Husnul Fitri | University of Indonesia (original) (raw)
Books by Husnul Fitri
Metropolitan Governance in Asia and the Pacific Rim
Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Tow... more Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Towers in New York City in September 2001 marked the start of a developing terrorist presence that physically and mentally affects the security and spirit of cities as safe places. This chapter presents the concept of “urban defensive” strategies for global cities as a way to frame the issue of public security. Governments face the challenge of introducing a defensive concept into urban fabrics without simultaneously violating the vibrancy of urban life. While this challenge seems universal, some complexities of urban life in Western society are not matched in many cities in Southeast Asia. This chapter analyses these issues from the perspectives of planning and design, and discusses them in the context of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Papers by Husnul Fitri
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, May 1, 2024
Although interest in the travel patterns and behavior of women is increasing in the field of tran... more Although interest in the travel patterns and behavior of women is increasing in the field of transportation studies, there is a notable lack of discourse surrounding the travel behavior of women with disabilities. In fact, the current prevalence of disabilities among women exceeds that of men. Conversely, women with disabilities experience elevated levels of risk in transportation as a result of various circumstances, including budgetary constraints, safety and security concerns, and discriminatory practices. Conversations about the travel behavior exhibited by women with disabilities might contribute to developing appropriate transportation strategies and enhancing the productivity and mobility of women with disabilities. This study explored the behaviors of women with disabilities in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. This was accomplished by examining the travel diaries of 12 participants for one week, followed by interviews. The findings indicate certain resemblances in travel behavior between women with disabilities and women in the general population. However, disparities are shown regarding trip chaining frequency, transportation modes utilized, and companionship during travels. This study also emphasizes the significance of advancing assistive technology in transportation to address the travel needs and barriers of women with disabilities. The aim is to enhance their independence, particularly while fulfilling significant domestic responsibilities and facilitating their engagement in the workforce.
Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital ... more Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Although it is considered as human error factor and happened incidentally but fire has become a disaster because its effect to many aspect of community life. It also usually happens in high density area with low social-economic status. Thus, this intervention intends to empower vulnerable community against fire hazard. Research focuses at the aspect of preparedness based on social-cognitive model (Paton, 2006). It is used to elaborate the factors of intention to prepare including critical awareness, sense of community, action coping, and outcome expectancy of the community as the basic to design an intervention in order to develop a proper form of risk communication that match with local community need. Then, vulnerability and capacity assessment technique is used to obtain the whole picture about community’s vulnerabilities and capacities. Intervention strate...
International Journal of Technology, Apr 29, 2018
At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to... more At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to increase understanding of the public perception of terror threat. This kind of research can be utilized to improve strategies for raising the sense of security in public spaces. Since 9/11, efforts to promote this sense of security have been implemented through the development of security features embedded in public spaces, known as counter-terrorism design. It is assumed that terror risk perception can affect the perception of security in this design strategy. To investigate this issue, research was conducted on three business districts which represented high-profile terror attack targets in Jakarta. The primary findings of the study confirm the research assumption, but the role of terror risk perception was less strong than expected as the main predictor to determine the perceived security of counter-terrorism design. In addition, the study also found that gender had a significant but low influence on the security perception of counter-terrorism design.
Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Tow... more Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Towers in New York City in September 2001 marked the start of a developing terrorist presence that physically and mentally affects the security and spirit of cities as safe places. This chapter presents the concept of “urban defensive” strategies for global cities as a way to frame the issue of public security. Governments face the challenge of introducing a defensive concept into urban fabrics without simultaneously violating the vibrancy of urban life. While this challenge seems universal, some complexities of urban life in Western society are not matched in many cities in Southeast Asia. This chapter analyses these issues from the perspectives of planning and design, and discusses them in the context of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Pembatasan mobilitas masyarakat selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dapat memberikan dampak pada keamana... more Pembatasan mobilitas masyarakat selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dapat memberikan dampak pada keamanan di wilayah urban yang meliputi peningkatan dan perubahan jenis maupun target kriminalitas, potensi kerusuhan sosial, dan kemungkinan terjadinya aksi teror. Dengan memahami potensi-potensi kerawanan dan permasalahan keamanan ini diharapkan dapat disusun rencana tindakan dan antisipasi untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan baik dari pemerintah, penegak hukum dan otoritas keamanan (polisi, TNI), serta masyarakat ketika dilakukan PSBB ataupun karantina baik pada saat ini maupun di masa mendatang.
