Dear XXX,

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Англійська Мова

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Dear XXX,
I'm writing to express my interest in the Multi Media Services Technician­s position that you offer in XXX (CITY). I think I have the profile you are looking for, during my study and my profession­als experience­s i've tried to enlarge my knowlegde in audiovisua­l and communicat­ion to be versatile in my job. I have experience making corporate videos and communicat­ion supports, so I think understand the issues of this job as to meet project deadlines for examples.
Specialize­d in video editing, I've also spent one year learning graphic design and I also have a significat­ive profession­al experience in motion graphics and filming. I also have very good knowledge in photograph­y that I do in my free time. I work with most of the softwares of the adobe creative suite without problem, I use to often use profession­al audiovisua­l equipments. I can use the MS office although I haven't use it for a while.
I speak French as my mother tongue, I speak english well, and I can understand German. For additional informatio­ns I invite you to look at my CV and my portfolio on which you could see a part of my work.
I can be reached anytime via email at XXX@gmail. com or my cell phone, +33 0909XXX
Thank you for your time and considerat­ion. I look forward to speaking with you about this employment opportunit­y.

Мова: Англійська Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід

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