Aura Codreanu | Carol I National Defence University (original) (raw)

Papers by Aura Codreanu

Research paper thumbnail of Rolul învățării experențiale în modelarea competențelor digitale

Tendințe ale managementului organizației moderne în contextul actualelor provocări, 2024

Evoluția fulminantă a tehnologiilor digitale și utilizarea pe o scară largă și din ce în ce mai f... more Evoluția fulminantă a tehnologiilor digitale și utilizarea pe o scară largă și din ce în ce mai frecventă a acestora de către categorii de vârstă diferite a fost surprinsă de cele mai multe ori ca o dihotomie între generațiile născute după 1980 și denumite, printre altele, ,,nativi digitali” și generațiile mai vechi denumite ,,imigranți digitali”. Această diferențiere începe să fie însă din ce în ce mai mult pusă sub semnul întrebării din perspectiva modului în care operaționalizarea unor asemenea concepte permite configurarea sistemelor educaționale și utilizarea adecvată a instrumentelor aferente acestora în modelarea tinerelor generații în funcție nu numai de nevoile lor individuale de comunicare, autonomie, dar și în funcție de nevoile societății în care acestea trebuie să își construiască roluri de cetățeni activi. În acest sens, prezentul capitol propune trei paliere distincte: identificarea situației curente atât în România, cât și pe plan internațional referitoare la stadiul de dezvoltare a competențelor digitale la nivelul diverselor categorii de vârstă; operaționalizarea succintă a conceptului de ,,competențe digitale” și implicațiile dimensiunilor și variabilelor specifice asupra demersurilor educaționale în acest domeniu; explorarea modului în care principiile și valorile specifice învățării de tip experențial pot contribui la modelarea competențelor digitale. Astfel, în ansamblu, capitolul pornește de la premisa că indiferent de termenii utilizați pentru a face referire la nivelul de adaptare a persoanelor individuale la noile tehnologii digitale și integrare a acestora din urmă în activitățile profesionale și personale există deja o expunere a tuturor la aceste tehnologii. Prin urmare, sistemelor educaționale și de pregătire le revine rolul de modelare a acestor competențe în vederea acoperirii nevoilor societății per ansambu de a evolua din punct de vedere economic și social.


Journal of Defense Resources Management (JoDRM), 2023

Societal security has become nowadays an important pair of lenses for discussing identity in a mu... more Societal security has become nowadays an important pair of lenses for discussing identity in a multilayered fashion within the context of an enlarged security concept. The complexity deriving from that engenders the necessity to identify and use new tools for reliably defining communities and their specific identities in order to better understand how state-wise strategies and policies can raise security risks when disregarding those communities' needs and interests. In this respect, the goal of this article is to demonstrate the benefits of employing a gender based perspective in defining societal security. Hence, it focuses on the possible correlations that can be conceptually identified between societal security and gender perspective. Then, the article exemplifies how a gender based analysis can contribute to better societal security approaches by discussing Romania's strategic approach to the Covid-19 pandemics and the possible observations deriving from that.

Research paper thumbnail of Vasilescu Codreanu GMR


În lumea interconectată de astăzi, fenomenul de "degradare a adevărului" (truth decay) a devenit ... more În lumea interconectată de astăzi, fenomenul de "degradare a adevărului" (truth decay) a devenit o preocupare socială semnificativă. Degradarea adevărului se referă la erodarea treptată a conceptului de adevăr și la diminuarea graduală a respectului pentru fapte obiective, dovezi și opinii ale experților, bazate pe cunoștințe de specialitate. Facilitat de progresul rapid al tehnologiei și de ascensiunea platformelor de socializare, acest fenomen are implicații profunde asupra proceselor și interacțiunilor sociale, a discursului public și a încrederii generale în cadrul societăților democratice moderne. Acest articol explorează cauzele și consecințele degradării adevărului în societatea modernă (ca fenomen societal mai larg) și analizează implicațiile sale în domeniul securității și apărării. De asemenea, analizează modurile în care decăderea adevărului poate fi exploatată cu rea-intenție în contextul războiului hibrid, ca un instrument de manipulare a opiniei publice, de semănare a confuziei și de subminare a coeziunii societății și subliniază importanța abordării acestei probleme. Cuvinte-cheie: degradarea adevărului, război hibrid, securitate și apărare, opinie și fapt, polarizare și divizare. 71 Posibile implicații ale fenomenului de degradare a conceptului de "adevăr" în era digitală asupra domeniului securității și apărării INFORMAȚII ȘI SECURITATE

