Björn Ivens | Bamberg University (original) (raw)
Papers by Björn Ivens
Advances in international marketing, Sep 8, 2007
Identificando diferenças no comportamento relacional de clientes estrangeiros: um estudo explorat... more Identificando diferenças no comportamento relacional de clientes estrangeiros: um estudo exploratório utilizando o escalonamento multidimensional
Marketing Review St Gallen, 2010
Marketing Review St Gallen
Mit Social Media ist aus Unternehmenssicht die Gefahr gewachsen, dass Mitarbeiter (meist unbewuss... more Mit Social Media ist aus Unternehmenssicht die Gefahr gewachsen, dass Mitarbeiter (meist unbewusst) ungewollte Informationen verbreiten. Um sie zu sensibilisieren, eignen sich Social-Media-Guidelines (Anm.: siehe auch: Social media Policies). Ansätze bei der Realisierung ebenso wie theoretische und praktische Implikationen zeigen zwei qualitative Studien.
Impulse für die Markenpraxis und Markenforschung, 2013
Die Nutzung von Facebook-Fanpages als Marketinginstrument gewinnt in der Unternehmenspraxis zuneh... more Die Nutzung von Facebook-Fanpages als Marketinginstrument gewinnt in der Unternehmenspraxis zunehmend an Relevanz. Unabhangig von der Branche oder der Unternehmensgrose investieren Marketers vermehrt in eine eigene Prasenz im grosten sozialen Netzwerk, um kostengunstig mit (potenziellen) Kunden zu kommunizieren. Weitestgehend unerforscht sind jedoch die Wirkungsmechanismen dieser Aktivitaten. Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Ansatz zur Schliesung dieser managernentrelevanten Forschungslucke dar. Erkenntnisse der Werbewirkungsforschung werden auf das Medium Facebook ubertragen und anhand einer Stichprobe von 369 Beitragen deutschsprachiger Automobilhersteller-Fanpages empirisch uberpruft. Es zeigt sich, dass die Fan-Reaktionen von der Grose der Beitrage, der Textdichte und den medialen Inhalten abhangig sind. Zudem erhalten Beitrage mit Aufforderungen und Fragen uberdurchschnittlich starke Reaktionen.
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 2009
In den letzten Jahren hat sich die betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung verstärkt mit der Gestaltung... more In den letzten Jahren hat sich die betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung verstärkt mit der Gestaltung sog. Regelungssysteme zur Kontrolle dyadischer Austauschprozesse be-titionen, Normen sowie Vertrauen. Die Kombination einzelner Regelungsmechanismen in einem zusammenhängenden System wird auch als "Plural Form Governance" bezeichnet. folgsgrößen, in vertikalen Dyaden bspw. Kundenzufriedenheit und-commitment, ausüben. Die regressionsanalytischen Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie aus dem Business-to-Business-Bereich (n = 297) weisen auf einen hohen Erklärungsbeitrag der Regelungsstruktur hin. Sie erlauben zudem, die relative Bedeutung der einzelnen Regelungsmechanismen zu verstehen. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien unterscheidet dieser Beitrag dabei explizit zwischen Normen, die Wertschöpfung regeln, sowie Normen, die Werteinforderung regeln. Zudem werden zwei Arten von Geschäftsbeziehungen unterschieden, Key-Account-Dyaden und Nicht-Key-Account-Dyaden.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2004
En réaction aux évolutions des comportements d'achat de leurs clients (centralisation, coordi... more En réaction aux évolutions des comportements d'achat de leurs clients (centralisation, coordination), mais aussi à la complexification des échanges interorganisationnels (internationalisation, évolution vers des offres solutions globales, etc.), de nombreuses entreprises industrielles ont mis en place des programmes de gestion des comptes clés. Ces programmes consistent à servir certains clients stratégiques d'une façon plus individualisée que ne le sont les clients traditionnels. L'objectif recherché est de parvenir à une création de valeur accrue. Cette recherche présente les résultats d'une étude menée auprès de 297 acheteurs professionnels. Sur la base du cadre des échanges relationnels, les auteurs proposent de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle des clients comptes clés reçoivent un traitement plus relationnel que des clients traditionnels. Ils proposent aussi de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle les clients comptes clés perçoivent une qualité de relation...
Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2005
Relationship marketing is often presented as a strategic meta-option, but little attention has be... more Relationship marketing is often presented as a strategic meta-option, but little attention has been paid to the concept's potential differentiation. In this paper, I argue that such a differentiation is possible and necessary. On the basis of the relational contracting framework I identify ten dimensions of relational behaviour. I then present the results of an empirical study conducted among 297 purchasing manages in two industries in which four typical styles of relational behaviour are identified. Examining the link between relational style and three dimensions of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust and commitment) I show the close interrelationship between both constructs. Finally, I discuss the implications of the study and hint to directions for future research. WHY DIFFERENTIATE THE RELATIONSHIP MARKETING CONCEPT? Many authors classify exchange acts on a continuum with two extreme points. Depending upon the uncertainty, specificity and frequency of a transaction, Williamson (1991, p.180) distinguishes between markets, hierarchies, and hybrid forms. Hybrid forms comprise "various forms of long-term contracting, reciprocal trading, regulation, franchising, and the like". Criticizing the "utopian world of classical economics" Arndt (1979, p.70) argues for the existence of hybrid forms which he labels "domesticated markets". "In such arrangements, transactions are planned and administered instead of being conducted on an ad hoc basis." Ouchi (1980), too, realizes that alternative governance mechanisms exist between markets and hierarchies. Borrowing from Durckheim's concept of organic solidarity in groups (1933) he compares the hybrid form to clan structures. Many of these taxonomies are based upon the work of Macneil (e.g., 1978, 1980, 1981) who draws a distinction between discrete and relational exchange. Williamson's "hybrid form", Arndt's "domesticated markets" and Ouchi's "clan", just as much as Macneil's "rela tional exchange" comprise various forms of vertical long-term market arrangements. The management of such arrangements constitutes the domain of relationship marketing (Diller, 1995a). The choice of the "right" governance form for transactions with custome rs may be interpreted as a strategic meta-orientation.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2013
This article provides an introduction to this special issue on managing and developing key suppli... more This article provides an introduction to this special issue on managing and developing key supplier relationships. Key suppliers are increasingly seen as strategic assets of buying companies which need careful nurturing to fully utilize their potential for value creation. The six articles of this special issue, each providing a distinct contribution to the extant knowledge base on key supplier management, are briefly introduced. Finally, this introduction concludes by providing our vision on the key supply management concept and some suggestions for future research directions.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
ABSTRACT For companies, relationships with external actors may constitute intangible assets. Many... more ABSTRACT For companies, relationships with external actors may constitute intangible assets. Many firms have put in place key account management programs in order to pay sufficient attention to strategically important customers and the marketing literature has studied such programs. However, a company's relationship portfolio also comprises relationships with other types of actors. The objective of this paper is to show that – across the different types of external relationships a company may develop – some relationships have more importance than others and, hence, are key. The authors argue that, as a consequence, the keyness of certain relationships has led to the emergence of approaches which can be referred to as key relationship management. For this purpose, the authors first present empirical material on the management of relationships between companies and their partners in strategic alliances from the French IT sector. They then discuss the concept of keyness as well as the common characteristics of different forms of key relationship management such as key account management, key supplier management and strategic alliance management.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2012
ABSTRACT Governance mechanisms are a key element of business relationships. However, little is kn... more ABSTRACT Governance mechanisms are a key element of business relationships. However, little is known about the possible differences between their uses in domestic versus international business relationships. Drawing on empirical data, we investigate three issues. First, we compare the use of five governance mechanisms (contracts, value-creating norms, value-claiming norms, specific investments, and trust) in purely domestic relationships as opposed to relationships with an international component. We also investigate whether customer satisfaction and commitment differ in these two settings. Second, we extend the model of Palmatier, Dant, and Grewal (2007) by adding two distinct types of governance norms—value-claiming norms and value-creating norms—and analyze the interrelationship between the five governance mechanisms as well as their impacts on business customer satisfaction and commitment. Finally, we analyze the moderating role of internationality on relationships between governance mechanisms and customer commitment. Data from a survey of 296 companies support most of the hypothesized relationships.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
... 2 — The second group of articles deals with integration by focusing on certain functional fie... more ... 2 — The second group of articles deals with integration by focusing on certain functional fields. This is the case with marketing–sales integration (Troilo, De Luca and Guenzi) and marketing-purchasing integration (Guercini and Runfola, and Bals, Hartmann and Ritter). ...
