Rina Mutiara | University of Indonesia (original) (raw)
Papers by Rina Mutiara
Jurnal Impresi Indonesia, Mar 23, 2023
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, organiz... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, organizational culture, work motivation on the innovative behavior of nurses at Prabumulih Hospital. Method: This study uses a survey method, which is research that takes samples from a population by using a questionnaire as the principal data collection tool to examine the observed symptoms or phenomena. This study uses a causality design based on the cross-sectional time dimension, namely measurements of the independent and dependent variables are carried out at the same time. Results: The results of path analysis show that leadership style can have a direct effect on behavior and can also have an indirect effect, namely from leadership style to motivation (as an intervening variable) then to behavior, the results of path analysis show that organizational culture can have a direct effect on behavior and can also indirect effect, namely from organizational culture to motivation (as an intervening variable) then to behavior. Conclusion: Based on the analysis conducted, the conclusions in this study are as follows: there is a simultaneous influence of leadership style, organizational culture on behavior through motivation where motivation has an important role as a link for leadership style and organizational culture on behavior, there is no influence of leadership style on behavior, meaning that behavior is not always influenced by leadership style in the workplace
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science, Jul 25, 2022
Hospital X, namely, some employees are still in and out of work, this can be seen from the turnov... more Hospital X, namely, some employees are still in and out of work, this can be seen from the turnover in the last 3 (three) years and attendance data contained in the HRD section of RS.X.data Turn over for the last 3 (three) years, namely: in 2017 there were 36 employees, in 2018 there were 24 people, and in 2019 there were 30 people. The turnover is very high every year because the average per year is 30% (thirty percent) In this case the researcher wants to highlight three factors that affect employee performance, namely compensation factors, work environment, and work discipline. This selection is based on the fact that these two factors most often appear in theories that discuss the factors that influence employee performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation and work environment on work quality with performance as an intervening on nonmedical employees of RS.X in Bandung. Methods This research uses the type and design of quantitative research, which was conducted on 80 employees. The results of the study that compensation has an influence on work discipline in Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, the work environment has an influence on work discipline on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, compensation has an influence on employee performance on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung. Bandung City, the work environment has an influence on employee performance at Non Medical Employees Hospital X in Bandung City, work discipline has an influence on employee performance at Non Medical Employees Hospital X in Bandung City, compensation has an influence on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable (intervening) on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, and the work environment has an influence on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable (intervening) on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital
Services provided by hospital staff to patients greatly affects patient satisfaction. The cause o... more Services provided by hospital staff to patients greatly affects patient satisfaction. The cause of patient dissatisfaction can be caused by several factors including the service quality factor, such as Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness. Apart from that, there are 2 other factors that were examined this study, namely Accessibility and Communication. Thus, the problem in this study at Murni Teguh Sudirman Jakarta (MTSJ) Hospital there is decreased performance of pharmacy staff, so that there are complaints from outpatients to pharmacy service unit at MTSJ Hospital. Here analyses a quality of pharmaceutical staff services at outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital, also analyses the influence of Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, Responsiveness, Accessibility and Communication pharmaceutical staff services at out patients' satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital. In addition, in this study we use a quantitative descriptive causality approach which aims to analyse relationships and influence (cause and effect) of two or more phenomena and correlation and regression analysis. The data collection techniques using is primary questionnaire with 5 Likert scale distributed to 49 respondents. The results shows that there is no influence from Reliability and Responsiveness pharmacy staff to outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital. There is influence from Assurance, Tangible, Empathy, Accessibility and Communication pharmacy staff and pharmaceutical installation to outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital, with value of correlation and regression analysis, if Significance values (Sig) < probability 0,05, then H0 (null hypothesis) be rejected and Ha (alternate hypothesis) accepted (there is no influence), if Significance values (Sig) > probability 0,05, then H0 (null hypothesis) accepted and Ha (alternate hypothesis) be rejected (there is influence).
