Rafael Biermann | Friedrich-Schiller-Universität Jena (original) (raw)
Papers by Rafael Biermann
Territory, politics, governance, Mar 13, 2024
Historisches Jahrbuch, 2019
F. Schöningh eBooks, 1997
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2014
Hinführung Seit dem Eingreifen der NATO in Libyen 2011 und der nachfolgenden Syrien-Debatte ist d... more Hinführung Seit dem Eingreifen der NATO in Libyen 2011 und der nachfolgenden Syrien-Debatte ist die humanitäre Intervention auf die Tagesordnung der internationalen Politik zurückgekehrt. Dem voraus ging die scheinbare Delegitimierung dieses Instruments durch die Interventionen in den Kosovo 1999, in Afghanistan 2001 und in den Irak 2003 wie auch seine Überlagerung durch den »Global War on Terror«. Die Intervention in Libyen ist vor diesem Hintergrund erstaunlich. Mehr noch erstaunt die normative Kluft, die den Libyen-Diskurs vom Kosovo-Diskurs trennt, steht doch die weitgehende Zustimmung zur Libyen-Intervention in markantem 1.
This chapter investigates NATO’s interactions with other international organizations (IOs) since ... more This chapter investigates NATO’s interactions with other international organizations (IOs) since 1990.1 During the Cold War, the Alliance was a stand-alone organization with only minor ad hoc relations to other organizations (Kaplan 2010). Today, NATO not only entertains structured relations with an abundance of partner states (see Matlary, this volume), but also its ties with other IOs have multiplied.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks, 2023
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, Dec 1, 2016
This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when interna... more This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when international intergovernmental organizations interact. It takes a holistic approach that accounts also for the role of member states and the resulting complex multilevel governance among a multitude of players networking across organizational and state boundaries when organizations interact. Studies systematically investigating the role of bureaucracies in inter-organizational affairs are extremely rare. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to inspire research by connecting the study of inter-organizational relations more systematically with the research on international bureaucracies in general. The chapter first conceptualizes international bureaucracies. It then discusses the relevance of international bureaucracies for inter-organizational relations. Afterwards, four major theoretical perspectives on bureaucracies are screened, namely principal–agent theory, sociological institutionalism, the bureaucratic politics approach, and organization theory, in order to demonstrate how they might be employed and blended to research the role of international bureaucracies in inter-organizational relations. The conclusions offer some methodological recommendations of how to do so.
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, Dec 1, 2016
Several factors have been put forward to explain economic development and growth in different cou... more Several factors have been put forward to explain economic development and growth in different countries. The main factors are first, economic resources and second, well functioning economic, social and political institutions. Third, a growing number of authors have argued that culture is also a critical ingredient of economic development and growth. One important aspect of this cultural influence on economic development is the entrepreneurial culture. In Kenya, the debate on the presence or absence of the entrepreneurship culture is old and still raging. This study contributes to this debate by examining whether there is an entrepreneurship culture among micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Kenya. Specifically, the study inquired into the possible causes of the phenomenal rise in new MSEs in Kenya between 1993 and 2005. Could this be, as is popularly believed, a manifestation of an entrepreneurial culture in Kenya? To answer this question a survey of over 170 entrepreneurs was conducted for different types of ventures in Kariobangi, Kasarani Division of Nairobi County in Kenya. Data was collected on the reasons behind business formations, the constraints to growth and the strategies used to market their goods and services using a questionnaire. A factor analysis technique was used to analyse the data. The evidence adduced shows that the mushrooming of MSEs over the sample period is not an epitome of an entrepreneurial culture in Kenya. The key factors behind this phenomenal growth are desire to supplement income, availability of credit, the desire to generate wealth and retrenchment. These are rational defensive responses to unemployment, retrenchment and poverty. Therefore, the observed increase in MSEs was a response to the harsh social, economic, and political environment at that time. Indeed, the results showed that an economic turn around in the country could lead to a massive close down of many MSEs as formal employment increases. Thus, policy-makers need to initiate policies aimed at reducing unemployment and poverty, which drive people to form MSEs to eke out a livelihood.
