Mirela Zupan | Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek (original) (raw)

Papers by Mirela Zupan

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranična pitanja bračnoimovinskih režima i režima imovine registriranih partnera

Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigu... more Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigurano slobodno kretanje osoba. Isto je navedeno u čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režima (dalje u tekstu: Uredba bračnoj imovini) i čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1104 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima imovinskih posljedica registriranih partnerstva (dalje u tekstu: Uredba o imovini partnera). Radi postizanja navedenog cilja Unija donosi mjere koje se odnose na pravosudnu suradnju u građanskim stvarima s prekograničnim elementom. Primjeri tih mjera su i predmetne Uredbe

Research paper thumbnail of Judicial Training in European Private International Law in Family and Succession Matters

The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massiv... more The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massive intervention of international and supranational actors within national judicial systems. Though state-centrism has progressively been eroded, the national State remains the “master of the game” in adjudication. A proper application of European private international law is the cornerstone of civil justice. It goes without saying that judicial training (in a wider sense, including the training of judges, practitioners, and other stakeholders) is important in order to achieve an adequate and unified application of European private international family and succession law. The EUFams II findings further highlight that education and training of professionals in this area of law are of paramount importance when it comes to fostering predictability and legal certainty. This contribution commences by explaining EU policy on judicial training and presenting the main training facilities and their features. The contribution then turns to methodological aspects of the transfer of knowledge in legal discourse. The second part of the contribution presents the EUFams II project results relevant to judicial training. It seeks to establish a direct link with EU justice policy objectives, methodologies, performance of judicial training at European training centers and national training academies that serve the system of justice in European family and succession law. Quantitative and qualitative analyses lead to conclusions and proposals in respect of future training policy and its desired performance in cross-border family and succession matters. Several methodological approaches are combined and presented in the contribution. The attempt to conceptualize pro futuro the judicial and legal professionals’ training in European family and succession law relies on all case law and legal instruments researched within the EUFams II Project, different questionnaires, published studies, evaluations and communications, and various scholarly contributions primarily in the fields of law and education. It has yielded the following ten practice-oriented and hands-on recommendations (rather than commandments) addressed to the EU and Member States alike. Summary of theses: 1. Training needs to continue being guided at the EU level. 2. Judicial training should be made a priority. 3. A study of training needs should be conducted in general, for each Member State, and for each legal instrument. 4. A model curriculum should be adopted at the EU level. 5. The training curriculum should be designed on several levels and ranked based on EU criteria. 6. Training should be based on modern teaching methodology. 7. EU funded material should follow an open access policy and remain available on a single webpage administered by the EU, even after the expiry of the respective project. 8. Training should be delivered to specific target groups. 9. Access to high quality training should be made available to all eligible judges. 10. International and national training should be kept in balance.

Research paper thumbnail of Medijacija U Prekogranicnim Obiteljskim Stvarima

Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji, 2019

Globalizacija društva te intenzivna migracijska kretanja neminovno dovode do povećanja prekograni... more Globalizacija društva te intenzivna migracijska kretanja neminovno dovode do povećanja prekograničnih obiteljskih sporova. Na svim se razinama, od nacionalne, preko regionalne do univerzalne, traže adekvatni modusi njihova rješavanja. Zakonodavcima svih razina nameće se izazov: ne samo da trebaju naći adekvatne odgovore na pitanja sukoba nadležnosti, sukoba zakona i međudržavne suradnje (vodeći računa ujedno i o standardima temeljnih ljudskih prava i zabrani svake diskriminacije), nego i obazrivo kalkulirati snažnu kulturološku različitost obitelji koje migriraju. Uvažavajući sve te dimenzije obiteljskog prekograničnog spora, u određenoj je mjeri razvijen pravni okvir za prekogranične sporove o roditeljskoj odgovornosti. Međutim, neki su od tih sporova zbog posebne osjetljivosti stalnim predmetom propitkivanja. Zasigurno je jedan od njih spor o roditeljskoj otmici djeteta.

