ALEKSANDER PURBA | Lampung University (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Penilaian Kondisi Jalan Dengan Metode Surface Distress Index (SDI) Pada Ruas Jalan Kabupaten di Kecamatan Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Dec 2, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Farmer’s considerations of grain quality based on government policy: Hutabayu Raja District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera Province

IOP conference series. Earth and environmental science, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang (Studi Kasus : Simpang Polsek Sukarame)

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Jun 1, 2021

Intisari-Simpang Polsek Sukarame merupakan persimpangan yang berada dekat dengan kampus Institut ... more Intisari-Simpang Polsek Sukarame merupakan persimpangan yang berada dekat dengan kampus Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) dan pintu keluar gerbang tol Trans Sumatera. Meningkatnya volume kendaraan lalu lintas di Bandar Lampung serta pengembangan wilayah komersial di sekitar simpang dapat menyebabkan kepadatan lalu lintas sehingga dapat menimbulkan permasalahan di kemudian hari. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan evaluasi untuk menentukan kelayakan kinerja Simpang Polsek Sukarame. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja simpang pada tahun 2020 dengan perencanaan alternatif perbaikan kinerja. Perbaikan kinerja simpang yang direncanakan bersifat sebidang. Acuan utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PKJI 2014. Penelitian menggunakan data primer (data kondisi lingkungan dan data geometri simpang) dan data sekunder (data arus lalu lintas simpang). Data primer diperoleh dengan cara pengamatan langsung, sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari data seorang peneliti terdahulu. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, Simpang Polsek Sukarame pada tahun 2020 masih layak beroperasi menurut PKJI 2014 karena diperoleh nilai DJ < 0,85. Derajat kejenuhan diprediksi akan melebihi 0,85 pada tahun 2033 sehingga diperlukan perbaikan kinerja yang bersifat sebidang. Secara umum, perbaikan kinerja sebidang yang direncanakan antara lain perencanaan pelebaran pendekat, bundaran, dan simpang APILL. Skema pelebaran pendekat paling optimum adalah skema kombinasi dengan lebar pada pendekat Ryacudu 10,00 m; Airan sebesar 8,00 m; Senopati sebesar 6,00 m; dan Suhaimi sebesar 10,00 m. Perencanaan bundaran membutuhkan diameter bundaran minimum sebesar 30 m. Disarankan menggunakan simpang APILL pengaturan 3 fase dengan pelebaran pendekat. W aktu siklus antara 51-100 detik. Derajat kejenuhan maksimum 0,40 dan tundaan rata-rata simpang maksimum 6,25 det/skr sehingga menghasilkan indakator tingkat layanan antara indikator A dan B. Ketiga perencanaan tersebut membutuhkan pembebasan lahan yang cukup untuk memfasilitasi pelaksanaan perencanaan-perencanaan tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Plat Penahan Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) untuk Meningkatkan Siklus Produksi Tanpa Steam

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), Apr 3, 2022

Abstrak ditulis dengan menggunakan font Dutch801 Rm BT size 9. Jumlah kata yang diijinkan antara ... more Abstrak ditulis dengan menggunakan font Dutch801 Rm BT size 9. Jumlah kata yang diijinkan antara 150 sampai 250 kata. Untuk lebih mudah dalam formating penulisan silahkan klik abstrak pada menu style. Deskripsikan dengan jelas dan memberikan gambaran singkat masalah yang diteliti. Abstrak meliputi alasan pemilihan topik atau pentingnya topik penelitian, metode penelitian, ringkasan dan hasil yang disertai komentar tentang pentingnya hasil atau kesimpulan singkat. Kata kunci maksimum limah buah, dan disusun menurut urutan abjad tanpa diakhiri tanda titik. Kata kunci maksumial 5 kata. Penulisan nomor artikel di atas (Volume 2 Nomor 1) berdasarkan artikel yang berasal dari kajian bidang studi masing-masing. Untuk kajian bidang studi teknik sipil dan rumpunnya tambahkan "ts", untuk teknik mesin tambahkan "tm", untuk geofisika "tg", teknik elektro dan sebidangnya adalah "te", untuk teknik kimia tambahkan "tk" dan untuk bidang ilmu terapan tambahkan "as". Contoh penulisan artikel untuk bidang kajian teknik sipil dan serumpun ts0001 dan angka 1 menunjukan nomor urut pertama artikel masuk di sistem easy chair saat pendaftaran pertama dan berikut pengiriman artikelnya.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Health and Safety Risk Analysis in Construction Projects: A Systematic Literature Review

IJIEM (Indonesian Journals of Industrial Engineering and Management), Feb 2, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Relationship Between Volume, Speed and Density Based On Greenshield and Greenberg Models A Case Study Of Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam and Imam Bonjol Bandar Lampung

