Danièle Bélanger | Université Laval (original) (raw)

Journal articles by Danièle Bélanger

Research paper thumbnail of Power, Agency, and Self-Discipline: Agricultural Migrant Workers in Ontario

Power, Agency, and Self-Discipline: Agricultural Migrant Workers in Ontario, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sur la route des Balkans

Sur la route des Balkans, le journal de la communauté universitaire, 2017

Cet été, la géographe Danièle Bélanger a parcouru la route terrestre empruntée, ces dernières ann... more Cet été, la géographe Danièle Bélanger a parcouru la route terrestre empruntée, ces dernières années, par les centaines de milliers de demandeurs d’asile qui ont rejoint l’Union européenne.

Research paper thumbnail of Perturbations environnementales et migrations au Vietnam

Perturbations environnementales et migrations au Vietnam, 2017

L'impact des perturbations environnementales sur les mouvements migratoires s’avère d’actualité d... more L'impact des perturbations environnementales sur les mouvements migratoires s’avère d’actualité dans un contexte d’accélération des changements climatiques, notamment en Asie où les évènements climatiques extrêmes sont particulièrement fréquents. Avec plus de 50 % de sa population en zones côtières de faible altitude, le Vietnam a attiré l’attention des chercheurs. Cet article analyse les effets des inondations sur la propension à migrer au Vietnam. L'analyse est effectuée à partir des données d’une enquête réalisée en 2013 auprès de 470 ménages dans trois provinces du centre du Vietnam très affectées par des inondations en 2008 et 2010. L'analyse étudie les facteurs associés au fait qu’un ménage ait un membre ou plus ayant migré depuis les inondations de 2008. Lorsque questionnés sur la cause de la migration d’un membre de leur ménage, les répondants associent rarement ce départ aux perturbations environnementales. Les résultats de l'analyse multivariée montrent que la vulnérabilité au climat n’affecte pas la propension à migrer alors que les caractéristiques sociodémographiques du ménage s’avèrent significatives. Ces résultats corroborent d’autres travaux qui concluent que les évènements climatiques ne sont pas suffisants pour induire des migrations internes et internationales; d’autres conditions sont nécessaires pour qu’une migration ait lieu.

Research paper thumbnail of Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Canada : une sous classe d’employés

Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Canada : une sous classe d’employés, 2018

Au cours des années 2000, la politique migratoire du Canada a donné lieu à des développements vis... more Au cours des années 2000, la politique migratoire du Canada a donné lieu à des développements visant l’accroissement du recours aux travailleurs étrangers munis d’un statut de résidence temporaire. Ce recours accru s’inscrit dans une tendance observée dans plusieurs pays du Nord qui consiste à valoriser et à faciliter la mobilité des travailleurs dans un marché du travail mondialisé. En dépit de la place croissante de ces travailleurs sur le marché du travail canadien, on connait encore peu de chose à leur sujet. Le présent article vise à pallier une partie de cette lacune en caractérisant ces travailleurs sur le plan professionnel et en analysant l’effet de leur statut de résidence sur leur revenu d’emploi. S’appuyant sur les données du recensement canadien de 2016, l’analyse révèle que les travailleurs temporaires possèdent, globalement, un revenu d’emploi inférieur à celui des immigrants économiques, qu’ils soient établis depuis peu au Canada ou qu’ils y soient depuis plus longtemps. En outre, elle montre que le statut de résidence temporaire peut devenir un facteur qui désavantage le travailleur et s’avérer un frein à l’amélioration de son revenu au fil du temps.

Research paper thumbnail of “We no longer fear brides from afar”: Marriage markets and gendered mobilities in rural Vietnam

“We no longer fear brides from afar”: Marriage markets and gendered mobilities in rural Vietnam, 2019

Since the late 1990s, Vietnamese women’s participation in international marriage migration has ga... more Since the late 1990s, Vietnamese women’s participation in international marriage migration has garnered academic and media attention. In contrast, internal marriage migration, a key driver of overall internal migration flows, has received scant consideration. In this paper, we examine marriage and migration dynamics in four rural communes that have “lost” significant numbers of their single women to international marriage and gained brides through internal migration. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2012 and 2013 in four villages and analysis of local marriage registration data and census data, this article examines internal and international marriage migration. We probed marriage migration vis-a-vis marriage markets, internal labor migration and gendered mobility patterns. The increased diversification of marriage with respect to spousal places of origin indicates a reconfiguration of marital norms and practices and changing social constructions of a desirable wife and daughter-in-law. Results underscore the role of labor migration and interprovincial networks in expanding mate-seeking circles among rural youth and in altering marital norms. Female international marriage migration is one piece of a larger puzzle whereby various forms of mobility are intertwined with changes in the realms of gender, family and marriage.

Research paper thumbnail of Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore

Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, 2019

This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign do... more This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign domestic workers' power 'from the bottom up' using Facebook. Rainie and Wellman's framework of networked individualism is used to analyse how solitary work in an employer's residence can promote online activism. The specific research target is Filipina domestic workers in Singapore who use a Facebook group designed by an NGO to facilitate a social movement for freedom, equality and justice. Data analyzed include follow-up of 126,216 Facebook posts over three years, face-toface interviews with members of the Facebook group and participant observation of various offline group activities. Evidence suggests that low visibility domestic work actually increases opportunities for domestic workers to connect with fellow workers and the NGO on line. Two examples of changes due to domestic workers' use of Facebook for social activism are also noted. This paper highlights the characteristics of the usage of Facebook: its private rather than public nature. These characteristics lower the psychological costs of domestic work among those who participate in social activism in their own interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Les travailleurs temporaires étrangers au Québec. Quels avantages pour les travailleurs qualifiés?

Les travailleurs temporaires étrangers au Québec. Quels avantages pour les travailleurs qualifiés?, 2019

La littérature scientifique sur les travailleurs temporaires au Canada porte principalement sur c... more La littérature scientifique sur les travailleurs temporaires au Canada porte principalement sur ceux occupant des emplois peu qualifiés. Or, des milliers d’emplois exigeant des niveaux élevés de qualification sont également occupés par des travailleurs temporaires. Basé sur 26 entretiens qualitatifs, cet article analyse les parcours et les expériences de travailleurs temporaires « qualifiés » au Québec à la lumière de la « temporairité » de leur statut. Nos résultats montrent que, malgré un régime de droits les favorisant, ces travailleurs sont sujets à une double précarité, à la fois en tant que résidents et en tant que travailleurs temporaires. D’un point de vue conceptuel, nous invitons à repenser la notion de précarité pour l’ensemble des travailleurs temporaires et à la nécessité d’élargir les analyses au-delà de quelques programmes ou de la nationalité des travailleurs temporaires.

Research paper thumbnail of Sur le fil: les parcours migratoires à l’épreuve de la crise de la COVID19 au Québec

Sur le fil: les parcours migratoires à l’épreuve de la crise de la COVID19 au Québec, 2022

En mars 2020, les mesures prises autour du monde pour contenir le virus du Covid-19 bouleversent ... more En mars 2020, les mesures prises autour du monde pour contenir le virus du Covid-19 bouleversent simultanément, et de manière majeure, les rythmes et activités de la vie quotidienne. Cette période est celle durant laquelle la rupture produite par la pandémie a été la plus forte, tant elle était soudaine et inimaginable. Au Québec, les migrants avec un statut de résidence temporaire sont affectés de manière spécifique : ils sont nombreux à travailler dans l’hôtellerie-restauration, secteur contraint de fermer temporairement ses portes, font face à la fermeture des frontières internationales et sont incertains de leur droit à des dispositifs d’aide financière. Affectés simultanément dans plusieurs sphères de leur vie, ils pourraient voir leur parcours bifurquer rapidement. L’analyse de la manière dont la pandémie les affecte, lors de ce premier mois, dégage les multiples temporalités qui articulent l’événement historique macrosocial et les parcours biographiques, pouvant produire des bifurcations futures.

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Mobilities: Transgressive Spatialities Edited by Nadine Cattan and Laurent Faret

Hybrid Mobilities: Transgressive Spatialities, 2019

Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities develops a relational approach to spatialities, suc... more Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities develops a relational approach to spatialities, such as space-times, connected to social networks. In these spatialities, identities are multiple, not fixed, and are constructed in their interactions with otherness and elsewhere (Massey 1993). By focusing on the production of spatialities in mobile situations, the book proposes rethinking territories, and more generally, societies in terms of their spatio-temporal dynamics. Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities aims to go beyond the usual dualities and segmentations of concepts such as mobility/immobility, distance/proximity, individual/collective, permanence/impermanence, presence/absence—dualities that fail to account for the complexity of the situations being analyzed. It also contributes to an interpretation of the coexisting
temporalities inherent in contemporary urban processes, by looking at temporalities of mobility and those of immobility and anchorage, as well as by studying rhythms of individual trajectories and those of public policies that may be significantly different. In this sense, the book aims to highlight the cross-cutting dynamics of the construction of relationships to places, and the production of spatio-temporal arrangements made of assemblages that have so far only been studied marginally (Adey 2006; Müller 2015; Recchi & Flipo 2019)

Research paper thumbnail of Care Needs and Migration: Household Determinants of Internal Labour Migration in Vietnam

Care Needs and Migration: Household Determinants of Internal Labour Migration in Vietnam, 2021

Migration stands as a livelihood strategy for households in Southeast Asia. Recent literature cal... more Migration stands as a livelihood strategy for households in Southeast Asia. Recent literature calls for the study of migration at the household level and for the consideration of care needs among the determinants of migration. Based on the case of Vietnam, this article contributes to past research by providing a longitudinal analysis of how household care needs may influence the use of internal migration as a livelihood strategy. Using a household life-course perspective that recognizes how family care needs evolve over time, this article tests if care needs influence the propensity for a household to have one or more new member-out-migrants over time. We operationalize care needs through the household dependency ratio, health care and education expenditures. Multivariate analyses are based on longitudinal data from three passages of the Vietnam Living Standards Survey of 2010, 2012, and 2014. Results indicate that households needing to cover costs of children's education are more likely to engage in migration than those with health care needs. These results reinforce the idea that migration requires certain conditions to occur and that the immediate care needs that require co-presence tend to prevent, rather than incite, migration at the household level. Overall, the analysis indicates that evolving care needs and household members' capacities to provide for modify the way households organize and deploy their workforce over space and time.

