tunjung sulaksono | Muhammadiyah University of Yogyakarta (original) (raw)
Papers in Journal by tunjung sulaksono
The research examines the perception of young voters regarding the quality of the implementation ... more The research examines the perception of young voters regarding the quality of the implementation the 2014 election. There are six indicators to measure the integrity: 1) the election law, 2) the electoral procedure, 3) the voter registration, 4) the political party and its candidate registration, 5) the role of mass media, and 5) the candidate campaign. The research findings revealed that, in general, young voters have an adequate perception concerning the electoral integrity. More specifically, the good perception is only to two things namely political party and its candidate registration and the electoral procedure. The rest is adequate perception. In addition, the research portrayed that young people have highest trust merely to the Corruption Eradication Commision (KPK). On the other hand, they have lowest trust into two institutions: political party and parliament.
Papers by tunjung sulaksono
Moderat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap kebijakan vaksin Covi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap kebijakan vaksin Covid-19 yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam membentengi diri terhadap penularan virus Covid-19 di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Q-DAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) selain itu dalam penelitian ini sumber data diambil dari 2 Media Berita Nasional yang berbeda dengan jumlah 31 yang terdiri dari 15 berita dari Detik.com dan 16 berita dari Kompas.com. Selain dari media berita sumber data penelitian ini juga diambil melalui website dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan penelitian penulis. Pemberian kebijakan vaksin yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah merupakan solusi yang dianggap paling tepat untuk masyarakat dalam memutus dan mengurangi rantai penularan Covid-19 akan tetapi terdapat beberapa masyarakat yang menolak dengan kebijakan tesebut. Media berita berperan penting untuk melihat berbagai alasan masyarakat yang siap dan menolak untuk divaksin setalah pemerintah menerapkan k...
Journal of Governance and Public Policy
This study aims to analyse the comparison of the Muslim DPD in the electoral districts of Bali, N... more This study aims to analyse the comparison of the Muslim DPD in the electoral districts of Bali, North Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara from the Perspective of the Powercube Theory. General election (Pemilu) is the process by which voters elect people to fill certain political positions. Elections are one of the characteristics of a democracy, in which the people are directly involved in selecting leaders and determining the direction of political policies in the next five years. This research method is included in the category of normative research or library research, namely research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data consisting of online media, social media, and journals related to this research by tracing how the explanation of the comparison of the victory of the DPD Muslim Electoral District of Bali, North Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara in the Perspective of the Powercube Theory. The analysis technique uses the NVivo 12 plus data processing application,...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017)
this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which can... more this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which can strengthen process and impact in development schema of welfare in frontier area, particularly in Sebatik, Nunukan. This research investigated the involvement of non-state stakeholders as voluntarily participation by various component of groups either by external project or who were emergence various from local initiative. By conducting interviews, focus group discussion, literature research, documentation, and observation our findings are going as follow: Firstly, minimum collaboration has occurred between many sectors within government causes directly to the quality of construction project in which have not optimal for public satisfaction, and also a certain group of citizen criticize the goal of the regional development. Second, the local initiative to collaborate actually have grown in various sector such as health, education, information, alternative education, awareness of sustainable economy practices at local level. Interestingly, this research that public have awareness that infrastructure is not single-most importance issue in border area due to social capital is also local concern. Big budget from local and national are not merely the answer, but more collaborative governance and openly public engagement will be meaningful and powerful weapon to make state border's much better.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (ICOSI-HESS 2022), 2022
Social media has become a massive platform to disseminate information relating the 2020 regent el... more Social media has become a massive platform to disseminate information relating the 2020 regent election in Bantul. But how exactly the social media is used in increasing public participation is still in question. This research explores how social media is used by Bantul Electoral Commission (KPU Bantul) to increase participation in the 2020 Bantul regent election (Pilkada) by concentrating on four main issues: The themes and contents in social media; The narrations developed on social media; The relationship between themes and contents in disseminating information related to the election; and how is the activity of the KPU Bantul's account during the 2020 Pilkada. This research uses Qualitative Data Analysis Software (Q-DAS) by employing the NVivo 12Plus. This study finds that first, social media have become the platform to increase participation in 2020 Bantul Pilkada by concentrating on three themes: "Political Party", "Candidate", and "Voter", in which the