Arthur Cropley | University of Hamburg (original) (raw)

Papers by Arthur Cropley

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligence, family size and socio-economic status

Journal of Biosocial Science, Jul 1, 1970

Research paper thumbnail of Uric Acid and Divergent Thinking: A Possible Relationship

British Journal of Psychology, May 1, 1975

An exploratory investigation of the relationship between serum uric acid levels in male universit... more An exploratory investigation of the relationship between serum uric acid levels in male university students and their scores on tests of convergent and divergent thinking was carried out. The data suggested that uric acid levels are lower in highly divergent thinkers than in less divergent. This led to the speculation that uric acid may be an important biochemical precursor of intellectual functioning. If it does affect intellectual functioning, this may result from the action of uric acid as an endogenous cortical stimulant, or possibly from its action as a facilitator of learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Long Term Test-Retest Reliability of Creativity Tests

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Jun 1, 1971

Summary. The Consequences and Circles tests were re‐administered to 110 Grade Twelve students aft... more Summary. The Consequences and Circles tests were re‐administered to 110 Grade Twelve students after an interval of five years. Reliability coefficients, corrected for range restriction where this was appropriate, ranged from ·33 to ·58. These reliabilities, although apparently quite low, fall within the range of reliabilities for subtests of the WISC, and suggest that further studies of, for example, the predictive validity of creativity tests are justified.

Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Aug 5, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Das Innovationsmanagement auf der Grundlage des IPAI

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and Organizational Performance

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Aug 5, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Kreativität und Kriminalität: Grundüberlegungen

Um den Zusammenhang zwischen Kreativitat und Kriminalitat systematisch zu besprechen ist es notwe... more Um den Zusammenhang zwischen Kreativitat und Kriminalitat systematisch zu besprechen ist es notwendig, erstens Kreativitat und Kunst „abzukoppeln“ und zweitens zwischen „listenreicher“ und tagtaglicher „Strasenkriminalitat“ zu unterscheiden. Auch mussen die konkreten Erscheinungsformen von Kreativitat hervorgehoben werden, weil gesetzwidrige Verhaltensweisen fur die Kriminalitat kennzeichnend sind; es ist kein Verbrechen, einfach vom grosen Coup zu traumen. Dem selten besprochenen Thema der Absicht hinter Kreativitat kommt auch eine besondere Bedeutung zu, denn boswillige Absicht ist der kreativen Kriminalitat inharent. Unterschiedliche Kombinationen aus schlechter Absicht und schlechtem Ergebnis (fur jemanden) fuhren zu speziellen Arten von Kreativitat, die meistens kriminell sind.

Research paper thumbnail of Kreativität und Kriminalität: Die Überschneidungen

Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat beinhalten die Uberschreitung sozialer Grenzen. Dies ist... more Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat beinhalten die Uberschreitung sozialer Grenzen. Dies ist nicht inharent schlecht, wird aber zu einem Problem, wenn in einem spezifischen Zeitalter die Abweichung vom Ublichen fur die jeweilige Gesellschaft zu gros wird oder von einer unertraglichen Sorte ist. Nicht nur der Prozess ist ahnlich: Sowohl kreative als auch kriminelle Menschen weisen auch mit der Grenzuberschreitung einhergehende personliche Merkmale und Motiv- und Gefuhlslagen auf, wovon einige von anderen Menschen als bewundernswert beachtet werden, andere hingegen als ubel. Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat sind also gesellschafts- und epochenspezifisch. Folglich reicht ein reines Personlichkeitsdefizit-Modell fur die Erklarung von Kriminalitat nicht aus.

