María Consuelo Álvarez | Universidad de Murcia (original) (raw)
Papers by María Consuelo Álvarez
«Paideia» LXXII , 2017
In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or explicitly, his confor... more In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or
explicitly, his conformity or disagreement with the traditional versions of the
legends that he treats. The poem is not a real mythographic handbook, because
it uses of the epic poetry’s narrative principles. It is necessary to emphasize among
these principles the different levels of narration and the continuous ruptures of
the chronological thread, looking for the varietas, the surprise and attention of
the conspirational reader of the referential situations from the moment in which
it is written. These are very different principles from the quasi historical narrative
of Pseudo Apollodorus’ Bibliotheca. This is demonstrated by comparison of some
legends of the Met. I-V with the mythographic handbook.
La mitología griega en la tradición literaria: de la Antigüedad a la Grecia contemporánea, 2017
The most characteristic feature of the bohemian Jesuit Iacobus Pontanus’ commentary on Ovid’s Met... more The most characteristic feature of the bohemian Jesuit Iacobus Pontanus’ commentary on Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Antverpiae 1618) is the distinction he makes between the electi passages for the students and the commentary assigned to teachers and erudite people. In this commentary, when he expounds on the exegesis of the selected myths, Pontanus refers to some other myths that are omitted due to their more indecent or immodest nature, although this kind of myths are a minority. His principal concern is literary, what is a novelty among Renaissance commentaries on Ovid’s works.
Animali parlanti Letteratura, teatro, canzoni, 2017
A pesar de las numerosas transformaciones en animales que aparecen en las Metamorfosis de Ovidio,... more A pesar de las numerosas transformaciones en animales que aparecen
en las Metamorfosis de Ovidio, podíamos considerar excepcionales
la presencia en la epopeya de animales que hablan. Frente
a la capacidad de sentir y de no poder expresar sus sentimientos
que sufren Io, Calisto y Acteón, la mayor parte de los humanos que
se transforman en animales, sea cual sea el proceso de su metamorfosis,
no tienen ni conciencia de sí mismos ni la propiedad de la
M i s c e l l a n e a I n d o g e r m a n i c a Festschrift für José Luis García Ramón zum 65. Geburtstag herausgegeben von Ivo Hajnal Daniel Kölligan Katharina Zipser Innsbruck , 2017
In Latin epic poems, events with female protagonists are not exclusively narrated through the poe... more In Latin epic poems, events with female protagonists are not exclusively
narrated through the poet’s own voice. Multiple examples exist in which the
author lends rhetorical weight to female voices, a narrative technique that can
be traced back to the Archaic period. Furthermore, women narrate events that
are beyond their concern or they have not experienced first hand, becoming
objective storytellers of others’ actions relevant for this poetic development.
Without distinguishing between historical, national or mythological epic poetry,
and including both gods and mortals, poets have created female storytellers
(Álvarez/Iglesias, 2014). They can be found in homodiegetic and also in heterodiegetic
narratives, from Ilia’s revelation of her dream in Ennius’ Annals to Anna’s
speech in Silius Italicus’ Punica, where she informed Aeneas of what happened
in Carthage after abandoning Dido.
Lıburna 14 Supl., 2019
eneas según Las aLegorías de lo libre de les transformaCions aeneas according To THe aLLegories o... more eneas según Las aLegorías de lo libre de les transformaCions aeneas according To THe aLLegories of lo libre de les transformaCions M.ª Consuelo álvarez & Rosa M.ª iglEsias * Análisis de las alegorías de Francesc Alegre sobre Eneas, en las que más que comentar el personaje según las Metamorfosis de Ovidio se ocupa del virgi-liano y cómo ha sido interpretado por comentaristas e intérpretes, basándose, aunque no siempre, en la Genealogia Deorum de Boccaccio en los datos que le aporta el manual mitográfico. Palabras clave: Francesc Alegre, Eneas, Ovidio, Virgilio, Alegorías, Boc-caccio. Analysis of Francesc Alegre's allegories on Aeneas. He com mented on the Virgilian hero rather than on the Ovidian Aeneas, drawing mostly on Boc-caccio's Genealogia Deorum.
