Maria Emanuela Alberti | Università degli Studi di Firenze (University of Florence) (original) (raw)
Edited volumes by Maria Emanuela Alberti
Papers by Maria Emanuela Alberti
The paper is the first step of a systematic and critical review of the history of the internal (a... more The paper is the first step of a systematic and critical review of the history of the internal (and external, though to a lesser extent) history of the Bronze Age Aegean trade systems and circuits. After a short introductionn on geographical aspects and main Early Bronze Age characteristics, the focus is on the phenomena of the Middle Bronze Age, both on a pan-Aegean and regional level: complex phenomena of hybridization and local development lead to the cultural definition of the various regional identities, struggling between localism, external involvement and first Minoanization.
The main issue in recent years of the near eastern metrological studies is the research on the in... more The main issue in recent years of the near eastern metrological studies is the research on the interconnections of the different economic regional spheres and, above all, of the different weighing systems. It is now ascertained that the same major units, or very close major units, the talent and the mina, were widespread in the whole eastern Mediterranean, both in the Levant and in the Aegean. The different main Levantine shekels, the shekel of Khatti (11,75 g, h), the shekel of Ugarit (9,4 g., s), and the shekel of Karkemish (7,83 g, k) over time became widespread and interconnected with a simple ratio between them; they were counted also, in case of necessity, on a decimal and a sexagesimal basis. The various Mediterranean wool units were very close to each other. Thus, in the framework of a complex system of deep and important regional exchanges, the backbone of the Eastern Mediterranean world in the Bronze Age, the interconnections between various regional weighing systems are c...
In: Tools, textiles and contexts : textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bro... more In: Tools, textiles and contexts : textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age edited by Eva Andersson Strand and Marie-Louise Nosch. (Ancient textiles series; vol. 21)
This paper is one of the outputs of the international project "Mycenaean Textiles. Texts... more This paper is one of the outputs of the international project "Mycenaean Textiles. Texts and Contexts: The Evidence from the Kadmeia of Thebes" (see) and the fruit of the collaboration of different scholars and institutions. It illustrates the evidence from various plots in Mycenaean Thebes, towards a re-examination of the organization of the textile industry there and of the overall organization of production. A first contextual analysis is attempted to sketch the existence of a typology of organizational units, with different economic and administrative functions.
Country in the City: Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean), 2019
11th International Cretological …, 2011
Please be patient while the object screen loads. Changez de vue : Choisir un site… UCL FUNDP FUSL... more Please be patient while the object screen loads. Changez de vue : Choisir un site… UCL FUNDP FUSL FUCaM. ...
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2012
The paper is the first step of a systematic and critical review of the history of the internal (a... more The paper is the first step of a systematic and critical review of the history of the internal (and external, though to a lesser extent) history of the Bronze Age Aegean trade systems and circuits. After a short introductionn on geographical aspects and main Early Bronze Age characteristics, the focus is on the phenomena of the Middle Bronze Age, both on a pan-Aegean and regional level: complex phenomena of hybridization and local development lead to the cultural definition of the various regional identities, struggling between localism, external involvement and first Minoanization.
The main issue in recent years of the near eastern metrological studies is the research on the in... more The main issue in recent years of the near eastern metrological studies is the research on the interconnections of the different economic regional spheres and, above all, of the different weighing systems. It is now ascertained that the same major units, or very close major units, the talent and the mina, were widespread in the whole eastern Mediterranean, both in the Levant and in the Aegean. The different main Levantine shekels, the shekel of Khatti (11,75 g, h), the shekel of Ugarit (9,4 g., s), and the shekel of Karkemish (7,83 g, k) over time became widespread and interconnected with a simple ratio between them; they were counted also, in case of necessity, on a decimal and a sexagesimal basis. The various Mediterranean wool units were very close to each other. Thus, in the framework of a complex system of deep and important regional exchanges, the backbone of the Eastern Mediterranean world in the Bronze Age, the interconnections between various regional weighing systems are c...