Research paper thumbnail of Governance through discipline in the neighbourhood: Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in urban life

Governance through discipline in the neighbourhood: Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in urban life, 2021

In this paper, we contend that the regulation of refugees by means of discipline is not limited t... more In this paper, we contend that the regulation of refugees by means of discipline is not limited to camps; it also
takes place within the context of urban life. This is particularly relevant for Turkey, where only 1.5% of the 3.7
million Syrian refugees live in the camps while the rest are dispersed across Turkish cities. Our fieldwork
conducted in the city of İzmir indicates that the processes of governing refugees extend into the
neighbourhoods through “informal” disciplinary techniques deployed by citizens. The disciplinary techniques
could take various forms, such as socio‐spatial distancing and corporal violence. The discipline in the
neighbourhoods sets limits on the Syrians’ collective presence in the city and inculcates the possible results they
could face if they attempt to breach these limits. The disciplinary actions of the host community unfold in the
context of the Turkish state's legal regulations and discursive strategies that circumscribe Syrians to a specific
political position relative to the state and, by extension, to the citizens. The process of disciplining refugees in
the neighbourhoods depoliticizes Syrian refugees by obstructing their collective will to contest their precarious
status and the exploitative working conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian trajectories of exile in Lebanon and Turkey: Context of reception and social class

Syrian trajectories of exile in Lebanon and Turkey: Context of reception and social class, 2021

Research on refugee trajectories rarely takes into account social class. Yet migration options fo... more Research on refugee trajectories rarely takes into account social class. Yet migration options for those fleeing conflicts and insecurity are more or less dangerous, desirable and doable and differences in trajectories have to do with people's ability to mobilise resources at a given time and in a given space. Based on 42 semistructured interviews conducted with Syrians who fled to Lebanon and Turkey between 2012 and 2017, this article focuses on how trajectories of exile are shaped by the interactions between social class and the specificities of the context of reception.

Research paper thumbnail of La diversité des projets migratoires de Français qui s’expatrient au Québec : essai de typologie en quatre tableaux dynamiques

La diversité des projets migratoires de Français qui s’expatrient au Québec : essai de typologie en quatre tableaux dynamiques , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Réformes de l’immigration au Québec en 2019 et 2020: La logique politique à l’épreuve de l’analyse statistique

Canadian Sociological Association, 2020

This research note examines the economic performance of economic immigrants selected under the Qu... more This research note examines the economic performance of economic immigrants selected under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ). Launched in 2010 and currently being challenged by the Government of Quebec, this immigration program offers an accelerated path to obtaining a Quebec Selection Certificate. Drawing on data from The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB), this analysis focuses on PEQ immigrants' employment rates and employment income compared to the Quebec population aged 25 and 44, other economic immigrants admitted to Quebec, and candidates for the Canadian experience program admitted in another province. The results show that the first cohorts of this program performed very well on the Quebec job market, a performance that compares favorably with that of the other groups studied. The results indicate that the economic arguments put forward by the Québec Government to justify the reform of the PEQ do not withstand the statistical examination of employment outcomes; other factors should justify this reform.

Research paper thumbnail of Loss and xenophobia in the city: contextualizing anti-Syrian sentiments in Izmir, Turkey

Patterns of prejudice , 2019

Many research reports and scholarly articles based on survey data show that public opinion in Tur... more Many research reports and scholarly articles based on survey data show that public opinion in Turkey towards Syrians has become more negative in recent years. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in four research sites in Izmir, Saraçoğlu and Bélanger show that anxiety about losing a preconceived notion of status is constitutive of the local Turkish population’s attitudes towards the inflow of Syrian refugees. The perception of loss that frames xenophobic attitudes against the Syrians appears in three different but related forms: (1) loss of economic gains; (2) loss of urban space; and (3) loss of national cohesion. By focusing on the ways in which this sense of loss is constructed in urban social relations, Saraçoğlu and Bélanger aim to unpack some embedded political, ideological and economic conditions that provide fertile ground for the formation of anti-Syrian xenophobia. Their analysis contributes to and goes beyond the relevant literature that descriptively demonstrates the extent to which anti-Syrian xenophobia is prevalent across Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of The politics of 'waiting' for care: immigration policy and family reunification in Canada

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019

This paper analyses two dimensions of ‘waiting’ in the realm of family reunification: the policy ... more This paper analyses two dimensions of ‘waiting’ in the realm of family reunification: the policy perspective and the immigrants’ experience. First, in line with the migration management paradigm, the Canadian government has introduced various measures to reduce ‘waiting times’. We discuss changes in the family reunification programme of parents and grandparents implemented since 2011 as emblematic of these measures. Such changes are also situated within global trends that make family reunification policies more restrictive. Second, based on 19 interviews with already established immigrants who are sponsors of a parent, we analyse the experience of ‘waiting for care’. For families attempting to reunite to fill care needs, new measures may speed up reunification, but they may also mean that being together is, for many, more difficult to achieve, temporary, and precarious. We argue that the politics of ‘waiting times’ management has depoliticised the right to family reunification and institutionalised temporariness in this component of immigration policy. These repercussions of state policies significantly alter how immigrant families can provide care to their members and sustain social reproduction.

Research paper thumbnail of An Im/mobility turn: power geometries of care and migration

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019

This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequ... more This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequalities that animate—and co-exist in tandem with—growing global mobility and migration. With a particular focus on the literature on migrant care workers, the collection examines how the socio-spatial mobility of these workers is blocked, stuck, and constrained, and how these immobilities are integral to their migration experiences. Extending Doreen Massey’s idea of ‘power geometries’ to migration studies, we offer the concept of an ‘im/mobility turn’—wherein the back slash highlights the connections between immobility and mobility —to emphasise how particular forms of movement are shaped by the regulations, inequalities, and disciplinary pressures that delimit that movement. In the current global context where anti- immigration and xenophobia are on the rise, and where temporary migrant labour regimes of all kinds are increasingly common, we argue that attention to the many forms of immobility that are evident in care work migration may offer clues for grasping how immobilities function in relation to contemporary migration politics more generally.

Research paper thumbnail of Mekan, Yer ve Şehir: Türkiye'deki Suriyeli Karşıtlığının Kentteki Görünümleri

Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 2018

2018 yılı itibariyle sayısı 3,5 milyona ulaşan Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sığınmacı nüfusunun varlığı ... more 2018 yılı itibariyle sayısı 3,5 milyona ulaşan Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sığınmacı nüfusunun
varlığı pek çok yönüyle akademik makale ve araştırma raporları tarafından değerlendirilmiş ve meselenin önemli boyutlarından birisi olarak da Türkiye toplumunda yaygın bir Suriyeli karşıtlığının varlığına dikkat çekilmiştir. Bu makale 2016 yılında başlayan ve halen devametmekte olan İzmir’deki etnografik bir alan çalışmasının bulgularına dayanarak söz konusu zenofobik tepkilerin ülke ölçeğindeki siyasal ve ideolojik zeminlerine dair bazı önermeler ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Buna göre özellikle cumhuriyetçi/seküler kesimler, Alevi ve Kürtler arasında Suriyeli karşıtlığı kendisini belirli anlam ve sembollerle yüklü “temsil
mekânının” ve kendi yerel özgüllükleriyle sahiplenilen “bir yer olarak mekânın” kaybı endişesi ile bütünleşerek ifade etmektedir. Mekân kaybı endişesinin bu her iki boyutu da Türkiye ölçeğini ilgilendiren ve son dönemlerde yoğunlaşmış siyasal ve ideolojik kaygıların ve taraflaşmaların izini taşımaktadır. Zira, Suriyeli mültecilerin kent yaşamı içerisindeki somut etkileri “Suriye ve mülteci meselesine” siyasal iktidar tarafından yansıtılmış olan İslamcı-milliyetçi ideolojik proje karşısında benimsenen tavır temelinde anlamlandırılmakta ve böylelikle de bir siyasal tavra dönüşebilmektedir. Bu durum, hem Suriye savaşı hem de mülteci meselesine İslamcımilliyetçi ideolojik yükten arındırılmış yeni bir yaklaşımın benimsenmesinin Suriyeli mülteci karşıtlığının önlenmesinin zorunlu yapısal koşullarından biri olduğunu göstermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents

Mediterranean Politics, 2020

This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and busin... more This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and business owners are central to the understanding of the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Drawing on fieldwork in Ankara, Gaziantep, Hatay and Izmir, collected between 2016 and 2018, this article shows that the terms of Turkish state’s temporary protection regime, the state’s ad hoc leniency towards the informal use of refugee labour and the disciplinary effects of the laws complies with the economic expectations of business and capital owners. This article also sheds light on the structural limitations that
the state-market convergence places on civil actor’s ability to make improvements to the overall living and working conditions of Syrians in Turkey. The overall analysis points to the fact that the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey could be conceived as yet another manifestation of the vital role that the state plays in the pursuits of capital.

