Jean-Francois Pelletier | Université de Montréal (original) (raw)
Papers by Jean-Francois Pelletier
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2020
Background For ICD-11, the WHO emphasized the clinical utility of communication and the need to i... more Background For ICD-11, the WHO emphasized the clinical utility of communication and the need to involve service users and carers in the revision process. Aims The objective was to assess whether medical vocabulary was accessible, which kinds of feelings it activated, whether and how users and carers would like to rephrase terms, and whether they used diagnosis to talk about mental health experiences. Method An innovative protocol focused on two diagnoses (depressive episode and schizophrenia) was implemented in 15 different countries. The same issues were discussed with users and carers: understanding, feelings, rephrasing, and communication. Results Most participants reported understanding the diagnoses, but associated them with negative feelings. While the negativity of “depressive episode” mostly came from the concept itself, that of “schizophrenia” was largely based on its social impact and stigmatization associated with “mental illness”. When rephrasing “depressive episode”, a ...
Bulletin d'histoire politique, 1995
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Schizophrenia Research, 2018
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental illness that poses significant challenges. While man... more Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental illness that poses significant challenges. While many pharmacological and psychosocial interventions are available, many treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients continue to suffer from persistent psychotic symptoms, notably auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH), which are highly disabling. This unmet clinical need requires new innovative treatment options. Recently, a psychological therapy using computerized technology has shown large therapeutic effects on AVH severity by enabling patients to engage in a dialogue with a computerized representation of their voices. These very promising results have been extended by our team using immersive virtual reality (VR). Our study was a 7-week phase-II, randomized, partial cross-over trial. Nineteen schizophrenia patients with refractory AVH were recruited and randomly allocated to either VR-assisted therapy (VRT) or treatment-as-usual (TAU). The group allocated to TAU consisted of antipsychotic treatment and usual meetings with clinicians. The TAU group then received a delayed 7 weeks of VRT. A follow-up was ensured 3 months after the last VRT therapy session. Changes in psychiatric symptoms, before and after TAU or VRT, were assessed using a linear mixed-effects model. Our findings showed that VRT produced significant improvements in AVH severity, depressive symptoms and quality of life that lasted at the 3-month follow-up period. Consistent with previous research, our results suggest that VRT might be efficacious in reducing AVH related distress. The therapeutic effects of VRT on the distress associated with the voices were particularly prominent (d = 1.2). VRT is a highly novel and promising intervention for refractory AVH in schizophrenia.
Santé mentale au Québec, 2017
Publié pour la première fois en 2009 et révisé en 2013, le Modèle global de santé mentale publiqu... more Publié pour la première fois en 2009 et révisé en 2013, le Modèle global de santé mentale publique (MGSMP) est d’abord une hybridation conceptuelle entre le rétablissement et la promotion de la santé selon l’OMS. Le MGSMP sert à paramétrer l’intervention des mentors de rétablissement en tant que traceurs de changement en santé mentale publique. Le changement peut être d’ordre personnel, interpersonnel, culturel, socio-économique ou politique. Ce modèle est en effet dit global notamment du fait que les niveaux supranational et individuel se renforcent mutuellement en se relayant avec ; a) un ensemble de règles juridiques et de conventions internationales relatives aux droits de la personne ; et b) les mentors de rétablissement qui canalisent leur savoir expérientiel en évoquant ces conventions pour le développement d’une capacité de changement continu. D’un forum citoyen à l’autre, cette capacité d’influence transformationnelle s’est affirmée au profit d’un effet d’émulation en casca...
Santé mentale au Québec, 2015
Le partenariat patient en santé mentale et psychiatrie est considéré de nos jours comme une innov... more Le partenariat patient en santé mentale et psychiatrie est considéré de nos jours comme une innovation et comme une composante essentielle à des soins de santé mentale personnalisés. Un retour sur le paradigme humaniste inscrit au coeur des travaux précurseurs de Philippe Pinel et Jean-Baptiste Pussin permet cependant de constater que le « traitement moral » qu’ils préconisaient, il y a déjà 200 ans, reposait en bonne partie sur cette mise à profit de l’expérience vécue, particulièrement en contexte de soutien entre pairs. Le mouvement contemporain centré sur le plein exercice de la citoyenneté pour tous et celui plus ancien du traitement moral ont en commun qu’ils insistent tous les deux pour que les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales soient traitées avec dignité et respect. Toutefois, alors que le traitement moral se prodiguait à l’intérieur de l’enceinte asilaire, l’objectif des soins axés sur le plein exercice de la citoyenneté est pour sa part celui d’une vie et d’un sout...
