Papers by Mezia K E M A L A Sari
Jurnal Menara, 2017
Affix is one of the necessary thing in language including English. The aim of this research is to... more Affix is one of the necessary thing in language including English. The aim of this research is to find out the varieties of affixes in English and the application into sentences or utterance which commonly occur in daily used. The purposes of this research are to classify affixes in English and attempt to explain about the affixation process and also the use in sentences.The method of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collected by using documentating technique taken from the document sources like dictionary, books and notes. The finding is there are 4 kinds of affixes in English: Preffix, Suffix, Interfix and Superfix or Suprafix.The result shows that in daily spoken and written language used, the four kinds of affixes are commonly occured and it indicates that English also experience the affixation process in order to compose a new word from the based form and had been common to be used in daily utterance in everyday communication. PENDAHULUAN Bahasa bukan hanya kumpulan dari kata-kata sederhana yang bermakna, namun dalam aplikasinya kata-kata yang digunakan dalam bahasa seringkali ditemukan bentuk yang diubah seperti terjadinya penambahan yang mampu membedakan arti. Suatu kata dasar sebagai morfem bebas bisa saja dilekati oleh morfem terikat yang secara langsung mampu merubah makna dan kelas katanya. Morfem terikat yang dilekatkan pada morfem dasar atau akar kata disebut Afiks (Fromkin dan Rodman, 1998:519). Pembahasan mengenai afiks dapat ditemukan disetiap buku linguistik khususnya morfologi. Namun, pembahasan pada setiap buku masih kurang menyeluruh dan berbeda-beda yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya jenis afiks dari bahasa yang dianalisis atau belum adanya analisis yang lebih mendalam mengenai afiks. Menurut Abdul Chaer (1994), afiksasi merupakan proses pembubuhan afiks pada sebuah bentuk dasar. Unsur-unsur yang terlibat adalah meliputi bentuk dasar, afiks dan makna gramatikal yang dihasilkan. Sifat dari proses ini bisa inflektif ataupun derivatif. Walaupun dalam kenyataannya tidak semua bahasa di dunia mengalami proses afiksasi. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang mengenal proses afiksasi. Bentuk dasar ang menjadi dasar dalam proses tersebut berupa 'akar', yakni bentuk terkecil dan tidak dapat disegmentasikan lagi seperti kata 'go','write', 'sing' ataupun 'like'. Analisis mengenai afiks ini hanya dibatasi pada bahasa Inggris saja untuk kemudian dicari variasi afiks apa saja yang muncul dalam pembentukan kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk kemudian akan dirumuskan proses afiksasi yang terjadi mulai dari akar kata, morfem yang melekati, munculnya kata baru, hingga conto penggunaannya yang sering dijumpai dalam tuturan atau kalimat sehari-hari. RUMUSAN MASALAH Rumusan masalah yang akan diteliti adalah: a. Afiks apa sajakah yang terdapat dalam bahasa Inggris dan proses afiksasi yang dialaminya? b. Bagaimanakah penggunaan jenis-jenis afiks tersebut dalam kalimat?
Jurnal Rekam , 2015
Televisi adalah salah satu media terbaik saat ini yang dapat menghubungkan tujuan-tujuan dari par... more Televisi adalah salah satu media terbaik saat ini yang dapat menghubungkan tujuan-tujuan dari
para produsernya dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Tayangan televisi sangat penting sehingga
konsumen dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan hal-hal baru melalui tayangan televisi seperti
iklan. Iklan menjadi sangat penting ketika produser ingin menawarkan produk atau jasa.
Hal ini dapat dengan mudah dicapai dengan membuat iklan di televisi untuk mendapatkan
perhatian pembeli yang potensial. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menyampaikan pesan
iklan tersebut dengan menarik yang dikemas untuk menjaring konsumen. Hal-hal yang harus
dipertimbangkan dalam memilih strategi adalah relevansi akan produk itu sendiri, pesaing dan
target pasar juga harus jelas. Iklan harus memerhatikan aspek iklan, yaitu stilistika. Dalam
mendapatkan keunikan gaya, produsen dapat menggunakan penggunaan strategi bahasa seperti
slogan, pemilihan karakter yang menarik, pemilihan strategi yang tepat dan juga menggunakan
elemen iklan lainnya. Pemilihan strategi iklan akan menentukan penyampaian gaya bahasa
pesan melalui bentuk kreativitas untuk mendapatkan respons konsumen yang lebih baik.
