Doris Fischer | Julius-Maximilians - Universität Würzburg (original) (raw)

Papers by Doris Fischer

Research paper thumbnail of Politische Ökonomie und Kaderkapitalismus

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting renewable electricity generation in emerging economies

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2012

China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their ... more China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their future development. In this paper, we investigate the experience of the three countries in applying generation-based policies to promote renewable electricity. In contrast to the European experience, which proposes feed-in tariffs as the most successful policy to promote renewable electricity generation, emerging economies show strong interest in little acknowledged auction-based tariffs. We explore how and why different generation-based policies for solar photovoltaic (PV) are applied, as well as what their prospects are. Our comparison highlights the importance of policy objectives on policy choice and design. All three emerging economies need to promote electricity from renewables while keeping electricity prices low. Hence, they are experimenting with policies and design options and arriving at country specific solutions. Despite applying different policy instruments and designs that put strong emphasis on low-cost solutions, all three countries seem able to reach their ambitious deployment targets.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable entrepreneurship, opportunity creation: a corporate political activity view

Research paper thumbnail of No. 56 (2001): Rückzug des Staates aus dem chinesischen Mediensektor? Neue institutionelle Arrangements am Beispiel des Zeitungsmarktes

Research paper thumbnail of Censorship and marketization: Institutional change within China’s media

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Renewable Electricity Generation in Emerging Economies

Social Science Research Network, 2012

China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their ... more China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their future development. In this paper, we investigate the experience of the three countries in applying generation-based policies to promote renewable electricity. In contrast to the European experience, which proposes feed-in tariffs as the most successful policy to promote renewable electricity generation, emerging economies show strong interest in little acknowledged auction-based tariffs. We explore how and why different generation-based policies for solar photovoltaic (PV) are applied, as well as what their prospects are. Our comparison highlights the importance of policy objectives on policy choice and design. All three emerging economies need to promote electricity from renewables while keeping electricity prices low. Hence, they are experimenting with policies and design options and arriving at country specific solutions. Despite applying different policy instruments and designs that put strong emphasis on low-cost solutions, all three countries seem able to reach their ambitious deployment targets.

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism in Würzburg: Suggestions on how to enhance the travel experience for Chinese tourists

Research paper thumbnail of Kalkuliertes Risiko? China und die WTO

Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use. Die Meinungen, die in den vom BUNDESINSTITUT FÜR OSTWISSENSCHAFTLICHE UND INTERNATIONALE STUDIEN herausgegebenen Veröffentlichungen geäußert werden, geben ausschließlich die Auffassung der Autoren wieder.

Research paper thumbnail of Regionale Integration in Asien - Regional integration in Asia: Ökonomische Fundamente und politische Perspektiven

In the past, regional integration in Asia has basically been limited to market-driven economic in... more In the past, regional integration in Asia has basically been limited to market-driven economic integration and private networking. Policy-driven or institutional co-operation and integration have been very limited. The Asian financial crisis as well as the introduction of the Euro has contributed to a change in this pattern. A growing awareness of the advantages of regional co-operation is discernible among Asian states. The Chiang Mai initiative and numerous regional trade agreements are the most visible results of this growing awareness. Nevertheless it is to be doubted that this awareness will transform into concrete and higher level institutional integration among Asian states within the near future. The paper summarises the progress achieved so far in regional co-operation and integration and discusses the main factors favouring and limiting future perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Models of the Chinese Economy

