Mehmet Eymen Eryılmaz | Uludag University (original) (raw)

Papers by Mehmet Eymen Eryılmaz

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of social, human and psychological capital on career success: A study in the Turkish banking sector

Middle East Journal of Management, 2024

The researchers in this study wanted to know whether an individual's social, human and psychologi... more The researchers in this study wanted to know whether an individual's social, human and psychological capital had an impact on their career success, and if so, which types of capital had a greater impact on an individual's career success. It also examined whether or not social capital has a mediating effect on the relationship between an individual's human capital and career success. In this context, the data of 400 middle and senior managers working in banks in Turkey were analyzed. The data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS programs within the framework of the research model. “Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)” was chosen to test the predetermined research hypotheses. The results showed that employees' social and psychological capital had a statistically significant, direct and positive influence on their career success, while this was not the case for the relationship between employees' human capital and career success. In addition, the results also showed that social capital has a full mediating effect on the relationship between individuals' human capital and career success. The study's assessment based on three types of capital in relation to individuals' subjective career success and the fact that the research was conducted in a relatively new area for the field likely set the study apart from previous studies. It is therefore expected to make a modest contribution to the relevant literature.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Board Gender Diversity and Independence on the Existence of a Sustainability Committee

Revista de Estudios Empresariales Segunda Época, 2024

The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the factors determining the existen... more The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the factors determining the existence of a "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) committee on the board. Focusing the attention on board composition, this paper explores how female directors influence the existence of a CSR committee, and how this effect can be moderated by the independence of board members. To be able to test the aims of the study, an international sample of analysis of 4,168 firm-year observations from 2012 to 2016 was used, proposing several models for panel data. The findings revealed that female directors exert a positive influence on the existence of a CSR committee, although this commitment is limited when in addition to women, they are independent directors on the board. Therefore, it can be said that board gender diversity and board independence are not complementary mechanisms that favour the existence of a specific committee on CSR. This study is one of a limited number of studies to focus on the antecedents of existence of a CSR committee in firms. In addition, the study obtains benefit by considering the independence of board of directors as a moderating variable on the relationship female directors-sustainability. In contrast with previous studies based on the cross-sectional data from a single country, the data set of the current study includes a panel data comprising of a period between 2012 and 2016 and an international sample from 44 countries in six continents.

Research paper thumbnail of The strategy tripod perspective in explaining firms' export performance

Upravlenets - The Manager , 2021

Current institution-based view studies in the literature have focused on macro-level data, theref... more Current institution-based view studies in the literature have focused on macro-level data, therefore, they provide limited implication on export performance and institutional profile relationship. This is a crucial problem and it is required to look at the relationship more closely by performing organization-level research. The article deals with the institution-based view by introducing a novel methodological perspective. The institution-based view and strategy tripod perspective constitute the methodological basis of the study. The authors reframed conceptual model of Su, Peng and Xie [2016] and viewed the mediating role of institutional and industrial variables instead of the moderating role. In line with this purpose, the authors gathered survey data consisting of a sample of 187 export firms operating in Turkey and used Baron and Kenny method to test the mediating role of variables by applying structural equation modelling. The research findings indicate that institutional profile in which the firms are embedded and the strategic position in the industry have a full mediation role in the relationship between the resources and capabilities of firms and export performance. Also, resource and capabilities might affect the strategic positioning and institution perception of managers. The theoretical and practical implication of the study revealed that institutions matter as emphasized in literature. That is the reason why academician and managers have to consider the function of institutional profile for better performance, as well as the function of resource acquisition and strategic positioning.

Research paper thumbnail of How Does Board Gender Diversity Influence the Likelihood of Becoming a UN Global Compact Signatory? The Mediating Effect of the CSR Committee

Sustainability, 2020

The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the factors determining a firm's affili... more The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the factors determining a firm's affiliation with the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) as the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative worldwide. Drawing on the board perspective of the firm, this paper examines the effect of gender diversity and the mediating effect of the existence of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee. To test the paper's objectives, the authors use an international sample of analysis of 29,951 firm-year observations from 2012 to 2018. The results suggest that female directors on the board significantly encourage the firm's affiliation with the UN GC and support the mediating effect of the existence of a CSR committee. Therefore, the positive impact of female directors on UN GC signatories appears to be mediated by the existence of a CSR committee.

Research paper thumbnail of Is Board Diversity an Antecedent of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance in Firms?: A Research on the 500 Biggest Turkish Companies

Social Responsibility Journal , 2020

Purpose-This study aims to understand whether board diversity has a direct effect on ''corporate ... more Purpose-This study aims to understand whether board diversity has a direct effect on ''corporate social responsibility (CSR)'' performance of companies or not. In addition, this study also aims to examine the moderation effect of age and education level of female board members on the relationship between board gender diversity and CSR performance. Design/methodology/approach-A ''corporate social performance (CSP)'' measurement instrument was designed to conduct a content analysis that analyzes the CSR disclosure in the annual reports of Turkish companies listed on the ''500 biggest Turkish companies'' report of ''Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO)'' in 2015. The data coming from content analysis of 117 company reports were analyzed by using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings-Despite of supporting the increase in CSR performance when there is a greater presence of independent board members in an organization, evidence supports that ratios of female and foreign board members do not have any significant effect on CSR performance. Originality/value-The study contributes to previous literature on board diversity and CSR performance as follows. First, this paper contributes to previous literature by examining and testing independent, female and foreign board members as a new antecedent of CSR performance in research on Turkey; second, by examining a sample of the ''500 biggest Turkish companies'' and providing some tips about both Turkey and other developing countries; third, by reopening the debate about the positive impact of a greater presence of independent directors on board on CSR performance and the non-effect of female and foreign board members. Finally, it also offers a partially new CSP measurement instrument based on content analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Tertiary Education and Management of Quality: A Research in a Developing Country Context

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2019

Tertiary education is accepted as one of the engines of economic growth at the national level. Ho... more Tertiary education is accepted as one of the engines of economic growth at the national level. However, as far as is known, there have been only a few research studies in the literature on efforts to increase the quality level of tertiary education institutions that have both an extensive data set and are based on the context of a developing country. Therefore, this study aims to examine the current situation of quality management efforts in Turkish tertiary education institutions. The data for this study were collected from 672 units of 149 Turkish universities. According to the findings, more than half of the participating organizations did not have any quality management certificate, nor were they making any quality management efforts. Therefore, the findings indicated that there is still a very long and arduous way to be covered by Turkish tertiary education institutions in spite of some important developments.

Research paper thumbnail of Aphasia as an Organizational Pathology: Taking Some Lessons from Aphasia in Neurology

Letters and Social Science: Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University, 2018

Individuals, groups, organizations and societies experience various problems. Some problems at a ... more Individuals, groups, organizations and societies experience various problems. Some problems at a social analysis unit can also be beneficial to see some diffuculties at a different analysis level and produce some solutions for them. In this study, it is discussed that whether a
neurotic disorder experienced by some individuals can be used to define and understand better some communication based organizational problems or not. Therefore, the aim of this study is to
obtain benefit from concept of aphasia for gaining deeper insights about particularly external communication problems of organizations. In this study, organizational aphasia is conceptualized as communication problems in organizations stemmed from top management and
affect relationships of organizations with their stakeholders in external environment.