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Virtual Teams in Bureaucratic Organizations: A Swot Analysis

eLearning and Software for Education

Bureaucratic organizations are more often than not perceived by outsiders as thriving on paper ov... more Bureaucratic organizations are more often than not perceived by outsiders as thriving on paper overload and lack of accountability to the detriment of simplicity and time lined decisions. On the other hand, employees of bureaucratic establishments have no easy task in producing the stacks of paper by which to make sure that their share of responsibility is well documented and justified. What is more, the same employees are overloaded with work while their motivation is not necessarily boosted by the resource constraints that these organizations have to face. Such a conundrum can and has already apparently been solved by the use of information technology in streamlining the processes inherent of any organization and tackling the resource scarcity that has become the cliche of the day. Nonetheless, the cultural gap between the very essence of any bureaucratic establishment and the impetus of technology that requires and proposes at the same time new working solutions for increased eff...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges of Integrating Learning Games Into E-Learning Environments

eLearning and Software for Education

In traditional educational and training environments learning games play a major role in experien... more In traditional educational and training environments learning games play a major role in experiential learning, regardless of their target audience: children, teenagers or adults. However, given the current trends in education and training initiatives world-wide (e.g. blended learning, distributed learning), as well as the requirements of those seeking training and education, words like cost-effectiveness, time-efficiency, outcome oriented actions have become the cornerstone for any provider of educational and training programs. Consequently, to adapt to this new world is to be able to merge the useful with the inciting in one or several virtual/e- package. Consequently, this article will start by identifying the role of learning games in traditional environments. Next, by focusing on the features of e-learning environments, it will attempt to short-list these roles in accordance with the purposes served by these environments. Worth reminding in this respect is that the design and u...

Research paper thumbnail of Resilience: A Multi Level Approach and Its Relevance for the Development of Organization Focused Resilience Frameworks

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2021

Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and va... more Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and variables needed for conceptual operationalization. That is all the more true for the very fashionable term of resilience considering the litmus test it needs to survive under the constraints and challenges raised by the current Covid-19 pandemics. Consequently, the tenet of this article is that for concepts to become reality, they first need to be translated into formal standards and frameworks guiding action at multiple levels. As a result, the aim of the paper is that, by employing a system based approach and a multi-level investigation into the concept of resilience to lay the minimum grounds for nuancing the definition of resilience at organization level.

Research paper thumbnail of Change Conversation Style: Change the Organization

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Professional  Military Leadership Development from the Perspective of  National Resilience

Romanian Military Thinking, 2022

Leadership, along with discipline, ethics, organisaonal culture and specicsocialisaon pracces... more Leadership, along with discipline, ethics, organisaonal culture and specicsocialisaon pracces, is one of the most important pillars (Brown, Treviño,2006) of the military profession. As such, professional military leadership is oneof the key aspects emphasised at strategic level. One prominent example in thisrespect is the Romanian Military Strategy of 2021 (2021, pp. 3-4) which viewsit as one of the means of securing organisaonal and naonal resilience in avolale, complex, and uncertain environment. Furthermore, as the 2020-2024Romanian Naonal Defence Strategy states (2020, p. 32), resilience isone of the key areas targeted by the NATO-EU cooperaon agenda whereRomania pledges to contribute. Following the strategic acknowledgment that professional military leadership is needed in order to meet future challenges inthe defence and security eld, the current arcle discusses the ways and meansby which professional military leadership development can further the end ofsecuring organisaonal resilience in the defence and security eld, and hencethat of consolidang naonal resilience

Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Communication Patternsunderlying Organisational BEHAVIOUR.A Research Framework Overview

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Indicators of Integrated Organisational Management in Intercultural Contexts Andtheir Relevance for Multinational Missions’Accomplishment

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Employee Professional and Personal Development: A Source of Competitive Advantage

Successful organizations never forget that their employees have been fulfilling a number of diffe... more Successful organizations never forget that their employees have been fulfilling a number of different roles both inside their work life and as part of their own definition of living their lives. Consequently, they approach their employees as a whole and not just as tools fulfilling specific functions and job related tasks. Consequently, to achieve sustained competitive advantage organizations must manage their employees as portfolios of assets fulfilling work-life roles. To do so, such entities need to capitalize on their employees’ previous and future personal development, and to further contribute to their professional development in order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Formarea profesională a liderilor militari din perspectiva rezilienței naționale