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, 2005
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa lima besar kanker di dunia adalah kanker paru-p... more Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa lima besar kanker di dunia adalah kanker paru-paru, kanker payudara, kanker usus besar dan kanker lambung dan kanker hati. Sementara data dari pemeriksaan patologi di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa urutan lima besar kanker adalah kanker leher rahim, kanker payudara, kelenjar getah bening, kulit dan kanker nasofaring (Anaonim, 2004). Saat ini belum ditemukan data yang pasti yang menjadi faktor penyebab utama penyakit kanker payudara. Sampai saat ini terjadinya
Background: The process of intravenous admixture preparations is one of the stages that require s... more Background: The process of intravenous admixture preparations is one of the stages that require special attention to not affect the quality of the resulting preparations. An aseptic technique is required to maintain the sterility of the product produced and ensure its safety.Objective: To identify the appropriateness of the implementation of intravenous admixture based on guidelines and other standard relevant.Methods: This research was conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Wonosari Hospital in the October-November 2022 period with 100 samples of intravenous injection preparations, which were directly observed using a checklist sheet which was then analyzed quantitativelyResults: The percentage of suitability for the preparatory stage was 89% in the appropriate category. Most suitability in the preparation stage is the use of disposable masks, which is 97%. The suitability of the IV admixture preparations in this study was 54%. The highest suitability of each assessment item is the highest ...
Jurnal Health Sains
Patient safety culture is a product of values, attitudes, competencies and behavioral patterns of... more Patient safety culture is a product of values, attitudes, competencies and behavioral patterns of individuals and groups that determine the commitment, style and ability of a health care organization towards patient safety programs. if a health service organization does not have a patient safety culture, accidents can occur resulting in latent errors, psychological and physiological disturbances to staff, decreased productivity, reduced patient satisfaction and cause interpersonal conflicts. leadership, competence and effective communication are important factors for the successful implementation of patient safety culture in hospitals. Analyzing the relationship of leadership, competency and effective communication to the implementation of patient safety culture. This research was conducted on 179 nurses working in the inpatient room of the XX Serang hospital which were taken from 323 nurses, with the research method using cross-sectional research, where data was taken through inter...
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
A private or government organization really needs quality human resources and has maximum perform... more A private or government organization really needs quality human resources and has maximum performance to drive the wheels of the organization. The problem that occurs is the decline in the performance of Human Resources (HR) which causes these government agencies to be unable to provide the best service for the community. Then he still feels uncomfortable and the level of communication that is still low is very influential in work efficiency in an agency, which has an impact on employee absenteeism, decreased motivation and performance and lost productivity. The method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using Lisrel software version 8.80. Saturated sample technique or total sampling is the method used in this study and the number of research samples is 82 employees. The results of this study prove that 1) The non-physical work environment and organizational commitment both substantially and simultaneously have an influence on job satisfaction. 2) th...
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020
Jurnal Health Sains
The number of delays in the cause of inpatient medical records in Indonesia is still high, in the... more The number of delays in the cause of inpatient medical records in Indonesia is still high, in the range of 45.45% - 100%. Where the highest delay in return is caused by incompleteness in filling out the medical resume, this can potentially cause losses to the hospital due to delayed claim collection. This study aims to analyze the causes of the problem to develop an inpatient medical record control system model using the waterfall model method, including Requirements, Analysis, and Design at Aqidah Hospital, Tangerang City. This case study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), Observation and Document Review of inpatient medical records for October – December 2021. The results showed that the delay in returning inpatient medical records in 2019 was 185 out of 280 (66.10%). In 2020 as many as 280 out of 410 (68.29%), and in 2021 as many as 228 out of 320 (71.25%). ) thus, the highest percentage of delays in returning inpatient medical rec...
Patient's visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient's dec... more Patient's visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient's decision to visit could be measured through patient visiting intention which is influenced by marketing mix and trust. This research aimed to gather empirical proof in order to describe the relationship between marketing mix and visiting intention through trust as an intervening variable. The 200 respondents from patients in outpatient clinic of Hospital X are proposed in this study. Thus, this research is quantitative with causality method was conducted with 4-intervalscale questionnaire. All the data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Here, most of the respondents in this study are female which is in the age 21 to 30 years old also graduated from senior high school and vocational school. In addition, the female respondent in the age 21 to 30 did not use insurance to cover their bill while an old patient was visiting general practitioner clinic. Here, the descriptive analysis shows that marketing mix and visiting intention are in moderate category while trust is in high category. The results of this study indicate that there is effect of marketing mix on visiting intention through trust. The effect of marketing mixes on trust and trust on visiting intention are positive and significant while the direct effect of marketing mix on visiting intention is negative and significant. Thus, in this study found that trust is intervening variable and marketing mix has a negative effect on visiting interest.