Research paper thumbnail of A Research on the Relationships among Faculty's Reputation, Image and Students' Intentions of Future Collaborations: Findings from the Turkey

International Journal of Learning and Teaching , 2017

—University-Industry collaborations can create various benefits for the all sides of them. Howeve... more —University-Industry collaborations can create various benefits for the all sides of them. However, there is often a weak link of collaboration in many countries between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and industrial organizations. Therefore, to strengthen the relationship and to create benefits for stakeholders of it, an investigation of the determinants of the collaboration between universities and industrial organizations is important. Many previous studies found that HEIs' positive reputation and image increase the loyalties of students to their institutions. Thus, the main aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between reputation and image of an HEI and intentions of its students on future collaborations. For this aim, the data was collected from 1368 senior students of a faculty in a public university. The results of the research indicated that a combination of HEI's reputation and image affect students' intentions to collaborate with their universities in future.

Research paper thumbnail of Yönetim Kurulu Çeşitliliği ve Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetleri İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Yazın Taraması

Abstract In the current age, all communities are composed of individuals, more or less, with di... more Abstract
In the current age, all communities are composed of individuals, more or less, with different genders, ages, levels of education and income, ethnicities, ages, values etc. Thus, the impact of progressively increasing diversity on the organisations has become a significant area of organisational reasearch. The boards, presenting different levels of diversity while bearing the ultimate responsibility for the actions and decisions taken by the organizations are attracting attention in these kind of research. On the other hand, many stakeholder groups are more interested in non-financial " Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) " performance rather than financial performance of organizations' activities, and this ultimately requires further studies to be carried out on the relationship between the organizational diversities of board and CSR activities. The objective of this study is to review the article on the relationship between board diversity and CSR activities of organisations. Following the review, conceptual and methodological criticism of previous studies would be presented and some promising avenues for future research would be suggested. The research area is very topical and there exists very limited study in the national literature, thus indicating the importance to this study.

Günümüzde tüm toplumlar, az veya çok; cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim seviyesi, gelir seviyesi, etnik köken, değerler vb. göre farklılık gösteren insanlardan teşekkül etmektedir. Günden güne artan çeşitliliğin örgütler üzerine etkileri de mühim örgütsel araştırma alanlarından bir tanesi haline gelmiştir. Örgütlerin faaliyet ve kararlarından birinci derecede sorumlu olan " Yönetim Kurulları (YK) " da muhtelif noktalardaki çeşitlilikleriyle bu araştırmalara konu olmaktadır. Öte yandan günümüzde birçok paydaş grubun örgütsel faaliyetlerle ilgili olarak finansal performanstan ziyade, finansal olmayan " Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk (KSS) " performansı ile ilgilenmesi, örgütlerin YK çeşitlilikleri ile KSS faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılmasını bir nevi mecburi kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerin YK çeşitliliği ile KSS faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkiye dair yazının incelenmesidir. İnceleme sonrasında önceki bazı çalışmalara yönelik kuramsal ve yöntemsel eleştiriler sunulacak ve gelecek çalışmalar için bazı önerilerde bulunulacaktır. Çalışma sahasının son derece güncel olması ve ulusal yazında sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunması, bu çalışmayı daha da mühim hale getirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yönetim Kurulu, Yönetim Kurulu Çeşitliliği, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Yazın Taraması.

Research paper thumbnail of Örgüt Ölçeği ve Yaşının Yeni Yönetim Tekniklerinin İlgili Örgütlerde Benimsenmesi Kararı Üzerine Etkileri: Türk Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Bir Araştırma

This study examines the relationships among variables such as organizational size, age and the de... more This study examines the relationships among variables such as organizational size, age and the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique in the context of the Turkish higher education institutions. Therefore, the data was collected from the Turkish higher educations institutions (n=123). According to the findings, logistic regression analysis indicated that organizational size (in terms of number of administrative staff) is a predictor of the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique.

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review on Organizational Forgetting

Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu-Letters & Social Sciences Series, 2016

The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of organizational forgetting by reviewing the re... more The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of organizational forgetting by reviewing the related literature. First, the study will focus on the concept of forgetting in general. Then, the related concepts will be clarified and the concept of organizational forgetting will be explained. Future directions that researchers in this field may focus on will be stated and finally, the conclusions of the study will be made. This and similar studies are of importance since the concept of organizational forgetting has been eclipsed by the more popular concept of organizational learning.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on Antecedents of the Adoption of New Management Techniques by Higher Education Institutions

There is extensive literature on the adoption of new management techniques in organizations. Howe... more There is extensive literature on the adoption of new management techniques in organizations. However, these studies have largely focused on industrial organizations. It is unknown whether or not the antecedents of the decision to implement new management techniques in industrial organizations are valid for educational organizations. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to discuss the triggers of the adoption of management techniques in the context of educational organizations. Furthermore, some propositions will be presented by the authors after discussions.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management in the Turkish Higher Education Institutions: Preliminary Findings

There is an extensive literature on antecedents and positive/negative consequences of quality man... more There is an extensive literature on antecedents and positive/negative consequences of quality management in manufacturing organizations. However, studies that focus on quality management in higher education institutions are inadequate. In addition, these studies are generally based on developed countries and small samples. This study examines the situation of quality management in higher education institutions of a developing country, Turkey. In addition, it uses a relatively large data set (241 faculties and institutes) for this aim. The findings show that although the Turkish higher education institutions have progressed in their quality efforts in recent years, there is still a long way to go.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Araştırmacının Naçizane Gözlemleri: İlgili Dergilerin Editör ve Hakemleri Stratejik Yönetim Alanı Yazarlarından Ne Beklerler? (Humble Reflections of a Researcher: What Do Editors and Reviewers of Relevant Journals Expect From Authors of Strategic Management Field?)

ÖZET Bu çalışmada, stratejik yönetim disiplinine ilişkin zaman içerisinde araştırmacı olarak kend... more ÖZET Bu çalışmada, stratejik yönetim disiplinine ilişkin zaman içerisinde araştırmacı olarak kendi çalışmalarımdan edindiğim tecrübelere ve bu çalışmaları kurgularken faydalandığım kaynaklara ilişkin gözlemlerime dayanarak, stratejik yönetim alanında çalışma arzusunda olan genç araştırmacılara bilimsel çabalarını yayına dönüştürme konusunda yararlı olabilecek bazı naçizane tavsiyelerde bulunacağım. 2 Bu önerilerin kuramsal ekseni dört alt boyut üzerine bina edilecektir. Yönteme ilişkin açımlar ise iki başlık altında ele alınacaktır.

ABSTRACT In this study, with the help of my previous personal experience and observations, I will give some advice to the young researchers of the Turkish strategic management field from which they may benefit when submitting papers to prestigious academic journals. This advice will be based on four theoretical and two methodological sub-dimensions. 1 Araştırmacıların kendilerini geliştirebilmeleri açısından yaptıkları yayınlara ilişkin okuyuculardan öneri ve eleştiriler alabilmeleri oldukça önemlidir. Bu doğrultuda, beni görüş ve eleştirilerinizle desteklerseniz minnettar kalırım. * İletişim: 2 Bu noktada çalışmanın başlığından ve özetinden, " bilimin amacı yayın yapmaktır, ben de bu konuda sizlere tavsiyede bulunuyorum " u anlatmak istediğim yönünde bir hissiyata kapılmamanızı rica ederim. Elbette, bilimin nihai ve yegâne amacı yayın yapmak değildir. Ancak yayın yapmanın muhtelif ve müspet işlevlerinin olabileceği de unutulmamalıdır. Örneğin yayınlar, düşündüklerimiz dışarıdan ve nesnel olduğuna inandığımız zihinlerce onaylandığı için, doğru yolda ilerlediğimiz hususunda bize güven veren ve bizi ilgili alanda daha fazla düşünmeye sevk eden bir motivatördürler. Bu anlamda yayın yapmanın akademik hayatın çok mühim bir ayağı olduğuna sanırım ki kimse itiraz etmeyecektir. Amacımız bu noktada, düşünsel patikası münasip olduğu halde editör ve hakemlerin beklediği daha ikinci düzeyde şartlara takılarak, yayın yapma şansını ve nihayetinde bilimsel çalışma motivasyonunu kaybedebilecek araştırmacıların bu risklerini bir nebze olsun azaltabilmektir.

