Marjan Ceh | University of Ljubljana (original) (raw)
Papers by Marjan Ceh
ABSTRACT The idea of a universal (top, standard) ontology of geographic space (geospatial ontolog... more ABSTRACT The idea of a universal (top, standard) ontology of geographic space (geospatial ontology, geo-ontology) as a universal semantic reference system presents a major scientific challenge that prompts several questions. Our goal here is to discuss the geographic space, limited to the planet Earth, and the possible applications in a number of other spatial-domain tasks. The aim of this book is to answer the following questions: “is it reasonable to design a universal ontology of geographic space and to expect it to be applied?” and “how could such an ontology be implemented in professional and general society through distributed information systems?” We will assume that any semantically weak spatial data can be enriched to gain a more efficient interoperability. The universal ontology of geographic space as an enrichment engine of spatial data semantics is conceived as an interdisciplinary task. While there is a vast amount of literature on the semantics of spatial symbolism and the various problems of developing ontologies of geographic space, the correlation in database models, the realities of space, the concepts in the human mind, and the meaning of symbols/words are virtually hidden. For example, data management and analyses are often limited to the concepts of hardware, software, and standards. This book attempts to challenge the computer-driven dominance over the topics of semantics in the “geo-” domain that also covers the pillars of philosophy, logic, and linguistics as intrinsic disciplines requiring an understanding of spatial issues. This publication integrates the complexity of spatial dimensions in geographic space with the philosopher’s concern for ontology, and furthermore the universal ontology of geographic space. One of the aims is to escalate the current scope of research to support the development of semantically interoperable systems of geographic space. Human activities are based on extracting meaningful information within optimised and advanced applications, to form widely complex, obscure, or fundamental knowledge. These outputs may be enriched by incorporating philosophy, via (technological) implementations, as a consideration in order to reach more effective computer applications that are often beyond traditional approaches. For example, the problem of ontology covers many interesting topics, e.g., semantic enrichment, the development of a semantic reference system, semantic similarity measures, data integration, interoperability, usability, knowledge management, applications of semantic web, interface design for spatial semantic content. This publication, however, attempts to unfold the complex relationship between the spatial dimensions and the philosophical concepts. A universal approach to the ontology of geographic space has already been and is going to be a comprehensive task for establishing more effective spatial models. The concept of a universal spatial ontology should be independent of location, culture, and time. It should be fundamental and universal in the same way that the number p defines the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. The term “universal” therefore means all embracing and for general propose. The process of generating a universal ontology is subject to generalisation processes as well, compared to models or maps. To make a model that depicts the entire reality is too complex and as such almost incomprehensible in natural language. Practically, a universal conceptual model should comprise just the generalised, essential spatial characteristics of reality, semantically enriched with patterns and the vocabulary of databases, depending on the context. The most known generalisations in the spatial domain are the cartographic and geometric rules. Many upper-level ontologies describe quite general concepts which are the same across all knowledge domains and cultures. They demonstrate different approaches to their reference ontology, but also many similarities and universalities—as rules are valid across them. They can be harmonised to a certain common level by improving the proactive communication between different scientific disciplines. Sowa suggests that, except for perhaps Aristotle’s original ten categories, there has never been any proposal for a universal ontology that has been widely accepted by anybody other than the author and a limited number of colleagues. Furthermore, there are strong reasons for doubting that a universal ontology can ever be achieved—at least not until all major issues in science have been definitively resolved. Since our conscious experiences seem to be individually limited, and for common understanding they should be holistic, multi-level, and global, the universal ontology should therefore be relevant to general and specialised goals. However, the human being has the ability to learn (almost) anything new, which is not something that current artificial intelligence can do, therefore the creation of…
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
Položajna natančnost zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) kot enega od temeljnih elementov kakovos... more Položajna natančnost zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) kot enega od temeljnih elementov kakovosti zbirk prostorskih podatkov je v Republiki Sloveniji pereča tema. Ob pritisku institucionalnih in drugih uporabnikov se je Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije odločila za uvajanje izboljšav. Na Oddelku za geodezijo Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani smo ob tej pobudi ustanovili skupino, ki je začela natančneje preskušati tako imenovano membransko metodo. Najprej smo začeli razvijati programski modul za metodo končnih elementov in geodetske izravnave, zatem pa smo za namen testiranja uporabili tržno različico nemškega proizvajalca. Z uporabo membranske metode in vključitvijo domeritev je mogoče učinkovito izboljšati homogenost položajne natančnosti ZKP, če se pri tem nedvoumno uporabljajo osnovna načela geodetske stroke (metode koordinatne geometrije, topologija, izravnava, zakon o prenosu pogreškov itd.). Prispevek je namenjen bolj prikazu obstoječih in mogočih metod izboljšave položajne natančnosti ZKP kot pa predstavitvi rezultatov naših prvih raziskav ; The positional accuracy of the land cadastral index map (a graphical presentation termed 'ZKP'), as one of the basic elements of spatial database quality, is a topic of on-going interest in the Republic of Slovenia. Mainly due to the pressures of institutional and other users of these data, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia has decided to implement improvements. At the Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, a working group was established in order to analyse and test in particular the so-called membrane method for this purpose. At the beginning, we started to develop our own program for the finite element method of geodetic adjustments, and then we continued to test the commercial solution of German provider. The membrane method, together with additional measurements, provides the possibility for an effective improvement of the heterogeneity of land cadastra [...]