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
In this paper two of the fundamental issues concerning the norm concept, its definition and its c... more In this paper two of the fundamental issues concerning the norm concept, its definition and its classification, are explored. First, in the field of marketing, norms have been defined as expectations developed by actors concerning other actors' behavior in a given context [Jap, S., & Ganesan, S. (2000). Control mechanisms and the relationship life cycle: Implications for safeguarding specific investments
der markt, 2003
Key-Account-Management-Programme implizieren nicht selten hohe beziehungsspezifische Investitione... more Key-Account-Management-Programme implizieren nicht selten hohe beziehungsspezifische Investitionen. Angesichts dieser Investitionen kommt der Evaluierung des Key-Account-Management (KAM) große Bedeutung zu. Die Anwendung klassischer Kennzahlen (z.B. Umsatz, Kundendurchdringung oder Kundenzufriedenheit) sind in diesem Zusammenhang problematisch, da sie (1) nicht alleine durch die Qualität des KAM beeinflusst werden und (2) die Festlegung von Ankerwerten zu ihrer Evaluierung problematisch ist. Das Benchmarking stellt eine geeignete Evaluationsalternative dar. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt einen prozessorientierten Ansatz des KAM-Benchmarking. Zur Illustration werden beispielhaft einige Ergebnisse einer empirischen Anwendung besprochen.
Revue française de gestion, 2011
Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn...[ more ](;)Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur L'activité des contrefaçons est aujourd'hui devenue une véritable industrie planétaire, phénomène accéléré par le changement des modes de distribution et notamment l'arrivée d'Internet. Pour contribuer à une vue plus claire et détaillé de ce phénomène, cette recherche explore l'influence de quatre lieux d'achat différents sur la perception, l'attitude et l'intention d'achat de produits originaux et de contrefaçons dans l'industrie du luxe. L'importance de facteurs tels que la confiance dans le lieu d'achat est mise en évidence.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2007
In this paper, the authors analyze 91 key account relationships and 206 ordinary supplier-buyer d... more In this paper, the authors analyze 91 key account relationships and 206 ordinary supplier-buyer dyads regarding differences in suppliers' relational behaviors and customers' perceptions of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust, and commitment). The results suggest that whileas compared to ordinary relationshipssuppliers put significantly more effort in "value-creating behaviors" in key account relationships, they do not modify their "value-claiming behaviors" in those dyads. On the customer side, suppliers' increased value creating activities lead to increased commitment. However, customers are neither more satisfied, nor do they trust their suppliers more when they receive key account status.
Innovatives Marketing, 2005
Angesichts der zunehmend dynamischen und komplexen Umwelt- und Marktbedingungen kommt der Konzept... more Angesichts der zunehmend dynamischen und komplexen Umwelt- und Marktbedingungen kommt der Konzeption schlagkraftiger Marketingstrategien eine grundlegende Bedeutung fur den Erfolg von Unternehmen zu. Dies zeigt sich nicht zuletzt daran, dass in zahlreichen Branchen die jeweils konkurrierenden Unternehmen — z.T. betrachtliche — Profitabliatsunterschiede aufweisen.
