William B. Ware | University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill (original) (raw)

Papers by William B. Ware

Research paper thumbnail of A note on the inappropriate use of statistical significance as a criterion of success in planning and interpreting results of evaluation studies

School Research Information Quarterly, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Measures of Home Environment and Intelligence Scores

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral objectives and accountability: A confused issue

JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1975

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Research paper thumbnail of Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA) 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Research: Vertical Diffusion in a Family-Centered Intervention Program

Childhood Education, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of student ratings of teaching assistants and faculty members

American Educational Research Journal, 1978

Seven hundred and ninety-nine students in 36 sections of undergraduate analytic geometry and calc... more Seven hundred and ninety-nine students in 36 sections of undergraduate analytic geometry and calculus completed an achievement test in both pre and post conditions and an instructor rating instrument in the post condition. Nineteen of the sections were taught by sixteen teaching assistants and seventeen classes by sixteen full-time faculty members. The data were analyzed separately for teaching assistants and full-time faculty. Students rated teaching assistants and faculty members in a similar fashion, both in terms of the level of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of two models for predicting mathematics performance: Social learning versus math aptitude–anxiety

Journal of Counseling Psychology, Oct 1, 1985

1. Contrasted the ability of 2 theoretical models to explain the mathematics final examination pe... more 1. Contrasted the ability of 2 theoretical models to explain the mathematics final examination performance of 97 female and 46 male undergraduates. The 1st model, comprising A. Bandura's (1977) social-learning theory variables, included situationally specific mathematics skills (previous course examination grades), incentives, self-efficacy expectations, and outcomes expectations. These data were collected immediately prior to the final examination. The 2nd model, the mathematics aptitude–anxiety model, included ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Career self-efficacy expectations and perceived range of career options in community college students

Journal of Counseling Psychology, Apr 1, 1987

1. The first purpose of the present study was to explore the relation of socioeconomic status (SE... more 1. The first purpose of the present study was to explore the relation of socioeconomic status (SES), race, gender, career self-efficacy, career interests, and sex role orientation to career-choice range in female–male, and non-gender-dominated careers. The second purpose was to determine the relation of SES, race, sex role orientation, gender, and career interests to career self-efficacy. Results indicated that career interest and career self-efficacy expectations significantly predicted range of perceived career options above and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Carolina Record of Individual Behavior: Characteristics of handicapped infants and children

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 1982

1. Validated the Carolina Record of Individual Behavior (CRIB) through correlative and factor ana... more 1. Validated the Carolina Record of Individual Behavior (CRIB) through correlative and factor analyses of data on 360 handicapped Ss (CAs 3–89 mo; developmental ages 1–60 mo). It is concluded that the CRIB holds promise as a tool for assessing the behavioral characteristics of young handicapped children.(27 ref)(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing single-case data: The power of randomization tests

The Journal of Experimental Education, 1995

Randomization tests have been proposed as a valid method for analyzing the data of single-case de... more Randomization tests have been proposed as a valid method for analyzing the data of single-case designs. In this study, the power of randomization tests was systematically examined for typical designs that rely on the random assignment of interventions within the sequence of observations. A 30-observation AB design, a 32-observation ABAB design, and a multiple-baseline AB design with 15 observations on each of four individuals were studied. Four levels of autocorrelation were considered, as well as six effect sizes, ranging from 0.0 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Promoting the adaptation of military families: An empirical test of a community practice model

Family Relations, 2003

Background The focus of this investigation is consistent with the tenets of evidence-based practi... more Background The focus of this investigation is consistent with the tenets of evidence-based practice (Gambrill, 1999); the increasing calls to test theories of change as guides to practice (Connell & Kubisch, 2001); and the new forms of collaboration that have developed between academic researchers and community practitioners in designing and evaluating community-building efforts (Doherty, 2000; Naparstek & Dooley, 1997). AF policy and program leaders are looking for evidence that the targets of their community-based interventions have ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Patient Reactions Assessment: A brief measure of the quality of the patient-provider medical relationship

Psychological Assessment, Sep 1, 1992

1. Reports 3 studies in the development of the Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA). The PRA is com... more 1. Reports 3 studies in the development of the Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA). The PRA is composed of 3 5-item scales designed to measure the perceived quality of the informative (Patient Information Index) and affective (Patient Affective Index) behaviors of the provider and the patient's perceived ability to initiate communication (Patient Communication Index) about the illness. The PRA was constructed according to factor-analytic procedures using cancer patients as Ss. The PRA and its subscales ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reliability of Observations of Young Children's Engagement An Application of Generalizability Theory