Due to the increasing use of digital land cadastral data in the administration of the state, it i... more Due to the increasing use of digital land cadastral data in the administration of the state, it is necessary to ensure adequate quality improvement of the land cadastral positional data. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia will provide positional accuracy improvement (PAI) of the land cadastral data with the project named "Positional Accuracy Improvement of Land cadastre Index Maps", managed within the Ministry of the Environment's project package "The Programme of eProstor (eSpace) Projects". The PAI of the land cadastral index map is performed by using neighbourhood adjustment – the method of membrane model based on a mechanical analogy and a mathematical derivation of Hooke’s Law. PAI is based on the existing GIS cadastral layer (index map), i.e. the accurately measured coordinates of the existing and additional cadastral points. The results of the project will significantly contribute to the greater quality of cadastral geometr...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are a key asset for Europe. This paper concentrates on unsolv... more Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are a key asset for Europe. This paper concentrates on unsolved issues in SDIs in Europe related to the management of semantic heterogeneities. It studies contributions and competences from two communities in this field: cartographers, authoritative data providers, and geographic information scientists on the one hand, and computer scientists working on the Web of Data on the other. During several workshops organized by the EuroSDR and Eurogeographics organizations, the authors analyzed their complementarity and discovered reasons for the difficult collaboration between these communities. They have different and sometimes conflicting perspectives on what successful SDIs should look like, as well as on priorities. We developed a proposal to integrate both perspectives, which is centered on the elaboration of an open European Geographical Knowledge Graph. Its structure reuses results from the literature on geographical information ontologies. It is ...
GIS v Sloveniji, 2012
VSEBINA Uvodnik .................................................................................... more VSEBINA Uvodnik ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................. ... ... Vsebina Kri{tof O{tir Uporaba daljinskega zaznavanja za odkrivanje majevskih arheolo{kih najdi{~ ............................ 223 Jo`ica [kofic Uporaba ...
Geodetski vestnik
Obramba sodi med pomembnejša, čeprav manj (pre)poznana področja, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati v ... more Obramba sodi med pomembnejša, čeprav manj (pre)poznana področja, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati v postopkih urbanističnega in prostorskega planiranja. Zaradi nastajanja nove zakonodaje in novih strateških dokumentov na področju urejanja prostora je bilo potrebno vlogo obrambe v teh postopkih vnovič ovrednotiti. V ta namen je bila izdelana celovita raziskava z naslovom Strokovne podlage s področja obrambe za Prostorski plan Slovenije. Pričujoči prispevek prikazuje le del rezultatov te raziskave, ki se nanaša na pregled in primerjavo planiranega in sedanjega stanja v prostoru. Pri tem sta bili uporabljeni zgodovinska in deskriptivna metoda dela, v veliko pomoč pa je bila tudi izvedena anketa med slovenskimi občinami in upravnimi enotami. Rezultati ankete kažejo na poznavanje zakonodaje, stanja in problematike na področju obrambe v okviru izvajanja veljavnega Prostorskega plana Slovenije.
Geodetski vestnik
This paper presents the results of the internet questionnaire performed among Slovenian geodetic ... more This paper presents the results of the internet questionnaire performed among Slovenian geodetic enterprises. The main goal of the questionnaire was to get an overview of the technology used in the field by the Slovenian surveyors, their opinion regarding the new technologies and procedures used in cadastral and topographic measurements. Given is a definition of a field computer and a comparison between field computers and notebooks. In the end of this paper two solutions of integration of field computers in cadastral and topographic measurements are presented. KLJUČNE BESEDE anketa, terenski računalnik, integracija novih tehnologij, katastrske meritve, topografske meritve KEY WORDS questionnaire, field computer, integration of new technologies, cadastral measurements, topographic measurements
Survey Review, Dec 11, 2020
This paper presents a 3D cadastral data model for buildings. A review of the relevant research sh... more This paper presents a 3D cadastral data model for buildings. A review of the relevant research shows that a common concept in the 3D cadastre domain is using the legal building unit, i.e. real property unit, as the core modelling unit. Alternatively, this study proposes using indoor space as a core modelling unit. The main reason is to enable the efficient integration of cadastral data with the data from other domains. On the conceptual level, the model is linked to the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). The integration options are studied for three international standards: IFC, CityGML and IndoorGML.