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

An urban area that has a function as a center of activity in an area certainly affects the high l... more An urban area that has a function as a center of activity in an area certainly affects the high levelof community activity and indirectly causes a high number of movement of people, vehicles andgoods in urban areas.The ability to accommodate traffic flows depends on the physical conditionof a road, both in quality and quantity as well as on the operational characteristics of thetraffic.The purpose of this study is to analyze road characteristics and to determine therelationship between volume, speed and density on the Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam road and theImam Bonjol road in Bandar Lampung. This study uses the Greenshield and Greenberg modelsas a method. This method results that the relationship between velocity and density is linear sothat we can see how the pattern of the relationship between velocity, density and volume is. Theresults of this study obtained the free flow speed for Jalan ZA Pagar Alam for 55 km / hour andfor Jalan Imam Bonjol is 38 km / hour. The actual speed on Jalan ZA Pagar Alam is 28km / hourand on Jalan Imam Bonjol is 30km / hour. Meanwhile, the congestion density found on the ZAPagar Alam road is 931 cur / hour and on Jalan Imam Bonjol is 979 cur / hour. The mostoptimum model is in the Greenberg model for Jalan ZA Pagar Alam because the Greenbergmodel has a determination coefficient value (R2) which is closer to the highest accuracy of 0.98%and the Greenshield model on Jalan Imam Bonjol is because it has a determination coefficientvalue ( R2) which is closer to the highest accuracy of 0.96%

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Traffic Accident Factors On The Road Of Tarahan Lampung Selatan

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

The purposes of this study were to analyze the factors causing of the traffic accident using cor... more The purposes of this study were to analyze the factors causing of the traffic accident using correlation analysis with SPSS program and analyze the relationship between the characteristics of accidents and road safety facilities such as road signs, road markings, and lighting lights the road of Tarahan. The secondary data were obtained from the Ditlantas Polda Lampung in the form of accident data per month from 2014-2018. Then from National Road Planning and Supervision were obtained form of geometric data for the Tarahan Road in 2019. The results showed that there were still inadeguate road safety facilities on the Tarahan road, such as lighting, road markings and rescue path. In terms of the geometric conditions of the Tarahan Road it has a maximum slope exceeding the Bina Marga standard of 10,83%, it affects traffic accidents. The characteristics of accidents based on the factors that cause the accidents were vechicle factors (46,7%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,943* significance ,016. The types of accidents were are single accidents (35,5%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,934* significance ,020. Keywords: Accident Characteristics, Correlation, Road Safety Facilitie

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pengembangan Aspek Teknis Operasional Dan Finansial Pengelolaan Sampah Kabupaten Mesuji

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Dec 1, 2020

Intisari-Timbunan sampah di Kabupaten Mesuji dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, karena ak... more Intisari-Timbunan sampah di Kabupaten Mesuji dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, karena aktivitas yang berasal dari perumahan, industri, perdagangan dan jasa, fasilitas kesehatan, pasar dan fasilitas umum. Bersamaan dengan kondisi lingkungan tersebut, adanya tuntutan MDGs yaitu memberikan pemenuhan layanan sanitasi lingkungan pada wilayah pemukiman, domestik dan industri, penanganan pelayanan persampahan menjadi salah satu bagian yang penting demi menuju lingkungan yang sehat dan bersih seperti yang diinginkan oleh sebagian masyarakat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menghitung pengurangan, penanganan serta memproyeksikan sampah menggunakan indikator Peraturan Presiden Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga. Hasil analisis data diketahui pada tahun 2030 timbulan sampah yaitu sebesar 28,04 ton/hari dengan pengurangan sampah ditargetkan mencapai 50%. Agar pengelolaan menjadi lebih baik, dibutuhkan peningkatan kualitas pengurangan sampah dengan menambah sarana dan prasarana persampahan. Pada penanganan sampah dibutuhkan penambahan unit motor sampah, kontainer pasar, arm roll truk pasar, compactor truck, TPS 3R dan arm roll truk ke TPA. Estimasi biaya pengelolaan sampah dari TPS Ke TPA adalah sebesar Rp 587.028.141,-/m3/tahun. Estimasi besaran retribusi sampah yang didasarkan atas biaya operasional dan pelayanan untuk masingmasing kepala keluarga pada tahun 2030 adalah Rp. 4.203,-Kata kunci-Aspek Teknis Operasional, Aspek Finansial, Pengelolaan Sampah

Research paper thumbnail of Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Jaringan Irigasi Daerah Irigasi Adu Manis

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Direvisi 6 Maret 2023 a; Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur sebagai salah satu daerah otonom hasil... more Direvisi 6 Maret 2023 a; Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur sebagai salah satu daerah otonom hasil pemekaran mempunyai fungsi strategis sebagai daerah transit, karena letaknya yang merupakan simpul arus transportasi yang menghubungkan beberapa daerah seperti berbatasan dengan provinsi lampung, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir serta dilewati oleh jalur lintas tengah Sumatera. Berdasarkan fungsi dan letak tersebut, maka laju perkembangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur cukup cepat. Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur mempunyai jaringan irigasi, baik yang di kelola oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten maupun Pemerintah Desa.. Sebagian besar kondisi Jaringan Irigasi tersebut belum memadai dan merupakan bangunan lama, sarana dan prasarana yang belum bisa menampung seluruh debit air yang harus dialirkan ke area persawahan milik warga. Oleh sebab itu, diadakanlah secara berkala program operasi dan pemeliharaan pada sistem jaringan irigasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Work Method Statement Spesific Pekerjaan Soil Improvement PVD + PHD + Vacuum Preloading pada Sta. 48+450 – 48+850 Proyek Kayu Agung – Palembang – Betung Paket II Seksi 2