Konsekuensi dari densitas perkotaan menjadikan kota rawan dalam menghadapi tiga ancaman yang suli... more Konsekuensi dari densitas perkotaan menjadikan kota rawan dalam menghadapi tiga ancaman yang sulit diprediksi kehadirannya, yaitu bencana alam, terorisme, dan wabah penyakit atau emerging infectious disease (EID). Dalam menghadapi ancaman bencana alam, banyak kota telah memiliki guidance dan strategi untuk bersiap menghadapinya melalui aspek-aspek seperti kesiapsiagaan dan mitigasi bencana yang matang. Untuk konteks terorisme yang terbilang sebagai bentuk ancaman "baru", perhatian yang cukup besar telah diberikan untuk mencegah dan menangkal kejadian teror serta meminimalisasi korban melalui modifikasi ruang-ruang kota dan built environment. Lalu bagaimana dengan kemampuan kota menghadapi wabah penyakit?
Perilaku teroris seringkali dilihat secara sempit dari sudut pandang motif pribadi yang didasarka... more Perilaku teroris seringkali dilihat secara sempit dari sudut pandang motif pribadi yang didasarkan atas latar belakang keagamaan. Kalau kita bertumpu pada hal tersebut saja maka persepsi tentang perilaku teroris akan mandeg pada penjelasan-penjelasan yang dangkal.
International Journal of Technology, 2018
At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to... more At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to increase understanding of the public perception of terror threat. This kind of research can be utilized to improve strategies for raising the sense of security in public spaces. Since 9/11, efforts to promote this sense of security have been implemented through the development of security features embedded in public spaces, known as counter-terrorism design. It is assumed that terror risk perception can affect the perception of security in this design strategy. To investigate this issue, research was conducted on three business districts which represented high-profile terror attack targets in Jakarta. The primary findings of the study confirm the research assumption, but the role of terror risk perception was less strong than expected as the main predictor to determine the perceived security of counter-terrorism design. In addition, the study also found that gender had a significant but low influence on the security perception of counter-terrorism design.
Tidak lama lagi berbagai perhelatan politik daerah maupun nasional (pemilu dan pilkada) akan sege... more Tidak lama lagi berbagai perhelatan politik daerah maupun nasional (pemilu dan pilkada) akan segera berlangsung. KOndisi ini bisa jadi merupakan pertanda dimulainya tahun politik yang akan penuh dengan berbagai intrik. Meningkatnya suhu politik seringkali ditandai dengan kekhawatiran akan kondisi keamanan yang dianggap juga terpangaruh oleh situasi politik yang semakin memanas. Sejumlah kejadian yang mengancam keamanan sering pula dikaitkan dengan pertarungan politik elit yang berimbas di masyarakat. Beberapa peristiwa pendahuluan seperti serangan terhadap ulama di Jawa Barat misalnya diduga sebagai kejadian yang berkaitan dengan tahun politik ini. Jika menilik pada kejadian beberapa tahun silam, seperti kasus Banyuwangi tahun 1998, peristiwa ini bisa jadi memiliki motif yang tidak jauh berbeda karena situasi politik yang menjadi latar kejadiannya juga seolah memiliki persamaan. Sementara itu, penyerangan gereja Bedog yang baru saja terjadi menyiratkan adanya indikasi pola dan gejala lama yang dikaitkan dengan permasaahan kritikal seperti toleransi dan kebhinekaan sebagai isu politis yang semakin penting di tahun politik. Secara umum, kondisi tersebut sebenarnya telah menciptakan teror dalam masyarakat karena peristiwa yang terjadi tidak hanya mengandung unsur kekerasan yang menimbulkan korban jiwa serta menciptakan rasa takut di masyarakat namun juga sangat mungkin memiliki tujuan politik tersendiri Terlepas dari dugaan-dugaan tersebut, hal penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian bagi masyarakat adalah upaya untuk bersama-sama meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan meningkatkan keamanan ruang dari tindak kejahatan ataupun teror. Kejadian-kejadian lanjutan mungkin sekali masih memanfaatkan kelemahan ruang yang menjadikan suatu aksi dan tindakan teror berhasil dilakukan. Setidaknya ada tiga komponen penting dalam konteks keamanan ruang terkait ancaman kejahatan dan teror ini, yaitu aspek fisikal, operasional, teknologi, dan regulasi. Aspek fisikal merupakan pengaturan ruang fisik dan elemen di dalamnya untuk menciptakan pertahanan terhadap berbagai ancaman. Dalam hal ini, manipulasi dan modifikasi terhadap kondisi fisik ruang merupakan concern utama untuk mencapai tujuan keamanan. Konsep ini antara lain bersumber dari pandangan bahwa ruang fisik memiliki kelemahan yang justru menjadi oportunitas bagi pelaku kejahatan maupun teroris untuk melakukan aksinya. Oleh karena itu, ruang fisik perlu diatur sehingga mampu menciptakan ruang yang defensif (defensible space). Dalam konteks pencegahan kejahatan, pendekatan ini tentunya bukan merupakan hal yang asing karena menjadi salah satu strategi primer dalam prevensi kriminalitas. Pengaturan keamanan ruang fisik ini dapat menggunakan berbagai strategi. Dalam hal ini tentunya diperlukan analisis sebelum menetapkan strategi keamanan yang paling tepat. Sejumlah strategi yang digunakan dapat meliputi