shofan fiangga | Unesa - (original) (raw)
Papers by shofan fiangga
Jurnal Anugerah
Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis p... more Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek (Project Based Learning - PjBL) untuk mendukung pengembangan karakter sesuai dengan Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Pembelajaran berbasis Proyek (PjBL) menjadi fokus utama pada Kurikulum Merdeka. Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, sekolah diberikan keleluasaan dan kemerdekaan untuk memberikan proyek-proyek pembelajaran yang relevan dan dekat dengan lingkungan sekolah. Salah satu inovasi pembelajaran yang bisa dikembangkan adalah pendekatan Matematika Realistik (Realistic Mathematics - RM). RM sebagai suatu pendekatan mampu membuat PjBL menjadi pembelajaran yang efektif terutama dalam peningkatan kemampuan numerasi. Kenyataannya, masih banyak guru yang kesulitan dalam berinovasi dan mengembangkan PjBL. Pelatihan kali ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran guru yang terkait pengembangan pembelajaran RM-PjBL. Workshop ini dilakukan dalam luring dan daring asynchronous. Pada kegiatan l...
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Undiksha
Penalaran merupakan salah satu proses berpikir yang dilakukan manusia dalam menyelesaiakan atau m... more Penalaran merupakan salah satu proses berpikir yang dilakukan manusia dalam menyelesaiakan atau memecahkan masalah. Gaya belajar yang dimiliki siswa mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan kemampuan penalaran dalam pemecahan masalah ditinjau dari gaya belajar visual, auditorial, dan kinestetik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan instrumen tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga subjek visual, auditorial, maupun kinestetik yang memiliki kemampuan penalaran matematika paling baik yakni subjek bergaya belajar visual. Kemampuan penalaran matematika yang dimiliki subjek visual termasuk kategori tinggi karena memiliki kemampuan memahami masalah, membuat rencana, melaksanakan rencana, dan mampu menuliskan kesimpulan dengan kesalahan menjawab dua soal. Sedangkan subjek auditorial dan kinestetik memiliki kemampuan penalaran matematika...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
A number of international assessments result in Indonesian students’ low achievement in mathemati... more A number of international assessments result in Indonesian students’ low achievement in mathematics. One substantial factor that affects to the inadequate achievement is the quality of the mathematics teachers. In 2007, teacher certification was launched by the government concerning the improvement program for teachers’ qualifications. Nevertheless, the program still struggling to foster the teachers’ quality. One fundamental aspect that constitutes to the teachers’ qualification is a Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). This study aims to analyze the pre-service teacher PCK from the designed learning materials. This content analysis uses the learning materials which are the final product developed by the pre-service mathematics teachers. The framework from both Maher and Chick are used for analyzing the Clearly PCK categorization. Document analysis was used to obtain the data. The result suggests that pre-service teachers lack the ability to consider the students thin...
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
The discrete Morrey space m_(u,p) is a generalization of the p-summable sequence space l^p. We ha... more The discrete Morrey space m_(u,p) is a generalization of the p-summable sequence space l^p. We have known that the space is a normed space, but the space m_(u,p) equipped with the usual norm is not an inner product space for p is not equal to 2. In this paper, we shall show that this space is actually contained in an inner product space. That means this space equipped with the inner product is an inner product space. The relationship between a standard norm on and the inner product is studied.
Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi kecerdasan buatan berkembang pesat, salah satunya yaitu chatbot. M... more Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi kecerdasan buatan berkembang pesat, salah satunya yaitu chatbot. Meningkatnya intensitas percakapan digital mendorong berbagai pihak untuk mengembangkan potensi chatbot pada berbagai bidang, termasuk bidang pendidikan. Chatbot pada bidang pendidikan dapat dikembangkan untuk membuat kuis interaktif & tanya jawab otomatis, serta sebagai media yang dapat memberikan informasi secara instan sesuai dengan yang diminta oleh pengguna saat kapan saja dan dapat dapat diakses melalui ponsel pintar atau komputer. Oleh karena itu chatbot dapat menjadi alternatif media pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan chatbot berbasis web sebagai media pembelajaran matematika pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel yang layak digunakan dengan memenuhi kriteria kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan analisis data secara kuantitatif. Langkah penelitian ...