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranično odvođenje i zadržavanje djece – hrvatska praksa i europska očekivanja

Međunarodna konferencija o nestaloj djeci: Čija djeca su nestala djeca?, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Dijete u međunarodnom privatnom pravu

Convention du 12 Juin 1902 pour régler la tutelle des mineurs. Ulazi u skupinu starih konvencija ... more Convention du 12 Juin 1902 pour régler la tutelle des mineurs. Ulazi u skupinu starih konvencija koje više nisu na snazi. Dostupno putem internet stranice http://hcch.evision.nl/index_fr.php?act=text.display&tid=15 15.9.2009.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Matrimonial Property Regulation in Croatia

The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of Eur... more The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in divorce proceedings, legal separation and annulment of the marriage or a succession case. Efforts will have to made in order to dismantle the obstacles arising from national procedural solutions, such as differing rules on competence of different authorities in divorce, succession and property-related proceedings, type of proceedings (contentious, non-contentious) and manner in which the proceedings are initiated (ex officio, at the request of the parties; prior or after mandatory counseling or mediation between spouses). Additionally, competent authorities will face the exercise of reconciling and accommodating solutions provided under the MPR and national substantive (family and succession law). Tensions may also arise from the interpretation of national PIL law, in regard to certain basic principles, such as principle of exclusivity of domestic nationality under Article 3 para 1 of the Croatian PIL Act of 2017. While the coordinated application of Regulations in divorce and property-related proceedings may result in the different courts deciding on different aspects of the same matter, with the possibility of issuing conflicting judgments, in succession and property-related proceedings it could lead to the same court applying different substantive laws in regard to succession and matrimonial property. This fragmentation is obviously not desired by the European legislator and will probably have to be dealt with in future by the CJEU. Additional complexity will arise from the fact that MPR is an enhanced cooperation Regulation only and certain Member States will be third countries in the context of the matrimonial property regime. In this sense, it seems that there is a rather challenging task upon the competent authorities to ensure that the complexity inherent to the analysed coordination of the European PIL instruments does not hinder the EU citizens in exercising the rights the EU confers on them.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustav Središnjih Tijela Kroz Europski Model Naplate Prekograničnog Uzdržavanja

Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je znacajno povecanje broja prekogranicnih... more Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je znacajno povecanje broja prekogranicnih obiteljskih predmeta. Pravni sustavi na ovu pojavu odgovaraju normiranjem (kako na nacionalnoj, tako i na međunarodnoj razini), u okviru kojega se u podrucju pravne zastite najranjivijih, prije svega djece, naglasak stavlja na rad i funkcioniranje sustava sredisnjih tijela. Sustav sredisnjih tijela ima presudnu ulogu u prekogranicnoj naplati uzdržavanja, te time cini jednu od kljucnih poluga u smanjenju siromastva vjerovnika uzdržavanja. Predmetom je ovoga rada pozicioniranje sustava sredisnjih tijela u rjesavanju međunarodno obilježenih obiteljskih predmeta, pojasnjenje djelokruga njihova rada u predmetima uzdržavanja te u kontekstu Hrvatske konkretna obrada relevantnih propisa, poglavito Uredbe br. 4/2009. Kljucne rijeci: sustav sredisnjih tijela, uzdržavanje,Uredba o uzdržavanju

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranične građanskopravne otmice djece

Research paper thumbnail of Temeljna ljudska prava i prekogranične životne zajednice–registrirano partnerstvo u fokusu

Realnost postojanja različitih oblika životnih zajednica dovodi do specifičnog i različitog pravn... more Realnost postojanja različitih oblika životnih zajednica dovodi do specifičnog i različitog pravnog odgovora kojim se članovima tih zajednica pripisuju prava i obveze. Konotirano načelnom zabranom diskriminacije na temelju spolne orijentacije te zaštitom prava na obiteljski život vremenski je kratak i strelovit put pravnom normiranju obilježio populaciju istospolnih partnera. U većini je sustava ona dobila pravni okvir kroz registrirano partnerstvo, a put je tomu otvorilo interpretativno tumačenje temeljnih ljudskih prava. Naime, praksa je nacionalnih sudova koristeći ustavne standarde širila prava i privilegije bračne zajednice i na registrirana partnerstva. Tomu su kroz čitav niz odluka generirali tumačenjima ESLJP i Sud EU. Kretanje registriranog partnerstva preko granice povlači pitanje priznanja učinaka u inozemstvu. Jednoznačnog odgovora nema, niti na nacionalnoj, niti na EU razini. Recentan prijedlog uredbe fokusirane na registrirana partnerstva dijelom svojih odredbi skladno nadopunjuje postojeći korpus međunarodnog privatnog prava EU. Svojim materijalnopravno suženim obuhvatom te činjenicom da ide u sustav unaprijeđene suradnje on istovremeno pridonosi stvaranju Europe u više brzina i na više razina. Uzme li se u obzir statistika oblika životnih zajednica u EU evidentno je da broj propisa i odluka u sferi registriranih partnerstva štiti tek mali dio populacije u životnoj zajednici koja nije brak. Izostavljanje de facto kohabitacije iz pravnog normiranja ukazuje na slabost u postavljanju prioriteta, kako za europske građane, tako i za pravnu sigurnost, jednakost i pravdu.