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Investigasi Permasalahan High Pressure Pada Pekerjaan Jacking Pipe 450 ( Studi Kasus Proyek Ipal Palembang Paket B2 A)

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Implementasiundang – Undang Keinsinyuranpada Aparatur Sipil Negara (Asn) Pemerintahan Kabupatendi Lampung

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ekonomi dan Finansial pada Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta - Bandung

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 7, 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dari kereta cepat Jak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dari kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung menggunakan 3 skenario. Skenario terbaik, skenario menengah, dan skenario terburuk, dimana ketiga skenario tersebut menggunakan tingkat keterisian 75% dengan tingkat discount factor 2% dan 3,46%. Suatu proyek dinyatakan layak atau tidaknya dengan melakukan perbandingan terhadap parameter-parameter kelayakan, seperti NPV, BCR, PI, EIRR/FIRR, dan payback period. Adapun berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh terhadap parameter-parameter kelayakan yang dipakai, menunjukkan pada analisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dengan tingkat diskon 2% dan 3,46% pada skenario terbaik, menengah dan terburuk, proyek dinyatakan layak untuk dibangun, dikarenakan memenuhi syarat kelayakan ekonomi. Kata kunci: Kereta cepat, kelayakan ekonomi, kelayakan finansial, parameter kelayakan ABSTRACT ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF HIGH SPEED RAIL PROJECT IN JAKARTA-BANDUNG By RINANDA PUTRI WIDYASTI This study aims to analyze the economic and financial viability of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway using three scenarios. The best scenario, the medium scenario, and the worst scenario, where the three scenarios are using 75% load factor with discount factor level of 2% and 3,46%. A project is considered feasible by comparing feasibility parameters, such as NPV, BCR, PI, EIRR / FIRR, and payback period. Based on the results obtained on the feasibility parameters used, showing the economic and financial feasibility analysis with the discount rate of 2% and 3,46% in the best, medium and worst scenario, the project is declared eligible to be built, due to the eligibility of economic feasibility.


Doboku gakkai ronbunshu, 2015

The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging domin... more The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging dominance of private transport has reached to a degrading traffic conditions. Severe traffic congestions and high level of air pollution have been affecting the attractiveness of Jogjakarta, a popular tourism city in Indonesia. Unless a new approach of urban transport system development, it is feared that the amount of visitors will keep declining and hence affecting the city economy. In response to the increasingly complex issue of providing effective and efficient transport systems, the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) of Indonesia enacted decree No 51 of 2007, promoting pilot cities for land transport improvement. From the target of thirty pilot cities by 2014, to date, twenty seven cities have signed a memorandum of understanding with MoT and launched more than twenty new transit systems, including TransJogja of Jogjakarta. The aim of this study is to explore international tourist perceptions of new urban bus service regarding quality of service, information and English language guidance, satisfaction, and willingness to use TransJogja. The findings from path analysis reveal the important attributes that influence customer satisfaction and willingness to use new urban bus service. According to model results, rather than service quality, the information and English language factor is the main concern for international tourists using Trans bus. As concerns over the willingness to use urban bus, both operator and transport authority should provide with the updated and supplemented information in English to cover international tourist and visitor needs. The model results can be useful both to operator and transport authority to analyze the correlation between individual attributes of the service delivered and identify the more important attributes for improving the provided service.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Produktivitas Alat Berat Pada Pekerjaan Pemadatan Perkerasan Aspal Pada Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Ruas Pasar Banjit – Jukuh Batu Kabupaten Way Kanan

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), Dec 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Study of The Access Performance of Airport Toll Road on Trans Sumatera Toll Road Bakauheni – Terbanggi Besar (Case Study: Intersection of Natar Toll Road)

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

The construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road provides convenience for the public. The distance... more The construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road provides convenience for the public. The distance from the Natar Toll Gate to the intersection of the Lintas Sumatera Road, which is 2,5 km will interfere with toll performance at the peak of holidays if it is not properly regulated. Therefore, it is necessary to do reaserch to determine the performance of toll roads at the Exit of Natar Toll, to know the performance of roads outside the city on Jalan Branti Raya and to find out the performance of signalized intersections at the Natar Toll Exit Intersection. This reaserch use the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) method. The results show that the performance of the toll road at the Natar Toll Exit was still adequate with degree of saturation with direction 1 is 0,09 and direction 2 is 0,13. The performance of roads outside the city on Jalan Branti Raya was still adequate with degree of saturation with direction 1 is 0,47 and direction 2 is 0,43. The performance of the signalized intersection at the Natar Toll Exit Intersection is almost saturated with the degree of saturation the south approach is 0.67; the east approach is 0.08 and the north approach is 0.82. The queue for the south approach is 30 meters; the east approach is 2 meters and the north approach is 84 meters. The average delay of the intersection is 25 seconds /skr. To improve the performance of the Natar Toll Exit Intersection, it is necessary to rearrange the green time at this intersection

