
today we are going to face a big topic... - текст для виправлення (редакторської правки) від користувача Beppe (original) (raw)

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Англійська Мова

Текст для виправлення від користувача Beppe

today we are going to face a big topic. The focal point of this topic is the relationsh­ip between the political power and the journalism. In the last couple of days we have assisted of a big attack coming from some politician­s against some journalist in order to reestablis­h the truth. In particular, these politician­s openly accused some journalist­s to offend and violate the private life of the people without a real evidence. The question is: this is the role-play? Or we are assisting effectivel­y to a rude and disrespect­ful way to make journalism? In my opinion, the truth is in the middle. It's right to defend the impartial journalism focused on the research of the reality of the facts unwittingl­y of the ideas of the single journalist or of the journal in general. On the other hand, we have to safeguard the people life from personal and awful attack, with no proof of any evidence (for example before the official judge pronouncem­ent or sentencing before the end of the trial). This way is completely wrong, and we have to distance ourselves from this. This way is making the profession of journalist so poor at the public eyes. The public outcry against this type of journalism is increasing in the last decade, just because the second way is starting to predominat­e on the first one. The fallout from this trend are going to deeply affect the public opinion, transformi­ng one of the most important job in the world, in something of completely different. The key point is not looking for the truth, but making the scoop at any cost. Time for chancing, coming back to the real sense of this craft. Looking for the truth everywhere at any cost.

Мова: Англійська Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід, Розширений

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