antonio panaino | Università di Bologna (original) (raw)


Books by antonio panaino

Research paper thumbnail of STUDI IRANICI RAVENNATI VOL. IV

A collection of Iranian studies edited by the Iranological team of the University of Bologna, bra... more A collection of Iranian studies edited by the Iranological team of the University of Bologna, branch of Ravenna

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Iranici Ravennati 3

Indo-Iranica et Orientalia, Series Lazur, 2019

selected essays of Iranian cultural history

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Iranici Ravennati 2

Selected essays on Iranian subjects dealing with philology, linguistic, cultural studies, literat... more Selected essays on Iranian subjects dealing with philology, linguistic, cultural studies, literature, ethnology and anthropology, art, numismatic, history of religions (Mazdeism, Manichaeism, Mazdakism, Hinduism, Islam, Kurdish beliefs, Yaghnobi folklore)

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Research paper thumbnail of Panaino, Tessere il cielo. Considerazioni sulle Tavole astronomiche, gli Oroscopi e la Dottrina dei Legamenti tra Induismo, Zoroastrismo e Mandeismo. (SOR, LXXIX). Is.M.E.O., Roma 1998, 114 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lists of Names of Ahura Mazdā (Yašt I) and Vayu (Yašt XV). (SOR, XCIV). Is.M.E.O., Roma 2002, 167 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of OPakunaus_.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of StarBethlehemPanaino.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of “The Niyāyišns Corpus and Its Relationship with the Yašts: the Case of Yašts 6 and 7”, Iranian Studies, vol. 45, 2, 2012, pp. 261–273.

Research paper thumbnail of 28_Panaino_gs_Marshak_fin.pdf


Research paper thumbnail of Sadwēs, Anāhīd and the Manichaean Maiden of Light

Research paper thumbnail of Tishtrya. Part I. The Avestan Hymn to Sirius.

Critical edition of the Tishtar Yasht with philological commentary.

Research paper thumbnail of La luce sorge da Oriente. Nuove prospettive etiche della Massoneria. (Il Flauto magico). Milano 2013: 127 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Panaino – V. Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, II. (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 845. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2013: 221 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of I Magi e la loro stella. Storia, scienza e teologia di un racconto evangelico (Parola di Dio, II serie, 67). Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2012, 231 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Politica religiosa e regalità sacra nell’Iran preislamico. A cura di V. Sadovski, F. Martelli, P. Ognibene, con la collaborazione redazionale di S. Circassia e R. Cascioli. Milano 2007, 335 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Panaino – V. Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, I:  (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 764. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2007, 108 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Rite, parole et pensée dans l’Avesta ancien et récent. Quatre leçons au Collège de France (Paris, 7, 14, 21, 18 mai 2002). (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 716. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2004, 151 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of I Magi evangelici. Storia e simbologia tra Oriente e Occidente. Ravenna 2004, 75 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lists of Names of Ahura Mazdā (Yašt I) and Vayu (Yašt XV). (SOR XCIV). Roma 2002, 167 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of STUDI IRANICI RAVENNATI VOL. IV

A collection of Iranian studies edited by the Iranological team of the University of Bologna, bra... more A collection of Iranian studies edited by the Iranological team of the University of Bologna, branch of Ravenna

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Research paper thumbnail of Studi Iranici Ravennati 3

Indo-Iranica et Orientalia, Series Lazur, 2019

selected essays of Iranian cultural history

Bookmarks Related papers MentionsView impact

Research paper thumbnail of Studi Iranici Ravennati 2

Selected essays on Iranian subjects dealing with philology, linguistic, cultural studies, literat... more Selected essays on Iranian subjects dealing with philology, linguistic, cultural studies, literature, ethnology and anthropology, art, numismatic, history of religions (Mazdeism, Manichaeism, Mazdakism, Hinduism, Islam, Kurdish beliefs, Yaghnobi folklore)

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Research paper thumbnail of Panaino, Tessere il cielo. Considerazioni sulle Tavole astronomiche, gli Oroscopi e la Dottrina dei Legamenti tra Induismo, Zoroastrismo e Mandeismo. (SOR, LXXIX). Is.M.E.O., Roma 1998, 114 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lists of Names of Ahura Mazdā (Yašt I) and Vayu (Yašt XV). (SOR, XCIV). Is.M.E.O., Roma 2002, 167 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of OPakunaus_.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of StarBethlehemPanaino.pdf

Research paper thumbnail of “The Niyāyišns Corpus and Its Relationship with the Yašts: the Case of Yašts 6 and 7”, Iranian Studies, vol. 45, 2, 2012, pp. 261–273.