Santé mentale au Québec, 2015
La détresse psychique d’une personne, d’un parent en l’occurrence, peut avoir des répercussions t... more La détresse psychique d’une personne, d’un parent en l’occurrence, peut avoir des répercussions très importantes sur la dynamique familiale et sur le destin de tous les membres de cette famille. Ces derniers peuvent devenir malgré eux des experts de la santé mentale, par nécessité d’accompagnement et avec leurs propres vulnérabilités, parfois aussi pour tenter de comprendre l’incompréhensible. Ce témoignage est celui d’un patient-chercheur qui s’est interrogé sur l’impact que la maladie mentale a eu sur son parcours professionnel et ses choix de carrière. En remontant à de lointains souvenirs d’enfance, cet exercice s’est révélé être un travail d’introspection, soit l’observation d’une conscience individuelle par elle-même. Le fruit de cette réflexion se présente comme le récit d’une double conversion, spirituelle et scientifique, alors que cette tentative de dégager un sens à cette expérience personnelle se transforme en pratique socialement engagée de la recherche en santé mentale...
Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale Pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pr... more Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale Pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pratiques ? Ce l i v r e e x p lo r e d i v e r s e s formules d'hébergement et de soutien au logement pour des personnes aux prises avec des problèmes graves de santé mentale et cible les avantages et les inconvénients de ces formules quant à leur adéquation avec les valeurs du rétablissement en santé mentale. originaire du monde anglo-saxon, le rétablissement (ou recovery) est un courant actuellement dominant qui répond au besoin de soutenir les personnes atteintes d'un trouble mental désireuses de réintégrer leur place dans la société à titre de citoyen. Bien que le rétablissement soit un processus très personnel, la planification et Distributeurs nos livres sont en vente cHez votre libraire… ou au Canada Prologue inc.
Le sujet dans la cité, 2014
Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour t... more Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Entretien avec Catherine Tourette-Turgis & Jean-François Pelletier 1 Rédaction Le sujet dans la Cité : « Vivre avec la maladie », voilà certainement un espace d'expérience qui est au coeur de vos réflexions et de vos activités. Mais avant d'évoquer ce que vous faites l'un et l'autre, vous Catherine Tourette-Turgis au sein de l'Université des Patients et dans les diverses actions de formation que vous mettez en oeuvre, et vous, Jean-François Pelletier, au Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal, pourriez-vous nous dire quelle expérience personnelle, directe ou indirecte, vous avez eue de cette « vie avec la maladie » et quel rôle cette expérience a tenu dans votre parcours ? Catherine Tourette-Turgis : J'ai l'impression que lorsque j'ai commencé à travailler avec des malades du sida à San Francisco dans les années 1980, j'ai tout de suite été dans une telle proximité affective et cognitive que j'ai eu l'impression de vivre l'expérience de la maladie par contagion affective. Je fais partie de la communauté gay et devant le système médical qui n'avait pas de réponse à ce phénomène, nous avons fait bloc ensemble pour faire face à la maladie. J'associe donc « le vivre avec la maladie » à cette expérience personnelle et collective qui a déterminé la suite de mon parcours. C'était un terrain où il y avait tout à faire, tout à inventer. J'ai vécu cette opportunité dramatique de vivre l'expérience du sida dans ses débuts avec le sentiment que je ne m'en remettrais jamais. Un mot d'ordre de l'époque était : « Il ne suffit pas d'être infecté pour être affecté ! » J'ai eu l'impression de vivre le sida de l'intérieur parce 1. Catherine Tourette-Turgis est enseignant-chercheure qualifiée Professeur à l'
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2018
Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2020
Several instruments have been developed by clinicians and academics to assess clinical recovery. ... more Several instruments have been developed by clinicians and academics to assess clinical recovery. Based on their life narratives, measurement tools have also been developed and validated through participatory research programs by persons living with mental health problems or illnesses to assess personal recovery. The main objective of this project is to explore possible correlations between clinical recovery, personal recovery, and citizenship by using patient-reported outcome measures. All study participants are currently being treated and monitored after having been diagnosed either with (a) psychotic disorders or (b) anxiety and mood disorders. They have completed questionnaires for clinical evaluation purposes (clinical recovery) will further complete the Recovery Assessment Scale and Citizenship Measure (personal-civic recovery composite index). Descriptive and statistical analyses will be performed to determine internal consistency for each of the subscales, and assess converge...