Journal of Early Intervention, 1994

The reliability of measurement of how young children spend their time has traditionally been comp... more The reliability of measurement of how young children spend their time has traditionally been computed in terms of interobserver exact agreement This study sought to apply generalizability theory to the measurement of engagement Forty-seven young children, 15 of whom had disabilities, were observed four times in their child care setting. Types and levels of engagement were coded by three raters. Using ANOVA procedures for determining the relative contribution of different sources of error, a fully crossed (with ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Time series analysis for single-subject designs

Psychological Bulletin, 1982

1. Suggests that the result of most interest in many single-S designs is change in behavioral tre... more 1. Suggests that the result of most interest in many single-S designs is change in behavioral trends. Trend lines, however, would differ if the experiment were repeated. Recently developed theory on combining least squares regression and time series modeling provides (a) accurate description of trends and other patterns and (b) tests of generality for observed trends. An illustrative application resulted in adequate models for 2 experimental phases and strong evidence that the direction of behavior was reversed. Restrictions on ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The reliability and validity of the School Success Profile Learning Organization measure

Evaluation and Program Planning, Feb 28, 2006

The learning organization concept has increasing significance for public schools, in the context ... more The learning organization concept has increasing significance for public schools, in the context of higher standards for student performance. Unfortunately, the concept suffers from definitional ambiguity, and few quantitative tools are available to support its assessment or to inform program planning and evaluation efforts. In the context of a larger evaluation, the present article examines the reliability and validity of a new measure of organizational learning: the School Success Profile-Learning Organization (SSP-LO). The reliability and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Student Evaluation of College Teaching Behaviors instrument: A factor analysis

Journal of Higher Education, 1974

Most current college teaching evaluation instruments require the student to indicate the degree t... more Most current college teaching evaluation instruments require the student to indicate the degree to which a statement is characteristic of an instructor. Instruments like the widely-used Purdue Instructor Performance Indicator [9] usually employ a forced-choice format that asks the student to make somewhat global assessments of the instructor's characteristics. This approach has somewhat severe limitations in terms of student response sets and instructor halo effect. An instrument that attempts to overcome these problems should:(1) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using randomization tests with responsive single-case designs

Behaviour research and therapy, Sep 30, 1994

Randomization tests have been proposed as a statistical method for analyzing the data from single... more Randomization tests have been proposed as a statistical method for analyzing the data from single-case designs. A case is made for incorporating a responsive element into randomized designs. A partially responsive, partially randomized single-case design is presented, and an example is given to illustrate the design and the corresponding randomization test.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the functioning of schools as learning organizations

Children & Schools, Oct 1, 2007

In the context of current efforts to increase student performance and to close the significant ga... more In the context of current efforts to increase student performance and to close the significant gaps in performance among student subgroups, school researchers and practitioners are paying increasing attention to schools as learning organizations. Unfortunately, the concept of the learning organization is generally vague, and school personnel have few tools available to support its assessment and to inform intervention strategies. Using data from the population of employees in 11 middle schools in North ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neighborhood Social Disorganization, Families, and the Educational Behavior of Adolescents

Journal of Adolescent Research, 2002

Using data on 1,757 middle and high school students from a nationally representative sample, rela... more Using data on 1,757 middle and high school students from a nationally representative sample, relationships among youth perceptions of neighborhood characteristics, parenting processes, and their own school behavior, attendance, and grades were tested using structural equation modeling. A model with direct neighborhood effects on selfreported educational behavior as well as indirect effects mediated through perceptions of supportive parenting and parental educational support fit the data well in calibration and validation samples. Perceived neighborhood social disorganization exerted a larger effect than did family processes on self-reported educational behavior. The importance of including measures of neighborhood environment in future research on educational outcomes is discussed in the context of their substantial contribution in the present investigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting African-American Participation in AIDS Research

JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2000

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Research paper thumbnail of A note on the inappropriate use of statistical significance as a criterion of success in planning and interpreting results of evaluation studies

School Research Information Quarterly, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of Relationship Between Measures of Home Environment and Intelligence Scores