Research paper thumbnail of 28_Panaino_gs_Marshak_fin.pdf


Research paper thumbnail of Sadwēs, Anāhīd and the Manichaean Maiden of Light

Research paper thumbnail of Tishtrya. Part I. The Avestan Hymn to Sirius.

Critical edition of the Tishtar Yasht with philological commentary.

Research paper thumbnail of La luce sorge da Oriente. Nuove prospettive etiche della Massoneria. (Il Flauto magico). Milano 2013: 127 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Panaino – V. Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, II. (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 845. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2013: 221 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of I Magi e la loro stella. Storia, scienza e teologia di un racconto evangelico (Parola di Dio, II serie, 67). Cinisello Balsamo (MI) 2012, 231 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Politica religiosa e regalità sacra nell’Iran preislamico. A cura di V. Sadovski, F. Martelli, P. Ognibene, con la collaborazione redazionale di S. Circassia e R. Cascioli. Milano 2007, 335 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of A. Panaino – V. Sadovski, Disputationes Iranologicae Vindobonenses, I:  (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 764. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2007, 108 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of Rite, parole et pensée dans l’Avesta ancien et récent. Quatre leçons au Collège de France (Paris, 7, 14, 21, 18 mai 2002). (Sitzungsberichte der ÖAW. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 716. Band / Veröffentlichungen zur Ira nistik). Wien 2004, 151 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of I Magi evangelici. Storia e simbologia tra Oriente e Occidente. Ravenna 2004, 75 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of The Lists of Names of Ahura Mazdā (Yašt I) and Vayu (Yašt XV). (SOR XCIV). Roma 2002, 167 pp.

Research paper thumbnail of The Corpus of the Yashts and their Pahlavi Translations: Consideringa Textual Lacuna

The article deals with the history of the corpus of the Avestan hymns, which is not completely at... more The article deals with the history of the corpus of the Avestan hymns, which is not completely attested in a Pahlavi version. The author tries to investigate the reasons of this lacuna, discussing also the state of preservation of the few attested versions of the Avestan hymns in Middle Persian

Research paper thumbnail of Le collège sacerdotal mazdéen entre tradition et innovation : des origines de l’organisation rituelle avestique à sa décadence

Research paper thumbnail of Power and Ritual in the Achaemenian Royalty

Research paper thumbnail of Pahlavi GWCYHL: gozir o gawcihr?

Università degli Studi di Napoli *L'Orientale*, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Il Basileus stella dei Magi ed altre nugae bizantino-iraniche


Lo studio analizza il cerimoniale della corte bizantina in occasione della festivit\ue0 del 25 di... more Lo studio analizza il cerimoniale della corte bizantina in occasione della festivit\ue0 del 25 dicembre, con particolare riferimento per la comparazione messa in atto tra Basileus e la stella dei Magi. Tale astralizzazione simbolica del sovrano, rispetto al Sole-Cristo, enfatizza la regalit\ue0 sacra e la dimensione universalistica del sovrano rispetto ai re dell'Oriente, in particolare attraverso il riferimento esplicito alla subalternit\ue0 dei Magi, guidati sulla giusta via dalla stella-re, Il presente analizza inoltre altri aspetti della tradizione bizantina in rapporto al tema dei Magi evangelici con attenzione alla rappresentazione musiva che avrebbe adornato la facciate della Basilica della Nativit\ue0 a Betlemme e dinanzi alla quale anche le truppe sasanidi si sarebbero arrestate, poich\ue9 i soldati persiani vi avrebbero riconosciuta l'immagine dei propri sacerdoti. Ulteriori aspetti del culto dei Magi sono posti nel contesto di un'analisi pi\uf9 circostanziata che si inquadra in una ricerca internazionale sulla storia e l'evoluzione dei cicli ad essi attribuiti