Gândirea Militară Românească, Feb 1, 2022

p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție d... more p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție de acțiune inclusă pe agenda cooperării NATO-UE și asumată de România. Pornind de la premisa statuată prin documentele amintite, conform căreia leadershipul militar profesionist este esențial în abordarea provocărilor viitoare din domeniul securității și apărării, articolul de față are ca obiectiv discutarea formării profesionale a liderilor militari ca instrument și cale de acțiune în vederea asigurării rezilienței organizaționale în domeniul securității și apărării și, prin urmare, ca modalitate de consolidare a rezilienței naționale.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Human Resource Management a Milestone for Integrity Building in Public Administration

Editura Academiei Forțelor Aeriene „Henri Coandă”, 2019

Public administration is more often than not a much coveted haven that provides safe and secure j... more Public administration is more often than not a much coveted haven that provides safe and secure jobs along with long life employment especially in countries where reform in the field has not been yet undertaken or where it has failed to produce envisaged outcomes. In such cases, bureaucracy and underfunding are the most common malaises impacting the field and generating integrity issues such as nepotism, cronyism, and misappropriation of funds, to mention just few. Additionally, even in countries where reforms have been undertaken and reported successful such as UK and USA, the business oriented approach to public administration in its turn was found to be afflicted by undesirable effects such as difficulties with internal effort coordination and cohesion, as well as "a weakened public ethos within government" (Gerhard Hammerschmid 2016, 2). The premise underlying this article is that streamlining public bureaucracy and building integrity based frameworks require a strategic management approach at organization level. Consequently, among other initiatives in this respect, strategic human resource management approached from the perspective of governance principles and values may contribute to the transformation of public administration transformation, and hence to allowing efforts in this field to truly become means to ends and not just an end in itself.

Research paper thumbnail of CODREANU, VASILESCU GMR

Gandirea Militara Romaneasca, 2022

Leadershipul, alături de disciplină, etică, cultură organizațională și practici de socializare sp... more Leadershipul, alături de disciplină, etică, cultură organizațională și practici
de socializare specifice domeniului militar, reprezintă unul dintre pilonii de
bază ai profesiei militare (Brown, Treviño, 2006). Ca atare, leadershipul
militar profesionist devine centrul de greutate în abordările strategice.
Un exemplu marcant în acest sens este Strategia Militară a României (2021, pp. 3-4), conform căreia leadershipul profesionist se constituie în mijloc de asigurare a rezilienței organizaționale și naționale în condiții de volatilitate, complexitate și incertitudine. Pe aceeași direcție a stabilirii unei relații de condiționare reciprocă între leadershipul militar și conceptul de reziliență, Strategia Naţională de Apărare a Ţării pentru perioada 2020-2024 (2020, p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție de acțiune inclusă pe agenda cooperării NATO-UE și asumată de România. Pornind de la premisa statuată prin documentele amintite, conform căreia leadershipul militar profesionist este esențial în abordarea provocărilor viitoare din domeniul securității și apărării, articolul de față are ca obiectiv discutarea formării profesionale a liderilor militari ca instrument și cale de acțiune în vederea asigurării rezilienței organizaționale în domeniul securității și apărării și, prin urmare, ca modalitate de consolidare a rezilienței naționale.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Communication Competence: Cultural Underpinnings

Journal of Defense Resources Management, 2012

The concepts of interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence an... more The concepts of interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence and intercultural competence are prone to frequent misunderstanding as a result of an epistemic field that does not draw clear cut distinctions among the disciplines the former are subject of. With a view to facilitating future research in the fields of the aforementioned concepts, this paper will focus on their operationalization by delineating not only the differences among them, but also their inherent marginal overlapping.

Research paper thumbnail of Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters

The major aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness ... more The major aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. The research project supporting the fi ndings of the paper was undertaken in order to fi nd out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. Another inherent goal of the paper is to provide an example of the socio linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. Thus, we believe that only through similar research undertaken in the fi elds contributing to the emerging fi eld of interculturality one can actually trespass the theoretical assumptions and move on to the identifi cation of the right tools and means through which intercultural discourse to be approached at a pragmatic level and thus better understood and taught in educational estab...

Research paper thumbnail of Equality and E-Quality in Education – Worlds Apart or Clicks Apart?