Lingue antiche e moderne 8 , 2019
This paper analyzes the treatment of the rivalry between Palas and Aracne from Metamorphoses 6, 1... more This paper analyzes the treatment of the rivalry between Palas and
Aracne from Metamorphoses 6, 1-145 in the Francesc Alegre’s
Catalan version, as well as in the Spanish translations by Jorge de
Bustamante (Anvers 1551) and by Antonio Pérez Sigler (Burgos in
1609). The main objectives are to note the different ways of
translation (paraphrases or translation ad litteram) and to emphasize
how the influence of the moral interpretations from allegorical
commentaries, as Bonsignori Ovidio metamorphoseos vulgare, or
from Boccaccio’s Genealogia deorum, occur in these versions of
Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
Huelva-Murcia, HCM X, 2018
The great influence of Natale Conti’s Mythology is not only owing to the programmatic chapters or... more The great influence of Natale Conti’s Mythology is not only owing to the programmatic chapters or interpretations but to the substantial use of mythographical data from Greek and Latin authors that served as a support for other literary and artistic creations. In this paper our objective is to analyse the mythographic additions of the expanded 1581 edition of Conti’s work.
Of the 68 similes that appear in the Carmina, 12 are inspired on the Iliad. This paper analyzes e... more Of the 68 similes that appear in the Carmina, 12 are inspired on the Iliad. This paper analyzes each of them in its context, examining the way Horace receives and adapts them, and how he achieves to convert them in models for other genres. In the points it becomes pertinent, transmission of the text is discused. On the other hand, subjects are summarized and too the introductory particles, not significative in relation with the homeric model and finally it is examined the adequacy of the similes to Ancient Rhetorical Theory.
The influence of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in secular dramas of several Italian courts of the 15th and... more The influence of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in secular dramas of several Italian courts of the 15th and 16th centuries paves the way for the birth of opera in Italy. The themes of the first musical dramas draw their inspiration from Ovid’s Metamorphoses; since then, the Ovidian arguments have continued to attract the interest of composers and librettists throughout the history of opera. This article examines how the love triangle between Acis, Galatea and Polyphemus, a legend created by Ovid, is adapted in opera. After a mythographic analysis of the characters, the authors analyze the adaptation of Met. 13,750-897 in three musical dramas: the pastoral heroique by Lully-Campistron, the zarzuela by Literes-Cañizares and the masque by Handel-Gay. The detailed comparative analysis of the different librettos with the Metamorphoses allows us to infer the writers’ fidelity to or freedom from their source. At the same time, we undertake to detect the influence of other passages of this Ovidian epos on these works.
Books by María Consuelo Álvarez
de Arnaud Zucker, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Gisèle Besson (dir.) Lire les my... more de Arnaud Zucker, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Gisèle Besson (dir.)
Lire les mythes. Formes, usages et visées des pratiques mythographiques de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance.
Les mythes grecs et latins ont été transmis par les poètes et par les mythographes. Mais, quoique leur rôle ait été décisif, ces derniers ont été peu étudiés. Une des raisons en est que leur activité n'a jamais été constituée en genre, leurs pratiques étant aussi diverses que complexes. Ce volume, issu des travaux du groupe de recherches international Polymnia, cherche à répondre à la question : Que recouvre le terme 'mythographie' ? en étudiant un choix de textes représentatifs de la tradition mythographique en Grèce, à Rome, dans l'Europe du moyen âge et de la Renaissance. Pour mieux appréhender la diversité des méthodes et des propositions des mythographes anciens et modernes sur les significations et la fabrication des mythes, ces études sont centrées sur les formes, usages et visées de leurs écrits. Loin d'être de simples médiateurs et compilateurs, les mythographes ont été des analystes, des interprètes et des recréateurs de mythes, qui nous invitent à réfléchir à notre tour sur les constants efforts d'exégèse qui ont construit la culture occidentale.