Research paper thumbnail of The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents

This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and busin... more This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and business owners are central to the understanding of the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Drawing on fieldwork in Ankara, Gaziantep, Hatay and Izmir, collected between 2016 and 2018, this article shows that the terms of Turkish state’s temporary protection regime, the state’s ad hoc leniency towards the informal use of refugee labour and the disciplinary effects of the laws complies with the economic expectations of business and capital owners. This article also sheds light on the structural limitations that the state-market convergence places on civil actor’s ability to make improvements to the overall living and working conditions of Syrians in Turkey. The overall analysis points to the fact that the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey could be conceived as yet another manifestation of the vital role that the state plays in the pursuits of capital.

Research paper thumbnail of Power, Agency, and Self-Discipline: Agricultural Migrant Workers in Ontario

Power, Agency, and Self-Discipline: Agricultural Migrant Workers in Ontario, 2016

Research paper thumbnail of Sur la route des Balkans

Sur la route des Balkans, le journal de la communauté universitaire, 2017

Cet été, la géographe Danièle Bélanger a parcouru la route terrestre empruntée, ces dernières ann... more Cet été, la géographe Danièle Bélanger a parcouru la route terrestre empruntée, ces dernières années, par les centaines de milliers de demandeurs d’asile qui ont rejoint l’Union européenne.

Research paper thumbnail of Perturbations environnementales et migrations au Vietnam

Perturbations environnementales et migrations au Vietnam, 2017

L'impact des perturbations environnementales sur les mouvements migratoires s’avère d’actualité d... more L'impact des perturbations environnementales sur les mouvements migratoires s’avère d’actualité dans un contexte d’accélération des changements climatiques, notamment en Asie où les évènements climatiques extrêmes sont particulièrement fréquents. Avec plus de 50 % de sa population en zones côtières de faible altitude, le Vietnam a attiré l’attention des chercheurs. Cet article analyse les effets des inondations sur la propension à migrer au Vietnam. L'analyse est effectuée à partir des données d’une enquête réalisée en 2013 auprès de 470 ménages dans trois provinces du centre du Vietnam très affectées par des inondations en 2008 et 2010. L'analyse étudie les facteurs associés au fait qu’un ménage ait un membre ou plus ayant migré depuis les inondations de 2008. Lorsque questionnés sur la cause de la migration d’un membre de leur ménage, les répondants associent rarement ce départ aux perturbations environnementales. Les résultats de l'analyse multivariée montrent que la vulnérabilité au climat n’affecte pas la propension à migrer alors que les caractéristiques sociodémographiques du ménage s’avèrent significatives. Ces résultats corroborent d’autres travaux qui concluent que les évènements climatiques ne sont pas suffisants pour induire des migrations internes et internationales; d’autres conditions sont nécessaires pour qu’une migration ait lieu.

Research paper thumbnail of Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Canada : une sous classe d’employés

Les travailleurs étrangers temporaires au Canada : une sous classe d’employés, 2018

Au cours des années 2000, la politique migratoire du Canada a donné lieu à des développements vis... more Au cours des années 2000, la politique migratoire du Canada a donné lieu à des développements visant l’accroissement du recours aux travailleurs étrangers munis d’un statut de résidence temporaire. Ce recours accru s’inscrit dans une tendance observée dans plusieurs pays du Nord qui consiste à valoriser et à faciliter la mobilité des travailleurs dans un marché du travail mondialisé. En dépit de la place croissante de ces travailleurs sur le marché du travail canadien, on connait encore peu de chose à leur sujet. Le présent article vise à pallier une partie de cette lacune en caractérisant ces travailleurs sur le plan professionnel et en analysant l’effet de leur statut de résidence sur leur revenu d’emploi. S’appuyant sur les données du recensement canadien de 2016, l’analyse révèle que les travailleurs temporaires possèdent, globalement, un revenu d’emploi inférieur à celui des immigrants économiques, qu’ils soient établis depuis peu au Canada ou qu’ils y soient depuis plus longtemps. En outre, elle montre que le statut de résidence temporaire peut devenir un facteur qui désavantage le travailleur et s’avérer un frein à l’amélioration de son revenu au fil du temps.

Research paper thumbnail of “We no longer fear brides from afar”: Marriage markets and gendered mobilities in rural Vietnam

“We no longer fear brides from afar”: Marriage markets and gendered mobilities in rural Vietnam, 2019

Since the late 1990s, Vietnamese women’s participation in international marriage migration has ga... more Since the late 1990s, Vietnamese women’s participation in international marriage migration has garnered academic and media attention. In contrast, internal marriage migration, a key driver of overall internal migration flows, has received scant consideration. In this paper, we examine marriage and migration dynamics in four rural communes that have “lost” significant numbers of their single women to international marriage and gained brides through internal migration. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in 2012 and 2013 in four villages and analysis of local marriage registration data and census data, this article examines internal and international marriage migration. We probed marriage migration vis-a-vis marriage markets, internal labor migration and gendered mobility patterns. The increased diversification of marriage with respect to spousal places of origin indicates a reconfiguration of marital norms and practices and changing social constructions of a desirable wife and daughter-in-law. Results underscore the role of labor migration and interprovincial networks in expanding mate-seeking circles among rural youth and in altering marital norms. Female international marriage migration is one piece of a larger puzzle whereby various forms of mobility are intertwined with changes in the realms of gender, family and marriage.

Research paper thumbnail of Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore

Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore, 2019

This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign do... more This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign domestic workers' power 'from the bottom up' using Facebook. Rainie and Wellman's framework of networked individualism is used to analyse how solitary work in an employer's residence can promote online activism. The specific research target is Filipina domestic workers in Singapore who use a Facebook group designed by an NGO to facilitate a social movement for freedom, equality and justice. Data analyzed include follow-up of 126,216 Facebook posts over three years, face-toface interviews with members of the Facebook group and participant observation of various offline group activities. Evidence suggests that low visibility domestic work actually increases opportunities for domestic workers to connect with fellow workers and the NGO on line. Two examples of changes due to domestic workers' use of Facebook for social activism are also noted. This paper highlights the characteristics of the usage of Facebook: its private rather than public nature. These characteristics lower the psychological costs of domestic work among those who participate in social activism in their own interests.

Research paper thumbnail of Les travailleurs temporaires étrangers au Québec. Quels avantages pour les travailleurs qualifiés?

Les travailleurs temporaires étrangers au Québec. Quels avantages pour les travailleurs qualifiés?, 2019

La littérature scientifique sur les travailleurs temporaires au Canada porte principalement sur c... more La littérature scientifique sur les travailleurs temporaires au Canada porte principalement sur ceux occupant des emplois peu qualifiés. Or, des milliers d’emplois exigeant des niveaux élevés de qualification sont également occupés par des travailleurs temporaires. Basé sur 26 entretiens qualitatifs, cet article analyse les parcours et les expériences de travailleurs temporaires « qualifiés » au Québec à la lumière de la « temporairité » de leur statut. Nos résultats montrent que, malgré un régime de droits les favorisant, ces travailleurs sont sujets à une double précarité, à la fois en tant que résidents et en tant que travailleurs temporaires. D’un point de vue conceptuel, nous invitons à repenser la notion de précarité pour l’ensemble des travailleurs temporaires et à la nécessité d’élargir les analyses au-delà de quelques programmes ou de la nationalité des travailleurs temporaires.

Research paper thumbnail of Sur le fil: les parcours migratoires à l’épreuve de la crise de la COVID19 au Québec

Sur le fil: les parcours migratoires à l’épreuve de la crise de la COVID19 au Québec, 2022

En mars 2020, les mesures prises autour du monde pour contenir le virus du Covid-19 bouleversent ... more En mars 2020, les mesures prises autour du monde pour contenir le virus du Covid-19 bouleversent simultanément, et de manière majeure, les rythmes et activités de la vie quotidienne. Cette période est celle durant laquelle la rupture produite par la pandémie a été la plus forte, tant elle était soudaine et inimaginable. Au Québec, les migrants avec un statut de résidence temporaire sont affectés de manière spécifique : ils sont nombreux à travailler dans l’hôtellerie-restauration, secteur contraint de fermer temporairement ses portes, font face à la fermeture des frontières internationales et sont incertains de leur droit à des dispositifs d’aide financière. Affectés simultanément dans plusieurs sphères de leur vie, ils pourraient voir leur parcours bifurquer rapidement. L’analyse de la manière dont la pandémie les affecte, lors de ce premier mois, dégage les multiples temporalités qui articulent l’événement historique macrosocial et les parcours biographiques, pouvant produire des bifurcations futures.

Research paper thumbnail of Hybrid Mobilities: Transgressive Spatialities Edited by Nadine Cattan and Laurent Faret

Hybrid Mobilities: Transgressive Spatialities, 2019

Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities develops a relational approach to spatialities, suc... more Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities develops a relational approach to spatialities, such as space-times, connected to social networks. In these spatialities, identities are multiple, not fixed, and are constructed in their interactions with otherness and elsewhere (Massey 1993). By focusing on the production of spatialities in mobile situations, the book proposes rethinking territories, and more generally, societies in terms of their spatio-temporal dynamics. Hybrid Mobilities. Transgressive Spatialities aims to go beyond the usual dualities and segmentations of concepts such as mobility/immobility, distance/proximity, individual/collective, permanence/impermanence, presence/absence—dualities that fail to account for the complexity of the situations being analyzed. It also contributes to an interpretation of the coexisting
temporalities inherent in contemporary urban processes, by looking at temporalities of mobility and those of immobility and anchorage, as well as by studying rhythms of individual trajectories and those of public policies that may be significantly different. In this sense, the book aims to highlight the cross-cutting dynamics of the construction of relationships to places, and the production of spatio-temporal arrangements made of assemblages that have so far only been studied marginally (Adey 2006; Müller 2015; Recchi & Flipo 2019)

Research paper thumbnail of Care Needs and Migration: Household Determinants of Internal Labour Migration in Vietnam

Care Needs and Migration: Household Determinants of Internal Labour Migration in Vietnam, 2021

Migration stands as a livelihood strategy for households in Southeast Asia. Recent literature cal... more Migration stands as a livelihood strategy for households in Southeast Asia. Recent literature calls for the study of migration at the household level and for the consideration of care needs among the determinants of migration. Based on the case of Vietnam, this article contributes to past research by providing a longitudinal analysis of how household care needs may influence the use of internal migration as a livelihood strategy. Using a household life-course perspective that recognizes how family care needs evolve over time, this article tests if care needs influence the propensity for a household to have one or more new member-out-migrants over time. We operationalize care needs through the household dependency ratio, health care and education expenditures. Multivariate analyses are based on longitudinal data from three passages of the Vietnam Living Standards Survey of 2010, 2012, and 2014. Results indicate that households needing to cover costs of children's education are more likely to engage in migration than those with health care needs. These results reinforce the idea that migration requires certain conditions to occur and that the immediate care needs that require co-presence tend to prevent, rather than incite, migration at the household level. Overall, the analysis indicates that evolving care needs and household members' capacities to provide for modify the way households organize and deploy their workforce over space and time.