European Security, May 28, 2014
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
"Ten years after the end of the Cold War Europe has once again two faces. On the one hand we have... more "Ten years after the end of the Cold War Europe has once again two faces. On the one hand we have the success story of European integration, the Europe of human rights and of equality, of peace, democracy and welfare. However, at the same time the Europe of nationalism, of the past, of tyranny and brutal suppression of human rights that we already deemed to have overcome has been revived, in Vukovar, in Srebrenica, in Racak and in the many nameless places of horror" (this and the following translations done by the author), Bulletin des Presse-und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung, No. 34, 31 May 1999, p. 359.
Historisch-politische Mitteilungen, 2005
Ein Exzerpt aus dem ‚Oxford Concise History of Europe', datiert auf das Jahr 2040: "Die große Fra... more Ein Exzerpt aus dem ‚Oxford Concise History of Europe', datiert auf das Jahr 2040: "Die große Frage für Europa im Januar 2023 war Irak: Sollte es Mitglied der Europäischen Union werden? Die Türkei, selbst seit mehr als einer Dekade EU-Mitglied, drängte stark auf eine irakische Mitgliedschaft. Immerhin war Irak so etwas wie eine Demokratie seit fast 20 Jahren. ... Einige rückwärtsgewandte europäische Christdemokraten wandten ein, der Irak sei kein europäisches Land. ,Die Idee ist völlig lächerlich', so der 84-jährige frühere Präsident der Europäischen Kommission, Romano Prodi. Aber die EU hatte die traditionellen geographischen, historischen und kulturellen Grenzen Europas ... schon überschritten, als sie entschied, die Türkei aufzunehmen." 1 Blütenträume eines sklerotischen Euroskeptikers? Dafür ist Timothy Garton Ash nicht eben bekannt-eher für seine ebenso scharfsinnigen wie zutreffenden Analysen der europäischen Zeitgeschichte. Ist es wirklich völlig abwegig, sich in zwanzig Jahren eine Europäische Union vorzustellen, die als global agierender Akteur nach der Türkei auch deren Nachbarn aufnimmt, die in den südlichen Kaukasus und bis nach Zentralasien reicht? Europarat wie OSZE betreiben heute Stabilitätsprojektion weit in diese Räume hinein. Georgien wurde 1999, Armenien und Aserbaidschan wurden 2001 in den Europarat aufgenommen; bereits 1992 traten Kasachstan, Kirgisien, Tadschikistan und Turkmenistan der OSZE bei. Dabei beschränkt das Statut des Europarates die Beitrittsmöglichkeit auf "alle europäischen Staaten", die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte wahren. 2 Die Zeilen von Timothy Garton Ash sind vor dem Hintergrund einer Debatte zu sehen, die seit Ende 1999 die Europäische Union polarisiert. Der damaligen Benennung der Türkei zum offiziellen Beitrittskandidaten folgte fünf Jahre später die Entscheidung zum Beginn von Beitrittsverhandlungen. 3 Die Argumente zu diesem Thema sind hinreichend ausgetauscht. Was jedoch auffällt, ist die Engläufigkeit der Debatte, also ihre mangelnde Einordnung in den anbrechenden Diskurs über die geographische Finalität der europäischen Integration. Heinrich August Winkler fordert zu Recht eine tiefere Ergründung des Zusammenhangs "zwischen der Finalität des Einigungsprozesses, den Au
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 10, 2022
This paper endeavors to explore a conflict-type approach to mediation, i.e. to test the interdepe... more This paper endeavors to explore a conflict-type approach to mediation, i.e. to test the interdependence of conflict types and mediation profiles. It specifically looks at conflicts of indivisibility, asking whether the core properties of these most resistant conflicts suggest some mediation profiles to be more adequate than others and, more specifically, whether this conflict type restricts the menu of choices available to mediators. Taking stock of the research findings of several strands of largely unrelated literature, the most prominent of which is the 'enduring rivalries' research program, the paper first identifies two core properties of these conflicts, perceived indivisibility and self-reinforcing duration effects, based on an issue-oriented bargaining approach. It then synthesizes the research findings on conflict termination, integrating them into different theories on how to reverse path dependence. It afterwards discusses specifically the rather sobering mediation track record for these conflicts. On this basis, the paper turns to mediation goals and strategies, arguing that this conflict type indeed limits the choices available to mediators: as concerns the issue dimension, non-directive strategies are much less functional than directive strategies and fractioning seems to contradict the very nature of these conflicts; as concerns the perceptional dimension, continuous problem-solving efforts are the key to sustainable resolution. Dr. habil. Rafael Biermann After all, we know encouraging success stories of mediation in these most resistant cases, such as Zimbabwe, South Africa, El Salvador, Cambodia, among others, though causality is extremely difficult to establish. There is a growing awareness in the scientific community that these conflicts share major characteristics, which justifies classifying them as one conflict type. The 'massive wall of resistance to settlement' (Crocker, Hampson, and Aall, 2005b: 9) is a leitmotif in their study. In fact, some definitions explicitly incorporate the mediation hurdle, arguing that the 'many futile attempts at management or resolution' are a core