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Calon guru matematika masa depan perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam mendisain pembelajaran matematika... more Calon guru matematika masa depan perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam mendisain pembelajaran matematika yang mendukung siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan literasi matematis. Dari berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang ada, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang bisa mendukung kemampuan literasi matematis siswa. Artikel ini bertujuan membahas pengembangan buku yang menjadi rujukan guru/calon guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran RME yang inovatif. Model pengembangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Plomp dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan buku ajar oleh Muslich. Buku Ajar yang dihasilkan menambahkan contoh-contoh praktik implementasi Matematika Realistik yang lebih variatif dan memberikan ilustrasi untuk tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA. Proses pengembangan buku ajar ini sudah melalui proses pengembangan buku ajar mata kuliah mulai dari analisis kebutuhan buku ajar yang berasal dari kesalahan-kesalahan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran RME dan analisis buku referensi RME yang ada di Indonesia. Dari tahapan analisis kebutuhan, disusun peta bahan ajar dan rencana konten digital, Pada tahapan selanjutnya, buku ajar disusun dengan dilengkapi konten digital. Untuk kelayakan buku ajar dilakukan uji kevalidan dan uji keterbacaan, Validitas buku ajar mata kuliah Matematika Kontekstual bermuatan konten digital untuk mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Matematika Kontekstual ini pada aspek isi, format, Bahasa dan ilustrasi memenuhi kriteria baik. Sedangkan untuk hasil keterbacaan mencapai level baik kecuali pada beberapa pilihan kata masih belum baku.
Inviting the students to actively be involved in developing knowledge is the main issue in mathem... more Inviting the students to actively be involved in developing knowledge is the main issue in mathematics education. The ability to deliver a good opportunity-to-learn task becomes important for mathematics teachers. Developing a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) has become the way for activating students’ learning involvement. This study aims to analyze the pre-service mathematics teachers’ design of HLT. This content analysis was carried out to analyze the quality of HLT developed by the participants who are second-year students enrolled in Realistic Mathematics Learning Course. The framework of analyzing HLT considering aspects of learning objectives, learning activities, and conjectures of the learning process, was used for analyzing the categorization of the HLT. Document analysis was used to obtain the data. The result suggests that pre-service teachers cannot consider the students thinking and their misconception to develop effective teaching strategies which are an importa...
Most of the teachings in the topic of area measurement tend to give the formula too early to the ... more Most of the teachings in the topic of area measurement tend to give the formula too early to the students. This situation results the condition where the teaching of the teacher is not appropriate with what the students understand in their state results what van Hiele called as mismatch situation. The students could not have the meaning of measuring area except remembering formula. This situation should be administered properly by developing a well design learning activities that could help the students to understand area conservation in area measurement. To develop a good local instructional theory, RME theory suggests that we must apply the parts of each constructed among guided reinvention, didactical phenomenology, and emergent modeling well. Here, the model of tangram by using “price” is developed to reason with the concept of area especially for the big idea of conservation. Then, we expect that it will become the model for reasoning the concepts of area and help them to solve area related problems. The study has been conducting by framing the learning design on the aforementioned as the guideline to develop the local instructional theory. The ongoing analysis on this study suggests that area conservation for 9-10 year-old pupils is a difficult task. They tend to still use mechanistic reasoning than logical reasoning. By what I mean, they have difficulty in reasoning logically using geometrical picture or drawing. Thus, they could use the price and calculate the total as the reasoning (mechanistic approach). However, they have a better performance in doing area conservation using geometrical reasoning when they deal directly with hands-on activity using geometrical figure (tangram puzzle). This finding is also parallel with the first 2 levels development of van Hiele’s level of geometrical reasoning, visualization and Analysis. The ongoing analysis also suggests that the use of scaffolding is important to help the students in measuring an area using the concept of area conservation. Keywords: Area Conservation, Tangram, Van Hiele, Realistic Mathematics Education
Jurnal Anugerah
The change in curriculum aims to improve the quality of content and learning. One of the backgrou... more The change in curriculum aims to improve the quality of content and learning. One of the backgrounds of the curriculum revision is based on international tests on students’ competency and literation, such as PISA. In PISA, literacy-numeracy becomes one of the essential evaluation of mathematics competency. Therefore, the use of literacy problems should be administered in the primary school class. In order to implement the literacy-numeracy problem in the class well, the teachers are required to be able to develop functional literacy problems. This workshop on writing literacy-numeracy for elementary teachers in Ponorogo City was conducted in three stages. The first stage collected the fundamental knowledge of the teachers about what they understand about literacy-numeracy. The second stage was a discussion about the literacy-numeracy and its both background and classroom implementation, especially in elementary school. The last stage was the teachers’ workshop in arranging the liter...