Research paper thumbnail of Vecchie e nuove considerazioni sul Millenarismo iranico-mesopotamico ed il Chiliasmo giudaico-cristiano

Research paper thumbnail of Diplomazia e violenza: a proposito di un caso di rispetto del "diritto internazionale" nell'antica Persia

Ludwig Reichert Verlag eBooks, 2008

L'autore tratta un curioso episodio storico (Hdt. 7. 133-137), relativo al mancato invio da p... more L'autore tratta un curioso episodio storico (Hdt. 7. 133-137), relativo al mancato invio da parte di Serse di emissari ad Atene prima dell'invasione della Grecia, per alcuni versi di straordinaria attualit\ue0, che segn\uf2 la dinamica dei rapporti tra la Grecia e il mondo antico-persiano, ovvero alcuni luoghi comuni sulla civilt\ue0 giuridica e la "barbarie"

Research paper thumbnail of No Room for the "Paradise"? About Old Persian pa-ra-da-ya-da-a-ma

Università degli Studi di Napoli *L'Orientale*, 2012

The Author discusses, with detailed philological considerations, the problematic Old Persian word... more The Author discusses, with detailed philological considerations, the problematic Old Persian word for "Paradise", which is attested in a late inscription probably belonging to the time of Artaxerxes II from Susa

Research paper thumbnail of La tutela dei diritti umani: modelli ed ideologie a confronto

Research paper thumbnail of A proposito del ciclo mitologico della stella Sirio nell’Iran antico

Mimesis eBooks, 2019

L'Inno avestico alla stella Sirio, il "Tištar Yašt", offre una serie di... more L'Inno avestico alla stella Sirio, il "Tištar Yašt", offre una serie di spunti per un approfondimento da un punto di vista astronomico. Le riflessioni che seguono sono il frutto di una discussione maturata tra i due autori, stimolati a condividere le rispettive competenze scientifiche grazie a un convegno della Società Italiana di Archeoastronomia (Genova, 22-24 ottobre 2018). La prima parte riguarda il colore di Sirio, variamente riportato nelle letterature antiche. Quella centrale riesamina i fenomeni celesti, che possono aver ispirato la battaglia tra Sirio e le stelle fisse contro le stelle cadenti. La terza accenna alla possibile origine fenomenica della dualità di stelle fisse e pianeti.

Research paper thumbnail of Books without Ritual. Ritual without Books. The Mazdean Approach to the Divine Liturgy and Orality. A Reversed History of Avestan and Sasanian Scholarship

University Center Irvine. Jordan Center for Persian Studies., 2018

The article deals with the history of the written and oral transimission of texts in Pre-Islamic ... more The article deals with the history of the written and oral transimission of texts in Pre-Islamic Persia. It shows that various forms of textual supports were known and adopted, expecially according to the diffusion of books in different languages, which followed the main local traditions. Another problem here analyzed concerns the difference between the Mazdean liturgy in which the text is only oral (in fact. it is properly a mantra), while in the Christian framework the sacred book was given a special priority. This substancial difference produced a number of strong incomprehensions, visible for instance in the false starement that the Zoroastrian priets did not possess written version of the Avestan liturgy, as sometimes declared in contemporary Christian Syriac source

Research paper thumbnail of The Zoroastrian Incestuous Unions in Christian Sources and Canonical Laws: their (distorted) Aetiology and some other Problems

Peeters eBooks, 2008

The present contribution focus on the Christian polemics against the Sasanian right in matters co... more The present contribution focus on the Christian polemics against the Sasanian right in matters concerning family law, particularly in the case of the so-called next-of-kin marriage; it also deals with the Zurvanite version of the myth concerning the primordial incest performed by Ohrmazd as reported in Christian sources

