liliana mejia | Universidad Libre Seccional Cali (original) (raw)
Papers by liliana mejia
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), considered an orphan disease, is characterized by mutations in the ... more Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), considered an orphan disease, is characterized by mutations in the genes that encode collagen proteins, especially type I. It is manifested by skeletal and extra skeletal clinical manifestations and in some cases it can present from the prenatal stage with severe compromise, which requires early diagnosis to provide timely and targeted treatment to reduce the morbidity and mortality of this pathology. We describe the clinical case of a patient with genetic confirmation of osteogenesis imperfecta carrying a rare mutation in the COLA1 gene.
Tall stature syndromes are defined by a height greater or equal to two standard deviations from t... more Tall stature syndromes are defined by a height greater or equal to two standard deviations from the mean height of the reference curves for a given population, its etiology is mainly due to factors that regulate growth (hormonal, nutritional and genetic) and homocystinuria is part of these. Homocystinuria is a rare disease, in which there is an alteration in the second metabolism of methionine caused by the deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine-β-synthase, due to variants in the gene that encodes it. This deficiency leads to an abnormal accumulation of homocystationine and other metabolites in the blood and urine. Most patients have involvement of the skeletal, ocular, vascular, and nervous systems. To be able to inquire more about this, we present the case of a 7-year-old female patient with a syndromatic tall stature, who attended the pediatric endocrinology clinic and received a clinical, paraclinical, and enzymatic diagnosis of homocystinuria. With the process conducted it was possible to confirm, molecularly, two heterozygous variants in a genotype-phenotype conversion of the disease.
Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly ... more Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly female reproductive tract, the second cause of primary amenorrhea after the gonadal dysgenesis. The incidence is 1/5000 newborns. Characterized by a failure in the development of Mullerian derivatives with normal secondary sexual characteristics and normal
Conflicto de interés: declaramos no tener ningún conflicto de interés.
Las porfirias son enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias por déficit enzimático parcial o total en... more Las porfirias son enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias por déficit enzimático parcial o total en la vía de síntesis del grupo hemo, lo cual lleva a acumulación de porfirinas y precursores tóxicos en los tejidos. La presentación clínica es heterogénea según la enzima afectada, con aumento en la excreción de las porfirinas y/o precursores, lo cual permite el diagnóstico. En el caso de porfiria aguda intermitente, se establece un déficit de porfobilinógeno deaminasa. El tratamiento se basa en aporte metabólico adecuado y suministro de hemina humana. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 17 años de edad con síntomas gastrointestinales recurrentes, desequilibrio hidroelectrolítico severo durante su hospitalización, con cambio de coloración de la orina a la exposición solar y porfirinas en orina aumentadas, por lo que se establece soporte metabólico y posteriormente tratamiento dirigido con hemina humana por la alta sospecha, obteniendo varios días después reporte de niveles elevados de ácido delta amino levulínico. Se concluye que, a pesar de ser un diagnóstico de exclusión, debe considerarse como diferencial, especialmente ante la recurrencia de la sintomatología, sin etiología común identificada y se hace necesario el rápido inicio de medidas generales y manejo dirigido con hemina humana.
Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly ... more Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly female reproductive tract, the second cause of primary amenorrhea after the gonadal dysgenesis. The incidence is 1/5000 newborns. Characterized by a failure in the development of Mullerian derivatives with normal secondary sexual characteristics and normal
Medical and Orthopedic Management with Growth Hormone and Bone Lengthening in A Patient with Achondroplasia, 2016
Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder which affects bone growth leading to short stature. It is th... more Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder which affects bone growth leading to short stature. It is the most common type of short-limb disproportionate dwarfism (non lethal skeletal dysplasia). The term achondroplasia, implying absent cartilage formation, was first used by Parrot in 1878. It is transmitted as autosomal dominant due to mutations of the FGFR3 gene which codifies the fibroblastic receptor of growth hormone expressed in provisional cartilage. No effective therapies to stimulate bone growth have emerged, but some success has been obtained with growth hormone therapy and orthopedic surgery to correct bone defects. We propose the use of growth hormone in combination with bone lengthening during puberty to improve final height result.