Journal on Mathematics Education
This study aimed to determine the cognitive process employed in problem-solving related to the co... more This study aimed to determine the cognitive process employed in problem-solving related to the concept of area conservation for seventh graders. Two students with different mathematical ability were chosen to be the subjects of this research. Each of them was the representative of high achievers and low achievers based on a set of area conservation test. Results indicate that both samples performed more cyclic processes on formulating solution planning, regulating solution part and detecting and correcting error during the problem-solving. However, it was found that the high achiever student performed some processes than those of low achiever. Also, while the high achiever student did not predict any outcomes of his formulated strategies, the low achiever did not carry out the thought process after detecting errors of the initial solution gained. About the concept of area conservation, the finding also reveals that within the samples’ cognitive processes, the use of area formula com...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy abilities of junior high schoo... more The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy abilities of junior high school students in solving PISA questions in terms of visual learning styles. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive subject with three junior high school students who have different types of visual learning styles. Data collection was carried out with a learning style questionnaire and PISA test questions. The results of this study indicate that of the three research subjects obtained by one subject with pure visual learning style can solve all PISA questions on the three basic mathematical literacy abilities, namely in the formulate, employ, and interpret processes. Whereas subjects with visual-auditory learning styles and subjects with visual-kinesthetic learning styles have the same mathematical literacy abilities. Both subjects can solve PISA questions with the formulate and employ process categories, but cannot solve the questions in the interpret process.
The concept of circles is an ancient concept that has appeared since Ancient Egypt from which thi... more The concept of circles is an ancient concept that has appeared since Ancient Egypt from which this concept gives many significant contributions in mathematics' development until now. Nevertheless, the concept of circles hides many uncover mysterious features that are of applications in mathematics. One of the mysterious features is the Nine-Point Circle. This Nine-point circle is also known as Euler's circle, six-point circle, Feuerbach's circle, the twelve-point circle, and many others. Because of these different names, there have been misunderstand among mathematicians about the Nine-Point Circle's history. Besides, the discussion of Nine-Point Circle can be used to be an initial material to explain elementary geometry topic in junior high school's level curriculum of 2013. Therefore, this concept needs to be delivered to the students as a geometry introduction. A possible form of the integration historical aspect of Nine-point circle is suggested in this paper...
History of mathematics discuss es a historical aspect of mathematics concepts since its appearanc... more History of mathematics discuss es a historical aspect of mathematics concepts since its appearance and development through ages . Understanding the background of why a certain concept appear s in mathematics, an innovation in teaching and learning material may be developed. The historical aspect of mathematics concept can be used as guided reinvention activities for the children to learn the concept. This idea is in line with what stated in curriculum 2013. However, to implement in curriculum 2013, there is no feasible framework that can be used to work on. One perspective that can be used in this implementation is phylogenensis and ontogenesis perspective. In this paper a discussion on how phylogenesis and ontogenesis may be used to implement the history in teaching mathematics will be presented. In addition, an example on how a history can be used as reference in learning is provided.