A riqueza e policromia da reflexão em torno dos modos diversos como cada comunidade vive a sua pr... more A riqueza e policromia da reflexão em torno dos modos diversos como cada comunidade vive a sua própria experiência de identidade, na actividade regulamentadora e no gesto de quebra das suas regras, bem como, numa posterior etapa, na integração de transgressões executadas (sentidas como um novo campo da sua própria identidade expandida), impulsionaram a publicação de Norma & Transgressão II. Esta dinâmica, de forte cariz transversal, conduz à questão das "fronteiras do eu" individual (local) e da comunidade (global): o que significa ser estranho e não o ser, até que ponto a conexão tensa entre o normativo e o transgressivo constitui um processo determinante no comportamento colectivo e individual pelo qual o ser humano aprende, avança, se compreende a si mesmo e compreende os outros? Possam as indagações aqui presentes servir o público a que, antes de mais se destinam: os alunos dos seminários de 2º e 3º ciclo de Estudos Clássicos, mas também um público mais vasto, que ultrapasse o exclusivamente académico, dado o seu cariz pluridisciplinar e transepocal. verificar medidas da capa/lombada Coor de naç ão editor i a l I m p r e n s a d a U n i v e r s i d a d e d e C o i m b r a Email: URL: Vendas Online: ConCepção gr á f iC a A n t ó n i o B a r r o s infogr a f i a Carlos Costa Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra ex eCuç ão gr á f iC a Europress iSBn 978-989-26-0105-2 depóSito l eg a l Obr a pu bl ic a da cOm O a p OiO de:
En Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV. Homenaje al Prof. Antonio Prieto
En Filiación. Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del cristianismo. Ed. Trotta. Madrid 2... more En Filiación. Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del cristianismo. Ed. Trotta. Madrid 2012.
En Visiones mítico-religiosas del padre en la antigüedad clásica. Madrid. Ed. Signifer 2004
The fragmentary condition of Euripides’ Hypsipyle makes it difficult to establish to what an exte... more The fragmentary condition of Euripides’ Hypsipyle makes it difficult to establish to what an extent it was used as source by Statius for the Nemean passage in Thebaid IV and V; but the order of events, the nuances and alterations introduced in his epic by the Neapolitan poet reveal that he wanted to use the Euripidean tragedy whether to follow it closely or to improve it, making his innovations more outstanding.
Proyección del mito ovidiano en la ópera. Estudio de fuentes y su recepción.
«Paideia» LXXII , 2017
In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or explicitly, his confor... more In the Metamorphoses Ovid is a poet-mythographer, who avows, implicitly or
explicitly, his conformity or disagreement with the traditional versions of the
legends that he treats. The poem is not a real mythographic handbook, because
it uses of the epic poetry’s narrative principles. It is necessary to emphasize among
these principles the different levels of narration and the continuous ruptures of
the chronological thread, looking for the varietas, the surprise and attention of
the conspirational reader of the referential situations from the moment in which
it is written. These are very different principles from the quasi historical narrative
of Pseudo Apollodorus’ Bibliotheca. This is demonstrated by comparison of some
legends of the Met. I-V with the mythographic handbook.
La mitología griega en la tradición literaria: de la Antigüedad a la Grecia contemporánea, 2017
The most characteristic feature of the bohemian Jesuit Iacobus Pontanus’ commentary on Ovid’s Met... more The most characteristic feature of the bohemian Jesuit Iacobus Pontanus’ commentary on Ovid’s Metamorphoses (Antverpiae 1618) is the distinction he makes between the electi passages for the students and the commentary assigned to teachers and erudite people. In this commentary, when he expounds on the exegesis of the selected myths, Pontanus refers to some other myths that are omitted due to their more indecent or immodest nature, although this kind of myths are a minority. His principal concern is literary, what is a novelty among Renaissance commentaries on Ovid’s works.