Research paper thumbnail of Av. mainiiu.tashta- and other mainiiu-compounds

Oesterreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften, 2012

Research paper thumbnail of Sacred Kingship and other Symbolic Aspects of Royalty in Achaemenid and Sasanian Ideology

This article deals with the foundational concepts of the sacred royalty in the Iranian pre-Islami... more This article deals with the foundational concepts of the sacred royalty in the Iranian pre-Islamic world from the Achaemenian period till the Sasanian Empire. It also focuses on some controversial aspects of the Iranian kingship within the context of the Mazdean religion, and shows that no divinization of the king was developed in the Persian monarchy. The article also resumes a number of previous studies about the subject and in particular with reference to the royal titles

Research paper thumbnail of L'avorio tra Oriente e Occidente

Research paper thumbnail of Cosmology and Astrology

Wiley-Blackwell eBooks, 2015

L'articolo presenta in modo sistematico la cosmologia mazdaica nel corso della sua evoluzone ... more L'articolo presenta in modo sistematico la cosmologia mazdaica nel corso della sua evoluzone storica; la concezione zoroastriana della doppia articolazione dell'esistenza nel contesto dell'economia dello scontro tra le forze create da Ahura Mazd\ue2 contro quelle di Angra Mainyu. Si discute il rapporto complesso sussistente tra il tempo limitato e quello illimitato non solo nel quadro teologico del Mazdeismo, ma soprattutto in rapporto ai cicli temporali, in particolare a quello di 12.000 anni. Anche l'organizzazione dello spazio terrestre e celeste \ue8 oggetto di una rappresentazione articolata volta a circostanziare il senso della cosmografia e dell'uranografia zoroastriana. La visione della volta celeste e dei cicli mitologici ad essa connessi constituisce una parte significativa del lavoro, che viene poi a circostanziare le ulteriori elaborazioni maturate nell'incontro con le dottrine astrologiche ed astrologiche di origine mesopotamica, indiana e classica. Uno sguardo d'insieme all'astrologia ed alle discipline ad essa connesse in ambito iranico, anche in rapporto alle tradizioni religiose presenti in quest'area ma non strettamente zoroastriane, offre una pi\uf9 completa visione di questo scenario culturale

Research paper thumbnail of Yima ed il rifiuto della daênâ-. Ovvero dell'incestualità, della beatitudine e della morte tra ambigui ostacoli e seducenti trasparenze

Research paper thumbnail of Il culto del fuoco nello Zoroastrismo


Il presente contributo offre uno sguardo critico sulla concezione mazdaica del fuoco a partire da... more Il presente contributo offre uno sguardo critico sulla concezione mazdaica del fuoco a partire dalla letteratura avestica pi\uf9 antica, per poi seguirne lo sviluppo attraverso sia la tradizione avestico-recente sia quella preservata dalle fonti medio-persiane, sempre alla luce della documentazione classica quanto di quella in altre lingue di essenziale importanza per l'area iranica

Research paper thumbnail of Simbolo e rito nella paideia massonica

Research paper thumbnail of The Triadic Symbolism of Yima's vara- and Related Structures and Patterns

The present article analyses the triadic pattern attested in the process of triplication of the e... more The present article analyses the triadic pattern attested in the process of triplication of the earth, as performed by Yima according to the 2nd chapter of the Videvdad, showing its algorithmic complexity in which fractions of the unity have been attested. This numerological process is directly compared with the three losses of the xwarrah by Yima

Research paper thumbnail of “Ancient Sciences of Culture and Knowledge (ASK)”  A new series.  Tübingen, Mohr Siebeck.

This new series attempts to study ancient histories of knowledge and their entanglement with reli... more This new series attempts to study ancient histories of knowledge and their entanglement with religious, cultural and socio-political aspects, while paying attention to the historicity and cultural relativity of specific figurations of knowledge.