F1000Research, Jul 30, 2013
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2015
Introduccion: Durante la pubertad se realiza una secuencia de eventos que llevaran al individuo a... more Introduccion: Durante la pubertad se realiza una secuencia de eventos que llevaran al individuo a su madurez en el desarrollo fisico, sexual y emocional. Este periodo incluye la aparicion de caracteristicas sexuales secundarias asi como el crecimiento, desarrollo y maduracion de los organos sexuales primarios. Se considera que la pubertad es precoz (PP) cuando el crecimiento mamario (telarquia) ocurre antes de los 8 anos de edad, el vello pubico (pubarquia), antes de los 9 anos y la menarquia (primera menstruacion), antes de los 10 anos. Materiales y metodos: Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo sobre el analisis de las historias clinicas de 50 pacientes femeninas que consultaron por sospecha de pubertad precoz en tres instituciones de Cali, durante el periodo 2000-2003. El diagnostico de PP de origen central se confirmo por la aparicion de telarquia precoz y por la respuesta positiva a la prueba de estimulacion con hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GHz). En el analisis estadistico se utilizo chi2 mediante analisis STATA EPI INFO. Resultados: Se trato de pacientes con escolaridad promedio tercero de primaria, principalmente de zona urbana, de estratos socioeconomicos 2-3. Las edades promedio fueron, a la consulta 7,8 anos ±1,31 y al inicio de telarquia, 6,8±1,8 anos. El 96% de las pacientes tenian telarquia prematura. El 70% consultaron por aparicion de vello pubico, con edad promedio de 7,15 anos ± 1,32 anos. El 64% tenian olor axilar, 42% leucorrea y 16%, vello axilar. Se les realizo prueba de estimulacion con GnRH a 45 de ellas, cuya respuesta fue compatible con PP central por valores de LH en cualquier tiempo por encima de 5 mUI/L. Los niveles de LH mas altos posestimulo fueron a los 30’, 17,1 mUI/l (moda 4,1) y FSH a los 60’, 11,89 mUI/L (moda 11,4). La edad osea promedio al momento del diagnostico, determinada en todas, fue de 9,5 anos, con una maduracion osea de 1,66 anos por encima de la edad cronologica por el metodo de Greulich y Pyle; 83,5% de las pacientes tenian PP idiopatica, con resonancia nuclear magnetica (RNM) normal, 12,5%, la PP era secundaria a lesiones del sistema nervioso central (SNC), y 4% PP periferica, por quiste de ovario e hiperplasia adrenal tardia en 1 paciente que luego evoluciono a pubertad precoz central, 48% tenian cambios en el ultrasonido pelvico. Todas recibieron manejo con analogos de GnRH y solo el 6% menstruaron durante el tratamiento al inicio del mismo. Discusion: Se evidencio la aparicion de PP femenina cada vez en edades mas tempranas, poniendo en riesgo su integridad y madurez tanto fisica como emocional; debemos estar atentos a la aparicion de estos signos fuera del rango normal, para tomar las medidas pertinentes y evitar asi menarquias tempranas con deterioro de talla final y alteraciones psicologicas secundarias. Esta muestra no representa una prevalencia ni incidencia de la poblacion de Cali. STUDY OF PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY EN GIRLS ATTENDING THREE MEDICAL CLINICS IN CALI, COLOMBIA ABSTRACT Introduction: A sequence of events occur during puberty, leading to individual maturity in physical, sexual and emotional development. This period includes the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and growth, development and maturation of primary sexual organs. Diagnosis of precocious puberty (PP) is done when breast growth (thelarche) occurs before age 8, pubic hair (pubarche) before age 9 and first menstruation (menarche) before age 10. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study of 50 selected medical records of girls attending clinics from three institutions in the city of Cali, during 2000-2003. Aim of the study was to describe and analyze the different manifestations of female PP. The diagnosis of central PP was confirmed by the appearance of early thelarche and positive response to stimulation test with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). There were cases of peripheral precocious puberty (adrenarche and pubarche as the only symptoms) were not included in the analysis. Chi2 was used in the statistical analysis using STATA analysis EPI INFO. Results: Average schooling of patients was third grade, coming mainly from urban areas and from low socioeconomic strata. The average ages at consultation were 7,8 ± 1,31 and for early thelarche, 6,8 ± 1,8 years. 96% of patients had premature thelarche. 70% consulted for appearance of pubic hair, with an average age of 7,15 years ± 1,32 years, 64% had axillary odor, 42 % had vaginal discharge and 16%, axillary hair, 45 of them underwent GnRH stimulation test; the response was compatible with central PP by LH values above 5 mIU / mL at any time. The higher LH levels after stimulation were at 30’, 17,1 mIU / ml (4,1 mode) and FSH in the 60th minute, 11,89 mIU / mL (mode 11,4). The average bone age at diagnosis, determined in all, was 9,5 years, with a skeletal maturity of 1,66 years over chronological age. 83.5% of the patients had idiopathic PP, with normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); in 12.5%, PP was…
Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Apr 20, 2022
El síndrome de Bardet-Biedl (OMIM 209900) es un síndrome raro con un patrón de herencia autosómic... more El síndrome de Bardet-Biedl (OMIM 209900) es un síndrome raro con un patrón de herencia autosómico recesivo caracterizado por presentar compromiso multisistémico y es considerado una ciliopatía. Es clínicamente heterogéneo, con múltiples manifestaciones, dado al compromiso multisistémico. El objetivo de este artículo fue describir el caso clínico de un paciente de 16 años, con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Bardet Biedl que inicialmente se sospecha debido a los hallazgos del examen físico: obesidad, compromiso renal, polidactilia y criptorquidea corregidas, asociada a retraso en el neurodesarrollo. El paciente posee un antecedente familiar; un hermano con síntomas similares. Finalmente, se confirma la sospecha diagnóstica mediante exoma clínico. Este artículo concluye que, a pesar de que este síndrome sea inusual, la asociación de obesidad con retraso del neurodesarrollo debe orientar a obesidades sindrómicas de origen genético y debe ser conocido por el cuerpo médico, dado que una detección precoz puede permitir la instauración de terapias de manera temprana que permitan aminorar la morbilidad que acarrea la enfermedad debido al compromiso sistémico que presenta.
Corpus Journal of Clinical Trails (CJCT)
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants fou...
Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica
La tiroiditis autoinmune o tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH) es la principal causa de hipotiroidismo a... more La tiroiditis autoinmune o tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH) es la principal causa de hipotiroidismo adquirido en zonas con suficiencia de yodo. Se relaciona con otras enfermedades autoinmunes y con el cáncer de tiroides. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las características clínicas y paraclínicas de los pacientes con TH atendidos en la consulta de endocrinología pediátrica en un centro especializado en la ciudad de Cali, en Colombia. La metodología fue observacional de corte transversal retrospectivo. Se revisaron 91 historias clínicas, de las cuales 45 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de selección y entraron en el estudio. La edad promedio al momento de realizar el diagnóstico fue de 11.5 años, con un predominio del sexo femenino (75.6%). El 44.5% de los pacientes tenía hipotiroidismo y el 42.2% hipertiroidismo. El bocio fue la manifestación clínica que más se encontró (64.4%). Los anticuerpos anti-peroxidasa fueron positivos en el 95.6% de los casos. Dos pacientes pres...
COMITÉ EDITORIAL Ullyses Fagundes-Neto, pHD, Brasil Alfredo Larrosa, pHD, México Carlos A Montero... more COMITÉ EDITORIAL Ullyses Fagundes-Neto, pHD, Brasil Alfredo Larrosa, pHD, México Carlos A Montero-Brens, pHD, República Dominicana Adalberto Sánchez, pHD, Colombia Jorge Alberto Rivera, MD, Colombia Rubén E. Quirós-Tejeira, MD, Estados Unidos Regino González-Peralta, MD, Estados Unidos Carlos Castañeda, MD, Cuba Luis Ortigosa, MD, España Juan Francisco Rivera, MD, Perú Isidoro Joaquín Kohn, MD, Argentina COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO Hugo Ribeiro Jr., pHD, Brasil Jaime Padilla Morales, pHD, Colombia Felipe García, pHD, Colombia Lyda Osorio, pHD, Colombia Wilson Daza, MD, Colombia Norberto Rodríguez-Báez, MD, Estados Unidos Miguel Saps, MD, Estados Unidos Jorge Vargas, MD, Estados Unidos Rafael Jiménez, MD, Cuba Enriqueta Román, MD, España Roberto Calva, MD, México
Variante del Gen ATP7B como causa de enfermedad de Wilson en paciente pediátrica , 2023
Abstract W ilson’s disease (WD), described in 1912, by Dr. Samuel Wilson. Char- acterized by an a... more Abstract
ilson’s disease (WD), described in 1912, by Dr. Samuel Wilson. Char-
acterized by an alteration in copper metabolism, it generates an
accumulation of copper in the liver, nuclei of the base and cornea,
hence its clinical expression. The excess of copper in the cytoplasm is regu-
lated by the ATP7B transporter that facilitates the elimination of vesicles with
high copper content to the biliary flow where it is not recovered and is excret-
ed. Its alteration reveals the disease. It presents with hepatic, neurological or
psychiatric disease, with liver involvement being the most frequent presen-
tation in children and adolescents. It presents with non-specific symptoms,
abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, fatigue, and should be suspected in
patients < 40 years old with elevated transaminases without other explaining
liver diseases. Typical findings and approach examinations are: elevated ami-
notransferases and copper levels, low plasma ceruloplasmin, ophthalmolog-
ic examination Kayser-Fleischer ring and hepatic alteration. It is confirmed
by alteration of the ATP7B gene. Copper chelating agents such as D-penicil-
lamine are used in the treatment and zinc salts in maintenance or asymp-
tomatic patients. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinical case of a
10-year-old female patient with weight loss, anicteric, hepatomegaly, altered
liver enzymes: AST: 63 U/L, ALT 135 U/L (VN >18), Alkaline Phosphatase: 500
U/L (normal (n) <720), liver ultrasound: diffuse hepatic steatosis grade 2, with
multiple studies of liver involvement: negative autoimmunity, Ag hepatits B
negative , ceruloplasmin levels 5( n >20mg/dl), serum copper < 20 (85-180mcg
dl ), urinary copper: 84. 7(n :10-30-mc/24hr), triglycerides >403mg/ dl. and
liver biopsy: portal and perisinusoidal fibrosis and steatohepatitis. Negative
Kayser-Fleischer rings. No alteration in CNS. Molecular study of the ATP7B
gene with two pathogenic variants. Timely and multidisciplinary diagnosis
and treatment is important to avoid progression and neurological and ocular
Keywords: Wilson’s disease; Copper; ceruloplasmin; Kayser-Fleischer ring
transaminases; ATP7B gene.
La Hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) comprende un grupo de trastornos autosómicos recesivo... more La Hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) comprende un grupo de trastornos autosómicos recesivos causados por una biosíntesis deficitaria de corticoides suprarrenales (1), es potencialmente mortal en su forma clásica (grave) y puede ser asintomática o causar infertilidad femenina en su forma no clásica (leve)(2). El tipo más común de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita es la deficiencia de 21-hidroxilasa (HSC-21OHD, OMIM 201910) produciendo alteración en la síntesis suprarrenal de cortisol y, en la mayoría de los casos, también la de aldosterona ocasionando perdidas salinas
Caso clínico
Paciente masculino G1P1,de termino, peso nacer 4.120 gramos (P50), talla nacer 51 cm (p50), sin consanguinidad antecedente de hospitalización a los 20 días de vida, por cuadro de deshidratación ,falla de medro , hiponatremia ,hiperkalemia , macropene : pene de 6.5 cm (vn 2,5.4cm ) ;motivos por los cuales se sospechó hiperplasia adrenal congénita realizándosele niveles de 17OHprogesterona reportada en más de 2000 ng /dl (vn 200 ng /dl),potasio de 7 meq /l vn (3.5-5),sodio de 132 meq /L ( vn 135-145 meq/L) .