Research paper thumbnail of Betrug: Gaunerei, Abzocken und Schwindel

Betrug beinhaltet die Erzeugung von Neuheit, die wirkungsvoll ist und bestechend und impulsgebend... more Betrug beinhaltet die Erzeugung von Neuheit, die wirkungsvoll ist und bestechend und impulsgebend sein kann: Bei Betrug handelt es sich also um Kreativitat. Die Kreativitat von Betrugern kann in drei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden: Erkennung von Vermogenswerten, Schaffung von Zugang dazu und Verschleierung der Missetat. Kenntnisse uber den kreativen Prozess und die kreative Person legen neuartige Ansatze zum Schutz vor Betrug nahe: zum Beispiel Feststellung im Voraus von versteckter Schwachstellen von Organisationen, die von Betrugern mittels divergenten Denkens als gute Moglichkeiten fur Betrug erkannt werden konnen oder Identifizierung von Mitarbeitern, deren personliche Merkmale – zusammen mit Umfelddruck einer bestimmten Art – sie fur Betrug besonders „anfallig“ machen.

Research paper thumbnail of Terrorismus: die Kreativität des Schreckens

Terrorismus unterscheidet sich von Betrug dadurch, dass fur seinen Erfolg nicht Verschleierung, s... more Terrorismus unterscheidet sich von Betrug dadurch, dass fur seinen Erfolg nicht Verschleierung, sondern in der Regel weitverbreitete offentliche Vertrautheit mit der Missetat notwendig ist. Folglich entfaltet sich die Wechselwirkung zwischen „Neuheitszerfall“ und „Wirksamkeitszerfall“ anders als bei Betrug. Die Kombination bei Terroristen von boswilliger Absicht, uneigennutziger Motivation und dem Glauben an die Heiligkeit der eigenen Sache macht auch spezielle kognitive Prozesse notwendig, insbesondere Reduzierung kognitiver Dissonanz durch zum Beispiel Umdeutung [engl.: re-framing]. Diese speziellen Merkmale von Terrorismus legen nahe, dass die Zerruttung seiner Phasen andere Knotenpunkte umfasst als etwa Betrug. Zum Beispiel: in den Phasen „Vorbereitung“ und „Aktivierung“ ist der Umfelddruck von besonderer Bedeutung.

Research paper thumbnail of A five-year longitudinal study of the validity of creativity tests

Developmental Psychology, 1972

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing creative potential: An evaluation of the usefulness of creativity tests

Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, Nov 1, 1993

The single almost universally recognized aspect of creativity is novelty, often understood as nov... more The single almost universally recognized aspect of creativity is novelty, often understood as novelty of products. However, determining which novel products are “truly” creative is difficult, because of the influence of practical and aesthetic/professional criteria. From a psychological point of view, it is more productive to study personal properties associated with creativity on the one hand and psychological processes which lead to the production of novelty on the other, especially with school children, since few of them produce widely acclaimed creative products. For this reason, creativity tests are most useful as indicators of potential. The tests can be divided into two groups: those concentrating on biographical and personal properties (creative person) and those which aim to measure creative thinking (creative process). Although a variety of tests of both kinds exists, their ability to measure real life creativity in a reliable way is open to doubt. This may well be because creativity involves a combination of psychological elements, with the result that its measurement requires new procedures that cross conventional test boundaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing Creative Potential: An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Creativity Tests1

High Ability Studies, Dec 1, 1996

... in actual creative activities both in school and during leisure time. The Lifetime Creativity... more ... in actual creative activities both in school and during leisure time. The Lifetime Creativity Scales of Richards, Kinney, Bennet, and Merzel (1988) assess both quantity and quality of a person's involvement in creative activities throughout life, both in free time and also at work. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity and schizophrenia

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1973

Notes descriptions in the literature which indicate that creativity and schizophrenia have many c... more Notes descriptions in the literature which indicate that creativity and schizophrenia have many common characteristics. 4 groups of 20 20-55 yr olds (creatives, schizophrenics, high school teachers and vocational trainees) completed the CX-SD: Purdue-Rutgers Prior Experience Inventory IV. Ss characterized by creative achievement in their everyday lives differed from chronic schizophrenics in tolerance for incongruity in information input, with the

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity-focused Technology Education in the Age of Industry 4.0