Territory, politics, governance, Mar 13, 2024
Historisches Jahrbuch, 2019
F. Schöningh eBooks, 1997
Zeitschrift für Friedens- und Konfliktforschung, 2014
Hinführung Seit dem Eingreifen der NATO in Libyen 2011 und der nachfolgenden Syrien-Debatte ist d... more Hinführung Seit dem Eingreifen der NATO in Libyen 2011 und der nachfolgenden Syrien-Debatte ist die humanitäre Intervention auf die Tagesordnung der internationalen Politik zurückgekehrt. Dem voraus ging die scheinbare Delegitimierung dieses Instruments durch die Interventionen in den Kosovo 1999, in Afghanistan 2001 und in den Irak 2003 wie auch seine Überlagerung durch den »Global War on Terror«. Die Intervention in Libyen ist vor diesem Hintergrund erstaunlich. Mehr noch erstaunt die normative Kluft, die den Libyen-Diskurs vom Kosovo-Diskurs trennt, steht doch die weitgehende Zustimmung zur Libyen-Intervention in markantem 1.
This chapter investigates NATO’s interactions with other international organizations (IOs) since ... more This chapter investigates NATO’s interactions with other international organizations (IOs) since 1990.1 During the Cold War, the Alliance was a stand-alone organization with only minor ad hoc relations to other organizations (Kaplan 2010). Today, NATO not only entertains structured relations with an abundance of partner states (see Matlary, this volume), but also its ties with other IOs have multiplied.
Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft mbH & Co. KG eBooks, 2023
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, Dec 1, 2016
This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when interna... more This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when international intergovernmental organizations interact. It takes a holistic approach that accounts also for the role of member states and the resulting complex multilevel governance among a multitude of players networking across organizational and state boundaries when organizations interact. Studies systematically investigating the role of bureaucracies in inter-organizational affairs are extremely rare. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to inspire research by connecting the study of inter-organizational relations more systematically with the research on international bureaucracies in general. The chapter first conceptualizes international bureaucracies. It then discusses the relevance of international bureaucracies for inter-organizational relations. Afterwards, four major theoretical perspectives on bureaucracies are screened, namely principal–agent theory, sociological institutionalism, the bureaucratic politics approach, and organization theory, in order to demonstrate how they might be employed and blended to research the role of international bureaucracies in inter-organizational relations. The conclusions offer some methodological recommendations of how to do so.
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, Dec 1, 2016
Several factors have been put forward to explain economic development and growth in different cou... more Several factors have been put forward to explain economic development and growth in different countries. The main factors are first, economic resources and second, well functioning economic, social and political institutions. Third, a growing number of authors have argued that culture is also a critical ingredient of economic development and growth. One important aspect of this cultural influence on economic development is the entrepreneurial culture. In Kenya, the debate on the presence or absence of the entrepreneurship culture is old and still raging. This study contributes to this debate by examining whether there is an entrepreneurship culture among micro and small enterprises (MSEs) in Kenya. Specifically, the study inquired into the possible causes of the phenomenal rise in new MSEs in Kenya between 1993 and 2005. Could this be, as is popularly believed, a manifestation of an entrepreneurial culture in Kenya? To answer this question a survey of over 170 entrepreneurs was conducted for different types of ventures in Kariobangi, Kasarani Division of Nairobi County in Kenya. Data was collected on the reasons behind business formations, the constraints to growth and the strategies used to market their goods and services using a questionnaire. A factor analysis technique was used to analyse the data. The evidence adduced shows that the mushrooming of MSEs over the sample period is not an epitome of an entrepreneurial culture in Kenya. The key factors behind this phenomenal growth are desire to supplement income, availability of credit, the desire to generate wealth and retrenchment. These are rational defensive responses to unemployment, retrenchment and poverty. Therefore, the observed increase in MSEs was a response to the harsh social, economic, and political environment at that time. Indeed, the results showed that an economic turn around in the country could lead to a massive close down of many MSEs as formal employment increases. Thus, policy-makers need to initiate policies aimed at reducing unemployment and poverty, which drive people to form MSEs to eke out a livelihood.