Recibió manejo en UCI con hidrocortisona a dosis de stress 100/mg m2/ día y fludrocortisona 0.1mg cada 12 horas, con evolución clínica favorable y estabilidad hemodinámica y electrolítica .Posterior seguimiento con endocrinología pediátrica .
Ingreso a nuestra institución a los 8 años 6 meses con un examen físico de ingreso de : talla 129 cm (p 50), peso de 36 kg IMC: 21.6 kg/m2, con acantosis nigricans en cuello, acné, vello púbico tanner 2, testículos de 5 cm tanner 2, macropene (8 cm) . Edad ósea de 13años.
Se realizo estudio genético molecular de deficiencia de esteroide 21 hidroxilasa mediante PCR-ASO (amplificación del gen e hibridación especifica de alelo). Se encontró que el paciente es heterocigoto compuesto para variantes severas. Presentando variantes en 655G del intrón 2 (variante que afecta el procesamiento del RNA mensajero) en su alelo materno, y la doble mutación Val281Leu+360insT (variante de inserción que produce un desplazamiento de la fase de lectura) localizada en el exón 7, en su alelo paterno. Ambas variantes están descritas como severas y se asocian con formas clásicas de la deficiencia de la enzima 21OHlasa. Venia recibiendo hidrocortisona a dosis de 35mg/ m2/ día, con historia de enfermedad de difícil control. Se hizo además un diagnóstico de pubertad precoz central con elevación de LH y FSH en rangos puberales que no se le dio manejo por el avance de su edad ósea con posterior crecimiento de testículos en tanner III los 9 años .
En el paciente se confirmó mediante estudio de amplificación de gen e hibridación especifica de alelo que era heterocigoto compuesto para variantes severas, se encontró mutación en 655G del intrón 2 en el alelo materno la cual está relacionada con actividad enzimática menor del 1%(5)(10) y la doble mutación Val281Leu+360insT Localizada en el exón 7 del alelo paterno se comparta Igualmente como severa
Characterization of Patients with Noonan Syndrome-Type Rasopathies by PTPN11 Variant, 2023
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants found in the PTPN 11 gene, all heterozygous were: in the sporadic males: Exon 7 c.836 A>G. pTYR:279cys, and c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) and p.Asn 308 Ser , c..923A>G heterozygosis. The female with a variant in c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) whose mother has SN. Analysis: We found the PTPN11 gene variant in all our patients with NS, 75% being sporadic and 25% familial. Although the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome is clinical, this variant according to the literature is found in 50% of patients, in almost 60% of familial cases, and in almost 40% sporadic. There is a phenotype-genotype correlation in these patients and it is suggested that they should be monitored for predisposition to malignancy. Conclusions: It is essential to typify the clinical and genetic alteration in patients with RASopathies so that physicians involved in the care of these patients are familiar with the diagnosis, genetic variant, manifestations, and clinical follow-up, especially because of their predisposition to malignancy.
Pediatría, 2019
Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a hereditary metabolic disease caused by mutations in the ALPL gene. Ta... more Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a hereditary metabolic disease caused by mutations in the ALPL gene. Taking into account the challenges found in the adequate management of patients with HPP, an interdisciplinary consensus of experts (pediatric endocrinologists, pediatric nephrologists, pediatric orthopedists and clinical geneticists) was carried out, in order to propose recommendations of clinical utility for the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of Colombian patients with HPP. These suggestions are made in the context of the different types of presentations and the ages of the patients.
F1000Research, Jul 30, 2013
Characterization of Patients with Noonan Syndrome-Type Rasopathies by PTPN11 Variant, 2023
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants found in the PTPN 11 gene, all heterozygous were: in the sporadic males: Exon 7 c.836 A>G. pTYR:279cys, and c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) and p.Asn 308 Ser , c..923A>G heterozygosis. The female with a variant in c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) whose mother has SN. Analysis: We found the PTPN11 gene variant in all our patients with NS, 75% being sporadic and 25% familial. Although the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome is clinical, this variant according to the literature is found in 50% of patients, in almost 60% of familial cases, and in almost 40% sporadic. There is a phenotype-genotype correlation in these patients and it is suggested that they should be monitored for predisposition to malignancy. Conclusions: It is essential to typify the clinical and genetic alteration in patients with RASopathies so that physicians involved in the care of these patients are familiar with the diagnosis, genetic variant, manifestations, and clinical follow-up, especially because of their predisposition to malignancy.
Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), considered an orphan disease, is characterized by mutations in the ... more Osteogenesis imperfecta (OI), considered an orphan disease, is characterized by mutations in the genes that encode collagen proteins, especially type I. It is manifested by skeletal and extra skeletal clinical manifestations and in some cases it can present from the prenatal stage with severe compromise, which requires early diagnosis to provide timely and targeted treatment to reduce the morbidity and mortality of this pathology. We describe the clinical case of a patient with genetic confirmation of osteogenesis imperfecta carrying a rare mutation in the COLA1 gene.
