Michele Trizio | Università degli Studi di Bari (original) (raw)

Books by Michele Trizio

Research paper thumbnail of Vie per Bisanzio. Atti del VII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB), Venezia, 25-28 novembre 2009, a cura di Antonio Rigo, Andrea Babuin e Michele Trizio

"Vie per Bisanzio" è l'evocazione di molteplici percorsi e approcci al mondo bizantino: storia, l... more "Vie per Bisanzio" è l'evocazione di molteplici percorsi e approcci al mondo bizantino: storia, letteratura, arte, archeologia, filologia, paleografia, filosofia, teologia. Una diversità poliedrica che rappresenta la ricchezza e la vitalità odierne della tradizione degli studi bizantini in Italia. "Vie per Bisanzio" sta a indicare i diversi itinerari seguiti: dal mondo classico seguendo il filo della grecità, dalla storia medievale volgendosi a Oriente, dalle letterature slave, partendo dalla filosofia e teologia russe moderne e contemporanee per andare a ritroso. Emerge una volta di più l'immagine di Bisanzio quale "Impero di mezzo", luogo-cerniera di scambi e di irradiazioni, non solo all'interno di quello che è stato felicemente indicato come Commonwealth bizantino, ma ben oltre, in Occidente, nel Nord, in Oriente. Dal 25 al 28 di novembre 2009 si tenne a Venezia un Congresso intitolato "Vie per Bisanzio", VII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB) e al contempo occasione di incontro della bizantinistica italiana in Italia e all'estero. I due volumi contengono i risultati dei lavori di quelle giornate.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Neoplatonismo di Eustrazio di Nicea

Papers by Michele Trizio

Research paper thumbnail of The Boundaries of Scholarly and Philosophical Life in Byzantium: A Sociological Approach

Études byzantines et post-byzantines Nouvelle série, tome V (XII), 2023

Abstract: Taking a cue from a recent paper that dismisses Byzantine philosophers as mere scholars... more Abstract: Taking a cue from a recent paper that dismisses Byzantine
philosophers as mere scholars incapable of producing innovations, this paper
suggests that Byzantine intellectuals from the eleventh to twelfth-century
regarded scholarship as a spiritual endeavour that leads to a blessed lifestyle.
An analysis of four significant figures in Byzantine intellectual life makes
it clear that scholarship and paideia should not be disregarded as tokens
for merely antiquarian interest in antiquity but rather as tools for achieving
perfection in this life. This special status of perfection is often characterised
as an intermediate between an upper and lower boundary, to be identified
with philosophy and rhetoric. Finally, the paper locates the self-representation strategy of the Byzantine intellectuals within the broader picture of European
intellectual life in the Middle Ages.

Research paper thumbnail of Uprooting Byzantium. Ninth-Century Byzantine Books and the Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement

Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Robert Grosseteste and Eustratius of Nicaea on Concept Formation After the Fall

Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 2023

This paper explores the similarities between a crucial passage in Robert Grosseteste's commentary... more This paper explores the similarities between a crucial passage in Robert Grosseteste's commentary on Posterior Analytics and the commentary on Nicomachean Ethics 6 written by the Byzantine commentator Eustratius of Nicaea (d. ca. 1120). According to the present author, Eustratius may be the direct source of Grosseteste's epistemology and concept formation theory in the commentary. A tentative revision of the chronology of Grosseteste's Greek studies may be necessary to account for the relationship between the two texts.

Research paper thumbnail of Sourcebook of Byzantine Philosophy-Brill's Companion to Byzantine Philosophy

Research paper thumbnail of The Neoplatonism of Barlaam the Calabrian, in K. Parry, E. Anagnostou, Later Platonists and their Heirs among Christians, Jews and Muslims, Leiden 2023, 244-278.

