Active and Passive Resistance to Organizational Change: A Case of Entrepreneurship Minor Program in a Public University (An Authors' Version)

Anna Szopa, Waldemar Karwowski and David Barbe (Ed.) (2015). Competitive Strategies for Academic Entrepreneurship: Commercialization of Research-Based Products. IGI Global Publishing., 2015

Today, almost all organizations (private or public, small and medium sized or large sized etc.) need to change. However, organizational change efforts aren't always successful due to various reasons. Active and passive resistance to organizational change is one of these. In this study, efforts to form an entrepreneurship minor program in a public university and some reasons for active and passive resistances to it are examined. For this examination, data was mainly collected by one to one and semi-structured interviews which were mainly conducted with vice deans of various faculties and participative observation of one of the researcher. In addition, some documents about the program were examined as well.



One of the factors that play a strategic role in helping organizations achieve their predetermined objectives is efficient and motivated human resources who are experts in a variety of ranks and positions. First, adjusting and adapting to changes and second, controlling, proactiveness, futurism are the major concerns for organizations and managers today. These guarantee the success, survival and growth of organizations, as well as the activities carried out by managers. The purpose of this research is to identify the barriers to organizational entrepreneurship in the Office for Administrative and Financial Affairs of the University of Tehran. The present research is an applied research type which uses a qualitative study approach and the interview instrument with 43 persons in deputies of Administrative and Financial Affairs at University of Tehran branches and experts to collect the data. The results of the study indicate that three major variables as highlighted by the interviewee...

Entrepreneurial Transformation of the School of Education at One Midwestern Public University: A Case Study


Globalization and the rapidly changing market cause universities to seek new and creative ways to survive and succeed. The term entrepreneurial university is an ideological umbrella for those higher education institutions that are attempting to fully participate in the social and economic life of society. This qualitative study was aimed to investigate the entrepreneurial transformation at the departments of the School of Education at one Midwestern large public comprehensive university. The researcher sought to better understand the growth of the programs and services at the organization and how entrepreneurial concepts such as entrepreneurial behavior, culture, entrepreneurial products, creativity, innovations, and others play out in the chosen institution. Collected qualitative data were coded and scanned for common themes. Fourteen emergent themes were assigned to five categories:

The Entrepreneurial Orientation in the Transformation of Universities


Universities are a relevant and little-explored context to the study of strategic action, considering their need to adapt to environmental dynamics and establish a closer relationship with society. This study contributes to shedding light on how the changing process from a traditional university model to a more entrepreneurial model takes place. Thus, this study aims to analyze the role played by the universities’ strategic management to the establishment of entrepreneurial orientation (EO) in the academic environment. For this sake, we did a multiple case study focusing on managers’ decisions at the strategic level. The selected cases are three universities, two in Brazil and one in Sweden, recognized for their academic entrepreneurship approach in their environments. Based on these cases, the study reveals the influence of top-management decisions for the establishment of EO and how traditional institutions can pursue an entrepreneurial university model. The results emphasize the ...

REASONS AND FORMS OF ORGANIZATIONAL RESISTANCE TO CHANGE IN THE HIGHER EDUCATION SECTOR Reasons for change in Higher Education Like any other organisation, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are subject to change due to a plethora of internal and external environmental factors. Over the past few decades universities and colleges have had to become more market-orientated and, like any other organisation, have had to adapt to modern technology, changing demographics and academic interests, not to mention new systems and processes such as the Bologna system. Through such changes, higher education needs are now aimed to a greater extent towards students in order to meet professional, vocational, continuing education and accrediting needs. This paper seeks to identify the reasons for resistance to change experienced in HEIs. The reasons for resistance are also uncovered by considering the link between HEI cultures and resistance to change. HEIs are found to have particular cultures different to many organisations in the private sector and resistance to change in HEIs appears to s...



La reducción de oferta de trabajo es cada vez más frecuente, en el siglo XX era posible heredar las plazas a sus familiares o tener un trabajo estable saliendo de licenciatura, este escenario ha quedado en el pasado. Ahora, la única opción es el autoempleo y el emprendedurismo. Esta investigación es documental y analiza las acciones realizadas para el fomento de los estudiantes en gerontología para ser emprendedores, en una universidad pública en la Ciudad de Campeche, México. Los principales resultados son: inclusión en el plan de estudios de la unidad de aprendizaje denominada Taller de emprendedores, complementado con un ciclo de conferencias con la participación de empresarios locales. Se recomienda que se incluya en el contenido temático los temas de compromisos fiscales, trámites de permisos en el H. Ayuntamiento, en decir la tramitología y pago de impuestos a realizar; siendo prioritario que la simulación de empresa sea vinculada con la formación académica recibida

Entrepreneurship Education: The Models Applied in Certain Universities (by Rachma Fitriati, Rissalwan H.Lubis, Satiti Shakuntala, & Dasril Guntara

Entrepreneurship has an impact on the economic development in a country and encourages entrepreneurship education at the university level. The current research illustrates the model of entrepreneurship education applied in universities. This research uses the post-positivism approach dominated by a description of qualitative analysis. The data is gathered through extensive interviews and literature research at five universities in Indonesia: Universitas Indonesia, Sekolah Tinggi Prasetiya Mulya, Universitas Ciputra, Universitas Bina Nusantara, and Universitas Trisakti (for its Master's Degree Program in Management for Corporate Social Responsibility and Community Entrepreneurship). These universities are selected due to the unique entrepreneurship education models integrated into their vision and mission. In addition, the current research includes reviews of the entrepreneurship education models in National University of Singapore dan University Kebangsaan Malaysia. The results show that the entrepreneurship education model applied at each university has unique added values and local wisdom in accordance with each university's vision, mission, and objectives. It is our hope that the current research may serve as a contribution for policymakers in choosing the entrepreneurship education model that best complies with the university's vision and mission as well as with the requirements of the academia.

The Entrepreneurial Response of Public Universities. Professional File, Summer 2002


To complete in the increasingly competitive marketplace, public universities need to become more flexible and more focused in reactions to expanding and changing demands. As the case study of five European universities by B. Clark (1998) demonstrates, an entrepreneurial response on the part of universities results in diversified income, a decreased dependence on the government, new approaches that provide a different institutional character, and a more focused, confident, and resilient university. The tendencies evidently in and methods and intricacies of this response are discussed in this essay. As public universities seek new administrative forms and strategies to motivate the academic heartland to acquire the entrepreneurial culture that stimulates innovation, selfreliance, and pursuit of discretionary funds, hard work is needed. Doing nothing poses very large risks. The process of transformation in a university is an immense field of creativity and opportunities, but it is a necessity. (Contains 27 references.) (SLD) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.

Emerging entrepreneurial universities in university reforms: the moderating role of personalities and the social/economic environment


University education, research and other services are increasingly becoming private goods as opposed to the traditional public goods concept. This trend is a highly debated process, and its consequences for universities are unquestionable. One of the consequences may be the diffusion of entrepreneurship in the higher education sector. The aim of the present paper is to highlight some of the characteristics of this process. Starting with the classics of entrepreneurship literature, Schumpeter defined the entrepreneur as somebody who goes against the stream. A new combination of production factors is the soul of entrepreneurship, and of any changes such as university reforms. Earlier research by Clark shed light on the environment of emerging entrepreneurial universities, which happened to be mainly new, relatively small universities. He found five indicators that are components of entrepreneurial universities. Taking this concept as a point of departure, we extended it in two directi...