Tall stature syndromes are defined by a height greater or equal to two standard deviations from t... more Tall stature syndromes are defined by a height greater or equal to two standard deviations from the mean height of the reference curves for a given population, its etiology is mainly due to factors that regulate growth (hormonal, nutritional and genetic) and homocystinuria is part of these. Homocystinuria is a rare disease, in which there is an alteration in the second metabolism of methionine caused by the deficiency of the enzyme cystathionine-β-synthase, due to variants in the gene that encodes it. This deficiency leads to an abnormal accumulation of homocystationine and other metabolites in the blood and urine. Most patients have involvement of the skeletal, ocular, vascular, and nervous systems. To be able to inquire more about this, we present the case of a 7-year-old female patient with a syndromatic tall stature, who attended the pediatric endocrinology clinic and received a clinical, paraclinical, and enzymatic diagnosis of homocystinuria. With the process conducted it was possible to confirm, molecularly, two heterozygous variants in a genotype-phenotype conversion of the disease.
Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly ... more Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly female reproductive tract, the second cause of primary amenorrhea after the gonadal dysgenesis. The incidence is 1/5000 newborns. Characterized by a failure in the development of Mullerian derivatives with normal secondary sexual characteristics and normal
Conflicto de interés: declaramos no tener ningún conflicto de interés.
Las porfirias son enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias por déficit enzimático parcial o total en... more Las porfirias son enfermedades metabólicas hereditarias por déficit enzimático parcial o total en la vía de síntesis del grupo hemo, lo cual lleva a acumulación de porfirinas y precursores tóxicos en los tejidos. La presentación clínica es heterogénea según la enzima afectada, con aumento en la excreción de las porfirinas y/o precursores, lo cual permite el diagnóstico. En el caso de porfiria aguda intermitente, se establece un déficit de porfobilinógeno deaminasa. El tratamiento se basa en aporte metabólico adecuado y suministro de hemina humana. Se describe el caso de una paciente de 17 años de edad con síntomas gastrointestinales recurrentes, desequilibrio hidroelectrolítico severo durante su hospitalización, con cambio de coloración de la orina a la exposición solar y porfirinas en orina aumentadas, por lo que se establece soporte metabólico y posteriormente tratamiento dirigido con hemina humana por la alta sospecha, obteniendo varios días después reporte de niveles elevados de ácido delta amino levulínico. Se concluye que, a pesar de ser un diagnóstico de exclusión, debe considerarse como diferencial, especialmente ante la recurrencia de la sintomatología, sin etiología común identificada y se hace necesario el rápido inicio de medidas generales y manejo dirigido con hemina humana.
Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly ... more Introduction: The Von Mayer Rokitansky-Kuster-Hauser syndrome (MRKH) is the most serious anomaly female reproductive tract, the second cause of primary amenorrhea after the gonadal dysgenesis. The incidence is 1/5000 newborns. Characterized by a failure in the development of Mullerian derivatives with normal secondary sexual characteristics and normal
Medical and Orthopedic Management with Growth Hormone and Bone Lengthening in A Patient with Achondroplasia, 2016
Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder which affects bone growth leading to short stature. It is th... more Achondroplasia is a genetic disorder which affects bone growth leading to short stature. It is the most common type of short-limb disproportionate dwarfism (non lethal skeletal dysplasia). The term achondroplasia, implying absent cartilage formation, was first used by Parrot in 1878. It is transmitted as autosomal dominant due to mutations of the FGFR3 gene which codifies the fibroblastic receptor of growth hormone expressed in provisional cartilage. No effective therapies to stimulate bone growth have emerged, but some success has been obtained with growth hormone therapy and orthopedic surgery to correct bone defects. We propose the use of growth hormone in combination with bone lengthening during puberty to improve final height result.
F1000Research, Jul 30, 2013
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Dec 1, 2015
Introduccion: Durante la pubertad se realiza una secuencia de eventos que llevaran al individuo a... more Introduccion: Durante la pubertad se realiza una secuencia de eventos que llevaran al individuo a su madurez en el desarrollo fisico, sexual y emocional. Este periodo incluye la aparicion de caracteristicas sexuales secundarias asi como el crecimiento, desarrollo y maduracion de los organos sexuales primarios. Se considera que la pubertad es precoz (PP) cuando el crecimiento mamario (telarquia) ocurre antes de los 8 anos de edad, el vello pubico (pubarquia), antes de los 9 anos y la menarquia (primera menstruacion), antes de los 10 anos. Materiales y metodos: Se trata de un estudio retrospectivo sobre el analisis de las historias clinicas de 50 pacientes femeninas que consultaron por sospecha de pubertad precoz en tres instituciones de Cali, durante el periodo 2000-2003. El diagnostico de PP de origen central se confirmo por la aparicion de telarquia precoz y por la respuesta positiva a la prueba de estimulacion con hormona liberadora de gonadotropinas (GHz). En el analisis estadistico se utilizo chi2 mediante analisis STATA EPI INFO. Resultados: Se trato de pacientes con escolaridad promedio tercero de primaria, principalmente de zona urbana, de estratos socioeconomicos 2-3. Las edades promedio fueron, a la consulta 7,8 anos ±1,31 y al inicio de telarquia, 6,8±1,8 anos. El 96% de las pacientes tenian telarquia prematura. El 70% consultaron por aparicion de vello pubico, con edad promedio de 7,15 anos ± 1,32 anos. El 64% tenian olor axilar, 42% leucorrea y 