European Security, May 28, 2014
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2017
The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this p... more The use of general descriptive names, registered names, trademarks, service marks, etc. in this publication does not imply, even in the absence of a specific statement, that such names are exempt from the relevant protective laws and regulations and therefore free for general use.
"Ten years after the end of the Cold War Europe has once again two faces. On the one hand we have... more "Ten years after the end of the Cold War Europe has once again two faces. On the one hand we have the success story of European integration, the Europe of human rights and of equality, of peace, democracy and welfare. However, at the same time the Europe of nationalism, of the past, of tyranny and brutal suppression of human rights that we already deemed to have overcome has been revived, in Vukovar, in Srebrenica, in Racak and in the many nameless places of horror" (this and the following translations done by the author), Bulletin des Presse-und Informationsamtes der Bundesregierung, No. 34, 31 May 1999, p. 359.
Historisch-politische Mitteilungen, 2005
Ein Exzerpt aus dem ‚Oxford Concise History of Europe', datiert auf das Jahr 2040: "Die große Fra... more Ein Exzerpt aus dem ‚Oxford Concise History of Europe', datiert auf das Jahr 2040: "Die große Frage für Europa im Januar 2023 war Irak: Sollte es Mitglied der Europäischen Union werden? Die Türkei, selbst seit mehr als einer Dekade EU-Mitglied, drängte stark auf eine irakische Mitgliedschaft. Immerhin war Irak so etwas wie eine Demokratie seit fast 20 Jahren. ... Einige rückwärtsgewandte europäische Christdemokraten wandten ein, der Irak sei kein europäisches Land. ,Die Idee ist völlig lächerlich', so der 84-jährige frühere Präsident der Europäischen Kommission, Romano Prodi. Aber die EU hatte die traditionellen geographischen, historischen und kulturellen Grenzen Europas ... schon überschritten, als sie entschied, die Türkei aufzunehmen." 1 Blütenträume eines sklerotischen Euroskeptikers? Dafür ist Timothy Garton Ash nicht eben bekannt-eher für seine ebenso scharfsinnigen wie zutreffenden Analysen der europäischen Zeitgeschichte. Ist es wirklich völlig abwegig, sich in zwanzig Jahren eine Europäische Union vorzustellen, die als global agierender Akteur nach der Türkei auch deren Nachbarn aufnimmt, die in den südlichen Kaukasus und bis nach Zentralasien reicht? Europarat wie OSZE betreiben heute Stabilitätsprojektion weit in diese Räume hinein. Georgien wurde 1999, Armenien und Aserbaidschan wurden 2001 in den Europarat aufgenommen; bereits 1992 traten Kasachstan, Kirgisien, Tadschikistan und Turkmenistan der OSZE bei. Dabei beschränkt das Statut des Europarates die Beitrittsmöglichkeit auf "alle europäischen Staaten", die Rechtsstaatlichkeit und Menschenrechte wahren. 2 Die Zeilen von Timothy Garton Ash sind vor dem Hintergrund einer Debatte zu sehen, die seit Ende 1999 die Europäische Union polarisiert. Der damaligen Benennung der Türkei zum offiziellen Beitrittskandidaten folgte fünf Jahre später die Entscheidung zum Beginn von Beitrittsverhandlungen. 3 Die Argumente zu diesem Thema sind hinreichend ausgetauscht. Was jedoch auffällt, ist die Engläufigkeit der Debatte, also ihre mangelnde Einordnung in den anbrechenden Diskurs über die geographische Finalität der europäischen Integration. Heinrich August Winkler fordert zu Recht eine tiefere Ergründung des Zusammenhangs "zwischen der Finalität des Einigungsprozesses, den Au
De Gruyter eBooks, Oct 10, 2022
This paper endeavors to explore a conflict-type approach to mediation, i.e. to test the interdepe... more This paper endeavors to explore a conflict-type approach to mediation, i.e. to test the interdependence of conflict types and mediation profiles. It specifically looks at conflicts of indivisibility, asking whether the core properties of these most resistant conflicts suggest some mediation profiles to be more adequate than others and, more specifically, whether this conflict type restricts the menu of choices available to mediators. Taking stock of the research findings of several strands of largely unrelated literature, the most prominent of which is the 'enduring rivalries' research program, the paper first identifies two core properties of these conflicts, perceived indivisibility and self-reinforcing duration effects, based