pengaturan akses ruang misalnya melalui pengunaan pembatas fisik (baik secara terlihat maupun tersamar seperti pagar, tempat duduk/ bangku taman, tanaman), pengaturan orientasi akses ruang (seperti penggunaan levelisasi dalam landscape), dan pengaturan pencahayaan ruang. Sementara itu, aspek organisasional merupakan penggunaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya manusia sebagai basis dalam menciptakan keamanan dan ketahanan ruang. JIka selama ini tugas pengamanan lebih banyak dibebankan pada petugas keamanan formal (polisi, satpam) maka masyarakat dapat pula berinisiatif untuk secara aktif membantu pengamanan secara mandiri dalam batas-batas tertentu. Partisipasi ini tentunya akan sangat membantu pihak kepolisian untuk menciptakan keamanan di masyarakat mengingat personil kepolisian
Bagaimana mungkin Hillary Clinton yang unggul dalam " suara real " pemilih tidak bisa meraup keme... more Bagaimana mungkin Hillary Clinton yang unggul dalam " suara real " pemilih tidak bisa meraup kemenangan secara elektoral yang menjadi penentu posisi kepresidenan? Salah satu hal yang perlu dicermati dari kegagalan calon populer ini adalah keberhasilan lawannya, Trump, dalam menguasai beberapa negara bagian yang dianggap sebagai battleground states dalam pemilihan.
Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 2012
Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital ... more Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Although it is considered as human error factor and happened incidentally but fire has become a disaster because its effect to many aspect of community life. It also usually happens in high density area with low social-economic status. Thus, this intervention intends to empower vulnerable community against fire hazard.
Other by Husnul Fitri
The series of terror attacks occurred around the globe in the beginning of 2016 signaling strong ... more The series of terror attacks occurred around the globe in the beginning of 2016 signaling strong message for possibilities of streak attacks in the future that need to be anticipated. Unfortunately, relying on intelligence information and aggressive military (or formal security organizational) approaches still seem impossible to prevent the attack accurately. I don't mean to be pessimistic but this is the real situation we face today. It is important to posit the issues of urban terror in the context of not only combating the sources but also protective the targets. In spatial perspective, the site of a terror target determines the success of the action. Of course, the selected site should be able to provide the maximum impact in delivering the message of fear and threat. The psychological nuances of this message is not always related to the amount of casualties as long as it can increase solid and vivid image of thriller effect in public perception. In observing the characteristic of the latest terror wave according to Rapoport's classification, it can be notices clearly the evolution of terror site when it entered the era of 2000. The landscape of potential terror targets shifted from hard to soft targets and also the selection of victims. Except for the case of Indonesia, the terrorists try to single out the crowd randomly which is not always represent the group of high-profile victims. However, the important point is that all of the incidences always occur in public spaces. Public spaces is rated as the most popular and potential target due to the massive activities which give advantages for terrorists to carry out the action. It is becoming an attraction for terrorists to conduct attacks that are effective in creating fear, increasing the number of victims as well as paralyzing public activities. Thus, concerning on security issues in planning and designing public spaces is a must. However, efforts to bring about a sense of security in public spaces has its own challenge. It is the nature of public spaces in providing opennes of spaces to be accessed by the public that create the weakness. This openness-despite characterizes as a primary quality of public spaces-provide a shortcoming as it causes the lack of ability to control public users. On the other side, this drawback serves as an advantage for terrorists to disguise in crowd without being notice and then deliver their
Metropolitan Governance in Asia and the Pacific Rim
Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Tow... more Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Towers in New York City in September 2001 marked the start of a developing terrorist presence that physically and mentally affects the security and spirit of cities as safe places. This chapter presents the concept of “urban defensive” strategies for global cities as a way to frame the issue of public security. Governments face the challenge of introducing a defensive concept into urban fabrics without simultaneously violating the vibrancy of urban life. While this challenge seems universal, some complexities of urban life in Western society are not matched in many cities in Southeast Asia. This chapter analyses these issues from the perspectives of planning and design, and discusses them in the context of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Transportation research interdisciplinary perspectives, May 1, 2024
