Tamás Kristóf | Corvinus University of Budapest (original) (raw)
Papers by Tamás Kristóf
Magyar Tudomány 184(4), 519-526., 2023
This article attempts to provide a comprehensive review about the 55-year-long historical develop... more This article attempts to provide a comprehensive review about the 55-year-long historical development of Hungarian futures studies. Throughout its history, there were two stages of development. The first was the vertical deepening and horizontal expansion of the field, whereas the second could be described as the theoretical and methodological renewal as well as broadening focus on practical issues. Research results and a wide range of reputable publications have justified that Hungarian futures studies achieved internationally recognized, constantly improved scientific results. Broad research and education efforts have been underlining the performance of domestic futurists. Applying the established theoretical and methodological framework, Hungarian futurists have continuously developed forecasts and foresight products that served as a basis of national, regional, sectoral, and organizational strategies, policies, decisions, and plans.
Research in International Business and FInance 61, 101644., 2022
This article provides evidence that machine learning methods are suitable for reliably predicting... more This article provides evidence that machine learning methods are suitable for reliably predicting the failure risk of European Union-27 banks from the experiences of the past decade. It demonstrates that earnings, capital adequacy, and management capability are the strongest predictors of bank failure. Critical and relevant field research is presented in the context of economic uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that the developed models possess high predictive power, with the C5.0 decision tree model providing the best performance. The findings have policy implications for bank supervisory authorities, bank executives, risk management professionals, and policymakers working in finance. The models can be used to recognize bank weaknesses in time to take appropriate mitigating actions.
European Journal of Futures Research 10, 14., 2022
This article offers an overview of the evolution of Hungarian futures studies via a systematic li... more This article offers an overview of the evolution of Hungarian futures studies via a systematic literature review of articles with at least one Hungarian futurist (co-)author, published in high-ranking international or English-language Hungarian journals. The review reveals how researchers from a relatively small European country, where central planning had been applied for decades, have made their way to the pages of prestigious international journals and disseminated their results in a diverse range of articles to the global research community. The number of these publications has increased decade by decade. Results of statistical-based literature review demonstrate that research period and research topic are in strong association with the quality of journal articles, yet scientometric features of Hungarian futurist (co-)authors are not significant in this aspect. However, spectacular clustering of articles can be accomplished based on the citation statistics of Hungarian futurist (co-)authors.
Journal of Competitiveness 14(4), 117-136., 2022
This article presents machine learning (ML)-based empirical research with a specific focus on the... more This article presents machine learning (ML)-based empirical research with a specific focus on the financial competitiveness of different industrial sectors in Visegrad Four (V4) countries. Financial competitiveness is measured by the two most widely applied profitability ratios: return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Several sectoral average financial ratios are considered as input variables from the 4 countries and 27 sectors, with data collected between 2016-2020 in a cross-sectional approach. Explorative data analysis reveals that the three strongest clustering features of V4 sector-level financial data are found in country classification, total assets per employee, and gross margin ratios. Hypothesis examination has justified a view that drivers of financial competitiveness are not necessarily identical to factors explaining variance between sectoral average financial ratios. Six methods have been applied to develop predictive models for ROA and ROE. Results demonstrate that the traditional generalized linear model (GENLIN) delivers insufficient predictive power despite fulfilment of each statistical assumption. The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and random forest (RF) methods are demonstrated to be the best ML techniques to predict the sectoral financial competitiveness of V4 companies. Beyond country classification, the best predictors of ROA and ROE at the V4 sectoral level are found in income margin, turnover, and leverage ratios as compressed components by use of principal component analysis (PCA). The article also provides added value to literature on sectoral and financial competitiveness research, analysis of financial features of V4 companies, and the efficient application of ML methods.