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Penumpang Antara Kereta Api dan Bus Rute Bandar Lampung – Palembang dengan Metode Discrete Choice Model

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021

Choosing the right mode of transportation is something that passengers want, but with the advanta... more Choosing the right mode of transportation is something that passengers want, but with the advantages and disadvantages of existing transportation modes can affect the number of users of these modes of transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors and probability of choosing the mode of passenger transportation between trains and buses with the Bandar Lampung-Palembang route. The method used in this research is the Discrete Choice Model method, with the analysis used is linear regression analysis of the two models used, namely the difference binary logit model and the binary logit ratio. Based on the research results, the probability value from the bus mode selection analysis is known if the value (∆C) = 0, the probability value with the binary logit model is the difference = 35%, and if the value (∆C) = 100000 then the probability value increases to 41%. Meanwhile, if (C1 / C2) = 0.1, then the probability value with the binary logit model ratio = 58%, and if the value (C1 / C2) = 1 then the probability value increases to 35%. From the results of the analysis carried out, the dominant factors influence the choice of mode of transportation by route Bandar Lampung-Palembang is the cost of transportation cheap, and comfort level of service.

Research paper thumbnail of 輸送政策フレームワークの評価:トランジットシステム実施の前後について(ケーススタディ:JogjakartaとPalembang)

土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang Toll Road Tariff Based On Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, May 28, 2019

Transportation is a very important aspect to stimulate the economy, a region cannot be totally in... more Transportation is a very important aspect to stimulate the economy, a region cannot be totally independent in meeting its own regional needs, so that the area needs other regions as a support where one of the connecting infrastructure is a toll road. The Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang Toll Road is one of the 8 Trans Sumatra toll road projects that have entered the construction phase in 2017 which are planned to be operated in 2021. The tariff analysis carried out is based on the Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willigness to Pay (WTP) approach. The average ATP value obtained is Rp 131,638.00 / 100 km and the average WTP value obtained is Rp. 40,989.00 / 100 km. Respondent's ATP value > WTP value indicates that the ability to pay respondents is greater than willingness to pay because users have relatively high income but the utility of these services is relatively low. While the determination of ideal rates is based on the average value of ATP and WTP. Based on calculations, the price of the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang toll roads tariff is Rp. 86,314.00 / 100 km.

Research paper thumbnail of An Assessment of Transport Policy for Tourism City —Case Study: Foreign Users Satisfaction of Transjogja—

The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging domin... more The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging dominance of private transport has reached to a degrading traffic conditions. Severe traffic congestions and high level of air pollution have been affecting the attractiveness of Jogjakarta, a popular tourism city in Indonesia. Unless a new approach of urban transport system development, it is feared that the amount of visitors will keep declining and hence affecting the city economy. From the awareness of the increasingly complex issues, the Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia enacted a decree No 51 of 2007 promoting pilot cities for land transport improvement. This paper originally examines the existing transport policy framework before and after new transit, TransJogja, implementation. The impact of service quality policies on visitor's willingness to take trip by transit is then investigated by using SEM model. From organizational structure point of view, there are only two institutions in terms of urban public transport management at city level, i.e. the city government as the regulator and operators as the service provider. There is no direct relation between the two institutions that can be used to develop the system and to encourage the number of passengers. More than two years after TransJogja was launched, the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) was appointed to undertake a review of the urban transport plans for Jogjakarta and the surrounding urban area, however, over three years later the provincial, city and regency governments are in complete support of the strategy of the conducted research and in particular the improvements proposed. According to SEM results, rather than TranJogja service quality, the information and English guidance factor is the main consideration for the foreign users to travel by the transit.

Research paper thumbnail of Penilaian Kondisi Jalan Dengan Metode Surface Distress Index (SDI) Pada Ruas Jalan Kabupaten di Kecamatan Gunung Labuhan Kabupaten Way Kanan

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Dec 2, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Farmer’s considerations of grain quality based on government policy: Hutabayu Raja District, Simalungun Regency, North Sumatera Province

IOP conference series. Earth and environmental science, Feb 1, 2024

Research paper thumbnail of Evaluasi Kinerja Simpang (Studi Kasus : Simpang Polsek Sukarame)