Research paper thumbnail of Governance through discipline in the neighbourhood: Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in urban life

Governance through discipline in the neighbourhood: Syrian refugees and Turkish citizens in urban life, 2021

In this paper, we contend that the regulation of refugees by means of discipline is not limited t... more In this paper, we contend that the regulation of refugees by means of discipline is not limited to camps; it also
takes place within the context of urban life. This is particularly relevant for Turkey, where only 1.5% of the 3.7
million Syrian refugees live in the camps while the rest are dispersed across Turkish cities. Our fieldwork
conducted in the city of İzmir indicates that the processes of governing refugees extend into the
neighbourhoods through “informal” disciplinary techniques deployed by citizens. The disciplinary techniques
could take various forms, such as socio‐spatial distancing and corporal violence. The discipline in the
neighbourhoods sets limits on the Syrians’ collective presence in the city and inculcates the possible results they
could face if they attempt to breach these limits. The disciplinary actions of the host community unfold in the
context of the Turkish state's legal regulations and discursive strategies that circumscribe Syrians to a specific
political position relative to the state and, by extension, to the citizens. The process of disciplining refugees in
the neighbourhoods depoliticizes Syrian refugees by obstructing their collective will to contest their precarious
status and the exploitative working conditions.

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian trajectories of exile in Lebanon and Turkey: Context of reception and social class

Syrian trajectories of exile in Lebanon and Turkey: Context of reception and social class, 2021

Research on refugee trajectories rarely takes into account social class. Yet migration options fo... more Research on refugee trajectories rarely takes into account social class. Yet migration options for those fleeing conflicts and insecurity are more or less dangerous, desirable and doable and differences in trajectories have to do with people's ability to mobilise resources at a given time and in a given space. Based on 42 semistructured interviews conducted with Syrians who fled to Lebanon and Turkey between 2012 and 2017, this article focuses on how trajectories of exile are shaped by the interactions between social class and the specificities of the context of reception.

Research paper thumbnail of La diversité des projets migratoires de Français qui s’expatrient au Québec : essai de typologie en quatre tableaux dynamiques

La diversité des projets migratoires de Français qui s’expatrient au Québec : essai de typologie en quatre tableaux dynamiques , 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Réformes de l’immigration au Québec en 2019 et 2020: La logique politique à l’épreuve de l’analyse statistique

Canadian Sociological Association, 2020

This research note examines the economic performance of economic immigrants selected under the Qu... more This research note examines the economic performance of economic immigrants selected under the Quebec Experience Program (PEQ). Launched in 2010 and currently being challenged by the Government of Quebec, this immigration program offers an accelerated path to obtaining a Quebec Selection Certificate. Drawing on data from The Longitudinal Immigration Database (IMDB), this analysis focuses on PEQ immigrants' employment rates and employment income compared to the Quebec population aged 25 and 44, other economic immigrants admitted to Quebec, and candidates for the Canadian experience program admitted in another province. The results show that the first cohorts of this program performed very well on the Quebec job market, a performance that compares favorably with that of the other groups studied. The results indicate that the economic arguments put forward by the Québec Government to justify the reform of the PEQ do not withstand the statistical examination of employment outcomes; other factors should justify this reform.

Research paper thumbnail of Loss and xenophobia in the city: contextualizing anti-Syrian sentiments in Izmir, Turkey

Patterns of prejudice , 2019

Many research reports and scholarly articles based on survey data show that public opinion in Tur... more Many research reports and scholarly articles based on survey data show that public opinion in Turkey towards Syrians has become more negative in recent years. Based on ethnographic fieldwork conducted in four research sites in Izmir, Saraçoğlu and Bélanger show that anxiety about losing a preconceived notion of status is constitutive of the local Turkish population’s attitudes towards the inflow of Syrian refugees. The perception of loss that frames xenophobic attitudes against the Syrians appears in three different but related forms: (1) loss of economic gains; (2) loss of urban space; and (3) loss of national cohesion. By focusing on the ways in which this sense of loss is constructed in urban social relations, Saraçoğlu and Bélanger aim to unpack some embedded political, ideological and economic conditions that provide fertile ground for the formation of anti-Syrian xenophobia. Their analysis contributes to and goes beyond the relevant literature that descriptively demonstrates the extent to which anti-Syrian xenophobia is prevalent across Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of The politics of 'waiting' for care: immigration policy and family reunification in Canada

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019

This paper analyses two dimensions of ‘waiting’ in the realm of family reunification: the policy ... more This paper analyses two dimensions of ‘waiting’ in the realm of family reunification: the policy perspective and the immigrants’ experience. First, in line with the migration management paradigm, the Canadian government has introduced various measures to reduce ‘waiting times’. We discuss changes in the family reunification programme of parents and grandparents implemented since 2011 as emblematic of these measures. Such changes are also situated within global trends that make family reunification policies more restrictive. Second, based on 19 interviews with already established immigrants who are sponsors of a parent, we analyse the experience of ‘waiting for care’. For families attempting to reunite to fill care needs, new measures may speed up reunification, but they may also mean that being together is, for many, more difficult to achieve, temporary, and precarious. We argue that the politics of ‘waiting times’ management has depoliticised the right to family reunification and institutionalised temporariness in this component of immigration policy. These repercussions of state policies significantly alter how immigrant families can provide care to their members and sustain social reproduction.

Research paper thumbnail of An Im/mobility turn: power geometries of care and migration

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019

This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequ... more This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequalities that animate—and co-exist in tandem with—growing global mobility and migration. With a particular focus on the literature on migrant care workers, the collection examines how the socio-spatial mobility of these workers is blocked, stuck, and constrained, and how these immobilities are integral to their migration experiences. Extending Doreen Massey’s idea of ‘power geometries’ to migration studies, we offer the concept of an ‘im/mobility turn’—wherein the back slash highlights the connections between immobility and mobility —to emphasise how particular forms of movement are shaped by the regulations, inequalities, and disciplinary pressures that delimit that movement. In the current global context where anti- immigration and xenophobia are on the rise, and where temporary migrant labour regimes of all kinds are increasingly common, we argue that attention to the many forms of immobility that are evident in care work migration may offer clues for grasping how immobilities function in relation to contemporary migration politics more generally.

Research paper thumbnail of Mekan, Yer ve Şehir: Türkiye'deki Suriyeli Karşıtlığının Kentteki Görünümleri

Eğitim Bilim Toplum, 2018

2018 yılı itibariyle sayısı 3,5 milyona ulaşan Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sığınmacı nüfusunun varlığı ... more 2018 yılı itibariyle sayısı 3,5 milyona ulaşan Türkiye’deki Suriyeli sığınmacı nüfusunun
varlığı pek çok yönüyle akademik makale ve araştırma raporları tarafından değerlendirilmiş ve meselenin önemli boyutlarından birisi olarak da Türkiye toplumunda yaygın bir Suriyeli karşıtlığının varlığına dikkat çekilmiştir. Bu makale 2016 yılında başlayan ve halen devametmekte olan İzmir’deki etnografik bir alan çalışmasının bulgularına dayanarak söz konusu zenofobik tepkilerin ülke ölçeğindeki siyasal ve ideolojik zeminlerine dair bazı önermeler ortaya koymayı amaçlamaktadır. Buna göre özellikle cumhuriyetçi/seküler kesimler, Alevi ve Kürtler arasında Suriyeli karşıtlığı kendisini belirli anlam ve sembollerle yüklü “temsil
mekânının” ve kendi yerel özgüllükleriyle sahiplenilen “bir yer olarak mekânın” kaybı endişesi ile bütünleşerek ifade etmektedir. Mekân kaybı endişesinin bu her iki boyutu da Türkiye ölçeğini ilgilendiren ve son dönemlerde yoğunlaşmış siyasal ve ideolojik kaygıların ve taraflaşmaların izini taşımaktadır. Zira, Suriyeli mültecilerin kent yaşamı içerisindeki somut etkileri “Suriye ve mülteci meselesine” siyasal iktidar tarafından yansıtılmış olan İslamcı-milliyetçi ideolojik proje karşısında benimsenen tavır temelinde anlamlandırılmakta ve böylelikle de bir siyasal tavra dönüşebilmektedir. Bu durum, hem Suriye savaşı hem de mülteci meselesine İslamcımilliyetçi ideolojik yükten arındırılmış yeni bir yaklaşımın benimsenmesinin Suriyeli mülteci karşıtlığının önlenmesinin zorunlu yapısal koşullarından biri olduğunu göstermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents

Mediterranean Politics, 2020

This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and busin... more This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and business owners are central to the understanding of the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Drawing on fieldwork in Ankara, Gaziantep, Hatay and Izmir, collected between 2016 and 2018, this article shows that the terms of Turkish state’s temporary protection regime, the state’s ad hoc leniency towards the informal use of refugee labour and the disciplinary effects of the laws complies with the economic expectations of business and capital owners. This article also sheds light on the structural limitations that
the state-market convergence places on civil actor’s ability to make improvements to the overall living and working conditions of Syrians in Turkey. The overall analysis points to the fact that the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey could be conceived as yet another manifestation of the vital role that the state plays in the pursuits of capital.