highest content in KPU Bantul's social media tends to inform the Regional Election phases in Bantul Regency. Second, the narration in social media is used to increase and attract the voters to participate in Bantul regent election, with the most frequent word appears are "Bantul", "KPU", and "Election". Third, the relation of the content and theme on social media is no strong enough. Fourth, the Twitter Account of KPU Bantul to inform the election is not very active because there are some delays in the Bantul Regent Election regarding to Covid-19. Nevertheless, this research also has some limitations. This research mainly concerns with how social media can increase participation without exploring the issues of the campaign. This opens any opportunities to further researches that focus to explore the campaign issues in Indonesian Pilkada. This research implicates to any novelty to the using of social media in election by concluding that social media has been used as a platform to spread information during the electoral phases by using Content and Narration, in which the previous research mostly merely explores the function of social media as a tool in a candidate's campaign.
Pustaka Pelajar -- LP3M UMy -- Pusat Kajian Konstitusi dan Pemerintahan FH UMY, May 28, 2019
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
The phenomenon of the proliferation of political practices of kinship networking in Indonesia in ... more The phenomenon of the proliferation of political practices of kinship networking in Indonesia in the reform era has attracted the authors to conduct the research. It, theoretically, has the potential to endanger democracy due to the different treatment for competing political actors' opportunities, as well as undermine the party's internal mechanisms in recruiting candidates for public officials. The location of this research is Banten Province, where the phenomenon of kinship is very massive happened. The aims of the research are to explore: (1) the history of political dynastic involvement in Local Elections, (2) the factors drive the political dynasty actors to enter the political sphere; (3) the background of the political dynasties involved in the Local Election; (4) the function of political party recruitment in the Local Election, and (5) the instruments are utilized by political dynasty's candidates in the Local Election. The type of research is qualitative, using FGD, interview, and documentation study for collecting data, which will be analyzed using the triangulation method. The results show that democratization and decentralization policy have been the key point for the actors of political kinship network to involve. In addition, The mastery of the economic base became the main driver of the dynastic political actors, so that most of the actors were entrepreneurs. Meanwhile the functions of the party in recruitment are ineffective. Finally, the instruments frequently used by the political kinship network actors are money politics, kinship networks, and the use of mass organizations as a means of voters mobilization Keywords-political kinship network; local election; Banten I. INTRODUCTION Elections are often positioned as the main precondition of democracy due to its close relationship. Obviously, there is no democratic country that does not run elections on a regular basis. Elections become links that help to realize the idea of Government of the people, by the people and for the people as the normative meaning of democracy. Not just as an arena to express the freedom of the people in electing their leaders, elections are also a mechanism to appreciate the performance of leaders. Through elections, voters are able to assess whether the elected government and or elected representative institutions will be deserved to be re-elected or even need to be replaced due to their lack of capacity to execute the mandate of the people. No wonder if elections occupy a central position in a democratic order. Unfortunately, in many consolidating democracies elections are often hijacked and used as instruments of personal and/or group interests. One of the phenomena that is often considered to plow democracy is the existence of dynastic politics or kinship network. If the former pure political dynasty depended particularly on the status of nobility and politics, then the recent political dynasty plays over the arena of democracy. It proved that the dynasty was able to fight in any political weather. Political dynasty actors will continue to play in any political system because their glue is access to state resources. Dynasties can live in both authoritarian and democratic systems (Muhtadi, 2013). Many political dynasties and kinship networks in Indonesia use the election to rule, as is the case in Banten and South Sulawesi. The facts above show that the political network of kinship will not be destroyed only because of legal regulation. Sociological and historical factors become important, especially since there will be other networks ready to replace the dynastic outcast. One thing that can guarantee a fair competition in politics (or business) is if the bureaucracy that guards the political selection process (or economy) is professional, transparent and accountable (Vishnu, 2013). Pablo Querubin (2011: 2) defines the political dynasty as' a form of long elite mastery when a family or some monopolizes political power. Instead, he linked political dynasties in the Philippines in the framework of democracy, and so he criticized the policy of job restrictions that still had a gap for the political dynasty to remain in power. Querubin also attributed the continuity of political dynasties in the Philippines to the effects of incumbency. Various politically motivated killings in the Philippines witness how the political dynasty used various means to perpetuate its power by utilizing the existence of elections. Family descendants of politicians generally believe that public office is a birthright and is inherited (Tuazon, 2013). But in many countries, the political dynasty is legalized through the election process.
