Lutine Pastoor | University of Oslo (original) (raw)
Papers by Lutine Pastoor
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational a... more Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational aspirations? A sense of mastery and future hope are among the numerous factors that can positively predict school achievements. High aspirations may thus contribute to both young refugees’ improved educational outcomes and wellbeing.
Method: We discuss findings from semi-structured interviews in three Norwegian upper secondary schools in light of theories and research into the often high educational aspirations of immigrant youth.
Results: Several of the study’s findings support the dual frame of reference theory which has been used in prior discussions of migrants’ aspirations. However, we argue that aspirations can be supported not only by comparisons with the country of origin, but also by comparisons with different stages of the refugee experience.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that temporal aspects of high aspirations should be empirically and theoretically explored further. Moreover, this and other studies’ findings on young refugees suggest that research into the educational aspirations of young immigrants should address/control for migration category.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: Schools are considered natural environments in which to enhance students’ social–emot... more Background: Schools are considered natural environments in which to enhance students’ social–emotional skills and mental health in general, but they can be especially important for students with refugee and immigrant backgrounds. The current study tested the effectiveness of two school-based interventions in enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents of native, refugee, and immigrant backgrounds. It further analyzed the role of age, gender, daily stressors, and discrimination in affecting the interventions’ effectiveness. Methods: A three-arm cluster RCT with parallel assignment was applied among the 16 schools. Schools were randomized to three conditions of two active interventions and a waiting-list control condition. Students (n = 1974) filled in an online questionnaire at baseline before the interventions, after the interventions, and at follow-up an average of 9 months after the interventions. The effectiveness criteria were internalizing and externalizing problem...
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern, 2013
I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under ... more I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under sine foreldres omsorg. Dette gjelder riktignok ikke for enslige mindreårige flyktninger som bosettes i norske kommuner. Enslige mindreårige er en gruppe barn og unge som har særskilte behov for spesiell omsorg og hjelp, noe de etter FNs barnekonvensjon også har rett på. Gjennom vårt arbeid med et forskningsprosjekt der vi ser nærmere på bosettingskommunenes omsorgs- og skoletilbud for unge enslige flyktninger, har vi blitt oppmerksomme på at det likevel ikke er en selvfølge at barnevernet får omsorgsansvaret for denne gruppen barn og unge. Dette er et prinsipielt dilemma som trenger en avklaring. I denne artikkelen drøfter vi om enslige mindreåriges rettigheter som barn ivaretas godt nok.
Alle de fire nordiske landene har gode nasjonale registerdata om unge flyktningers situasjon nar ... more Alle de fire nordiske landene har gode nasjonale registerdata om unge flyktningers situasjon nar det gjelder deres helse og sosiale livsvilkar. Dette gir unike muligheter for sammenligning mellom d ...
Intercultural Education, 2017
Abstract This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning co... more Abstract This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning contexts beyond school. Drawing from a qualitative study based on interviews with unaccompanied young refugees, educators and social workers in Norway, the findings emphasise the need for a holistic approach to refugee education in and across contexts of learning. The refugees originate from countries where access to formal schooling was difficult or disrupted. Many of them have been exposed to traumatic events prior to arrival. As the educational and psychosocial needs of resettled refugees are diverse and complex, it is unlikely that schools are able to meet them all. Participation in diverse settings, activities and practices beyond school may expand young refugees’ opportunities for meaningful learning as well as promote their social inclusion. Facilitating access to adequate learning contexts, along with supporting their own commitment to succeed, is decisive for young refugees’ educational achievement, psychosocial adjustment and inclusion in society. The paper emphasises the need for reconceptualising refugee education as inclusive of diverse learning contexts in and outside of school. Enhanced collaboration between schools, local community organisations and wider society will facilitate and support resettling young refugees’ opportunities to achieve their fullest potential.
International Journal of Educational Development, 2015
1 Through the article, the terms 'minors', 'children' and 'young people' will be used interchange... more 1 Through the article, the terms 'minors', 'children' and 'young people' will be used interchangeably in relation to unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees under 18 years of age on arrival in Norway.
Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man ... more Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man skal forholde seg til det etniske, språklige og kulturelle mangfoldet elevene i dagens klasserom representerer, og hvordan man kan bedre minoritetsspråklige elevers muligheter for å lykkes i skolen. De nye demografiske forholdene er både en demokratisk og en pedagogisk utfordring. Siden det er behov for en bedre for-ståelse av hvordan elever tilegner seg kunnskap i skolen, er studier av hva det sam-tales om i klasserommet og hvordan man gjør det av sentral betydning for å utvikle kunnskap om klasserommets pedagogikk og praksis. Klasseromssamtalen og misforståelsene som oppstår i en norsk barneskole-klasse, der om lag halvparten av elevene har minoritetsbakgrunn, er temaet for dette kapitlet. Kapitlet drøfter utfordringene ved å bruke barns hverdagserfaringer som et redskap for formidling og laering i en klasse der elevene har ulik språklig og kulturell bakgrunn, og dermed ulike referanserammer. I kapitlet presenteres det tre klasseromsepisoder med utskrifter fra samtaler der det oppstår visse ty-per av misforståelser. Det gjelder misforståelser som oppstår som et resultat av at elever og laerere (og ikke minst laerebokforfattere) har ulik bakgrunnskunnskap og anvender forskjellige referanserammer. Analysen ser naermere på hva de ulike misforståelsene beror på og hvordan de håndteres av de som er involvert. Formålet med kapitlet er å vise at de iboende kulturelle, sosiale og institusjonelle egenskaper ved klasseromssamtalen fremhever – faktisk delvis frembringer – elevmangfoldet i klasserommet. Datamaterialet som kapitlet baserer seg på er samlet inn ved hjelp av en kasusstudie av en tredje klasse i en multietnisk Osloskole (se Pastoor, 2008).
I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under ... more I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under sine foreldres omsorg. Dette gjelder riktignok ikke for enslige mindreårige flyktninger som bosettes i norske kommuner. Enslige mindreårige er en gruppe barn og unge som har særskilte behov for spesiell omsorg og hjelp, noe de etter FNs barnekonvensjon også har rett på. Gjennom vårt arbeid med et forskningsprosjekt der vi ser nærmere på bosettingskommunenes omsorgs- og skoletilbud for unge enslige flyktninger, har vi blitt oppmerksomme på at det likevel ikke er en selvfølge at barnevernet får omsorgsansvaret for denne gruppen barn og unge. Dette er et prinsipielt dilemma som trenger en avklaring. I denne artikkelen drøfter vi om enslige mindreåriges rettigheter som barn ivaretas godt nok.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational a... more Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational aspirations? A sense of mastery and future hope are among the numerous factors that can positively predict school achievements. High aspirations may thus contribute to both young refugees’ improved educational outcomes and wellbeing. Method: We discuss findings from semi-structured interviews in three Norwegian upper secondary schools in light of theories and research into the often high educational aspirations of immigrant youth. Results: Several of the study’s findings support the dual frame of reference theory which has been used in prior discussions of migrants’ aspirations. However, we argue that aspirations can be supported not only by comparisons with the country of origin, but also by comparisons with different stages of the refugee experience. Conclusions: The findings suggest that temporal aspects of high aspirations should be empirically and theoretically explored further. More...
European Journal of Public Health
Background The study's aim is to gain more knowledge about what may promote or inhibit young ... more Background The study's aim is to gain more knowledge about what may promote or inhibit young refugees' successful educational and psychosocial transitions in the early resettlement period. Experiences during resettlement can be crucial for young refugees' long-term education and mental health outcomes related to potentially traumatizing experiences before and during their flight, worries about family members and friends who still live in unstable conflict areas, and pre-migration/flight/post-migration stressors. Methods The study applied a qualitative, ethnographically oriented approach, based on semi-structured interviews and observations in five upper secondary schools in four municipalities in Norway. The researchers conducted interviews with 47 young refugees and 46 teachers and other school staff members. Results The findings on educational transitions are related to motivation and mastery, time spent on education, language related issues and teachers diversity comp...