Research paper thumbnail of The governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey: The state-capital nexus and its discontents

This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and busin... more This article argues that the convergence of state policies and the interests of capital and business owners are central to the understanding of the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey. Drawing on fieldwork in Ankara, Gaziantep, Hatay and Izmir, collected between 2016 and 2018, this article shows that the terms of Turkish state’s temporary protection regime, the state’s ad hoc leniency towards the informal use of refugee labour and the disciplinary effects of the laws complies with the economic expectations of business and capital owners. This article also sheds light on the structural limitations that the state-market convergence places on civil actor’s ability to make improvements to the overall living and working conditions of Syrians in Turkey. The overall analysis points to the fact that the governance of Syrian refugees in Turkey could be conceived as yet another manifestation of the vital role that the state plays in the pursuits of capital.

Research paper thumbnail of "Espacios de "ilegalidad": El caso de trabajadores mexicanos en dos comunidades rurales de Canadá”. En Martha Judith Sánchez Gómez y Sara María Lara Flores (Coors.) “Los programas de trabajadores agrícolas temporales ¿Una solución a los retos de las migraciones en la globalización? México: UNAM-IIS.

E xisten dos tendencias que se han vuelto en dominantes en la gobernanza global de la migracion: ... more E xisten dos tendencias que se han vuelto en dominantes en la gobernanza global de la migracion: un cambio hacia formas temporales de migracion y un enduxecimiento de los controles de inmigracion (Geiger y Pecoud, ,2010; Rygiel, 2010). Esto es indicativp.de un creciente enfasis en la regulation y gestion de la migra cion en demmento de la protection de los migrantes y refugiados. Las economias del norte han crecido con la mano de obra barata y flexible proporcionada por los migrantes, en particular por los temporales. La migracion temporal es ahora promovida por quienes toman las decisiones y diseiian poKticas publicas que se dicen convencidos de que la escasez de mano de obra en los paises del norte y el arecimiento economico de los paises de origen, via remesas, pueden ser resueltos de forma simultanea a traves de estos esquemas de migracion temporal (veanse, por ejemplo, Abella, 2006; GCIM, 2005; Ghosh, 2000). Al mismo tiempo, el regimen de inmigracion 25 T a n y a Ba s o k , D an i£le B e l a n g e r , G u ille r m o Can d iz , Elo y Rivas restrictiva ha contribuido a que muchos migrantes se conviertan en "ilegales" por las limitaciones a su movilidad. La production politica de la "ilegalidad" se ha convertido en un importante objeto de investigation en los ultimos anos. De Geno va (2004) exploro como han contribuido los cambios en las leyes migratorias de Estados Unidos desde 1965 a crear restricciones cada vez mas severas a la migration' "legal" de mexicanos y, en consecuencia, han favoretido la production de la "ilegalidad" o la lega lization del migrante mexicano. Desde la perspectiva teorica de la gubemamentalidad, otros (Tnda, 2005) han examinado como,' a traves de documentos, informes y declaraciones publicas, los y las "expertas" han contribuido a la problematization de la situacion de los migrantes mexicanos "ilegales" en EU, y como han transfermado estas formas de problematizacion a los migrantes mexicanos en objetivos de gobernanza. McNevin (2011) y Dauvergne (2008) argumentan que la creciente vigilancia de los migrantes y su "ilegalization" estan vinculadas a la globalization neoliberal, que aboga por la apertura de fronteras para el comercio, la inversion y otras fuerzas del mercado mundiaL, a la vez que cuestiona el significado de la "identidad national" y la tiudadama. A1 endurecer las restric ciones hacia los migrantes que cruzan la frontera o permanecen en el territorio de un Estado national soberano sin automation, el Estado-nacion reafirma su soberania. Reconociendo que los mi grantes desafian los controles fronterizos, Dauvergne setiala que la nation afirma su poder para se'parar "nosotros" de "ellos" al etiquetar a los inmigrantes "ilegales" (200B, 17). Afirma que "la exclu sion es ah ora difusa y ya no se ajusta a las Hneas Claras y brillantes de un mapa" (2008:17-18).

Research paper thumbnail of Who Said I Was a Forced Bachelor? 'Single Men's Voices and Strategies in Rural China

Who Said I Was a Forced Bachelor? 'Single Men's Voices and Strategies in Rural China, 2018

Single men of China are often portrayed as passive victims of a tight marriage market and referre... more Single men of China are often portrayed as passive victims of a tight marriage market and referred to as ‘forced bachelors’. This study examines how men and their natal families adjust to the difficulty men experience in finding women to marry. Based on 107 in-depth interviews conducted with men and women of various marital statuses and generations in Shannxi and Jiangsu provinces of China in 2012, this study suggests that agency among single men is exhibited in diverse ways. Our analysis underscores that single men are not passive victims, but, rather, they make choices and seek alternatives in a severely constrained demographic and social environment. Moreover, a comparison of men’s marital strategies in the two fieldwork sites indicates how local marriage markets must be examined in relationship to local marital norms, gendered migration flows and rural-urban regional economic disparities.

Research paper thumbnail of Gender and Migration: Evidence from Transnational Marriage Migration

Gender and Migration: Evidence from Transnational Marriage Migration, 2018

Transnational marriage migration powerfully captures how migration – a demographic and social ph... more Transnational marriage migration powerfully captures how migration – a demographic and social phenomenon – is highly contentious and gendered. Marriage migration generates intense controversy, visible in the many representations of marriage migrants in public discourse that reflect polarized stereotypes imbued with distinct gender messages. Sensationalist media accounts commonly portray women marriage migrants as abusing migration policies through fake marriages, or as helpless victims of trafficking. These dramatic depictions rarely capture how uneven economic development, demographic pressures, unprecedented ease of communication across vast differences, and accelerated international migration intersect in the arena of marriage in complex and highly gendered ways. In reality, there is a great deal of (gendered) diversity in the causes, consequences, and experiences that are captured under the broad umbrella of ‘marriage migration.’ To shed light on the complex articulations between gender, marriage, and migration in a globalized world, the present chapter outlines theoretical and empirical perspectives on transnational marriage migration, with an emphasis on marriage migration within Asia (Vietnam to South Korea and Taiwan) and to North America (Canada).

Research paper thumbnail of Turkey’s refugee crisis: Whose crisis?

Turkey’s refugee crisis: Whose crisis? , 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Populations et dynamiques migratoires

Populations et dynamiques migratoires, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Gestion migratoire, pouvoir disciplinaire et exercices de la subjectivité : les travailleurs agricoles migrants en Ontario, au Canada

Gestion migratoire, pouvoir disciplinaire et exercices de la subjectivité : les travailleurs agricoles migrants en Ontario, au Canada, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Transgressing the city-state: Migrant domestic workers in Singapore

Transgressing the city-state: Migrant domestic workers in Singapore, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Processes of Wage Theft: The Neoliberal Labour Market and Syrian Refugees in Turkey

Refugees on the Move: Crisis and Response in Europe and Turkey, 2022

The unprecedented infl ux of Syrian refugees into Turkey since the onset of the Syrian civil war ... more The unprecedented infl ux of Syrian refugees into Turkey since the onset of the Syrian civil war in 2011 has made this country home to the largest number of refugees worldwide. As of 2021, the number of registered Syrian refugees in Turkey reached 3.7 million (UNHCR 2021). The Turkish government, which does not grant offi cial refugee status to war-displaced people from the Middle East, implemented the Foreigners and International Protection Law in April 2013. 1 Based on Article 91 of this law, the Turkish government issued a temporary protection regulation in 2014 that applied specifi cally to the conditions of Syrians who were designated to be in mass infl ux seeking immediate protection. This new regulation granted Syrian refugees access to services, including public education and healthcare. With return prospects diminishing after 2011, Syrians, who have been dispersed across various towns and cities, had to build a sustainable life in Turkey and, hence, had to participate in the labor market to generate income. Under these circumstances, an additional decree took effect in January 2016 that provided Syrians with the right to obtain a work permit. According to this decree, a registered Syrian refugee can obtain a work permit only in the province of registration (TEPAV 2018). Moreover, the number of employed Syrians in a workplace cannot exceed 10 percent of the total number of Turkish citizens at that workplace. As such, due to structural obstacles to formal employment, including strict rules, cumbersome and costly bureaucratic This chapter is from Refugees on the Move edited by Erol Balkan and Zümray Kutlu Tonak https://doi.org/10.3167/9781800733848. It is available open access under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license thanks to the support of Knowledge Unlatched. Not for resale. This open access edition has been made available under a CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 license thanks to the support of Knowledge Unlatched.

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian Refugees and Turkey: Whose "Crisis"?