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Jun 1, 2021

Intisari-Simpang Polsek Sukarame merupakan persimpangan yang berada dekat dengan kampus Institut ... more Intisari-Simpang Polsek Sukarame merupakan persimpangan yang berada dekat dengan kampus Institut Teknologi Sumatera (ITERA) dan pintu keluar gerbang tol Trans Sumatera. Meningkatnya volume kendaraan lalu lintas di Bandar Lampung serta pengembangan wilayah komersial di sekitar simpang dapat menyebabkan kepadatan lalu lintas sehingga dapat menimbulkan permasalahan di kemudian hari. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan evaluasi untuk menentukan kelayakan kinerja Simpang Polsek Sukarame. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengevaluasi kinerja simpang pada tahun 2020 dengan perencanaan alternatif perbaikan kinerja. Perbaikan kinerja simpang yang direncanakan bersifat sebidang. Acuan utama yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah PKJI 2014. Penelitian menggunakan data primer (data kondisi lingkungan dan data geometri simpang) dan data sekunder (data arus lalu lintas simpang). Data primer diperoleh dengan cara pengamatan langsung, sedangkan data sekunder berasal dari data seorang peneliti terdahulu. Berdasarkan hasil evaluasi, Simpang Polsek Sukarame pada tahun 2020 masih layak beroperasi menurut PKJI 2014 karena diperoleh nilai DJ < 0,85. Derajat kejenuhan diprediksi akan melebihi 0,85 pada tahun 2033 sehingga diperlukan perbaikan kinerja yang bersifat sebidang. Secara umum, perbaikan kinerja sebidang yang direncanakan antara lain perencanaan pelebaran pendekat, bundaran, dan simpang APILL. Skema pelebaran pendekat paling optimum adalah skema kombinasi dengan lebar pada pendekat Ryacudu 10,00 m; Airan sebesar 8,00 m; Senopati sebesar 6,00 m; dan Suhaimi sebesar 10,00 m. Perencanaan bundaran membutuhkan diameter bundaran minimum sebesar 30 m. Disarankan menggunakan simpang APILL pengaturan 3 fase dengan pelebaran pendekat. W aktu siklus antara 51-100 detik. Derajat kejenuhan maksimum 0,40 dan tundaan rata-rata simpang maksimum 6,25 det/skr sehingga menghasilkan indakator tingkat layanan antara indikator A dan B. Ketiga perencanaan tersebut membutuhkan pembebasan lahan yang cukup untuk memfasilitasi pelaksanaan perencanaan-perencanaan tersebut.

Research paper thumbnail of Implementasi Plat Penahan Corrugated Concrete Sheet Pile (CCSP) untuk Meningkatkan Siklus Produksi Tanpa Steam

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), Apr 3, 2022

Abstrak ditulis dengan menggunakan font Dutch801 Rm BT size 9. Jumlah kata yang diijinkan antara ... more Abstrak ditulis dengan menggunakan font Dutch801 Rm BT size 9. Jumlah kata yang diijinkan antara 150 sampai 250 kata. Untuk lebih mudah dalam formating penulisan silahkan klik abstrak pada menu style. Deskripsikan dengan jelas dan memberikan gambaran singkat masalah yang diteliti. Abstrak meliputi alasan pemilihan topik atau pentingnya topik penelitian, metode penelitian, ringkasan dan hasil yang disertai komentar tentang pentingnya hasil atau kesimpulan singkat. Kata kunci maksimum limah buah, dan disusun menurut urutan abjad tanpa diakhiri tanda titik. Kata kunci maksumial 5 kata. Penulisan nomor artikel di atas (Volume 2 Nomor 1) berdasarkan artikel yang berasal dari kajian bidang studi masing-masing. Untuk kajian bidang studi teknik sipil dan rumpunnya tambahkan "ts", untuk teknik mesin tambahkan "tm", untuk geofisika "tg", teknik elektro dan sebidangnya adalah "te", untuk teknik kimia tambahkan "tk" dan untuk bidang ilmu terapan tambahkan "as". Contoh penulisan artikel untuk bidang kajian teknik sipil dan serumpun ts0001 dan angka 1 menunjukan nomor urut pertama artikel masuk di sistem easy chair saat pendaftaran pertama dan berikut pengiriman artikelnya.

Research paper thumbnail of Occupational Health and Safety Risk Analysis in Construction Projects: A Systematic Literature Review

IJIEM (Indonesian Journals of Industrial Engineering and Management), Feb 2, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Relationship Between Volume, Speed and Density Based On Greenshield and Greenberg Models A Case Study Of Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam and Imam Bonjol Bandar Lampung

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

An urban area that has a function as a center of activity in an area certainly affects the high l... more An urban area that has a function as a center of activity in an area certainly affects the high levelof community activity and indirectly causes a high number of movement of people, vehicles andgoods in urban areas.The ability to accommodate traffic flows depends on the physical conditionof a road, both in quality and quantity as well as on the operational characteristics of thetraffic.The purpose of this study is to analyze road characteristics and to determine therelationship between volume, speed and density on the Zainal Abidin Pagar Alam road and theImam Bonjol road in Bandar Lampung. This study uses the Greenshield and Greenberg modelsas a method. This method results that the relationship between velocity and density is linear sothat we can see how the pattern of the relationship between velocity, density and volume is. Theresults of this study obtained the free flow speed for Jalan ZA Pagar Alam for 55 km / hour andfor Jalan Imam Bonjol is 38 km / hour. The actual speed on Jalan ZA Pagar Alam is 28km / hourand on Jalan Imam Bonjol is 30km / hour. Meanwhile, the congestion density found on the ZAPagar Alam road is 931 cur / hour and on Jalan Imam Bonjol is 979 cur / hour. The mostoptimum model is in the Greenberg model for Jalan ZA Pagar Alam because the Greenbergmodel has a determination coefficient value (R2) which is closer to the highest accuracy of 0.98%and the Greenshield model on Jalan Imam Bonjol is because it has a determination coefficientvalue ( R2) which is closer to the highest accuracy of 0.96%