16%, vello axilar. Se les realizo prueba de estimulacion con GnRH a 45 de ellas, cuya respuesta fue compatible con PP central por valores de LH en cualquier tiempo por encima de 5 mUI/L. Los niveles de LH mas altos posestimulo fueron a los 30’, 17,1 mUI/l (moda 4,1) y FSH a los 60’, 11,89 mUI/L (moda 11,4). La edad osea promedio al momento del diagnostico, determinada en todas, fue de 9,5 anos, con una maduracion osea de 1,66 anos por encima de la edad cronologica por el metodo de Greulich y Pyle; 83,5% de las pacientes tenian PP idiopatica, con resonancia nuclear magnetica (RNM) normal, 12,5%, la PP era secundaria a lesiones del sistema nervioso central (SNC), y 4% PP periferica, por quiste de ovario e hiperplasia adrenal tardia en 1 paciente que luego evoluciono a pubertad precoz central, 48% tenian cambios en el ultrasonido pelvico. Todas recibieron manejo con analogos de GnRH y solo el 6% menstruaron durante el tratamiento al inicio del mismo. Discusion: Se evidencio la aparicion de PP femenina cada vez en edades mas tempranas, poniendo en riesgo su integridad y madurez tanto fisica como emocional; debemos estar atentos a la aparicion de estos signos fuera del rango normal, para tomar las medidas pertinentes y evitar asi menarquias tempranas con deterioro de talla final y alteraciones psicologicas secundarias. Esta muestra no representa una prevalencia ni incidencia de la poblacion de Cali. STUDY OF PRECOCIOUS PUBERTY EN GIRLS ATTENDING THREE MEDICAL CLINICS IN CALI, COLOMBIA ABSTRACT Introduction: A sequence of events occur during puberty, leading to individual maturity in physical, sexual and emotional development. This period includes the appearance of secondary sexual characteristics and growth, development and maturation of primary sexual organs. Diagnosis of precocious puberty (PP) is done when breast growth (thelarche) occurs before age 8, pubic hair (pubarche) before age 9 and first menstruation (menarche) before age 10. Materials and methods: This is a retrospective study of 50 selected medical records of girls attending clinics from three institutions in the city of Cali, during 2000-2003. Aim of the study was to describe and analyze the different manifestations of female PP. The diagnosis of central PP was confirmed by the appearance of early thelarche and positive response to stimulation test with gonadotropin releasing hormone (GnRH). There were cases of peripheral precocious puberty (adrenarche and pubarche as the only symptoms) were not included in the analysis. Chi2 was used in the statistical analysis using STATA analysis EPI INFO. Results: Average schooling of patients was third grade, coming mainly from urban areas and from low socioeconomic strata. The average ages at consultation were 7,8 ± 1,31 and for early thelarche, 6,8 ± 1,8 years. 96% of patients had premature thelarche. 70% consulted for appearance of pubic hair, with an average age of 7,15 years ± 1,32 years, 64% had axillary odor, 42 % had vaginal discharge and 16%, axillary hair, 45 of them underwent GnRH stimulation test; the response was compatible with central PP by LH values above 5 mIU / mL at any time. The higher LH levels after stimulation were at 30’, 17,1 mIU / ml (4,1 mode) and FSH in the 60th minute, 11,89 mIU / mL (mode 11,4). The average bone age at diagnosis, determined in all, was 9,5 years, with a skeletal maturity of 1,66 years over chronological age. 83.5% of the patients had idiopathic PP, with normal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI); in 12.5%, PP was…
Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica, Apr 20, 2022
El síndrome de Bardet-Biedl (OMIM 209900) es un síndrome raro con un patrón de herencia autosómic... more El síndrome de Bardet-Biedl (OMIM 209900) es un síndrome raro con un patrón de herencia autosómico recesivo caracterizado por presentar compromiso multisistémico y es considerado una ciliopatía. Es clínicamente heterogéneo, con múltiples manifestaciones, dado al compromiso multisistémico. El objetivo de este artículo fue describir el caso clínico de un paciente de 16 años, con diagnóstico de Síndrome de Bardet Biedl que inicialmente se sospecha debido a los hallazgos del examen físico: obesidad, compromiso renal, polidactilia y criptorquidea corregidas, asociada a retraso en el neurodesarrollo. El paciente posee un antecedente familiar; un hermano con síntomas similares. Finalmente, se confirma la sospecha diagnóstica mediante exoma clínico. Este artículo concluye que, a pesar de que este síndrome sea inusual, la asociación de obesidad con retraso del neurodesarrollo debe orientar a obesidades sindrómicas de origen genético y debe ser conocido por el cuerpo médico, dado que una detección precoz puede permitir la instauración de terapias de manera temprana que permitan aminorar la morbilidad que acarrea la enfermedad debido al compromiso sistémico que presenta.
Corpus Journal of Clinical Trails (CJCT)
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants fou...
Revista Médica de la Universidad de Costa Rica
La tiroiditis autoinmune o tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH) es la principal causa de hipotiroidismo a... more La tiroiditis autoinmune o tiroiditis de Hashimoto (TH) es la principal causa de hipotiroidismo adquirido en zonas con suficiencia de yodo. Se relaciona con otras enfermedades autoinmunes y con el cáncer de tiroides. El objetivo de este estudio es identificar las características clínicas y paraclínicas de los pacientes con TH atendidos en la consulta de endocrinología pediátrica en un centro especializado en la ciudad de Cali, en Colombia. La metodología fue observacional de corte transversal retrospectivo. Se revisaron 91 historias clínicas, de las cuales 45 pacientes cumplieron con los criterios de selección y entraron en el estudio. La edad promedio al momento de realizar el diagnóstico fue de 11.5 años, con un predominio del sexo femenino (75.6%). El 44.5% de los pacientes tenía hipotiroidismo y el 42.2% hipertiroidismo. El bocio fue la manifestación clínica que más se encontró (64.4%). Los anticuerpos anti-peroxidasa fueron positivos en el 95.6% de los casos. Dos pacientes pres...