The transformation of a social movement into a party is interesting in the realm of political sci... more The transformation of a social movement into a party is interesting in the realm of political science since it joins two theories, namely party theory and social movement theory. It is also interesting because there are some social movements that turns into party while the other does not. This paper tries to figure out why FPI as a social movement organization does not transform into a party, even though FPI met preconditions of a transformation. The author uses four preconditions of transformation previously employed in examining a successful transformation of Five Star Movement (FSM) into a party in Italy. This paper shows that those four preconditions does not works since they did not consider one factor that is the capacity of the state in enforcing regulations toward the violation that have been done by social movements. The low capacity of the state eventually influences the option of FPI in maintaining their traditional ways as a social movement. From a rational choice point of view FPI feels that the incentive structure to be a party is much smaller than remaining to be a social movement organization. For FPI, street is more promising compared to Senayan.
Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Ditjen Dikti, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Re... more Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Ditjen Dikti, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana berbasis collaborative governance menjadi topik utama dalam peneli... more Pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana berbasis collaborative governance menjadi topik utama dalam penelitian ini. Dengan mengambil kasus di Kabupaten Sleman, khususnya pada volcano tour Merapi yang merupakan kategori pariwisata-bencana diharapkan dapat dibuat model pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya keterbatasan dari pemerintah daerah dalam mengelola pariwisat-bencana sehingga perlu adanya peran serta swasta dan masyarakat. Pengembangan model collaborative governance menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk menutupi keterbatasan tersebut karena pada model ini melibatkan tiga pilar yaitu pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat dalam mengelola pariwisata-bencana. Peran serta dari masyarakat dan swasta sangat dibutuhkan untuk suksesnya pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana tersebut. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang berusaha untuk melakukan pemodelan dan juga dengan melalui pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, maka penelitian ...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 – Humanity, Education and Social Sciences (IcoSIHESS 2019), 2019
This paper aims to describe the implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) at Higher Educ... more This paper aims to describe the implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). This study compared the strategy of two educational institutions, namely the Department of Government Science – Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Ilmu Pemerintahan/ IP UMY), and the Department of Public Policy and Management – Universitas Gadjah Mada (Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik / MKP-UGM) in implementing Good University Governance concept of study programs. The research method used was a qualitative approach with the process of collecting data using interview techniques, documentation, and observation. The result showed that the implementation of the GUG institutionalization strategy at the department of government science UMY and MKP UGM had gone well. There are eight GUG principles, namely participation, law enforcement, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability in mana...