Social Sciences 12(3), 192., 2023
This article presents the almost century-long history of the development of futures studies in a ... more This article presents the almost century-long history of the development of futures studies in a comprehensive review. Futures studies, rooted in sociology and policy sciences, had become an academic discipline by the 1960s. One of the major global communities representing the discipline, the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2023. In the 1970s, the focus was placed on discourses on global problems and preferred futures. Futures studies then developed a global institutional community and become a mature discipline by the 1980s and 1990s. Futurists by then had already mutually shared theoretical perspectives, objectives, ethics, and methods, and had produced empirical results. A wide range of comprehensive publications at that time synthesized the foundations and preceding results of futures studies. From the turn of the millennium, active discourse took place on the forthcoming role of futures studies. By that time, the theoretical, methodological, and practical knowledge foundations of the discipline had also appeared in internationally well-documented curricula. Since around 2010, the discipline has been characterized by the development of practical foresight projects. Based on notable trends and identified research gaps, this article formulates up-to-date expectations and research directions within which futures studies might develop in the future.
Asian Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(1), 157-171, 2021
The paper delivers a multistate, continuous, nonhomogeneous Markov chain to present a COVID-19 st... more The paper delivers a multistate, continuous, nonhomogeneous Markov chain to present a COVID-19 stressed probability of default (PD) model for banks. First it analyzes the theoretical and methodological considerations of bank failure. Then it provides a comprehensive review of earlier empirical bank failure models published in literature. It makes the case for a multistate model design, which has numerous advantages over the conventional binary classification techniques. A formal description of Markov chain modeling is followed by the detailed presentation of empirical model development. Eventually it estimates PDs for a five year forecast horizon with the developed model reflecting COVID-19 crisis impacts.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13(35), 2020
The article provides a comprehensive review regarding the theoretical approaches, methodologies a... more The article provides a comprehensive review regarding the theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical results. In ex-socialist countries corporate bankruptcy prediction became possible more than 20 years later compared to the western countries, however, based on the historical development of corporate bankruptcy prediction after the political system change it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice. Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction, it can be tracked how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classic methodology-based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today's corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, and hybrid modelling. On the basis of empirical results, the article draws several normative proposals how to assemble a bankruptcy prediction database and select the right classification method(s) to accomplish efficient corporate bankruptcy prediction.
In Book: Nikolett Deutsch (ed.): Diversity of Business Development III. Continuity and Openness. Lambert Academic Publishing, Beau Bassin, Mauritius, pp. 83-101, 2019
The chapter attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approache... more The chapter attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate survival and bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical corporate bankruptcy prediction models. Based on the historical development of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice regarding the examined research problems, applied methods and empirical results.
Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be tracked, how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classic methodology based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today’s corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning and hybrid modelling.
The study reveals that Hungarian bankruptcy models are necessary to accomplish efficient bankruptcy prediction in Hungary. Throughout model development, it is essential to consider the sampling problems, the definition of the target variable, the proper accomplishment of data preparation and data transformation steps, the dynamization of variables and the inclusion of behavioural variables. In addition the study draws several normative proposals how to select the proper bankruptcy prediction method(s).
In: Borch, K; Dingli, S; Jorgensen, MS (eds.): Participation and interaction in foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northamton-Cheltenham, pp. 223-237, 2013
The goal of this study is to enrich the empirical background of European foresight interaction th... more The goal of this study is to enrich the empirical background of European foresight interaction through a Hungarian educational foresight case from the 1990s, applying the concept and analytical framework elaborated in this publication. The study presents the key details and results of the foresight case ‘Vocational training and future’ in accordance with the evolved dialogue- vision- dissemination structure on the selected foresight cases from different European countries. The reason for choosing this foresight case is the fact that the ten years which have elapsed since its completion allow for the objective evaluation of all the three fields. The roots of Hungarian foresight date back to the 1970s, however, at that time foresight was called by the Hungarian term for ‘futurology’. In the first decade of its history, the most important mission of foresight was to underpin the goals and objectives of the long- term national economic planning system by creating global, regional and country level future images. Therefore, the vision and scenario building part of the Hungarian foresight culture builds on more than thirty years of history. Expert and participatory methods began to spread in the 1980s.