Research paper thumbnail of International sales of pets – is EU ahead to common welfare standards?

Exporing the Social Dimension of Europe, 2021

Despite mayor achievements with unified legal standards on international sale of goods in general... more Despite mayor achievements with unified legal standards on international sale of goods in general, sales of certain types of goods remained out of the loops of politics, practitioners, courts and academics. The international sales contracts with companion animals (pets) being their object match exactly the later. Until recently, the topic of cross- border trade and sales of companion animals occupied a rather small group of stakeholders: breeders and animal welfare activist. However, interest to the matter raises, as European Union companion animal population rapidly grow over the last decade. So far, the area has not been subject to specific EU legislative action. It remained a domain of national legislation with sporadic EU or international law interventions. Socio-economic dimension of companion animals trade is a starting point of this paper, as figures objectively speak of urgent need of legislative action. A spectrum of existing European and international legislation in animal welfare and in international sales is presented. Paper also deals with the qualification of certain types of companion animal sales, addressing equally its pertinent substantive and private international law aspects. Each of the above matters is reconsidered in search for the most feasible pathway to ensure balance among number of cherished European values. Law enforcement in respect of animal welfare, consumer protection and compliance with the internal market rules are the cornerstones of this research. Paper is a starting point for further scientific research on many interconnected issues of companion animals trade and sales, pertaining to either unified standards (European and international), vulnerable protection or cross-border trade.

Research paper thumbnail of Izvršenje presuda Europskog suda za ljudska prava u građanskopravnim međunarodnim otmicama djece u Republici Hrvatskoj – nova otvorena pitanja

Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2021

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) established a violation of the (European) Convention f... more The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) established a violation of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) in several cases of international parental child abduction before Croatian courts. The length and the manner in which the proceedings concerning the return of the child were conducted constituted grounds for establishment of a violation of the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private and family life. The execution of these judgments is still pending before the Committee of Ministers, despite the fact that the measures ordered resulted with a modified Croatian legal regime introduced through the Act on the Application of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Act includes a number of procedural improvements which align the practice of Croatian courts with international and European standards. However, the judgment of the ECtHR in Adžić v Croatia (no. 2) reveals that there...

Research paper thumbnail of The Application of the EUFam’s Regulations in Croatia

Planning the Future of Cross Border Families, 2020

The aim of the EUFams ’ s research project was to evaluate the state of implementation of legal i... more The aim of the EUFams ’ s research project was to evaluate the state of implementation of legal instruments applicable to cross-border family matters adopted by European Union regulations and international conventions. The cornerstone of this research was the application of the Brussels IIa Regulation, the Maintenance Regulation, and the Succession Regulation. The project equally took into account the relevant international conventions, in particular the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children, the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention and the 2007 Hague Maintenance Protocol. In order to obtain universally applicable research results, the analyses encompassed Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Slovakian and Spanish case law. Data and outcomes of this research project are thus a valuable source of information on the actual state of implementation of relevant instruments in Croatian practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Proceedings – Lis Pendens and Concurrent Procedures

Planning the Future of Cross Border Families, 2020

The cornerstone of EU civil justice is the free circulation of judgments. To achieve that overall... more The cornerstone of EU civil justice is the free circulation of judgments. To achieve that overall aim, the EU has systematically unified private international law rules. Member States afforded the EU with internal and external competence to enact a system that assures smooth recognition and enforcement. Leaning on the principle of mutual trust they aim to accomplish the dream of the ‘ fifth market freedom ’ – free circulation of judgments. However, such a fairy tale may turn into an action movie or a soap opera if rules are applied in an abusive way. One of the most prominent examples is the misuse of alternative grounds of jurisdiction available to applicants. Despite the unification in international jurisdiction, the potential of conflicting decisions is not eliminated, particularly if the grounds are alternative instead of being in a strict hierarchical order. Thus, the potential risk of contradictory decisions is high. The system of preventing parallelism of procedures and judgments through regulations is multi-layered. The burden traditionally falls on lis pendens and related actions, which prevent contradictory judgments from arising. However, lis pendens and concurrent proceedings ’ rules may not be isolated from other provisions of the regulation. The root of the European lis pendens rules is the autonomous rule on determining the moment when the court is deemed to be seised. The provision on seising a court, addressed in combination with the lis pendens rule, occupies most of the academic attention. The aim of this chapter is twofold: to provide a framework for different aspects of parallel procedures de lege lata in the practice of the national courts ; and to offer solutions for de lege ferenda legislation. The focus is given to the pendency rule. Such elaboration triggers the rules currently contained in EU legislation on international family and succession law. The most prominent problems detected by the collected case law are from several jurisdictions and possible improvements are suggested. Proposals for future amendments of EU legislation are offered, in relation to the ongoing legislative process of the Brussels IIter Recast Proposal.