Journal of Governance and Public Policy, 2017
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik Nahdlatul Wathan terhadap perilaku politi... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik Nahdlatul Wathan terhadap perilaku politik masyarakat Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan atau disingkat NW merupakan organisasi sosial keagamaan terbesar di Lombok yang berpusat di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan didirikan oleh Tuan Guru Hajji (TGH) Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid pada tahun 1953. Nahdlatul Wathan bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan dakwah, sehingga NW mempunyai kontribusi besar dalam pembangunan dan pemerintahan. Pasca meninggalnya TGH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid tahun 1997, Nahdlatul Wathan terpecah kedalam dua kubu, yakni kubu Rauhun (R1) yang berpusat di desa Pancor dan kubu Raihanun (R2) yang berpusat di desa Anjani. Pecahnya Nahdlatul Wathan sebagai organisasi terbesar di Lombok Timur tentu membawa dampak bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan demikian menarik untuk melakukan penelitian terkait dengan pengaruh konflik Nahdaltul Wathan terhadap Perilaku Politik Masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah penelitian kuantitaif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data melalui kuisioner dan studi pustaka, sedangkan teknik analisisa data menggunkan analisa statistic dengan memanfaatkan softwere SPSS.
BERDIKARI : Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks, 2016
Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without g... more Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without good marketing tourists will not know that souvenirs become an alternative for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Souvenirs in the form of snacks made from cassava into alternative tourists who visit Yogyakarta other than gudeg, bakpia, geplak and so on. Nowdays, the marketing of souvenir products produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has not been done maximally, just merely dititipkan on certain stalls. The problem has been resolved with the existence of community service programs that have a commitment to fix the marketing of products. By going through the creation of a beautiful cake packaging product design processed products from Mrs. Diah Dharma Astuti and Mrs. Dwi Retnani can attract more buyers. Besides, by giving a sign on the house of both mothers will make it easier for buyers to visit the location. For prospective buyers who from outside the city also menyipakan interesting brochures that contain product specifications and prices. Management assistance activities have also been conducted regularly every week. The results of community service activities bring benefits to both MSMEs. By marketing through the website that provides comprehensive information about product specifications through www.jualcakejogja.com page for Dyah Dharma Astuti's and www.jualkuekeringjogja.com page for Dwi Retnani's can increase market share and simultaneously increase sales turnover.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by ... more Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by Acehnese coffee shop drinkers in supporting and criticizing local Acehnese politics, particularly those in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this research examines the role of informal movements and clubs involved in decision-making related issues of Acehnese living in Yogyakarta. Methodology:This is a critical qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation over several months. Participatory observation was conducted through immersive participation in Acehnese coffee shops as public spaces and in-depth interviews with coffee shop managers, community leaders, and regular customers. Findings: The Acehnese unique cultural and social culture of coffee drinking plays a dynamic role with Acehnese community’s relationship with politics. This culture facilitates the existence of Acehnese identity in Yogyakarta and intensifies political participation through informal discussio...
The research examines the perception of young voters regarding the quality of the implementation ... more The research examines the perception of young voters regarding the quality of the implementation the 2014 election. There are six indicators to measure the integrity: 1) the election law, 2) the electoral procedure, 3) the voter registration, 4) the political party and its candidate registration, 5) the role of mass media, and 5) the candidate campaign. The research findings revealed that, in general, young voters have an adequate perception concerning the electoral integrity. More specifically, the good perception is only to two things namely political party and its candidate registration and the electoral procedure. The rest is adequate perception. In addition, the research portrayed that young people have highest trust merely to the Corruption Eradication Commision (KPK). On the other hand, they have lowest trust into two institutions: political party and parliament.
Moderat : Jurnal Ilmiah Ilmu Pemerintahan
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap kebijakan vaksin Covi... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk melihat bagaimana respon masyarakat terhadap kebijakan vaksin Covid-19 yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah dalam membentengi diri terhadap penularan virus Covid-19 di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan Q-DAS (Qualitative Data Analysis Software) selain itu dalam penelitian ini sumber data diambil dari 2 Media Berita Nasional yang berbeda dengan jumlah 31 yang terdiri dari 15 berita dari Detik.com dan 16 berita dari Kompas.com. Selain dari media berita sumber data penelitian ini juga diambil melalui website dan jurnal yang berkaitan dengan penelitian penulis. Pemberian kebijakan vaksin yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah merupakan solusi yang dianggap paling tepat untuk masyarakat dalam memutus dan mengurangi rantai penularan Covid-19 akan tetapi terdapat beberapa masyarakat yang menolak dengan kebijakan tesebut. Media berita berperan penting untuk melihat berbagai alasan masyarakat yang siap dan menolak untuk divaksin setalah pemerintah menerapkan k...