Area Conservation is one of the basic geometry concept which is very important to be mastered as ... more Area Conservation is one of the basic geometry concept which is very important to be mastered as prerequiste knowledge for studying area concept in primary school. Knowing the concept of area conservation is giving opportunities for them exploring reasoning skill and limiting the use of formula at the early stage. This research is gaining information about student’conception of proof task by using area conservation problem. We identify and gather student task for finding out their conception in developing reasoning skill in verifying their conjecture on proof tasks. A sample students was chosen by their differences on cognitive styles, field dependent and field independent, by applying GEFT (Group Embedded Figure Test) adopted from Witkin. The data are analyzed by time triangulation, descriptive qualitative research design, for describing student’s concept of area conservation in solving proof task. The result shows that field independent student have more concept of area conservati...
Jurnal Ilmiah Soulmath : Jurnal Edukasi Pendidikan Matematika
Representation is the embodiment of a student's idea of a problem, and representation is used... more Representation is the embodiment of a student's idea of a problem, and representation is used to assist students in solving the problem. This research is qualitative research that aims to analyze students' representational abilities in solving problems of a two-dimensional figure. The research instrument consisted of test questions with two-dimensional figure material and interviews. The research subjects were 2 junior high school students in Surabaya City who had different representational abilities. The results showed that students had moderate representational abilities because they gave rise to 2 indicators of representational ability, namely indicators of verbal and symbolic representation in different ways of conveying, but the two subjects had not yet produced indicators of visual representation. Keywords: Representation ability, junior high school, two-dimensional figure Abstrak Representasi adalah perwujudan ide dari seorang siswa terhadap suatu masalah, dan repre...
Jurnal Anugerah
Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis p... more Kurikulum Merdeka merupakan kurikulum berbasis kompetensi yang menerapkan pembelajaran berbasis proyek (Project Based Learning - PjBL) untuk mendukung pengembangan karakter sesuai dengan Profil Pelajar Pancasila. Pembelajaran berbasis Proyek (PjBL) menjadi fokus utama pada Kurikulum Merdeka. Dalam Kurikulum Merdeka, sekolah diberikan keleluasaan dan kemerdekaan untuk memberikan proyek-proyek pembelajaran yang relevan dan dekat dengan lingkungan sekolah. Salah satu inovasi pembelajaran yang bisa dikembangkan adalah pendekatan Matematika Realistik (Realistic Mathematics - RM). RM sebagai suatu pendekatan mampu membuat PjBL menjadi pembelajaran yang efektif terutama dalam peningkatan kemampuan numerasi. Kenyataannya, masih banyak guru yang kesulitan dalam berinovasi dan mengembangkan PjBL. Pelatihan kali ini bertujuan untuk meningkatkan kualitas pembelajaran guru yang terkait pengembangan pembelajaran RM-PjBL. Workshop ini dilakukan dalam luring dan daring asynchronous. Pada kegiatan l...
Jurnal Pendidikan Matematika Undiksha
Penalaran merupakan salah satu proses berpikir yang dilakukan manusia dalam menyelesaiakan atau m... more Penalaran merupakan salah satu proses berpikir yang dilakukan manusia dalam menyelesaiakan atau memecahkan masalah. Gaya belajar yang dimiliki siswa mempunyai pengaruh yang signifikan terhadap kemampuan penalaran matematika. Penelitian ini bertujuan mendiskripsikan kemampuan penalaran dalam pemecahan masalah ditinjau dari gaya belajar visual, auditorial, dan kinestetik. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif dengan pendekatan kualitatif menggunakan instrumen tes dan wawancara. Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari ketiga subjek visual, auditorial, maupun kinestetik yang memiliki kemampuan penalaran matematika paling baik yakni subjek bergaya belajar visual. Kemampuan penalaran matematika yang dimiliki subjek visual termasuk kategori tinggi karena memiliki kemampuan memahami masalah, membuat rencana, melaksanakan rencana, dan mampu menuliskan kesimpulan dengan kesalahan menjawab dua soal. Sedangkan subjek auditorial dan kinestetik memiliki kemampuan penalaran matematika...