Jurnal Health Sains
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer. Breast cancer ... more Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer. Breast cancer can have a psychological impact from the early diagnosis. In addition, the side effects of cancer modality therapy can also affect the psychology of patients and families. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of providing education on the quality of life of breast cancer patients with family assistance and medication adherence as mediating variables at the "Dharmais" Cancer Hospital. Quality of life is a subjective measure that describes happiness and freedom for an individual and how good or bad a person is. Health education is an important tool for fostering patient empowerment and encouraging their contribution to disease control. Family companion is a form of interpersonal relationship that protects a person from the effects of bad stress. Obedience comes from the root word obedient which means to obey, like to obey orders. Types of correlational research. Th...
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 1995
Jurnal Health Sains
Sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat merupakan faktor penentu ketersediaan obat dan kebutuhan an... more Sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat merupakan faktor penentu ketersediaan obat dan kebutuhan anggaran. Metode yang baik dapat diterapkan untuk menciptakan sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat yang baik, salah satunya dengan metode ABC Indeks Kritis. Dengan metode ini maka dapat dikelompokkan obat prioritas yang memiliki nilai investasi besar. RSJ dr. Soeharto Heerdjan belum pernah melakukan analisis ABC Indeks Kritis dan masalah yang sering terjadi adalah stok obat kosong. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat di RSJ dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, menggunakan data pemakaian obat periode Januari 2020 sampai dengan Juni 2021 dan pengisian kuesioner VEN oleh 15 orang dokter. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode ABC Indeks Kritis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari 351 jenis obat yang termasuk dalam kelompok A indeks kritis ada 6 jenis (2%), kelompok B indeks kritis ada 119 jenis (33,6%) dan ke...
Patient’s visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient’s dec... more Patient’s visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient’s decision to visit could be measured through patient visiting intention which is influenced by marketing mix and trust. This research aimed to gather empirical proof in order to describe the relationship between marketing mix and visiting intention through trust as an intervening variable. The 200 respondents from patients in outpatient clinic of Hospital X are proposed in this study. Thus, this research is quantitative with causality method was conducted with 4-interval-scale questionnaire. All the data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Here, most of the respondents in this study are female which is in the age 21 to 30 years old also graduated from senior high school and vocational school. In addition, the female respondent in the age 21 to 30 did not use insurance to cover their bill while an old patient was visiting general practitioner clinic. Here, the descriptive analysi...
Patient safety is a serious global health problem. The results showed that in developed countries... more Patient safety is a serious global health problem. The results showed that in developed countries one in ten patients who get injured during treatment in the hospital. Developing countries, patients who are harmed during the hospitalization process are likely to be more likely than those in developed countries. Based on the results of the 2018 evaluation at RSIA Bunda Aliyah, it shows that compliance with the risk of injury due to a patient falling in the inpatient department reaches 99% of the 100% standard, where only 1% is still a problem in preventing the risk of falling. Compliance in hand washing was 65.3% with a standard of> 85%, the data also showed that patient and family satisfaction reached 70.9% with a standard of> 80%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of nurses' workload on the implementation of patient safety at RSIA Bunda Aliyah with service quality as an intervening variable. The method used in this research is multiple regression path an...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teunuleh
Medical disputes that are rife in the medical world in Indonesia are a separate burden for medica... more Medical disputes that are rife in the medical world in Indonesia are a separate burden for medical personnel in carrying out daily practices, where the hospital as a place for medical personnel to work, should be responsible for medical personnel involved in medical disputes. The absence of sufficiently clear regulations governing the responsibility of hospitals in resolving medical disputes, makes medical personnel, in this case, the most disadvantaged part. The purpose of this study is to empirically determine the applicable laws and regulations regarding the responsibility of hospitals in the process of resolving medical disputes and the effectiveness of their implementation. The research method used is qualitative research with case study approach. Data sources are primary and secondary data. The data analysis subjects were informants, namely the director of medical services, the legal department officer and the public relations officer. The analysis tool uses interactive analys...