Creativity Research Journal, Apr 2, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity and cognition:<i>Producing effective novelty</i>

Roeper Review, May 1, 1999

The cognitive approach to creativity emphasizes the processes involved in producing effective nov... more The cognitive approach to creativity emphasizes the processes involved in producing effective novelty, as well as the control mechanisms that regulate novelty production, and the structures that result. Merely novel structures display surprisingness and incongruity, to be sure, but they must also be meaningful and practicable to be effective. There are no special processes or control mechanisms unique to the production of effective novelty, but metasystematic operations are particularly favorable for it. Effective novelty can be produced at lower levels of cognitive development, but children's creativity is likely to differ qualitatively from that of adults. Although the cognitive approach takes little account of motivation, personality, or the social environment, it provides an operationizable definition of some aspects of creativity, and offers insights into what needs to be fostered to promote it.

Research paper thumbnail of The Myths of Heaven-Sent Creativity: Toward a Perhaps Less Democratic But More Down-to-Earth Understanding

Creativity Research Journal, Jul 2, 2016

Creativity is surrounded by a cluster of long-held beliefs—referred to here as myths—which regard... more Creativity is surrounded by a cluster of long-held beliefs—referred to here as myths—which regard it as confined to aesthetic/spiritual domains and as a divine gift to a tiny few, and thus render it ineluctable, ineffable and inscrutable. As a result, treating it as part of normal psychological functioning and emphasizing its usefulness seems almost blasphemous, and is regarded by some as devaluing creative talent or even rendering the idea of creativity meaningless. Indeed, there really does seem to be a danger of commodifying creativity and reducing it to fast food creativity—attractively packaged but lacking genuine nutritional value. However, a phase model of the process of creativity makes it possible to distinguish between sublime creativity, mundane creativity, and commodified creativity without attributing the former to forces beyond mere human existence. This conceptualization has practical consequences for, for instance, education.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Creativity, mental illness and crime

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Nov 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity in the Classroom: The Dark Side

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jun 30, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on the Wallach-Kogan Tests of Creativity

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Jun 1, 1968

Summary. The Wallach‐Kogan tests of creativity were administered to 124 first‐year university men... more Summary. The Wallach‐Kogan tests of creativity were administered to 124 first‐year university men under group conditions, along with five tests of intelligence. Correlation coefficients indicated that the battery of creativity tests possessed a high degree of internal consistency, and relative independence of intelligence tests. However, a substantial general factor loaded highly on both kinds of test.

Research paper thumbnail of Intelligence, family size and socio-economic status

Journal of Biosocial Science, Jul 1, 1970

Research paper thumbnail of Uric Acid and Divergent Thinking: A Possible Relationship

British Journal of Psychology, May 1, 1975

An exploratory investigation of the relationship between serum uric acid levels in male universit... more An exploratory investigation of the relationship between serum uric acid levels in male university students and their scores on tests of convergent and divergent thinking was carried out. The data suggested that uric acid levels are lower in highly divergent thinkers than in less divergent. This led to the speculation that uric acid may be an important biochemical precursor of intellectual functioning. If it does affect intellectual functioning, this may result from the action of uric acid as an endogenous cortical stimulant, or possibly from its action as a facilitator of learning.

Research paper thumbnail of Long Term Test-Retest Reliability of Creativity Tests

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Jun 1, 1971

Summary. The Consequences and Circles tests were re‐administered to 110 Grade Twelve students aft... more Summary. The Consequences and Circles tests were re‐administered to 110 Grade Twelve students after an interval of five years. Reliability coefficients, corrected for range restriction where this was appropriate, ranged from ·33 to ·58. These reliabilities, although apparently quite low, fall within the range of reliabilities for subtests of the WISC, and suggest that further studies of, for example, the predictive validity of creativity tests are justified.

