Jaume Guiscafrè | Universitat de les Illes Balears (original) (raw)
Papers by Jaume Guiscafrè
The Folklore Archive of the University of the Balearic Islands is a modest but ambitious project ... more The Folklore Archive of the University of the Balearic Islands is a modest but ambitious project that is currently in the initial stage of being set up. It is part of the Historical Archive, of which it is one collection, although the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics is responsible for its academic supervision. At this stage, it mainly comprises a subcollection of course work produced by students on folklore and popular oral literature. This article sets out the theoretical and methodological bases, the background to the project and the purposes for which it was set up. It also discusses the tools for managing the archive, and the collection, subcollections, series and subseries of which it is made up.
Ni disponemos del resumen de esta tesis doctoral. EL RONDALLARI AGUILO: TRANSCRIPCIO, CATALOGACIO... more Ni disponemos del resumen de esta tesis doctoral. EL RONDALLARI AGUILO: TRANSCRIPCIO, CATALOGACIO I ESTUDI INTRODUCTORI
Caramella: revista de música i cultura popular, 2018
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Oct 8, 2014
Mateu Obrador was a figure as important in the context of Catalan culture in the second half of t... more Mateu Obrador was a figure as important in the context of Catalan culture in the second half of the 19th century as he is unknown today. Part of this lack of knowledge is probably due to his own life's events. Among his many and varied intellectual interests was also folklore, to which he devoted himself in four ways: poetic creation, translation, collection and theorisation, and dissemination.
Segons l'autor, el genere de l'"argument" es pot entendre de dues maneres: com ... more Segons l'autor, el genere de l'"argument" es pot entendre de dues maneres: com a text poetic i com a "performance". Es tracta d'un "glosat narratiu en que es retreuen els fets mes destacats del poble ocorreguts durant l'any anterior". Aquest argument es canta a Arta el dia de Sant Antoni Abat. L'autor repassa la historia de l'argument de 1783 a 1997, i n'estudia el text, els argumentaires, la composicio, la transimissio, la recepcio, la conservacio, els origens i les funcions.
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Jan 9, 2023
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Dec 18, 2019
Cahiers de littérature orale, Jan 2, 2012
The purpose of this chapter is to present and analyse some contemporary updates and variations of... more The purpose of this chapter is to present and analyse some contemporary updates and variations of the motif F547.1.1 Vagina Dentata and to comment on them in terms of their folkloric or ethnopoetic interest. This motif and some others related to it appear not only in folk songs, jokes, rumours or urban legends, but also in films and advertisements.
The Folklore Archive of the University of the Balearic Islands is a modest but ambitious project ... more The Folklore Archive of the University of the Balearic Islands is a modest but ambitious project that is currently in the initial stage of being set up. It is part of the Historical Archive, of which it is one collection, although the Department of Catalan Philology and General Linguistics is responsible for its academic supervision. At this stage, it mainly comprises a subcollection of course work produced by students on folklore and popular oral literature. This article sets out the theoretical and methodological bases, the background to the project and the purposes for which it was set up. It also discusses the tools for managing the archive, and the collection, subcollections, series and subseries of which it is made up.
Ni disponemos del resumen de esta tesis doctoral. EL RONDALLARI AGUILO: TRANSCRIPCIO, CATALOGACIO... more Ni disponemos del resumen de esta tesis doctoral. EL RONDALLARI AGUILO: TRANSCRIPCIO, CATALOGACIO I ESTUDI INTRODUCTORI
Caramella: revista de música i cultura popular, 2018
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Oct 8, 2014
Mateu Obrador was a figure as important in the context of Catalan culture in the second half of t... more Mateu Obrador was a figure as important in the context of Catalan culture in the second half of the 19th century as he is unknown today. Part of this lack of knowledge is probably due to his own life's events. Among his many and varied intellectual interests was also folklore, to which he devoted himself in four ways: poetic creation, translation, collection and theorisation, and dissemination.
Segons l'autor, el genere de l'"argument" es pot entendre de dues maneres: com ... more Segons l'autor, el genere de l'"argument" es pot entendre de dues maneres: com a text poetic i com a "performance". Es tracta d'un "glosat narratiu en que es retreuen els fets mes destacats del poble ocorreguts durant l'any anterior". Aquest argument es canta a Arta el dia de Sant Antoni Abat. L'autor repassa la historia de l'argument de 1783 a 1997, i n'estudia el text, els argumentaires, la composicio, la transimissio, la recepcio, la conservacio, els origens i les funcions.
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Jan 9, 2023
Estudis de literatura oral popular =, Dec 18, 2019
Cahiers de littérature orale, Jan 2, 2012
The purpose of this chapter is to present and analyse some contemporary updates and variations of... more The purpose of this chapter is to present and analyse some contemporary updates and variations of the motif F547.1.1 Vagina Dentata and to comment on them in terms of their folkloric or ethnopoetic interest. This motif and some others related to it appear not only in folk songs, jokes, rumours or urban legends, but also in films and advertisements.
Caplletra, 2023
This paper analyses the characterisation of female characters in ten texts from the Folklore Arch... more This paper analyses the characterisation of female characters in ten texts from the Folklore Archive of the University of the Balearic Islands that can be ascribed to different narrative genres that fall within the orbit of the legend: the contemporary legend, the antilegend, the hoax, the joke and the traditional letter. The characterisation of the female characters in these texts is resolved in two ways: on the one hand, they appear as victims of a male aggressor and, on the other, they play the role of aggressors, promiscuous or liberated women who govern their own destiny. In both cases, however, the resolution of the conflict in the story reveals the subordination of the female
main characters to the patriarchal framework and the hegemonic male pornographic imaginary.
Història de la literatura popular catalana, 2018
La literatura popular, entesa en el sentit que en anglès es dóna al terme «folk literature», repr... more La literatura popular, entesa en el sentit que en anglès es dóna al terme «folk literature», representa com a mínim la meitat de la literatura que es produeix en una cultura. Tanmateix, sovint no som prou conscients de la importància que té ni de l’espai que ocupa en les nostres vides. El present llibre pren com a objecte d’estudi aquesta branca del folklore, que es coneix també amb les denominacions de literatura tradicional, literatura oral, literatura oral popular i etnopoètica, depenent de la tradició seguida al llarg de la història d’aquests estudis. Més concretament, el llibre se centra en l’estudi de la història de la literatura popular catalana i té per objectiu explicar la importància que ha tingut en el passat i encara té avui dia aquesta branca del saber en tots els territoris de parla catalana: Catalunya, les Illes Balears, el País Valencià, el Carxe, la Franja d’Aragó, Andorra, la Catalunya del Nord i l’Alguer. El llibre és una obra col·lectiva en la qual hi han participat setze investigadors de diverses universitats i centres de recerca. En el marc d’aquesta col·laboració, s’han estudiat els autors, les obres, les institucions i els projectes que han contribuït de manera decisiva al desenvolupament de la literatura popular en cadascun d’aquests territoris des dels inicis del sorgiment del folklore com a ciència, a mitjans del segle XIX, fins a l’actualitat.