Language Circle, 2018
Vowel spacearea (VSA) represents kinematic movements of the articulators and measures speech inte... more Vowel spacearea (VSA) represents kinematic movements of the articulators and measures speech intelligibility. By looking at the vowel space area, the current study intends to examine the role of Minangkabau in the acquisition of English as a second language. We conducted a speech production experiment involving ten English monophthongs in isolated sentences. We measured the formant frequencies (F1/F2) values and computed the vowel quadrilateral. The results showed that the Minangkabau learners of English did not have similar VSA pattern when compared to the native English speakers. They did not open the jaws and move the tongues as similar as the native English speakers in pronouncing English vowels. The results were discussed in the area of second language acquisition.
This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of n... more This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of non fictions based on the using of distinctive linguistic features. The style of language is analyzed from stylistics point of view and put the lexical cohesion, reference and another linguistic elements as the part of distinctive linguistic features to be the analysis focus then reflect it to the function and the effect it brings. The methods are referential and formal. Based on the analyis, it can be found that in the comments of the book cover, generally, include all of the lexical and reference elements. The most significant element that mostly occur is repetition and personal reference. While, another forms such as synonym, general word, super ordinate, collocation, demonstrative and comparative reference occur in less percentage. The purpose of using these elements is in order that the comments of the non fictions" book can influence the reader through the choosing features then bring the psychological effect for commercial purposes. Moreover, the effect that it caused for the reader is being influenced the readers" thought to be more interested to the book from its dictions or the specific distinctive linguistic features.
The Journal of English Language Studies, 2017
This research is entitled The An Analysis of Speech Act Ability Conducted by the Students of Engl... more This research is entitled The An Analysis of Speech Act Ability Conducted by the Students of English Department at Muhammadiyah University of Metro. It aims to analyze the language strategy and the usage of language politeness toward students’ speech act ability in speaking interaction in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. This is a descriptive qualitative analysis. The population of data is taken from the students of the fifth semester in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. The data collecting technique used in this research is noting technique and participative observation technique. Data analysis technique uses pragmatic identity method. The result of data analysis is presented with informal forms. The results show that there are three kinds of speech act strategy in language communication; namely, 1) locutionary 2) illocutionary, and 3) perlocutionary act. The politeness language usage, however, can be divided into direct and indirect speech and it covers reason, apology, gratitude, and request.
Jurnal Ta'dib, 2019
This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading compre... more This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research conducted to the Science class as the participants of the research. The instrument of this research was a multiple-choice test distributed as the pre-test and post-test. As the result, the students' reading comprehension became significantly better after being taught by the anticipation guide strategy. It is found that the pre-test average score was 42.36, and after the treatment, the post-test average score was 75.7. The result shows that the anticipation guide strategy has significant influence on the student's reading comprehension.
Lingua Cultura, 2016
This research discussed apology strategies in English by native speaker. This descriptive study w... more This research discussed apology strategies in English by native speaker. This descriptive study was presented within the framework of Pragmatics based on the forms of strategies due to the coding manual as found in CCSARP (Cross-Cultural Speech Acts Realization Project).The goals of this study were to describe the apology strategies in English by native speaker and identify the influencing factors of it. Data were collected through the use of the questionnaire in the form of Discourse Completion Test, which was distributed to 30 native speakers. Data were classified based on the degree of familiarity and the social distance between speaker and hearer and then the data of native will be separated and classified by the type of strategies in coding manual. The results of this study are the pattern of apology strategies of native speaker brief with the pattern that potentially occurs IFID plus Offer of repair plus Taking on responsibility. While Alerters, Explanation and Downgrading appear with less number of percentage. Then, the factors that influence the apology utterance by native speakers are the social situation, the degree of familiarity and degree of the offence which more complicated the mistake tend to produce the most complex utterances by the speaker.
JURNAL EDUCATIVE: Journal of Educational Studies, 2017
This research aims at finding the writings’ problem written by students in writing recount text. ... more This research aims at finding the writings’ problem written by students in writing recount text. This descriptive research is qualitative. The choosen respondent is first semester students in Educational English Program at FKIP UMSB in Padangpanjang which consist of one class. Technique in collecting data is total sampling of ten students and analized due to the document analysis. The analysis guide has been formulated as students’ writing problem indicators in writing recount text which consist of Capitalization, Punctuation, Inexpliciteness/Fuziness, Poor Organization/Illogical Sequence, Spelling And Grammatical Errors. From the document checklist, the result shows that the problem that mostly occur is Capitalization (32%) followed by Punctuation (24%) and also Inexpliciteness/fuziness problem (20%). Then Poor organization/illogical sequence (12%), Spelling (8%). while grammatical error occurs in less percentage (4%).It shows that students need more basic skills in order to improve their writing comprehension.
Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun, 2018
Peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami prinsip dasar dalam belajar bahasa Inggris seperti Ten... more Peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami prinsip dasar dalam belajar bahasa Inggris seperti Tense dan kosakata perlu untuk dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah klasik para pembelajar Indonesia dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang merupakan bahasa asing. Terutama bagi murid-murid MDA Muhammadiyah Tanjung Medan di Kabupaten Agam yang belum memiliki latar pengetahuan tentang bahasa Inggris dikarenakan Bahasa Inggris tidak diwajibkan untuk diajarkan di sekolah tingkat dasar. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara fun atau menyenangkan disesuaikan dengan penggunaan media yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Metode ceramah dilakukan dengan cara penyampaian yang persuasif dan naratif. Melalui melalui kegiatan KKN, murid-murid bisa memulai untuk belajar dasar bahasa Inggris yang sangat berbeda dengan bahasa Ibu mereka. Setelah melakukan pelatihan beberapa bulan secara teratur, peningkatan kemampuan mereka mulai terlihat terutama di bidang kosakata yang semakin banyak. Sementara itu, pemahaman mengenai tense masih sangat terbatas pada satu tense saja yakni Simple Present Tense.
Jurnal Ta'dib, 2019
This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading compre... more This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research conducted to the Science class as the participants of the research. The instrument of this research was a multiple-choice test distributed as the pre-test and post-test. As the result, the students' reading comprehension became significantly better after being taught by the anticipation guide strategy. It is found that the pre-test average score was 42.36, and after the treatment, the post-test average score was 75.7. The result shows that the anticipation guide strategy has significant influence on the student's reading comprehension.
Books by Mezia K E M A L A Sari
Panawa Jemboan Publishing, 2018
Essays allow students to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a topic based on research and readi... more Essays allow students to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a topic based on research and reading. The skill of good essay writing is to be able to critically discuss and evaluate ideas within a set word limit. The focus of an essay is usually on developing an argument or analysing ideas rather than on description. The essay is written in paragraphs and has a structure that includes: introduction, body and conclusion.
Jurnal Menara, 2017
Affix is one of the necessary thing in language including English. The aim of this research is to... more Affix is one of the necessary thing in language including English. The aim of this research is to find out the varieties of affixes in English and the application into sentences or utterance which commonly occur in daily used. The purposes of this research are to classify affixes in English and attempt to explain about the affixation process and also the use in sentences.The method of research is descriptive qualitative. The data collected by using documentating technique taken from the document sources like dictionary, books and notes. The finding is there are 4 kinds of affixes in English: Preffix, Suffix, Interfix and Superfix or Suprafix.The result shows that in daily spoken and written language used, the four kinds of affixes are commonly occured and it indicates that English also experience the affixation process in order to compose a new word from the based form and had been common to be used in daily utterance in everyday communication. PENDAHULUAN Bahasa bukan hanya kumpulan dari kata-kata sederhana yang bermakna, namun dalam aplikasinya kata-kata yang digunakan dalam bahasa seringkali ditemukan bentuk yang diubah seperti terjadinya penambahan yang mampu membedakan arti. Suatu kata dasar sebagai morfem bebas bisa saja dilekati oleh morfem terikat yang secara langsung mampu merubah makna dan kelas katanya. Morfem terikat yang dilekatkan pada morfem dasar atau akar kata disebut Afiks (Fromkin dan Rodman, 1998:519). Pembahasan mengenai afiks dapat ditemukan disetiap buku linguistik khususnya morfologi. Namun, pembahasan pada setiap buku masih kurang menyeluruh dan berbeda-beda yang disebabkan oleh terbatasnya jenis afiks dari bahasa yang dianalisis atau belum adanya analisis yang lebih mendalam mengenai afiks. Menurut Abdul Chaer (1994), afiksasi merupakan proses pembubuhan afiks pada sebuah bentuk dasar. Unsur-unsur yang terlibat adalah meliputi bentuk dasar, afiks dan makna gramatikal yang dihasilkan. Sifat dari proses ini bisa inflektif ataupun derivatif. Walaupun dalam kenyataannya tidak semua bahasa di dunia mengalami proses afiksasi. Bahasa Inggris adalah salah satu bahasa yang mengenal proses afiksasi. Bentuk dasar ang menjadi dasar dalam proses tersebut berupa 'akar', yakni bentuk terkecil dan tidak dapat disegmentasikan lagi seperti kata 'go','write', 'sing' ataupun 'like'. Analisis mengenai afiks ini hanya dibatasi pada bahasa Inggris saja untuk kemudian dicari variasi afiks apa saja yang muncul dalam pembentukan kata dalam bahasa Inggris untuk kemudian akan dirumuskan proses afiksasi yang terjadi mulai dari akar kata, morfem yang melekati, munculnya kata baru, hingga conto penggunaannya yang sering dijumpai dalam tuturan atau kalimat sehari-hari. RUMUSAN MASALAH Rumusan masalah yang akan diteliti adalah: a. Afiks apa sajakah yang terdapat dalam bahasa Inggris dan proses afiksasi yang dialaminya? b. Bagaimanakah penggunaan jenis-jenis afiks tersebut dalam kalimat?