Oxford Handbook of Migration Crises, 2019

In academic literature on Syrian refugee migration in Turkey, the situation has generally been po... more In academic literature on Syrian refugee migration in Turkey, the situation has generally been portrayed as yet another "refugee crisis" or a "migration crisis" that the international community and the Turkish state must manage efficiently. This chapter argues that the word "crisis" might be better applied to the larger social and political dynamics that induced the forced migration from Syria and continue to shape the living conditions of Syrian refugees in Turkey today. The chapter discusses three crises: Turkey's neo-Ottomanist foreign policy in the Middle East, the EU-Turkey relations, and the domestic political crisis unfolding in Turkey. Together, these crises prepared a convenient ground for the rise of xenophobic sentiments in Turkish cities. Such crises pose a structural obstacle to the development of a coherent and sustainable programme to successfully manage and incorporate Syrians in Turkey.

Research paper thumbnail of From Farmers’ Daughters to Foreign Wives: Migration and Gender in Sending Communities of Vietnam.

Research paper thumbnail of Les mariages avec des étrangères en Asie de l’Est : trafic de femmes ou migration choisie?

Research paper thumbnail of ‘Kirogi’ Families as Virtual ‘Families’: Perspectives and Experiences of Kirogi Mothers.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: Who are the Urban Middle Class in Vietnam?

Research paper thumbnail of The Recruitment Process of Migrant Workers in Asia: from Vietnam to Taiwan.

Research paper thumbnail of Demography.

Research paper thumbnail of Gendered Use of Remittances: The United Arab Emirates-Bangladesh Remittance Corridor.

Research paper thumbnail of Politics of Negotiation between Vietnamese Wives and Taiwanese Husbands

Research paper thumbnail of Gender, kinship and agrarian transitions in Vietnam.

Research paper thumbnail of First Nations migration: The case of Western Canada.

Research paper thumbnail of Les migrations du Nord au Sud du Vietnam 	après la réunification de 1975.

Research paper thumbnail of Andrea Whittaker, editor: Abortion in Asia: Local Dilemmas, Global Politics

Studies in Family Planning, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Populations et dynamiques migratoires

Les Presses de l'Université de Montréal eBooks, Feb 19, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of Processes of Wage Theft

Berghahn Books, Feb 11, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Türkiye’deki Suriyeli Mülteci İşçileri Konumlandırmak: Mekânsal Ayar, Sermaye ve Devlet

Praksis, 2019

Türkiye'de bir mülteci ya da vatandaşlık statüsü olmadan yaşamlarını sürdürmeye çalışan S... more Türkiye'de bir mülteci ya da vatandaşlık statüsü olmadan yaşamlarını sürdürmeye çalışan Suriyeli mültecilerin önemli bir kısmı yerleştikleri şehirlerde kayıt dışı emek süreçlerine dâhil olmuş durumdadır. Bu durum, Türkiye'deki Suriyelilerin sadece mülteci ya da sığınmacı değil aynı zamanda yerinden edilmiş geçici göçmen işçiler olarak da ele alınmasını gerekmektedir. Bu sayede, Türkiye'deki Suriyeliler meselesini, mülteci çalışmaları literatürünün çerçevesiyle sınırlı kalarak ağırlıklı olarak mülteciler ile devlet arasındaki hukuki bir ilişki temelinde inceleyen çalışmaların ötesine geçilebilir. Bu çalışma, mültecilerin devlet yanında sermaye sahipleri ve Türkiyeli işçiler ile girdikleri özgül ilişkileri çözümlemeye olanak sağlayan bir bakış açısının geliştirilmesi amacıyla batılı kapitalist ve Ortadoğu'daki körfez ülkelerindeki göçmen emek istihdamının işleyişini ve bunun sermaye sınıfı için anlamını çözümleme amacıyla da işler kılınan David Harvey'e ait "mekansal ayar" (spatial fix) kavramına başvuracaktır. Makale, 2016-2018 yılları arasında İzmir'de yapılan bir alan çalışmasının bulgularına dayanarak çeşitli sektörlerdeki sermaye sahiplerinin ücretlerin daha da baskılanması ve emek süreçleri üzerindeki denetimin daha da artırılmasının önündeki "ulusal" engelleri Suriyeli mültecilerin kayıt dışı istihdamı vasıtasıyla nasıl aştığını "mekânsal ayar" kavramı çerçevesinde göstermeye çalışacak.

Research paper thumbnail of Pays de naissance des immigrants

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian Refugees and Turkey

Providing educational services for Syrian refugee children is a new fact of life in Turkey, and t... more Providing educational services for Syrian refugee children is a new fact of life in Turkey, and the teachers who work at public schools and temporary education centers encounter some difficulties. The main purpose of this paper is to describe the problems faced in the process of educating Syrian refugee children as well as the solutions to such difficulties recommended by the teachers. Research Methods: The study was carried out using qualitative research methods and the phenomenological model to investigate the problems faced in the process of educating the Syrian students'.

Research paper thumbnail of Transnational Marriages between Vietnamese Women and Asian Men in Vietnamese Online Media

Journal of Vietnamese Studies, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Immigration au Canada : les nouveaux arrivants et leurs descendants

Hommes & migrations, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of L’histoire intellectuelle du Canada et du Québec

Mens, 2001

Branche de l'histoire culturelle, l'histoire intellectuelle s'intéresse aux rôles joués par l'esp... more Branche de l'histoire culturelle, l'histoire intellectuelle s'intéresse aux rôles joués par l'esprit et la pensée dans le processus historique 2. En tant que discipline, elle s'est développée rapidement au Canada anglais à partir du début des années soixante, grâce notamment aux travaux de Ramsay Cook, S.E Wise, Carl Berger, Doug Owram et A.B. McKillop. L'influence des travaux de Frank Underhill (18894971), l'essor de l'histoire intellectuelle aux États-Unis dans les années cinquante et soixante, et un intérêt accru pour le nationalisme et l'évolution de l'identité nationale au Canada contribuèrent à son développement rapide. Toutefois, durant les années quatre-vingt, tout comme aux États-Unis, l'historiographie intellectuelle au Canada anglais est marquée par un essoufflement et des remises en question. Au Canada français, la situation évolua différemment. En effet, l'historiographie accordait une place importante à l'histoire des idées bien avant les années cinquante et soixante. Dans les écrits d'historiens comme l'abbé Groulx ou Robert Rumilly, les idées, en particulier le nationalisme, occupaient une position privilégiée. Cependant, à partir des années soixante, sous l'influence de l'école française des Annales, l'historiographie québécoise prit un virage social. Cette nouvelle orientation marqua la nouvelle génération d'historiens. De ce fait, les études des historiens et des sociologues qui se penchèrent sur l'histoire intellectuelle furent davantage axées sur le contexte social des idées. Les travaux d'Yuan Lamonde illustrent bien ce désir d'étudier les conditions socioculturelles qui rendent possibles la production et la diffusion des idées. Dans l'ensemble, l'histoire intellectuelle s'est taillée une place au sein de l'historiographie québécoise grâce aux travaux de pionniers comme Claude Galarneau et Pierre Savard, et de ceux de la génération suivante tel Pierre Trépanier, qui souhaite établir «une cartographie précise des idées des droites intellectuelles 3 » du Canada français. Cette bibliographie est sélective et comprend un index des auteurs et directeurs des ouvrages cités. On y trouve des études reflé-Caldwell,

Research paper thumbnail of Acts of Citizenship in Time and Space among Agricultural Migrant Workers in Quebec during the COVID-19 Pandemic

Studies in Social Justice

Migrant farm workers recruited under Canada’s temporary employment programs work in difficult env... more Migrant farm workers recruited under Canada’s temporary employment programs work in difficult environments, under poor working conditions, and live in unsafe housing in remote rural communities. Fearful of repatriation or replacement, many accept their working and living conditions as part of a necessary sacrifice to improve their living conditions and those of their families in the countries of origin. At the same time, some migrant farm workers assert their agency by escaping from farms, subverting regulations, or challenging various forms of discipline used to control their bodies and activities. Following Isin and Nielsen (2008), we refer to these actions as “acts of citizenship.” Drawing on research conducted among migrant farm workers during the COVID-19 pandemic in the province of Quebec, Canada, we situate these acts, particularly the tendency to escape from abusive and exploitative working relationships, in a particular space and time shaped by the COVID-19 pandemic. More s...

Research paper thumbnail of Staggered inclusion: between temporary and permanent immigration status in Quebec, Canada

Nationalism and Ethnic Politics

Pathways to permanent residency among immigrants in Canada have become more often preceded by a p... more Pathways to permanent residency among immigrants in Canada have become more often preceded by a phase of temporariness. Research on these processes indicates that a two-step immigration regime is gaining momentum. However, we know little about those who qualify for permanent residency and experience a transition to permanent status inland. This article examines such experience of encountering federal and provincial administrative borders from within Canada. The analysis is based on 43 in-depth qualitative interviews conducted in the province of Quebec between 2016 and 2020 with temporary migrants in the process of transitioning to permanent residency or having recently acquired it. The article argues that migrants find themselves in spaces of ambiguity and in-betweenness regarding their transition process, access to rights and life perspectives over a period during which their status, as a lived experienced rather than strictly an administrative category, is neither temporary nor permanent. It sheds light on how bureaucratic processes that throw people into precariousness produces different shades of inclusion, not only based on the type of residency permit, but on the staggered transition process resulting from Canada’s immigration multi-governance itself. Furthermore, it calls for a rethinking of the permanent-temporary resident binary that structures Canada’s immigration policies.

Research paper thumbnail of The Diversity of French Expatriates’ Migration Projects in Quebec: a Typology in Four Dynamic Portraits

Sociétés plurielles

Based on a qualitative study conducted between 2016 and 2018 among thirty French people who migra... more Based on a qualitative study conducted between 2016 and 2018 among thirty French people who migrated to Quebec, this article proposes to distinguish four types of migration projects: the exploration, settlement, circulation and return projects. The trajectories and narratives collected show that these projects are not mutually exclusive or fixed in time, but that there is a fluidity between them, which moreover do not always correspond to the administrative categories of migration statuses in Canadian immigration policy. Basado en una encuesta cualitativa realizada entre 2016 y 2018 con treinta franceses que emigraron a Quebec, este artículo propone distinguir cuatrotipos de proyectos migratorios: el proyecto de exploración, de establecimiento, de circulacion y de retorno. Las trayectorias y las narativas recopiladas muestran que estos proyectos no están separados o fijos en el tiempo, y que, por lo tanto, existe una fluidez de los proyectos de migración, que además no siempre corre...