Animali parlanti Letteratura, teatro, canzoni, 2017
A pesar de las numerosas transformaciones en animales que aparecen en las Metamorfosis de Ovidio,... more A pesar de las numerosas transformaciones en animales que aparecen
en las Metamorfosis de Ovidio, podíamos considerar excepcionales
la presencia en la epopeya de animales que hablan. Frente
a la capacidad de sentir y de no poder expresar sus sentimientos
que sufren Io, Calisto y Acteón, la mayor parte de los humanos que
se transforman en animales, sea cual sea el proceso de su metamorfosis,
no tienen ni conciencia de sí mismos ni la propiedad de la
M i s c e l l a n e a I n d o g e r m a n i c a Festschrift für José Luis García Ramón zum 65. Geburtstag herausgegeben von Ivo Hajnal Daniel Kölligan Katharina Zipser Innsbruck , 2017
In Latin epic poems, events with female protagonists are not exclusively narrated through the poe... more In Latin epic poems, events with female protagonists are not exclusively
narrated through the poet’s own voice. Multiple examples exist in which the
author lends rhetorical weight to female voices, a narrative technique that can
be traced back to the Archaic period. Furthermore, women narrate events that
are beyond their concern or they have not experienced first hand, becoming
objective storytellers of others’ actions relevant for this poetic development.
Without distinguishing between historical, national or mythological epic poetry,
and including both gods and mortals, poets have created female storytellers
(Álvarez/Iglesias, 2014). They can be found in homodiegetic and also in heterodiegetic
narratives, from Ilia’s revelation of her dream in Ennius’ Annals to Anna’s
speech in Silius Italicus’ Punica, where she informed Aeneas of what happened
in Carthage after abandoning Dido.
Lıburna 14 Supl., 2019
eneas según Las aLegorías de lo libre de les transformaCions aeneas according To THe aLLegories o... more eneas según Las aLegorías de lo libre de les transformaCions aeneas according To THe aLLegories of lo libre de les transformaCions M.ª Consuelo álvarez & Rosa M.ª iglEsias * Análisis de las alegorías de Francesc Alegre sobre Eneas, en las que más que comentar el personaje según las Metamorfosis de Ovidio se ocupa del virgi-liano y cómo ha sido interpretado por comentaristas e intérpretes, basándose, aunque no siempre, en la Genealogia Deorum de Boccaccio en los datos que le aporta el manual mitográfico. Palabras clave: Francesc Alegre, Eneas, Ovidio, Virgilio, Alegorías, Boc-caccio. Analysis of Francesc Alegre's allegories on Aeneas. He com mented on the Virgilian hero rather than on the Ovidian Aeneas, drawing mostly on Boc-caccio's Genealogia Deorum.
Lingue antiche e moderne 8 , 2019
This paper analyzes the treatment of the rivalry between Palas and Aracne from Metamorphoses 6, 1... more This paper analyzes the treatment of the rivalry between Palas and
Aracne from Metamorphoses 6, 1-145 in the Francesc Alegre’s
Catalan version, as well as in the Spanish translations by Jorge de
Bustamante (Anvers 1551) and by Antonio Pérez Sigler (Burgos in
1609). The main objectives are to note the different ways of
translation (paraphrases or translation ad litteram) and to emphasize
how the influence of the moral interpretations from allegorical
commentaries, as Bonsignori Ovidio metamorphoseos vulgare, or
from Boccaccio’s Genealogia deorum, occur in these versions of
Ovid’s Metamorphoses.
Huelva-Murcia, HCM X, 2018
The great influence of Natale Conti’s Mythology is not only owing to the programmatic chapters or... more The great influence of Natale Conti’s Mythology is not only owing to the programmatic chapters or interpretations but to the substantial use of mythographical data from Greek and Latin authors that served as a support for other literary and artistic creations. In this paper our objective is to analyse the mythographic additions of the expanded 1581 edition of Conti’s work.
Of the 68 similes that appear in the Carmina, 12 are inspired on the Iliad. This paper analyzes e... more Of the 68 similes that appear in the Carmina, 12 are inspired on the Iliad. This paper analyzes each of them in its context, examining the way Horace receives and adapts them, and how he achieves to convert them in models for other genres. In the points it becomes pertinent, transmission of the text is discused. On the other hand, subjects are summarized and too the introductory particles, not significative in relation with the homeric model and finally it is examined the adequacy of the similes to Ancient Rhetorical Theory.