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership as a Key Instrument to Alleviate Hegemonic Relationships in Organizations: A Case from a Public University

Some groups may be oppressed by others in organizations and at this point, leaders are the most i... more Some groups may be oppressed by others in organizations and at this point, leaders are the most important actors able to balance the power inequalities within the organization. In this study, the exploitation of ambiguities in job descriptions of an administrative department in a public university is examined. Face-to-face and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 individuals and the related documents were examined to shed light on the phenomenon. According to technicians, those in higher positions use ambiguity in job descriptions to abdicate responsibility and increase their dominance. According to researchers, organizational leaders in particular should take responsibility to ease relationships of dominance in such cases.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion about the Possible Effect of Middle Income Trap on Large Scale Firms’ Selection of Competitive Strategy

Middle-income trap that is based on per capita income and measures per capita income in dollars a... more Middle-income trap that is based on per capita income and measures per capita income in dollars and predominantly in relation to the Purchasing Power Parity indicates the vicious cycle a country enters at a certain income level. Thus, countries caught in the middle-income trap stay within this cycle for long periods of time and could not ascend to the next income level, the high-income group. Several ways out of this trap for countries were proposed in the literature stressing the significance of state incentives and support that state could provide for the private sector. The objective of this study is to discuss the possible changes that incentives provided by the state based on R&D innovations could initiate especially in competitive strategies of large scale firms and to present two propositions based on this discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Comparison of Uses of Rhetoric of Public and Private Sector Managers

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences , 2015

The differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations and managers com... more The differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations and managers comprise a subject that has preoccupied scholars for a long time. However, despite the relatively long history of this subject, it is rather interesting that, to the best of our knowledge, there is no empirical study that thoroughly compares the managers of these sectors in terms of their rhetoric, which is accepted by many management scholars as one of the most important managerial skills. Thus, in this paper, a comparison is made within the Turkish context of the rhetoric used by public and private sector managers during the legitimization process of the management technique "Total Quality Management (TQM)." The data set includes a total of 647 text segments from 238 interviews with managers and articles written by 209 managers. After a rhetorical and statistical analysis, the findings of mixed methods research show that there is no statistically significant difference between the rhetorical legitimization of managers in these two sectors.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of the Relationship between Person-Organization Fit and Employee Creativity

Management Research Review, 2014

Purpose – Like all other human behaviors, creativity must be examined by considering both persona... more Purpose – Like all other human behaviors, creativity must be examined by considering both personal and situational influences. " Person-organization fit " (POF) provides a suitable theoretical perspective to investigate the congruence between persons and organizations in the domain of creativity. However, few studies have examined the effects of POF on creative behavior. Although the majority of these studies have identified a positive relationship between POF and creativity, it is suggested that congruent individuals are less likely to be inventive. The current study will examine the positive relationship between POF and employees' self-rated creativity in the Turkish context. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Subjective POF measures and a creativity measure were adapted for this research, and multiple regression was used to calculate whether and how POF relates to creativity. Findings – Two important conclusions were found from the analyses. One of these significant interaction effects was found on employee creativity. And the second is congruence between personal values and current organizational values would effect employee creativity positively. Detailed findings and contributions have been discussed. Research limitations/implications – Although providing an important contribution to POF and creativity literature, this study had some limitations. In this study, self-rating method has been used to measure employee creativity. However, supervisor rating is the most common way in field studies and gives more objective results than self-rating method. Practical implications – The findings provide valuable information for human resource practitioner about the importance of situational factors as far as personal characteristics for enhancing creative behavior in organizations. Originality/value – As far as it is known, there are few studies to examine the relationship between POF and creativity empirically. The majority of these researches examined the complementary fit (demand-abilities, need-supply, value-supply fit). On the other hand, this study specially has focused on supplementary fit (POF), rather than complementary fit and examined its relationship with employee creativity by considering a wide set of values in the Turkish context.

Research paper thumbnail of Pathos Rhetoric in Vision Statements of Organizations: Findings from Turkey

Elsevier Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

The characteristics of organizational vision statements have been discussed by many previous stud... more The characteristics of organizational vision statements have been discussed by many previous studies. The literature seems to assert that the content of a strong organizational vision should principally include emotional persuasion. However, as far as we know, this claim has remained untested to a large extent. Therefore, this study investigated whether or not organizational visions are largely composed of pathos rhetoric. To examine this, 365 vision statements on the web sites of the largest 1000 Turkish companies according to 2012 data were analyzed rhetorically and statistically.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomik Krizlerin Retoriksel Stratejilere Etkisi: TKY Örneği (The Effects of Economic Crises on Rhetorical Strategies:  The TQM Case)

Başkent Üniversitesi Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi (YAD), 2011

Research paper thumbnail of The influence of social, human and psychological capital on career success: A study in the Turkish banking sector

Middle East Journal of Management, 2024

The researchers in this study wanted to know whether an individual's social, human and psychologi... more The researchers in this study wanted to know whether an individual's social, human and psychological capital had an impact on their career success, and if so, which types of capital had a greater impact on an individual's career success. It also examined whether or not social capital has a mediating effect on the relationship between an individual's human capital and career success. In this context, the data of 400 middle and senior managers working in banks in Turkey were analyzed. The data were analyzed using SPSS and AMOS programs within the framework of the research model. “Structural Equation Modeling (SEM)” was chosen to test the predetermined research hypotheses. The results showed that employees' social and psychological capital had a statistically significant, direct and positive influence on their career success, while this was not the case for the relationship between employees' human capital and career success. In addition, the results also showed that social capital has a full mediating effect on the relationship between individuals' human capital and career success. The study's assessment based on three types of capital in relation to individuals' subjective career success and the fact that the research was conducted in a relatively new area for the field likely set the study apart from previous studies. It is therefore expected to make a modest contribution to the relevant literature.

Research paper thumbnail of The Role of Board Gender Diversity and Independence on the Existence of a Sustainability Committee

Revista de Estudios Empresariales Segunda Época, 2024

The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the factors determining the existen... more The purpose of this study was to enhance the understanding of the factors determining the existence of a "Corporate Social Responsibility" (CSR) committee on the board. Focusing the attention on board composition, this paper explores how female directors influence the existence of a CSR committee, and how this effect can be moderated by the independence of board members. To be able to test the aims of the study, an international sample of analysis of 4,168 firm-year observations from 2012 to 2016 was used, proposing several models for panel data. The findings revealed that female directors exert a positive influence on the existence of a CSR committee, although this commitment is limited when in addition to women, they are independent directors on the board. Therefore, it can be said that board gender diversity and board independence are not complementary mechanisms that favour the existence of a specific committee on CSR. This study is one of a limited number of studies to focus on the antecedents of existence of a CSR committee in firms. In addition, the study obtains benefit by considering the independence of board of directors as a moderating variable on the relationship female directors-sustainability. In contrast with previous studies based on the cross-sectional data from a single country, the data set of the current study includes a panel data comprising of a period between 2012 and 2016 and an international sample from 44 countries in six continents.