Geodetski Vestnik, 2020
In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts o... more In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts of the world in the same time, there exist diverse interests among stakeholders, who can be holders of various real estate rights, investors and land administration systems at different levels of public administration. A relatively small number of international researchers deal with the topic of merging and dividing real estate in the domain of land management. However, with their publications, they provide insight into the continuity of changes in interests in agricultural and forest land. 2.1 International view of the agricultural community institute The Austrian concept of 'common rural property' (das Gemeinsame ländliche Eigentum) was transformed into categories of Roman law as an 'agricultural community' several centuries after the phenomenon appeared. It is the joint property of the community of local farms, where the ownership is tied to the agricultural holding and not to a natural person. In the mountainous areas of Austria, the organisational forms of rural joint property are called the 'agrarian community' (German: die Agrargemeinschaft) and include mountain pastures and forests. In the eastern parts of Austria, such communities are called 'urbarial' communities (German: die Urbarialgemeinschaft), which indicates the period of their formation, i.e., the feudal period. In Austria, 10% of forest area is jointly owned by the community of local farms, i.e., agricultural communities (Weiss et al., 2015). There, it applies to all-mountain farms that in the case of inheritance, i.e., the transfer of ownership of the farm, including the forest, the farm may not be divided into several heirs, nor valued at market value, but according to productive capacity for land income. The heir can pay other heirs their shares. Since the 1950s, cooperatives of forest owners or forestry cooperatives have also been established in Austria, intended for joint work in the forest, joint purchase of forestry equipment, and joint marketing of wood (Miribung, 2020). In Upper Austria, the Forest Land Division Act (Gesetz vom über die Teilung von Waldgrundstücken-Waldteilungsgesetz, 1978) is presently in force; it stipulates that the size of the remaining part of the divided land must not be less than one hectare and its width must not be narrower than 40 m (see also Grüne, Hübner and Siegl, 2016). In Italy in South Tyrol, similarly, as elsewhere in Central Europe, there was a further development of collective land ownership in the 19th century with land acquisition. In 1927, a more modern law on Public Land Use was passed there (Nequirito, 2010). In the province of Trentino, large areas of forests and pastures belonging to the community were collectively exploited. In 2019, amendments to the Provincial Public Use Act (Legge provinciale sugli usi civici, 2005) were adopted, including the collective rights of agricultural communities. The Scandinavian countries have a rich tradition of land management in the field of joint ownership and management of common agricultural and forest land. Sevatdal (2006) treats common land as traditional in terms of institutional reality and its impact on land use in Norway, where the sharing of pastures and forests, in particular, is a pervasive form of ownership that has been developed and maintained for centuries. Similar to Norway, common lands are known in Sweden. Ekbäck (2009) analyses different real estate rights regimes in Sweden. He justifies joint ownership of real estate as a sound form of management in order to reduce management costs in cases where a particular land use (for example forest use) represents economies of scale conditioned by the physical and technical aspects of the use in question.
Geodetski Vestnik, 2023
This research focuses on a systematic literature review of the geospatial Linked Data (LD) public... more This research focuses on a systematic literature review of the geospatial Linked Data (LD) publication at National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies in Europe (NMCA) responsible for land administration. We analysed scientific studies published from 2014 to 2023. Our research aimed to find out the reasons for the relatively slow adoption of geospatial data publication as LD. Therefore, we searched for the most common problems, solutions, and challenges for publishing prioritised data themes in NMCAs. Applied research methodology relies on well-established approaches such as analysing Population Problems, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, and Circumstances (PICOC) and backward snowballing. The eligibility process is presented by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We analysed nineteen extracted papers and identified twelve key issues from fulltext reading. Frequency analyses resulted in the overview of the most frequently published geospatial themes as LD in several European countries. We addressed five research questions and concluded that in addition to systematic support for developing vocabularies and ontologies, trust, awareness, and knowledge about best practices could influence the success of LD publication at NMCAs.
In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts o... more In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts of the world in the same time, there exist diverse interests among stakeholders, who can be holders of various real estate rights, investors and land administration systems at different levels of public administration. A relatively small number of international researchers deal with the topic of merging and dividing real estate in the domain of land management. However, with their publications, they provide insight into the continuity of changes in interests in agricultural and forest land. 2.1 International view of the agricultural community institute The Austrian concept of 'common rural property' (das Gemeinsame ländliche Eigentum) was transformed into categories of Roman law as an 'agricultural community' several centuries after the phenomenon appeared. It is the joint property of the community of local farms, where the ownership is tied to the agricultural holding and not to a natural person. In the mountainous areas of Austria, the organisational forms of rural joint property are called the 'agrarian community' (German: die Agrargemeinschaft) and include mountain pastures and forests. In the eastern parts of Austria, such communities are called 'urbarial' communities (German: die Urbarialgemeinschaft), which indicates the period of their formation, i.e., the feudal period. In Austria, 10% of forest area is jointly owned by the community of local farms, i.e., agricultural communities (Weiss et al., 2015). There, it applies to all-mountain farms that in the case of inheritance, i.e., the transfer of ownership of the farm, including the forest, the farm may not be divided into several heirs, nor valued at market value, but according to productive capacity for land income. The heir can pay other heirs their shares. Since the 1950s, cooperatives of forest owners or forestry cooperatives have also been established in Austria, intended for joint work in the forest, joint purchase of forestry equipment, and joint marketing of wood (Miribung, 2020). In Upper Austria, the Forest Land Division Act (Gesetz vom über die Teilung von Waldgrundstücken-Waldteilungsgesetz, 1978) is presently in force; it stipulates that the size of the remaining part of the divided land must not be less than one hectare and its width must not be narrower than 40 m (see also Grüne, Hübner and Siegl, 2016). In Italy in South Tyrol, similarly, as elsewhere in Central Europe, there was a further development of collective land ownership in the 19th century with land acquisition. In 1927, a more modern law on Public Land Use was passed there (Nequirito, 2010). In the province of Trentino, large areas of forests and pastures belonging to the community were collectively exploited. In 2019, amendments to the Provincial Public Use Act (Legge provinciale sugli usi civici, 2005) were adopted, including the collective rights of agricultural communities. The Scandinavian countries have a rich tradition of land management in the field of joint ownership and management of common agricultural and forest land. Sevatdal (2006) treats common land as traditional in terms of institutional reality and its impact on land use in Norway, where the sharing of pastures and forests, in particular, is a pervasive form of ownership that has been developed and maintained for centuries. Similar to Norway, common lands are known in Sweden. Ekbäck (2009) analyses different real estate rights regimes in Sweden. He justifies joint ownership of real estate as a sound form of management in order to reduce management costs in cases where a particular land use (for example forest use) represents economies of scale conditioned by the physical and technical aspects of the use in question.