Advances in international marketing, Sep 8, 2007
Identificando diferenças no comportamento relacional de clientes estrangeiros: um estudo explorat... more Identificando diferenças no comportamento relacional de clientes estrangeiros: um estudo exploratório utilizando o escalonamento multidimensional
Marketing Review St Gallen, 2010
Marketing Review St Gallen
Mit Social Media ist aus Unternehmenssicht die Gefahr gewachsen, dass Mitarbeiter (meist unbewuss... more Mit Social Media ist aus Unternehmenssicht die Gefahr gewachsen, dass Mitarbeiter (meist unbewusst) ungewollte Informationen verbreiten. Um sie zu sensibilisieren, eignen sich Social-Media-Guidelines (Anm.: siehe auch: Social media Policies). Ansätze bei der Realisierung ebenso wie theoretische und praktische Implikationen zeigen zwei qualitative Studien.
Impulse für die Markenpraxis und Markenforschung, 2013
Die Nutzung von Facebook-Fanpages als Marketinginstrument gewinnt in der Unternehmenspraxis zuneh... more Die Nutzung von Facebook-Fanpages als Marketinginstrument gewinnt in der Unternehmenspraxis zunehmend an Relevanz. Unabhangig von der Branche oder der Unternehmensgrose investieren Marketers vermehrt in eine eigene Prasenz im grosten sozialen Netzwerk, um kostengunstig mit (potenziellen) Kunden zu kommunizieren. Weitestgehend unerforscht sind jedoch die Wirkungsmechanismen dieser Aktivitaten. Die vorliegende Studie stellt einen Ansatz zur Schliesung dieser managernentrelevanten Forschungslucke dar. Erkenntnisse der Werbewirkungsforschung werden auf das Medium Facebook ubertragen und anhand einer Stichprobe von 369 Beitragen deutschsprachiger Automobilhersteller-Fanpages empirisch uberpruft. Es zeigt sich, dass die Fan-Reaktionen von der Grose der Beitrage, der Textdichte und den medialen Inhalten abhangig sind. Zudem erhalten Beitrage mit Aufforderungen und Fragen uberdurchschnittlich starke Reaktionen.
Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 2009
In den letzten Jahren hat sich die betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung verstärkt mit der Gestaltung... more In den letzten Jahren hat sich die betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung verstärkt mit der Gestaltung sog. Regelungssysteme zur Kontrolle dyadischer Austauschprozesse be-titionen, Normen sowie Vertrauen. Die Kombination einzelner Regelungsmechanismen in einem zusammenhängenden System wird auch als "Plural Form Governance" bezeichnet. folgsgrößen, in vertikalen Dyaden bspw. Kundenzufriedenheit und-commitment, ausüben. Die regressionsanalytischen Ergebnisse der vorliegenden Studie aus dem Business-to-Business-Bereich (n = 297) weisen auf einen hohen Erklärungsbeitrag der Regelungsstruktur hin. Sie erlauben zudem, die relative Bedeutung der einzelnen Regelungsmechanismen zu verstehen. Im Gegensatz zu früheren Studien unterscheidet dieser Beitrag dabei explizit zwischen Normen, die Wertschöpfung regeln, sowie Normen, die Werteinforderung regeln. Zudem werden zwei Arten von Geschäftsbeziehungen unterschieden, Key-Account-Dyaden und Nicht-Key-Account-Dyaden.
Recherche et Applications en Marketing (French Edition), 2004
En réaction aux évolutions des comportements d'achat de leurs clients (centralisation, coordi... more En réaction aux évolutions des comportements d'achat de leurs clients (centralisation, coordination), mais aussi à la complexification des échanges interorganisationnels (internationalisation, évolution vers des offres solutions globales, etc.), de nombreuses entreprises industrielles ont mis en place des programmes de gestion des comptes clés. Ces programmes consistent à servir certains clients stratégiques d'une façon plus individualisée que ne le sont les clients traditionnels. L'objectif recherché est de parvenir à une création de valeur accrue. Cette recherche présente les résultats d'une étude menée auprès de 297 acheteurs professionnels. Sur la base du cadre des échanges relationnels, les auteurs proposent de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle des clients comptes clés reçoivent un traitement plus relationnel que des clients traditionnels. Ils proposent aussi de tester l'hypothèse selon laquelle les clients comptes clés perçoivent une qualité de relation...