In: Borch, K; Dingli, S; Jorgensen, MS (eds.): Participation and interaction in foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Vision. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton-Cheltenham, pp. 70-96. , 2013
The fact that learning plays a significant role in the foresight processes is not new, however, t... more The fact that learning plays a significant role in the foresight processes is not new, however, theoretical- methodological description and empirical research of this topic have suffered neglect so far. In foresight, learning appears at the level of participant individuals, expert and non- expert teams, the whole foresight project and society. In the last century, the behavioural and cognitive sciences managed to develop a rich set of literature in the field of individual and team-l earning, and organizational theorists elaborated the conceptual and methodological background of organizational learning. Only in recent years did the topic of learning appear in futures studies and foresight, within the framework of anticipatory action learning. Experience has proven that learning is no longer the exclusive matter of formal education, therefore emphasis is laid on informal and non- formal learning processes as well. In today’s world, learning has become more and more important to all people and all communities. Foresight is certainly not an exception. It is expected that if learning is taking place and organized successfully, then a more effective foresight might be accomplished. As a consequence, learning processes must be understood and explained in- depth. This places an emphasis on research learning within foresight. In contrast with traditional approaches, learning takes place not just through experience, but through interaction. Foresight is fundamentally based on interaction in the dialogue, vision and dissemination phases. Interaction may be fostered by learning and learning may be fostered by interaction. Learning is essential for foresight interaction, therefore learning theory has to find its own role within foresight theory and methodology.
Statisztikai Szemle, 96(11-12), pp. 1109-1128, 2018
Development in science has enabled the improvement of bankruptcy prediction models through severa... more Development in science has enabled the improvement of bankruptcy prediction models through several data-driven and artificial intelligence based methods. One of such promising methods might be the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) method. The aim of this article is to consider the applicability of CBR on a sample of Hungarian micro enterprises, within the framework of classic bankruptcy prediction, by comparing the classification power of CBR to the three most frequently applied bankruptcy prediction techniques (decision tree, logistic regression, neural networks). The empirical research examined the occurrence of bankruptcy events (initiating bankruptcy, liquidation or forced deregistration procedure) for 1.828 Hungarian micro enterprises in 2017 using financial ratios calculated from 2015 and 2016 annual reports. On the whole it can be concluded that it is worthwhile to consider CBR methodology in solving classification problems similar to bankruptcy prediction. However, on the basis of the empirical research, the predictive power of the developed CBR model underperformed the accuracy of neural networks and logistic regression on observations in the testing sample.
Opus et Educatio, 6(2), pp. 170-183, 2019
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia IX. Osztály Statisztikai és Jövőkutatási Bizottsága (MTA SJTB) keret... more A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia IX. Osztály Statisztikai és Jövőkutatási Bizottsága (MTA SJTB) keretein belül működő Jövőkutatási Tudományos Albizottság (JTAB) Felelősen a Jövőért Virtuális Interdiszciplináris Kutatócsoportja a hazai jövőkutatás 50 éves jubileuma alkalmából célul tűzte ki, hogy új empirikus vizsgálat keretében feltárja a hazai fiatalok 2018-ban megfigyelhető jövővel kapcsolatos gondolatait, várakozásait, reményeit és félelmeit.
A jövőorientáltság felmérést a különböző fiatal korosztályok megszólításánál véleményünk szerint leginkább optimális módszertanok szerint differenciáltuk. A jövőorientáltság méréséhez egységesen kialakított témaköröket 14 éves fiataloknál brainstorming, 17-18 éves fiataloknál papír alapú kérdőíves felmérés, míg az ennél idősebb fiatalok esetén közösségi média felhasználásával, online kérdőív alkalmazásával mértük fel. Összességében 1204 fiatal vett részt a kutatásban, és adott értékelhető válaszokat a felmérésben szereplő kérdésekre.