Research paper thumbnail of The strategy tripod perspective in explaining firms' export performance

Upravlenets - The Manager , 2021

Current institution-based view studies in the literature have focused on macro-level data, theref... more Current institution-based view studies in the literature have focused on macro-level data, therefore, they provide limited implication on export performance and institutional profile relationship. This is a crucial problem and it is required to look at the relationship more closely by performing organization-level research. The article deals with the institution-based view by introducing a novel methodological perspective. The institution-based view and strategy tripod perspective constitute the methodological basis of the study. The authors reframed conceptual model of Su, Peng and Xie [2016] and viewed the mediating role of institutional and industrial variables instead of the moderating role. In line with this purpose, the authors gathered survey data consisting of a sample of 187 export firms operating in Turkey and used Baron and Kenny method to test the mediating role of variables by applying structural equation modelling. The research findings indicate that institutional profile in which the firms are embedded and the strategic position in the industry have a full mediation role in the relationship between the resources and capabilities of firms and export performance. Also, resource and capabilities might affect the strategic positioning and institution perception of managers. The theoretical and practical implication of the study revealed that institutions matter as emphasized in literature. That is the reason why academician and managers have to consider the function of institutional profile for better performance, as well as the function of resource acquisition and strategic positioning.

Research paper thumbnail of How Does Board Gender Diversity Influence the Likelihood of Becoming a UN Global Compact Signatory? The Mediating Effect of the CSR Committee

Sustainability, 2020

The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the factors determining a firm's affili... more The aim of this study was to improve the understanding of the factors determining a firm's affiliation with the United Nations Global Compact (UN GC) as the largest voluntary corporate responsibility initiative worldwide. Drawing on the board perspective of the firm, this paper examines the effect of gender diversity and the mediating effect of the existence of a corporate social responsibility (CSR) committee. To test the paper's objectives, the authors use an international sample of analysis of 29,951 firm-year observations from 2012 to 2018. The results suggest that female directors on the board significantly encourage the firm's affiliation with the UN GC and support the mediating effect of the existence of a CSR committee. Therefore, the positive impact of female directors on UN GC signatories appears to be mediated by the existence of a CSR committee.

Research paper thumbnail of Is Board Diversity an Antecedent of Corporate Social Responsibility Performance in Firms?: A Research on the 500 Biggest Turkish Companies

Social Responsibility Journal , 2020

Purpose-This study aims to understand whether board diversity has a direct effect on ''corporate ... more Purpose-This study aims to understand whether board diversity has a direct effect on ''corporate social responsibility (CSR)'' performance of companies or not. In addition, this study also aims to examine the moderation effect of age and education level of female board members on the relationship between board gender diversity and CSR performance. Design/methodology/approach-A ''corporate social performance (CSP)'' measurement instrument was designed to conduct a content analysis that analyzes the CSR disclosure in the annual reports of Turkish companies listed on the ''500 biggest Turkish companies'' report of ''Istanbul Chamber of Industry (ISO)'' in 2015. The data coming from content analysis of 117 company reports were analyzed by using hierarchical regression analysis. Findings-Despite of supporting the increase in CSR performance when there is a greater presence of independent board members in an organization, evidence supports that ratios of female and foreign board members do not have any significant effect on CSR performance. Originality/value-The study contributes to previous literature on board diversity and CSR performance as follows. First, this paper contributes to previous literature by examining and testing independent, female and foreign board members as a new antecedent of CSR performance in research on Turkey; second, by examining a sample of the ''500 biggest Turkish companies'' and providing some tips about both Turkey and other developing countries; third, by reopening the debate about the positive impact of a greater presence of independent directors on board on CSR performance and the non-effect of female and foreign board members. Finally, it also offers a partially new CSP measurement instrument based on content analysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Tertiary Education and Management of Quality: A Research in a Developing Country Context

Mehmet Akif Ersoy University Journal of Social Sciences Institute, 2019

Tertiary education is accepted as one of the engines of economic growth at the national level. Ho... more Tertiary education is accepted as one of the engines of economic growth at the national level. However, as far as is known, there have been only a few research studies in the literature on efforts to increase the quality level of tertiary education institutions that have both an extensive data set and are based on the context of a developing country. Therefore, this study aims to examine the current situation of quality management efforts in Turkish tertiary education institutions. The data for this study were collected from 672 units of 149 Turkish universities. According to the findings, more than half of the participating organizations did not have any quality management certificate, nor were they making any quality management efforts. Therefore, the findings indicated that there is still a very long and arduous way to be covered by Turkish tertiary education institutions in spite of some important developments.

Research paper thumbnail of Aphasia as an Organizational Pathology: Taking Some Lessons from Aphasia in Neurology

Letters and Social Science: Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University, 2018

Individuals, groups, organizations and societies experience various problems. Some problems at a ... more Individuals, groups, organizations and societies experience various problems. Some problems at a social analysis unit can also be beneficial to see some diffuculties at a different analysis level and produce some solutions for them. In this study, it is discussed that whether a
neurotic disorder experienced by some individuals can be used to define and understand better some communication based organizational problems or not. Therefore, the aim of this study is to
obtain benefit from concept of aphasia for gaining deeper insights about particularly external communication problems of organizations. In this study, organizational aphasia is conceptualized as communication problems in organizations stemmed from top management and
affect relationships of organizations with their stakeholders in external environment.

Research paper thumbnail of A Research on the Relationships among Faculty's Reputation, Image and Students' Intentions of Future Collaborations: Findings from the Turkey

International Journal of Learning and Teaching , 2017

—University-Industry collaborations can create various benefits for the all sides of them. Howeve... more —University-Industry collaborations can create various benefits for the all sides of them. However, there is often a weak link of collaboration in many countries between Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) and industrial organizations. Therefore, to strengthen the relationship and to create benefits for stakeholders of it, an investigation of the determinants of the collaboration between universities and industrial organizations is important. Many previous studies found that HEIs' positive reputation and image increase the loyalties of students to their institutions. Thus, the main aim of the study was to investigate the relationship between reputation and image of an HEI and intentions of its students on future collaborations. For this aim, the data was collected from 1368 senior students of a faculty in a public university. The results of the research indicated that a combination of HEI's reputation and image affect students' intentions to collaborate with their universities in future.

Research paper thumbnail of Yönetim Kurulu Çeşitliliği ve Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk Faaliyetleri İlişkisi Üzerine Bir Yazın Taraması

Abstract In the current age, all communities are composed of individuals, more or less, with di... more Abstract
In the current age, all communities are composed of individuals, more or less, with different genders, ages, levels of education and income, ethnicities, ages, values etc. Thus, the impact of progressively increasing diversity on the organisations has become a significant area of organisational reasearch. The boards, presenting different levels of diversity while bearing the ultimate responsibility for the actions and decisions taken by the organizations are attracting attention in these kind of research. On the other hand, many stakeholder groups are more interested in non-financial " Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) " performance rather than financial performance of organizations' activities, and this ultimately requires further studies to be carried out on the relationship between the organizational diversities of board and CSR activities. The objective of this study is to review the article on the relationship between board diversity and CSR activities of organisations. Following the review, conceptual and methodological criticism of previous studies would be presented and some promising avenues for future research would be suggested. The research area is very topical and there exists very limited study in the national literature, thus indicating the importance to this study.