Journal of Relationship Marketing, 2005
Relationship marketing is often presented as a strategic meta-option, but little attention has be... more Relationship marketing is often presented as a strategic meta-option, but little attention has been paid to the concept's potential differentiation. In this paper, I argue that such a differentiation is possible and necessary. On the basis of the relational contracting framework I identify ten dimensions of relational behaviour. I then present the results of an empirical study conducted among 297 purchasing manages in two industries in which four typical styles of relational behaviour are identified. Examining the link between relational style and three dimensions of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust and commitment) I show the close interrelationship between both constructs. Finally, I discuss the implications of the study and hint to directions for future research. WHY DIFFERENTIATE THE RELATIONSHIP MARKETING CONCEPT? Many authors classify exchange acts on a continuum with two extreme points. Depending upon the uncertainty, specificity and frequency of a transaction, Williamson (1991, p.180) distinguishes between markets, hierarchies, and hybrid forms. Hybrid forms comprise "various forms of long-term contracting, reciprocal trading, regulation, franchising, and the like". Criticizing the "utopian world of classical economics" Arndt (1979, p.70) argues for the existence of hybrid forms which he labels "domesticated markets". "In such arrangements, transactions are planned and administered instead of being conducted on an ad hoc basis." Ouchi (1980), too, realizes that alternative governance mechanisms exist between markets and hierarchies. Borrowing from Durckheim's concept of organic solidarity in groups (1933) he compares the hybrid form to clan structures. Many of these taxonomies are based upon the work of Macneil (e.g., 1978, 1980, 1981) who draws a distinction between discrete and relational exchange. Williamson's "hybrid form", Arndt's "domesticated markets" and Ouchi's "clan", just as much as Macneil's "rela tional exchange" comprise various forms of vertical long-term market arrangements. The management of such arrangements constitutes the domain of relationship marketing (Diller, 1995a). The choice of the "right" governance form for transactions with custome rs may be interpreted as a strategic meta-orientation.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2013
This article provides an introduction to this special issue on managing and developing key suppli... more This article provides an introduction to this special issue on managing and developing key supplier relationships. Key suppliers are increasingly seen as strategic assets of buying companies which need careful nurturing to fully utilize their potential for value creation. The six articles of this special issue, each providing a distinct contribution to the extant knowledge base on key supplier management, are briefly introduced. Finally, this introduction concludes by providing our vision on the key supply management concept and some suggestions for future research directions.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
ABSTRACT For companies, relationships with external actors may constitute intangible assets. Many... more ABSTRACT For companies, relationships with external actors may constitute intangible assets. Many firms have put in place key account management programs in order to pay sufficient attention to strategically important customers and the marketing literature has studied such programs. However, a company's relationship portfolio also comprises relationships with other types of actors. The objective of this paper is to show that – across the different types of external relationships a company may develop – some relationships have more importance than others and, hence, are key. The authors argue that, as a consequence, the keyness of certain relationships has led to the emergence of approaches which can be referred to as key relationship management. For this purpose, the authors first present empirical material on the management of relationships between companies and their partners in strategic alliances from the French IT sector. They then discuss the concept of keyness as well as the common characteristics of different forms of key relationship management such as key account management, key supplier management and strategic alliance management.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2012
ABSTRACT Governance mechanisms are a key element of business relationships. However, little is kn... more ABSTRACT Governance mechanisms are a key element of business relationships. However, little is known about the possible differences between their uses in domestic versus international business relationships. Drawing on empirical data, we investigate three issues. First, we compare the use of five governance mechanisms (contracts, value-creating norms, value-claiming norms, specific investments, and trust) in purely domestic relationships as opposed to relationships with an international component. We also investigate whether customer satisfaction and commitment differ in these two settings. Second, we extend the model of Palmatier, Dant, and Grewal (2007) by adding two distinct types of governance norms—value-claiming norms and value-creating norms—and analyze the interrelationship between the five governance mechanisms as well as their impacts on business customer satisfaction and commitment. Finally, we analyze the moderating role of internationality on relationships between governance mechanisms and customer commitment. Data from a survey of 296 companies support most of the hypothesized relationships.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
... 2 — The second group of articles deals with integration by focusing on certain functional fie... more ... 2 — The second group of articles deals with integration by focusing on certain functional fields. This is the case with marketing–sales integration (Troilo, De Luca and Guenzi) and marketing-purchasing integration (Guercini and Runfola, and Bals, Hartmann and Ritter). ...