International Perspectives on Education and Society, 2016
Gustavsson a Olin Lauritzen S Odman P J Framlingsskap Och Tolkning, 2009
Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man ... more Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man skal forholde seg til det etniske, språklige og kulturelle mangfoldet elevene i dagens klasserom representerer, og hvordan man kan bedre minoritetsspråklige elevers muligheter for å lykkes i skolen. De nye demografiske forholdene er både en demokratisk og en pedagogisk utfordring. Siden det er behov for en bedre for-ståelse av hvordan elever tilegner seg kunnskap i skolen, er studier av hva det sam-tales om i klasserommet og hvordan man gjør det av sentral betydning for å utvikle kunnskap om klasserommets pedagogikk og praksis. Klasseromssamtalen og misforståelsene som oppstår i en norsk barneskole-klasse, der om lag halvparten av elevene har minoritetsbakgrunn, er temaet for dette kapitlet. Kapitlet drøfter utfordringene ved å bruke barns hverdagserfaringer som et redskap for formidling og laering i en klasse der elevene har ulik språklig og kulturell bakgrunn, og dermed ulike referanserammer. I kapitlet presenteres det tre klasseromsepisoder med utskrifter fra samtaler der det oppstår visse ty-per av misforståelser. Det gjelder misforståelser som oppstår som et resultat av at elever og laerere (og ikke minst laerebokforfattere) har ulik bakgrunnskunnskap og anvender forskjellige referanserammer. Analysen ser naermere på hva de ulike misforståelsene beror på og hvordan de håndteres av de som er involvert. Formålet med kapitlet er å vise at de iboende kulturelle, sosiale og institusjonelle egenskaper ved klasseromssamtalen fremhever – faktisk delvis frembringer – elevmangfoldet i klasserommet. Datamaterialet som kapitlet baserer seg på er samlet inn ved hjelp av en kasusstudie av en tredje klasse i en multietnisk Osloskole (se Pastoor, 2008).
European Journal of Psychology of Education, Mar 1, 2005
This article explores the mediational role of classroom discourse in the development of shared un... more This article explores the mediational role of classroom discourse in the development of shared understanding in the multiethnic classroom. Successful participation in classroom discourse not only requires linguistic and cognitive competence, but also demands cultural knowledge, which often is taken for granted. Research carried out in a multiethnic third grade class in Norway reveals that a discrepancy between teachers' implicit assumptions of what is "common knowledge" and minority pupils' lack of background knowledge might impede joint meaning construction. Discourse episodes, illustrating various misunderstandings, are analyzed and compared. The analysis of the discourse focuses on how the topical content, the multiple reference frames applied, and the particular forms of discourse used, jointly create the framework within which development of shared understanding occurs or fails to occur. It becomes apparent that various discourse patterns, creating different premises for pupil participation, afford different ways of dealing with the misunderstandings encountered. It is argued that disparities in understanding should not be looked upon as "transmission errors", that are something to be avoided in classroom dialogue, but might be viewed as generators of new understandings. The article is based on qualitative analysis of discourse excerpts, using transcribed audio recordings, field notes and interviews.
This article is about the signifi cant role school plays in the lives of unaccompanied refugee mi... more This article is about the signifi cant role school plays in the lives of unaccompanied refugee minors. School is important as an arena for learning and development as well as an arena to meet peers and build social networks. The article addresses rights and access to education for unaccompanied minors in Norway, and the various challenges they meet. These challenges frequently lead to leaving school early. Furthermore, it focuses on the psychosocial aspects of school, a secure setting allowing unaccompanied minors to be "ordinary" young people. Discourse excerpts from interviews conducted in connection with an ongoing Norwegian research project are used to demonstrate the issues discussed. To promote school achievement, the importance of recognizing unaccompanied minors' needs as well as resources is emphasized. Finally, a comprehensive approach to refugee schooling by providing educational and psychosocial support in various arenas-inside and outside school-is recommended.
Intercultural Education, 2005
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational a... more Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational aspirations? A sense of mastery and future hope are among the numerous factors that can positively predict school achievements. High aspirations may thus contribute to both young refugees’ improved educational outcomes and wellbeing.