Journal of Governance and Public Policy
This study aims to analyse the comparison of the Muslim DPD in the electoral districts of Bali, N... more This study aims to analyse the comparison of the Muslim DPD in the electoral districts of Bali, North Sulawesi, and East Nusa Tenggara from the Perspective of the Powercube Theory. General election (Pemilu) is the process by which voters elect people to fill certain political positions. Elections are one of the characteristics of a democracy, in which the people are directly involved in selecting leaders and determining the direction of political policies in the next five years. This research method is included in the category of normative research or library research, namely research conducted by examining library materials or secondary data consisting of online media, social media, and journals related to this research by tracing how the explanation of the comparison of the victory of the DPD Muslim Electoral District of Bali, North Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara in the Perspective of the Powercube Theory. The analysis technique uses the NVivo 12 plus data processing application,...
Proceedings of the International Conference on Democracy, Accountability and Governance (ICODAG 2017)
this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which can... more this research has aim to explain about existences of practical collaborative governance which can strengthen process and impact in development schema of welfare in frontier area, particularly in Sebatik, Nunukan. This research investigated the involvement of non-state stakeholders as voluntarily participation by various component of groups either by external project or who were emergence various from local initiative. By conducting interviews, focus group discussion, literature research, documentation, and observation our findings are going as follow: Firstly, minimum collaboration has occurred between many sectors within government causes directly to the quality of construction project in which have not optimal for public satisfaction, and also a certain group of citizen criticize the goal of the regional development. Second, the local initiative to collaborate actually have grown in various sector such as health, education, information, alternative education, awareness of sustainable economy practices at local level. Interestingly, this research that public have awareness that infrastructure is not single-most importance issue in border area due to social capital is also local concern. Big budget from local and national are not merely the answer, but more collaborative governance and openly public engagement will be meaningful and powerful weapon to make state border's much better.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Sustainable Innovation on Humanities, Education, and Social Sciences (ICOSI-HESS 2022), 2022
Social media has become a massive platform to disseminate information relating the 2020 regent el... more Social media has become a massive platform to disseminate information relating the 2020 regent election in Bantul. But how exactly the social media is used in increasing public participation is still in question. This research explores how social media is used by Bantul Electoral Commission (KPU Bantul) to increase participation in the 2020 Bantul regent election (Pilkada) by concentrating on four main issues: The themes and contents in social media; The narrations developed on social media; The relationship between themes and contents in disseminating information related to the election; and how is the activity of the KPU Bantul's account during the 2020 Pilkada. This research uses Qualitative Data Analysis Software (Q-DAS) by employing the NVivo 12Plus. This study finds that first, social media have become the platform to increase participation in 2020 Bantul Pilkada by concentrating on three themes: "Political Party", "Candidate", and "Voter", in which the highest content in KPU Bantul's social media tends to inform the Regional Election phases in Bantul Regency. Second, the narration in social media is used to increase and attract the voters to participate in Bantul regent election, with the most frequent word appears are "Bantul", "KPU", and "Election". Third, the relation of the content and theme on social media is no strong enough. Fourth, the Twitter Account of KPU Bantul to inform the election is not very active because there are some delays in the Bantul Regent Election regarding to Covid-19. Nevertheless, this research also has some limitations. This research mainly concerns with how social media can increase participation without exploring the issues of the campaign. This opens any opportunities to further researches that focus to explore the campaign issues in Indonesian Pilkada. This research implicates to any novelty to the using of social media in election by concluding that social media has been used as a platform to spread information during the electoral phases by using Content and Narration, in which the previous research mostly merely explores the function of social media as a tool in a candidate's campaign.