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2021
A number of international assessments result in Indonesian students’ low achievement in mathemati... more A number of international assessments result in Indonesian students’ low achievement in mathematics. One substantial factor that affects to the inadequate achievement is the quality of the mathematics teachers. In 2007, teacher certification was launched by the government concerning the improvement program for teachers’ qualifications. Nevertheless, the program still struggling to foster the teachers’ quality. One fundamental aspect that constitutes to the teachers’ qualification is a Pedagogical Content Knowledge (PCK). This study aims to analyze the pre-service teacher PCK from the designed learning materials. This content analysis uses the learning materials which are the final product developed by the pre-service mathematics teachers. The framework from both Maher and Chick are used for analyzing the Clearly PCK categorization. Document analysis was used to obtain the data. The result suggests that pre-service teachers lack the ability to consider the students thin...
European Journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics
The discrete Morrey space m_(u,p) is a generalization of the p-summable sequence space l^p. We ha... more The discrete Morrey space m_(u,p) is a generalization of the p-summable sequence space l^p. We have known that the space is a normed space, but the space m_(u,p) equipped with the usual norm is not an inner product space for p is not equal to 2. In this paper, we shall show that this space is actually contained in an inner product space. That means this space equipped with the inner product is an inner product space. The relationship between a standard norm on and the inner product is studied.
Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi kecerdasan buatan berkembang pesat, salah satunya yaitu chatbot. M... more Abstrak Perkembangan teknologi kecerdasan buatan berkembang pesat, salah satunya yaitu chatbot. Meningkatnya intensitas percakapan digital mendorong berbagai pihak untuk mengembangkan potensi chatbot pada berbagai bidang, termasuk bidang pendidikan. Chatbot pada bidang pendidikan dapat dikembangkan untuk membuat kuis interaktif & tanya jawab otomatis, serta sebagai media yang dapat memberikan informasi secara instan sesuai dengan yang diminta oleh pengguna saat kapan saja dan dapat dapat diakses melalui ponsel pintar atau komputer. Oleh karena itu chatbot dapat menjadi alternatif media pembelajaran yang interaktif dan menarik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan chatbot berbasis web sebagai media pembelajaran matematika pada materi sistem persamaan linear tiga variabel yang layak digunakan dengan memenuhi kriteria kevalidan, kepraktisan, dan keefektifan. Pendekatan yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan analisis data secara kuantitatif. Langkah penelitian ...
AKSIOMA: Jurnal Program Studi Pendidikan Matematika
Calon guru matematika masa depan perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam mendisain pembelajaran matematika... more Calon guru matematika masa depan perlu memiliki kemampuan dalam mendisain pembelajaran matematika yang mendukung siswa dalam mengembangkan kemampuan literasi matematis. Dari berbagai pendekatan pembelajaran yang ada, Realistic Mathematics Education (RME) merupakan salah satu pendekatan yang bisa mendukung kemampuan literasi matematis siswa. Artikel ini bertujuan membahas pengembangan buku yang menjadi rujukan guru/calon guru dalam melaksanakan pembelajaran RME yang inovatif. Model pengembangan pada penelitian ini menggunakan Plomp dengan langkah-langkah pengembangan buku ajar oleh Muslich. Buku Ajar yang dihasilkan menambahkan contoh-contoh praktik implementasi Matematika Realistik yang lebih variatif dan memberikan ilustrasi untuk tingkat SD, SMP dan SMA. Proses pengembangan buku ajar ini sudah melalui proses pengembangan buku ajar mata kuliah mulai dari analisis kebutuhan buku ajar yang berasal dari kesalahan-kesalahan mahasiswa dalam mengembangkan pembelajaran RME dan analisis buku referensi RME yang ada di Indonesia. Dari tahapan analisis kebutuhan, disusun peta bahan ajar dan rencana konten digital, Pada tahapan selanjutnya, buku ajar disusun dengan dilengkapi konten digital. Untuk kelayakan buku ajar dilakukan uji kevalidan dan uji keterbacaan, Validitas buku ajar mata kuliah Matematika Kontekstual bermuatan konten digital untuk mahasiswa pada mata kuliah Matematika Kontekstual ini pada aspek isi, format, Bahasa dan ilustrasi memenuhi kriteria baik. Sedangkan untuk hasil keterbacaan mencapai level baik kecuali pada beberapa pilihan kata masih belum baku.