The purpose of this study was to contribute to the revision of the International Classification o... more The purpose of this study was to contribute to the revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by exploring how mental health service users and their relatives conceive the influence of the contextual factors, as described in Chap. 21 of the ICD-10, on a) the onset of a mental or behavioral disorder; b) the resurgence of such a disorder; and c) the recovery process. In individual and group interviews, the 18 main categories of contextual factors proposed by the ICD-11 (beta draft) were discussed through the Contextual Factors Questionnaire (CFQ). Participants in individual interviews (N=28) completed the CFQ. Among the three dimensions, it was for the recovery process that the contextual factors were considered to be the most influential, followed by their influence on the resurgence of a mental or behavioral disorder and then by the influence on the onset of that disorder. The most influential factor for a single dimension was that of ‘interventions’ on the re...
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2017
While recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems thr... more While recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems throughout the world, recovery principles and values are slowly and quietly also embracing physical health for continuity and holistic health. A key feature of recovery-oriented systems is to have patients or former patients involved as active partners, for instance in the provision of care for them to act as recovery mentors. Informal peer-to-peer relationships are certainly not new. What is still relatively new is that there now exist a variety of formal programs to train recovery mentors, for them to perform this role either in complex multidisciplinary medical teams or in community organizations. This paper describes a first online and for credit program of medical training of recovery mentors. To complete their training the recovery mentor apprentices will need to show, in real clinical or community contexts, that they do master nine key attitudes. In alphabetical order, these attitude...
Background: Recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health syste... more Background: Recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems throughout the world. Recovery principles and values can apply from mental health to physical health for more holistic and personalized care and self-care. A key feature of a recovery-oriented system is to have patients or former patients involved as recovery mentors in the provision of care. We question whether such an approach could be decoupled to meet the specific needs of various categories of patients who are being monitored in primary care settings. Methods: Two-tailed independent samples t-tests were performed to explore differences to two patient-generated and patient-centered outcome measures, namely the Citizenship Measure (CM: 23 items) and the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS: 24 items). Participants were recruited in social economy enterprises that provide supported employment for people with psychiatric disorders (N=173). They were successively divided in three binary sub...
JMIR Research Protocols, 2020
Background In times of pandemics, social distancing, isolation, and quarantine have precipitated ... more Background In times of pandemics, social distancing, isolation, and quarantine have precipitated depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. Scientific literature suggests that patients living with mental health problems or illnesses (MHPIs) who interact with peer support workers (PSWs) experience not only the empathy and connectedness that comes from similar life experiences but also feel hope in the possibility of recovery. So far, it is the effect of mental health teams or programs with PSWs that has been evaluated. Objective This paper presents the protocol for a web-based intervention facilitated by PSWs. The five principal research questions are whether this intervention will have an impact in terms of (Q1) personal-civic recovery and (Q2) clinical recovery, (Q3) how these recovery potentials can be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, (Q4) how the lived experience of persons in recovery can be mobilized to cope with such a situation, and (Q5) how sex and gender considerations ca...
The Social Constructions and Experiences of Madness, 2018
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has just bee... more The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has just been published and it contains the following changes from the previous edition: gone are the subcategories 'Autistic Disorder,' 'Asperger Syndrome' and 'PDD-NOS,' replaced by the single diagnosis 'Autism Spectrum Disorder,' and there is a new category 'Social Communication Disorder.' In this paper I consider what kind of reasons would justify these changes if one were (a) a realist about autism, or (b) one were a constructivist. I explore various analyses of autism in the research literature that portray it as essentially either a psychological, neurological or genetic phenomenon, and discuss these by reference to the diagnostic criteria and by analogy with the way we understand race and sex categories. I conclude that no realist reasons are available to justify the changes in the diagnostic criteria, and further, that the only way the changes could be justified is if one takes the position that the DSM categories are social constructs. I conclude by exploring what implications follow from this.