Research paper thumbnail of Facebook Activism among Foreign Domestic Workers in Singapore

This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign do... more This paper analyses original accounts to identify how an NGO in Singapore has enhanced foreign domestic workers’ power ‘from the bottom up’ using Facebook. Rainie and Wellman’s framework of networked individualism is used to analyse how solitary work in an employer’s residence can promote online activism. The specific research target is Filipina domestic workers in Singapore who use a Facebook group designed by an NGO to facilitate a social movement for freedom, equality and justice. Data analyzed include follow-up of 126,216 Facebook posts over three years, face-to-face interviews with members of the Facebook group and participant observation of various offline group activities. Evidence suggests that low visibility domestic work actually increases opportunities for domestic workers to connect with fellow workers and the NGO on line. Two examples of changes due to domestic workers’ use of Facebook for social activism are also noted. This paper highlights the characteristics of the ...

Research paper thumbnail of Espacios de "ilegalidad": el caso de trabajadores mexicanos en dos comunidades rurales de Canadá

Research paper thumbnail of The reinvention of distinction : modernity and the middle class in urban Vietnam

Chapter 1: Introduction: Who are the Urban Middle Class in Vietnam? Daniele Belanger, Lisa Drummo... more Chapter 1: Introduction: Who are the Urban Middle Class in Vietnam? Daniele Belanger, Lisa Drummond, Van Nguyen-Marshall.- Part I: Historical Perspectives.- Chapter 2: Advertising, Modernity and Consumer Culture in Colonial Vietnam: George Dutton.- Chapter 3: Cuisine and Social Status among Urban Vietnamese, 1888-1926: Erica Peters.- Chapter 4: The Associational Life of the Vietnamese Middle Class in Saigon (1950s-1970s): Van Nguyen-Marshall.- Part II: Comtemporary Perspectives: Chapter 5: Middle-Class Landscapes in a Transforming City: Hanoi in the 21st Century: Lisa Drummond.- Chapter 6: Finances, Family, Fashion, Fitness and ...: The Changing Lives of Urban Middle-Class Vietnamese Women: Ann Marie Leshkowich.- Chapter 7: Exhibiting Middleclassness: The Social Status of Artists in Hanoi: Nora Taylor.- Chapter 8: Banking on the Middle Class in Ho Chi Minh City: Allison Truitt.- Chapter 9: When de Dai Gia (Urban Rich) go to the Countryside: Impacts of the Urban-fuelled Rural Land Ma...

Research paper thumbnail of The house and the classroom : Vietnamese immigrant spouses in South Korea and Taiwan

This paper explores the lives of Vietnamese women who migrated to South Korea and Taiwan through ... more This paper explores the lives of Vietnamese women who migrated to South Korea and Taiwan through international marriage. Based on narratives collected from immigrant women in 2006 about the process of marrying men from South Korea or Taiwan, the paper discusses how women who migrate through marriage experience vulnerabilities and exert agency. The paper also focuses on the lives of women in the two most important spaces they occupy following migration: the home and the classroom. Women's experiences in their new families and in governmentrun language classes shed light on how these women are constructed by their families and by the Taiwanese and South Korean states. Immigrant women are generally located in the domestic sphere as wives, daughtersin-law and mothers, and in the classroom, where they learn the Korean or Chinese language and other skills, women tend to be infantilized, reflecting the states' construction of these women as being inferior. The paper concludes that Taiwan and South Korea would benefit from acknowledging their increasing ethnic diversity, rather than trying to assimilate the immigrant women and erase differences. The rapidly increasing ethnic composition of Taiwan and South Korea, resulting mostly from marriage migration, is unique in current migration trends.

Research paper thumbnail of An Im/mobility turn: power geometries of care and migration

Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 2019

This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequ... more This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequalities that animate-and co-exist in tandem with-growing global mobility and migration. With a particular focus on the literature on migrant care workers, the collection examines how the socio-spatial mobility of these workers is blocked, stuck, and constrained, and how these immobilities are integral to their migration experiences. Extending Doreen Massey's idea of 'power geometries' to migration studies, we offer the concept of an 'im/mobility turn'-wherein the back slash highlights the connections between immobility and mobility-to emphasise how particular forms of movement are shaped by the regulations, inequalities, and disciplinary pressures that delimit that movement. In the current global context where antiimmigration and xenophobia are on the rise, and where temporary migrant labour regimes of all kinds are increasingly common, we argue that attention to the many forms of immobility that are evident in care work migration may offer clues for grasping how immobilities function in relation to contemporary migration politics more generally.

Research paper thumbnail of From Foreign Trainees to Unauthorized Workers: Vietnamese Migrant Workers in Japan

Asian and Pacific Migration Journal, 2011

This paper documents the experiences of Vietnamese migrant workers who migrated to Japan as indus... more This paper documents the experiences of Vietnamese migrant workers who migrated to Japan as industrial “trainees” during early and mid-2000, some of whom became unauthorized workers. Based on in-depth interviews and survey data collected in Vietnam in 2008 and 2009 from migrants who had returned from Japan, this paper explores the factors that led some workers to slip from legal to irregular work. Our analysis shows how the recruitment process in Vietnam, the implementation of the trainee/intern program in Japan, and migrant networks together create the conditions that encourage or discourage some workers from working in the irregular job sector and overstaying their visas. We situate this argument within the conceptualization of unauthorized labor migration as a structurally embedded phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of From Transit to Mobility: Characteristics and Concepts

Rethinking Transit Migration: Precarity, Mobility, and Self-Making in Mexico, 2015

This chapter argues that the concept of ‘transit migration’, frequently employed to characterize ... more This chapter argues that the concept of ‘transit migration’, frequently employed to characterize the flow of Central American migrants through Mexico, obscures the instability, circularity, and unpredictability of this so-called transitory movement. The chapter advances a model that explains migrants’ mobility and immobility by the precarity they experience. It suggests that migrants’ precarity is shaped in the context of the biopolitics of citizenship and the corresponding migration control techniques, both of which give rise to activities within the so-called migration industry composed of actors who: (1) facilitate the movement; (2) prey on migrants; and/or (3) provide humanitarian aid. In addition, migrants develop certain ‘techniques of the self’ to counteract the immobilizing effects of precarity. According to the conceptual model advanced in this chapter, mobility and immobility are shaped by a combination of experiences of precarity, humanitarian support, and techniques of the self.

Research paper thumbnail of Techniques of the Self in the Face of Precarity

Rethinking Transit Migration: Precarity, Mobility, and Self-Making in Mexico, 2015

Drawing on Foucault's notion of the 'techniques of the self, ' this chapter illustrates various t... more Drawing on Foucault's notion of the 'techniques of the self, ' this chapter illustrates various techniques migrants employ to overcome the paralysing effect of precarity, shaped in the context of the United States biopolitics of citizenship, on their mobility. On the basis of migrants' narratives, the chapter discusses such techniques of the self as spirituality, self-concealment, 'passing as Mexicans', outmanoeuvring the enemy, the art of self-preservation, and the art of vigilance. It illustrates that migrants acquire knowledge of these techniques from their own experiences or from those of other migrants. Migrants train themselves to become resilient and resourceful. Yet, as the chapter maintains, these techniques cannot guarantee that migrants' mobility will not be disrupted. Migrants' journeys consist of intersecting and interchangeable patterns of mobility and immobility, and the two may co-exist: migrants continue to plan and prepare for their journeys while remaining (at least temporarily) immobilized.

Research paper thumbnail of Towards Dignity and Security

Rethinking Transit Migration: Precarity, Mobility, and Self-Making in Mexico, 2015

This chapter summarizes the book’s main arguments. It also discusses the unaccompanied minors’ ‘c... more This chapter summarizes the book’s main arguments. It also discusses the unaccompanied minors’ ‘crisis’ that erupted at the United States-Mexico border in the summer of 2014 and the political responses it triggered in the United States and Mexico. In its approach to Central American migration, the United States remains committed to a closed-door policy devoid of compassion, while Mexico oscillates between the rhetoric of humanitarianism, on the one hand, and surveillance and control practices, on the other. Within this context, migrants continue to experience extreme forms of precarity that produce emotional scars, mutilated bodies, and death. This chapter recognizes that in today’s world mobility will continue to be constrained. At the same time, it outlines a few alternatives that may make it possible to liberate Central American migrants’ mobility from extreme forms of precarity.

Research paper thumbnail of La gestion des flux migratoires.

La gestion des flux migratoires., 2016

Le rendez-vous des Amériques et d’Haïti sur RFI, Radio-France international.

Research paper thumbnail of Les travailleurs agricoles étrangers.

Les travailleurs agricoles étrangers., 2016

Chronique Immigration, Passion-FM.

Research paper thumbnail of Réformes du programme de l'expérience québécoise -immigration Québec.

Réformes du programme de l'expérience québécoise -immigration Québec., 2019

Le Soleil.

Research paper thumbnail of Immigration reforms of the CAQ government.

Immigration reforms of the CAQ government., 2019

Daybreak, CBC - Montréal.

Research paper thumbnail of The reforms of the Quebec experience program (immigration).

The reforms of the Quebec experience program (immigration)., 2019

Morning show, CBC.