Abstract: The ever growing impact of information and communication technologies upon education, i... more Abstract: The ever growing impact of information and communication technologies upon education, in general, and thinking patterns, in particular, plays an essential role in developing the pool of future intellectual capital. However, acquiring skills and knowledge under such circumstances poses specific difficulties both in terms of the learners ’ access to IT equipment, and in terms of their ability to use it. Moreover, the age-based discrepancies – among other things – generate extra-challenges to this category of education beneficiaries. In the aftermath of this assumption, the hereby article examines the impact of e-learning upon the quality of the teaching activity, as well as upon the extent to which the educator can enhance the level of equal opportunities provided to the learners by applying modern teaching techniques and procedures. After analyzing the pros and cons of the aspects mentioned above, the article will attempt to conclude upon the compatibility or, on the contra...

Research paper thumbnail of Managementul Programelor Educaţionale Destinate Adulţilor În Contextul Dezvoltării Durabile

Research paper thumbnail of Redefining Community in Intercultural Context THE INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE ACQUIRED IN MILITARY OPERATIONS. ANOTHER PASSAGE TO I(NDIA)?

Abstract: The spectrum of military operations conducted in various geographical areas by coalitio... more Abstract: The spectrum of military operations conducted in various geographical areas by coalitions of the willing or by alliances has widened as much as the increasing number of risks and challenges raised


Journal of Defense Resources Management, 2021

Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and va... more Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and variables needed for conceptual operationalization. That is all the more true for the very fashionable term of resilience considering the litmus test it needs to survive under the constraints and challenges raised by the current Covid-19 pandemics. Consequently, the tenet of this article is that for concepts to become reality, they first need to be translated into formal standards and frameworks guiding action at multiple levels. As a result, the aim of the paper is that, by employing a system based approach and a multi-level investigation into the concept of resilience to lay the minimum grounds for nuancing the definition of resilience at organization level.

Research paper thumbnail of Rolul învățării experențiale în modelarea competențelor digitale

Tendințe ale managementului organizației moderne în contextul actualelor provocări, 2024

Evoluția fulminantă a tehnologiilor digitale și utilizarea pe o scară largă și din ce în ce mai f... more Evoluția fulminantă a tehnologiilor digitale și utilizarea pe o scară largă și din ce în ce mai frecventă a acestora de către categorii de vârstă diferite a fost surprinsă de cele mai multe ori ca o dihotomie între generațiile născute după 1980 și denumite, printre altele, ,,nativi digitali” și generațiile mai vechi denumite ,,imigranți digitali”. Această diferențiere începe să fie însă din ce în ce mai mult pusă sub semnul întrebării din perspectiva modului în care operaționalizarea unor asemenea concepte permite configurarea sistemelor educaționale și utilizarea adecvată a instrumentelor aferente acestora în modelarea tinerelor generații în funcție nu numai de nevoile lor individuale de comunicare, autonomie, dar și în funcție de nevoile societății în care acestea trebuie să își construiască roluri de cetățeni activi. În acest sens, prezentul capitol propune trei paliere distincte: identificarea situației curente atât în România, cât și pe plan internațional referitoare la stadiul de dezvoltare a competențelor digitale la nivelul diverselor categorii de vârstă; operaționalizarea succintă a conceptului de ,,competențe digitale” și implicațiile dimensiunilor și variabilelor specifice asupra demersurilor educaționale în acest domeniu; explorarea modului în care principiile și valorile specifice învățării de tip experențial pot contribui la modelarea competențelor digitale. Astfel, în ansamblu, capitolul pornește de la premisa că indiferent de termenii utilizați pentru a face referire la nivelul de adaptare a persoanelor individuale la noile tehnologii digitale și integrare a acestora din urmă în activitățile profesionale și personale există deja o expunere a tuturor la aceste tehnologii. Prin urmare, sistemelor educaționale și de pregătire le revine rolul de modelare a acestor competențe în vederea acoperirii nevoilor societății per ansambu de a evolua din punct de vedere economic și social.


Journal of Defense Resources Management (JoDRM), 2023

Societal security has become nowadays an important pair of lenses for discussing identity in a mu... more Societal security has become nowadays an important pair of lenses for discussing identity in a multilayered fashion within the context of an enlarged security concept. The complexity deriving from that engenders the necessity to identify and use new tools for reliably defining communities and their specific identities in order to better understand how state-wise strategies and policies can raise security risks when disregarding those communities' needs and interests. In this respect, the goal of this article is to demonstrate the benefits of employing a gender based perspective in defining societal security. Hence, it focuses on the possible correlations that can be conceptually identified between societal security and gender perspective. Then, the article exemplifies how a gender based analysis can contribute to better societal security approaches by discussing Romania's strategic approach to the Covid-19 pandemics and the possible observations deriving from that.