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Hearing loss is the most common disorder in neonates; it can be best managed if it is... more Background: Hearing loss is the most common disorder in neonates; it can be best managed if it is diagnosed at early stage of life. The global prevalence of permanent neonatal hearing loss mainly occurs in developing countries, which accounts 0.5 to 5.0 per 1000 live births. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of aminoglycoside therapy and other risk factors that induce hearing loss in neonates admitted at NICU at Cipto-Mangunkusumo General Hospital (CMGH).Methods: This was a case-control study conducted among 112 neonates at Cipto-Mangunkusumo General Hospital (CMGH). Data from neonatal hearing screening were retrospectively collected from hospital electronic medical records and medical files. Only patients treated at neonatal unit from November 2018 to October 2019 were recruited. Results: Out of 112 neonates studied, the gestational age at birth (GA) and craniofacial anomalies were considered risk factors for hearing loss since they were statistically sig...
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan (IKP) memiliki risiko trombosis yang menyebabkan gangguan ka... more Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan (IKP) memiliki risiko trombosis yang menyebabkan gangguan kardiovaskular. Gangguan kardiovaskular dievaluasi dengan menggunakan Major Adverse Cardiac Event (MACE). Terapi pencegahan trombosis menggunakan dual antiplatelet, yakni asetosal dan klopidogrel. Klopidogrel merupakan obat dengan variabilitas farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik yang tinggi pada setiap individu, salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Subjek dengan nilai IMT ≥25 kg/m2 emiliki nilai agregasi platelet lebih besar dibanding subjek dengan IMT
Jurnal Impresi Indonesia, Mar 23, 2023
The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, organiz... more The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of transformational leadership style, organizational culture, work motivation on the innovative behavior of nurses at Prabumulih Hospital. Method: This study uses a survey method, which is research that takes samples from a population by using a questionnaire as the principal data collection tool to examine the observed symptoms or phenomena. This study uses a causality design based on the cross-sectional time dimension, namely measurements of the independent and dependent variables are carried out at the same time. Results: The results of path analysis show that leadership style can have a direct effect on behavior and can also have an indirect effect, namely from leadership style to motivation (as an intervening variable) then to behavior, the results of path analysis show that organizational culture can have a direct effect on behavior and can also indirect effect, namely from organizational culture to motivation (as an intervening variable) then to behavior. Conclusion: Based on the analysis conducted, the conclusions in this study are as follows: there is a simultaneous influence of leadership style, organizational culture on behavior through motivation where motivation has an important role as a link for leadership style and organizational culture on behavior, there is no influence of leadership style on behavior, meaning that behavior is not always influenced by leadership style in the workplace
Indonesian Journal of Multidisciplinary Science, Jul 25, 2022
Hospital X, namely, some employees are still in and out of work, this can be seen from the turnov... more Hospital X, namely, some employees are still in and out of work, this can be seen from the turnover in the last 3 (three) years and attendance data contained in the HRD section of RS.X.data Turn over for the last 3 (three) years, namely: in 2017 there were 36 employees, in 2018 there were 24 people, and in 2019 there were 30 people. The turnover is very high every year because the average per year is 30% (thirty percent) In this case the researcher wants to highlight three factors that affect employee performance, namely compensation factors, work environment, and work discipline. This selection is based on the fact that these two factors most often appear in theories that discuss the factors that influence employee performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of compensation and work environment on work quality with performance as an intervening on nonmedical employees of RS.X in Bandung. Methods This research uses the type and design of quantitative research, which was conducted on 80 employees. The results of the study that compensation has an influence on work discipline in Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, the work environment has an influence on work discipline on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, compensation has an influence on employee performance on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung. Bandung City, the work environment has an influence on employee performance at Non Medical Employees Hospital X in Bandung City, work discipline has an influence on employee performance at Non Medical Employees Hospital X in Bandung City, compensation has an influence on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable (intervening) on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital X in Bandung City, and the work environment has an influence on employee performance with work discipline as a mediating variable (intervening) on Non-Medical Employees of Hospital