Research paper thumbnail of Terrorism

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Aug 5, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Das Innovationsmanagement auf der Grundlage des IPAI

Research paper thumbnail of Innovation and Organizational Performance

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Aug 5, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of Kreativität und Kriminalität: Grundüberlegungen

Um den Zusammenhang zwischen Kreativitat und Kriminalitat systematisch zu besprechen ist es notwe... more Um den Zusammenhang zwischen Kreativitat und Kriminalitat systematisch zu besprechen ist es notwendig, erstens Kreativitat und Kunst „abzukoppeln“ und zweitens zwischen „listenreicher“ und tagtaglicher „Strasenkriminalitat“ zu unterscheiden. Auch mussen die konkreten Erscheinungsformen von Kreativitat hervorgehoben werden, weil gesetzwidrige Verhaltensweisen fur die Kriminalitat kennzeichnend sind; es ist kein Verbrechen, einfach vom grosen Coup zu traumen. Dem selten besprochenen Thema der Absicht hinter Kreativitat kommt auch eine besondere Bedeutung zu, denn boswillige Absicht ist der kreativen Kriminalitat inharent. Unterschiedliche Kombinationen aus schlechter Absicht und schlechtem Ergebnis (fur jemanden) fuhren zu speziellen Arten von Kreativitat, die meistens kriminell sind.

Research paper thumbnail of Kreativität und Kriminalität: Die Überschneidungen

Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat beinhalten die Uberschreitung sozialer Grenzen. Dies ist... more Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat beinhalten die Uberschreitung sozialer Grenzen. Dies ist nicht inharent schlecht, wird aber zu einem Problem, wenn in einem spezifischen Zeitalter die Abweichung vom Ublichen fur die jeweilige Gesellschaft zu gros wird oder von einer unertraglichen Sorte ist. Nicht nur der Prozess ist ahnlich: Sowohl kreative als auch kriminelle Menschen weisen auch mit der Grenzuberschreitung einhergehende personliche Merkmale und Motiv- und Gefuhlslagen auf, wovon einige von anderen Menschen als bewundernswert beachtet werden, andere hingegen als ubel. Sowohl Kreativitat als auch Kriminalitat sind also gesellschafts- und epochenspezifisch. Folglich reicht ein reines Personlichkeitsdefizit-Modell fur die Erklarung von Kriminalitat nicht aus.

Research paper thumbnail of Betrug: Gaunerei, Abzocken und Schwindel

Betrug beinhaltet die Erzeugung von Neuheit, die wirkungsvoll ist und bestechend und impulsgebend... more Betrug beinhaltet die Erzeugung von Neuheit, die wirkungsvoll ist und bestechend und impulsgebend sein kann: Bei Betrug handelt es sich also um Kreativitat. Die Kreativitat von Betrugern kann in drei Bereiche aufgeteilt werden: Erkennung von Vermogenswerten, Schaffung von Zugang dazu und Verschleierung der Missetat. Kenntnisse uber den kreativen Prozess und die kreative Person legen neuartige Ansatze zum Schutz vor Betrug nahe: zum Beispiel Feststellung im Voraus von versteckter Schwachstellen von Organisationen, die von Betrugern mittels divergenten Denkens als gute Moglichkeiten fur Betrug erkannt werden konnen oder Identifizierung von Mitarbeitern, deren personliche Merkmale – zusammen mit Umfelddruck einer bestimmten Art – sie fur Betrug besonders „anfallig“ machen.