COMITÉ EDITORIAL Ullyses Fagundes-Neto, pHD, Brasil Alfredo Larrosa, pHD, México Carlos A Montero... more COMITÉ EDITORIAL Ullyses Fagundes-Neto, pHD, Brasil Alfredo Larrosa, pHD, México Carlos A Montero-Brens, pHD, República Dominicana Adalberto Sánchez, pHD, Colombia Jorge Alberto Rivera, MD, Colombia Rubén E. Quirós-Tejeira, MD, Estados Unidos Regino González-Peralta, MD, Estados Unidos Carlos Castañeda, MD, Cuba Luis Ortigosa, MD, España Juan Francisco Rivera, MD, Perú Isidoro Joaquín Kohn, MD, Argentina COMITÉ CIENTÍFICO Hugo Ribeiro Jr., pHD, Brasil Jaime Padilla Morales, pHD, Colombia Felipe García, pHD, Colombia Lyda Osorio, pHD, Colombia Wilson Daza, MD, Colombia Norberto Rodríguez-Báez, MD, Estados Unidos Miguel Saps, MD, Estados Unidos Jorge Vargas, MD, Estados Unidos Rafael Jiménez, MD, Cuba Enriqueta Román, MD, España Roberto Calva, MD, México
Variante del Gen ATP7B como causa de enfermedad de Wilson en paciente pediátrica , 2023
Abstract W ilson’s disease (WD), described in 1912, by Dr. Samuel Wilson. Char- acterized by an a... more Abstract
ilson’s disease (WD), described in 1912, by Dr. Samuel Wilson. Char-
acterized by an alteration in copper metabolism, it generates an
accumulation of copper in the liver, nuclei of the base and cornea,
hence its clinical expression. The excess of copper in the cytoplasm is regu-
lated by the ATP7B transporter that facilitates the elimination of vesicles with
high copper content to the biliary flow where it is not recovered and is excret-
ed. Its alteration reveals the disease. It presents with hepatic, neurological or
psychiatric disease, with liver involvement being the most frequent presen-
tation in children and adolescents. It presents with non-specific symptoms,
abdominal discomfort, loss of appetite, fatigue, and should be suspected in
patients < 40 years old with elevated transaminases without other explaining
liver diseases. Typical findings and approach examinations are: elevated ami-
notransferases and copper levels, low plasma ceruloplasmin, ophthalmolog-
ic examination Kayser-Fleischer ring and hepatic alteration. It is confirmed
by alteration of the ATP7B gene. Copper chelating agents such as D-penicil-
lamine are used in the treatment and zinc salts in maintenance or asymp-
tomatic patients. The aim of this paper is to describe the clinical case of a
10-year-old female patient with weight loss, anicteric, hepatomegaly, altered
liver enzymes: AST: 63 U/L, ALT 135 U/L (VN >18), Alkaline Phosphatase: 500
U/L (normal (n) <720), liver ultrasound: diffuse hepatic steatosis grade 2, with
multiple studies of liver involvement: negative autoimmunity, Ag hepatits B
negative , ceruloplasmin levels 5( n >20mg/dl), serum copper < 20 (85-180mcg
dl ), urinary copper: 84. 7(n :10-30-mc/24hr), triglycerides >403mg/ dl. and
liver biopsy: portal and perisinusoidal fibrosis and steatohepatitis. Negative
Kayser-Fleischer rings. No alteration in CNS. Molecular study of the ATP7B
gene with two pathogenic variants. Timely and multidisciplinary diagnosis
and treatment is important to avoid progression and neurological and ocular
Keywords: Wilson’s disease; Copper; ceruloplasmin; Kayser-Fleischer ring
transaminases; ATP7B gene.
La Hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) comprende un grupo de trastornos autosómicos recesivo... more La Hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita (HSC) comprende un grupo de trastornos autosómicos recesivos causados por una biosíntesis deficitaria de corticoides suprarrenales (1), es potencialmente mortal en su forma clásica (grave) y puede ser asintomática o causar infertilidad femenina en su forma no clásica (leve)(2). El tipo más común de hiperplasia suprarrenal congénita es la deficiencia de 21-hidroxilasa (HSC-21OHD, OMIM 201910) produciendo alteración en la síntesis suprarrenal de cortisol y, en la mayoría de los casos, también la de aldosterona ocasionando perdidas salinas
Caso clínico
Paciente masculino G1P1,de termino, peso nacer 4.120 gramos (P50), talla nacer 51 cm (p50), sin consanguinidad antecedente de hospitalización a los 20 días de vida, por cuadro de deshidratación ,falla de medro , hiponatremia ,hiperkalemia , macropene : pene de 6.5 cm (vn 2,5.4cm ) ;motivos por los cuales se sospechó hiperplasia adrenal congénita realizándosele niveles de 17OHprogesterona reportada en más de 2000 ng /dl (vn 200 ng /dl),potasio de 7 meq /l vn (3.5-5),sodio de 132 meq /L ( vn 135-145 meq/L) .