, 2023

This paper surveys Barlaam the Calabrian's Platonizing attitude in his clash with Gregory Palamas... more This paper surveys Barlaam the Calabrian's Platonizing attitude in his clash with Gregory Palamas. Particular emphasis goes on Barlaam's lost works as transmitted by Palamas. The paper updates and corrects my "Una è la sapienza che pervade ogni cosa." La sapienza profana nell'opera perduta di Barlaam Calabro, in A. Rigo/M. Trizio/P. Ermilov (eds.), Byzantine Theology and Its Philosophical Background, Turnhout 2011, 108-139.

Research paper thumbnail of Forging Identities between Heaven and Earth: Commentaries on Aristotle and Authorial Practices in Eleventh-and Twelfth-Century Byzantium

Byzantine Commentaries on Ancient Greek Texts, 12th–15th Centuries, 2022

When compared with the Late-Antique, Medieval Latin, and Arabic commentary traditions, the Byzant... more When compared with the Late-Antique, Medieval Latin, and Arabic commentary traditions, the Byzantine commentary tradition on Aristotle's work appears understudied and undervalued. Yet, the few available studies on this topic suggest the fruitfulness of a thorough investigation of Byzantine philosophical commentaries and the different authorial practices involved in the Byzantine exegesis of Aristotle. In my paper, I will investigate 12th c. edited and unedited material in order to account for the vast array of interpretive strategies and approaches displayed by the Byzantine commentators of this period.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Byzantine Fortune of Eustratios of Nicaea's Commentary on Books I and VI of the Nicomachean Ethics

Research paper thumbnail of Review of S. Papaioannou, Michael Psellos, Epistulae, Teubner 2019, in The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Vie per Bisanzio" VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini Venezia 25-28 novembre 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Nicholas of Methone, Procopius of Gaza and Proclus of Lycia

Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2

A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of... more A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of Methone

Research paper thumbnail of Eustratios of Nicaea and the Nicomachean Ethics in Twelfth-Century Constantinople: Literary Criticism, Patronage and the Construction of the Byzantine Commentary Tradition

The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, 2021

The eleventh to twelfth-century theologian and philosopher Eustratios of Nicaea authored commenta... more The eleventh to twelfth-century theologian and philosopher Eustratios of Nicaea authored commentaries on books 1 and 6 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. In this paper I show the extent to which Eustratios is indebted to the ancient commentary tradition as well as how he departed from the earlier model of commentary in order to answer contemporary questions of meaning. In order to do so I discuss Eustratios' hermeneutics and textual approach, its dependence upon the ancient model and its novelties in detail. I argue that Eustratios provided a fundamental contribution to the formation of a specifically Byzantine commentary tradition. Finally, this paper also investigates the historical circumstances of Eustratios' career as a commentator and highlights how Eustratios' literary and philosophical output reflects on his patron, the princess and historian Anna komnena.

Research paper thumbnail of Eustratios of Nicaea: a Hithertho Unknown 'Master of Rhetors' in Late Eleventh-Century

Bibliophilos. Books and Learning in the Byzantine World, 2021

The 'master of rhetors' (μαΐστωρ τῶν ῥητώρων) was one of the didaskaloi of the so-called Patriarc... more The 'master of rhetors' (μαΐστωρ τῶν ῥητώρων) was one of the didaskaloi of the so-called Patriarchal Academy in Constantinople. This paper demonstrates on the basis of manuscript evidences that the 11th - 12th- century theologian and commentator Eustratios of Nicaea actually held this post.

Research paper thumbnail of Un’eredità difficile. La «collezione filosofica» alla prova dei secoli XI e XII: il caso dei commentatori

La « collection philosophique » face à l’histoire, Cisam, Spoleto, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Nicholas of Methone, Procopius of Gaza and Proclus of Lycia

Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2 Translations and Acculturations, 2020

A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of... more A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of Methone

Research paper thumbnail of “Un uomo sapiente ed apostolico”. Agostino a Bisanzio: Gregorio Palamas lettore del De trinitate

Quaestio, 2006

A comprehensive reconstruction of Gregory Palamas' appropriation of Augustine's theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Socrates in Byzantium

