Im in a down mood right now. When someone comes.. - текст для виправлення (редакторської правки) від користувача ledtijanazepp (original) (raw)

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Текст для виправлення від користувача ledtijanazepp

I'm in a down mood right now. When someone comes to the faze in live to think about the past time, but not memories, to think of the life movement, and finds out that he was and is always last on the list of chores of their beloved ones (family, friends, anyone that maters.. ).. the go down mood (that's how i call it)... so... you have three options now... hate yourself or hate people you love..... i hate the third options, objective option.... i hate the thing this is all so pathetic but still real...

Мова: Англійська Знання мов: Носій рідної мови, Досвід, Розширений, Верхній-Проміжний

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