China Information, Mar 1, 2003

population checks is the appropriate mode of analysis, and argue for a methodology that instead i... more population checks is the appropriate mode of analysis, and argue for a methodology that instead identifies regional and historical differences in social organization. Lee and Wang focus on the implications of patrilineal ancestor worship and bureaucratic state autocracy, and trace these through attention to Chinese demographic data since 1700. This study carefully explores the social and historical context in which active control of the population has been exercised by kin and state structures long prior to recent birth planning policies, and it generates a wealth of new insights into these processes, including, for example, the impact of collectivization in the socialist era upon population control (and the resulting population explosion). The authors demonstrate sensitivity to issues of socioeconomic differences between households and patriarchy within households, but the nature of their demographic data do not allow them to go beyond identifying families or various forms of the state as loci of decision making. There is much that remains to be understood about the intrahousehold dynamics through which these critical decisions were made and the gendered power relations involved. While the arguments made here are primarily historical and sociological, they are based upon close analysis of a considerable amount of demographic data for China as a whole, and especially for the Qing imperial lineage and for Liaoning Province. The nature of the data and the scope of the argument have made this a macrosociological study. It is much to be hoped that it will be followed by microsociological studies of regional and historical variations that will allow further insight into the questions of control and agency so significantly raised here. The book is tightly constructed and the text itself is relatively brief, with more specifically demographic matters reserved primarily for the extensive notes and an appendix on Chinese population sources. This enables the book to address critical historical and social issues in a concentrated and widely accessible manner. Indeed, this important book is certain to be widely read in all fields of modem China studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Green industrial policies in China – the example of solar energy

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting renewable electricity generation in emerging economies

Energy Policy, May 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Information Governance — a Missing Dimension in the Varieties of Capitalism Framework

Research Square (Research Square), Jul 28, 2023

Since the introduction of the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) framework in 2001, the global economy... more Since the introduction of the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) framework in 2001, the global economy has undergone fundamental changes due to the emergence of new capitalist economies as well as businesses' increasing reliance on information and digitalization. This paper proposes adapting the VoC framework to these changes by adding information governance as a new dimension in the evaluation of political economies. It outlines this new dimension's features and illustrates its manifestation using China as an exemplary case. Finally, a research agenda to substantiate these ndings is outlined.

Research paper thumbnail of Deutsch-chinesische Innovationspartnerschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen (Sino-German Platform Innovation: Framework Conditions, Opportunities and Challenges).Die Policy Briefs der deutschen DCPI Expertengruppe 2017-2019

Research paper thumbnail of Die Konkurrenz um wirtschaftliche Dominanz: Wie kann sich Europa zwischen den USA und China positionieren?

Chinas Aufstieg zur zweitgrosten Volkswirtschaft hat die globalen Krafteverhaltnisse in den letzt... more Chinas Aufstieg zur zweitgrosten Volkswirtschaft hat die globalen Krafteverhaltnisse in den letzten Jahren ver­andert. Findet eine Verschiebung der globalen Dominanz von West nach Ost statt? Welche Moglichkeiten hat Europa, sich zwischen den USA und China zu positionieren? Nach Ansicht von Antonia Reinecke, FernUniversitat Hagen, stellt sich fur Europa nicht die Frage nach einer einseitigen Positionierung. Die EU sollte vielmehr als Gegengewicht zu beiden Okonomien agieren und ihre Potenziale als Initiator technologischer Innovationen und weiterer internationaler Integration ausbauen. Doris Fischer, Universitat Wurzburg, empfiehlt »wechselnde Allianzen fur verschiedene Ebenen«. Inzwischen reiche der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China weit uber Handelsfragen hinaus und beinhalte ebenso das gesellschaftliche Werte- und das politische System. Deshalb brauche Europa eine selbstbewusste Mehrebenenstrategie zur »Navigation durch den Wettbewerb der USA und Chinas«. Als die groste Herausfo...