In: Tools, textiles and contexts : textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bro... more In: Tools, textiles and contexts : textile production in the Aegean and Eastern Mediterranean Bronze Age edited by Eva Andersson Strand and Marie-Louise Nosch. (Ancient textiles series; vol. 21)
This paper is one of the outputs of the international project "Mycenaean Textiles. Texts... more This paper is one of the outputs of the international project "Mycenaean Textiles. Texts and Contexts: The Evidence from the Kadmeia of Thebes" (see) and the fruit of the collaboration of different scholars and institutions. It illustrates the evidence from various plots in Mycenaean Thebes, towards a re-examination of the organization of the textile industry there and of the overall organization of production. A first contextual analysis is attempted to sketch the existence of a typology of organizational units, with different economic and administrative functions.
Country in the City: Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean), 2019
11th International Cretological …, 2011
Please be patient while the object screen loads. Changez de vue : Choisir un site… UCL FUNDP FUSL... more Please be patient while the object screen loads. Changez de vue : Choisir un site… UCL FUNDP FUSL FUCaM. ...
Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies, 2012
D. Garcia, R. Orgeolet, M. Pomadère, J. Zurbach (eds), Country in the City: Agricultural Functions of Protohistoric Urban Settlements (Aegean and Western Mediterranean). Proceedings of the International Conference, Marseille, MuCEM, 16-17 October 2014, 51-71. ISBN 9781789691320
Involved institutions: 9th Ephorate P.C.A. – Θ’ Εφορεία Π.Κ.Α,; CTR - Danish National Research Fo... more Involved institutions: 9th Ephorate P.C.A. – Θ’ Εφορεία Π.Κ.Α,; CTR - Danish National Research Foundation’s Centre for Textile Research, University of Copenhagen; CNRS, UMR 7041, Archéologies et sciences de l'Antiquité, Paris.
Involved scholars: V. Aravantinos, M.E. Alberti, Y. Fappas, A. Papadaki, F. Rougemont
The goal of this international project is to sketch a general picture of the organization of the textile production at Thebes. The material (archaeological contexts and textile tools) is being studied in detail, and the review of the Thebes administrative evidence related to textiles has been undertaken. Thebes is a palatial center with important evidence, both textual and archaeological, related to various kinds of production. The study of its textile industry can therefore be conducted globally , comparing both sets of data. From an archaeological stand point, work-areas of various scale and type will be considered, as well as storage areas or administrative nuclei. In most cases, the contexts seem to be multi-functional areas, with the conspicuous presence of evidence for textile production.
The first results have been presented at the "Kosmos" conference (see papers) in 2010 and in a forthcoming book by CTR.
The project has been funded by INSTAP (2007, 2008, 2009 and 2010), the Greek Government (Ministry of Education) through the Italian Ministry for Foreign Affairs (2007 - 2008) and the Mediterranean Archaeological Trust (2010) and obtained a Michael Ventris Memorial Award from the Institute of Classical Studies, London (2009).
"In the framework of the long-standing debate on the structure of the Mycenaean economy (e.g. Vou... more "In the framework of the long-standing debate on the structure of the Mycenaean economy (e.g. Voutsaki and Killen 2001, Nakassis et alii 2011), the program aims to investigate the function of some intermediate organisational units, broadly corresponding to the recently identified “édifices intermédiaires” (i.e. Darcque 2005).
See uplowded documents for more."
by Maud Devolder, Maria Emanuela Alberti, Gianluca Cantoro, Tristan Carter, Thérèse Claeys, Sylviane Déderix, Thibaut Gomrée, Valasia Isaakidou, Marie-Philippine Montagné, Eleni Nodarou, Apostolos Sarris, Rena Veropoulidou, Ilaria Caloi, Maria Anastasiadou, and Mila Andonova
This book offers the final publication of a Protopalatial edifice excavated by André Dessenne nea... more This book offers the final publication of a Protopalatial edifice excavated by André Dessenne near the Palace at Malia in 1960. The architectural study of the ruin and the detailed presentation of the material discovered by the archaeologist allows a better understanding of the role of the Dessenne Building in the settlement at the beginning of the 2nd millennium BC. Complemented by a series of archaeological soundings, the present research also provides original data regarding the occupation of Malia during the Prepalatial period, including late 3rd millennium BC large-scale levelling works that prefigurate the construction of the Protopalatial Palace. Architecture, ceramic, stone vases, weights and tools, seals and sealings, and archaeozoological and archaeobotanical remains are studied by specialists whose research coalesce into a synthesis on the Bronze Age site development. This book thus not only offers the detailed presentation of an elite structure, it sets it into a broader historical perspective and offers a revision of the Pre- and Protopalatial sequence of the occupation at the core of the settlement of Malia.