Although interest in the travel patterns and behavior of women is increasing in the field of tran... more Although interest in the travel patterns and behavior of women is increasing in the field of transportation studies, there is a notable lack of discourse surrounding the travel behavior of women with disabilities. In fact, the current prevalence of disabilities among women exceeds that of men. Conversely, women with disabilities experience elevated levels of risk in transportation as a result of various circumstances, including budgetary constraints, safety and security concerns, and discriminatory practices. Conversations about the travel behavior exhibited by women with disabilities might contribute to developing appropriate transportation strategies and enhancing the productivity and mobility of women with disabilities. This study explored the behaviors of women with disabilities in DKI Jakarta, Indonesia. This was accomplished by examining the travel diaries of 12 participants for one week, followed by interviews. The findings indicate certain resemblances in travel behavior between women with disabilities and women in the general population. However, disparities are shown regarding trip chaining frequency, transportation modes utilized, and companionship during travels. This study also emphasizes the significance of advancing assistive technology in transportation to address the travel needs and barriers of women with disabilities. The aim is to enhance their independence, particularly while fulfilling significant domestic responsibilities and facilitating their engagement in the workforce.
Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital ... more Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Although it is considered as human error factor and happened incidentally but fire has become a disaster because its effect to many aspect of community life. It also usually happens in high density area with low social-economic status. Thus, this intervention intends to empower vulnerable community against fire hazard. Research focuses at the aspect of preparedness based on social-cognitive model (Paton, 2006). It is used to elaborate the factors of intention to prepare including critical awareness, sense of community, action coping, and outcome expectancy of the community as the basic to design an intervention in order to develop a proper form of risk communication that match with local community need. Then, vulnerability and capacity assessment technique is used to obtain the whole picture about community’s vulnerabilities and capacities. Intervention strate...
International Journal of Technology, Apr 29, 2018
At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to... more At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to increase understanding of the public perception of terror threat. This kind of research can be utilized to improve strategies for raising the sense of security in public spaces. Since 9/11, efforts to promote this sense of security have been implemented through the development of security features embedded in public spaces, known as counter-terrorism design. It is assumed that terror risk perception can affect the perception of security in this design strategy. To investigate this issue, research was conducted on three business districts which represented high-profile terror attack targets in Jakarta. The primary findings of the study confirm the research assumption, but the role of terror risk perception was less strong than expected as the main predictor to determine the perceived security of counter-terrorism design. In addition, the study also found that gender had a significant but low influence on the security perception of counter-terrorism design.
Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Tow... more Urban security is a major challenge for cities across the globe. The attack on the Twin Trade Towers in New York City in September 2001 marked the start of a developing terrorist presence that physically and mentally affects the security and spirit of cities as safe places. This chapter presents the concept of “urban defensive” strategies for global cities as a way to frame the issue of public security. Governments face the challenge of introducing a defensive concept into urban fabrics without simultaneously violating the vibrancy of urban life. While this challenge seems universal, some complexities of urban life in Western society are not matched in many cities in Southeast Asia. This chapter analyses these issues from the perspectives of planning and design, and discusses them in the context of Jakarta, Indonesia.
Pembatasan mobilitas masyarakat selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dapat memberikan dampak pada keamana... more Pembatasan mobilitas masyarakat selama masa pandemi Covid-19 dapat memberikan dampak pada keamanan di wilayah urban yang meliputi peningkatan dan perubahan jenis maupun target kriminalitas, potensi kerusuhan sosial, dan kemungkinan terjadinya aksi teror. Dengan memahami potensi-potensi kerawanan dan permasalahan keamanan ini diharapkan dapat disusun rencana tindakan dan antisipasi untuk meningkatkan kewaspadaan baik dari pemerintah, penegak hukum dan otoritas keamanan (polisi, TNI), serta masyarakat ketika dilakukan PSBB ataupun karantina baik pada saat ini maupun di masa mendatang.