Research paper thumbnail of Terrorismus: die Kreativität des Schreckens

Terrorismus unterscheidet sich von Betrug dadurch, dass fur seinen Erfolg nicht Verschleierung, s... more Terrorismus unterscheidet sich von Betrug dadurch, dass fur seinen Erfolg nicht Verschleierung, sondern in der Regel weitverbreitete offentliche Vertrautheit mit der Missetat notwendig ist. Folglich entfaltet sich die Wechselwirkung zwischen „Neuheitszerfall“ und „Wirksamkeitszerfall“ anders als bei Betrug. Die Kombination bei Terroristen von boswilliger Absicht, uneigennutziger Motivation und dem Glauben an die Heiligkeit der eigenen Sache macht auch spezielle kognitive Prozesse notwendig, insbesondere Reduzierung kognitiver Dissonanz durch zum Beispiel Umdeutung [engl.: re-framing]. Diese speziellen Merkmale von Terrorismus legen nahe, dass die Zerruttung seiner Phasen andere Knotenpunkte umfasst als etwa Betrug. Zum Beispiel: in den Phasen „Vorbereitung“ und „Aktivierung“ ist der Umfelddruck von besonderer Bedeutung.

Research paper thumbnail of A five-year longitudinal study of the validity of creativity tests

Developmental Psychology, 1972

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing creative potential: An evaluation of the usefulness of creativity tests

Australian Educational and Developmental Psychologist, Nov 1, 1993

The single almost universally recognized aspect of creativity is novelty, often understood as nov... more The single almost universally recognized aspect of creativity is novelty, often understood as novelty of products. However, determining which novel products are “truly” creative is difficult, because of the influence of practical and aesthetic/professional criteria. From a psychological point of view, it is more productive to study personal properties associated with creativity on the one hand and psychological processes which lead to the production of novelty on the other, especially with school children, since few of them produce widely acclaimed creative products. For this reason, creativity tests are most useful as indicators of potential. The tests can be divided into two groups: those concentrating on biographical and personal properties (creative person) and those which aim to measure creative thinking (creative process). Although a variety of tests of both kinds exists, their ability to measure real life creativity in a reliable way is open to doubt. This may well be because creativity involves a combination of psychological elements, with the result that its measurement requires new procedures that cross conventional test boundaries.

Research paper thumbnail of Recognizing Creative Potential: An Evaluation of the Usefulness of Creativity Tests1

High Ability Studies, Dec 1, 1996

... in actual creative activities both in school and during leisure time. The Lifetime Creativity... more ... in actual creative activities both in school and during leisure time. The Lifetime Creativity Scales of Richards, Kinney, Bennet, and Merzel (1988) assess both quantity and quality of a person&amp;#x27;s involvement in creative activities throughout life, both in free time and also at work. ...

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity and schizophrenia

Journal of Consulting and Clinical Psychology, 1973

Notes descriptions in the literature which indicate that creativity and schizophrenia have many c... more Notes descriptions in the literature which indicate that creativity and schizophrenia have many common characteristics. 4 groups of 20 20-55 yr olds (creatives, schizophrenics, high school teachers and vocational trainees) completed the CX-SD: Purdue-Rutgers Prior Experience Inventory IV. Ss characterized by creative achievement in their everyday lives differed from chronic schizophrenics in tolerance for incongruity in information input, with the

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity-focused Technology Education in the Age of Industry 4.0

Creativity Research Journal, Apr 2, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity and cognition:<i>Producing effective novelty</i>

Roeper Review, May 1, 1999

The cognitive approach to creativity emphasizes the processes involved in producing effective nov... more The cognitive approach to creativity emphasizes the processes involved in producing effective novelty, as well as the control mechanisms that regulate novelty production, and the structures that result. Merely novel structures display surprisingness and incongruity, to be sure, but they must also be meaningful and practicable to be effective. There are no special processes or control mechanisms unique to the production of effective novelty, but metasystematic operations are particularly favorable for it. Effective novelty can be produced at lower levels of cognitive development, but children's creativity is likely to differ qualitatively from that of adults. Although the cognitive approach takes little account of motivation, personality, or the social environment, it provides an operationizable definition of some aspects of creativity, and offers insights into what needs to be fostered to promote it.