Research paper thumbnail of Analysis Of Traffic Accident Factors On The Road Of Tarahan Lampung Selatan

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

The purposes of this study were to analyze the factors causing of the traffic accident using cor... more The purposes of this study were to analyze the factors causing of the traffic accident using correlation analysis with SPSS program and analyze the relationship between the characteristics of accidents and road safety facilities such as road signs, road markings, and lighting lights the road of Tarahan. The secondary data were obtained from the Ditlantas Polda Lampung in the form of accident data per month from 2014-2018. Then from National Road Planning and Supervision were obtained form of geometric data for the Tarahan Road in 2019. The results showed that there were still inadeguate road safety facilities on the Tarahan road, such as lighting, road markings and rescue path. In terms of the geometric conditions of the Tarahan Road it has a maximum slope exceeding the Bina Marga standard of 10,83%, it affects traffic accidents. The characteristics of accidents based on the factors that cause the accidents were vechicle factors (46,7%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,943* significance ,016. The types of accidents were are single accidents (35,5%) with the result of correlation analysis of ,934* significance ,020. Keywords: Accident Characteristics, Correlation, Road Safety Facilitie

Research paper thumbnail of Perencanaan Pengembangan Aspek Teknis Operasional Dan Finansial Pengelolaan Sampah Kabupaten Mesuji

Jurnal Profesi Insinyur Universitas Lampung, Dec 1, 2020

Intisari-Timbunan sampah di Kabupaten Mesuji dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, karena ak... more Intisari-Timbunan sampah di Kabupaten Mesuji dari tahun ke tahun mengalami peningkatan, karena aktivitas yang berasal dari perumahan, industri, perdagangan dan jasa, fasilitas kesehatan, pasar dan fasilitas umum. Bersamaan dengan kondisi lingkungan tersebut, adanya tuntutan MDGs yaitu memberikan pemenuhan layanan sanitasi lingkungan pada wilayah pemukiman, domestik dan industri, penanganan pelayanan persampahan menjadi salah satu bagian yang penting demi menuju lingkungan yang sehat dan bersih seperti yang diinginkan oleh sebagian masyarakat. Metode analisis yang digunakan adalah analisis kuantitatif dengan menghitung pengurangan, penanganan serta memproyeksikan sampah menggunakan indikator Peraturan Presiden Nomor 81 Tahun 2012 tentang Kebijakan dan Strategi Nasional Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga dan Sampah Sejenis Sampah Rumah Tangga. Hasil analisis data diketahui pada tahun 2030 timbulan sampah yaitu sebesar 28,04 ton/hari dengan pengurangan sampah ditargetkan mencapai 50%. Agar pengelolaan menjadi lebih baik, dibutuhkan peningkatan kualitas pengurangan sampah dengan menambah sarana dan prasarana persampahan. Pada penanganan sampah dibutuhkan penambahan unit motor sampah, kontainer pasar, arm roll truk pasar, compactor truck, TPS 3R dan arm roll truk ke TPA. Estimasi biaya pengelolaan sampah dari TPS Ke TPA adalah sebesar Rp 587.028.141,-/m3/tahun. Estimasi besaran retribusi sampah yang didasarkan atas biaya operasional dan pelayanan untuk masingmasing kepala keluarga pada tahun 2030 adalah Rp. 4.203,-Kata kunci-Aspek Teknis Operasional, Aspek Finansial, Pengelolaan Sampah

Research paper thumbnail of Operasi dan Pemeliharaan Jaringan Irigasi Daerah Irigasi Adu Manis

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Direvisi 6 Maret 2023 a; Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur sebagai salah satu daerah otonom hasil... more Direvisi 6 Maret 2023 a; Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur sebagai salah satu daerah otonom hasil pemekaran mempunyai fungsi strategis sebagai daerah transit, karena letaknya yang merupakan simpul arus transportasi yang menghubungkan beberapa daerah seperti berbatasan dengan provinsi lampung, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Selatan, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu, Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ilir serta dilewati oleh jalur lintas tengah Sumatera. Berdasarkan fungsi dan letak tersebut, maka laju perkembangan dan pertumbuhan ekonomi Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur cukup cepat. Kabupaten Ogan Komering Ulu Timur mempunyai jaringan irigasi, baik yang di kelola oleh Pemerintah Kabupaten maupun Pemerintah Desa.. Sebagian besar kondisi Jaringan Irigasi tersebut belum memadai dan merupakan bangunan lama, sarana dan prasarana yang belum bisa menampung seluruh debit air yang harus dialirkan ke area persawahan milik warga. Oleh sebab itu, diadakanlah secara berkala program operasi dan pemeliharaan pada sistem jaringan irigasi.