Research paper thumbnail of Non Licet Stare Caelestibus. Studies on Astronomy and its History offered to Salvo De Meis

A. Panaino, E. Bacchi, S. Buscherini, P. Ognibene (edited by), Indo-Iranica et Orientalia, Series Lazur, Vol. XIII, , Jul 2014

The present volume collects a series of studies presented to Salvatore (Salvo) De Meis — one of t... more The present volume collects a series of studies presented to Salvatore (Salvo) De Meis — one of the leading specialists in the field of History of Astronomy and Astronomical Computation — as an homage in his honour by an international group of distinguished scholars. The single articles deal with various intriguing subjects covering a very long period, practically from the earliest documents of ancient Astronomy and Astrology to modern sciences. Many of these contributions have been dedicated, in particular, to the history of special aspects of Mesopotamian (Simo Parpola, Hermann Hunger, Gebhard J. Selz, Peter J. Huber), Iranian (Antonio Panaino, Paolo Delaini, Stefano Buscherini), Classical and Arabic (Giuseppe Bezza, Eleonora Bacchi) astral and calendrical traditions, or to the ethno- and archaeo-astronomy (Fabrizio Bònoli), as well as to the description of the heaven according to the Ossetic linguistic heritage (Paolo Ognibene); other essays shed new light on a number of problems of modern and contemporary Positional Astronomy, such as the Sun's eclipses and the Lunar Tables (Michelle Chapront-Touzé), or the approaches of asteroids to Jupiter (Jean Meeus). This volume includes not only a presentation of the scholarly activity performed by Salvo De Meis, but also a selected bibliography of his published studies.

Research paper thumbnail of Panaino_Studies on the Recursive Patterns in the Mazdean Ritualism: the 'Installation' and the so-called 'Disinstallation' of the high Priestly College 1

We have certain knowledge of the ceremony of installation of the full Avestan priestly college (a... more We have certain knowledge of the ceremony of installation of the full Avestan priestly college (a liturgy which takes place in Vr. 3, 1-5, between Y. 11, 8 and 11, 9), thanks to a number of ritual directions and few ceremonial drafts in which the positions of the single assistants are carefully described. This ceremony was regularly held in the framework of the most solemn liturgies, probably not during the normal performance of the Yasna, when the priests were only two (the zaōtar-and probably the ātrauuaxša-or the sraōšāuuarəza-). With reference to Y. 58, 4-8, i.e., to an important portion of the Fšūšō Mąθra, various Avestan mss give additional directions referring to the positions taken by the rāspīg in place of the earlier seven assistant priests and, then, establish the single different textual portions to be recited as their ceremonial substitute in the course of a solemn ceremony. A. Cantera, who was the first to emphasize the importance of these textual and ritual evidences, has recently stated that some of these mss preserve also another draft, which can be directly compared with that of the previous installation as it appears in Vr. 3. Just as the opening ceremony was an " installation " , Cantera has interpreted the following one as a sort of " dis-installation ". The Fšūšō Mąθra is a very important text, because it marks the conclusion of the (animal) sacrifice (true or symbolical), and corresponds to the final consummation of the offering of a piece of meat by the fire. Its chapters 4-8 were recited twice, but only during the first performance the described choreography took place; in fact, when the first recitation of Y. 58, 8 was over, the zōt (Av. zaōtar-) took again the word and started to recite again all the text from Y. 58, 4 to its end (58, 9). The observation of this particular sequence based on a double recitation of the same text, the fact that this ritual did not belong to the Wispered but to the Yasna (so being in evident contrast with the liturgy of the sacerdotal " installation "), as the absence of specific directions concerning an expectable " exit " of the assistants from the ritual area, raise a number of questions and suggest the presence of a more complex symbolism, which does not exactly correspond to the one of a simple (or radical) " dis-installation ". Thus, the present article tries to frame these problems in the light of the theological complexity of the Fšūšō Mąθra and advances a more intriguing ritual interpretation. This ceremony, in fact, seems to mark the occurrence of a separation between the " divine " and the " human " , after a

Research paper thumbnail of Review of Franz Cumont, Astrologie, in Anabases 25, 2017, pp. 282-284

Review of a recent volume collecting a large number of srticles dedicated by Franz Cumont to astr... more Review of a recent volume collecting a large number of srticles dedicated by Franz Cumont to astrological subjects.