Research paper thumbnail of The Myths of Heaven-Sent Creativity: Toward a Perhaps Less Democratic But More Down-to-Earth Understanding

Creativity Research Journal, Jul 2, 2016

Creativity is surrounded by a cluster of long-held beliefs—referred to here as myths—which regard... more Creativity is surrounded by a cluster of long-held beliefs—referred to here as myths—which regard it as confined to aesthetic/spiritual domains and as a divine gift to a tiny few, and thus render it ineluctable, ineffable and inscrutable. As a result, treating it as part of normal psychological functioning and emphasizing its usefulness seems almost blasphemous, and is regarded by some as devaluing creative talent or even rendering the idea of creativity meaningless. Indeed, there really does seem to be a danger of commodifying creativity and reducing it to fast food creativity—attractively packaged but lacking genuine nutritional value. However, a phase model of the process of creativity makes it possible to distinguish between sublime creativity, mundane creativity, and commodified creativity without attributing the former to forces beyond mere human existence. This conceptualization has practical consequences for, for instance, education.

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Creativity, mental illness and crime

Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, Nov 1, 2007

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity in the Classroom: The Dark Side

Cambridge University Press eBooks, Jun 30, 2010

Research paper thumbnail of A Note on the Wallach-Kogan Tests of Creativity

British Journal of Educational Psychology, Jun 1, 1968

Summary. The Wallach‐Kogan tests of creativity were administered to 124 first‐year university men... more Summary. The Wallach‐Kogan tests of creativity were administered to 124 first‐year university men under group conditions, along with five tests of intelligence. Correlation coefficients indicated that the battery of creativity tests possessed a high degree of internal consistency, and relative independence of intelligence tests. However, a substantial general factor loaded highly on both kinds of test.

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity, intelligence and intellectual style

Australian Journal of Education, Jan 1969

Research paper thumbnail of Preparing for the Demands of the Future of Work: Engineering Organisations, Creativity and Innovation

Handbook of Organisational Creativity: Volume 2: Leadership, Interventions and Macro Level Issues, 2023

Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are impacting an increasingly broad range of aspects of life, bring... more Cyber-physical systems (CPSs) are impacting an increasingly broad range of aspects of life, bringing widespread and rapid change. One consequence of this is that engineering work is becoming open-ended, requiring a new kind of collaboration between engineers and technology. The present chapter argues that this particular instance of the future of work will

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity as a Driver of Innovation: Measuring the Impact of Human Capital in Organisations

Handbook of Research Methods on Creativity, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity and Malevolence: Past, Present and Future

Cambridge Handbook of Creativity, 2019

The concept of creativity, both in colloquial terms, and in more academic discussions, has long c... more The concept of creativity, both in colloquial terms, and in more academic discussions, has long carried with it an association with positive qualities and outcomes. This bias towards benevolence has been challenged in recent years, with a growing interest in the application of creativity for purposes involving deliberate harm. Interest in malevolent creativity has developed in recent times as it was recognised that many of the advantages that are fundamental to benevolent creativity-novelty and effectiveness, for example-can also be exploited by criminals and terrorists. In the last decade, research has emerged, exploring a variety of relationships between the person, the outputs they generate, the environment in which this takes place, and the cognitive processes employed, all focused on malevolent-i.e. deliberately harmful-applications of creativity.

Research paper thumbnail of Creativity in the Engineering Domain

The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity Across Domains, 2017

Engineering can claim an important association with the birth of the modern creativity era. The S... more Engineering can claim an important association with the birth of the modern creativity era. The Sputnik Shock of 1957 led to the identification of creativity not only as a valuable quality in general, but also as a vital element of practical, successful problem solving. The engineering domain epitomizes the interdependence of the 4Ps of creativity – Person, Product, Process and Press – highlighting the necessity of each as a component of generating effective and novel solutions to problems. In this chapter, we discuss both what makes engineering unique as a domain of creativity, and also how important are the core, psychological constructs of creativity to this domain. We discuss, in particular, two facets of creativity – the characteristics of creative products, and the measurement of divergent thinking – where insights from the domain of engineering add value to the understanding of creativity as a systems phenomenon.