Method: We discuss findings from semi-structured interviews in three Norwegian upper secondary schools in light of theories and research into the often high educational aspirations of immigrant youth.
Results: Several of the study’s findings support the dual frame of reference theory which has been used in prior discussions of migrants’ aspirations. However, we argue that aspirations can be supported not only by comparisons with the country of origin, but also by comparisons with different stages of the refugee experience.
Conclusions: The findings suggest that temporal aspects of high aspirations should be empirically and theoretically explored further. Moreover, this and other studies’ findings on young refugees suggest that research into the educational aspirations of young immigrants should address/control for migration category.
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 2022
Background: Schools are considered natural environments in which to enhance students’ social–emot... more Background: Schools are considered natural environments in which to enhance students’ social–emotional skills and mental health in general, but they can be especially important for students with refugee and immigrant backgrounds. The current study tested the effectiveness of two school-based interventions in enhancing the mental health and wellbeing of adolescents of native, refugee, and immigrant backgrounds. It further analyzed the role of age, gender, daily stressors, and discrimination in affecting the interventions’ effectiveness. Methods: A three-arm cluster RCT with parallel assignment was applied among the 16 schools. Schools were randomized to three conditions of two active interventions and a waiting-list control condition. Students (n = 1974) filled in an online questionnaire at baseline before the interventions, after the interventions, and at follow-up an average of 9 months after the interventions. The effectiveness criteria were internalizing and externalizing problem...
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Tidsskriftet Norges Barnevern, 2013
I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under ... more I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under sine foreldres omsorg. Dette gjelder riktignok ikke for enslige mindreårige flyktninger som bosettes i norske kommuner. Enslige mindreårige er en gruppe barn og unge som har særskilte behov for spesiell omsorg og hjelp, noe de etter FNs barnekonvensjon også har rett på. Gjennom vårt arbeid med et forskningsprosjekt der vi ser nærmere på bosettingskommunenes omsorgs- og skoletilbud for unge enslige flyktninger, har vi blitt oppmerksomme på at det likevel ikke er en selvfølge at barnevernet får omsorgsansvaret for denne gruppen barn og unge. Dette er et prinsipielt dilemma som trenger en avklaring. I denne artikkelen drøfter vi om enslige mindreåriges rettigheter som barn ivaretas godt nok.
Alle de fire nordiske landene har gode nasjonale registerdata om unge flyktningers situasjon nar ... more Alle de fire nordiske landene har gode nasjonale registerdata om unge flyktningers situasjon nar det gjelder deres helse og sosiale livsvilkar. Dette gir unike muligheter for sammenligning mellom d ...
Intercultural Education, 2017
Abstract This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning co... more Abstract This article explores unaccompanied young refugees’ participation in various learning contexts beyond school. Drawing from a qualitative study based on interviews with unaccompanied young refugees, educators and social workers in Norway, the findings emphasise the need for a holistic approach to refugee education in and across contexts of learning. The refugees originate from countries where access to formal schooling was difficult or disrupted. Many of them have been exposed to traumatic events prior to arrival. As the educational and psychosocial needs of resettled refugees are diverse and complex, it is unlikely that schools are able to meet them all. Participation in diverse settings, activities and practices beyond school may expand young refugees’ opportunities for meaningful learning as well as promote their social inclusion. Facilitating access to adequate learning contexts, along with supporting their own commitment to succeed, is decisive for young refugees’ educational achievement, psychosocial adjustment and inclusion in society. The paper emphasises the need for reconceptualising refugee education as inclusive of diverse learning contexts in and outside of school. Enhanced collaboration between schools, local community organisations and wider society will facilitate and support resettling young refugees’ opportunities to achieve their fullest potential.
International Journal of Educational Development, 2015
1 Through the article, the terms 'minors', 'children' and 'young people' will be used interchange... more 1 Through the article, the terms 'minors', 'children' and 'young people' will be used interchangeably in relation to unaccompanied asylum seekers and refugees under 18 years of age on arrival in Norway.
Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man ... more Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man skal forholde seg til det etniske, språklige og kulturelle mangfoldet elevene i dagens klasserom representerer, og hvordan man kan bedre minoritetsspråklige elevers muligheter for å lykkes i skolen. De nye demografiske forholdene er både en demokratisk og en pedagogisk utfordring. Siden det er behov for en bedre for-ståelse av hvordan elever tilegner seg kunnskap i skolen, er studier av hva det sam-tales om i klasserommet og hvordan man gjør det av sentral betydning for å utvikle kunnskap om klasserommets pedagogikk og praksis. Klasseromssamtalen og misforståelsene som oppstår i en norsk barneskole-klasse, der om lag halvparten av elevene har minoritetsbakgrunn, er temaet for dette kapitlet. Kapitlet drøfter utfordringene ved å bruke barns hverdagserfaringer som et redskap for formidling og laering i en klasse der elevene har ulik språklig og kulturell bakgrunn, og dermed ulike referanserammer. I kapitlet presenteres det tre klasseromsepisoder med utskrifter fra samtaler der det oppstår visse ty-per av misforståelser. Det gjelder misforståelser som oppstår som et resultat av at elever og laerere (og ikke minst laerebokforfattere) har ulik bakgrunnskunnskap og anvender forskjellige referanserammer. Analysen ser naermere på hva de ulike misforståelsene beror på og hvordan de håndteres av de som er involvert. Formålet med kapitlet er å vise at de iboende kulturelle, sosiale og institusjonelle egenskaper ved klasseromssamtalen fremhever – faktisk delvis frembringer – elevmangfoldet i klasserommet. Datamaterialet som kapitlet baserer seg på er samlet inn ved hjelp av en kasusstudie av en tredje klasse i en multietnisk Osloskole (se Pastoor, 2008).
I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under ... more I Norge er det barnevernet som har ansvaret for barn og unge under 18 år som ikke kan være under sine foreldres omsorg. Dette gjelder riktignok ikke for enslige mindreårige flyktninger som bosettes i norske kommuner. Enslige mindreårige er en gruppe barn og unge som har særskilte behov for spesiell omsorg og hjelp, noe de etter FNs barnekonvensjon også har rett på. Gjennom vårt arbeid med et forskningsprosjekt der vi ser nærmere på bosettingskommunenes omsorgs- og skoletilbud for unge enslige flyktninger, har vi blitt oppmerksomme på at det likevel ikke er en selvfølge at barnevernet får omsorgsansvaret for denne gruppen barn og unge. Dette er et prinsipielt dilemma som trenger en avklaring. I denne artikkelen drøfter vi om enslige mindreåriges rettigheter som barn ivaretas godt nok.
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being, 2020
Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational a... more Purpose: This article explores the question: what shapes young refugees’ often high educational aspirations? A sense of mastery and future hope are among the numerous factors that can positively predict school achievements. High aspirations may thus contribute to both young refugees’ improved educational outcomes and wellbeing. Method: We discuss findings from semi-structured interviews in three Norwegian upper secondary schools in light of theories and research into the often high educational aspirations of immigrant youth. Results: Several of the study’s findings support the dual frame of reference theory which has been used in prior discussions of migrants’ aspirations. However, we argue that aspirations can be supported not only by comparisons with the country of origin, but also by comparisons with different stages of the refugee experience. Conclusions: The findings suggest that temporal aspects of high aspirations should be empirically and theoretically explored further. More...
European Journal of Public Health
Background The study's aim is to gain more knowledge about what may promote or inhibit young ... more Background The study's aim is to gain more knowledge about what may promote or inhibit young refugees' successful educational and psychosocial transitions in the early resettlement period. Experiences during resettlement can be crucial for young refugees' long-term education and mental health outcomes related to potentially traumatizing experiences before and during their flight, worries about family members and friends who still live in unstable conflict areas, and pre-migration/flight/post-migration stressors. Methods The study applied a qualitative, ethnographically oriented approach, based on semi-structured interviews and observations in five upper secondary schools in four municipalities in Norway. The researchers conducted interviews with 47 young refugees and 46 teachers and other school staff members. Results The findings on educational transitions are related to motivation and mastery, time spent on education, language related issues and teachers diversity comp...