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Conceptual Framework for Analysing Cooperation and Competition between China and Europe in Climate and Renewable Energy Issues

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Abstract: Despite the large-scale investments of both China and the EU in the field of climate ch... more Abstract: Despite the large-scale investments of both China and the EU in the field of climate change mitigation and renewable energy promotion the prevailing view on China-EU relations is one of conflict rather than cooperation. In order to evaluate the prospects of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Neuartige Innovationsmuster in der chinesischen Industrie – Entrepreneurship in China

Chinas Innovationsstrategie in der globalen Wissensökonomie, 2017

Die chinesische Regierung propagiert seit einiger Zeit „Massengrundungen und Masseninnovation“, u... more Die chinesische Regierung propagiert seit einiger Zeit „Massengrundungen und Masseninnovation“, um die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu stabilisieren und den Aufstieg Chinas in die Reihe moderner Industrienationen zu ebnen. Der Beitrag stellt diesen Fokus auf Unternehmertum und Innovation in den historischen Kontext. Dazu werden die Entwicklung des Privatunternehmertums und der Innovationspolitik seit Beginn der Reformen zusammengefasst und ihr Zusammenspiel beleuchtet. Hieraus wird eine ambivalente Haltung der Politik erkennbar: Obwohl der Privatwirtschaft mehr Raum gegeben wurde, konzentrierte sich die Innovationspolitik nicht auf Privatunternehmen. Da andererseits viele der heute als innovativ geltenden Unternehmen aus der Privatwirtschaft entstanden sind, versucht die chinesische Regierung aktuell, Start-ups zu fordern und fur die eigenen Ziele zu nutzen. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass hierbei auch beschaftigungspolitische Erwagungen eine Rolle spielen. Zugleich verdeutlicht der historische Kontext, dass die Betonung von Massengrundungen und -innovation nicht mit einer Lockerung der Verbindung zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik gleichzusetzen ist. Schon in der Vergangenheit hat die Regierung vor allem fur grosere Unternehmen eine Rolle spielt.

Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Policies Under Xi Jinping: A Steering Theory Perspective

Issues & Studies

Xi Jinping’s ascension to power and subsequent developments in Chinese governance have stoked the... more Xi Jinping’s ascension to power and subsequent developments in Chinese governance have stoked the flames on the debate on industrial policies, both in China and across the globe. At least partly, the debate results from the perception that industrial policies have been important for China’s economic rise, growing competitiveness and drive to innovate. Outside China, this perception has already prompted some governments to suggest that their countries should react to China’s rise by also promulgating industrial policies. But inspite of the growing interest in the topic, there is hardly a consensus on the character of China’s industrial policies nor their efficiency and effectiveness, neither inside nor outside of China. This paper will shed light on these issues by looking at Chinese industrial policies from the perspective of political steering theory. It will first review the political steering theory, identify key concepts (steering modes, steering objects and subjects, etc.) and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ausbildungsprofil von Ostasien-Managern: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Research paper thumbnail of Intentional Ambiguity in Chinese Policymaking

'Intentional ambiguity' is a concept that most commonly appears either in the realm of di... more 'Intentional ambiguity' is a concept that most commonly appears either in the realm of diplomacy (Benson and Niou 2001) or in military jargon to describe a situation where two factions circumvent confrontation by using imprecisions to discuss a sensitive topic upon which each side possesses contrasting ideas (Johnson 2017). While much criticism is directed at China using the strategy in its dealings with foreign nations, little attention has been paid to analysing how that country's government uses purposefully ill-defined policies to stimulate economic and technological development at home (Ahrens 2013). This article seeks to remedy this analytical deficiency by outlining in detail the theory of 'strategic ambiguity', and extending deliberations thereon to the case of the Chinese 'smart grid'. The study will reveal how vague understanding of smart grids in the literature and in industry, coupled with intentionally hazy policy prescriptions from central government institutions, while stimulating technological innovation and local policy experimentation are also misleading investors in the electricity market and creating favourable conditions for large state-owned enterprises at the expense of their privately-owned small and medium-sized counterparts.∗

Research paper thumbnail of Politische Ökonomie und Kaderkapitalismus

Springer eBooks, Dec 31, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting renewable electricity generation in emerging economies