Research paper thumbnail of Vasilescu Codreanu GMR


În lumea interconectată de astăzi, fenomenul de "degradare a adevărului" (truth decay) a devenit ... more În lumea interconectată de astăzi, fenomenul de "degradare a adevărului" (truth decay) a devenit o preocupare socială semnificativă. Degradarea adevărului se referă la erodarea treptată a conceptului de adevăr și la diminuarea graduală a respectului pentru fapte obiective, dovezi și opinii ale experților, bazate pe cunoștințe de specialitate. Facilitat de progresul rapid al tehnologiei și de ascensiunea platformelor de socializare, acest fenomen are implicații profunde asupra proceselor și interacțiunilor sociale, a discursului public și a încrederii generale în cadrul societăților democratice moderne. Acest articol explorează cauzele și consecințele degradării adevărului în societatea modernă (ca fenomen societal mai larg) și analizează implicațiile sale în domeniul securității și apărării. De asemenea, analizează modurile în care decăderea adevărului poate fi exploatată cu rea-intenție în contextul războiului hibrid, ca un instrument de manipulare a opiniei publice, de semănare a confuziei și de subminare a coeziunii societății și subliniază importanța abordării acestei probleme. Cuvinte-cheie: degradarea adevărului, război hibrid, securitate și apărare, opinie și fapt, polarizare și divizare. 71 Posibile implicații ale fenomenului de degradare a conceptului de "adevăr" în era digitală asupra domeniului securității și apărării INFORMAȚII ȘI SECURITATE

Research paper thumbnail of Managing Virtual Teams in Bureaucratic Organizations: A Swot Analysis

eLearning and Software for Education

Bureaucratic organizations are more often than not perceived by outsiders as thriving on paper ov... more Bureaucratic organizations are more often than not perceived by outsiders as thriving on paper overload and lack of accountability to the detriment of simplicity and time lined decisions. On the other hand, employees of bureaucratic establishments have no easy task in producing the stacks of paper by which to make sure that their share of responsibility is well documented and justified. What is more, the same employees are overloaded with work while their motivation is not necessarily boosted by the resource constraints that these organizations have to face. Such a conundrum can and has already apparently been solved by the use of information technology in streamlining the processes inherent of any organization and tackling the resource scarcity that has become the cliche of the day. Nonetheless, the cultural gap between the very essence of any bureaucratic establishment and the impetus of technology that requires and proposes at the same time new working solutions for increased eff...

Research paper thumbnail of Challenges of Integrating Learning Games Into E-Learning Environments

eLearning and Software for Education

In traditional educational and training environments learning games play a major role in experien... more In traditional educational and training environments learning games play a major role in experiential learning, regardless of their target audience: children, teenagers or adults. However, given the current trends in education and training initiatives world-wide (e.g. blended learning, distributed learning), as well as the requirements of those seeking training and education, words like cost-effectiveness, time-efficiency, outcome oriented actions have become the cornerstone for any provider of educational and training programs. Consequently, to adapt to this new world is to be able to merge the useful with the inciting in one or several virtual/e- package. Consequently, this article will start by identifying the role of learning games in traditional environments. Next, by focusing on the features of e-learning environments, it will attempt to short-list these roles in accordance with the purposes served by these environments. Worth reminding in this respect is that the design and u...

Research paper thumbnail of Resilience: A Multi Level Approach and Its Relevance for the Development of Organization Focused Resilience Frameworks

DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Oct 1, 2021

Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and va... more Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and variables needed for conceptual operationalization. That is all the more true for the very fashionable term of resilience considering the litmus test it needs to survive under the constraints and challenges raised by the current Covid-19 pandemics. Consequently, the tenet of this article is that for concepts to become reality, they first need to be translated into formal standards and frameworks guiding action at multiple levels. As a result, the aim of the paper is that, by employing a system based approach and a multi-level investigation into the concept of resilience to lay the minimum grounds for nuancing the definition of resilience at organization level.