Jurnal Rekam , 2015
Televisi adalah salah satu media terbaik saat ini yang dapat menghubungkan tujuan-tujuan dari par... more Televisi adalah salah satu media terbaik saat ini yang dapat menghubungkan tujuan-tujuan dari
para produsernya dengan kebutuhan konsumen. Tayangan televisi sangat penting sehingga
konsumen dapat dengan mudah mendapatkan hal-hal baru melalui tayangan televisi seperti
iklan. Iklan menjadi sangat penting ketika produser ingin menawarkan produk atau jasa.
Hal ini dapat dengan mudah dicapai dengan membuat iklan di televisi untuk mendapatkan
perhatian pembeli yang potensial. Tujuan utamanya adalah untuk menyampaikan pesan
iklan tersebut dengan menarik yang dikemas untuk menjaring konsumen. Hal-hal yang harus
dipertimbangkan dalam memilih strategi adalah relevansi akan produk itu sendiri, pesaing dan
target pasar juga harus jelas. Iklan harus memerhatikan aspek iklan, yaitu stilistika. Dalam
mendapatkan keunikan gaya, produsen dapat menggunakan penggunaan strategi bahasa seperti
slogan, pemilihan karakter yang menarik, pemilihan strategi yang tepat dan juga menggunakan
elemen iklan lainnya. Pemilihan strategi iklan akan menentukan penyampaian gaya bahasa
pesan melalui bentuk kreativitas untuk mendapatkan respons konsumen yang lebih baik.
Language Circle, 2018
Vowel spacearea (VSA) represents kinematic movements of the articulators and measures speech inte... more Vowel spacearea (VSA) represents kinematic movements of the articulators and measures speech intelligibility. By looking at the vowel space area, the current study intends to examine the role of Minangkabau in the acquisition of English as a second language. We conducted a speech production experiment involving ten English monophthongs in isolated sentences. We measured the formant frequencies (F1/F2) values and computed the vowel quadrilateral. The results showed that the Minangkabau learners of English did not have similar VSA pattern when compared to the native English speakers. They did not open the jaws and move the tongues as similar as the native English speakers in pronouncing English vowels. The results were discussed in the area of second language acquisition.
This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of n... more This research discusses about the special language style from the comments on the book cover of non fictions based on the using of distinctive linguistic features. The style of language is analyzed from stylistics point of view and put the lexical cohesion, reference and another linguistic elements as the part of distinctive linguistic features to be the analysis focus then reflect it to the function and the effect it brings. The methods are referential and formal. Based on the analyis, it can be found that in the comments of the book cover, generally, include all of the lexical and reference elements. The most significant element that mostly occur is repetition and personal reference. While, another forms such as synonym, general word, super ordinate, collocation, demonstrative and comparative reference occur in less percentage. The purpose of using these elements is in order that the comments of the non fictions" book can influence the reader through the choosing features then bring the psychological effect for commercial purposes. Moreover, the effect that it caused for the reader is being influenced the readers" thought to be more interested to the book from its dictions or the specific distinctive linguistic features.
The Journal of English Language Studies, 2017
This research is entitled The An Analysis of Speech Act Ability Conducted by the Students of Engl... more This research is entitled The An Analysis of Speech Act Ability Conducted by the Students of English Department at Muhammadiyah University of Metro. It aims to analyze the language strategy and the usage of language politeness toward students’ speech act ability in speaking interaction in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. This is a descriptive qualitative analysis. The population of data is taken from the students of the fifth semester in Muhammadiyah University of Metro. The data collecting technique used in this research is noting technique and participative observation technique. Data analysis technique uses pragmatic identity method. The result of data analysis is presented with informal forms. The results show that there are three kinds of speech act strategy in language communication; namely, 1) locutionary 2) illocutionary, and 3) perlocutionary act. The politeness language usage, however, can be divided into direct and indirect speech and it covers reason, apology, gratitude, and request.
Jurnal Ta'dib, 2019
This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading compre... more This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research conducted to the Science class as the participants of the research. The instrument of this research was a multiple-choice test distributed as the pre-test and post-test. As the result, the students' reading comprehension became significantly better after being taught by the anticipation guide strategy. It is found that the pre-test average score was 42.36, and after the treatment, the post-test average score was 75.7. The result shows that the anticipation guide strategy has significant influence on the student's reading comprehension.