Geodetski vestnik, 2020
This paper presents the process of real estate reallocation as a mass cadastral subdivision proce... more This paper presents the process of real estate reallocation as a mass cadastral subdivision process of agrarian communities’ customary rights. The agricultural communities have existed for centuries and have been jointly owning and using the common land. Such gatherings were developed mainly due to the unique requirements deriving from land use and relief characteristics, such as joint forest management on mountain slopes. The main objective of this research has been to analyse the process of real estate subdivision, which has its legal background in Slovenian legislation. In this paper, the process of cadastral subdivision of land owned by agricultural communities is presented as a mass cadastral land subdivision process: from preparatory work to the new geometric structure of the common land. The cadastral, organisational, and engineering role of the chartered surveying engineer and the surveying company is examined. An aim of the paper is, inter alia, to develop a conceptual mode...
Geodetski vestnik, 2009
IZ ZNANOSTI IN STROKE 1 UVOD Današnji družbeni razvoj zahteva tako na državni kot na regionalni i... more IZ ZNANOSTI IN STROKE 1 UVOD Današnji družbeni razvoj zahteva tako na državni kot na regionalni in lokalni ravni javno infrastrukturo in javne storitve, ki so podlaga za zagotavljanje varnosti in blaginje, družbenega in gospodarskega napredka ter za varovanje in ohranjanje naravnega okolja. Eden izmed prvih korakov pri zagotavljanju javne infrastrukture in storitev je pridobitev potrebnih zemljišč oziroma nepremičnin, za kar morajo poskrbeti vladne institucije (FAO, 2008). Državne institucije in institucije lokalne ravni poskušajo zemljišča oziroma nepremičnine za namene javne koristi praviloma pridobiti z odkupom na trgu nepremičnin ali na podlagi posebnega sporazumnega
Geodetski vestnik, 2021
Establishing a multi-purpose cadastre, especially in terms of upgrading cadastral contents with t... more Establishing a multi-purpose cadastre, especially in terms of upgrading cadastral contents with the various spatial data, such as land use, is a challenge in Slovenia and internationally. Land use strongly affects spatial planning, development, and management, so high-quality spatial integration of the land cadastre with spatial plans data is crucial for effective land management. In the first part of the article, we reviewed the literature and documents that prescribe guidelines for the development of the land cadastre; we use these guidelines as a basis for developing a proposed method of linking and harmonising the data of the land cadastre with the spatial plan data. Land use is specified in spatial plans, and we linked it to the graphical and attribute land cadastre data layer. We tested the method in selected study areas in Prekmurje with a high-quality cadastre in the municipalities of Kramarovci and Nemčavci. As a result, we presented land use data directly in the land cadas...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018
The goal of this study is to analyse the predictive performance of the random forest machine lear... more The goal of this study is to analyse the predictive performance of the random forest machine learning technique in comparison to commonly used hedonic models based on multiple regression for the prediction of apartment prices. A data set that includes 7407 records of apartment transactions referring to real estate sales from 2008-2013 in the city of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, was used in order to test and compare the predictive performances of both models. Apparent challenges faced during modelling included (1) the non-linear nature of the prediction assignment task; (2) input data being based on transactions occurring over a period of great price changes in Ljubljana whereby a 28% decline was noted in six consecutive testing years; and (3) the complex urban form of the case study area. Available explanatory variables, organised as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ready dataset, including the structural and age characteristics of the apartments as well as environmental and neighbourhood information were considered in the modelling procedure. All performance measures (R 2 values, sales ratios, mean average percentage error (MAPE), coefficient of dispersion (COD)) revealed significantly better results for predictions obtained by the random forest method, which confirms the prospective of this machine learning technique on apartment price prediction.
Page 1. Semantic Similarity Measures within the Semantic Framework of the Universal Ontology of G... more Page 1. Semantic Similarity Measures within the Semantic Framework of the Universal Ontology of Geographical Space Marjan eh1, Toma Podobnikar2, Domen Smole3 1 Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University ...