Günümüzde tüm toplumlar, az veya çok; cinsiyet, yaş, eğitim seviyesi, gelir seviyesi, etnik köken, değerler vb. göre farklılık gösteren insanlardan teşekkül etmektedir. Günden güne artan çeşitliliğin örgütler üzerine etkileri de mühim örgütsel araştırma alanlarından bir tanesi haline gelmiştir. Örgütlerin faaliyet ve kararlarından birinci derecede sorumlu olan " Yönetim Kurulları (YK) " da muhtelif noktalardaki çeşitlilikleriyle bu araştırmalara konu olmaktadır. Öte yandan günümüzde birçok paydaş grubun örgütsel faaliyetlerle ilgili olarak finansal performanstan ziyade, finansal olmayan " Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk (KSS) " performansı ile ilgilenmesi, örgütlerin YK çeşitlilikleri ile KSS faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkilerin araştırılmasını bir nevi mecburi kılmaktadır. Bu çalışmanın amacı, örgütlerin YK çeşitliliği ile KSS faaliyetleri arasındaki ilişkiye dair yazının incelenmesidir. İnceleme sonrasında önceki bazı çalışmalara yönelik kuramsal ve yöntemsel eleştiriler sunulacak ve gelecek çalışmalar için bazı önerilerde bulunulacaktır. Çalışma sahasının son derece güncel olması ve ulusal yazında sınırlı sayıda çalışma bulunması, bu çalışmayı daha da mühim hale getirmektedir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Yönetim Kurulu, Yönetim Kurulu Çeşitliliği, Kurumsal Sosyal Sorumluluk, Yazın Taraması.

Research paper thumbnail of Örgüt Ölçeği ve Yaşının Yeni Yönetim Tekniklerinin İlgili Örgütlerde Benimsenmesi Kararı Üzerine Etkileri: Türk Yükseköğretim Kurumlarında Bir Araştırma

This study examines the relationships among variables such as organizational size, age and the de... more This study examines the relationships among variables such as organizational size, age and the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique in the context of the Turkish higher education institutions. Therefore, the data was collected from the Turkish higher educations institutions (n=123). According to the findings, logistic regression analysis indicated that organizational size (in terms of number of administrative staff) is a predictor of the decision on adoption/not adoption of a new management technique.

Research paper thumbnail of A Literature Review on Organizational Forgetting

Annals of the Constantin Brancusi University of Targu Jiu-Letters & Social Sciences Series, 2016

The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of organizational forgetting by reviewing the re... more The aim of this study was to clarify the concept of organizational forgetting by reviewing the related literature. First, the study will focus on the concept of forgetting in general. Then, the related concepts will be clarified and the concept of organizational forgetting will be explained. Future directions that researchers in this field may focus on will be stated and finally, the conclusions of the study will be made. This and similar studies are of importance since the concept of organizational forgetting has been eclipsed by the more popular concept of organizational learning.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion on Antecedents of the Adoption of New Management Techniques by Higher Education Institutions

There is extensive literature on the adoption of new management techniques in organizations. Howe... more There is extensive literature on the adoption of new management techniques in organizations. However, these studies have largely focused on industrial organizations. It is unknown whether or not the antecedents of the decision to implement new management techniques in industrial organizations are valid for educational organizations. Therefore, the main aim of this study was to discuss the triggers of the adoption of management techniques in the context of educational organizations. Furthermore, some propositions will be presented by the authors after discussions.

Research paper thumbnail of Quality Management in the Turkish Higher Education Institutions: Preliminary Findings

There is an extensive literature on antecedents and positive/negative consequences of quality man... more There is an extensive literature on antecedents and positive/negative consequences of quality management in manufacturing organizations. However, studies that focus on quality management in higher education institutions are inadequate. In addition, these studies are generally based on developed countries and small samples. This study examines the situation of quality management in higher education institutions of a developing country, Turkey. In addition, it uses a relatively large data set (241 faculties and institutes) for this aim. The findings show that although the Turkish higher education institutions have progressed in their quality efforts in recent years, there is still a long way to go.

Research paper thumbnail of Bir Araştırmacının Naçizane Gözlemleri: İlgili Dergilerin Editör ve Hakemleri Stratejik Yönetim Alanı Yazarlarından Ne Beklerler? (Humble Reflections of a Researcher: What Do Editors and Reviewers of Relevant Journals Expect From Authors of Strategic Management Field?)

ÖZET Bu çalışmada, stratejik yönetim disiplinine ilişkin zaman içerisinde araştırmacı olarak kend... more ÖZET Bu çalışmada, stratejik yönetim disiplinine ilişkin zaman içerisinde araştırmacı olarak kendi çalışmalarımdan edindiğim tecrübelere ve bu çalışmaları kurgularken faydalandığım kaynaklara ilişkin gözlemlerime dayanarak, stratejik yönetim alanında çalışma arzusunda olan genç araştırmacılara bilimsel çabalarını yayına dönüştürme konusunda yararlı olabilecek bazı naçizane tavsiyelerde bulunacağım. 2 Bu önerilerin kuramsal ekseni dört alt boyut üzerine bina edilecektir. Yönteme ilişkin açımlar ise iki başlık altında ele alınacaktır.

ABSTRACT In this study, with the help of my previous personal experience and observations, I will give some advice to the young researchers of the Turkish strategic management field from which they may benefit when submitting papers to prestigious academic journals. This advice will be based on four theoretical and two methodological sub-dimensions. 1 Araştırmacıların kendilerini geliştirebilmeleri açısından yaptıkları yayınlara ilişkin okuyuculardan öneri ve eleştiriler alabilmeleri oldukça önemlidir. Bu doğrultuda, beni görüş ve eleştirilerinizle desteklerseniz minnettar kalırım. * İletişim: 2 Bu noktada çalışmanın başlığından ve özetinden, " bilimin amacı yayın yapmaktır, ben de bu konuda sizlere tavsiyede bulunuyorum " u anlatmak istediğim yönünde bir hissiyata kapılmamanızı rica ederim. Elbette, bilimin nihai ve yegâne amacı yayın yapmak değildir. Ancak yayın yapmanın muhtelif ve müspet işlevlerinin olabileceği de unutulmamalıdır. Örneğin yayınlar, düşündüklerimiz dışarıdan ve nesnel olduğuna inandığımız zihinlerce onaylandığı için, doğru yolda ilerlediğimiz hususunda bize güven veren ve bizi ilgili alanda daha fazla düşünmeye sevk eden bir motivatördürler. Bu anlamda yayın yapmanın akademik hayatın çok mühim bir ayağı olduğuna sanırım ki kimse itiraz etmeyecektir. Amacımız bu noktada, düşünsel patikası münasip olduğu halde editör ve hakemlerin beklediği daha ikinci düzeyde şartlara takılarak, yayın yapma şansını ve nihayetinde bilimsel çalışma motivasyonunu kaybedebilecek araştırmacıların bu risklerini bir nebze olsun azaltabilmektir.

Research paper thumbnail of Leadership as a Key Instrument to Alleviate Hegemonic Relationships in Organizations: A Case from a Public University

Some groups may be oppressed by others in organizations and at this point, leaders are the most i... more Some groups may be oppressed by others in organizations and at this point, leaders are the most important actors able to balance the power inequalities within the organization. In this study, the exploitation of ambiguities in job descriptions of an administrative department in a public university is examined. Face-to-face and semi-structured interviews were conducted with 35 individuals and the related documents were examined to shed light on the phenomenon. According to technicians, those in higher positions use ambiguity in job descriptions to abdicate responsibility and increase their dominance. According to researchers, organizational leaders in particular should take responsibility to ease relationships of dominance in such cases.

Research paper thumbnail of A Discussion about the Possible Effect of Middle Income Trap on Large Scale Firms’ Selection of Competitive Strategy

Middle-income trap that is based on per capita income and measures per capita income in dollars a... more Middle-income trap that is based on per capita income and measures per capita income in dollars and predominantly in relation to the Purchasing Power Parity indicates the vicious cycle a country enters at a certain income level. Thus, countries caught in the middle-income trap stay within this cycle for long periods of time and could not ascend to the next income level, the high-income group. Several ways out of this trap for countries were proposed in the literature stressing the significance of state incentives and support that state could provide for the private sector. The objective of this study is to discuss the possible changes that incentives provided by the state based on R&D innovations could initiate especially in competitive strategies of large scale firms and to present two propositions based on this discussion.