Az empirikus felmérés keretében vizsgált kérdések a világ jövőjére, Magyarország jövőjére, a környezeti állapot jövőjére, az energetika jövőjére, az oktatás jövőjére, a tudomány és a technológia jövőjére, az egészség, a család és a személyiség jövőjére, a munka világának jövőjére, a közlekedés jövőjére, valamint a személyes élettel kapcsolatos várakozásokra terjedtek ki.
A folyóiratcikk először a jövőorientáltság fogalmi kereteit és korábbi empirikus vizsgálatát mutatja be, a szakterületen releváns szakirodalom feldolgozásával. Ezt követően definiálja a 2018-as empirikus felmérés kutatás módszertani kereteit, majd részletesen értékeli az elért eredményeket, az egyes vizsgált témakörök mentén.
Vezetéstudomány, 50(12), pp. 62-73, 2019
The article attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approache... more The article attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate survival and bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical bankruptcy prediction models. Based on the historical development of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice regarding the examined research problems, applied methods and empirical results. Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be tracked, how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classical methodology based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today's corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning and hybrid modelling. The article reveals that Hungarian bankruptcy models are necessary to accomplish efficient bankruptcy prediction in Hungary. Throughout model development, it is essential to consider the sampling problems, the definition of target variable, the proper accomplishment of data preparation and data transformation steps, the dynamization of variables and the inclusion of behavioural variables. In addition the article draws several normative proposals how to select the right bankruptcy prediction method(s).
The paper attempts to provide forecast methodological framework and concrete models to estimate l... more The paper attempts to provide forecast methodological framework and concrete models to estimate long run probability of default term structure for Hungarian corporate debt instruments, in line with IFRS 9 requirements.
Long run probability of default and expected loss can be estimated by various methods and has fifty-five years of history in literature. After studying literature and empirical models, the Markov chain approach was selected to accomplish lifetime probability of default modeling for Hungarian corporate debt instruments.
Empirical results reveal that both discrete and continuous homogeneous Markov chain models systematically overestimate the long term corporate probability of default. However, the continuous non-homogeneous Markov chain gives both intuitively and empirically appropriate probability of default trajectories. The estimated term structure mathematically and professionally properly expresses the probability of default element of expected loss that can realistically occur in the long-run in Hungarian corporate lending. The elaborated models can be easily implemented at Hungarian corporate financial institutions.
Magyar Tudomány 184(4), 519-526., 2023
This article attempts to provide a comprehensive review about the 55-year-long historical develop... more This article attempts to provide a comprehensive review about the 55-year-long historical development of Hungarian futures studies. Throughout its history, there were two stages of development. The first was the vertical deepening and horizontal expansion of the field, whereas the second could be described as the theoretical and methodological renewal as well as broadening focus on practical issues. Research results and a wide range of reputable publications have justified that Hungarian futures studies achieved internationally recognized, constantly improved scientific results. Broad research and education efforts have been underlining the performance of domestic futurists. Applying the established theoretical and methodological framework, Hungarian futurists have continuously developed forecasts and foresight products that served as a basis of national, regional, sectoral, and organizational strategies, policies, decisions, and plans.
Research in International Business and FInance 61, 101644., 2022
This article provides evidence that machine learning methods are suitable for reliably predicting... more This article provides evidence that machine learning methods are suitable for reliably predicting the failure risk of European Union-27 banks from the experiences of the past decade. It demonstrates that earnings, capital adequacy, and management capability are the strongest predictors of bank failure. Critical and relevant field research is presented in the context of economic uncertainties arising from the COVID-19 pandemic. The results suggest that the developed models possess high predictive power, with the C5.0 decision tree model providing the best performance. The findings have policy implications for bank supervisory authorities, bank executives, risk management professionals, and policymakers working in finance. The models can be used to recognize bank weaknesses in time to take appropriate mitigating actions.