Services provided by hospital staff to patients greatly affects patient satisfaction. The cause o... more Services provided by hospital staff to patients greatly affects patient satisfaction. The cause of patient dissatisfaction can be caused by several factors including the service quality factor, such as Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy and Responsiveness. Apart from that, there are 2 other factors that were examined this study, namely Accessibility and Communication. Thus, the problem in this study at Murni Teguh Sudirman Jakarta (MTSJ) Hospital there is decreased performance of pharmacy staff, so that there are complaints from outpatients to pharmacy service unit at MTSJ Hospital. Here analyses a quality of pharmaceutical staff services at outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital, also analyses the influence of Reliability, Assurance, Tangibles, Empathy, Responsiveness, Accessibility and Communication pharmaceutical staff services at out patients' satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital. In addition, in this study we use a quantitative descriptive causality approach which aims to analyse relationships and influence (cause and effect) of two or more phenomena and correlation and regression analysis. The data collection techniques using is primary questionnaire with 5 Likert scale distributed to 49 respondents. The results shows that there is no influence from Reliability and Responsiveness pharmacy staff to outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital. There is influence from Assurance, Tangible, Empathy, Accessibility and Communication pharmacy staff and pharmaceutical installation to outpatients satisfaction at MTSJ Hospital, with value of correlation and regression analysis, if Significance values (Sig) < probability 0,05, then H0 (null hypothesis) be rejected and Ha (alternate hypothesis) accepted (there is no influence), if Significance values (Sig) > probability 0,05, then H0 (null hypothesis) accepted and Ha (alternate hypothesis) be rejected (there is influence).
Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, 2005
Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa lima besar kanker di dunia adalah kanker paru-p... more Organisasi Kesehatan Dunia (WHO) menyatakan bahwa lima besar kanker di dunia adalah kanker paru-paru, kanker payudara, kanker usus besar dan kanker lambung dan kanker hati. Sementara data dari pemeriksaan patologi di Indonesia menyatakan bahwa urutan lima besar kanker adalah kanker leher rahim, kanker payudara, kelenjar getah bening, kulit dan kanker nasofaring (Anaonim, 2004). Saat ini belum ditemukan data yang pasti yang menjadi faktor penyebab utama penyakit kanker payudara. Sampai saat ini terjadinya
Background: The process of intravenous admixture preparations is one of the stages that require s... more Background: The process of intravenous admixture preparations is one of the stages that require special attention to not affect the quality of the resulting preparations. An aseptic technique is required to maintain the sterility of the product produced and ensure its safety.Objective: To identify the appropriateness of the implementation of intravenous admixture based on guidelines and other standard relevant.Methods: This research was conducted at PKU Muhammadiyah Wonosari Hospital in the October-November 2022 period with 100 samples of intravenous injection preparations, which were directly observed using a checklist sheet which was then analyzed quantitativelyResults: The percentage of suitability for the preparatory stage was 89% in the appropriate category. Most suitability in the preparation stage is the use of disposable masks, which is 97%. The suitability of the IV admixture preparations in this study was 54%. The highest suitability of each assessment item is the highest ...
Jurnal Health Sains
Patient safety culture is a product of values, attitudes, competencies and behavioral patterns of... more Patient safety culture is a product of values, attitudes, competencies and behavioral patterns of individuals and groups that determine the commitment, style and ability of a health care organization towards patient safety programs. if a health service organization does not have a patient safety culture, accidents can occur resulting in latent errors, psychological and physiological disturbances to staff, decreased productivity, reduced patient satisfaction and cause interpersonal conflicts. leadership, competence and effective communication are important factors for the successful implementation of patient safety culture in hospitals. Analyzing the relationship of leadership, competency and effective communication to the implementation of patient safety culture. This research was conducted on 179 nurses working in the inpatient room of the XX Serang hospital which were taken from 323 nurses, with the research method using cross-sectional research, where data was taken through inter...
JIIP - Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pendidikan
A private or government organization really needs quality human resources and has maximum perform... more A private or government organization really needs quality human resources and has maximum performance to drive the wheels of the organization. The problem that occurs is the decline in the performance of Human Resources (HR) which causes these government agencies to be unable to provide the best service for the community. Then he still feels uncomfortable and the level of communication that is still low is very influential in work efficiency in an agency, which has an impact on employee absenteeism, decreased motivation and performance and lost productivity. The method used in this research is Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) analysis using Lisrel software version 8.80. Saturated sample technique or total sampling is the method used in this study and the number of research samples is 82 employees. The results of this study prove that 1) The non-physical work environment and organizational commitment both substantially and simultaneously have an influence on job satisfaction. 2) th...