Research paper thumbnail of Central Authority Cooperation Under the Brussels II Ter Regulation

Yearbook of Private International Law Vol XXII – 2020/2021, 2021

Following long-term negotiations within the European Union, Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 on ... more Following long-term negotiations within the European Union, Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction was adopted on 25 June 2019 (Brussels II ter).1 As of 1 August 2022, it will replace the regulation that lies at the heart of European family law: the Brussels II bis Regulation.2 Among the significant changes introduced on parental responsibility matters, what stands out is a novel approach to cooperation between Central Authorities.

Research paper thumbnail of The New Croatian Private International Law Act Something Old, Something New and Much Borrowed

Yearbook of Private International Law Vol XXII – 2020/2021, 2021

The new Croatian Private International Law Act of 4 October 2017 entered into force on 29 January... more The new Croatian Private International Law Act of 4 October 2017 entered into force on 29 January 2019. Its adoption marked the end of the application of the 1982 PIL Act, which had not been revised in 35 years. However, new solutions have been gradually adopted, under the impetus of HCCH conventions and EU regulations. The new PIL Act introduces significant changes compared to the previous regime. Party autonomy has been enhanced. Mechanical rules have been abandoned in favor of flexible solutions such as the closest connection clause, forum necessitatis and the best interests of the child. With its nomotechnical approach, but also original solutions, the Croatian PIL Act is among the [more?] modern European codifications of private international law. Its entry into force has opened the door to a new approach to adjudication in cross-border matters. A book of many volumes is hidden in a seemingly modest act with only 81 articles.

Research paper thumbnail of Concentration of Jurisdiction – is Functionality of Judiciary Becoming an Obstacle to Access to Justice?


Research paper thumbnail of 50 Godina Europske Pravosudne Suradnje U Građanskim Stvarima – 5 Godina Hrvatske Primjene

Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske, 2019

Načelo uzajamnog povjerenja te njegove sveobuhvatne implikacije na sustav slobodnog kretanja odlu... more Načelo uzajamnog povjerenja te njegove sveobuhvatne implikacije na sustav slobodnog kretanja odluka izazov su i starim i novim članicama Europske unije. Cilj je ovoga rada postaviti okvire europske pravosudne suradnje u građanskim stvarima te ih staviti u kontekst hrvatskih okolnosti i prakse. Rad se sastoji od triju većih cjelina s pripadajućim potpoglavljima. Prvi dio rada uvodi čitatelja u sustav koji datira od 1968., kada je prihvaćena Briselska konvencija o nadležnosti, priznanju i ovrsi odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima. Nakon tri su desetljeća Amsterdamskim ugovorom države članice povjerile nadležnost EU-u za donošenje sekundarnog zakonodavstva u prekograničnim građanskim stvarima. To je otvorilo prostor sveobuhvatnu razvoju međunarodnoga privatnog prava EU-a. Bogat korpus uredaba obuhvaća područja međunarodno obilježenih građanskih i trgovačkih stvari, razvoda braka, roditeljske odgovornosti, uzdržavanja, nasljeđivanja, bračne stečevine i imovine registriranih partne...