International Perspectives on Education and Society, 2016
Gustavsson a Olin Lauritzen S Odman P J Framlingsskap Och Tolkning, 2009
Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man ... more Innledning En stor utfordring som nordiske og andre europeiske land står overfor, er hvordan man skal forholde seg til det etniske, språklige og kulturelle mangfoldet elevene i dagens klasserom representerer, og hvordan man kan bedre minoritetsspråklige elevers muligheter for å lykkes i skolen. De nye demografiske forholdene er både en demokratisk og en pedagogisk utfordring. Siden det er behov for en bedre for-ståelse av hvordan elever tilegner seg kunnskap i skolen, er studier av hva det sam-tales om i klasserommet og hvordan man gjør det av sentral betydning for å utvikle kunnskap om klasserommets pedagogikk og praksis. Klasseromssamtalen og misforståelsene som oppstår i en norsk barneskole-klasse, der om lag halvparten av elevene har minoritetsbakgrunn, er temaet for dette kapitlet. Kapitlet drøfter utfordringene ved å bruke barns hverdagserfaringer som et redskap for formidling og laering i en klasse der elevene har ulik språklig og kulturell bakgrunn, og dermed ulike referanserammer. I kapitlet presenteres det tre klasseromsepisoder med utskrifter fra samtaler der det oppstår visse ty-per av misforståelser. Det gjelder misforståelser som oppstår som et resultat av at elever og laerere (og ikke minst laerebokforfattere) har ulik bakgrunnskunnskap og anvender forskjellige referanserammer. Analysen ser naermere på hva de ulike misforståelsene beror på og hvordan de håndteres av de som er involvert. Formålet med kapitlet er å vise at de iboende kulturelle, sosiale og institusjonelle egenskaper ved klasseromssamtalen fremhever – faktisk delvis frembringer – elevmangfoldet i klasserommet. Datamaterialet som kapitlet baserer seg på er samlet inn ved hjelp av en kasusstudie av en tredje klasse i en multietnisk Osloskole (se Pastoor, 2008).
European Journal of Psychology of Education, Mar 1, 2005
This article explores the mediational role of classroom discourse in the development of shared un... more This article explores the mediational role of classroom discourse in the development of shared understanding in the multiethnic classroom. Successful participation in classroom discourse not only requires linguistic and cognitive competence, but also demands cultural knowledge, which often is taken for granted. Research carried out in a multiethnic third grade class in Norway reveals that a discrepancy between teachers' implicit assumptions of what is "common knowledge" and minority pupils' lack of background knowledge might impede joint meaning construction. Discourse episodes, illustrating various misunderstandings, are analyzed and compared. The analysis of the discourse focuses on how the topical content, the multiple reference frames applied, and the particular forms of discourse used, jointly create the framework within which development of shared understanding occurs or fails to occur. It becomes apparent that various discourse patterns, creating different premises for pupil participation, afford different ways of dealing with the misunderstandings encountered. It is argued that disparities in understanding should not be looked upon as "transmission errors", that are something to be avoided in classroom dialogue, but might be viewed as generators of new understandings. The article is based on qualitative analysis of discourse excerpts, using transcribed audio recordings, field notes and interviews.
This article is about the signifi cant role school plays in the lives of unaccompanied refugee mi... more This article is about the signifi cant role school plays in the lives of unaccompanied refugee minors. School is important as an arena for learning and development as well as an arena to meet peers and build social networks. The article addresses rights and access to education for unaccompanied minors in Norway, and the various challenges they meet. These challenges frequently lead to leaving school early. Furthermore, it focuses on the psychosocial aspects of school, a secure setting allowing unaccompanied minors to be "ordinary" young people. Discourse excerpts from interviews conducted in connection with an ongoing Norwegian research project are used to demonstrate the issues discussed. To promote school achievement, the importance of recognizing unaccompanied minors' needs as well as resources is emphasized. Finally, a comprehensive approach to refugee schooling by providing educational and psychosocial support in various arenas-inside and outside school-is recommended.