ABSTRACT The idea of a universal (top, standard) ontology of geographic space (geospatial ontolog... more ABSTRACT The idea of a universal (top, standard) ontology of geographic space (geospatial ontology, geo-ontology) as a universal semantic reference system presents a major scientific challenge that prompts several questions. Our goal here is to discuss the geographic space, limited to the planet Earth, and the possible applications in a number of other spatial-domain tasks. The aim of this book is to answer the following questions: “is it reasonable to design a universal ontology of geographic space and to expect it to be applied?” and “how could such an ontology be implemented in professional and general society through distributed information systems?” We will assume that any semantically weak spatial data can be enriched to gain a more efficient interoperability. The universal ontology of geographic space as an enrichment engine of spatial data semantics is conceived as an interdisciplinary task. While there is a vast amount of literature on the semantics of spatial symbolism and the various problems of developing ontologies of geographic space, the correlation in database models, the realities of space, the concepts in the human mind, and the meaning of symbols/words are virtually hidden. For example, data management and analyses are often limited to the concepts of hardware, software, and standards. This book attempts to challenge the computer-driven dominance over the topics of semantics in the “geo-” domain that also covers the pillars of philosophy, logic, and linguistics as intrinsic disciplines requiring an understanding of spatial issues. This publication integrates the complexity of spatial dimensions in geographic space with the philosopher’s concern for ontology, and furthermore the universal ontology of geographic space. One of the aims is to escalate the current scope of research to support the development of semantically interoperable systems of geographic space. Human activities are based on extracting meaningful information within optimised and advanced applications, to form widely complex, obscure, or fundamental knowledge. These outputs may be enriched by incorporating philosophy, via (technological) implementations, as a consideration in order to reach more effective computer applications that are often beyond traditional approaches. For example, the problem of ontology covers many interesting topics, e.g., semantic enrichment, the development of a semantic reference system, semantic similarity measures, data integration, interoperability, usability, knowledge management, applications of semantic web, interface design for spatial semantic content. This publication, however, attempts to unfold the complex relationship between the spatial dimensions and the philosophical concepts. A universal approach to the ontology of geographic space has already been and is going to be a comprehensive task for establishing more effective spatial models. The concept of a universal spatial ontology should be independent of location, culture, and time. It should be fundamental and universal in the same way that the number p defines the ratio between the diameter and the circumference of a circle. The term “universal” therefore means all embracing and for general propose. The process of generating a universal ontology is subject to generalisation processes as well, compared to models or maps. To make a model that depicts the entire reality is too complex and as such almost incomprehensible in natural language. Practically, a universal conceptual model should comprise just the generalised, essential spatial characteristics of reality, semantically enriched with patterns and the vocabulary of databases, depending on the context. The most known generalisations in the spatial domain are the cartographic and geometric rules. Many upper-level ontologies describe quite general concepts which are the same across all knowledge domains and cultures. They demonstrate different approaches to their reference ontology, but also many similarities and universalities—as rules are valid across them. They can be harmonised to a certain common level by improving the proactive communication between different scientific disciplines. Sowa suggests that, except for perhaps Aristotle’s original ten categories, there has never been any proposal for a universal ontology that has been widely accepted by anybody other than the author and a limited number of colleagues. Furthermore, there are strong reasons for doubting that a universal ontology can ever be achieved—at least not until all major issues in science have been definitively resolved. Since our conscious experiences seem to be individually limited, and for common understanding they should be holistic, multi-level, and global, the universal ontology should therefore be relevant to general and specialised goals. However, the human being has the ability to learn (almost) anything new, which is not something that current artificial intelligence can do, therefore the creation of…
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), 2011
Položajna natančnost zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) kot enega od temeljnih elementov kakovos... more Položajna natančnost zemljiškokatastrskega prikaza (ZKP) kot enega od temeljnih elementov kakovosti zbirk prostorskih podatkov je v Republiki Sloveniji pereča tema. Ob pritisku institucionalnih in drugih uporabnikov se je Geodetska uprava Republike Slovenije odločila za uvajanje izboljšav. Na Oddelku za geodezijo Fakultete za gradbeništvo in geodezijo Univerze v Ljubljani smo ob tej pobudi ustanovili skupino, ki je začela natančneje preskušati tako imenovano membransko metodo. Najprej smo začeli razvijati programski modul za metodo končnih elementov in geodetske izravnave, zatem pa smo za namen testiranja uporabili tržno različico nemškega proizvajalca. Z uporabo membranske metode in vključitvijo domeritev je mogoče učinkovito izboljšati homogenost položajne natančnosti ZKP, če se pri tem nedvoumno uporabljajo osnovna načela geodetske stroke (metode koordinatne geometrije, topologija, izravnava, zakon o prenosu pogreškov itd.). Prispevek je namenjen bolj prikazu obstoječih in mogočih metod izboljšave položajne natančnosti ZKP kot pa predstavitvi rezultatov naših prvih raziskav ; The positional accuracy of the land cadastral index map (a graphical presentation termed 'ZKP'), as one of the basic elements of spatial database quality, is a topic of on-going interest in the Republic of Slovenia. Mainly due to the pressures of institutional and other users of these data, the Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia has decided to implement improvements. At the Department of Geodesy, Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University of Ljubljana, a working group was established in order to analyse and test in particular the so-called membrane method for this purpose. At the beginning, we started to develop our own program for the finite element method of geodetic adjustments, and then we continued to test the commercial solution of German provider. The membrane method, together with additional measurements, provides the possibility for an effective improvement of the heterogeneity of land cadastra [...]