Research paper thumbnail of Provisional Measures and Child Abduction Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-border recovery of maintenance taking account of the new European Account Preservation Order (EAPO)

ERA Forum, 2015

The EAPO is a separate and standalone Europe-wide order which provides a maintenance creditor wit... more The EAPO is a separate and standalone Europe-wide order which provides a maintenance creditor with the opportunity to apply without notice and to prevent transfer or withdrawal of funds held by a maintenance debtor in a bank account held in any other Member State (except in Denmark and the UK). The preservation order application procedure is in principle an ex parte written procedure based on information and evidence provided by the creditor. A significant degree of discretion is left to the court when assessing the pericolo in moro element. Despite the at first glance weak position of a debtor, he is provided sufficient legal remedies to challenge the Order. The author here identifies several weaknesses of the EAPO, but in general finds it to be a welcome tool to enforce maintenance debt throughout the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Infringement of Privacy via Internet

Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2014

The development of the Internet has enabled instant access to information and its global transfer... more The development of the Internet has enabled instant access to information and its global transfer worldwide. Information whose content represents an infringement of personality rights and which was placed online on the Internet will go around the world in a moment. The question may be raised as to where the harmful event occurred, entailing the need for new legal regulation to possible privacy infringements. EU legislation that regulates this area has been placed to creative interpretations as it has been applied successfully in recent cases of damage inflicted by placing on the Internet content that infringes personality rights. Interpretation of the European Court of Justice is found unsatisfactory to majority of experts in private international law because it represents a limitation of the application of the relevant applicable law determined by conflict-of-law rules of a certain Member State for the purpose of ensuring the free movement of information society services. Many open...

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranična pitanja bračnoimovinskih režima i režima imovine registriranih partnera

Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigu... more Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigurano slobodno kretanje osoba. Isto je navedeno u čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režima (dalje u tekstu: Uredba bračnoj imovini) i čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1104 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima imovinskih posljedica registriranih partnerstva (dalje u tekstu: Uredba o imovini partnera). Radi postizanja navedenog cilja Unija donosi mjere koje se odnose na pravosudnu suradnju u građanskim stvarima s prekograničnim elementom. Primjeri tih mjera su i predmetne Uredbe

Research paper thumbnail of Judicial Training in European Private International Law in Family and Succession Matters

The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massiv... more The reality of the administration of justice has changed over the last few decades through massive intervention of international and supranational actors within national judicial systems. Though state-centrism has progressively been eroded, the national State remains the “master of the game” in adjudication. A proper application of European private international law is the cornerstone of civil justice. It goes without saying that judicial training (in a wider sense, including the training of judges, practitioners, and other stakeholders) is important in order to achieve an adequate and unified application of European private international family and succession law. The EUFams II findings further highlight that education and training of professionals in this area of law are of paramount importance when it comes to fostering predictability and legal certainty. This contribution commences by explaining EU policy on judicial training and presenting the main training facilities and their features. The contribution then turns to methodological aspects of the transfer of knowledge in legal discourse. The second part of the contribution presents the EUFams II project results relevant to judicial training. It seeks to establish a direct link with EU justice policy objectives, methodologies, performance of judicial training at European training centers and national training academies that serve the system of justice in European family and succession law. Quantitative and qualitative analyses lead to conclusions and proposals in respect of future training policy and its desired performance in cross-border family and succession matters. Several methodological approaches are combined and presented in the contribution. The attempt to conceptualize pro futuro the judicial and legal professionals’ training in European family and succession law relies on all case law and legal instruments researched within the EUFams II Project, different questionnaires, published studies, evaluations and communications, and various scholarly contributions primarily in the fields of law and education. It has yielded the following ten practice-oriented and hands-on recommendations (rather than commandments) addressed to the EU and Member States alike. Summary of theses: 1. Training needs to continue being guided at the EU level. 2. Judicial training should be made a priority. 3. A study of training needs should be conducted in general, for each Member State, and for each legal instrument. 4. A model curriculum should be adopted at the EU level. 5. The training curriculum should be designed on several levels and ranked based on EU criteria. 6. Training should be based on modern teaching methodology. 7. EU funded material should follow an open access policy and remain available on a single webpage administered by the EU, even after the expiry of the respective project. 8. Training should be delivered to specific target groups. 9. Access to high quality training should be made available to all eligible judges. 10. International and national training should be kept in balance.

Research paper thumbnail of Medijacija U Prekogranicnim Obiteljskim Stvarima

Prekogranično kretanje djece u Europskoj uniji, 2019

Globalizacija društva te intenzivna migracijska kretanja neminovno dovode do povećanja prekograni... more Globalizacija društva te intenzivna migracijska kretanja neminovno dovode do povećanja prekograničnih obiteljskih sporova. Na svim se razinama, od nacionalne, preko regionalne do univerzalne, traže adekvatni modusi njihova rješavanja. Zakonodavcima svih razina nameće se izazov: ne samo da trebaju naći adekvatne odgovore na pitanja sukoba nadležnosti, sukoba zakona i međudržavne suradnje (vodeći računa ujedno i o standardima temeljnih ljudskih prava i zabrani svake diskriminacije), nego i obazrivo kalkulirati snažnu kulturološku različitost obitelji koje migriraju. Uvažavajući sve te dimenzije obiteljskog prekograničnog spora, u određenoj je mjeri razvijen pravni okvir za prekogranične sporove o roditeljskoj odgovornosti. Međutim, neki su od tih sporova zbog posebne osjetljivosti stalnim predmetom propitkivanja. Zasigurno je jedan od njih spor o roditeljskoj otmici djeteta.