on an issue-oriented bargaining approach. It then synthesizes the research findings on conflict termination, integrating them into different theories on how to reverse path dependence. It afterwards discusses specifically the rather sobering mediation track record for these conflicts. On this basis, the paper turns to mediation goals and strategies, arguing that this conflict type indeed limits the choices available to mediators: as concerns the issue dimension, non-directive strategies are much less functional than directive strategies and fractioning seems to contradict the very nature of these conflicts; as concerns the perceptional dimension, continuous problem-solving efforts are the key to sustainable resolution. Dr. habil. Rafael Biermann After all, we know encouraging success stories of mediation in these most resistant cases, such as Zimbabwe, South Africa, El Salvador, Cambodia, among others, though causality is extremely difficult to establish. There is a growing awareness in the scientific community that these conflicts share major characteristics, which justifies classifying them as one conflict type. The 'massive wall of resistance to settlement' (Crocker, Hampson, and Aall, 2005b: 9) is a leitmotif in their study. In fact, some definitions explicitly incorporate the mediation hurdle, arguing that the 'many futile attempts at management or resolution' are a core
Publisher: Vandehoek & Ruprecht, 2020
Since the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Yugoslavia... more Since the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Yugoslavia, the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions have been faced with multiple upheavals of interethnic violence, bloody secessions and ethnic cleansing. Up to the present, both regions are confronted with unresolved border, minority and security issues, matters of recognition, protracted traumata and claims for justice. After the fall of the iron curtain, simmering ethnic tensions turned into hot wars that created new states, new power-political hierarchies and a heritage of violence. Reaching back to the early 1990s, several international and national transitional justice measures have been applied to face these heritages and lay the foundations for a common future. For the former Yugoslavia, they range from broad criminal trials to a series of restorative justice mechanisms; in the North and South Caucasus they encompass numerous mediation measures and primarily restorative justice efforts. The present volume is concerned with strategies of conflict resolution and prevention subsumed under the concept of reconciliation. It aims at understanding the socio-emotional root causes of political cleavages and daily realities of (post-) conflict societies, especially regarding the impact of competing narratives and unprocessed pasts on exclusive identities and strategic political choices. Applying reconciliation theory, insights from collective memory and transitional justice to a series of selected field studies, it sheds light on the origins of interethnic violence, aims at finding explanations for the fact that many of the above-mentioned conflicts have become intractable and discusses the chances and challenges for transforming interests, emotions, perspectives, roles and identities between and within the respective societies.
Ethics and International Affairs, 33:1 , 2019
(*Guest Editor)
Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan UK, 2017
This unique handbook brings together a team of leading scholars and practitioners in order to map... more This unique handbook brings together a team of leading scholars and practitioners in order to map, synthesize and assess key perspectives on cooperation and rivalry between regional and global organizations in world politics. For the first time, a variety of inter-disciplinary theoretical and conceptual perspectives are combined in order to assess the nature, processes and outcomes of inter-organizational partnerships and rivalries across major policy areas, such as peace and security, human rights and democratisation as well as finance, development and climate change . This text provides scholars, students and policy-makers of International Relations with an exhaustive reference book for understanding the theoretical and empirical dimensions of an increasingly important topic in International Relations (IR), Global Governance and related disciplines.