Due to the increasing use of digital land cadastral data in the administration of the state, it i... more Due to the increasing use of digital land cadastral data in the administration of the state, it is necessary to ensure adequate quality improvement of the land cadastral positional data. The Surveying and Mapping Authority of the Republic of Slovenia will provide positional accuracy improvement (PAI) of the land cadastral data with the project named "Positional Accuracy Improvement of Land cadastre Index Maps", managed within the Ministry of the Environment's project package "The Programme of eProstor (eSpace) Projects". The PAI of the land cadastral index map is performed by using neighbourhood adjustment – the method of membrane model based on a mechanical analogy and a mathematical derivation of Hooke’s Law. PAI is based on the existing GIS cadastral layer (index map), i.e. the accurately measured coordinates of the existing and additional cadastral points. The results of the project will significantly contribute to the greater quality of cadastral geometr...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020
Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are a key asset for Europe. This paper concentrates on unsolv... more Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) are a key asset for Europe. This paper concentrates on unsolved issues in SDIs in Europe related to the management of semantic heterogeneities. It studies contributions and competences from two communities in this field: cartographers, authoritative data providers, and geographic information scientists on the one hand, and computer scientists working on the Web of Data on the other. During several workshops organized by the EuroSDR and Eurogeographics organizations, the authors analyzed their complementarity and discovered reasons for the difficult collaboration between these communities. They have different and sometimes conflicting perspectives on what successful SDIs should look like, as well as on priorities. We developed a proposal to integrate both perspectives, which is centered on the elaboration of an open European Geographical Knowledge Graph. Its structure reuses results from the literature on geographical information ontologies. It is ...
GIS v Sloveniji, 2012
VSEBINA Uvodnik .................................................................................... more VSEBINA Uvodnik ..................................................................................................................................... ................................................................. ... ... Vsebina Kri{tof O{tir Uporaba daljinskega zaznavanja za odkrivanje majevskih arheolo{kih najdi{~ ............................ 223 Jo`ica [kofic Uporaba ...
Geodetski vestnik
Obramba sodi med pomembnejša, čeprav manj (pre)poznana področja, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati v ... more Obramba sodi med pomembnejša, čeprav manj (pre)poznana področja, ki jih je potrebno upoštevati v postopkih urbanističnega in prostorskega planiranja. Zaradi nastajanja nove zakonodaje in novih strateških dokumentov na področju urejanja prostora je bilo potrebno vlogo obrambe v teh postopkih vnovič ovrednotiti. V ta namen je bila izdelana celovita raziskava z naslovom Strokovne podlage s področja obrambe za Prostorski plan Slovenije. Pričujoči prispevek prikazuje le del rezultatov te raziskave, ki se nanaša na pregled in primerjavo planiranega in sedanjega stanja v prostoru. Pri tem sta bili uporabljeni zgodovinska in deskriptivna metoda dela, v veliko pomoč pa je bila tudi izvedena anketa med slovenskimi občinami in upravnimi enotami. Rezultati ankete kažejo na poznavanje zakonodaje, stanja in problematike na področju obrambe v okviru izvajanja veljavnega Prostorskega plana Slovenije.
Geodetski vestnik
This paper presents the results of the internet questionnaire performed among Slovenian geodetic ... more This paper presents the results of the internet questionnaire performed among Slovenian geodetic enterprises. The main goal of the questionnaire was to get an overview of the technology used in the field by the Slovenian surveyors, their opinion regarding the new technologies and procedures used in cadastral and topographic measurements. Given is a definition of a field computer and a comparison between field computers and notebooks. In the end of this paper two solutions of integration of field computers in cadastral and topographic measurements are presented. KLJUČNE BESEDE anketa, terenski računalnik, integracija novih tehnologij, katastrske meritve, topografske meritve KEY WORDS questionnaire, field computer, integration of new technologies, cadastral measurements, topographic measurements
Survey Review, Dec 11, 2020
This paper presents a 3D cadastral data model for buildings. A review of the relevant research sh... more This paper presents a 3D cadastral data model for buildings. A review of the relevant research shows that a common concept in the 3D cadastre domain is using the legal building unit, i.e. real property unit, as the core modelling unit. Alternatively, this study proposes using indoor space as a core modelling unit. The main reason is to enable the efficient integration of cadastral data with the data from other domains. On the conceptual level, the model is linked to the Land Administration Domain Model (LADM). The integration options are studied for three international standards: IFC, CityGML and IndoorGML.