Universitas Indonesia, 2016
International Journal of Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Vol.24, Issue 01, 2020
Jurnal Health Sains
The number of delays in the cause of inpatient medical records in Indonesia is still high, in the... more The number of delays in the cause of inpatient medical records in Indonesia is still high, in the range of 45.45% - 100%. Where the highest delay in return is caused by incompleteness in filling out the medical resume, this can potentially cause losses to the hospital due to delayed claim collection. This study aims to analyze the causes of the problem to develop an inpatient medical record control system model using the waterfall model method, including Requirements, Analysis, and Design at Aqidah Hospital, Tangerang City. This case study uses a qualitative approach with in-depth interviews, FGD (Focus Group Discussion), Observation and Document Review of inpatient medical records for October – December 2021. The results showed that the delay in returning inpatient medical records in 2019 was 185 out of 280 (66.10%). In 2020 as many as 280 out of 410 (68.29%), and in 2021 as many as 228 out of 320 (71.25%). ) thus, the highest percentage of delays in returning inpatient medical rec...
Patient's visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient's dec... more Patient's visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient's decision to visit could be measured through patient visiting intention which is influenced by marketing mix and trust. This research aimed to gather empirical proof in order to describe the relationship between marketing mix and visiting intention through trust as an intervening variable. The 200 respondents from patients in outpatient clinic of Hospital X are proposed in this study. Thus, this research is quantitative with causality method was conducted with 4-intervalscale questionnaire. All the data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Here, most of the respondents in this study are female which is in the age 21 to 30 years old also graduated from senior high school and vocational school. In addition, the female respondent in the age 21 to 30 did not use insurance to cover their bill while an old patient was visiting general practitioner clinic. Here, the descriptive analysis shows that marketing mix and visiting intention are in moderate category while trust is in high category. The results of this study indicate that there is effect of marketing mix on visiting intention through trust. The effect of marketing mixes on trust and trust on visiting intention are positive and significant while the direct effect of marketing mix on visiting intention is negative and significant. Thus, in this study found that trust is intervening variable and marketing mix has a negative effect on visiting interest.
Jurnal Health Sains
Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer. Breast cancer ... more Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer compared to other types of cancer. Breast cancer can have a psychological impact from the early diagnosis. In addition, the side effects of cancer modality therapy can also affect the psychology of patients and families. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of providing education on the quality of life of breast cancer patients with family assistance and medication adherence as mediating variables at the "Dharmais" Cancer Hospital. Quality of life is a subjective measure that describes happiness and freedom for an individual and how good or bad a person is. Health education is an important tool for fostering patient empowerment and encouraging their contribution to disease control. Family companion is a form of interpersonal relationship that protects a person from the effects of bad stress. Obedience comes from the root word obedient which means to obey, like to obey orders. Types of correlational research. Th...
Journal of Oncology Pharmacy Practice, 1995
Jurnal Health Sains
Sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat merupakan faktor penentu ketersediaan obat dan kebutuhan an... more Sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat merupakan faktor penentu ketersediaan obat dan kebutuhan anggaran. Metode yang baik dapat diterapkan untuk menciptakan sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat yang baik, salah satunya dengan metode ABC Indeks Kritis. Dengan metode ini maka dapat dikelompokkan obat prioritas yang memiliki nilai investasi besar. RSJ dr. Soeharto Heerdjan belum pernah melakukan analisis ABC Indeks Kritis dan masalah yang sering terjadi adalah stok obat kosong. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah menganalisis sistem perencanaan dan pengadaan obat di RSJ dr. Soeharto Heerdjan Jakarta. Jenis penelitian ini yaitu deskriptif kualitatif, menggunakan data pemakaian obat periode Januari 2020 sampai dengan Juni 2021 dan pengisian kuesioner VEN oleh 15 orang dokter. Analisis dilakukan dengan metode ABC Indeks Kritis. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa dari 351 jenis obat yang termasuk dalam kelompok A indeks kritis ada 6 jenis (2%), kelompok B indeks kritis ada 119 jenis (33,6%) dan ke...