Publisher: Schoeningh, 2006
Das Kosovo rückte 1998/ 99 aus der Peripherie ins Zentrum der Weltpolitik, als die internationale... more Das Kosovo rückte 1998/ 99 aus der Peripherie ins Zentrum der Weltpolitik, als die internationale Gemeinschaft mit hektischer Krisendiplomatie, dann mit Luftoperationen der NATO der serbisch-albanischen Gewaltspirale Einhalt gebot. Doch wie hat sich dieser Konflikt, der über ein Jahrzehnt im Schatten der Weltpolitik heranreifte, aufgebaut? Warum waren die internationalen Bemühungen um seine Eindämmung so halbherzig und so widersprüchlich? Und welche Schlussfolgerungen lassen sich aus ihrem Scheitern für künftige Krisenprävention und -vermittlung ziehen?
Publisher: Nomos Verlagsgesellschaft, 2002
Konfliktmanagement hat seit Ende der Bipolarität enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wobei der tradition... more Konfliktmanagement hat seit Ende der Bipolarität enorm an Bedeutung gewonnen. Wobei der traditionelle Blauhelm-Einsatz der Vereinten Nationen zunehmend von sehr komplexen, multinationalen Friedensmissionen unterschiedlichsten Charakters überlagert wird. Viele Defizite werden dabei offenbar. Deutschland verfügt erst seit Kambodscha, Somalia und Bosnien über erste Einsatzerfahrungen. Das Buch soll einen Beitrag dazu leisten, diese Erfahrungen von deutschen Einsatzkräften transparent zu machen und Schlußfolgerungen für künftige Einsätze zu ziehen. Die Autoren sind überwiegend deutsche Mitarbeiter internationaler Organisationen, die über ihre Erfahrungen im Einsatz berichten: so u.a. vom Einsatz der Internationalen Polizeitruppe in Bosnien, von Wahlbeobachtung, Wiederaufbau und Flüchtlingsrückkehr und von den NATO-Luftoperationen im Kosovo. Hinzu kommen Beiträge, die sich mit den Entscheidungsstrukturen und -prozessen im Konfliktmanagement in Berlin befassen. Der Herausgeber ist Leiter der »Task Force Südosteuropa« am Zentrum für Europäische Integrationsforschung (ZEI) und hat von 1995 bis 1999 im Planungsstab des Bundesministeriums der Verteidigung gearbeitet.
Center for European Integration Studies, Bonn (ZEI), 1999
Publisher: Schöningh, 1998
Publisher: Research Institute of the German Society for Foreign Policy (DGAP), 1990
In book: Societies in Transition: The Caucasus and the Balkans Between Conflict and Reconciliation; Publisher: Vandehoek & Ruprecht, 2020
Since the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Yugoslavia... more Since the end of the Cold War, the collapse of the Soviet Union and the dissolution of Yugoslavia the Mediterranean and Black Sea regions have been faced with multiple upheavals of interethnic violence, bloody secessions and ethnic cleansing.Up to the present, both regions are confrontedwith unresolved border, minority and security issues, matters of recognition, protracted traumata and claims for justice. After the fall of the iron curtain, simmering ethnic tensions turned into hot wars that created newstates, new power-political hierarchies and a heritage of violence. Reaching back to the early 1990s, several international and national transitional justice measures have been applied to face these heritages and lay the foundations for a common future. For the former Yugoslavia they range from broad criminal trials to a series of restorative justice mechanisms, in the North and South Caucasus they encompass numerous mediation measures and primarily restorative justice efforts.
In book: Societies in Transition: The Caucasus and the Balkans Between Conflict and Reconciliation; Publisher: Vandehoek & Ruprecht, 2020
In book: Braun, Karl-Heinz et al. (Eds.), Historisches Jahrbuch, 138; Publisher: Karl Alber, 2018
In book: Biermann, Rafael and Koops, Joachim A. (eds.), Palgrave Handbook on Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
In book: Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when interna... more This chapter tries to shed light on the specific role of international bureaucracies when international intergovernmental organizations interact. It takes a holistic approach that accounts also for the role of member states and the resulting complex multilevel governance among a multitude of players networking across organizational and state boundaries when organizations interact. Studies systematically investigating the role of bureaucracies in inter-organizational affairs are extremely rare. Therefore, the goal of this chapter is to inspire research by connecting the study of inter-organizational relations more systematically with the research on international bureaucracies in general. The chapter first conceptualizes international bureaucracies. It then discusses the relevance of international bureaucracies for inter-organizational relations. Afterwards, four major theoretical perspectives on bureaucracies are screened, namely principal–agent theory, sociological institutionalism, the bureaucratic politics approach, and organization theory, in order to demonstrate how they might be employed and blended to research the role of international bureaucracies in inter-organizational relations. The conclusions offer some methodological recommendations of how to do so.