RePEc: Research Papers in Economics, 2012

China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their ... more China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their future development. In this paper, we investigate the experience of the three countries in applying generation-based policies to promote renewable electricity. In contrast to the European experience, which proposes feed-in tariffs as the most successful policy to promote renewable electricity generation, emerging economies show strong interest in little acknowledged auction-based tariffs. We explore how and why different generation-based policies for solar photovoltaic (PV) are applied, as well as what their prospects are. Our comparison highlights the importance of policy objectives on policy choice and design. All three emerging economies need to promote electricity from renewables while keeping electricity prices low. Hence, they are experimenting with policies and design options and arriving at country specific solutions. Despite applying different policy instruments and designs that put strong emphasis on low-cost solutions, all three countries seem able to reach their ambitious deployment targets.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustainable entrepreneurship, opportunity creation: a corporate political activity view

Research paper thumbnail of No. 56 (2001): Rückzug des Staates aus dem chinesischen Mediensektor? Neue institutionelle Arrangements am Beispiel des Zeitungsmarktes

Research paper thumbnail of Censorship and marketization: Institutional change within China’s media

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting Renewable Electricity Generation in Emerging Economies

Social Science Research Network, 2012

China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their ... more China, India, and South Africa have recognized the importance of renewable electricity for their future development. In this paper, we investigate the experience of the three countries in applying generation-based policies to promote renewable electricity. In contrast to the European experience, which proposes feed-in tariffs as the most successful policy to promote renewable electricity generation, emerging economies show strong interest in little acknowledged auction-based tariffs. We explore how and why different generation-based policies for solar photovoltaic (PV) are applied, as well as what their prospects are. Our comparison highlights the importance of policy objectives on policy choice and design. All three emerging economies need to promote electricity from renewables while keeping electricity prices low. Hence, they are experimenting with policies and design options and arriving at country specific solutions. Despite applying different policy instruments and designs that put strong emphasis on low-cost solutions, all three countries seem able to reach their ambitious deployment targets.

Research paper thumbnail of Tourism in Würzburg: Suggestions on how to enhance the travel experience for Chinese tourists

Research paper thumbnail of Kalkuliertes Risiko? China und die WTO

Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine B... more Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter einer Deposit-Lizenz (Keine Weiterverbreitung-keine Bearbeitung) zur Verfügung gestellt. Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht übertragbares, persönliches und beschränktes Recht auf Nutzung dieses Dokuments. Dieses Dokument ist ausschließlich für den persönlichen, nicht-kommerziellen Gebrauch bestimmt. Auf sämtlichen Kopien dieses Dokuments müssen alle Urheberrechtshinweise und sonstigen Hinweise auf gesetzlichen Schutz beibehalten werden. Sie dürfen dieses Dokument nicht in irgendeiner Weise abändern, noch dürfen Sie dieses Dokument für öffentliche oder kommerzielle Zwecke vervielfältigen, öffentlich ausstellen, aufführen, vertreiben oder anderweitig nutzen. Mit der Verwendung dieses Dokuments erkennen Sie die Nutzungsbedingungen an. Terms of use: This document is made available under Deposit Licence (No Redistribution-no modifications). We grant a non-exclusive, nontransferable, individual and limited right to using this document. This document is solely intended for your personal, noncommercial use. All of the copies of this documents must retain all copyright information and other information regarding legal protection. You are not allowed to alter this document in any way, to copy it for public or commercial purposes, to exhibit the document in public, to perform, distribute or otherwise use the document in public. By using this particular document, you accept the above-stated conditions of use. Die Meinungen, die in den vom BUNDESINSTITUT FÜR OSTWISSENSCHAFTLICHE UND INTERNATIONALE STUDIEN herausgegebenen Veröffentlichungen geäußert werden, geben ausschließlich die Auffassung der Autoren wieder.