The influence of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in secular dramas of several Italian courts of the 15th and... more The influence of Ovid’s Metamorphoses in secular dramas of several Italian courts of the 15th and 16th centuries paves the way for the birth of opera in Italy. The themes of the first musical dramas draw their inspiration from Ovid’s Metamorphoses; since then, the Ovidian arguments have continued to attract the interest of composers and librettists throughout the history of opera. This article examines how the love triangle between Acis, Galatea and Polyphemus, a legend created by Ovid, is adapted in opera. After a mythographic analysis of the characters, the authors analyze the adaptation of Met. 13,750-897 in three musical dramas: the pastoral heroique by Lully-Campistron, the zarzuela by Literes-Cañizares and the masque by Handel-Gay. The detailed comparative analysis of the different librettos with the Metamorphoses allows us to infer the writers’ fidelity to or freedom from their source. At the same time, we undertake to detect the influence of other passages of this Ovidian epos on these works.
de Arnaud Zucker, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Gisèle Besson (dir.) Lire les my... more de Arnaud Zucker, Jacqueline Fabre-Serris, Jean-Yves Tilliette, Gisèle Besson (dir.)
Lire les mythes. Formes, usages et visées des pratiques mythographiques de l’Antiquité à la Renaissance.
Les mythes grecs et latins ont été transmis par les poètes et par les mythographes. Mais, quoique leur rôle ait été décisif, ces derniers ont été peu étudiés. Une des raisons en est que leur activité n'a jamais été constituée en genre, leurs pratiques étant aussi diverses que complexes. Ce volume, issu des travaux du groupe de recherches international Polymnia, cherche à répondre à la question : Que recouvre le terme 'mythographie' ? en étudiant un choix de textes représentatifs de la tradition mythographique en Grèce, à Rome, dans l'Europe du moyen âge et de la Renaissance. Pour mieux appréhender la diversité des méthodes et des propositions des mythographes anciens et modernes sur les significations et la fabrication des mythes, ces études sont centrées sur les formes, usages et visées de leurs écrits. Loin d'être de simples médiateurs et compilateurs, les mythographes ont été des analystes, des interprètes et des recréateurs de mythes, qui nous invitent à réfléchir à notre tour sur les constants efforts d'exégèse qui ont construit la culture occidentale.
A riqueza e policromia da reflexão em torno dos modos diversos como cada comunidade vive a sua pr... more A riqueza e policromia da reflexão em torno dos modos diversos como cada comunidade vive a sua própria experiência de identidade, na actividade regulamentadora e no gesto de quebra das suas regras, bem como, numa posterior etapa, na integração de transgressões executadas (sentidas como um novo campo da sua própria identidade expandida), impulsionaram a publicação de Norma & Transgressão II. Esta dinâmica, de forte cariz transversal, conduz à questão das "fronteiras do eu" individual (local) e da comunidade (global): o que significa ser estranho e não o ser, até que ponto a conexão tensa entre o normativo e o transgressivo constitui um processo determinante no comportamento colectivo e individual pelo qual o ser humano aprende, avança, se compreende a si mesmo e compreende os outros? Possam as indagações aqui presentes servir o público a que, antes de mais se destinam: os alunos dos seminários de 2º e 3º ciclo de Estudos Clássicos, mas também um público mais vasto, que ultrapasse o exclusivamente académico, dado o seu cariz pluridisciplinar e transepocal. verificar medidas da capa/lombada Coor de naç ão editor i a l I m p r e n s a d a U n i v e r s i d a d e d e C o i m b r a Email: URL: Vendas Online: ConCepção gr á f iC a A n t ó n i o B a r r o s infogr a f i a Carlos Costa Imprensa da Universidade de Coimbra ex eCuç ão gr á f iC a Europress iSBn 978-989-26-0105-2 depóSito l eg a l Obr a pu bl ic a da cOm O a p OiO de:
En Humanismo y Pervivencia del Mundo Clásico IV. Homenaje al Prof. Antonio Prieto
En Filiación. Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del cristianismo. Ed. Trotta. Madrid 2... more En Filiación. Cultura pagana, religión de Israel, orígenes del cristianismo. Ed. Trotta. Madrid 2012.