The Brill Companion to the Reception of Socrates, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of A Neoplatonic Refutation of Islam from the Time of the Komnenoi

A Neoplatonic Refutation of Islam from the Time of the Komnenoi, in A. Speer (ed.), 37. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 14.-17. September 2010: Knotenpunkt Byzanz: Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, Berlin-New York , 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine interpretations of NE 6.5.1140b17–18

Byzantine interpretations of NE 6.5 J. Fink (ed.), Phantasia in Aristotle's Ethics Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions, Bloomsbury, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Vie per Bisanzio. Atti del VII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB), Venezia, 25-28 novembre 2009, a cura di Antonio Rigo, Andrea Babuin e Michele Trizio

"Vie per Bisanzio" è l'evocazione di molteplici percorsi e approcci al mondo bizantino: storia, l... more "Vie per Bisanzio" è l'evocazione di molteplici percorsi e approcci al mondo bizantino: storia, letteratura, arte, archeologia, filologia, paleografia, filosofia, teologia. Una diversità poliedrica che rappresenta la ricchezza e la vitalità odierne della tradizione degli studi bizantini in Italia. "Vie per Bisanzio" sta a indicare i diversi itinerari seguiti: dal mondo classico seguendo il filo della grecità, dalla storia medievale volgendosi a Oriente, dalle letterature slave, partendo dalla filosofia e teologia russe moderne e contemporanee per andare a ritroso. Emerge una volta di più l'immagine di Bisanzio quale "Impero di mezzo", luogo-cerniera di scambi e di irradiazioni, non solo all'interno di quello che è stato felicemente indicato come Commonwealth bizantino, ma ben oltre, in Occidente, nel Nord, in Oriente. Dal 25 al 28 di novembre 2009 si tenne a Venezia un Congresso intitolato "Vie per Bisanzio", VII Convegno dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini (AISB) e al contempo occasione di incontro della bizantinistica italiana in Italia e all'estero. I due volumi contengono i risultati dei lavori di quelle giornate.

Research paper thumbnail of Il Neoplatonismo di Eustrazio di Nicea

Research paper thumbnail of The Boundaries of Scholarly and Philosophical Life in Byzantium: A Sociological Approach

Études byzantines et post-byzantines Nouvelle série, tome V (XII), 2023

Abstract: Taking a cue from a recent paper that dismisses Byzantine philosophers as mere scholars... more Abstract: Taking a cue from a recent paper that dismisses Byzantine
philosophers as mere scholars incapable of producing innovations, this paper
suggests that Byzantine intellectuals from the eleventh to twelfth-century
regarded scholarship as a spiritual endeavour that leads to a blessed lifestyle.
An analysis of four significant figures in Byzantine intellectual life makes
it clear that scholarship and paideia should not be disregarded as tokens
for merely antiquarian interest in antiquity but rather as tools for achieving
perfection in this life. This special status of perfection is often characterised
as an intermediate between an upper and lower boundary, to be identified
with philosophy and rhetoric. Finally, the paper locates the self-representation strategy of the Byzantine intellectuals within the broader picture of European
intellectual life in the Middle Ages.

Research paper thumbnail of Uprooting Byzantium. Ninth-Century Byzantine Books and the Graeco-Arabic Translation Movement

Scandinavian Journal of Byzantine and Modern Greek Studies, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Robert Grosseteste and Eustratius of Nicaea on Concept Formation After the Fall

Revista Española de Filosofía Medieval, 2023

This paper explores the similarities between a crucial passage in Robert Grosseteste's commentary... more This paper explores the similarities between a crucial passage in Robert Grosseteste's commentary on Posterior Analytics and the commentary on Nicomachean Ethics 6 written by the Byzantine commentator Eustratius of Nicaea (d. ca. 1120). According to the present author, Eustratius may be the direct source of Grosseteste's epistemology and concept formation theory in the commentary. A tentative revision of the chronology of Grosseteste's Greek studies may be necessary to account for the relationship between the two texts.