Research paper thumbnail of Research on Comparison of Uses of Rhetoric of Public and Private Sector Managers

Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences , 2015

The differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations and managers com... more The differences and similarities between public and private sector organizations and managers comprise a subject that has preoccupied scholars for a long time. However, despite the relatively long history of this subject, it is rather interesting that, to the best of our knowledge, there is no empirical study that thoroughly compares the managers of these sectors in terms of their rhetoric, which is accepted by many management scholars as one of the most important managerial skills. Thus, in this paper, a comparison is made within the Turkish context of the rhetoric used by public and private sector managers during the legitimization process of the management technique "Total Quality Management (TQM)." The data set includes a total of 647 text segments from 238 interviews with managers and articles written by 209 managers. After a rhetorical and statistical analysis, the findings of mixed methods research show that there is no statistically significant difference between the rhetorical legitimization of managers in these two sectors.

Research paper thumbnail of A Study of the Relationship between Person-Organization Fit and Employee Creativity

Management Research Review, 2014

Purpose – Like all other human behaviors, creativity must be examined by considering both persona... more Purpose – Like all other human behaviors, creativity must be examined by considering both personal and situational influences. " Person-organization fit " (POF) provides a suitable theoretical perspective to investigate the congruence between persons and organizations in the domain of creativity. However, few studies have examined the effects of POF on creative behavior. Although the majority of these studies have identified a positive relationship between POF and creativity, it is suggested that congruent individuals are less likely to be inventive. The current study will examine the positive relationship between POF and employees' self-rated creativity in the Turkish context. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – Subjective POF measures and a creativity measure were adapted for this research, and multiple regression was used to calculate whether and how POF relates to creativity. Findings – Two important conclusions were found from the analyses. One of these significant interaction effects was found on employee creativity. And the second is congruence between personal values and current organizational values would effect employee creativity positively. Detailed findings and contributions have been discussed. Research limitations/implications – Although providing an important contribution to POF and creativity literature, this study had some limitations. In this study, self-rating method has been used to measure employee creativity. However, supervisor rating is the most common way in field studies and gives more objective results than self-rating method. Practical implications – The findings provide valuable information for human resource practitioner about the importance of situational factors as far as personal characteristics for enhancing creative behavior in organizations. Originality/value – As far as it is known, there are few studies to examine the relationship between POF and creativity empirically. The majority of these researches examined the complementary fit (demand-abilities, need-supply, value-supply fit). On the other hand, this study specially has focused on supplementary fit (POF), rather than complementary fit and examined its relationship with employee creativity by considering a wide set of values in the Turkish context.

Research paper thumbnail of Pathos Rhetoric in Vision Statements of Organizations: Findings from Turkey

Elsevier Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2014

The characteristics of organizational vision statements have been discussed by many previous stud... more The characteristics of organizational vision statements have been discussed by many previous studies. The literature seems to assert that the content of a strong organizational vision should principally include emotional persuasion. However, as far as we know, this claim has remained untested to a large extent. Therefore, this study investigated whether or not organizational visions are largely composed of pathos rhetoric. To examine this, 365 vision statements on the web sites of the largest 1000 Turkish companies according to 2012 data were analyzed rhetorically and statistically.

Research paper thumbnail of Ekonomik Krizlerin Retoriksel Stratejilere Etkisi: TKY Örneği (The Effects of Economic Crises on Rhetorical Strategies:  The TQM Case)

Başkent Üniversitesi Yönetim Araştırmaları Dergisi (YAD), 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Suriye Mutfağının Mülteci Girişimciler Eliyle Türkiye Bağlamına Seyahati: Bir Çeviri Hikayesi

27. Ulusal Yönetim ve Organizasyon Kongresi, 2019

1. GİRİŞ Çeviri sosyolojisine göre fikirler, pratikler, nesneler vb. bağlamlararası seyahat edebi... more 1. GİRİŞ Çeviri sosyolojisine göre fikirler, pratikler, nesneler vb. bağlamlararası seyahat edebilirler. Bahsi geçen bu bağlamlararasılık; örgüt içi birimleri, örgütleri, endüstrileri ya da ulusal kültürleri esas alabilmektedir. Her seyahat aynı zamanda bir yolculuk ve dönüşüm içermektedir. Fikirler, pratikler, nesneler bir bağlamdan diğerine geçerken bir yandan yolculuk ederler, diğer yandan da kaçınılmaz biçimde orijinal bağlamlarındaki durumlarından farklılaşırlar. Bu farklılaşmanın fikrin, pratiğin, nesnenin ilgili aktörlerce eksik anlaşılması veya onlara fazladan anlam yüklenmesi, aktörlerin kendi çıkarlarını tahkim etmek istemeleri, seyahatin geniş ve heterojen bir aktör seti vasıtasıyla gerçekleşmesi vb. iradi ve/veya gayr-i iradi muhtelif nedenleri olabilir. Öte yandan bahsi geçen dönüşüm sadece seyahate çıkanların değil, aynı zamanda bu seyahate vesile olanların da dönüştüğü bir süreçtir. Ancak yazın, taşıyıcıların ya da çevirmenlerin bu seyahat sürecinde ne tür bir dönüşüm yaşadıkları hususunda oldukça sessiz kalmaktadır. İlaveten, yazın büyük ölçüde yöneticiler, yönetim guruları, danışmanlık şirketleri, yükseköğretim kurumları ve akademisyenler, popüler yönetim basını vb. belli taşıyıcı gruplarına odaklanmış görünmektedir. Dolayısıyla bir başka merak noktası da, başka muhtelif taşıyıcı ya da çevirmenlerin sürece aracı olup olamayacaklardır.

Research paper thumbnail of Faillik-Yapı Tartışması Ekseninde Örgütsel Unutma Kavramını Yeniden Düşünmek: Bir Eğitim Örgütünden İki Vaka (Rethinking "Organizational Forgetting" with the Discussion on Agency-Structure: Two Cases from an Educational Organization)

VI. Örgüt Kuramı Çalıştayı (VI. Organization Theory Workshop), 2015

Örgütsel unutma yazını incelendiğinde, bahsi geçen yazının neredeyse, yapıyı faile indirgeyecek d... more Örgütsel unutma yazını incelendiğinde, bahsi geçen yazının neredeyse, yapıyı faile indirgeyecek düzeyde bir iradeci duruş sergilediğini gözlemlemek güç değildir. Oysa, örgütlerin zaman zaman ve muhtelif nedenlerle davranış setlerinden uzaklaştırmak, bir diğer ifadeyle "unutmak" arzusu içerisinde oldukları davranışları yapının etkisiyle sürdürmek zorunda kalmaları da pek ala da mümkündür. Nitekim bu çalışmada, bir devlet üniversitesindeki bir fakültenin, kimi pratikleri çeşitli sebeplerle sonlandırma arzusu içerisinde olmasına rağmen, yapının etkisiyle devam ettirmek zorunda kalışı iki vakayla somutlaştırılmaya gayret edilmektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Devir Cilalı İmaj ve İtibar Devri mi? Fakülte İmaj ve İtibarının Öğrencilerin Okudukları Fakülte ile Gelecekte İşbirliği Yapma Niyeti Üzerine Etkilerine Dair Bir Araştırma