Sante mentale au Quebec
Objectives The Global Model of Public Mental Health is "global" not only in the sense o... more Objectives The Global Model of Public Mental Health is "global" not only in the sense of having an international perspective, but in regarding service users as actors at all levels of public mental health exerting collective and organized influence on the social determinants of health, in addition to being recipients of care. Having access to appropriate health and mental health care when needed is a fundamental human right. Having a say over the manner in which care is provided, including partnership in decision making in care planning and ongoing care, has gained increasing support among recipients and providers of care. Over the past few decades in the Canadian province of Quebec, patient participation and partnership in decision-making has been promoted through successive Mental Health Action Plans (MHAP) and other policies. In these documents, participation and partnership are associated with the exercise of citizenship and the promotion of service users' rights, ...
Implementation science : IS, Jan 10, 2017
In health, organizational participatory research (OPR) refers to health organization members part... more In health, organizational participatory research (OPR) refers to health organization members participating in research decisions, with university researchers, throughout a study. This non-academic partner contribution to the research may take the form of consultation or co-construction. A drawback of OPR is that it requires more time from all those involved, compared to non-participatory research approaches; thus, understanding the added value of OPR, if any, is important. Thus, we sought to assess whether the OPR approach leads to benefits beyond what could be achieved through traditional research. We identified, selected, and appraised OPR health literature, and at each stage, two team members independently reviewed and coded the literature. We used quantitative content analysis to transform textual data into reliable numerical codes and conducted a logistic regression to test the hypothesis that a co-construction type OPR study yields extra benefits with a greater likelihood than...
BMC Oral Health, 2017
Background: The "General Oral Health Assessment Index" (GOHAI) was widely used in clinical or epi... more Background: The "General Oral Health Assessment Index" (GOHAI) was widely used in clinical or epidemiological studies worldwide, as it was available for use in different languages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the GOHAI in a representative sample of patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 90 schizophrenic patients (in-patients and outpatients) were recruited from the participants of the "buccodor study" (NCT02167724) between March and September 2015. They were selected using a random stratified sampling method according to their age, sex, or residential area (urban/rural area). GOHAI validity (construct, predictive, concurrent and known group validity) and internal consistency (reliability) were tested. Test-retest reliability was evaluated in 32 subjects. Results: The mean age was 47.34 (SD = 12.17). Internal consistency indicated excellent agreement, with a Cronbach's α value of 0.82 and average inter-item correlation of 0.65. Intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability with 95% confidence intervals were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Construct validity was supported by three factor that accounted for 60.94% of the variance observed. Predictive validity was corroborated as statistically significant differences were observed between a high GOHAI score, which was associated with self-perceived satisfaction with oral health, lower age and high frequency of toothbrushing. Concurrent validity was corroborated as statistically significant relationships were observed between the GOHAI scores and most objective measures of dental status. For known group validity, they was no significant difference of the mean GOHAI score between out or in-patients (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Acceptable psychometric characteristics of the GOHAI could help caregivers to develop ways to improve the Oral Health related Quality Of Life of schizophrenic patients. Trial registration: Clinical Trials Gov NCT02167724. Date registered 17 June, 2014.
Social Psychiatry and Psychiatric Epidemiology, 2020
Background For ICD-11, the WHO emphasized the clinical utility of communication and the need to i... more Background For ICD-11, the WHO emphasized the clinical utility of communication and the need to involve service users and carers in the revision process. Aims The objective was to assess whether medical vocabulary was accessible, which kinds of feelings it activated, whether and how users and carers would like to rephrase terms, and whether they used diagnosis to talk about mental health experiences. Method An innovative protocol focused on two diagnoses (depressive episode and schizophrenia) was implemented in 15 different countries. The same issues were discussed with users and carers: understanding, feelings, rephrasing, and communication. Results Most participants reported understanding the diagnoses, but associated them with negative feelings. While the negativity of “depressive episode” mostly came from the concept itself, that of “schizophrenia” was largely based on its social impact and stigmatization associated with “mental illness”. When rephrasing “depressive episode”, a ...