Research paper thumbnail of Kreativität: Der Begriff, der aus der Kälte kam

Research paper thumbnail of The Creative Solution Diagnosis Scale (CSDS) Assessment App - User Guide

This guide provides a brief overview of the CSDS Creativity Assessment app, and instructions to a... more This guide provides a brief overview of the CSDS Creativity Assessment app, and instructions to assist users.

Research paper thumbnail of CSDS Rubrik Guide A4.docx

Research paper thumbnail of Core Capabilities for Industry 4.0 – Foundations of the Cyber-Psychology of Engineering

Research paper thumbnail of Die Schattenseite der Kreativität

Cover image of forthcoming German version of "Creativity and Crime: A Psychological Analysis".

Research paper thumbnail of Die Psychologie der organisationalen Innovation: Eine Einführung für Führungskräfte.

Research paper thumbnail of Ein Credo aus dem australischen Busch Lebensprinzipien aus der australischen Volksdichtung des 19. Jahrhunderts

Ca. 1860 bis 1900 florierte in Australien-etwa in der Tages-bzw. Wochenpresse1-eine volkstümliche... more Ca. 1860 bis 1900 florierte in Australien-etwa in der Tages-bzw. Wochenpresse1-eine volkstümliche Poesie-Genre, die sogenannten "Busch-Balladen". Diese Gedichte konstruierten eine Legende der Erschließung der-wegen der großen Entfernungen und der für Neulinge aus Europa zum Teil menschenfeindlichen Umgebung-bisher nur wenig vertrauten australischen Wildnis: das "sonnenverbrannte Land" mit seinen endlosen Horizonten, schweifenden Ebenen, zackigen Bergen, brennend heißen Dürren, unaufhaltsamen Buschbränden und unberechenbaren Überschwemmungen. Aus der Sicht der Neusiedler waren die fast legendären Figuren dieser Bezwingung (etwa Clancy of the Overflow, The Man from Snowy River) und ihre Pferde Helden. Ihre Leben und ihre Taten sind in den Werken von Volksdichtern (etwa Banjo Paterson, Adam Lindsay Gordon,

Research paper thumbnail of Ein Credo aus dem australischen Busch Lebensprinzipien aus der australischen Volksdichtung des 19. Jahrhunderts

Ein Credo aus dem australischen Busch, 2022

Ca. 1860 bis 1900 florierte in Australien-etwa in der Tages-bzw. Wochenpresse1-eine volkstümliche... more Ca. 1860 bis 1900 florierte in Australien-etwa in der Tages-bzw. Wochenpresse1-eine volkstümliche Poesie-Genre, die sogenannten "Busch-Balladen". Diese Gedichte konstruierten eine Legende der Erschließung der-wegen der großen Entfernungen und der für Neulinge aus Europa zum Teil menschenfeindlichen Umgebung-bisher nur wenig vertrauten australischen Wildniss: das "sonnenverbrannte Land" mit seinen endlosen Horizonten, schweifenden Ebenen, zackigen Bergen, brennend heißen Dürren, unaufhaltsamen Buschbränden und unberechenbaren Überschwemmungen. Aus der Sicht der Neusiedler waren die fast legendären Figuren dieser Bezwingung (etwa Clancy of the Overflow, The Man from Snowy River) und ihre Pferde Helden. Ihre Leben und ihre Taten sind in den Werken von Volksdichtern (etwa Banjo Paterson, Adam Lindsay Gordon, Breaker Morant, Henry Lawson) verewigt. Allerdings berücksichtigte dieses idealisierte

Research paper thumbnail of Ein Lebenscredo aus dem australischen Busch

Eine Zusammenlegung und freie Übersetzung ausgewählter Fragmente einer längeren Buschballade des ... more Eine Zusammenlegung und freie Übersetzung ausgewählter Fragmente einer längeren Buschballade des australischen Volksdichters Adam Lindsay Gordon, der 1870 das eigene Leben nahm

Research paper thumbnail of Transferable creativity: Arts Integration and Gifted Education