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranično odvođenje i zadržavanje djece – hrvatska praksa i europska očekivanja

Međunarodna konferencija o nestaloj djeci: Čija djeca su nestala djeca?, 2018

Research paper thumbnail of Dijete u međunarodnom privatnom pravu

Convention du 12 Juin 1902 pour régler la tutelle des mineurs. Ulazi u skupinu starih konvencija ... more Convention du 12 Juin 1902 pour régler la tutelle des mineurs. Ulazi u skupinu starih konvencija koje više nisu na snazi. Dostupno putem internet stranice http://hcch.evision.nl/index_fr.php?act=text.display&tid=15 15.9.2009.

Research paper thumbnail of Application of the Matrimonial Property Regulation in Croatia

The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of Eur... more The coordinated approach in the application of the MPR along with the existing instruments of European PIL aimed at simplification of procedures will obviously bring certain challenges to the courts dealing with matrimonial property in divorce proceedings, legal separation and annulment of the marriage or a succession case. Efforts will have to made in order to dismantle the obstacles arising from national procedural solutions, such as differing rules on competence of different authorities in divorce, succession and property-related proceedings, type of proceedings (contentious, non-contentious) and manner in which the proceedings are initiated (ex officio, at the request of the parties; prior or after mandatory counseling or mediation between spouses). Additionally, competent authorities will face the exercise of reconciling and accommodating solutions provided under the MPR and national substantive (family and succession law). Tensions may also arise from the interpretation of national PIL law, in regard to certain basic principles, such as principle of exclusivity of domestic nationality under Article 3 para 1 of the Croatian PIL Act of 2017. While the coordinated application of Regulations in divorce and property-related proceedings may result in the different courts deciding on different aspects of the same matter, with the possibility of issuing conflicting judgments, in succession and property-related proceedings it could lead to the same court applying different substantive laws in regard to succession and matrimonial property. This fragmentation is obviously not desired by the European legislator and will probably have to be dealt with in future by the CJEU. Additional complexity will arise from the fact that MPR is an enhanced cooperation Regulation only and certain Member States will be third countries in the context of the matrimonial property regime. In this sense, it seems that there is a rather challenging task upon the competent authorities to ensure that the complexity inherent to the analysed coordination of the European PIL instruments does not hinder the EU citizens in exercising the rights the EU confers on them.

Research paper thumbnail of Sustav Središnjih Tijela Kroz Europski Model Naplate Prekograničnog Uzdržavanja

Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je znacajno povecanje broja prekogranicnih... more Jedna od konzekvencija suvremene intenzivne mobilnosti je znacajno povecanje broja prekogranicnih obiteljskih predmeta. Pravni sustavi na ovu pojavu odgovaraju normiranjem (kako na nacionalnoj, tako i na međunarodnoj razini), u okviru kojega se u podrucju pravne zastite najranjivijih, prije svega djece, naglasak stavlja na rad i funkcioniranje sustava sredisnjih tijela. Sustav sredisnjih tijela ima presudnu ulogu u prekogranicnoj naplati uzdržavanja, te time cini jednu od kljucnih poluga u smanjenju siromastva vjerovnika uzdržavanja. Predmetom je ovoga rada pozicioniranje sustava sredisnjih tijela u rjesavanju međunarodno obilježenih obiteljskih predmeta, pojasnjenje djelokruga njihova rada u predmetima uzdržavanja te u kontekstu Hrvatske konkretna obrada relevantnih propisa, poglavito Uredbe br. 4/2009. Kljucne rijeci: sustav sredisnjih tijela, uzdržavanje,Uredba o uzdržavanju

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranične građanskopravne otmice djece

Research paper thumbnail of Temeljna ljudska prava i prekogranične životne zajednice–registrirano partnerstvo u fokusu