Bulletin d'histoire politique, 1995
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne. Cet article est diffusé et préservé par Érudit. Érudit est un consortium interuniversitaire sans but lucratif composé de l'
Schizophrenia Research, 2018
Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental illness that poses significant challenges. While man... more Schizophrenia is a chronic and severe mental illness that poses significant challenges. While many pharmacological and psychosocial interventions are available, many treatment-resistant schizophrenia patients continue to suffer from persistent psychotic symptoms, notably auditory verbal hallucinations (AVH), which are highly disabling. This unmet clinical need requires new innovative treatment options. Recently, a psychological therapy using computerized technology has shown large therapeutic effects on AVH severity by enabling patients to engage in a dialogue with a computerized representation of their voices. These very promising results have been extended by our team using immersive virtual reality (VR). Our study was a 7-week phase-II, randomized, partial cross-over trial. Nineteen schizophrenia patients with refractory AVH were recruited and randomly allocated to either VR-assisted therapy (VRT) or treatment-as-usual (TAU). The group allocated to TAU consisted of antipsychotic treatment and usual meetings with clinicians. The TAU group then received a delayed 7 weeks of VRT. A follow-up was ensured 3 months after the last VRT therapy session. Changes in psychiatric symptoms, before and after TAU or VRT, were assessed using a linear mixed-effects model. Our findings showed that VRT produced significant improvements in AVH severity, depressive symptoms and quality of life that lasted at the 3-month follow-up period. Consistent with previous research, our results suggest that VRT might be efficacious in reducing AVH related distress. The therapeutic effects of VRT on the distress associated with the voices were particularly prominent (d = 1.2). VRT is a highly novel and promising intervention for refractory AVH in schizophrenia.
Santé mentale au Québec, 2017
Publié pour la première fois en 2009 et révisé en 2013, le Modèle global de santé mentale publiqu... more Publié pour la première fois en 2009 et révisé en 2013, le Modèle global de santé mentale publique (MGSMP) est d’abord une hybridation conceptuelle entre le rétablissement et la promotion de la santé selon l’OMS. Le MGSMP sert à paramétrer l’intervention des mentors de rétablissement en tant que traceurs de changement en santé mentale publique. Le changement peut être d’ordre personnel, interpersonnel, culturel, socio-économique ou politique. Ce modèle est en effet dit global notamment du fait que les niveaux supranational et individuel se renforcent mutuellement en se relayant avec ; a) un ensemble de règles juridiques et de conventions internationales relatives aux droits de la personne ; et b) les mentors de rétablissement qui canalisent leur savoir expérientiel en évoquant ces conventions pour le développement d’une capacité de changement continu. D’un forum citoyen à l’autre, cette capacité d’influence transformationnelle s’est affirmée au profit d’un effet d’émulation en casca...
Santé mentale au Québec, 2015
Le partenariat patient en santé mentale et psychiatrie est considéré de nos jours comme une innov... more Le partenariat patient en santé mentale et psychiatrie est considéré de nos jours comme une innovation et comme une composante essentielle à des soins de santé mentale personnalisés. Un retour sur le paradigme humaniste inscrit au coeur des travaux précurseurs de Philippe Pinel et Jean-Baptiste Pussin permet cependant de constater que le « traitement moral » qu’ils préconisaient, il y a déjà 200 ans, reposait en bonne partie sur cette mise à profit de l’expérience vécue, particulièrement en contexte de soutien entre pairs. Le mouvement contemporain centré sur le plein exercice de la citoyenneté pour tous et celui plus ancien du traitement moral ont en commun qu’ils insistent tous les deux pour que les personnes atteintes de maladies mentales soient traitées avec dignité et respect. Toutefois, alors que le traitement moral se prodiguait à l’intérieur de l’enceinte asilaire, l’objectif des soins axés sur le plein exercice de la citoyenneté est pour sa part celui d’une vie et d’un sout...
