Michael W . Bauer | German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer (original) (raw)
Michael holds the Jean Monnet Chair for Comparative Public Administration and Policy Analysis at the German University of Administrative Sciences Speyer and is part-time professor at the School of Transnational Governance, European University Institute, Florence. He was professor at the Humboldt University Berlin (2009–12) and at the University of Konstanz (2004–09). He studied in Mannheim, Vienna, Frankfurt am Main, and Berlin and received a master’s degree in politics and administration from the College of Europe Bruges (1997). From 2000 to 2002, Michael worked as a post-doctoral fellow at the Max Planck Institute for Research on Collective Goods in Bonn, prior to which he conducted his PhD at the European University Institute in Florence (1997–2000) under the supervision of Adrienne Héritier. His research focuses on international bureaucracies, multilevel governance, European integration, and policy implementation. Michael has published widely in public policy, public administration, and European integration journals. His collaborations include The European Commission of the Twenty-First Century and Dismantling Public Policies: Strategies, Constrains and Outcomes (both published by Oxford University Press), as well as ‘The State, the Economy, and the Regions: Theories of Preference Formation in Times of Crisis’, published in 2016 in the Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory. He recently coedited a special issue of the Journal of European Public Policy about international bureaucracies’ role in policy making, a handbook of the European administrative system, and a monograph about the changing politics of the European Union budget.
Papers by Michael W . Bauer
Journal of European Public Policy, 2008
If it remains true that the Commission is an essential component within the process of EU policy-... more If it remains true that the Commission is an essential component within the process of EU policy-making, changes in the organizational basis of this key actor are likely to have broader implications. Adopting this vantage point the article discusses the potential for advancing ...
Der Beitrag stellt die Frage nach der systematischen Abbauwirkung europäischer Politikgestaltung ... more Der Beitrag stellt die Frage nach der systematischen Abbauwirkung europäischer Politikgestaltung auf nationale Policies. Auf der Grundlage einer differenzierten Kategorisierung von Politikbeendigungsphänomenen-als Termination, Substitution und Abbau-und einer verfeinerten Bestimmung der beendigungsfähigen Dimensionen von Policies-nach Ziel, Programm, Instrument und Settings-werden Hypothesen über den Zusammenhang von EU-Implementationsmodi und dem erwartetem Akteursverhalten entwickelt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die europäischen Verhaltensanreize Regelbefolgung, Ressourcenmaximierung, wechselseitige Anpassung sowie Legitimationssicherung. Illustriert an Beispielen aus aktuellen policyanalytischen Studien erschließt sich im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung von europäischer Politik ein Bild unterschiedlicher Konstellationen mit ungleichen Beendigungspotenzialen. Unsere zentrale Schlussfolgerung lautet, dass der beobachtbare Wandel nationaler Politiken unter Einfluss der EU tatsächlich eine systematische, wenn auch differenzierte Beendigungskomponente beinhaltet, die bislang jedoch empirisch wie konzeptionell untererforscht ist.
The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a veritable capacity test for local administrations in Germany ... more The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a veritable capacity test for local administrations in Germany and Austria. Based on a survey among systematically sampled Austrian (n=130) and German (n=517) employees of local public administrations, the article taps into the perceptions of how the bureaucracies in the two federal states coped with the challenges emerging at the early stage of the crisis. As it turns out, in the administratively well-equipped and-in comparison to disastrous situations elsewhere-mildly hit countries, local administrations did fine-even growing beyond themselves. Key to a higher probability of coping well with Covid-19 appears to be an intelligent administrative networking strategy. Five tentative lessens are drawn on what-at this early stage-can only constitute an incomplete picture taken from a fluid context.
Book Series by Michael W . Bauer
Journal of European Public Policy, 2008
If it remains true that the Commission is an essential component within the process of EU policy-... more If it remains true that the Commission is an essential component within the process of EU policy-making, changes in the organizational basis of this key actor are likely to have broader implications. Adopting this vantage point the article discusses the potential for advancing ...
Der Beitrag stellt die Frage nach der systematischen Abbauwirkung europäischer Politikgestaltung ... more Der Beitrag stellt die Frage nach der systematischen Abbauwirkung europäischer Politikgestaltung auf nationale Policies. Auf der Grundlage einer differenzierten Kategorisierung von Politikbeendigungsphänomenen-als Termination, Substitution und Abbau-und einer verfeinerten Bestimmung der beendigungsfähigen Dimensionen von Policies-nach Ziel, Programm, Instrument und Settings-werden Hypothesen über den Zusammenhang von EU-Implementationsmodi und dem erwartetem Akteursverhalten entwickelt. Im Mittelpunkt stehen die europäischen Verhaltensanreize Regelbefolgung, Ressourcenmaximierung, wechselseitige Anpassung sowie Legitimationssicherung. Illustriert an Beispielen aus aktuellen policyanalytischen Studien erschließt sich im Hinblick auf die Umsetzung von europäischer Politik ein Bild unterschiedlicher Konstellationen mit ungleichen Beendigungspotenzialen. Unsere zentrale Schlussfolgerung lautet, dass der beobachtbare Wandel nationaler Politiken unter Einfluss der EU tatsächlich eine systematische, wenn auch differenzierte Beendigungskomponente beinhaltet, die bislang jedoch empirisch wie konzeptionell untererforscht ist.
The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a veritable capacity test for local administrations in Germany ... more The Covid-19 pandemic constitutes a veritable capacity test for local administrations in Germany and Austria. Based on a survey among systematically sampled Austrian (n=130) and German (n=517) employees of local public administrations, the article taps into the perceptions of how the bureaucracies in the two federal states coped with the challenges emerging at the early stage of the crisis. As it turns out, in the administratively well-equipped and-in comparison to disastrous situations elsewhere-mildly hit countries, local administrations did fine-even growing beyond themselves. Key to a higher probability of coping well with Covid-19 appears to be an intelligent administrative networking strategy. Five tentative lessens are drawn on what-at this early stage-can only constitute an incomplete picture taken from a fluid context.