariff barriers, such as import monopolies, simplified customs and outsourced substantial customs responsibilities, which included the November 1988 deregulation package that removed import monopolies for plastic and steel. Although the deregulation efforts seemed as a partial treatment, the psychological effect in business circles was strong and also increased the confidence that the Government had a serious commitment to implement deregulation. illustrates the change in Indonesia's average tariff rate relative to world tariff rates. 3
... Marwan Asri, whose determination and commitment in institutional building have been an inspir... more ... Marwan Asri, whose determination and commitment in institutional building have been an inspiration to me. ... Daniar Rahmawati, another close friend from Yogyakarta, with her determination in study, has reminded me to remain disciplined during the entire Ph.D process. ...
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2012
Creative industries tend to cluster in specific places and the reasons for this phenomenon can be... more Creative industries tend to cluster in specific places and the reasons for this phenomenon can be a multiplicity of elements linked mainly to culture, creativity, innovation and local development. In the international literature, it is pretty well recognized that creativity is frequently characterized by the agglomeration of firms so that creative industries are not homogeneously distributed across the territory but they are concentrated in the space. Three theories are becoming the dominant theoretical perspectives in agglomeration economies theory and they are increasingly being applied in industrial clusters analysis to study the effect of clustering industries. The theories are Marshall’s theoretical principles of localization economies, Schmitz’s collective efficiency and Porter’s five-diamond approach. However, those have adequately theorized neither the institutionalization process through which change takes place nor the socio-economic context of the institutional formations...
Kelola, 1999
Liberalisme dan marxisme adalah dua paham yang mewarnai perialanan pemikiran-pemikiran dunia. Sei... more Liberalisme dan marxisme adalah dua paham yang mewarnai perialanan pemikiran-pemikiran dunia. Seiring dengan dinamika p emikiran dunia, dua paham ini berkembang menjadi suatu ideologi yang menjadi dasar keyakinan umat manusia dalam menggariskan segala sikap, kebijakan, dan pemikiran. Kerap kali diskursus tentang arah kebijakan dan strategi suatu negara akhirnya rdilarikan' pada perdebatan dua teori besar ini (grand narratives discourse). Dalam mengatur, merumuskan, dan menganalisis konsep kepenmilikan, posisi negara, pilihan kebijakan ekottonti, dan hak kewajiban warga negara, konsep kebebasan menjadi dasar tolakan dua pahant dunia ini. Segala rumusan, aturan, dan analisis dua paham besar tersebut dapat kita kembalikan pada bagaimana paham-paham tersebut menggariskan kebebasan seorang manusia. Kemudian, yang berkembang sekarang adalah, seiring dengan dominasi liberalisme dalam kehidupan manusia, liberalisme dipahami dan diyakini sebagai paham maupun ideologi yang sangat mengagungkan terciptanya kebebasan dalant kehidupan an tar manusia. Menjadi keyakinan umum bahwa liberalisme merupakan ideologi yang membebaskan manusia. Konsep pasar bebas dan kep emilikan pribadi merupakan simbol pemikiran dari liberalisme sebagai "the true guardian of freedom". Sebaliknya, marxisme, lebih populer dengan teorinya tentang perluasan clan "penzusatan kekuasaan negara". Teori yang kerapkali dijadikan dasar argumentasi bahwa marxisme membuang jauh syarat perlunya rasa dan kehidupan yang bebas seorang manusia. Hal inilah yang menjadi salah satu alasan pokok yang dapat menjelaskan mengapa marxisme tidak menjadi ideologi pilihan dunia. Pertanyaannya kemudian, benarkah persyaratan kebebasan dalant kehidupan manusia luput dari rumusan, aturan, dan pandangan dalant marxisme? Apakah marxisme memang menempatkan manusia dalam posisi yang terkurung? Apakah konsep kebebasan yang digariskan marxisme malahan membatasii kebebasan manusia itu sendiri? Tulisan ini tidak dimaksudkan menjadi pledoi bagi marxisme meskipun tulisan ini berangkat dari kritik terhadap pemikiran yang skeptis tentang konsep kebebasan tersebut. Dengan membandingkan konsep kebebasan dalam marxisme dan liberalisme, tulisan ini mencoba menjawab kesangsian yang selama ini berkembang tentang keberpihakan marxisme dalam kebebasan manusia. Analisis akan berkembang ke dalam paparan teori-teori tentang negara, pasar, dan kepemilikan, semata-mata untuk menunjukkan bagaimana konsep kebebasan melambari setiap aturan, rumusan, dan pilihan kebijakan dua paham tersebut. Keywords: capitalis
Journal of Indonesian Economy and Business, 2000
Pertumbuhan ekonomi telah lama menjadi orientasi dominan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan di hampir ... more Pertumbuhan ekonomi telah lama menjadi orientasi dominan dalam pelaksanaan pembangunan di hampir seluruh negara di bumi raya ini. Namun demikian, orang tidak dapat mengingkari bahwa kian hari, kian lama, udara yang mereka hirup semakin tak segar, suhu bumi makin tak menentu, dan makin berkurang kekayaan sumber daya alam sebagai sarana produksi. Kesadaran ini akhirnya melahirkan kepedulian akan pembangunan yang memperhatikan lingkungan hidup sekitar. Seiring dengan peningkatan kepedulian orang akan kualitas lingkungan hidup, para ekonom mulai merancang dan merumuskan konsep, teori maupun model, yang menjelaskan hubungan antara kualitas lingkungan hidup dan pembangunan ekonomi. Tulisan ini menjelaskan dampak pembangunan ekonomi terhadap kualitas lingkungan hidup. Hipotesis Kuznets mengatakan bahwa pada pada awal upaya pertumbuhan ekonomi, kualitas lingkungan hidup akan menurun tetapi lambat laun akan meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan aktivitas ekonomi. Persoalannya adakah dukungan...