Cet ouvrage offre la publication définitive d’un ensemble architectural protopalatial découvert en 1960 par André Dessenne aux abords immédiats du palais de Malia. L’étude architecturale de la ruine et la présentation détaillée du matériel mis au jour par l’archéologue permettent de considérer le rôle du Bâtiment Dessenne au sein de l’établissement au début du IIème millénaire av. J.-C. Complétées par de nouvelles fouilles, les recherches à l’origine de cet ouvrage produisent également des données inédites sur l’occupation de Malia au Prépalatial et sur les grands travaux d’aménagement de la fin du IIIème millénaire qui préfigurent la construction du palais au Protopalatial. Architecture, céramique, vases, poids et outillage en pierre, sceaux et scellés, faune terrestre et marine et restes archéobotaniques sont envisagés par des spécialistes dont les travaux produisent une synthèse importante sur le développement du site à l’Âge du Bronze. L’ouvrage présente ainsi de manière détaillée un édifice minoen d’élite tout en l’insérant dans une perspective historique plus large, en offrant notamment une révision de la séquence pré- et protopalatiale au cœur de l’établissement maliote.
In un tempo non troppo lontano della nostra Preistoria, il mondo delle isole è un mondo di colori... more In un tempo non troppo lontano della nostra Preistoria, il mondo delle isole è un mondo di colori, canti, profumi, suoni. Ma è anche un mondo di misteri, delitti, lotte per il potere tra le famiglie dominanti. Iaia, una ragazzina con il sogno di diventare una donna dei colori, e il suo amico Didi vivono in armonia nel loro villaggio di Cretabrulla, sull’isola di Gusciocavo. Ma l’armonia è solo apparente e presto i due ragazzi si trovano a indagare su una morte sospetta. Una ricerca che li porterà, insieme ad altri amici, in un viaggio attraverso le isole del Cerchio, tra carpentieri sperimentatori e guaritrici intraprendenti, capi arroganti e uomini al bando, tagliatori d’ossidiana e feste sotto la luna, amori contrastati, tatuatori e tuatuati, e persino un sedicente cugino assassino. E alla fine scopriranno che Molte Nuvole non è affatto un capo distratto, Tiene il Broncio non è poi così imbronciato e Ghigno sa sorridere proprio come tutti gli altri.
(2013) - Throughout the local Bronze and Iron Age, European and Mediterranean societies appear to... more (2013) - Throughout the local Bronze and Iron Age, European and Mediterranean societies appear to have been involved in complex systems of exchange networks which invariably affected local customs and historical developments. Archaeological evidence suggests social and economic phenomena, cultural expressions and technological skills stemmed from multifaceted encounters between local traditions and external influences. Examples of cultural openness and transcultural hybridisation seem to be more of a norm than an exception.
The articles in the volume explore the dynamic relationship between regionally contextualised transformations and inter-regional exchange networks. Particular effort has been put in approaching the issue in a multi-disciplinary perspective. Continental Europe and the Mediterranean may be characterised by specific development and patterns of relations, but the authors draw attention to how those worlds were not alien to each other and illustrate how common interpretative tools can be successfully applied and a comprehensive approach including both zones adopted.
more info and table of content at"
This international conference - part of the research project From Thebes to Mycenae funded by the... more This international conference - part of the research project From Thebes to Mycenae funded by the Arts and Humanities Research Council - considers production technologies of materials, artefacts and their industries in the Mycenaean World.