Research paper thumbnail of Work Method Statement Spesific Pekerjaan Soil Improvement PVD + PHD + Vacuum Preloading pada Sta. 48+450 – 48+850 Proyek Kayu Agung – Palembang – Betung Paket II Seksi 2

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Investigasi Permasalahan High Pressure Pada Pekerjaan Jacking Pipe 450 ( Studi Kasus Proyek Ipal Palembang Paket B2 A)

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), May 15, 2023

Research paper thumbnail of Edukasi Implementasiundang – Undang Keinsinyuranpada Aparatur Sipil Negara (Asn) Pemerintahan Kabupatendi Lampung

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Ekonomi dan Finansial pada Proyek Kereta Cepat Jakarta - Bandung

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 7, 2018

Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dari kereta cepat Jak... more Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dari kereta cepat Jakarta-Bandung menggunakan 3 skenario. Skenario terbaik, skenario menengah, dan skenario terburuk, dimana ketiga skenario tersebut menggunakan tingkat keterisian 75% dengan tingkat discount factor 2% dan 3,46%. Suatu proyek dinyatakan layak atau tidaknya dengan melakukan perbandingan terhadap parameter-parameter kelayakan, seperti NPV, BCR, PI, EIRR/FIRR, dan payback period. Adapun berdasarkan hasil yang diperoleh terhadap parameter-parameter kelayakan yang dipakai, menunjukkan pada analisis kelayakan ekonomi dan finansial dengan tingkat diskon 2% dan 3,46% pada skenario terbaik, menengah dan terburuk, proyek dinyatakan layak untuk dibangun, dikarenakan memenuhi syarat kelayakan ekonomi. Kata kunci: Kereta cepat, kelayakan ekonomi, kelayakan finansial, parameter kelayakan ABSTRACT ECONOMIC AND FINANCIAL ANALYSIS OF HIGH SPEED RAIL PROJECT IN JAKARTA-BANDUNG By RINANDA PUTRI WIDYASTI This study aims to analyze the economic and financial viability of the Jakarta-Bandung high-speed railway using three scenarios. The best scenario, the medium scenario, and the worst scenario, where the three scenarios are using 75% load factor with discount factor level of 2% and 3,46%. A project is considered feasible by comparing feasibility parameters, such as NPV, BCR, PI, EIRR / FIRR, and payback period. Based on the results obtained on the feasibility parameters used, showing the economic and financial feasibility analysis with the discount rate of 2% and 3,46% in the best, medium and worst scenario, the project is declared eligible to be built, due to the eligibility of economic feasibility.


Doboku gakkai ronbunshu, 2015

The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging domin... more The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging dominance of private transport has reached to a degrading traffic conditions. Severe traffic congestions and high level of air pollution have been affecting the attractiveness of Jogjakarta, a popular tourism city in Indonesia. Unless a new approach of urban transport system development, it is feared that the amount of visitors will keep declining and hence affecting the city economy. In response to the increasingly complex issue of providing effective and efficient transport systems, the Ministry of Transportation (MoT) of Indonesia enacted decree No 51 of 2007, promoting pilot cities for land transport improvement. From the target of thirty pilot cities by 2014, to date, twenty seven cities have signed a memorandum of understanding with MoT and launched more than twenty new transit systems, including TransJogja of Jogjakarta. The aim of this study is to explore international tourist perceptions of new urban bus service regarding quality of service, information and English language guidance, satisfaction, and willingness to use TransJogja. The findings from path analysis reveal the important attributes that influence customer satisfaction and willingness to use new urban bus service. According to model results, rather than service quality, the information and English language factor is the main concern for international tourists using Trans bus. As concerns over the willingness to use urban bus, both operator and transport authority should provide with the updated and supplemented information in English to cover international tourist and visitor needs. The model results can be useful both to operator and transport authority to analyze the correlation between individual attributes of the service delivered and identify the more important attributes for improving the provided service.

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Produktivitas Alat Berat Pada Pekerjaan Pemadatan Perkerasan Aspal Pada Proyek Peningkatan Jalan Ruas Pasar Banjit – Jukuh Batu Kabupaten Way Kanan

Seminar Nasional Insinyur Profesional (SNIP), Dec 30, 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Study of The Access Performance of Airport Toll Road on Trans Sumatera Toll Road Bakauheni – Terbanggi Besar (Case Study: Intersection of Natar Toll Road)