Recibió manejo en UCI con hidrocortisona a dosis de stress 100/mg m2/ día y fludrocortisona 0.1mg cada 12 horas, con evolución clínica favorable y estabilidad hemodinámica y electrolítica .Posterior seguimiento con endocrinología pediátrica .
Ingreso a nuestra institución a los 8 años 6 meses con un examen físico de ingreso de : talla 129 cm (p 50), peso de 36 kg IMC: 21.6 kg/m2, con acantosis nigricans en cuello, acné, vello púbico tanner 2, testículos de 5 cm tanner 2, macropene (8 cm) . Edad ósea de 13años.
Se realizo estudio genético molecular de deficiencia de esteroide 21 hidroxilasa mediante PCR-ASO (amplificación del gen e hibridación especifica de alelo). Se encontró que el paciente es heterocigoto compuesto para variantes severas. Presentando variantes en 655G del intrón 2 (variante que afecta el procesamiento del RNA mensajero) en su alelo materno, y la doble mutación Val281Leu+360insT (variante de inserción que produce un desplazamiento de la fase de lectura) localizada en el exón 7, en su alelo paterno. Ambas variantes están descritas como severas y se asocian con formas clásicas de la deficiencia de la enzima 21OHlasa. Venia recibiendo hidrocortisona a dosis de 35mg/ m2/ día, con historia de enfermedad de difícil control. Se hizo además un diagnóstico de pubertad precoz central con elevación de LH y FSH en rangos puberales que no se le dio manejo por el avance de su edad ósea con posterior crecimiento de testículos en tanner III los 9 años .
En el paciente se confirmó mediante estudio de amplificación de gen e hibridación especifica de alelo que era heterocigoto compuesto para variantes severas, se encontró mutación en 655G del intrón 2 en el alelo materno la cual está relacionada con actividad enzimática menor del 1%(5)(10) y la doble mutación Val281Leu+360insT Localizada en el exón 7 del alelo paterno se comparta Igualmente como severa
Characterization of Patients with Noonan Syndrome-Type Rasopathies by PTPN11 Variant, 2023
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants found in the PTPN 11 gene, all heterozygous were: in the sporadic males: Exon 7 c.836 A>G. pTYR:279cys, and c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) and p.Asn 308 Ser , c..923A>G heterozygosis. The female with a variant in c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) whose mother has SN. Analysis: We found the PTPN11 gene variant in all our patients with NS, 75% being sporadic and 25% familial. Although the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome is clinical, this variant according to the literature is found in 50% of patients, in almost 60% of familial cases, and in almost 40% sporadic. There is a phenotype-genotype correlation in these patients and it is suggested that they should be monitored for predisposition to malignancy. Conclusions: It is essential to typify the clinical and genetic alteration in patients with RASopathies so that physicians involved in the care of these patients are familiar with the diagnosis, genetic variant, manifestations, and clinical follow-up, especially because of their predisposition to malignancy.
Pediatría, 2019
Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a hereditary metabolic disease caused by mutations in the ALPL gene. Ta... more Hypophosphatasia (HPP) is a hereditary metabolic disease caused by mutations in the ALPL gene. Taking into account the challenges found in the adequate management of patients with HPP, an interdisciplinary consensus of experts (pediatric endocrinologists, pediatric nephrologists, pediatric orthopedists and clinical geneticists) was carried out, in order to propose recommendations of clinical utility for the diagnosis, treatment and follow up of Colombian patients with HPP. These suggestions are made in the context of the different types of presentations and the ages of the patients.
F1000Research, Jul 30, 2013
Characterization of Patients with Noonan Syndrome-Type Rasopathies by PTPN11 Variant, 2023
Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations i... more Introduction: RASopathies are a set of phenotypically overlapping syndromes caused by mutations in genes that play a role in the RAS/MAPK pathway involved in development through growth factors. The most common is Noonan Syndrome (NS) which is an autosomal dominant genetic disorder, of low prevalence and which in 50% of cases is associated with variants in the PTPN11 gene. Clinical manifestations are short stature, dysmorphic facial features, congenital heart defects, most commonly pulmonary valve stenosis, typical chest, and cryptorchidism. Results: We describe 4 patients with RASopathy Noonan syndrome due to alteration in the PTPN11 gene: 3 males, and 1 female, with an average gestational age of 37.6 weeks, 2.9 kg of weight, and 45.5 cm of height at birth. 100% had: palpebral ptosis, winged neck, pectum carinatum, and short stature, 75% had heart diseases such as subaortic stenosis and ventricular septal defect, and 33% had hypoacusis and altered genitalia. The genetic variants found in the PTPN 11 gene, all heterozygous were: in the sporadic males: Exon 7 c.836 A>G. pTYR:279cys, and c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) and p.Asn 308 Ser , c..923A>G heterozygosis. The female with a variant in c.417G>C (p. Glu139Asp) whose mother has SN. Analysis: We found the PTPN11 gene variant in all our patients with NS, 75% being sporadic and 25% familial. Although the diagnosis of Noonan syndrome is clinical, this variant according to the literature is found in 50% of patients, in almost 60% of familial cases, and in almost 40% sporadic. There is a phenotype-genotype correlation in these patients and it is suggested that they should be monitored for predisposition to malignancy. Conclusions: It is essential to typify the clinical and genetic alteration in patients with RASopathies so that physicians involved in the care of these patients are familiar with the diagnosis, genetic variant, manifestations, and clinical follow-up, especially because of their predisposition to malignancy.