Patient’s visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient’s dec... more Patient’s visit plays an important role in the sustainability of hospital services. Patient’s decision to visit could be measured through patient visiting intention which is influenced by marketing mix and trust. This research aimed to gather empirical proof in order to describe the relationship between marketing mix and visiting intention through trust as an intervening variable. The 200 respondents from patients in outpatient clinic of Hospital X are proposed in this study. Thus, this research is quantitative with causality method was conducted with 4-interval-scale questionnaire. All the data was analyzed with Structural Equation Modelling. Here, most of the respondents in this study are female which is in the age 21 to 30 years old also graduated from senior high school and vocational school. In addition, the female respondent in the age 21 to 30 did not use insurance to cover their bill while an old patient was visiting general practitioner clinic. Here, the descriptive analysi...
Patient safety is a serious global health problem. The results showed that in developed countries... more Patient safety is a serious global health problem. The results showed that in developed countries one in ten patients who get injured during treatment in the hospital. Developing countries, patients who are harmed during the hospitalization process are likely to be more likely than those in developed countries. Based on the results of the 2018 evaluation at RSIA Bunda Aliyah, it shows that compliance with the risk of injury due to a patient falling in the inpatient department reaches 99% of the 100% standard, where only 1% is still a problem in preventing the risk of falling. Compliance in hand washing was 65.3% with a standard of> 85%, the data also showed that patient and family satisfaction reached 70.9% with a standard of> 80%. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of nurses' workload on the implementation of patient safety at RSIA Bunda Aliyah with service quality as an intervening variable. The method used in this research is multiple regression path an...
Jurnal Ilmiah Teunuleh
Medical disputes that are rife in the medical world in Indonesia are a separate burden for medica... more Medical disputes that are rife in the medical world in Indonesia are a separate burden for medical personnel in carrying out daily practices, where the hospital as a place for medical personnel to work, should be responsible for medical personnel involved in medical disputes. The absence of sufficiently clear regulations governing the responsibility of hospitals in resolving medical disputes, makes medical personnel, in this case, the most disadvantaged part. The purpose of this study is to empirically determine the applicable laws and regulations regarding the responsibility of hospitals in the process of resolving medical disputes and the effectiveness of their implementation. The research method used is qualitative research with case study approach. Data sources are primary and secondary data. The data analysis subjects were informants, namely the director of medical services, the legal department officer and the public relations officer. The analysis tool uses interactive analys...
International Journal of Otorhinolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery
Background: Hearing loss is the most common disorder in neonates; it can be best managed if it is... more Background: Hearing loss is the most common disorder in neonates; it can be best managed if it is diagnosed at early stage of life. The global prevalence of permanent neonatal hearing loss mainly occurs in developing countries, which accounts 0.5 to 5.0 per 1000 live births. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of aminoglycoside therapy and other risk factors that induce hearing loss in neonates admitted at NICU at Cipto-Mangunkusumo General Hospital (CMGH).Methods: This was a case-control study conducted among 112 neonates at Cipto-Mangunkusumo General Hospital (CMGH). Data from neonatal hearing screening were retrospectively collected from hospital electronic medical records and medical files. Only patients treated at neonatal unit from November 2018 to October 2019 were recruited. Results: Out of 112 neonates studied, the gestational age at birth (GA) and craniofacial anomalies were considered risk factors for hearing loss since they were statistically sig...
Indonesian Journal of Clinical Pharmacy
Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan (IKP) memiliki risiko trombosis yang menyebabkan gangguan ka... more Tindakan Intervensi Koroner Perkutan (IKP) memiliki risiko trombosis yang menyebabkan gangguan kardiovaskular. Gangguan kardiovaskular dievaluasi dengan menggunakan Major Adverse Cardiac Event (MACE). Terapi pencegahan trombosis menggunakan dual antiplatelet, yakni asetosal dan klopidogrel. Klopidogrel merupakan obat dengan variabilitas farmakokinetik dan farmakodinamik yang tinggi pada setiap individu, salah satunya dipengaruhi oleh Indeks Massa Tubuh (IMT). Subjek dengan nilai IMT ≥25 kg/m2 emiliki nilai agregasi platelet lebih besar dibanding subjek dengan IMT