Research paper thumbnail of Sourcebook of Byzantine Philosophy-Brill's Companion to Byzantine Philosophy

Research paper thumbnail of The Neoplatonism of Barlaam the Calabrian, in K. Parry, E. Anagnostou, Later Platonists and their Heirs among Christians, Jews and Muslims, Leiden 2023, 244-278.

, 2023

This paper surveys Barlaam the Calabrian's Platonizing attitude in his clash with Gregory Palamas... more This paper surveys Barlaam the Calabrian's Platonizing attitude in his clash with Gregory Palamas. Particular emphasis goes on Barlaam's lost works as transmitted by Palamas. The paper updates and corrects my "Una è la sapienza che pervade ogni cosa." La sapienza profana nell'opera perduta di Barlaam Calabro, in A. Rigo/M. Trizio/P. Ermilov (eds.), Byzantine Theology and Its Philosophical Background, Turnhout 2011, 108-139.

Research paper thumbnail of Forging Identities between Heaven and Earth: Commentaries on Aristotle and Authorial Practices in Eleventh-and Twelfth-Century Byzantium

Byzantine Commentaries on Ancient Greek Texts, 12th–15th Centuries, 2022

When compared with the Late-Antique, Medieval Latin, and Arabic commentary traditions, the Byzant... more When compared with the Late-Antique, Medieval Latin, and Arabic commentary traditions, the Byzantine commentary tradition on Aristotle's work appears understudied and undervalued. Yet, the few available studies on this topic suggest the fruitfulness of a thorough investigation of Byzantine philosophical commentaries and the different authorial practices involved in the Byzantine exegesis of Aristotle. In my paper, I will investigate 12th c. edited and unedited material in order to account for the vast array of interpretive strategies and approaches displayed by the Byzantine commentators of this period.

Research paper thumbnail of On the Byzantine Fortune of Eustratios of Nicaea's Commentary on Books I and VI of the Nicomachean Ethics

Research paper thumbnail of Review of S. Papaioannou, Michael Psellos, Epistulae, Teubner 2019, in The International Journal of the Platonic Tradition, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Vie per Bisanzio" VII Congresso Nazionale dell'Associazione Italiana di Studi Bizantini Venezia 25-28 novembre 2009

Research paper thumbnail of Nicholas of Methone, Procopius of Gaza and Proclus of Lycia

Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2

A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of... more A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of Methone

Research paper thumbnail of Eustratios of Nicaea and the Nicomachean Ethics in Twelfth-Century Constantinople: Literary Criticism, Patronage and the Construction of the Byzantine Commentary Tradition

The Reception of Greek Ethics in Late Antiquity and Byzantium, 2021

The eleventh to twelfth-century theologian and philosopher Eustratios of Nicaea authored commenta... more The eleventh to twelfth-century theologian and philosopher Eustratios of Nicaea authored commentaries on books 1 and 6 of Aristotle's Nicomachean Ethics. In this paper I show the extent to which Eustratios is indebted to the ancient commentary tradition as well as how he departed from the earlier model of commentary in order to answer contemporary questions of meaning. In order to do so I discuss Eustratios' hermeneutics and textual approach, its dependence upon the ancient model and its novelties in detail. I argue that Eustratios provided a fundamental contribution to the formation of a specifically Byzantine commentary tradition. Finally, this paper also investigates the historical circumstances of Eustratios' career as a commentator and highlights how Eustratios' literary and philosophical output reflects on his patron, the princess and historian Anna komnena.

Research paper thumbnail of Eustratios of Nicaea: a Hithertho Unknown 'Master of Rhetors' in Late Eleventh-Century

Bibliophilos. Books and Learning in the Byzantine World, 2021

The 'master of rhetors' (μαΐστωρ τῶν ῥητώρων) was one of the didaskaloi of the so-called Patriarc... more The 'master of rhetors' (μαΐστωρ τῶν ῥητώρων) was one of the didaskaloi of the so-called Patriarchal Academy in Constantinople. This paper demonstrates on the basis of manuscript evidences that the 11th - 12th- century theologian and commentator Eustratios of Nicaea actually held this post.