PsycEXTRA Dataset

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Research paper thumbnail of Behavioral objectives and accountability: A confused issue

JSAS Catalog of Selected Documents in Psychology, 1975

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Research paper thumbnail of Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA) 1992

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Research paper thumbnail of Research: Vertical Diffusion in a Family-Centered Intervention Program

Childhood Education, 1974

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of student ratings of teaching assistants and faculty members

American Educational Research Journal, 1978

Seven hundred and ninety-nine students in 36 sections of undergraduate analytic geometry and calc... more Seven hundred and ninety-nine students in 36 sections of undergraduate analytic geometry and calculus completed an achievement test in both pre and post conditions and an instructor rating instrument in the post condition. Nineteen of the sections were taught by sixteen teaching assistants and seventeen classes by sixteen full-time faculty members. The data were analyzed separately for teaching assistants and full-time faculty. Students rated teaching assistants and faculty members in a similar fashion, both in terms of the level of ...

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Research paper thumbnail of A comparison of two models for predicting mathematics performance: Social learning versus math aptitude–anxiety

Journal of Counseling Psychology, Oct 1, 1985

1. Contrasted the ability of 2 theoretical models to explain the mathematics final examination pe... more 1. Contrasted the ability of 2 theoretical models to explain the mathematics final examination performance of 97 female and 46 male undergraduates. The 1st model, comprising A. Bandura's (1977) social-learning theory variables, included situationally specific mathematics skills (previous course examination grades), incentives, self-efficacy expectations, and outcomes expectations. These data were collected immediately prior to the final examination. The 2nd model, the mathematics aptitude–anxiety model, included ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Career self-efficacy expectations and perceived range of career options in community college students

Journal of Counseling Psychology, Apr 1, 1987

1. The first purpose of the present study was to explore the relation of socioeconomic status (SE... more 1. The first purpose of the present study was to explore the relation of socioeconomic status (SES), race, gender, career self-efficacy, career interests, and sex role orientation to career-choice range in female–male, and non-gender-dominated careers. The second purpose was to determine the relation of SES, race, sex role orientation, gender, and career interests to career self-efficacy. Results indicated that career interest and career self-efficacy expectations significantly predicted range of perceived career options above and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Carolina Record of Individual Behavior: Characteristics of handicapped infants and children

Topics in Early Childhood Special Education, 1982

1. Validated the Carolina Record of Individual Behavior (CRIB) through correlative and factor ana... more 1. Validated the Carolina Record of Individual Behavior (CRIB) through correlative and factor analyses of data on 360 handicapped Ss (CAs 3–89 mo; developmental ages 1–60 mo). It is concluded that the CRIB holds promise as a tool for assessing the behavioral characteristics of young handicapped children.(27 ref)(PsycINFO Database Record (c) 2011 APA, all rights reserved)

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Research paper thumbnail of Analyzing single-case data: The power of randomization tests

The Journal of Experimental Education, 1995

Randomization tests have been proposed as a valid method for analyzing the data of single-case de... more Randomization tests have been proposed as a valid method for analyzing the data of single-case designs. In this study, the power of randomization tests was systematically examined for typical designs that rely on the random assignment of interventions within the sequence of observations. A 30-observation AB design, a 32-observation ABAB design, and a multiple-baseline AB design with 15 observations on each of four individuals were studied. Four levels of autocorrelation were considered, as well as six effect sizes, ranging from 0.0 ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Promoting the adaptation of military families: An empirical test of a community practice model

Family Relations, 2003

Background The focus of this investigation is consistent with the tenets of evidence-based practi... more Background The focus of this investigation is consistent with the tenets of evidence-based practice (Gambrill, 1999); the increasing calls to test theories of change as guides to practice (Connell & Kubisch, 2001); and the new forms of collaboration that have developed between academic researchers and community practitioners in designing and evaluating community-building efforts (Doherty, 2000; Naparstek & Dooley, 1997). AF policy and program leaders are looking for evidence that the targets of their community-based interventions have ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Patient Reactions Assessment: A brief measure of the quality of the patient-provider medical relationship