Research paper thumbnail of Regionale Integration in Asien - Regional integration in Asia: Ökonomische Fundamente und politische Perspektiven

In the past, regional integration in Asia has basically been limited to market-driven economic in... more In the past, regional integration in Asia has basically been limited to market-driven economic integration and private networking. Policy-driven or institutional co-operation and integration have been very limited. The Asian financial crisis as well as the introduction of the Euro has contributed to a change in this pattern. A growing awareness of the advantages of regional co-operation is discernible among Asian states. The Chiang Mai initiative and numerous regional trade agreements are the most visible results of this growing awareness. Nevertheless it is to be doubted that this awareness will transform into concrete and higher level institutional integration among Asian states within the near future. The paper summarises the progress achieved so far in regional co-operation and integration and discusses the main factors favouring and limiting future perspectives.

Research paper thumbnail of Book Review: Models of the Chinese Economy

China Information, Mar 1, 2003

population checks is the appropriate mode of analysis, and argue for a methodology that instead i... more population checks is the appropriate mode of analysis, and argue for a methodology that instead identifies regional and historical differences in social organization. Lee and Wang focus on the implications of patrilineal ancestor worship and bureaucratic state autocracy, and trace these through attention to Chinese demographic data since 1700. This study carefully explores the social and historical context in which active control of the population has been exercised by kin and state structures long prior to recent birth planning policies, and it generates a wealth of new insights into these processes, including, for example, the impact of collectivization in the socialist era upon population control (and the resulting population explosion). The authors demonstrate sensitivity to issues of socioeconomic differences between households and patriarchy within households, but the nature of their demographic data do not allow them to go beyond identifying families or various forms of the state as loci of decision making. There is much that remains to be understood about the intrahousehold dynamics through which these critical decisions were made and the gendered power relations involved. While the arguments made here are primarily historical and sociological, they are based upon close analysis of a considerable amount of demographic data for China as a whole, and especially for the Qing imperial lineage and for Liaoning Province. The nature of the data and the scope of the argument have made this a macrosociological study. It is much to be hoped that it will be followed by microsociological studies of regional and historical variations that will allow further insight into the questions of control and agency so significantly raised here. The book is tightly constructed and the text itself is relatively brief, with more specifically demographic matters reserved primarily for the extensive notes and an appendix on Chinese population sources. This enables the book to address critical historical and social issues in a concentrated and widely accessible manner. Indeed, this important book is certain to be widely read in all fields of modem China studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Green industrial policies in China – the example of solar energy

Research paper thumbnail of Promoting renewable electricity generation in emerging economies

Energy Policy, May 1, 2013

Research paper thumbnail of Information Governance — a Missing Dimension in the Varieties of Capitalism Framework

Research Square (Research Square), Jul 28, 2023

Since the introduction of the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) framework in 2001, the global economy... more Since the introduction of the Varieties of Capitalism (VoC) framework in 2001, the global economy has undergone fundamental changes due to the emergence of new capitalist economies as well as businesses' increasing reliance on information and digitalization. This paper proposes adapting the VoC framework to these changes by adding information governance as a new dimension in the evaluation of political economies. It outlines this new dimension's features and illustrates its manifestation using China as an exemplary case. Finally, a research agenda to substantiate these ndings is outlined.

Research paper thumbnail of Deutsch-chinesische Innovationspartnerschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen (Sino-German Platform Innovation: Framework Conditions, Opportunities and Challenges).Die Policy Briefs der deutschen DCPI Expertengruppe 2017-2019

Research paper thumbnail of Die Konkurrenz um wirtschaftliche Dominanz: Wie kann sich Europa zwischen den USA und China positionieren?