Realnost postojanja različitih oblika životnih zajednica dovodi do specifičnog i različitog pravn... more Realnost postojanja različitih oblika životnih zajednica dovodi do specifičnog i različitog pravnog odgovora kojim se članovima tih zajednica pripisuju prava i obveze. Konotirano načelnom zabranom diskriminacije na temelju spolne orijentacije te zaštitom prava na obiteljski život vremenski je kratak i strelovit put pravnom normiranju obilježio populaciju istospolnih partnera. U većini je sustava ona dobila pravni okvir kroz registrirano partnerstvo, a put je tomu otvorilo interpretativno tumačenje temeljnih ljudskih prava. Naime, praksa je nacionalnih sudova koristeći ustavne standarde širila prava i privilegije bračne zajednice i na registrirana partnerstva. Tomu su kroz čitav niz odluka generirali tumačenjima ESLJP i Sud EU. Kretanje registriranog partnerstva preko granice povlači pitanje priznanja učinaka u inozemstvu. Jednoznačnog odgovora nema, niti na nacionalnoj, niti na EU razini. Recentan prijedlog uredbe fokusirane na registrirana partnerstva dijelom svojih odredbi skladno nadopunjuje postojeći korpus međunarodnog privatnog prava EU. Svojim materijalnopravno suženim obuhvatom te činjenicom da ide u sustav unaprijeđene suradnje on istovremeno pridonosi stvaranju Europe u više brzina i na više razina. Uzme li se u obzir statistika oblika životnih zajednica u EU evidentno je da broj propisa i odluka u sferi registriranih partnerstva štiti tek mali dio populacije u životnoj zajednici koja nije brak. Izostavljanje de facto kohabitacije iz pravnog normiranja ukazuje na slabost u postavljanju prioriteta, kako za europske građane, tako i za pravnu sigurnost, jednakost i pravdu.

Research paper thumbnail of International sales of pets – is EU ahead to common welfare standards?

Exporing the Social Dimension of Europe, 2021

Despite mayor achievements with unified legal standards on international sale of goods in general... more Despite mayor achievements with unified legal standards on international sale of goods in general, sales of certain types of goods remained out of the loops of politics, practitioners, courts and academics. The international sales contracts with companion animals (pets) being their object match exactly the later. Until recently, the topic of cross- border trade and sales of companion animals occupied a rather small group of stakeholders: breeders and animal welfare activist. However, interest to the matter raises, as European Union companion animal population rapidly grow over the last decade. So far, the area has not been subject to specific EU legislative action. It remained a domain of national legislation with sporadic EU or international law interventions. Socio-economic dimension of companion animals trade is a starting point of this paper, as figures objectively speak of urgent need of legislative action. A spectrum of existing European and international legislation in animal welfare and in international sales is presented. Paper also deals with the qualification of certain types of companion animal sales, addressing equally its pertinent substantive and private international law aspects. Each of the above matters is reconsidered in search for the most feasible pathway to ensure balance among number of cherished European values. Law enforcement in respect of animal welfare, consumer protection and compliance with the internal market rules are the cornerstones of this research. Paper is a starting point for further scientific research on many interconnected issues of companion animals trade and sales, pertaining to either unified standards (European and international), vulnerable protection or cross-border trade.

Research paper thumbnail of Izvršenje presuda Europskog suda za ljudska prava u građanskopravnim međunarodnim otmicama djece u Republici Hrvatskoj – nova otvorena pitanja

Zbornik Pravnog fakulteta u Zagrebu, 2021

The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) established a violation of the (European) Convention f... more The European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) established a violation of the (European) Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms (ECHR) in several cases of international parental child abduction before Croatian courts. The length and the manner in which the proceedings concerning the return of the child were conducted constituted grounds for establishment of a violation of the right to a fair trial and the right to respect for private and family life. The execution of these judgments is still pending before the Committee of Ministers, despite the fact that the measures ordered resulted with a modified Croatian legal regime introduced through the Act on the Application of the Convention on the Civil Aspects of International Child Abduction. The Act includes a number of procedural improvements which align the practice of Croatian courts with international and European standards. However, the judgment of the ECtHR in Adžić v Croatia (no. 2) reveals that there...