European Journal of Futures Research 10, 14., 2022
This article offers an overview of the evolution of Hungarian futures studies via a systematic li... more This article offers an overview of the evolution of Hungarian futures studies via a systematic literature review of articles with at least one Hungarian futurist (co-)author, published in high-ranking international or English-language Hungarian journals. The review reveals how researchers from a relatively small European country, where central planning had been applied for decades, have made their way to the pages of prestigious international journals and disseminated their results in a diverse range of articles to the global research community. The number of these publications has increased decade by decade. Results of statistical-based literature review demonstrate that research period and research topic are in strong association with the quality of journal articles, yet scientometric features of Hungarian futurist (co-)authors are not significant in this aspect. However, spectacular clustering of articles can be accomplished based on the citation statistics of Hungarian futurist (co-)authors.
Journal of Competitiveness 14(4), 117-136., 2022
This article presents machine learning (ML)-based empirical research with a specific focus on the... more This article presents machine learning (ML)-based empirical research with a specific focus on the financial competitiveness of different industrial sectors in Visegrad Four (V4) countries. Financial competitiveness is measured by the two most widely applied profitability ratios: return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). Several sectoral average financial ratios are considered as input variables from the 4 countries and 27 sectors, with data collected between 2016-2020 in a cross-sectional approach. Explorative data analysis reveals that the three strongest clustering features of V4 sector-level financial data are found in country classification, total assets per employee, and gross margin ratios. Hypothesis examination has justified a view that drivers of financial competitiveness are not necessarily identical to factors explaining variance between sectoral average financial ratios. Six methods have been applied to develop predictive models for ROA and ROE. Results demonstrate that the traditional generalized linear model (GENLIN) delivers insufficient predictive power despite fulfilment of each statistical assumption. The k-nearest neighbor (KNN) and random forest (RF) methods are demonstrated to be the best ML techniques to predict the sectoral financial competitiveness of V4 companies. Beyond country classification, the best predictors of ROA and ROE at the V4 sectoral level are found in income margin, turnover, and leverage ratios as compressed components by use of principal component analysis (PCA). The article also provides added value to literature on sectoral and financial competitiveness research, analysis of financial features of V4 companies, and the efficient application of ML methods.
Social Sciences 12(3), 192., 2023
This article presents the almost century-long history of the development of futures studies in a ... more This article presents the almost century-long history of the development of futures studies in a comprehensive review. Futures studies, rooted in sociology and policy sciences, had become an academic discipline by the 1960s. One of the major global communities representing the discipline, the World Futures Studies Federation (WFSF), celebrates its 50th anniversary in 2023. In the 1970s, the focus was placed on discourses on global problems and preferred futures. Futures studies then developed a global institutional community and become a mature discipline by the 1980s and 1990s. Futurists by then had already mutually shared theoretical perspectives, objectives, ethics, and methods, and had produced empirical results. A wide range of comprehensive publications at that time synthesized the foundations and preceding results of futures studies. From the turn of the millennium, active discourse took place on the forthcoming role of futures studies. By that time, the theoretical, methodological, and practical knowledge foundations of the discipline had also appeared in internationally well-documented curricula. Since around 2010, the discipline has been characterized by the development of practical foresight projects. Based on notable trends and identified research gaps, this article formulates up-to-date expectations and research directions within which futures studies might develop in the future.
Asian Journal of Economics and Finance, 3(1), 157-171, 2021
The paper delivers a multistate, continuous, nonhomogeneous Markov chain to present a COVID-19 st... more The paper delivers a multistate, continuous, nonhomogeneous Markov chain to present a COVID-19 stressed probability of default (PD) model for banks. First it analyzes the theoretical and methodological considerations of bank failure. Then it provides a comprehensive review of earlier empirical bank failure models published in literature. It makes the case for a multistate model design, which has numerous advantages over the conventional binary classification techniques. A formal description of Markov chain modeling is followed by the detailed presentation of empirical model development. Eventually it estimates PDs for a five year forecast horizon with the developed model reflecting COVID-19 crisis impacts.