Research paper thumbnail of Change Conversation Style: Change the Organization

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Professional  Military Leadership Development from the Perspective of  National Resilience

Romanian Military Thinking, 2022

Leadership, along with discipline, ethics, organisaonal culture and specicsocialisaon pracces... more Leadership, along with discipline, ethics, organisaonal culture and specicsocialisaon pracces, is one of the most important pillars (Brown, Treviño,2006) of the military profession. As such, professional military leadership is oneof the key aspects emphasised at strategic level. One prominent example in thisrespect is the Romanian Military Strategy of 2021 (2021, pp. 3-4) which viewsit as one of the means of securing organisaonal and naonal resilience in avolale, complex, and uncertain environment. Furthermore, as the 2020-2024Romanian Naonal Defence Strategy states (2020, p. 32), resilience isone of the key areas targeted by the NATO-EU cooperaon agenda whereRomania pledges to contribute. Following the strategic acknowledgment that professional military leadership is needed in order to meet future challenges inthe defence and security eld, the current arcle discusses the ways and meansby which professional military leadership development can further the end ofsecuring organisaonal resilience in the defence and security eld, and hencethat of consolidang naonal resilience

Research paper thumbnail of Organisational Communication Patternsunderlying Organisational BEHAVIOUR.A Research Framework Overview

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2011

Research paper thumbnail of Indicators of Integrated Organisational Management in Intercultural Contexts Andtheir Relevance for Multinational Missions’Accomplishment

Defense Resources Management in the 21st Century, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Employee Professional and Personal Development: A Source of Competitive Advantage

Successful organizations never forget that their employees have been fulfilling a number of diffe... more Successful organizations never forget that their employees have been fulfilling a number of different roles both inside their work life and as part of their own definition of living their lives. Consequently, they approach their employees as a whole and not just as tools fulfilling specific functions and job related tasks. Consequently, to achieve sustained competitive advantage organizations must manage their employees as portfolios of assets fulfilling work-life roles. To do so, such entities need to capitalize on their employees’ previous and future personal development, and to further contribute to their professional development in order to ensure the efficiency and effectiveness of their strategies.

Research paper thumbnail of Formarea profesională a liderilor militari din perspectiva rezilienței naționale

Gândirea Militară Românească, Feb 1, 2022

p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție d... more p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție de acțiune inclusă pe agenda cooperării NATO-UE și asumată de România. Pornind de la premisa statuată prin documentele amintite, conform căreia leadershipul militar profesionist este esențial în abordarea provocărilor viitoare din domeniul securității și apărării, articolul de față are ca obiectiv discutarea formării profesionale a liderilor militari ca instrument și cale de acțiune în vederea asigurării rezilienței organizaționale în domeniul securității și apărării și, prin urmare, ca modalitate de consolidare a rezilienței naționale.

Research paper thumbnail of Strategic Human Resource Management a Milestone for Integrity Building in Public Administration

Editura Academiei Forțelor Aeriene „Henri Coandă”, 2019

Public administration is more often than not a much coveted haven that provides safe and secure j... more Public administration is more often than not a much coveted haven that provides safe and secure jobs along with long life employment especially in countries where reform in the field has not been yet undertaken or where it has failed to produce envisaged outcomes. In such cases, bureaucracy and underfunding are the most common malaises impacting the field and generating integrity issues such as nepotism, cronyism, and misappropriation of funds, to mention just few. Additionally, even in countries where reforms have been undertaken and reported successful such as UK and USA, the business oriented approach to public administration in its turn was found to be afflicted by undesirable effects such as difficulties with internal effort coordination and cohesion, as well as "a weakened public ethos within government" (Gerhard Hammerschmid 2016, 2). The premise underlying this article is that streamlining public bureaucracy and building integrity based frameworks require a strategic management approach at organization level. Consequently, among other initiatives in this respect, strategic human resource management approached from the perspective of governance principles and values may contribute to the transformation of public administration transformation, and hence to allowing efforts in this field to truly become means to ends and not just an end in itself.