Intercultural Education, 2005
Abstract - A major challenge that Norway and many other European countries presently face is to a... more Abstract - A major challenge that Norway and many other European countries presently face is to attend to the linguistic and cultural diversity of current classroom populations as well as to improve the educational opportunities and achievements of ethnic minority children. The aim of this doctoral thesis is to explore the mediational role of classroom discourse in the development of knowledge and understanding in the multiethnic classroom. Using a sociocultural and dialogic approach, it describes and examines both the way discourse is used and constructed in various classroom contexts and analyzes the role of language and discourse in the development of shared understanding. Special attention is paid to the impact of minority pupils linguistic and cultural backgrounds on their opportunities for participation and joint meaning making in and through classroom discourse. The classroom data were collected by means of an ethnographic case study of a multiethnic classroom in Norway. The research class is a third grade class with 24 pupils, 13 pupils are from an ethnic minority background. Besides Norwegian, nine other mother tongues are represented in the class. The class was observed throughout a school year. The observations differed in terms of the number of hours and the extent to which they were accompanied by some kind of recording. In all, about 80 lessons were audio recorded, of which 30 were video recorded as well. The study is based on qualitative analysis of authentic discourse excerpts, using transcribed audio and video recordings, field notes, interviews, teaching materials as well as school and policy documents. A set of three research questions relating to discourse and learning in the multiethnic classroom has been addressed in the papers presented in the thesis. As to the first question concerning the specific nature of classroom discourse as educational practice, the focus has been on dimensions and qualities of discourse that promote pupils participation and engagement. The analysis of the communicative interaction in the observed lessons shows how social-interactional, instructional and interpersonal dimensions of discourse jointly create the discourse framework affording opportunities for participation and learning. The findings suggest that certain discursive scaffolding strategies may increase the quantity as well as the quality of pupils participation in discourse. Attention is drawn to the use of joint attention and joint involvement, to dialogic question and answer practices, and to affective support as mediational devices in discourse-based instruction. With regard to the second question, which is related to learning as cultural activity, there is an investigation of how classroom discourse may bring about the development of shared understanding in classrooms where pupils have diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds. The analysis of the discourse used calls attention to the culturally based nature of language and discourse as well as to the particular forms of discourse employed. It becomes clear that misunderstandings in classroom discourse frequently originate from a discrepancy between what teachers assume to be common knowledge , and the different cultural funds of knowledge minority pupils resort to. The findings underscore the importance of a dialogically organized discourse in the multiethnic classroom as it makes way for pupil contributions, opens up for bridging between new and prior knowledge, as well as allowing meaning negotiation in the development of shared understanding. In relation to the third question, which gives emphasis to learning as discursive activity, there is an examination of how pupils may appropriate the language of academic disciplines, such as mathematics, through participation in classroom discourse and practice. Discourse excerpts from a number of mathematics lessons are investigated with regard to teachers and pupils collaboration and communication during mathematical problem solving. It becomes evident that pupils problems in getting access to the discourse of mathematics is often due to a mathematical vocabulary based on everyday concepts that are ambiguous or not familiar to them. Besides, pupils with diverse linguistic and cultural backgrounds may experience difficulties in solving word problems that ask for a mathematical transformation of unfamiliar everyday phenomena. The findings imply that in order to support pupils problem solving and appropriation of mathematical language and discourse, pupils need assistance - explicit as well as implicit - from more skilled others through guided participation and apprenticeship in mathematical discourse and practice. In conclusion, the study demonstrates that classroom learning in and through discourse makes intricate demands on teachers as well as pupils, particularly minority pupils. Language minority pupils do not merely need to learn another language, they need to learn several varieties of that language, that is, learn the various forms of language and discourse that count as knowing in the school setting. To be able to succeed in school, minority pupils linguistic as well as cultural backgrounds need to be taken into account. The findings of this study emphasize the importance of making explicit the taken-as-shared premises classroom knowledge builds on. In order to transform classroom discourse into a discourse of teaching and learning for all pupils, allowing multiple ways of sense making and including diverse pupil voices, rethinking and redefining are required. Expanding the instructional repertoire and reinforcing the dialogic function of classroom discourse may make way for diversity as well as equity in classrooms with diverse and multiethnic pupil populations.