For those of agricultural society, agriculture is part of their life, even a way of life. In addi... more For those of agricultural society, agriculture is part of their life, even a way of life. In addition to economic aspects, social aspects such as cultural and religious beliefs and traditions, play an important role in the actions of farmers. Agricultural community is governed by the institutions which are original and the result of cultural work. The existence of Lengge (communal granary) which is a cultural product of the past will bear the specific social interaction of Maria village�s society, Wawo sub district, Bima. This research is aimed to identify the behavior of Maria village�s society associated with the existence of Lengge as the center of attention. The suitability between informal norms as a social interaction effects and characteristics of social capital will be seen. In the end, it will be proved whether social capital of Lengge community in Maria village can encourage community economic improvement. This research is a descriptive research and the type is case st...
The states with better institutions will be able to allocate resources effectively so economy can... more The states with better institutions will be able to allocate resources effectively so economy can work better. One of the elements of institution in society that is very important for economic growth is social capital. The objective of this study is to fine out the effect of social capital on economic growth in all the provinces of Indonesia. The study used three main analysis instruments: (1) Factor analysis used in social capital formation
This research aimed to estimate the economic value of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum. The ec... more This research aimed to estimate the economic value of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum. The economic valuation of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum was the travel cost method and contingent valuation aplication by using the visitors individual data. Sample used both for travel cost and contingent valuation method was 115 visitors. Factors that influenced the number of visits to the Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo Museum are travel cost, income, and education. Factors that influenced the individual willingness to pay for the Fort Rotterdam are travel cost, income, age, education, and substitute. The individual willingness to pay for La Galigo Museum are influenced by travel cost, income, age, education, and substitute. The consumer surplus result for travel cost method was Rp1.029.601,03 � Rp7.505.791,50. The willingness to pay of the Fort Rotterdam visitors was Rp3.400,00, and for the La Galigo Museum was Rp10.700,00. The economic value interval of Fort Rotterdam and La Galigo M...
This paper primarily discusses how Indonesia as a developing country and one of the world’s top 1... more This paper primarily discusses how Indonesia as a developing country and one of the world’s top 10 greenhouse gas (GHG) contributors – has committed and struggled to attain low carbon development goals, which are crucial for its national development sustainability and the world campaign on climate change impact mitigation and adaptation. Indonesia’s awareness of the impact of disasters due to climate change on the sustainability of its national development brings forth commitments at the international level and robust programs at the national level in reducing GHG emissions. These programs have delivered historical achievements, especially in the forestry sector and the energy sector, the two most critical sectors of national GHG emission. Discussions continue on the conceivable green finance support options varying from the banking sector until the facilitation of ASEAN regional cooperation on low carbon sustainable development. The awareness of stakeholders to prevent potentially ...
The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the economic value of forest and oil palm pl... more The purpose of this study is to identify and compare the economic value of forest and oil palm plantation at Kapuas Regency , Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia. The values of forest that measured by researcher in this study are timber, job availability, biodiversity and the cultures of the local society. Meanwhile, oil palm plantation assessed based on value of crude palm oil (CPO) and palm kernel oil (PKO) and income from employment provided by palm oil plantations. This research used three methods of economic valuation. The methods are market value approach, benefit transfer and contingent valuation. Based on the research, total economic value of forest is Rp11.000.128,71 per ha/year whereas total economic value of oil palm plantations is Rp7.458.015,60 per ha/year. Because of comparison necessity, researcher used the area of oil palm plantations (20,600 hectares). So, economic value of forest for 20,600 hectares is Rp226.602.651.396,96 per year while the economic value of oi...
... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and P... more ... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and Practical Choice Poppy Ismalina A ... Moreover, with respect to the inef-ficiency of the system, Anderson and Hiil (1997) conclude thai rent-dissipation as a ...
Gadjah Mada International Journal of Business, 2001
... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and P... more ... THE IMPLEMENTATION OF THE PROPERTY RIGHT SYSTEM ON THE WATER RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Debate and Practical Choice Poppy Ismalina A ... Moreover, with respect to the inef-ficiency of the system, Anderson and Hiil (1997) conclude thai rent-dissipation as a ...
Jurnal Perempuan
&... more &am…
This paper analyzes the link between globalization and working conditions using labor-force surve... more This paper analyzes the link between globalization and working conditions using labor-force surveys in Indonesia during the 1990-2003 period. The data include wage and non-wage measures of working conditions. The results suggest that wages and non-wage measures of working conditions are positively related at the industry level and that wages are positively linked to increases in foreign investment, suggesting a positive link between globalization and working conditions in Indonesia. from 25 to 11 and converted several import licenses (which at their peak covered 43 per cent of tariff lines) into tariff equivalents. Under the new system, the government also abolished non-tariff barriers, such as import monopolies, simplified customs and outsourced substantial customs responsibilities, which included the November 1988 deregulation package that removed import monopolies for plastic and steel. Although the deregulation efforts seemed as a partial treatment, the psychological effect in business circles was strong and also increased the confidence that the Government had a serious commitment to implement deregulation. illustrates the change in Indonesia's average tariff rate relative to world tariff rates. 3
... Marwan Asri, whose determination and commitment in institutional building have been an inspir... more ... Marwan Asri, whose determination and commitment in institutional building have been an inspiration to me. ... Daniar Rahmawati, another close friend from Yogyakarta, with her determination in study, has reminded me to remain disciplined during the entire Ph.D process. ...