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 13, 2021

The construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road provides convenience for the public. The distance... more The construction of the Trans Sumatra Toll Road provides convenience for the public. The distance from the Natar Toll Gate to the intersection of the Lintas Sumatera Road, which is 2,5 km will interfere with toll performance at the peak of holidays if it is not properly regulated. Therefore, it is necessary to do reaserch to determine the performance of toll roads at the Exit of Natar Toll, to know the performance of roads outside the city on Jalan Branti Raya and to find out the performance of signalized intersections at the Natar Toll Exit Intersection. This reaserch use the 2014 Indonesian Road Capacity Guidelines (PKJI) method. The results show that the performance of the toll road at the Natar Toll Exit was still adequate with degree of saturation with direction 1 is 0,09 and direction 2 is 0,13. The performance of roads outside the city on Jalan Branti Raya was still adequate with degree of saturation with direction 1 is 0,47 and direction 2 is 0,43. The performance of the signalized intersection at the Natar Toll Exit Intersection is almost saturated with the degree of saturation the south approach is 0.67; the east approach is 0.08 and the north approach is 0.82. The queue for the south approach is 30 meters; the east approach is 2 meters and the north approach is 84 meters. The average delay of the intersection is 25 seconds /skr. To improve the performance of the Natar Toll Exit Intersection, it is necessary to rearrange the green time at this intersection

Research paper thumbnail of Analisis Pemilihan Moda Transportasi Penumpang Antara Kereta Api dan Bus Rute Bandar Lampung – Palembang dengan Metode Discrete Choice Model

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, Nov 12, 2021

Choosing the right mode of transportation is something that passengers want, but with the advanta... more Choosing the right mode of transportation is something that passengers want, but with the advantages and disadvantages of existing transportation modes can affect the number of users of these modes of transportation. The purpose of this study was to determine the factors and probability of choosing the mode of passenger transportation between trains and buses with the Bandar Lampung-Palembang route. The method used in this research is the Discrete Choice Model method, with the analysis used is linear regression analysis of the two models used, namely the difference binary logit model and the binary logit ratio. Based on the research results, the probability value from the bus mode selection analysis is known if the value (∆C) = 0, the probability value with the binary logit model is the difference = 35%, and if the value (∆C) = 100000 then the probability value increases to 41%. Meanwhile, if (C1 / C2) = 0.1, then the probability value with the binary logit model ratio = 58%, and if the value (C1 / C2) = 1 then the probability value increases to 35%. From the results of the analysis carried out, the dominant factors influence the choice of mode of transportation by route Bandar Lampung-Palembang is the cost of transportation cheap, and comfort level of service.

Research paper thumbnail of 輸送政策フレームワークの評価:トランジットシステム実施の前後について(ケーススタディ:JogjakartaとPalembang)

土木計画学研究・講演集(CD-ROM), 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Terbanggi Besar - Pematang Panggang Toll Road Tariff Based On Ability to Pay and Willingness to Pay

Jurnal Rekayasa Sipil dan Desain, May 28, 2019

Transportation is a very important aspect to stimulate the economy, a region cannot be totally in... more Transportation is a very important aspect to stimulate the economy, a region cannot be totally independent in meeting its own regional needs, so that the area needs other regions as a support where one of the connecting infrastructure is a toll road. The Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang Toll Road is one of the 8 Trans Sumatra toll road projects that have entered the construction phase in 2017 which are planned to be operated in 2021. The tariff analysis carried out is based on the Ability to Pay (ATP) and Willigness to Pay (WTP) approach. The average ATP value obtained is Rp 131,638.00 / 100 km and the average WTP value obtained is Rp. 40,989.00 / 100 km. Respondent's ATP value > WTP value indicates that the ability to pay respondents is greater than willingness to pay because users have relatively high income but the utility of these services is relatively low. While the determination of ideal rates is based on the average value of ATP and WTP. Based on calculations, the price of the Terbanggi Besar-Pematang Panggang toll roads tariff is Rp. 86,314.00 / 100 km.

Research paper thumbnail of An Assessment of Transport Policy for Tourism City —Case Study: Foreign Users Satisfaction of Transjogja—

The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging domin... more The Jogjakarta economy is largely dependent on education and tourism industry. The emerging dominance of private transport has reached to a degrading traffic conditions. Severe traffic congestions and high level of air pollution have been affecting the attractiveness of Jogjakarta, a popular tourism city in Indonesia. Unless a new approach of urban transport system development, it is feared that the amount of visitors will keep declining and hence affecting the city economy. From the awareness of the increasingly complex issues, the Ministry of Transportation of Indonesia enacted a decree No 51 of 2007 promoting pilot cities for land transport improvement. This paper originally examines the existing transport policy framework before and after new transit, TransJogja, implementation. The impact of service quality policies on visitor's willingness to take trip by transit is then investigated by using SEM model. From organizational structure point of view, there are only two institutions in terms of urban public transport management at city level, i.e. the city government as the regulator and operators as the service provider. There is no direct relation between the two institutions that can be used to develop the system and to encourage the number of passengers. More than two years after TransJogja was launched, the Cities Development Initiative for Asia (CDIA) was appointed to undertake a review of the urban transport plans for Jogjakarta and the surrounding urban area, however, over three years later the provincial, city and regency governments are in complete support of the strategy of the conducted research and in particular the improvements proposed. According to SEM results, rather than TranJogja service quality, the information and English guidance factor is the main consideration for the foreign users to travel by the transit.