Konsekuensi dari densitas perkotaan menjadikan kota rawan dalam menghadapi tiga ancaman yang suli... more Konsekuensi dari densitas perkotaan menjadikan kota rawan dalam menghadapi tiga ancaman yang sulit diprediksi kehadirannya, yaitu bencana alam, terorisme, dan wabah penyakit atau emerging infectious disease (EID). Dalam menghadapi ancaman bencana alam, banyak kota telah memiliki guidance dan strategi untuk bersiap menghadapinya melalui aspek-aspek seperti kesiapsiagaan dan mitigasi bencana yang matang. Untuk konteks terorisme yang terbilang sebagai bentuk ancaman "baru", perhatian yang cukup besar telah diberikan untuk mencegah dan menangkal kejadian teror serta meminimalisasi korban melalui modifikasi ruang-ruang kota dan built environment. Lalu bagaimana dengan kemampuan kota menghadapi wabah penyakit?
Perilaku teroris seringkali dilihat secara sempit dari sudut pandang motif pribadi yang didasarka... more Perilaku teroris seringkali dilihat secara sempit dari sudut pandang motif pribadi yang didasarkan atas latar belakang keagamaan. Kalau kita bertumpu pada hal tersebut saja maka persepsi tentang perilaku teroris akan mandeg pada penjelasan-penjelasan yang dangkal.
International Journal of Technology, 2018
At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to... more At a time of terror, research on the perception of terror risk makes an important contribution to increase understanding of the public perception of terror threat. This kind of research can be utilized to improve strategies for raising the sense of security in public spaces. Since 9/11, efforts to promote this sense of security have been implemented through the development of security features embedded in public spaces, known as counter-terrorism design. It is assumed that terror risk perception can affect the perception of security in this design strategy. To investigate this issue, research was conducted on three business districts which represented high-profile terror attack targets in Jakarta. The primary findings of the study confirm the research assumption, but the role of terror risk perception was less strong than expected as the main predictor to determine the perceived security of counter-terrorism design. In addition, the study also found that gender had a significant but low influence on the security perception of counter-terrorism design.
Tidak lama lagi berbagai perhelatan politik daerah maupun nasional (pemilu dan pilkada) akan sege... more Tidak lama lagi berbagai perhelatan politik daerah maupun nasional (pemilu dan pilkada) akan segera berlangsung. KOndisi ini bisa jadi merupakan pertanda dimulainya tahun politik yang akan penuh dengan berbagai intrik. Meningkatnya suhu politik seringkali ditandai dengan kekhawatiran akan kondisi keamanan yang dianggap juga terpangaruh oleh situasi politik yang semakin memanas. Sejumlah kejadian yang mengancam keamanan sering pula dikaitkan dengan pertarungan politik elit yang berimbas di masyarakat. Beberapa peristiwa pendahuluan seperti serangan terhadap ulama di Jawa Barat misalnya diduga sebagai kejadian yang berkaitan dengan tahun politik ini. Jika menilik pada kejadian beberapa tahun silam, seperti kasus Banyuwangi tahun 1998, peristiwa ini bisa jadi memiliki motif yang tidak jauh berbeda karena situasi politik yang menjadi latar kejadiannya juga seolah memiliki persamaan. Sementara itu, penyerangan gereja Bedog yang baru saja terjadi menyiratkan adanya indikasi pola dan gejala lama yang dikaitkan dengan permasaahan kritikal seperti toleransi dan kebhinekaan sebagai isu politis yang semakin penting di tahun politik. Secara umum, kondisi tersebut sebenarnya telah menciptakan teror dalam masyarakat karena peristiwa yang terjadi tidak hanya mengandung unsur kekerasan yang menimbulkan korban jiwa serta menciptakan rasa takut di masyarakat namun juga sangat mungkin memiliki tujuan politik tersendiri Terlepas dari dugaan-dugaan tersebut, hal penting yang perlu menjadi perhatian bagi masyarakat adalah upaya untuk bersama-sama meningkatkan kewaspadaan dan meningkatkan keamanan ruang dari tindak kejahatan ataupun teror. Kejadian-kejadian lanjutan mungkin sekali masih memanfaatkan kelemahan ruang yang menjadikan suatu aksi dan tindakan teror berhasil dilakukan. Setidaknya ada tiga komponen penting dalam konteks keamanan ruang terkait ancaman kejahatan dan teror ini, yaitu aspek fisikal, operasional, teknologi, dan regulasi. Aspek fisikal merupakan pengaturan ruang fisik dan elemen di dalamnya untuk menciptakan pertahanan terhadap berbagai ancaman. Dalam hal ini, manipulasi dan modifikasi terhadap kondisi fisik ruang merupakan concern utama untuk mencapai tujuan keamanan. Konsep ini antara lain bersumber dari pandangan bahwa ruang fisik memiliki kelemahan yang justru menjadi oportunitas bagi pelaku kejahatan maupun teroris untuk melakukan