Inviting the students to actively be involved in developing knowledge is the main issue in mathem... more Inviting the students to actively be involved in developing knowledge is the main issue in mathematics education. The ability to deliver a good opportunity-to-learn task becomes important for mathematics teachers. Developing a hypothetical learning trajectory (HLT) has become the way for activating students’ learning involvement. This study aims to analyze the pre-service mathematics teachers’ design of HLT. This content analysis was carried out to analyze the quality of HLT developed by the participants who are second-year students enrolled in Realistic Mathematics Learning Course. The framework of analyzing HLT considering aspects of learning objectives, learning activities, and conjectures of the learning process, was used for analyzing the categorization of the HLT. Document analysis was used to obtain the data. The result suggests that pre-service teachers cannot consider the students thinking and their misconception to develop effective teaching strategies which are an importa...
Most of the teachings in the topic of area measurement tend to give the formula too early to the ... more Most of the teachings in the topic of area measurement tend to give the formula too early to the students. This situation results the condition where the teaching of the teacher is not appropriate with what the students understand in their state results what van Hiele called as mismatch situation. The students could not have the meaning of measuring area except remembering formula. This situation should be administered properly by developing a well design learning activities that could help the students to understand area conservation in area measurement. To develop a good local instructional theory, RME theory suggests that we must apply the parts of each constructed among guided reinvention, didactical phenomenology, and emergent modeling well. Here, the model of tangram by using “price” is developed to reason with the concept of area especially for the big idea of conservation. Then, we expect that it will become the model for reasoning the concepts of area and help them to solve area related problems. The study has been conducting by framing the learning design on the aforementioned as the guideline to develop the local instructional theory. The ongoing analysis on this study suggests that area conservation for 9-10 year-old pupils is a difficult task. They tend to still use mechanistic reasoning than logical reasoning. By what I mean, they have difficulty in reasoning logically using geometrical picture or drawing. Thus, they could use the price and calculate the total as the reasoning (mechanistic approach). However, they have a better performance in doing area conservation using geometrical reasoning when they deal directly with hands-on activity using geometrical figure (tangram puzzle). This finding is also parallel with the first 2 levels development of van Hiele’s level of geometrical reasoning, visualization and Analysis. The ongoing analysis also suggests that the use of scaffolding is important to help the students in measuring an area using the concept of area conservation. Keywords: Area Conservation, Tangram, Van Hiele, Realistic Mathematics Education
Jurnal Anugerah
The change in curriculum aims to improve the quality of content and learning. One of the backgrou... more The change in curriculum aims to improve the quality of content and learning. One of the backgrounds of the curriculum revision is based on international tests on students’ competency and literation, such as PISA. In PISA, literacy-numeracy becomes one of the essential evaluation of mathematics competency. Therefore, the use of literacy problems should be administered in the primary school class. In order to implement the literacy-numeracy problem in the class well, the teachers are required to be able to develop functional literacy problems. This workshop on writing literacy-numeracy for elementary teachers in Ponorogo City was conducted in three stages. The first stage collected the fundamental knowledge of the teachers about what they understand about literacy-numeracy. The second stage was a discussion about the literacy-numeracy and its both background and classroom implementation, especially in elementary school. The last stage was the teachers’ workshop in arranging the liter...
Journal on Mathematics Education
This study aimed to determine the cognitive process employed in problem-solving related to the co... more This study aimed to determine the cognitive process employed in problem-solving related to the concept of area conservation for seventh graders. Two students with different mathematical ability were chosen to be the subjects of this research. Each of them was the representative of high achievers and low achievers based on a set of area conservation test. Results indicate that both samples performed more cyclic processes on formulating solution planning, regulating solution part and detecting and correcting error during the problem-solving. However, it was found that the high achiever student performed some processes than those of low achiever. Also, while the high achiever student did not predict any outcomes of his formulated strategies, the low achiever did not carry out the thought process after detecting errors of the initial solution gained. About the concept of area conservation, the finding also reveals that within the samples’ cognitive processes, the use of area formula com...