Geodetski Vestnik, 2020
In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts o... more In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts of the world in the same time, there exist diverse interests among stakeholders, who can be holders of various real estate rights, investors and land administration systems at different levels of public administration. A relatively small number of international researchers deal with the topic of merging and dividing real estate in the domain of land management. However, with their publications, they provide insight into the continuity of changes in interests in agricultural and forest land. 2.1 International view of the agricultural community institute The Austrian concept of 'common rural property' (das Gemeinsame ländliche Eigentum) was transformed into categories of Roman law as an 'agricultural community' several centuries after the phenomenon appeared. It is the joint property of the community of local farms, where the ownership is tied to the agricultural holding and not to a natural person. In the mountainous areas of Austria, the organisational forms of rural joint property are called the 'agrarian community' (German: die Agrargemeinschaft) and include mountain pastures and forests. In the eastern parts of Austria, such communities are called 'urbarial' communities (German: die Urbarialgemeinschaft), which indicates the period of their formation, i.e., the feudal period. In Austria, 10% of forest area is jointly owned by the community of local farms, i.e., agricultural communities (Weiss et al., 2015). There, it applies to all-mountain farms that in the case of inheritance, i.e., the transfer of ownership of the farm, including the forest, the farm may not be divided into several heirs, nor valued at market value, but according to productive capacity for land income. The heir can pay other heirs their shares. Since the 1950s, cooperatives of forest owners or forestry cooperatives have also been established in Austria, intended for joint work in the forest, joint purchase of forestry equipment, and joint marketing of wood (Miribung, 2020). In Upper Austria, the Forest Land Division Act (Gesetz vom über die Teilung von Waldgrundstücken-Waldteilungsgesetz, 1978) is presently in force; it stipulates that the size of the remaining part of the divided land must not be less than one hectare and its width must not be narrower than 40 m (see also Grüne, Hübner and Siegl, 2016). In Italy in South Tyrol, similarly, as elsewhere in Central Europe, there was a further development of collective land ownership in the 19th century with land acquisition. In 1927, a more modern law on Public Land Use was passed there (Nequirito, 2010). In the province of Trentino, large areas of forests and pastures belonging to the community were collectively exploited. In 2019, amendments to the Provincial Public Use Act (Legge provinciale sugli usi civici, 2005) were adopted, including the collective rights of agricultural communities. The Scandinavian countries have a rich tradition of land management in the field of joint ownership and management of common agricultural and forest land. Sevatdal (2006) treats common land as traditional in terms of institutional reality and its impact on land use in Norway, where the sharing of pastures and forests, in particular, is a pervasive form of ownership that has been developed and maintained for centuries. Similar to Norway, common lands are known in Sweden. Ekbäck (2009) analyses different real estate rights regimes in Sweden. He justifies joint ownership of real estate as a sound form of management in order to reduce management costs in cases where a particular land use (for example forest use) represents economies of scale conditioned by the physical and technical aspects of the use in question.
Geodetski Vestnik, 2023
This research focuses on a systematic literature review of the geospatial Linked Data (LD) public... more This research focuses on a systematic literature review of the geospatial Linked Data (LD) publication at National Mapping and Cadastral Agencies in Europe (NMCA) responsible for land administration. We analysed scientific studies published from 2014 to 2023. Our research aimed to find out the reasons for the relatively slow adoption of geospatial data publication as LD. Therefore, we searched for the most common problems, solutions, and challenges for publishing prioritised data themes in NMCAs. Applied research methodology relies on well-established approaches such as analysing Population Problems, Intervention, Comparison, Outcomes, and Circumstances (PICOC) and backward snowballing. The eligibility process is presented by Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. We analysed nineteen extracted papers and identified twelve key issues from fulltext reading. Frequency analyses resulted in the overview of the most frequently published geospatial themes as LD in several European countries. We addressed five research questions and concluded that in addition to systematic support for developing vocabularies and ontologies, trust, awareness, and knowledge about best practices could influence the success of LD publication at NMCAs.
In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts o... more In connection with land management approaches, in different countries of Europe and other parts of the world in the same time, there exist diverse interests among stakeholders, who can be holders of various real estate rights, investors and land administration systems at different levels of public administration. A relatively small number of international researchers deal with the topic of merging and dividing real estate in the domain of land management. However, with their publications, they provide insight into the continuity of changes in interests in agricultural and forest land. 2.1 International view of the agricultural community institute The Austrian concept of 'common rural property' (das Gemeinsame ländliche Eigentum) was transformed into categories of Roman law as an 'agricultural community' several centuries after the phenomenon appeared. It is the joint property of the community of local farms, where the ownership is tied to the agricultural holding and not to a natural person. In the mountainous areas of Austria, the organisational forms of rural joint property are called the 'agrarian community' (German: die Agrargemeinschaft) and include mountain pastures and forests. In the eastern parts of Austria, such communities are called 'urbarial' communities (German: die Urbarialgemeinschaft), which indicates the period of their formation, i.e., the feudal period. In Austria, 10% of forest area is jointly owned by the community of local farms, i.e., agricultural communities (Weiss et al., 2015). There, it applies to all-mountain farms that in the case of inheritance, i.e., the transfer of ownership of the farm, including the forest, the farm may not be divided into several heirs, nor valued at market value, but according to productive capacity for land income. The heir can pay other heirs their shares. Since the 1950s, cooperatives of forest owners or forestry cooperatives have also been established in Austria, intended for joint work in the forest, joint purchase of forestry equipment, and joint marketing of wood (Miribung, 2020). In Upper Austria, the Forest Land Division Act (Gesetz vom über die Teilung von Waldgrundstücken-Waldteilungsgesetz, 1978) is presently in force; it stipulates that the size of the remaining part of the divided land must not be less than one hectare and its width must not be narrower than 40 m (see also Grüne, Hübner and Siegl, 2016). In Italy in South Tyrol, similarly, as elsewhere in Central Europe, there was a further development of collective land ownership in the 19th century with land acquisition. In 1927, a more modern law on Public Land Use was passed there (Nequirito, 2010). In the province of Trentino, large areas of forests and pastures belonging to the community were collectively exploited. In 2019, amendments to the Provincial Public Use Act (Legge provinciale sugli usi civici, 2005) were adopted, including the collective rights of agricultural communities. The Scandinavian countries have a rich tradition of land management in the field of joint ownership and management of common agricultural and forest land. Sevatdal (2006) treats common land as traditional in terms of institutional reality and its impact on land use in Norway, where the sharing of pastures and forests, in particular, is a pervasive form of ownership that has been developed and maintained for centuries. Similar to Norway, common lands are known in Sweden. Ekbäck (2009) analyses different real estate rights regimes in Sweden. He justifies joint ownership of real estate as a sound form of management in order to reduce management costs in cases where a particular land use (for example forest use) represents economies of scale conditioned by the physical and technical aspects of the use in question.