En Visiones mítico-religiosas del padre en la antigüedad clásica. Madrid. Ed. Signifer 2004
The fragmentary condition of Euripides’ Hypsipyle makes it difficult to establish to what an exte... more The fragmentary condition of Euripides’ Hypsipyle makes it difficult to establish to what an extent it was used as source by Statius for the Nemean passage in Thebaid IV and V; but the order of events, the nuances and alterations introduced in his epic by the Neapolitan poet reveal that he wanted to use the Euripidean tragedy whether to follow it closely or to improve it, making his innovations more outstanding.
Proyección del mito ovidiano en la ópera. Estudio de fuentes y su recepción.
Resumen — Por más que se piense que la epopeya es un género de hombres, es evi-dente que su conte... more Resumen — Por más que se piense que la epopeya es un género de hombres, es evi-dente que su contenido no son únicamente los res gestae regumque ducumque et tristia bella horacianos. En las epopeyas griegas y romanas no percibimos tan sólo un mundo de héroes, sus múltiples aventuras y cómo entretienen su ocio entre batallas con relatos fabulosos; tampoco son solamente hombres, incluido el poeta épico, los que reme-moran momentos en los que el protagonismo corresponde a las mujeres. De hecho, en las epopeyas latinas que nos han llegado tienen tanta importancia las narraciones sobre mujeres en boca del autor como las que el poeta ha puesto en boca femenina. Va a ser, precisamente, a los relatos épicos en los que el autor ha confiado el peso de la narración a mujeres a los que nos referiremos, partiendo de la épica arcaica hasta la flavia y prestando atención de igual modo a la epopeya histórica, a la nacional y a la mitológica: la revelación del sueño de Ilia de Enio, las informaciones suministradas por Andrómaca y Venus con la apariencia de una joven tiria de Eneida, el relato de Íole a Alcmena de Metamorfosis, la ayuda de Baco narrada por Hipsípila en Tebaida y las palabras de Ana a Eneas en Punica. Analizaremos la relevancia de estos relatos para el contenido de cada poema así como su funcionalidad y valor estructural. Palabras clave — Épica latina, Mujer, intertexto FEMALE VOICES IN LATIN EPIC POETRY Abstract — Even if the Epic is held to be a male genre, it is clear that its contents are not limited to the Horatian res gestae regumque ducumque et tristia bella. In Greek and Roman epic poems we do not find only a world of heroes, with their many adventures and their fabulous tales to kill time between battles. It is not only men, including the 1 Este trabajo se inserta en el Proyecto FFI2008-03346 («Metamorfosis de Ovidio versus Ovidio Metamorfosis»), subvencionado por el MICInn, y es resultado del PI 08846 / PHCs / 08 («Literatura Latina y Mitografía y su proyección»), financiado con cargo al Programa
eds.), Vivam! Estudios sobre la obra de Ovidio. Studies on Ovid´s poetry, Huelva, Servicio de Pub... more eds.), Vivam! Estudios sobre la obra de Ovidio. Studies on Ovid´s poetry, Huelva, Servicio de Publicaciones de la Universidad de Huelva, 2018, 351 pp.
Entrada “Ovidianismo” en el Diccionario hispánico de la tradición y recepción clásica (Francisco García Jurado (ed.), editorial Guillermo Escolar, Madrid, junio 2021), p. 554-573, 2021
En la entrada "Ovidianismo" describimos la recepción de las obras de Ovidio y su impacto en las l... more En la entrada "Ovidianismo" describimos la recepción de las obras de Ovidio y su impacto en las letras españolas desde los primeros testimonios latinos del siglo XII hasta las reminiscencias del poeta latino en la literatura contemporánea.