In book: Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
This chapter tries to understand legitimation processes among international organizations. After ... more This chapter tries to understand legitimation processes among international organizations. After conceptualizing legitimacy and legitimation in general and the legitimation of international organizations in particular, it focuses on processes of (de-)legitimation among organizations. Organizations constantly engage in activities to gain, maintain, and repair their own legitimacy. However, environmental constraints shape their legitimacy. Within their environment, struggles over legitimacy based on disputed legitimacy criteria and assessments abound. Other organizations are part of this environment. They hold resources deemed essential for task accomplishment and compete for the same mandates and tasks in dense institutional spaces. Thus, both their very activities and the cooperation with them impact an organization’s legitimacy. The chapter argues that legitimacy concerns are therefore a major factor driving the willingness to cooperate among organizations. Organizations strive to connect to legitimate others and disconnect from illegitimate others, which impacts partner selection, tie strength, and resource exchange. The chapter concludes with substantial and methodological recommendations for future research.
In book: Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main definitions, dimensions, and processes... more This introductory chapter provides an overview of the main definitions, dimensions, and processes of inter-organizational relations and outlines major concepts required for understanding and analyzing inter-organizational relations in world politics. The chapter is divided into seven sections. After a general introduction, Section 2 clarifies major definitions of the concept (both our understanding of ‘inter-organizational relations’ and of ‘international organizations’), contrasting this with the prevalent ‘regime interaction’ approach; the section also explores different dimensions of inter-organizational relations, such as degrees of formalization or Secretariat and field perspectives. Section 3 explains the growth of interaction among international organizations since 1945, pointing in particular to the proliferation of international organizations, their task expansion, issue-linkage, and political shocks as causal factors; the section also elucidates major stimuli for individual organizations to cooperate. Section 4 focuses on cooperation and competition among organizations, adding some considerations about the management of relations. Section 5 is supposed to open the door for analyses investigating systematically the effectiveness of inter-organizational relations, while Section 6 flags up major theoretical and methodological challenges for students of inter-organizational relations. Finally, Section 7 introduces the approach and structure of this Handbook.
In book: Palgrave Handbook of Inter-Organizational Relations in World Politics; Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2017
This chapter aims to make resource dependence theory (RDT) more accessible for scholars of intern... more This chapter aims to make resource dependence theory (RDT) more accessible for scholars of international organizations. It first outlines RDT’s origins and evolution, introduces its core assumptions, and discusses the theory’s shortcomings. RDT is currently experiencing a phase of theory revival, refinement, and empirical application. Secondly the chapter explores whether RDT can be applied to international organizations and considers works by International Relations (IR) scholars who have employed a resource dependence perspective. Increasing empirical evidence indicates that RDT has the potential to improve our understanding of cooperation among international organizations. Open questions remain about RDT’s scope and its compatibility with other organizational and IR theories. The chapter concludes by suggesting several avenues for future research.
In book: Rafael Biermann and Michael Haspel (eds.), Internationale Krisenprävention. Beiträge einer Tagung an der Evangelischen Akademie Thüringen in Neudietendorf, 27.-29. November 2015; Publisher: Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd), 2016
In book: Hübner, Jörg et al. (eds.), Evangelisches Soziallexikon; Publisher: Kohlhammer, 2016
In book: Sebastian Mayer (ed.), NATO’s Post-Cold War Politics: The Changing Provision of SecurityPublisher: Palgrave Macmillan, 2014
In book: Kühnhardt, Ludger: Die Europäische Union: Krisen und Krisenbewältigung. Fragestellungen jenseits von Euro und Staatsschulden, 2013
In book: Arolda Elbasani (ed.), European Integration and Transformation in the Western Balkans: Europeanization or Business as Usual?; Publisher: Routledge, 2013
The Balkans remains the prime arena of an ideational struggle between those elites opting for Eur... more The Balkans remains the prime arena of an ideational struggle between those elites opting for Europeanization, i.e. the transformation of the region along the norms which brought peace and welfare to Western Europe after two World Wars, and those nationalist forces who continue to cling to those ideas that dominated Balkan politics since at least the Congress of Berlin in 1878. This chapter analyzes how the simultaneousness of old and new thinking, of ethno-nationalism and reform-mindedness, continues to challenge the transformative power of Europe in the Western Balkans.