Research paper thumbnail of À la poursuite du rêve américain

À la poursuite du rêve américain, Le magazine Contact, 2016

Les images spectaculaires de familles traversant la Méditerranée sur de frêles esquifs ne disent ... more Les images spectaculaires de familles traversant la Méditerranée sur de frêles esquifs ne disent pas tout de la réalité des migrants. Il existe aussi, dans les Amériques, des centaines de milliers de personnes qui prennent chaque année la direction du Nord. Elles fuient la violence et la pauvreté du Honduras, du Guatemala et du Salvador en espérant se rendre jusqu’aux États-Unis par les routes du Mexique. C’est à cette réalité que s’intéresse Danièle Bélanger, professeure au Département de géographie. Avec son étudiant au doctorat Guillermo Candiz et d’autres spécialistes de la question, elle vient de publier Rethinking Transit Migration, paru chez Palgrave (Grande-Bretagne).

Research paper thumbnail of La Turquie des réfugiés

La Turquie des réfugiés, le journal de la communauté universitaire, 2016

Danièle Bélanger, professeure au Département de géographie, revient de Turquie, où elle a découve... more Danièle Bélanger, professeure au Département de géographie, revient de Turquie, où elle a découvert la dure réalité des réfugiés syriens, coincés dans ce pays depuis plusieurs années.

Research paper thumbnail of Le drame humanitaire en Syrie

Le drame humanitaire en Syrie, Radio-Canada, 2016

Depuis le début du conflit en 2011, le bilan de la guerre en Syrie s'élève à plus de 300 000 mort... more Depuis le début du conflit en 2011, le bilan de la guerre en Syrie s'élève à plus de 300 000 morts tandis que plus de la moitié de la population syrienne a été déplacée. Plusieurs millions d'habitants se sont réfugiés dans les pays limitrophes dont le Liban, la Jordanie et la Turquie. Arnaud Decroix revient sur les conditions d'accueil de ces migrants en Turquie avec Danièle Bélanger, professeure au Département de géographie de l'Université Laval et spécialiste des migrations internationales.

Research paper thumbnail of La détresse des travailleurs et étudiants étrangers recensée dans une étude

La détresse des travailleurs et étudiants étrangers recensée dans une étude, Radio-Canada - Ici Québec, 2020

L'étude recense les expériences de travailleurs du milieu de l'hôtellerie et de la restauration.

Research paper thumbnail of Des travailleurs agricoles étrangers en danger

Des travailleurs agricoles étrangers en danger, Le Devoir , 2021

«Cette année, de plus en plus de travailleurs agricoles se font approcher par des recruteurs dans... more «Cette année, de plus en plus de travailleurs agricoles se font approcher par des recruteurs dans les rares lieux publics qu’ils fréquentent, comme les épiceries, les lieux de restauration rapide ou les parcs», écrivent les auteurs.

Research paper thumbnail of Refugios y refugiados

Encartes, 2020

parece ser una política global regresiva, basada en la externalización de fronteras, la restricci... more parece ser una política global regresiva, basada en la externalización de fronteras, la restricción y la selectividad. ¿Cuáles son los faCtores que ayudan a entender el Cambio y/o el traslape entre el flujo de migrantes laborales y desplazados/refugiados?

Research paper thumbnail of When migrants produce the city : Everyday negotiations of urban space

When migrants produce the city : Everyday negotiations of urban space, 2021

Research paper thumbnail of Ces jeunes qui migrent au Canada

Ces jeunes qui migrent au Canada, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of An Im/Mobility Turn: Power Geometries of Care and Migration

An Im/Mobility Turn: Power Geometries of Care and Migration, 2020

This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequ... more This special issue explores the analytical significance of immobility for understanding the inequalities that animate—and co-exist in tandem with—growing global mobility and migration. With a particular focus on the literature on migrant care workers, the collection examines how the socio-spatial mobility of these workers is blocked, stuck, and constrained, and how these immobilities are integral to their migration experiences. Extending Doreen Massey’s idea of ‘power geometries’ to migration studies, we offer the concept of an ‘im/mobility turn’—wherein the back slash highlights the connections between immobility and mobility—to emphasise how particular forms of movement are shaped by the regulations, inequalities, and disciplinary pressures that delimit that movement. In the current global context where anti-immigration and xenophobia are on the rise, and where temporary migrant labour regimes of all kinds are increasingly common, we argue that attention to the many forms of immobility that are evident in care work migration may offer clues for grasping how immobilities function in relation to contemporary migration politics more generally.

Research paper thumbnail of Fraises douces amères : travailleur migrants au Québec.

Fraises douces amères : travailleur migrants au Québec. , 2015

Canada in the Americas Canadian Studies Network, Annual conference 2015.

Research paper thumbnail of Transnationalism from within and unbound mobility.

Transnationalism from within and unbound mobility. , 2015

Changing Asia in the Globalizing World: Boundaries, Identity and Transnationalism 2015 York Centr... more Changing Asia in the Globalizing World: Boundaries, Identity and Transnationalism 2015 York Centre for Asian Research (YCAR) International Graduate Student Conference. Conférencière invitée.

Research paper thumbnail of Migrants’ sex workers right to the city in Vietnam.

Migrants’ sex workers right to the city in Vietnam. , 2016

American Association of Geographers.

Research paper thumbnail of Regards croisés sur les parcours migratoires au Mexique et au Maroc.

Regards croisés sur les parcours migratoires au Mexique et au Maroc. , 2016

Colloque anniversaire 30 ans de Migrinter. Conférencière invitée.

Research paper thumbnail of Travailleurs temporaires au Canada : des travailleurs privilégiés précaires?

Travailleurs temporaires au Canada : des travailleurs privilégiés précaires? , 2016

Séminaire international Mexico-Canada, Université Autonome du Mexique, Mexico, Mexique. Conférenc... more Séminaire international Mexico-Canada, Université Autonome du Mexique, Mexico, Mexique. Conférencière invitée.

Research paper thumbnail of When do care needs prompt migration?

When do care needs prompt migration? , 2017

Présenté à la conférence de l’association des géographes canadiens.

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Turkey.

Syrian Refugees and Host Communities in Turkey., 2017

Présentée à la conférence de l’Association canadienne pour l’étude des réfugiés et des migrations... more Présentée à la conférence de l’Association canadienne pour l’étude des réfugiés et des migrations forcées.

Research paper thumbnail of Temporary migration policies in Canada.

Temporary migration policies in Canada., 2017

Conférencière invitée à un séminaire international sur la Gouvernance des Migrations.

Research paper thumbnail of Réfugiés syriens réinstallés à Québec, Canada, et classes sociales.

Réfugiés syriens réinstallés à Québec, Canada, et classes sociales., 2018

International Union of Geographers.

Research paper thumbnail of Earning and caring across space and over generation: hypermobility among Vietnamese rural families.

Earning and caring across space and over generation: hypermobility among Vietnamese rural families., 2018

International Union of Geographers.

Research paper thumbnail of Loss and xenophobia in the city : Syrian refugees and Turkish host communities.

Loss and xenophobia in the city : Syrian refugees and Turkish host communities., 2018

International Union of Geographers.

Research paper thumbnail of Syrian refugees in Turkey: Convergence and contentions among state, market and civil society actors.

Syrian refugees in Turkey: Convergence and contentions among state, market and civil society actors., 2018

International Association for the Studies of Forced Migration.

Research paper thumbnail of Trajectories of exile of Syrian refugees in the Middle East: Context of reception and social class.

Trajectories of exile of Syrian refugees in the Middle East: Context of reception and social class., 2018

Invited speaker to the seminar ‘Spectrum of exclusion’, organized by the Asia Institute, Munk Sch... more Invited speaker to the seminar ‘Spectrum of exclusion’, organized by the Asia Institute, Munk School of Global Affairs, University of Toronto.

Research paper thumbnail of Dynamiques migratoires mondiales: pourquoi tant de migrant.e.s précaires et vulnérables?

Dynamiques migratoires mondiales: pourquoi tant de migrant.e.s précaires et vulnérables? , 2018

Conférencière invitée, Grande conférence d’ouverture, colloque annuel de l’ATTIR.

Research paper thumbnail of Temporary foreign workers in Canada: An underclass of employees?

Temporary foreign workers in Canada: An underclass of employees?, 2018

Conférence internationale du CIQSS.

Research paper thumbnail of L’immigration des couples au Canada. Stratégies de migration, modalités de réunification conjugale, rupture et émigration.

L’immigration des couples au Canada. Stratégies de migration, modalités de réunification conjugale, rupture et émigration., 2019

Colloque annuel de l’Association des démographes du Québec (ADQ).

Research paper thumbnail of Précarité et statut de résidence au Canada : le cas des travailleurs étrangers temporaires.

Précarité et statut de résidence au Canada : le cas des travailleurs étrangers temporaires. , 2019

Colloque du Fonds François-et-Rachel-Routhier - Justice et dignité dans le monde du travail.

Research paper thumbnail of L’immigration des couples au Canada. Une analyse longitudinale des trajectoires conjugales et migratoires.

L’immigration des couples au Canada. Une analyse longitudinale des trajectoires conjugales et migratoires. , 2019

XVIIIe Colloque national de démographie intitulé « Unions, désunions, non-unions ».

Research paper thumbnail of L’insertion professionnelle des immigrants : l’épreuve du temps.

L’insertion professionnelle des immigrants : l’épreuve du temps., 2019

Colloque « Diversités en emploi : perspectives et enjeux au Québec et au Canada ».

Research paper thumbnail of Struggle to belong: Immigration policies and experiences of temporariness in Canada.

Struggle to belong: Immigration policies and experiences of temporariness in Canada., 2020

Conférencière invitée. Harvard University. Weatherhead Center for International Affairs.