Uludağ Üniversitesi IV. Bilgilendirme ve Ar-Ge Günleri, 2014

Müspet imaj ve itibarın öncülleri ve örgütler açısından sonuçlarına dair hayli geniş bir külliyat... more Müspet imaj ve itibarın öncülleri ve örgütler açısından sonuçlarına dair hayli geniş bir külliyat mevcuttur. Bugün her sektörde olduğu gibi eğitim sektöründe de rekabet kıyasıya tecrübe edilmektedir. Bu rekabetin mühim bir ayağını üniversite (fakülte)-sanayi işbirliği teşkil etmektedir. Bu doğrultuda, bu çalışmanın sorunsalı bir fakültenin imaj ve itibarının, öğrencileri okudukları fakülte ile gelecekte işbirliği yapma yönünde ikna eden değişkenlerden bir tanesi olup olmadığıdır. Eğer iddialara koşut olarak fakülte imaj ve itibarının öğrenciler üzerinde bu tür bir etki yaratma potansiyeli mevcutsa, fakülteler imaj ve itibarlarını takviye etmek suretiyle, sıkça muzdarip olduklarını dillendirdikleri üniversite (fakülte)-sanayi işbirliği için kuvvetli bir zemin hazırlamış olacaklardır. Nitekim 926 öğrenci ile gerçekleştirilen araştırmanın bulguları, öğrencinin fakültesine ilişkin imaj ve itibar algısının, öğrencilerin gelecekte okudukları fakülte ile işbirliğine girme niyetini etkilediğini gözler önüne sermektedir.

Research paper thumbnail of Örgütsel Alanlarda "Eşisimlendirme (Isonymism)"nin Öncülleri Üzerine Bir Araştırma (A Research on Antecedents of Isonymism in Organizational Fields)

"İskandinav Kurumsalcılık Okulu", "Yeni Kurumsalcı Örgüt Kuramı"nın anahtar kavramlarından birisi... more "İskandinav Kurumsalcılık Okulu", "Yeni Kurumsalcı Örgüt Kuramı"nın anahtar kavramlarından birisi olarak kabul gören "eşbiçimlenmeye" ilaveten "eşisimlendirme (isonymism)" ve "eşuygulama (isopraxism)" gibi yeni kavramları yazına kazandırmıştır. Yazında, bahsedilen kavramlardan bir tanesi olan eşisimlendirmenin kavramsallaştırılması konusunda çalışmalar mevcutken, bu fenomenin öncüllerine ilişkin araştırmaların sayısı bilindiği kadarıyla fazlaca değildir. Bu nedenle, çalışmanın amacı, yarı-yapılandırılmış görüşmelerle toplanan verilerden yola çıkarak, eşisimlendirmenin Türkiye'de "Toplam Kalite Yönetimi" ve "Halkla İlişkiler" uygulamaları bağlamında öncüllerine ışık tutmaktır.

Research paper thumbnail of The Impact of Gender and Education on Perceptions of Organizational Reputation

International Strategic Management Conference

Research paper thumbnail of A Test of the " Contingent Ideologicalization of Management Ideas " Thesis in the Turkish Academic Balanced Scorecard Context

In this paper, we argue that the ideological disposition of the discourse of a management idea ca... more In this paper, we argue that the ideological disposition of the discourse of a management idea can metamorphose in its passage between contexts. To test this claim which we have entitled the " contingent ideologicalization of management ideas " thesis, we drew on the case of the importation of BSC from the source country (US) to a recipient country (Turkey). After a critical discourse analysis of Turkish academic Balanced Scorecard (BSC) articles, the findings revealed that BSC discourse still masks secret interests of some sections and, thus, its critical (negative) ideological disposition maintains in the Turkish academic context generally as a possible result of traditional " transfer culture " of Turkish Management and Organization (MO) academia. The thesis, thus appears to be not validated in this case. Furthermore, another striking finding also indicated that protagonists of the idea, that is principally academics, robustly legitimize it through a logos based rhetoric to a large extent, in contrast to the findings of early studies pointing out the dominance of ethos based rhetoric during import of management ideas.

Research paper thumbnail of Sene 2008: Türk Yönetim / Organizasyon Yazınındaki Nitel Araştırmaya Dayalı Çalışmalar Hala Törensel mi?  (Year 2008: Qualitative Research Based Studies in the Turkish Management/Organization Literature are still Ceremonic?)

16. Ulusal Yönetim-Organizasyon Kongresi Bildiriler Kitabı (16. National Management-Organization Congress), 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Balanced Scorecard: An Another Management Fashion for the Turkish Management Literature?

Proceedings of the First International Conference on Social Sciences (ICSS)

In this study, it is claimed that a technique can become a fashion first among the groups often p... more In this study, it is claimed that a technique can become a fashion first among the groups often place on the supplier side of the management knowledge diffusion process. Because of that reason, the place or side of the groups in management fashion settings, depicted as constant roles can vary depending on time and space. The previous studies' findings showed that Balanced Scorecard (BSC) isn't common for Turkish organizations yet. If the academicians don't play the role of " suppliers " of management knowledge in the BSC context, are they consumer of it?. At this direction, the question, whether BSC is a new management fashion or not for the Turkish academic literature (also " does it has a potential to become a management fashion? "), is investigated in this study. Three hallmarks of management fashions are employed in the assessment process such as a bell-shaped curve of the publications concerning to BSC in the Turkish academic literature, vagueness or interpretative viability in the texts and the claims on universal applicability of the technique. For this aim, the contents of management articles in 20 different academic journals and books of abstracts of annual national management and organization congress are analyzed from 1992, the date BSC was introduced to business literature by Kaplan and Norton, to 2008. The findings provided from 1314 management and 11 BSC articles show a partial bell-shaped curve and high interpretative viability. It means that although BSC isn't a management fashion absolutely for now, it has a partial potential to become a management fashion for the Turkish academic management literature in future. However this field of research needs more data. Therefore the conclusion requires caution in interpretations.

Research paper thumbnail of Contributions of Marketing Department to Corporate Level Strategic Planning Process

International Strategic Management Conference

Research paper thumbnail of Dijital Dönüşümü İşletme Biliminin Gözlükleriyle Anlamak

Research paper thumbnail of İşletme: Kuram ve Pratik (Introduction to Business: Theory and Practice)

Research paper thumbnail of Örgütlerde Dijital Dönüşümün Binbir Tonu: Çeviri Kuramı Perspektifinden Bir Bakış

Research paper thumbnail of Örgütlerde Dijitalizasyon ve Ardılları Üzerine Bir Tartışma

Research paper thumbnail of Mülteci Girişimcilik (Refugee Entrepreneurship)

Karadal, H. (Ed.). Girişimcilik. Ankara: Nobel Yayınevi. , 2021

ÖZET: Birçok düşünüre göre, içinde bulunduğumuz dönem "göç çağı"dır. Bu göçlerin kimisi daha iyi ... more ÖZET: Birçok düşünüre göre, içinde bulunduğumuz dönem "göç çağı"dır. Bu göçlerin kimisi daha iyi ekonomik koşullara kavuşmak özlemiyle, iradi olarak başlarken; kimi göçlerin arka planında ise hayatını kaybetme korkusunun temel oluşturduğu mecburiyetler yatmaktadır. Yazın, bu ikinci gruptaki göçmenleri "mülteci göçmenler" olarak adlandırmaktadır. Elbette hem ekonomik hem de mülteci göçmenler için arzu edilen, bu göçmenlerin kendilerini misafir eden ev sahibi ülkeye hızla ve etkin biçimde "entegre" olmalarıdır. Yazında oldukça meşakkatli ve girift bir süreç olarak tasvir edilen göçmen entegrasyonu için muhtelif vasıtalar önerilmektedir. Bu mekanizmalardan bir tanesi de girişimciliktir. Açıktır ki "mülteci girişimcilik" fenomenini idrak edebilmek, hem ev sahibi ülke vatandaşları hem de mülteciler açısından önem arz etmektedir. Bu bağlamda, kitabın bu bölümünün gayesi, okuyucuların nezdinde, "mülteci girişimcilik" kavramına ilişkin, temel düzeyde bir anlayış zemini oluşturmak, kavramı mümkün mertebe okuyucuların zihninde berrak hale getirmektir.