Pustaka Pelajar -- LP3M UMy -- Pusat Kajian Konstitusi dan Pemerintahan FH UMY, May 28, 2019
Proceedings of the 1st Aceh Global Conference (AGC 2018), 2019
The phenomenon of the proliferation of political practices of kinship networking in Indonesia in ... more The phenomenon of the proliferation of political practices of kinship networking in Indonesia in the reform era has attracted the authors to conduct the research. It, theoretically, has the potential to endanger democracy due to the different treatment for competing political actors' opportunities, as well as undermine the party's internal mechanisms in recruiting candidates for public officials. The location of this research is Banten Province, where the phenomenon of kinship is very massive happened. The aims of the research are to explore: (1) the history of political dynastic involvement in Local Elections, (2) the factors drive the political dynasty actors to enter the political sphere; (3) the background of the political dynasties involved in the Local Election; (4) the function of political party recruitment in the Local Election, and (5) the instruments are utilized by political dynasty's candidates in the Local Election. The type of research is qualitative, using FGD, interview, and documentation study for collecting data, which will be analyzed using the triangulation method. The results show that democratization and decentralization policy have been the key point for the actors of political kinship network to involve. In addition, The mastery of the economic base became the main driver of the dynastic political actors, so that most of the actors were entrepreneurs. Meanwhile the functions of the party in recruitment are ineffective. Finally, the instruments frequently used by the political kinship network actors are money politics, kinship networks, and the use of mass organizations as a means of voters mobilization Keywords-political kinship network; local election; Banten I. INTRODUCTION Elections are often positioned as the main precondition of democracy due to its close relationship. Obviously, there is no democratic country that does not run elections on a regular basis. Elections become links that help to realize the idea of Government of the people, by the people and for the people as the normative meaning of democracy. Not just as an arena to express the freedom of the people in electing their leaders, elections are also a mechanism to appreciate the performance of leaders. Through elections, voters are able to assess whether the elected government and or elected representative institutions will be deserved to be re-elected or even need to be replaced due to their lack of capacity to execute the mandate of the people. No wonder if elections occupy a central position in a democratic order. Unfortunately, in many consolidating democracies elections are often hijacked and used as instruments of personal and/or group interests. One of the phenomena that is often considered to plow democracy is the existence of dynastic politics or kinship network. If the former pure political dynasty depended particularly on the status of nobility and politics, then the recent political dynasty plays over the arena of democracy. It proved that the dynasty was able to fight in any political weather. Political dynasty actors will continue to play in any political system because their glue is access to state resources. Dynasties can live in both authoritarian and democratic systems (Muhtadi, 2013). Many political dynasties and kinship networks in Indonesia use the election to rule, as is the case in Banten and South Sulawesi. The facts above show that the political network of kinship will not be destroyed only because of legal regulation. Sociological and historical factors become important, especially since there will be other networks ready to replace the dynastic outcast. One thing that can guarantee a fair competition in politics (or business) is if the bureaucracy that guards the political selection process (or economy) is professional, transparent and accountable (Vishnu, 2013). Pablo Querubin (2011: 2) defines the political dynasty as' a form of long elite mastery when a family or some monopolizes political power. Instead, he linked political dynasties in the Philippines in the framework of democracy, and so he criticized the policy of job restrictions that still had a gap for the political dynasty to remain in power. Querubin also attributed the continuity of political dynasties in the Philippines to the effects of incumbency. Various politically motivated killings in the Philippines witness how the political dynasty used various means to perpetuate its power by utilizing the existence of elections. Family descendants of politicians generally believe that public office is a birthright and is inherited (Tuazon, 2013). But in many countries, the political dynasty is legalized through the election process.