Santé mentale au Québec, 2015
La détresse psychique d’une personne, d’un parent en l’occurrence, peut avoir des répercussions t... more La détresse psychique d’une personne, d’un parent en l’occurrence, peut avoir des répercussions très importantes sur la dynamique familiale et sur le destin de tous les membres de cette famille. Ces derniers peuvent devenir malgré eux des experts de la santé mentale, par nécessité d’accompagnement et avec leurs propres vulnérabilités, parfois aussi pour tenter de comprendre l’incompréhensible. Ce témoignage est celui d’un patient-chercheur qui s’est interrogé sur l’impact que la maladie mentale a eu sur son parcours professionnel et ses choix de carrière. En remontant à de lointains souvenirs d’enfance, cet exercice s’est révélé être un travail d’introspection, soit l’observation d’une conscience individuelle par elle-même. Le fruit de cette réflexion se présente comme le récit d’une double conversion, spirituelle et scientifique, alors que cette tentative de dégager un sens à cette expérience personnelle se transforme en pratique socialement engagée de la recherche en santé mentale...
Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale Pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pr... more Hébergement, logement et rétablissement en santé mentale Pourquoi et comment faire évoluer les pratiques ? Ce l i v r e e x p lo r e d i v e r s e s formules d'hébergement et de soutien au logement pour des personnes aux prises avec des problèmes graves de santé mentale et cible les avantages et les inconvénients de ces formules quant à leur adéquation avec les valeurs du rétablissement en santé mentale. originaire du monde anglo-saxon, le rétablissement (ou recovery) est un courant actuellement dominant qui répond au besoin de soutenir les personnes atteintes d'un trouble mental désireuses de réintégrer leur place dans la société à titre de citoyen. Bien que le rétablissement soit un processus très personnel, la planification et Distributeurs nos livres sont en vente cHez votre libraire… ou au Canada Prologue inc.
Le sujet dans la cité, 2014
Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour t... more Distribution électronique pour L'Harmattan. © L'Harmattan. Tous droits réservés pour tous pays. La reproduction ou représentation de cet article, notamment par photocopie, n'est autorisée que dans les limites des conditions générales d'utilisation du site ou, le cas échéant, des conditions générales de la licence souscrite par votre établissement. Toute autre reproduction ou représentation, en tout ou partie, sous quelque forme et de quelque manière que ce soit, est interdite sauf accord préalable et écrit de l'éditeur, en dehors des cas prévus par la législation en vigueur en France. Il est précisé que son stockage dans une base de données est également interdit. Entretien avec Catherine Tourette-Turgis & Jean-François Pelletier 1 Rédaction Le sujet dans la Cité : « Vivre avec la maladie », voilà certainement un espace d'expérience qui est au coeur de vos réflexions et de vos activités. Mais avant d'évoquer ce que vous faites l'un et l'autre, vous Catherine Tourette-Turgis au sein de l'Université des Patients et dans les diverses actions de formation que vous mettez en oeuvre, et vous, Jean-François Pelletier, au Centre de recherche de l'Institut universitaire en santé mentale de Montréal, pourriez-vous nous dire quelle expérience personnelle, directe ou indirecte, vous avez eue de cette « vie avec la maladie » et quel rôle cette expérience a tenu dans votre parcours ? Catherine Tourette-Turgis : J'ai l'impression que lorsque j'ai commencé à travailler avec des malades du sida à San Francisco dans les années 1980, j'ai tout de suite été dans une telle proximité affective et cognitive que j'ai eu l'impression de vivre l'expérience de la maladie par contagion affective. Je fais partie de la communauté gay et devant le système médical qui n'avait pas de réponse à ce phénomène, nous avons fait bloc ensemble pour faire face à la maladie. J'associe donc « le vivre avec la maladie » à cette expérience personnelle et collective qui a déterminé la suite de mon parcours. C'était un terrain où il y avait tout à faire, tout à inventer. J'ai vécu cette opportunité dramatique de vivre l'expérience du sida dans ses débuts avec le sentiment que je ne m'en remettrais jamais. Un mot d'ordre de l'époque était : « Il ne suffit pas d'être infecté pour être affecté ! » J'ai eu l'impression de vivre le sida de l'intérieur parce 1. Catherine Tourette-Turgis est enseignant-chercheure qualifiée Professeur à l'
Iranian Journal of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, 2018
Journal of Personalized Medicine, 2020
Several instruments have been developed by clinicians and academics to assess clinical recovery. ... more Several instruments have been developed by clinicians and academics to assess clinical recovery. Based on their life narratives, measurement tools have also been developed and validated through participatory research programs by persons living with mental health problems or illnesses to assess personal recovery. The main objective of this project is to explore possible correlations between clinical recovery, personal recovery, and citizenship by using patient-reported outcome measures. All study participants are currently being treated and monitored after having been diagnosed either with (a) psychotic disorders or (b) anxiety and mood disorders. They have completed questionnaires for clinical evaluation purposes (clinical recovery) will further complete the Recovery Assessment Scale and Citizenship Measure (personal-civic recovery composite index). Descriptive and statistical analyses will be performed to determine internal consistency for each of the subscales, and assess converge...