Industrial Marketing Management, 2009
In this paper two of the fundamental issues concerning the norm concept, its definition and its c... more In this paper two of the fundamental issues concerning the norm concept, its definition and its classification, are explored. First, in the field of marketing, norms have been defined as expectations developed by actors concerning other actors' behavior in a given context [Jap, S., & Ganesan, S. (2000). Control mechanisms and the relationship life cycle: Implications for safeguarding specific investments
der markt, 2003
Key-Account-Management-Programme implizieren nicht selten hohe beziehungsspezifische Investitione... more Key-Account-Management-Programme implizieren nicht selten hohe beziehungsspezifische Investitionen. Angesichts dieser Investitionen kommt der Evaluierung des Key-Account-Management (KAM) große Bedeutung zu. Die Anwendung klassischer Kennzahlen (z.B. Umsatz, Kundendurchdringung oder Kundenzufriedenheit) sind in diesem Zusammenhang problematisch, da sie (1) nicht alleine durch die Qualität des KAM beeinflusst werden und (2) die Festlegung von Ankerwerten zu ihrer Evaluierung problematisch ist. Das Benchmarking stellt eine geeignete Evaluationsalternative dar. Dieser Beitrag beschreibt einen prozessorientierten Ansatz des KAM-Benchmarking. Zur Illustration werden beispielhaft einige Ergebnisse einer empirischen Anwendung besprochen.
Revue française de gestion, 2011
Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse https://www.cairn...[ more ](;)Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Article disponible en ligne à l'adresse Découvrir le sommaire de ce numéro, suivre la revue par email, s'abonner... Flashez ce QR Code pour accéder à la page de ce numéro sur L'activité des contrefaçons est aujourd'hui devenue une véritable industrie planétaire, phénomène accéléré par le changement des modes de distribution et notamment l'arrivée d'Internet. Pour contribuer à une vue plus claire et détaillé de ce phénomène, cette recherche explore l'influence de quatre lieux d'achat différents sur la perception, l'attitude et l'intention d'achat de produits originaux et de contrefaçons dans l'industrie du luxe. L'importance de facteurs tels que la confiance dans le lieu d'achat est mise en évidence.
Industrial Marketing Management, 2007
In this paper, the authors analyze 91 key account relationships and 206 ordinary supplier-buyer d... more In this paper, the authors analyze 91 key account relationships and 206 ordinary supplier-buyer dyads regarding differences in suppliers' relational behaviors and customers' perceptions of relationship quality (satisfaction, trust, and commitment). The results suggest that whileas compared to ordinary relationshipssuppliers put significantly more effort in "value-creating behaviors" in key account relationships, they do not modify their "value-claiming behaviors" in those dyads. On the customer side, suppliers' increased value creating activities lead to increased commitment. However, customers are neither more satisfied, nor do they trust their suppliers more when they receive key account status.
Innovatives Marketing, 2005
Angesichts der zunehmend dynamischen und komplexen Umwelt- und Marktbedingungen kommt der Konzept... more Angesichts der zunehmend dynamischen und komplexen Umwelt- und Marktbedingungen kommt der Konzeption schlagkraftiger Marketingstrategien eine grundlegende Bedeutung fur den Erfolg von Unternehmen zu. Dies zeigt sich nicht zuletzt daran, dass in zahlreichen Branchen die jeweils konkurrierenden Unternehmen — z.T. betrachtliche — Profitabliatsunterschiede aufweisen.