Journal of Risk and Financial Management 13(35), 2020
The article provides a comprehensive review regarding the theoretical approaches, methodologies a... more The article provides a comprehensive review regarding the theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical results. In ex-socialist countries corporate bankruptcy prediction became possible more than 20 years later compared to the western countries, however, based on the historical development of corporate bankruptcy prediction after the political system change it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice. Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction, it can be tracked how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classic methodology-based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today's corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning, and hybrid modelling. On the basis of empirical results, the article draws several normative proposals how to assemble a bankruptcy prediction database and select the right classification method(s) to accomplish efficient corporate bankruptcy prediction.
In Book: Nikolett Deutsch (ed.): Diversity of Business Development III. Continuity and Openness. Lambert Academic Publishing, Beau Bassin, Mauritius, pp. 83-101, 2019
The chapter attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approache... more The chapter attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate survival and bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical corporate bankruptcy prediction models. Based on the historical development of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice regarding the examined research problems, applied methods and empirical results.
Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be tracked, how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classic methodology based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today’s corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning and hybrid modelling.
The study reveals that Hungarian bankruptcy models are necessary to accomplish efficient bankruptcy prediction in Hungary. Throughout model development, it is essential to consider the sampling problems, the definition of the target variable, the proper accomplishment of data preparation and data transformation steps, the dynamization of variables and the inclusion of behavioural variables. In addition the study draws several normative proposals how to select the proper bankruptcy prediction method(s).
In: Borch, K; Dingli, S; Jorgensen, MS (eds.): Participation and interaction in foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Visions. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northamton-Cheltenham, pp. 223-237, 2013
The goal of this study is to enrich the empirical background of European foresight interaction th... more The goal of this study is to enrich the empirical background of European foresight interaction through a Hungarian educational foresight case from the 1990s, applying the concept and analytical framework elaborated in this publication. The study presents the key details and results of the foresight case ‘Vocational training and future’ in accordance with the evolved dialogue- vision- dissemination structure on the selected foresight cases from different European countries. The reason for choosing this foresight case is the fact that the ten years which have elapsed since its completion allow for the objective evaluation of all the three fields. The roots of Hungarian foresight date back to the 1970s, however, at that time foresight was called by the Hungarian term for ‘futurology’. In the first decade of its history, the most important mission of foresight was to underpin the goals and objectives of the long- term national economic planning system by creating global, regional and country level future images. Therefore, the vision and scenario building part of the Hungarian foresight culture builds on more than thirty years of history. Expert and participatory methods began to spread in the 1980s.
In: Borch, K; Dingli, S; Jorgensen, MS (eds.): Participation and interaction in foresight. Dialogue, Dissemination and Vision. Edward Elgar Publishing, Northampton-Cheltenham, pp. 70-96. , 2013
The fact that learning plays a significant role in the foresight processes is not new, however, t... more The fact that learning plays a significant role in the foresight processes is not new, however, theoretical- methodological description and empirical research of this topic have suffered neglect so far. In foresight, learning appears at the level of participant individuals, expert and non- expert teams, the whole foresight project and society. In the last century, the behavioural and cognitive sciences managed to develop a rich set of literature in the field of individual and team-l earning, and organizational theorists elaborated the conceptual and methodological background of organizational learning. Only in recent years did the topic of learning appear in futures studies and foresight, within the framework of anticipatory action learning. Experience has proven that learning is no longer the exclusive matter of formal education, therefore emphasis is laid on informal and non- formal learning processes as well. In today’s world, learning has become more and more important to all people and all communities. Foresight is certainly not an exception. It is expected that if learning is taking place and organized successfully, then a more effective foresight might be accomplished. As a consequence, learning processes must be understood and explained in- depth. This places an emphasis on research learning within foresight. In contrast with traditional approaches, learning takes place not just through experience, but through interaction. Foresight is fundamentally based on interaction in the dialogue, vision and dissemination phases. Interaction may be fostered by learning and learning may be fostered by interaction. Learning is essential for foresight interaction, therefore learning theory has to find its own role within foresight theory and methodology.