In book: Norbert Frei and Annette Weinke (eds.), Toward a New Moral World Order? Menschenrechtspolitik und Völkerrecht seit 1945, Göttingen: Wallstein, 2013
In book: Bob Reinalda (ed.), The Ashgate Research Companion to Non-State Actors; Publisher: Ashgate, 2011
In book: Jan Hallenberg, James Sperling und Charlotte Wagnsson (eds.), European Security Governance. The European Union in a Westphalian World; Publisher: Routledge, 2009
Since 9/11 and the Iraq war, the post-Cold War debate on the future of NATO has taken a turn. The... more Since 9/11 and the Iraq war, the post-Cold War debate on the future of NATO has taken a turn. The first debate, until the mid-1990s, was dominated by a forceful constructivist and neoliberal assault on neorealism’s premature claim that NATO, lacking its former opponent, would dissolve? Alliance theory obviously needed considerable refinement. There was an inconsistent twist in this debate, though. Realists who during the Cold War had unduly privileged system stability and were thus rightfully criticized for having missed the ideational, normative and domestic level indicators of change as the Soviet Empire began to crumble (Lebow and Risse-Kappen 1995) now themselves became the heralds of change, forecasting NATO’s demise. Conversely, constructivists who were so adroit (at least in hindsight) in explaining the change of 1989-90 now began to privilege continuity, namely the “surprising persistence” of NATO (Duffield 1994-5: 764). Their basic guiding question was: Why did NATO survive?
In book: Agilolf Kesselring (ed.), Wegweiser zur Geschichte des Kosovo; Publisher: Schöningh, 2008
In book: Birgit Aschmann (ed.), Gefühl und Kalkül. Der Einfluss von Emotionen auf die Politik des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts; Publisher: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2005
In book: Emil Mintchev (ed.), The European Perspectives of South Eastern Europe; Publisher: Center for European Integration Studies, 2004
In book: Laure Borgomano-Loup (ed.), Gestion des ressources naturelles et questions de sécurité en méditerranée; Publisher: NATO Defense College, 2004
In book: Michael Haspel and Rafael Biermann (eds.), Internationale Krisenprävention. Beiträge einer Tagung an der Evangelischen Akademie Thüringen in Neudietendorf, 27.-29. November 2015; Publisher: Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd), 2016
Publisher: Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd), 2016
In book: Braune, Andreas / Dreyer, Michael / Rau, Susanne / Günther, Franka / Deparade, Elke (eds.), Umbrüche. Festivalband zum 6. Weimarer Rendezvous mit der Geschichte, 2015
Berliner Republik, 1, 78-80, 2014
Evangelischer Pressedienst (epd), Dokumentation ["Wirtschaftliche Interessen und Menschenrechte – Kriterien für den Einsatz ziviler und militärischer Mittel in Krisengebieten“, Tagung der Evangelischen Akademie Thüringen, Neudientendorf, 8-10 November 2013], 2014
BALKAN FORUM, Regionale Kooperation und europäische Integration des Westbalkans, 2. Sitzung, Berlin, 2002
Publisher: Center for European Integration Studies, 2002
The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, launched in 1999, aims at transforming the region, w... more The Stability Pact for South Eastern Europe, launched in 1999, aims at transforming the region, which was for so long characterized by ethnic nationalism, war, and animosity, into an integral part of a united Europe. This European perspective for the region is to be pursued by different means, including the improvement of the regional infrastructure, promoting investment, building a democratic and civil society as well as securing a peaceful interethnic co-existence. In designing the common European future for the region, one element, namely education, is of crucial importance. Stability through education will certainly prove to be a key factor for achieving lasting peace and prosperity in the region. Bringing the younger generation closer to common European values and institutions helps not only to overcome the centuries old tradition of interethnic rivalry, but also to raise new European minded elites able to successfully pursue the region’s integration into the Euro-Atlantic institutions.