The purpose of this study was to contribute to the revision of the International Classification o... more The purpose of this study was to contribute to the revision of the International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) by exploring how mental health service users and their relatives conceive the influence of the contextual factors, as described in Chap. 21 of the ICD-10, on a) the onset of a mental or behavioral disorder; b) the resurgence of such a disorder; and c) the recovery process. In individual and group interviews, the 18 main categories of contextual factors proposed by the ICD-11 (beta draft) were discussed through the Contextual Factors Questionnaire (CFQ). Participants in individual interviews (N=28) completed the CFQ. Among the three dimensions, it was for the recovery process that the contextual factors were considered to be the most influential, followed by their influence on the resurgence of a mental or behavioral disorder and then by the influence on the onset of that disorder. The most influential factor for a single dimension was that of ‘interventions’ on the re...
Annals of Medical and Health Sciences Research, 2017
While recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems thr... more While recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems throughout the world, recovery principles and values are slowly and quietly also embracing physical health for continuity and holistic health. A key feature of recovery-oriented systems is to have patients or former patients involved as active partners, for instance in the provision of care for them to act as recovery mentors. Informal peer-to-peer relationships are certainly not new. What is still relatively new is that there now exist a variety of formal programs to train recovery mentors, for them to perform this role either in complex multidisciplinary medical teams or in community organizations. This paper describes a first online and for credit program of medical training of recovery mentors. To complete their training the recovery mentor apprentices will need to show, in real clinical or community contexts, that they do master nine key attitudes. In alphabetical order, these attitude...
Background: Recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health syste... more Background: Recovery is the current leading paradigm in the transformation of mental health systems throughout the world. Recovery principles and values can apply from mental health to physical health for more holistic and personalized care and self-care. A key feature of a recovery-oriented system is to have patients or former patients involved as recovery mentors in the provision of care. We question whether such an approach could be decoupled to meet the specific needs of various categories of patients who are being monitored in primary care settings. Methods: Two-tailed independent samples t-tests were performed to explore differences to two patient-generated and patient-centered outcome measures, namely the Citizenship Measure (CM: 23 items) and the Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS: 24 items). Participants were recruited in social economy enterprises that provide supported employment for people with psychiatric disorders (N=173). They were successively divided in three binary sub...
JMIR Research Protocols, 2020
Background In times of pandemics, social distancing, isolation, and quarantine have precipitated ... more Background In times of pandemics, social distancing, isolation, and quarantine have precipitated depression, anxiety, and substance misuse. Scientific literature suggests that patients living with mental health problems or illnesses (MHPIs) who interact with peer support workers (PSWs) experience not only the empathy and connectedness that comes from similar life experiences but also feel hope in the possibility of recovery. So far, it is the effect of mental health teams or programs with PSWs that has been evaluated. Objective This paper presents the protocol for a web-based intervention facilitated by PSWs. The five principal research questions are whether this intervention will have an impact in terms of (Q1) personal-civic recovery and (Q2) clinical recovery, (Q3) how these recovery potentials can be impacted by the COVID-19 pandemic, (Q4) how the lived experience of persons in recovery can be mobilized to cope with such a situation, and (Q5) how sex and gender considerations ca...