Statisztikai Szemle, 96(11-12), pp. 1109-1128, 2018
Development in science has enabled the improvement of bankruptcy prediction models through severa... more Development in science has enabled the improvement of bankruptcy prediction models through several data-driven and artificial intelligence based methods. One of such promising methods might be the Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) method. The aim of this article is to consider the applicability of CBR on a sample of Hungarian micro enterprises, within the framework of classic bankruptcy prediction, by comparing the classification power of CBR to the three most frequently applied bankruptcy prediction techniques (decision tree, logistic regression, neural networks). The empirical research examined the occurrence of bankruptcy events (initiating bankruptcy, liquidation or forced deregistration procedure) for 1.828 Hungarian micro enterprises in 2017 using financial ratios calculated from 2015 and 2016 annual reports. On the whole it can be concluded that it is worthwhile to consider CBR methodology in solving classification problems similar to bankruptcy prediction. However, on the basis of the empirical research, the predictive power of the developed CBR model underperformed the accuracy of neural networks and logistic regression on observations in the testing sample.
Opus et Educatio, 6(2), pp. 170-183, 2019
A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia IX. Osztály Statisztikai és Jövőkutatási Bizottsága (MTA SJTB) keret... more A Magyar Tudományos Akadémia IX. Osztály Statisztikai és Jövőkutatási Bizottsága (MTA SJTB) keretein belül működő Jövőkutatási Tudományos Albizottság (JTAB) Felelősen a Jövőért Virtuális Interdiszciplináris Kutatócsoportja a hazai jövőkutatás 50 éves jubileuma alkalmából célul tűzte ki, hogy új empirikus vizsgálat keretében feltárja a hazai fiatalok 2018-ban megfigyelhető jövővel kapcsolatos gondolatait, várakozásait, reményeit és félelmeit.
A jövőorientáltság felmérést a különböző fiatal korosztályok megszólításánál véleményünk szerint leginkább optimális módszertanok szerint differenciáltuk. A jövőorientáltság méréséhez egységesen kialakított témaköröket 14 éves fiataloknál brainstorming, 17-18 éves fiataloknál papír alapú kérdőíves felmérés, míg az ennél idősebb fiatalok esetén közösségi média felhasználásával, online kérdőív alkalmazásával mértük fel. Összességében 1204 fiatal vett részt a kutatásban, és adott értékelhető válaszokat a felmérésben szereplő kérdésekre.
Az empirikus felmérés keretében vizsgált kérdések a világ jövőjére, Magyarország jövőjére, a környezeti állapot jövőjére, az energetika jövőjére, az oktatás jövőjére, a tudomány és a technológia jövőjére, az egészség, a család és a személyiség jövőjére, a munka világának jövőjére, a közlekedés jövőjére, valamint a személyes élettel kapcsolatos várakozásokra terjedtek ki.
A folyóiratcikk először a jövőorientáltság fogalmi kereteit és korábbi empirikus vizsgálatát mutatja be, a szakterületen releváns szakirodalom feldolgozásával. Ezt követően definiálja a 2018-as empirikus felmérés kutatás módszertani kereteit, majd részletesen értékeli az elért eredményeket, az egyes vizsgált témakörök mentén.
Vezetéstudomány, 50(12), pp. 62-73, 2019
The article attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approache... more The article attempts to synthesize the historical development tendencies of theoretical approaches, methodologies and empirical researches of corporate survival and bankruptcy prediction, laying emphasis on the 30-year development history of Hungarian empirical bankruptcy prediction models. Based on the historical development of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be argued that it has already caught up to the level of international best practice regarding the examined research problems, applied methods and empirical results. Throughout the development history of Hungarian bankruptcy prediction it can be tracked, how the initial, small, cross-sectional sample and classical methodology based bankruptcy prediction has evolved to today's corporate rating systems meeting the requirements of the dynamic, through-the-cycle economic capital calculation models. Contemporary methodological development is characterized by the domination of artificial intelligence, data mining, machine learning and hybrid modelling. The article reveals that Hungarian bankruptcy models are necessary to accomplish efficient bankruptcy prediction in Hungary. Throughout model development, it is essential to consider the sampling problems, the definition of target variable, the proper accomplishment of data preparation and data transformation steps, the dynamization of variables and the inclusion of behavioural variables. In addition the article draws several normative proposals how to select the right bankruptcy prediction method(s).