Chinas Aufstieg zur zweitgrosten Volkswirtschaft hat die globalen Krafteverhaltnisse in den letzt... more Chinas Aufstieg zur zweitgrosten Volkswirtschaft hat die globalen Krafteverhaltnisse in den letzten Jahren ver­andert. Findet eine Verschiebung der globalen Dominanz von West nach Ost statt? Welche Moglichkeiten hat Europa, sich zwischen den USA und China zu positionieren? Nach Ansicht von Antonia Reinecke, FernUniversitat Hagen, stellt sich fur Europa nicht die Frage nach einer einseitigen Positionierung. Die EU sollte vielmehr als Gegengewicht zu beiden Okonomien agieren und ihre Potenziale als Initiator technologischer Innovationen und weiterer internationaler Integration ausbauen. Doris Fischer, Universitat Wurzburg, empfiehlt »wechselnde Allianzen fur verschiedene Ebenen«. Inzwischen reiche der Konflikt zwischen den USA und China weit uber Handelsfragen hinaus und beinhalte ebenso das gesellschaftliche Werte- und das politische System. Deshalb brauche Europa eine selbstbewusste Mehrebenenstrategie zur »Navigation durch den Wettbewerb der USA und Chinas«. Als die groste Herausfo...

Research paper thumbnail of Towards a Conceptual Framework for Analysing Cooperation and Competition between China and Europe in Climate and Renewable Energy Issues

Social Science Research Network, 2012

Abstract: Despite the large-scale investments of both China and the EU in the field of climate ch... more Abstract: Despite the large-scale investments of both China and the EU in the field of climate change mitigation and renewable energy promotion the prevailing view on China-EU relations is one of conflict rather than cooperation. In order to evaluate the prospects of ...

Research paper thumbnail of Neuartige Innovationsmuster in der chinesischen Industrie – Entrepreneurship in China

Chinas Innovationsstrategie in der globalen Wissensökonomie, 2017

Die chinesische Regierung propagiert seit einiger Zeit „Massengrundungen und Masseninnovation“, u... more Die chinesische Regierung propagiert seit einiger Zeit „Massengrundungen und Masseninnovation“, um die wirtschaftliche Entwicklung zu stabilisieren und den Aufstieg Chinas in die Reihe moderner Industrienationen zu ebnen. Der Beitrag stellt diesen Fokus auf Unternehmertum und Innovation in den historischen Kontext. Dazu werden die Entwicklung des Privatunternehmertums und der Innovationspolitik seit Beginn der Reformen zusammengefasst und ihr Zusammenspiel beleuchtet. Hieraus wird eine ambivalente Haltung der Politik erkennbar: Obwohl der Privatwirtschaft mehr Raum gegeben wurde, konzentrierte sich die Innovationspolitik nicht auf Privatunternehmen. Da andererseits viele der heute als innovativ geltenden Unternehmen aus der Privatwirtschaft entstanden sind, versucht die chinesische Regierung aktuell, Start-ups zu fordern und fur die eigenen Ziele zu nutzen. Der Beitrag zeigt, dass hierbei auch beschaftigungspolitische Erwagungen eine Rolle spielen. Zugleich verdeutlicht der historische Kontext, dass die Betonung von Massengrundungen und -innovation nicht mit einer Lockerung der Verbindung zwischen Wirtschaft und Politik gleichzusetzen ist. Schon in der Vergangenheit hat die Regierung vor allem fur grosere Unternehmen eine Rolle spielt.

Research paper thumbnail of Industrial Policies Under Xi Jinping: A Steering Theory Perspective

Issues & Studies

Xi Jinping’s ascension to power and subsequent developments in Chinese governance have stoked the... more Xi Jinping’s ascension to power and subsequent developments in Chinese governance have stoked the flames on the debate on industrial policies, both in China and across the globe. At least partly, the debate results from the perception that industrial policies have been important for China’s economic rise, growing competitiveness and drive to innovate. Outside China, this perception has already prompted some governments to suggest that their countries should react to China’s rise by also promulgating industrial policies. But inspite of the growing interest in the topic, there is hardly a consensus on the character of China’s industrial policies nor their efficiency and effectiveness, neither inside nor outside of China. This paper will shed light on these issues by looking at Chinese industrial policies from the perspective of political steering theory. It will first review the political steering theory, identify key concepts (steering modes, steering objects and subjects, etc.) and ...