Psychological Assessment, Sep 1, 1992

1. Reports 3 studies in the development of the Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA). The PRA is com... more 1. Reports 3 studies in the development of the Patient Reactions Assessment (PRA). The PRA is composed of 3 5-item scales designed to measure the perceived quality of the informative (Patient Information Index) and affective (Patient Affective Index) behaviors of the provider and the patient's perceived ability to initiate communication (Patient Communication Index) about the illness. The PRA was constructed according to factor-analytic procedures using cancer patients as Ss. The PRA and its subscales ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The Reliability of Observations of Young Children's Engagement An Application of Generalizability Theory

Journal of Early Intervention, 1994

The reliability of measurement of how young children spend their time has traditionally been comp... more The reliability of measurement of how young children spend their time has traditionally been computed in terms of interobserver exact agreement This study sought to apply generalizability theory to the measurement of engagement Forty-seven young children, 15 of whom had disabilities, were observed four times in their child care setting. Types and levels of engagement were coded by three raters. Using ANOVA procedures for determining the relative contribution of different sources of error, a fully crossed (with ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Time series analysis for single-subject designs

Psychological Bulletin, 1982

1. Suggests that the result of most interest in many single-S designs is change in behavioral tre... more 1. Suggests that the result of most interest in many single-S designs is change in behavioral trends. Trend lines, however, would differ if the experiment were repeated. Recently developed theory on combining least squares regression and time series modeling provides (a) accurate description of trends and other patterns and (b) tests of generality for observed trends. An illustrative application resulted in adequate models for 2 experimental phases and strong evidence that the direction of behavior was reversed. Restrictions on ...

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Research paper thumbnail of The reliability and validity of the School Success Profile Learning Organization measure

Evaluation and Program Planning, Feb 28, 2006

The learning organization concept has increasing significance for public schools, in the context ... more The learning organization concept has increasing significance for public schools, in the context of higher standards for student performance. Unfortunately, the concept suffers from definitional ambiguity, and few quantitative tools are available to support its assessment or to inform program planning and evaluation efforts. In the context of a larger evaluation, the present article examines the reliability and validity of a new measure of organizational learning: the School Success Profile-Learning Organization (SSP-LO). The reliability and ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Student Evaluation of College Teaching Behaviors instrument: A factor analysis

Journal of Higher Education, 1974

Most current college teaching evaluation instruments require the student to indicate the degree t... more Most current college teaching evaluation instruments require the student to indicate the degree to which a statement is characteristic of an instructor. Instruments like the widely-used Purdue Instructor Performance Indicator [9] usually employ a forced-choice format that asks the student to make somewhat global assessments of the instructor's characteristics. This approach has somewhat severe limitations in terms of student response sets and instructor halo effect. An instrument that attempts to overcome these problems should:(1) ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Using randomization tests with responsive single-case designs

Behaviour research and therapy, Sep 30, 1994

Randomization tests have been proposed as a statistical method for analyzing the data from single... more Randomization tests have been proposed as a statistical method for analyzing the data from single-case designs. A case is made for incorporating a responsive element into randomized designs. A partially responsive, partially randomized single-case design is presented, and an example is given to illustrate the design and the corresponding randomization test.

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Research paper thumbnail of Assessing the functioning of schools as learning organizations

Children & Schools, Oct 1, 2007

In the context of current efforts to increase student performance and to close the significant ga... more In the context of current efforts to increase student performance and to close the significant gaps in performance among student subgroups, school researchers and practitioners are paying increasing attention to schools as learning organizations. Unfortunately, the concept of the learning organization is generally vague, and school personnel have few tools available to support its assessment and to inform intervention strategies. Using data from the population of employees in 11 middle schools in North ...

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Research paper thumbnail of Neighborhood Social Disorganization, Families, and the Educational Behavior of Adolescents

Journal of Adolescent Research, 2002

Using data on 1,757 middle and high school students from a nationally representative sample, rela... more Using data on 1,757 middle and high school students from a nationally representative sample, relationships among youth perceptions of neighborhood characteristics, parenting processes, and their own school behavior, attendance, and grades were tested using structural equation modeling. A model with direct neighborhood effects on selfreported educational behavior as well as indirect effects mediated through perceptions of supportive parenting and parental educational support fit the data well in calibration and validation samples. Perceived neighborhood social disorganization exerted a larger effect than did family processes on self-reported educational behavior. The importance of including measures of neighborhood environment in future research on educational outcomes is discussed in the context of their substantial contribution in the present investigation.

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Research paper thumbnail of Factors Affecting African-American Participation in AIDS Research

JAIDS Journal of Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndromes, 2000

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