Research paper thumbnail of CODREANU, VASILESCU GMR

Gandirea Militara Romaneasca, 2022

Leadershipul, alături de disciplină, etică, cultură organizațională și practici de socializare sp... more Leadershipul, alături de disciplină, etică, cultură organizațională și practici
de socializare specifice domeniului militar, reprezintă unul dintre pilonii de
bază ai profesiei militare (Brown, Treviño, 2006). Ca atare, leadershipul
militar profesionist devine centrul de greutate în abordările strategice.
Un exemplu marcant în acest sens este Strategia Militară a României (2021, pp. 3-4), conform căreia leadershipul profesionist se constituie în mijloc de asigurare a rezilienței organizaționale și naționale în condiții de volatilitate, complexitate și incertitudine. Pe aceeași direcție a stabilirii unei relații de condiționare reciprocă între leadershipul militar și conceptul de reziliență, Strategia Naţională de Apărare a Ţării pentru perioada 2020-2024 (2020, p. 32) menționează reziliența în calitate de componentă a dimensiunii de apărare și ca direcție de acțiune inclusă pe agenda cooperării NATO-UE și asumată de România. Pornind de la premisa statuată prin documentele amintite, conform căreia leadershipul militar profesionist este esențial în abordarea provocărilor viitoare din domeniul securității și apărării, articolul de față are ca obiectiv discutarea formării profesionale a liderilor militari ca instrument și cale de acțiune în vederea asigurării rezilienței organizaționale în domeniul securității și apărării și, prin urmare, ca modalitate de consolidare a rezilienței naționale.

Research paper thumbnail of Interpersonal Communication Competence: Cultural Underpinnings

Journal of Defense Resources Management, 2012

The concepts of interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence an... more The concepts of interpersonal communication competence, intercultural communication competence and intercultural competence are prone to frequent misunderstanding as a result of an epistemic field that does not draw clear cut distinctions among the disciplines the former are subject of. With a view to facilitating future research in the fields of the aforementioned concepts, this paper will focus on their operationalization by delineating not only the differences among them, but also their inherent marginal overlapping.

Research paper thumbnail of Politeness in Requests: Some Research Findings Relevant for Intercultural Encounters

The major aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness ... more The major aim of this article is to analyze the relationship between indirectness and politeness in requests. The research project supporting the fi ndings of the paper was undertaken in order to fi nd out to what extent politeness and indirectness are viewed as overlapping or mutually excluding categories by Romanians compared to other nationalities, such as the British and the Hebrew. Another inherent goal of the paper is to provide an example of the socio linguistics instruments that can be employed in the investigation of the differences and similarities likely to emerge in intercultural encounters. Thus, we believe that only through similar research undertaken in the fi elds contributing to the emerging fi eld of interculturality one can actually trespass the theoretical assumptions and move on to the identifi cation of the right tools and means through which intercultural discourse to be approached at a pragmatic level and thus better understood and taught in educational estab...

Research paper thumbnail of Equality and E-Quality in Education – Worlds Apart or Clicks Apart?

Abstract: The ever growing impact of information and communication technologies upon education, i... more Abstract: The ever growing impact of information and communication technologies upon education, in general, and thinking patterns, in particular, plays an essential role in developing the pool of future intellectual capital. However, acquiring skills and knowledge under such circumstances poses specific difficulties both in terms of the learners ’ access to IT equipment, and in terms of their ability to use it. Moreover, the age-based discrepancies – among other things – generate extra-challenges to this category of education beneficiaries. In the aftermath of this assumption, the hereby article examines the impact of e-learning upon the quality of the teaching activity, as well as upon the extent to which the educator can enhance the level of equal opportunities provided to the learners by applying modern teaching techniques and procedures. After analyzing the pros and cons of the aspects mentioned above, the article will attempt to conclude upon the compatibility or, on the contra...

Research paper thumbnail of Managementul Programelor Educaţionale Destinate Adulţilor În Contextul Dezvoltării Durabile

Research paper thumbnail of Redefining Community in Intercultural Context THE INTERCULTURAL EXPERIENCE ACQUIRED IN MILITARY OPERATIONS. ANOTHER PASSAGE TO I(NDIA)?

Abstract: The spectrum of military operations conducted in various geographical areas by coalitio... more Abstract: The spectrum of military operations conducted in various geographical areas by coalitions of the willing or by alliances has widened as much as the increasing number of risks and challenges raised


Journal of Defense Resources Management, 2021

Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and va... more Conceptual definitions are of utmost importance when identifying and describing dimensions and variables needed for conceptual operationalization. That is all the more true for the very fashionable term of resilience considering the litmus test it needs to survive under the constraints and challenges raised by the current Covid-19 pandemics. Consequently, the tenet of this article is that for concepts to become reality, they first need to be translated into formal standards and frameworks guiding action at multiple levels. As a result, the aim of the paper is that, by employing a system based approach and a multi-level investigation into the concept of resilience to lay the minimum grounds for nuancing the definition of resilience at organization level.