The Social Constructions and Experiences of Madness, 2018
The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has just bee... more The fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM) has just been published and it contains the following changes from the previous edition: gone are the subcategories 'Autistic Disorder,' 'Asperger Syndrome' and 'PDD-NOS,' replaced by the single diagnosis 'Autism Spectrum Disorder,' and there is a new category 'Social Communication Disorder.' In this paper I consider what kind of reasons would justify these changes if one were (a) a realist about autism, or (b) one were a constructivist. I explore various analyses of autism in the research literature that portray it as essentially either a psychological, neurological or genetic phenomenon, and discuss these by reference to the diagnostic criteria and by analogy with the way we understand race and sex categories. I conclude that no realist reasons are available to justify the changes in the diagnostic criteria, and further, that the only way the changes could be justified is if one takes the position that the DSM categories are social constructs. I conclude by exploring what implications follow from this.
Sante mentale au Quebec
Objectives The Global Model of Public Mental Health is "global" not only in the sense o... more Objectives The Global Model of Public Mental Health is "global" not only in the sense of having an international perspective, but in regarding service users as actors at all levels of public mental health exerting collective and organized influence on the social determinants of health, in addition to being recipients of care. Having access to appropriate health and mental health care when needed is a fundamental human right. Having a say over the manner in which care is provided, including partnership in decision making in care planning and ongoing care, has gained increasing support among recipients and providers of care. Over the past few decades in the Canadian province of Quebec, patient participation and partnership in decision-making has been promoted through successive Mental Health Action Plans (MHAP) and other policies. In these documents, participation and partnership are associated with the exercise of citizenship and the promotion of service users' rights, ...
Implementation science : IS, Jan 10, 2017
In health, organizational participatory research (OPR) refers to health organization members part... more In health, organizational participatory research (OPR) refers to health organization members participating in research decisions, with university researchers, throughout a study. This non-academic partner contribution to the research may take the form of consultation or co-construction. A drawback of OPR is that it requires more time from all those involved, compared to non-participatory research approaches; thus, understanding the added value of OPR, if any, is important. Thus, we sought to assess whether the OPR approach leads to benefits beyond what could be achieved through traditional research. We identified, selected, and appraised OPR health literature, and at each stage, two team members independently reviewed and coded the literature. We used quantitative content analysis to transform textual data into reliable numerical codes and conducted a logistic regression to test the hypothesis that a co-construction type OPR study yields extra benefits with a greater likelihood than...
BMC Oral Health, 2017
Background: The "General Oral Health Assessment Index" (GOHAI) was widely used in clinical or epi... more Background: The "General Oral Health Assessment Index" (GOHAI) was widely used in clinical or epidemiological studies worldwide, as it was available for use in different languages. Therefore, the aim of this study was to evaluate the psychometric characteristics of the GOHAI in a representative sample of patients with schizophrenia. Methods: A total of 90 schizophrenic patients (in-patients and outpatients) were recruited from the participants of the "buccodor study" (NCT02167724) between March and September 2015. They were selected using a random stratified sampling method according to their age, sex, or residential area (urban/rural area). GOHAI validity (construct, predictive, concurrent and known group validity) and internal consistency (reliability) were tested. Test-retest reliability was evaluated in 32 subjects. Results: The mean age was 47.34 (SD = 12.17). Internal consistency indicated excellent agreement, with a Cronbach's α value of 0.82 and average inter-item correlation of 0.65. Intraclass correlation coefficients for test-retest reliability with 95% confidence intervals were not significantly different (p > 0.05). Construct validity was supported by three factor that accounted for 60.94% of the variance observed. Predictive validity was corroborated as statistically significant differences were observed between a high GOHAI score, which was associated with self-perceived satisfaction with oral health, lower age and high frequency of toothbrushing. Concurrent validity was corroborated as statistically significant relationships were observed between the GOHAI scores and most objective measures of dental status. For known group validity, they was no significant difference of the mean GOHAI score between out or in-patients (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Acceptable psychometric characteristics of the GOHAI could help caregivers to develop ways to improve the Oral Health related Quality Of Life of schizophrenic patients. Trial registration: Clinical Trials Gov NCT02167724. Date registered 17 June, 2014.