The transformation of a social movement into a party is interesting in the realm of political sci... more The transformation of a social movement into a party is interesting in the realm of political science since it joins two theories, namely party theory and social movement theory. It is also interesting because there are some social movements that turns into party while the other does not. This paper tries to figure out why FPI as a social movement organization does not transform into a party, even though FPI met preconditions of a transformation. The author uses four preconditions of transformation previously employed in examining a successful transformation of Five Star Movement (FSM) into a party in Italy. This paper shows that those four preconditions does not works since they did not consider one factor that is the capacity of the state in enforcing regulations toward the violation that have been done by social movements. The low capacity of the state eventually influences the option of FPI in maintaining their traditional ways as a social movement. From a rational choice point of view FPI feels that the incentive structure to be a party is much smaller than remaining to be a social movement organization. For FPI, street is more promising compared to Senayan.
Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Ditjen Dikti, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Re... more Direktorat Penelitian dan Pengabdian Masyarakat, Ditjen Dikti, Kementerian Riset dan Teknologi Republik Indonesia
Pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana berbasis collaborative governance menjadi topik utama dalam peneli... more Pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana berbasis collaborative governance menjadi topik utama dalam penelitian ini. Dengan mengambil kasus di Kabupaten Sleman, khususnya pada volcano tour Merapi yang merupakan kategori pariwisata-bencana diharapkan dapat dibuat model pengelolaan yang berkelanjutan. Permasalahan utama dalam penelitian ini adalah adanya keterbatasan dari pemerintah daerah dalam mengelola pariwisat-bencana sehingga perlu adanya peran serta swasta dan masyarakat. Pengembangan model collaborative governance menjadi pilihan yang tepat untuk menutupi keterbatasan tersebut karena pada model ini melibatkan tiga pilar yaitu pemerintah, swasta dan masyarakat dalam mengelola pariwisata-bencana. Peran serta dari masyarakat dan swasta sangat dibutuhkan untuk suksesnya pengelolaan pariwisata-bencana tersebut. Dengan menggunakan penelitian kualitatif yang berusaha untuk melakukan pemodelan dan juga dengan melalui pengumpulan data berupa wawancara, observasi dan dokumentasi, maka penelitian ...
Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Sustainable Innovation 2019 – Humanity, Education and Social Sciences (IcoSIHESS 2019), 2019
This paper aims to describe the implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) at Higher Educ... more This paper aims to describe the implementation of Good University Governance (GUG) at Higher Education Institutions (HEI). This study compared the strategy of two educational institutions, namely the Department of Government Science – Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta (Ilmu Pemerintahan/ IP UMY), and the Department of Public Policy and Management – Universitas Gadjah Mada (Manajemen dan Kebijakan Publik / MKP-UGM) in implementing Good University Governance concept of study programs. The research method used was a qualitative approach with the process of collecting data using interview techniques, documentation, and observation. The result showed that the implementation of the GUG institutionalization strategy at the department of government science UMY and MKP UGM had gone well. There are eight GUG principles, namely participation, law enforcement, transparency, responsiveness, consensus orientation, equality, inclusiveness, effectiveness and efficiency, and accountability in mana...
Journal of Governance and Public Policy, 2017
Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik Nahdlatul Wathan terhadap perilaku politi... more Artikel ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh konflik Nahdlatul Wathan terhadap perilaku politik masyarakat Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan atau disingkat NW merupakan organisasi sosial keagamaan terbesar di Lombok yang berpusat di Kabupaten Lombok Timur. Nahdlatul Wathan didirikan oleh Tuan Guru Hajji (TGH) Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid pada tahun 1953. Nahdlatul Wathan bergerak dalam bidang pendidikan, sosial dan dakwah, sehingga NW mempunyai kontribusi besar dalam pembangunan dan pemerintahan. Pasca meninggalnya TGH. Muhammad Zainuddin Abdul Madjid tahun 1997, Nahdlatul Wathan terpecah kedalam dua kubu, yakni kubu Rauhun (R1) yang berpusat di desa Pancor dan kubu Raihanun (R2) yang berpusat di desa Anjani. Pecahnya Nahdlatul Wathan sebagai organisasi terbesar di Lombok Timur tentu membawa dampak bagi kehidupan masyarakat. Dengan demikian menarik untuk melakukan penelitian terkait dengan pengaruh konflik Nahdaltul Wathan terhadap Perilaku Politik Masyarakat. Metode penelitian yang digunakan peneliti adalah penelitian kuantitaif deskriptif dengan pendekatan studi kasus. Teknik pengambilan data melalui kuisioner dan studi pustaka, sedangkan teknik analisisa data menggunkan analisa statistic dengan memanfaatkan softwere SPSS.