Research paper thumbnail of Enterprise Risk Management: Past, Today and Future


Today, almost all organizations (private or public, small, medium or large in size etc.) need to ... more Today, almost all organizations (private or public, small, medium or large in size etc.) need to change. However, organizational change efforts are not always successful for various reasons. Active and passive resistance to organizational change is one of these. In this study, efforts to form an entrepreneurship minor program in a public university and some reasons for active and passive resistance to it are examined. For this examination, data was mainly collected from one-to-one and semi-structured interviews which were mostly conducted with the vice deans of various faculties and from the participative observation of one of the researchers. In addition, some documents about the program were examined.

Research paper thumbnail of An Examination of the Relationship between Vision Content and Amount of Innovation in SMEs: Findings from Turkey

Entrepreneurial Ecosystems and Social Dynamics in a Globalized World, 2017

In the literature, it is strongly claimed by some studies that the content of a vision statement ... more In the literature, it is strongly claimed by some studies that the content of a vision statement may be an appropriate mean to reach some desired individual, group and organizational level results. In addition, the idea relating to vitality of various types of innovation for different sorts of organizations has been supported by findings of many empirical studies. However, these studies that focus on the concept organizational innovation are based on large-sized organization to a great extent. Therefore, this study empirically investigates the effects of vision statements' content on the amount of innovation in the context of Turkish " Small and Medium Sized Enterprises (SMEs). The findings of study indicated that there aren't statistically significant differences between SMEs with innovation oriented vision statement and other SMEs in terms of amount of product innovation. A possible reason behind this finding may be inadequate vision communication. During the chapter, first, the literatures on organizational innovation, vision statements and SMEs are reviewed briefly. Then, these reviews will be followed by the sections of methodology and the findings. The chapter will be ended with the parts of future directions and conclusions that include the originalities and several limitations of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship as a Rhetorical Process

Josef Szablowski (Ed.) Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Selected Countries in Europe. Bialystok, Poland: University of Finance and Management in Bialystok, 2016

Rhetoric had an enormous significance in Ancient Greece. Although rhetoric has lost its importanc... more Rhetoric had an enormous significance in Ancient Greece. Although rhetoric has lost its importance for a time, it has regained popularity in the second part of twentieth century via linguistic turn in social sciences. Even thought practitioners' literature strongly emphasizes importance of persuasion in entrepreneurial processes, there seems only limited number of academic studies that link entrepreneurship and rhetoric. This study aims to clarify our understanding about use of persuasion in entrepreneurial process via rhetoric analysis. More specifically, the study aims to answer the questions such as " whom do entrepreneurs use rhetoric to persuade? " and " which rhetoric is used to persuade other actors? ". Therefore, it can be said that it has an exploratory nature. With this aim, some articles and news about entrepreneurship and persuasion were collected and analyzed. The findings showed that entrepreneurs need to persuade themselves and various actors such as investors, teammates, customer/consumers, families, inner circles and suppliers during the process. Finally, it was also found that Logos was the most preferred rhetorical strategy.

Research paper thumbnail of Entrepreneurship (Girişimcilik)

Encyclopedia of Information Science and Technology, 4th edition, 2017

Many people will agree on the idea that entrepreneurship is one of the most important business co... more Many people will agree on the idea that entrepreneurship is one of the most important business concepts in recent days. In addition, it is said that we are experiencing the fourth industrial revolution (or " Industry 4.0). Information and communication technologies are one of the key elements of this period. Therefore, some information about these two components, " entrepreneurship " and " information and communication technologies " , are given and the possible and strong relationships between them are discussed in this study.

Research paper thumbnail of The Case of ISO 9000 Quality Management System Certification in a Faculty of a Turkish Public University: Triggers, Processes and Consequences (An Authors' Version)

Nuninger, W. and Chatelet, J. (Ed.) (2016). Handbook of Research on Quality Assurance and Value Management in Higher Education , 2016

It is clear that ISO 9000 Quality Management System and Total Quality Management have an extensiv... more It is clear that ISO 9000 Quality Management System and Total Quality Management have an extensive literature. However, it is observed that the literature principally focuses on implementation consequences of them. In this study, ISO 9000 Quality Management System certification process in a faculty of a Turkish public university is taken into consideration. However, the study focuses on not only consequences of taking this certification but also its' triggers and processes. To examine these triggers, processes and consequences, data collection methods of the study were semi-structured interviews and unstructured participative observation. In addition, extensive amount of document was used to make triangulation.

Research paper thumbnail of Change Emphasis in Mission and Vision Statements of the First 1000 Turkish Organizations: A Content Analysis (An Authors' Version)

Göksoy, A. (Ed.) (2016), Organizational Change Management Strategies. , 2016

According to the strategic management literature, contents of mission and vision statements can c... more According to the strategic management literature, contents of mission and vision statements can create some individual and organizational level outcomes for organizations. For instance, organizations can give some messages to their stakeholders via their mission and vision statements. By this way, they can take attentions of various stakeholders into the concepts which they attribute importance. In addition, literature on organizational change has a consensus to a large extent about that change is a necessity for organizations in many situations and organizations can use mission and vision statements as a tool to change.

Research paper thumbnail of Active and Passive Resistance to Organizational Change: A Case of Entrepreneurship Minor Program in a Public University (An Authors' Version)

Anna Szopa, Waldemar Karwowski and David Barbe (Ed.) (2015). Competitive Strategies for Academic Entrepreneurship: Commercialization of Research-Based Products. IGI Global Publishing., 2015

Today, almost all organizations (private or public, small and medium sized or large sized etc.) n... more Today, almost all organizations (private or public, small and medium sized or large sized etc.) need to change. However, organizational change efforts aren't always successful due to various reasons. Active and passive resistance to organizational change is one of these. In this study, efforts to form an entrepreneurship minor program in a public university and some reasons for active and passive resistances to it are examined. For this examination, data was mainly collected by one to one and semi-structured interviews which were mainly conducted with vice deans of various faculties and participative observation of one of the researcher. In addition, some documents about the program were examined as well.

Research paper thumbnail of Can an Innovation Oriented Vision Statement Really Trigger Innovation in  Small and Medium Sized Enterprises?: Evidence from Turkey

Carvalho, L. (Ed.) (2015). Internationalization of Entrepreneurial Innovation in the Global Economy. IGI Global Publishing. p.357-369., 2015

In literature, it is claimed by some studies that the content of a vision statement can be a tool... more In literature, it is claimed by some studies that the content of a vision statement can be a tool to reach some desired individual and organizational level results. The importance of various types of innovation for organizations has been supported by many empirical studies. Therefore, this study investigated the effect of a vision statement's content on the amount of innovation in Turkish small and medium sized enterprises. With this aim, first, the literature on vision statements and innovation will be reviewed briefly, followed by the methodology and findings. The chapter will be ended with future directions and conclusions,, which will include the originalities and limitations of this study.

Research paper thumbnail of "Örgüt" Tanımına Politik Bir Yaklaşım ve Beraberinde Getirdikleri: Örgütlerde "Öğrenilmiş Çaresizlik" Kavramına İlişkin İşlevselci Bir Bakış Açısı

Keser, A. (Ed.). Çalışma Yaşamında Dönüşümler: Örgütsel Bakış. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım., 2005