Geodetski vestnik, 2020
This paper presents the process of real estate reallocation as a mass cadastral subdivision proce... more This paper presents the process of real estate reallocation as a mass cadastral subdivision process of agrarian communities’ customary rights. The agricultural communities have existed for centuries and have been jointly owning and using the common land. Such gatherings were developed mainly due to the unique requirements deriving from land use and relief characteristics, such as joint forest management on mountain slopes. The main objective of this research has been to analyse the process of real estate subdivision, which has its legal background in Slovenian legislation. In this paper, the process of cadastral subdivision of land owned by agricultural communities is presented as a mass cadastral land subdivision process: from preparatory work to the new geometric structure of the common land. The cadastral, organisational, and engineering role of the chartered surveying engineer and the surveying company is examined. An aim of the paper is, inter alia, to develop a conceptual mode...
Geodetski vestnik, 2009
IZ ZNANOSTI IN STROKE 1 UVOD Današnji družbeni razvoj zahteva tako na državni kot na regionalni i... more IZ ZNANOSTI IN STROKE 1 UVOD Današnji družbeni razvoj zahteva tako na državni kot na regionalni in lokalni ravni javno infrastrukturo in javne storitve, ki so podlaga za zagotavljanje varnosti in blaginje, družbenega in gospodarskega napredka ter za varovanje in ohranjanje naravnega okolja. Eden izmed prvih korakov pri zagotavljanju javne infrastrukture in storitev je pridobitev potrebnih zemljišč oziroma nepremičnin, za kar morajo poskrbeti vladne institucije (FAO, 2008). Državne institucije in institucije lokalne ravni poskušajo zemljišča oziroma nepremičnine za namene javne koristi praviloma pridobiti z odkupom na trgu nepremičnin ali na podlagi posebnega sporazumnega
Geodetski vestnik, 2021
Establishing a multi-purpose cadastre, especially in terms of upgrading cadastral contents with t... more Establishing a multi-purpose cadastre, especially in terms of upgrading cadastral contents with the various spatial data, such as land use, is a challenge in Slovenia and internationally. Land use strongly affects spatial planning, development, and management, so high-quality spatial integration of the land cadastre with spatial plans data is crucial for effective land management. In the first part of the article, we reviewed the literature and documents that prescribe guidelines for the development of the land cadastre; we use these guidelines as a basis for developing a proposed method of linking and harmonising the data of the land cadastre with the spatial plan data. Land use is specified in spatial plans, and we linked it to the graphical and attribute land cadastre data layer. We tested the method in selected study areas in Prekmurje with a high-quality cadastre in the municipalities of Kramarovci and Nemčavci. As a result, we presented land use data directly in the land cadas...
ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2018
The goal of this study is to analyse the predictive performance of the random forest machine lear... more The goal of this study is to analyse the predictive performance of the random forest machine learning technique in comparison to commonly used hedonic models based on multiple regression for the prediction of apartment prices. A data set that includes 7407 records of apartment transactions referring to real estate sales from 2008-2013 in the city of Ljubljana, the capital of Slovenia, was used in order to test and compare the predictive performances of both models. Apparent challenges faced during modelling included (1) the non-linear nature of the prediction assignment task; (2) input data being based on transactions occurring over a period of great price changes in Ljubljana whereby a 28% decline was noted in six consecutive testing years; and (3) the complex urban form of the case study area. Available explanatory variables, organised as a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) ready dataset, including the structural and age characteristics of the apartments as well as environmental and neighbourhood information were considered in the modelling procedure. All performance measures (R 2 values, sales ratios, mean average percentage error (MAPE), coefficient of dispersion (COD)) revealed significantly better results for predictions obtained by the random forest method, which confirms the prospective of this machine learning technique on apartment price prediction.
Page 1. Semantic Similarity Measures within the Semantic Framework of the Universal Ontology of G... more Page 1. Semantic Similarity Measures within the Semantic Framework of the Universal Ontology of Geographical Space Marjan eh1, Toma Podobnikar2, Domen Smole3 1 Faculty of Civil and Geodetic Engineering, University ...