BERDIKARI : Jurnal Inovasi dan Penerapan Ipteks, 2016
Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without g... more Marketing of souvenir products in the form of snacks for tourism services is important. Without good marketing tourists will not know that souvenirs become an alternative for tourists visiting Yogyakarta. Souvenirs in the form of snacks made from cassava into alternative tourists who visit Yogyakarta other than gudeg, bakpia, geplak and so on. Nowdays, the marketing of souvenir products produced by micro, small and medium enterprises (MSMEs) has not been done maximally, just merely dititipkan on certain stalls. The problem has been resolved with the existence of community service programs that have a commitment to fix the marketing of products. By going through the creation of a beautiful cake packaging product design processed products from Mrs. Diah Dharma Astuti and Mrs. Dwi Retnani can attract more buyers. Besides, by giving a sign on the house of both mothers will make it easier for buyers to visit the location. For prospective buyers who from outside the city also menyipakan interesting brochures that contain product specifications and prices. Management assistance activities have also been conducted regularly every week. The results of community service activities bring benefits to both MSMEs. By marketing through the website that provides comprehensive information about product specifications through www.jualcakejogja.com page for Dyah Dharma Astuti's and www.jualkuekeringjogja.com page for Dwi Retnani's can increase market share and simultaneously increase sales turnover.
Humanities & Social Sciences Reviews, 2019
Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by ... more Purpose: This paper aims to recognize a new form of political participation that is expressed by Acehnese coffee shop drinkers in supporting and criticizing local Acehnese politics, particularly those in Yogyakarta. Furthermore, this research examines the role of informal movements and clubs involved in decision-making related issues of Acehnese living in Yogyakarta. Methodology:This is a critical qualitative approach with in-depth interviews and participatory observation over several months. Participatory observation was conducted through immersive participation in Acehnese coffee shops as public spaces and in-depth interviews with coffee shop managers, community leaders, and regular customers. Findings: The Acehnese unique cultural and social culture of coffee drinking plays a dynamic role with Acehnese community’s relationship with politics. This culture facilitates the existence of Acehnese identity in Yogyakarta and intensifies political participation through informal discussio...
Journal of Government and Politics, 2019
This study proves that the change in the structure of political opportunities alone is not enough... more This study proves that the change in the structure of political opportunities alone is not enough to provide encouragement for social movements to succeed in electoral politics. The case of the labor movements in electoral politics in post-New Order Indonesia is proof of this. Even though it has a very large number of potential to become a large force of electoral politics and ability to mobilize masses, the labor movements in Indonesia is merely a spectator, not a player in electoral politics. There are four factors that cause this failure. The first is fragmentation among labor movements which were created as a result of the opening of political opportunities after the New Order. Second, labor apathy towards labor parties and labor cadres who run for elections. As a result, none of the labor parties succeeded in gaining seats in three elections in Indonesia after the New Order. Thirdly, repression and negative stigmatization to the labor movements by the New Order Regime had succeeded in preventing labor movement to consolidate themselves and to gain significant votes in elections. Fourth, increasingly severe requirements for party establishment and participation in elections. While in many places the opening of political opportunity structure is a determining factor in the success of social movements in electoral politics, the case of the labor movement in Indonesia proves otherwise. The opening up of a political opportunity structure has become a trap that hinders the success of labor movements in electoral politics.