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research
The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy abilities of junior high schoo... more The purpose of this study is to describe the mathematical literacy abilities of junior high school students in solving PISA questions in terms of visual learning styles. This type of research is a qualitative descriptive subject with three junior high school students who have different types of visual learning styles. Data collection was carried out with a learning style questionnaire and PISA test questions. The results of this study indicate that of the three research subjects obtained by one subject with pure visual learning style can solve all PISA questions on the three basic mathematical literacy abilities, namely in the formulate, employ, and interpret processes. Whereas subjects with visual-auditory learning styles and subjects with visual-kinesthetic learning styles have the same mathematical literacy abilities. Both subjects can solve PISA questions with the formulate and employ process categories, but cannot solve the questions in the interpret process.
The concept of circles is an ancient concept that has appeared since Ancient Egypt from which thi... more The concept of circles is an ancient concept that has appeared since Ancient Egypt from which this concept gives many significant contributions in mathematics' development until now. Nevertheless, the concept of circles hides many uncover mysterious features that are of applications in mathematics. One of the mysterious features is the Nine-Point Circle. This Nine-point circle is also known as Euler's circle, six-point circle, Feuerbach's circle, the twelve-point circle, and many others. Because of these different names, there have been misunderstand among mathematicians about the Nine-Point Circle's history. Besides, the discussion of Nine-Point Circle can be used to be an initial material to explain elementary geometry topic in junior high school's level curriculum of 2013. Therefore, this concept needs to be delivered to the students as a geometry introduction. A possible form of the integration historical aspect of Nine-point circle is suggested in this paper...
History of mathematics discuss es a historical aspect of mathematics concepts since its appearanc... more History of mathematics discuss es a historical aspect of mathematics concepts since its appearance and development through ages . Understanding the background of why a certain concept appear s in mathematics, an innovation in teaching and learning material may be developed. The historical aspect of mathematics concept can be used as guided reinvention activities for the children to learn the concept. This idea is in line with what stated in curriculum 2013. However, to implement in curriculum 2013, there is no feasible framework that can be used to work on. One perspective that can be used in this implementation is phylogenensis and ontogenesis perspective. In this paper a discussion on how phylogenesis and ontogenesis may be used to implement the history in teaching mathematics will be presented. In addition, an example on how a history can be used as reference in learning is provided.
Area Conservation is one of the basic geometry concept which is very important to be mastered as ... more Area Conservation is one of the basic geometry concept which is very important to be mastered as prerequiste knowledge for studying area concept in primary school. Knowing the concept of area conservation is giving opportunities for them exploring reasoning skill and limiting the use of formula at the early stage. This research is gaining information about student’conception of proof task by using area conservation problem. We identify and gather student task for finding out their conception in developing reasoning skill in verifying their conjecture on proof tasks. A sample students was chosen by their differences on cognitive styles, field dependent and field independent, by applying GEFT (Group Embedded Figure Test) adopted from Witkin. The data are analyzed by time triangulation, descriptive qualitative research design, for describing student’s concept of area conservation in solving proof task. The result shows that field independent student have more concept of area conservati...
Jurnal Ilmiah Soulmath : Jurnal Edukasi Pendidikan Matematika
Representation is the embodiment of a student's idea of a problem, and representation is used... more Representation is the embodiment of a student's idea of a problem, and representation is used to assist students in solving the problem. This research is qualitative research that aims to analyze students' representational abilities in solving problems of a two-dimensional figure. The research instrument consisted of test questions with two-dimensional figure material and interviews. The research subjects were 2 junior high school students in Surabaya City who had different representational abilities. The results showed that students had moderate representational abilities because they gave rise to 2 indicators of representational ability, namely indicators of verbal and symbolic representation in different ways of conveying, but the two subjects had not yet produced indicators of visual representation. Keywords: Representation ability, junior high school, two-dimensional figure Abstrak Representasi adalah perwujudan ide dari seorang siswa terhadap suatu masalah, dan repre...