aksinya. Oleh karena itu, ruang fisik perlu diatur sehingga mampu menciptakan ruang yang defensif (defensible space). Dalam konteks pencegahan kejahatan, pendekatan ini tentunya bukan merupakan hal yang asing karena menjadi salah satu strategi primer dalam prevensi kriminalitas. Pengaturan keamanan ruang fisik ini dapat menggunakan berbagai strategi. Dalam hal ini tentunya diperlukan analisis sebelum menetapkan strategi keamanan yang paling tepat. Sejumlah strategi yang digunakan dapat meliputi pengaturan akses ruang misalnya melalui pengunaan pembatas fisik (baik secara terlihat maupun tersamar seperti pagar, tempat duduk/ bangku taman, tanaman), pengaturan orientasi akses ruang (seperti penggunaan levelisasi dalam landscape), dan pengaturan pencahayaan ruang. Sementara itu, aspek organisasional merupakan penggunaan dan pemanfaatan sumber daya manusia sebagai basis dalam menciptakan keamanan dan ketahanan ruang. JIka selama ini tugas pengamanan lebih banyak dibebankan pada petugas keamanan formal (polisi, satpam) maka masyarakat dapat pula berinisiatif untuk secara aktif membantu pengamanan secara mandiri dalam batas-batas tertentu. Partisipasi ini tentunya akan sangat membantu pihak kepolisian untuk menciptakan keamanan di masyarakat mengingat personil kepolisian
Bagaimana mungkin Hillary Clinton yang unggul dalam " suara real " pemilih tidak bisa meraup keme... more Bagaimana mungkin Hillary Clinton yang unggul dalam " suara real " pemilih tidak bisa meraup kemenangan secara elektoral yang menjadi penentu posisi kepresidenan? Salah satu hal yang perlu dicermati dari kegagalan calon populer ini adalah keberhasilan lawannya, Trump, dalam menguasai beberapa negara bagian yang dianggap sebagai battleground states dalam pemilihan.
Global Journal of Community Psychology Practice, 2012
Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital ... more Fire is one of the common disasters in Indonesia especially in many big cities including capital city of Indonesia, Jakarta. Although it is considered as human error factor and happened incidentally but fire has become a disaster because its effect to many aspect of community life. It also usually happens in high density area with low social-economic status. Thus, this intervention intends to empower vulnerable community against fire hazard.
The series of terror attacks occurred around the globe in the beginning of 2016 signaling strong ... more The series of terror attacks occurred around the globe in the beginning of 2016 signaling strong message for possibilities of streak attacks in the future that need to be anticipated. Unfortunately, relying on intelligence information and aggressive military (or formal security organizational) approaches still seem impossible to prevent the attack accurately. I don't mean to be pessimistic but this is the real situation we face today. It is important to posit the issues of urban terror in the context of not only combating the sources but also protective the targets. In spatial perspective, the site of a terror target determines the success of the action. Of course, the selected site should be able to provide the maximum impact in delivering the message of fear and threat. The psychological nuances of this message is not always related to the amount of casualties as long as it can increase solid and vivid image of thriller effect in public perception. In observing the characteristic of the latest terror wave according to Rapoport's classification, it can be notices clearly the evolution of terror site when it entered the era of 2000. The landscape of potential terror targets shifted from hard to soft targets and also the selection of victims. Except for the case of Indonesia, the terrorists try to single out the crowd randomly which is not always represent the group of high-profile victims. However, the important point is that all of the incidences always occur in public spaces. Public spaces is rated as the most popular and potential target due to the massive activities which give advantages for terrorists to carry out the action. It is becoming an attraction for terrorists to conduct attacks that are effective in creating fear, increasing the number of victims as well as paralyzing public activities. Thus, concerning on security issues in planning and designing public spaces is a must. However, efforts to bring about a sense of security in public spaces has its own challenge. It is the nature of public spaces in providing opennes of spaces to be accessed by the public that create the weakness. This openness-despite characterizes as a primary quality of public spaces-provide a shortcoming as it causes the lack of ability to control public users. On the other side, this drawback serves as an advantage for terrorists to disguise in crowd without being notice and then deliver their