Research paper thumbnail of Un’eredità difficile. La «collezione filosofica» alla prova dei secoli XI e XII: il caso dei commentatori

La « collection philosophique » face à l’histoire, Cisam, Spoleto, 2020

Research paper thumbnail of Nicholas of Methone, Procopius of Gaza and Proclus of Lycia

Reading Proclus and the Book of Causes, Volume 2 Translations and Acculturations, 2020

A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of... more A paper on the authorship of the Refutatio Procli attributed to Procopius of Gaza and Nicholas of Methone

Research paper thumbnail of “Un uomo sapiente ed apostolico”. Agostino a Bisanzio: Gregorio Palamas lettore del De trinitate

Quaestio, 2006

A comprehensive reconstruction of Gregory Palamas' appropriation of Augustine's theology.

Research paper thumbnail of Socrates in Byzantium

The Brill Companion to the Reception of Socrates, 2019

Research paper thumbnail of A Neoplatonic Refutation of Islam from the Time of the Komnenoi

A Neoplatonic Refutation of Islam from the Time of the Komnenoi, in A. Speer (ed.), 37. Kölner Mediaevistentagung 14.-17. September 2010: Knotenpunkt Byzanz: Wissensformen und kulturelle Wechselbeziehungen, Berlin-New York , 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Byzantine interpretations of NE 6.5.1140b17–18

Byzantine interpretations of NE 6.5 J. Fink (ed.), Phantasia in Aristotle's Ethics Reception in the Arabic, Greek, Hebrew and Latin Traditions, Bloomsbury, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of The Byzantine reception of Aristotle's Parva naturalia (and the zoological works) in eleventh- and twelfth-century Byzantium: an overview

The treatises known as Parva naturalia play an important role in Byzantine culture and education.... more The treatises known as Parva naturalia play an important role in Byzantine culture and education. Contrary to what happened in late antiquity, the most important Byzantine commentators devoted great attention to these texts. This probably reflects the Byzantine understanding of Aristotle's natural philosophy as a reliable account of nature and physiology. More importantly, since there are no late-antique commentaries on the Parva naturalia, the Byzantine commentators were eager to excerpt from all sort of available material that could be helpful for composing an exegesis on these Aristotelian treatises. The way they assembled this material is of greatest interest and justifies a thorough study of the Byzantine commentary tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Reading and Commenting on Aristotle in Byzantium

in Kaldellis/Siniossoglou, The Cambridge Intellectual History of Byzantium (forthcoming), 2017

Research paper thumbnail of Aristotle's Ethics in the West and the Byzantine Commentary Tradition

A seminar for specialists given at the University of Harvard on april 11th 2012.

Research paper thumbnail of The Precarious Balance of Astrology in Byzantium.

Conference: Le stelle, i regni, le credenze, le masse. Astrologia politica nel mediterraneo tra M... more Conference: Le stelle, i regni, le credenze, le masse. Astrologia politica nel mediterraneo tra Medioevo e Rinascimento, Bari 08-10/06/2016

Research paper thumbnail of Modulating Proclus in the Early Komnenian Period

By examining the case of some relevant intellectuals of the Early Komnenian period, the present c... more By examining the case of some relevant intellectuals of the Early Komnenian period, the present contribution argues that the so-called 11th and 12th c. "Proklos-Renaissance" should be qualified and investigated according to the different modulations of style and target audiences of the 11th and 12th c. philosophical literature. Accordingly, in the conclusions this paper also provides evidence demonstrating that later Byzantine scholars would grant the appropriation of Proclus by intellectuals of this period almost the status of authentic "Neoplatonic" source material.

Research paper thumbnail of ICBS Belgrad 2016 - Round Table: Philosophers and Philosophical Books in Byzantium

The program of the ICBS 2016 Round Table on "Philosophers and Philosophical Books In Byzantium"