Lingua Cultura, 2016
This research discussed apology strategies in English by native speaker. This descriptive study w... more This research discussed apology strategies in English by native speaker. This descriptive study was presented within the framework of Pragmatics based on the forms of strategies due to the coding manual as found in CCSARP (Cross-Cultural Speech Acts Realization Project).The goals of this study were to describe the apology strategies in English by native speaker and identify the influencing factors of it. Data were collected through the use of the questionnaire in the form of Discourse Completion Test, which was distributed to 30 native speakers. Data were classified based on the degree of familiarity and the social distance between speaker and hearer and then the data of native will be separated and classified by the type of strategies in coding manual. The results of this study are the pattern of apology strategies of native speaker brief with the pattern that potentially occurs IFID plus Offer of repair plus Taking on responsibility. While Alerters, Explanation and Downgrading appear with less number of percentage. Then, the factors that influence the apology utterance by native speakers are the social situation, the degree of familiarity and degree of the offence which more complicated the mistake tend to produce the most complex utterances by the speaker.
JURNAL EDUCATIVE: Journal of Educational Studies, 2017
This research aims at finding the writings’ problem written by students in writing recount text. ... more This research aims at finding the writings’ problem written by students in writing recount text. This descriptive research is qualitative. The choosen respondent is first semester students in Educational English Program at FKIP UMSB in Padangpanjang which consist of one class. Technique in collecting data is total sampling of ten students and analized due to the document analysis. The analysis guide has been formulated as students’ writing problem indicators in writing recount text which consist of Capitalization, Punctuation, Inexpliciteness/Fuziness, Poor Organization/Illogical Sequence, Spelling And Grammatical Errors. From the document checklist, the result shows that the problem that mostly occur is Capitalization (32%) followed by Punctuation (24%) and also Inexpliciteness/fuziness problem (20%). Then Poor organization/illogical sequence (12%), Spelling (8%). while grammatical error occurs in less percentage (4%).It shows that students need more basic skills in order to improve their writing comprehension.
Buletin Ilmiah Nagari Membangun, 2018
Peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami prinsip dasar dalam belajar bahasa Inggris seperti Ten... more Peningkatan kemampuan siswa dalam memahami prinsip dasar dalam belajar bahasa Inggris seperti Tense dan kosakata perlu untuk dilakukan untuk memecahkan masalah klasik para pembelajar Indonesia dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris yang merupakan bahasa asing. Terutama bagi murid-murid MDA Muhammadiyah Tanjung Medan di Kabupaten Agam yang belum memiliki latar pengetahuan tentang bahasa Inggris dikarenakan Bahasa Inggris tidak diwajibkan untuk diajarkan di sekolah tingkat dasar. Kegiatan ini dilakukan secara fun atau menyenangkan disesuaikan dengan penggunaan media yang cocok untuk anak-anak. Metode ceramah dilakukan dengan cara penyampaian yang persuasif dan naratif. Melalui melalui kegiatan KKN, murid-murid bisa memulai untuk belajar dasar bahasa Inggris yang sangat berbeda dengan bahasa Ibu mereka. Setelah melakukan pelatihan beberapa bulan secara teratur, peningkatan kemampuan mereka mulai terlihat terutama di bidang kosakata yang semakin banyak. Sementara itu, pemahaman mengenai tense masih sangat terbatas pada satu tense saja yakni Simple Present Tense.
Jurnal Ta'dib, 2019
This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading compre... more This research focuses on the influence of anticipation guide strategy on students' reading comprehension at the twelfth grade of MA KM Muhammadiyah Padang Panjang, 2017/2018 Academic Year. The research design was an experimental research conducted to the Science class as the participants of the research. The instrument of this research was a multiple-choice test distributed as the pre-test and post-test. As the result, the students' reading comprehension became significantly better after being taught by the anticipation guide strategy. It is found that the pre-test average score was 42.36, and after the treatment, the post-test average score was 75.7. The result shows that the anticipation guide strategy has significant influence on the student's reading comprehension.
Panawa Jemboan Publishing, 2018
Essays allow students to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a topic based on research and readi... more Essays allow students to demonstrate an in-depth knowledge of a topic based on research and reading. The skill of good essay writing is to be able to critically discuss and evaluate ideas within a set word limit. The focus of an essay is usually on developing an argument or analysing ideas rather than on description. The essay is written in paragraphs and has a structure that includes: introduction, body and conclusion.