The paper attempts to provide forecast methodological framework and concrete models to estimate l... more The paper attempts to provide forecast methodological framework and concrete models to estimate long run probability of default term structure for Hungarian corporate debt instruments, in line with IFRS 9 requirements.
Long run probability of default and expected loss can be estimated by various methods and has fifty-five years of history in literature. After studying literature and empirical models, the Markov chain approach was selected to accomplish lifetime probability of default modeling for Hungarian corporate debt instruments.
Empirical results reveal that both discrete and continuous homogeneous Markov chain models systematically overestimate the long term corporate probability of default. However, the continuous non-homogeneous Markov chain gives both intuitively and empirically appropriate probability of default trajectories. The estimated term structure mathematically and professionally properly expresses the probability of default element of expected loss that can realistically occur in the long-run in Hungarian corporate lending. The elaborated models can be easily implemented at Hungarian corporate financial institutions.
Financial and Economic Review. 19(1), pp. 164-167, 2020
The book's authors address an important social issue. When preparing for retirement, many people ... more The book's authors address an important social issue. When preparing for retirement, many people require help with the proper planning and management of their savings and investments during the accumulation period as well as with developing an adequate strategy on how to use the accumulated assets during their years of retirement. In light of current market practices, financial advisors and investment fund managers currently specialising in these issues seem rather expensive and thus unaffordable to many, while their activities fail to cover all the related needs and areas. By contrast, using well-operating algorithms, robo-advisors generated through FinTech are able to manage retirement investments efficiently, transparently and at a much lower cost, making these services affordable to a wide range of people. They employ a personalised approach and take into account the interests and risk appetite of each customer, throughout their lifetime, which may lead to a radical transformation of the retirement savings market. While the most affected generation over the age of 50 has a significant proportion of financial instruments available for investment, so far FinTech innovation has been less targeted at older adults, many of whom are unable to develop an adequate retirement saving strategy due to a relatively low level of financial awareness. FinTech companies and solutions thus have huge market potential worldwide.
Employing broad technological foresight, mapping market developments and stakeholders' expectations, and based on a number of empirical analyses conducted in the US, the collection of studies aims to outline the breakthrough impact of FinTech on retirement saving schemes. It assesses in detail the specific characteristics of the target group and takes into account the services that roboadvisors will be able to provide more efficiently in the future. Finally, it puts forth proposals to supervisory bodies for the proper supervision of robo-advisors.
Financial and Economic Review, 18(1), pp. 147-150, 2019
Brett King is a renowned futurist and highly reputed author of numerous publications that have at... more Brett King is a renowned futurist and highly reputed author of numerous publications that have attracted a high level of response from the professional field. In this work, he explores the future of banking in the context of a new paradigm shift in the financial intermediary system, in a world developing at an unprecedented speed. In this ground-breaking book, he reconsiders the future business model of banks and provides guidance on how to imagine and realise the vision and strategy that could ensure the future survival of banks in the face of the challenges posed by FinTech companies in a radically changing technological environment. To justify the predictions, the publication presents a wide range of case studies and analogies from which it turns out that the banking system is no exception from development trends in other sectors. The main finding of the publication is that – without a major strategic change – traditional financial institutions will not be able to survive in the future even if they are shielded under a protectionist umbrella, in a world where 200,000 smartphones are sold every hour, because they are simply not quick, flexible and agile enough to keep pace with FinTech firms.