Research paper thumbnail of Ausbildungsprofil von Ostasien-Managern: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit

Research paper thumbnail of Intentional Ambiguity in Chinese Policymaking

'Intentional ambiguity' is a concept that most commonly appears either in the realm of di... more 'Intentional ambiguity' is a concept that most commonly appears either in the realm of diplomacy (Benson and Niou 2001) or in military jargon to describe a situation where two factions circumvent confrontation by using imprecisions to discuss a sensitive topic upon which each side possesses contrasting ideas (Johnson 2017). While much criticism is directed at China using the strategy in its dealings with foreign nations, little attention has been paid to analysing how that country's government uses purposefully ill-defined policies to stimulate economic and technological development at home (Ahrens 2013). This article seeks to remedy this analytical deficiency by outlining in detail the theory of 'strategic ambiguity', and extending deliberations thereon to the case of the Chinese 'smart grid'. The study will reveal how vague understanding of smart grids in the literature and in industry, coupled with intentionally hazy policy prescriptions from central government institutions, while stimulating technological innovation and local policy experimentation are also misleading investors in the electricity market and creating favourable conditions for large state-owned enterprises at the expense of their privately-owned small and medium-sized counterparts.∗

Research paper thumbnail of Deutsch-chinesische Innovationspartnerschaft: Rahmenbedingungen, Chancen und Herausforderungen

Economic Studies in Asia, No. 15, 2020

Dieser Sammelband vereint die Policy Briefs der vom BMBF bestellten deutschen Expertengruppe für ... more Dieser Sammelband vereint die Policy Briefs der vom BMBF bestellten deutschen Expertengruppe für die Deutsch-chinesische Plattform Innovation aus den Jahren 2017-2019. Sie gewähren Einblicke in die Herausforderungen, Probleme, aber auch Chancen einer Zusammenarbeit mit China im Bereicht der Forschung und Innovation.

Research paper thumbnail of Studentenprotest und Repression in China, April-Juni 1989. Chronologie, Dokumente, Analyse

Dritte, nochmals überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage Hamburg 1993, 655 S. Mitteilungen des Ins... more Dritte, nochmals überarbeitete und erweiterte Auflage
Hamburg 1993, 655 S.
Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde Nr. 223
Ko-Autoren: Ruth Cremerius und Doris Fischer

Research paper thumbnail of Länderbericht China

The "Länderbericht China" (Country Report China) is a flagship publication on contemporary China ... more The "Länderbericht China" (Country Report China) is a flagship publication on contemporary China in German language. Funded by the Federal Agency for Civic Education the report includes 27 articles written by distinguished scholars. The report covers a wide range of topics (geography, history, environment policies, economic, social and cultural dynamics, internal and external politics etc.) relevant for understanding today's China. It is the third such report published by the Agency.

Research paper thumbnail of Aufbau einer Wettbewerbsordnung im Transformationsprozess - Problematisierung am Beispiel der wettbewerbstheoretischen Diskussion und der Wettbewerbspolitik der VR China

The book presents a theoretical and empirical approach to the development of competition policy i... more The book presents a theoretical and empirical approach to the development of competition policy ideas and frameworks in China from the beginnings of the reform until the year 2000.

Research paper thumbnail of Studentenprotest und Repression in China April-Juni 1989

[Research paper thumbnail of Studentenprotest und Repression in China, April–Juni 1989; Analyse, Chronologie, Dokumente. By Ruth Cremerius, Doris Fischer and Peter Schier. [Hamburg: Mitteilungen des Instituts für Asienkunde No. 192, 1991 (2nd revised and enlarged ed.) 582 pp. DM36.00.]](

Research paper thumbnail of Länderbericht China

Bonn: Bundeszentrale für politische Bildunng, Jan 1, 2007