Research paper thumbnail of The Application of the EUFam’s Regulations in Croatia

Planning the Future of Cross Border Families, 2020

The aim of the EUFams ’ s research project was to evaluate the state of implementation of legal i... more The aim of the EUFams ’ s research project was to evaluate the state of implementation of legal instruments applicable to cross-border family matters adopted by European Union regulations and international conventions. The cornerstone of this research was the application of the Brussels IIa Regulation, the Maintenance Regulation, and the Succession Regulation. The project equally took into account the relevant international conventions, in particular the 1980 Hague Child Abduction Convention, the 1996 Hague Convention on the Protection of Children, the 2007 Hague Child Support Convention and the 2007 Hague Maintenance Protocol. In order to obtain universally applicable research results, the analyses encompassed Bulgarian, Croatian, Czech, French, German, Greek, Italian, Slovakian and Spanish case law. Data and outcomes of this research project are thus a valuable source of information on the actual state of implementation of relevant instruments in Croatian practice.

Research paper thumbnail of Parallel Proceedings – Lis Pendens and Concurrent Procedures

Planning the Future of Cross Border Families, 2020

The cornerstone of EU civil justice is the free circulation of judgments. To achieve that overall... more The cornerstone of EU civil justice is the free circulation of judgments. To achieve that overall aim, the EU has systematically unified private international law rules. Member States afforded the EU with internal and external competence to enact a system that assures smooth recognition and enforcement. Leaning on the principle of mutual trust they aim to accomplish the dream of the ‘ fifth market freedom ’ – free circulation of judgments. However, such a fairy tale may turn into an action movie or a soap opera if rules are applied in an abusive way. One of the most prominent examples is the misuse of alternative grounds of jurisdiction available to applicants. Despite the unification in international jurisdiction, the potential of conflicting decisions is not eliminated, particularly if the grounds are alternative instead of being in a strict hierarchical order. Thus, the potential risk of contradictory decisions is high. The system of preventing parallelism of procedures and judgments through regulations is multi-layered. The burden traditionally falls on lis pendens and related actions, which prevent contradictory judgments from arising. However, lis pendens and concurrent proceedings ’ rules may not be isolated from other provisions of the regulation. The root of the European lis pendens rules is the autonomous rule on determining the moment when the court is deemed to be seised. The provision on seising a court, addressed in combination with the lis pendens rule, occupies most of the academic attention. The aim of this chapter is twofold: to provide a framework for different aspects of parallel procedures de lege lata in the practice of the national courts ; and to offer solutions for de lege ferenda legislation. The focus is given to the pendency rule. Such elaboration triggers the rules currently contained in EU legislation on international family and succession law. The most prominent problems detected by the collected case law are from several jurisdictions and possible improvements are suggested. Proposals for future amendments of EU legislation are offered, in relation to the ongoing legislative process of the Brussels IIter Recast Proposal.

Research paper thumbnail of Central Authority Cooperation Under the Brussels II Ter Regulation

Yearbook of Private International Law Vol XXII – 2020/2021, 2021

Following long-term negotiations within the European Union, Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 on ... more Following long-term negotiations within the European Union, Council Regulation (EU) 2019/1111 on jurisdiction, the recognition and enforcement of decisions in matrimonial matters and matters of parental responsibility, and on international child abduction was adopted on 25 June 2019 (Brussels II ter).1 As of 1 August 2022, it will replace the regulation that lies at the heart of European family law: the Brussels II bis Regulation.2 Among the significant changes introduced on parental responsibility matters, what stands out is a novel approach to cooperation between Central Authorities.

Research paper thumbnail of The New Croatian Private International Law Act Something Old, Something New and Much Borrowed

Yearbook of Private International Law Vol XXII – 2020/2021, 2021

The new Croatian Private International Law Act of 4 October 2017 entered into force on 29 January... more The new Croatian Private International Law Act of 4 October 2017 entered into force on 29 January 2019. Its adoption marked the end of the application of the 1982 PIL Act, which had not been revised in 35 years. However, new solutions have been gradually adopted, under the impetus of HCCH conventions and EU regulations. The new PIL Act introduces significant changes compared to the previous regime. Party autonomy has been enhanced. Mechanical rules have been abandoned in favor of flexible solutions such as the closest connection clause, forum necessitatis and the best interests of the child. With its nomotechnical approach, but also original solutions, the Croatian PIL Act is among the [more?] modern European codifications of private international law. Its entry into force has opened the door to a new approach to adjudication in cross-border matters. A book of many volumes is hidden in a seemingly modest act with only 81 articles.

Research paper thumbnail of Concentration of Jurisdiction – is Functionality of Judiciary Becoming an Obstacle to Access to Justice?


Research paper thumbnail of 50 Godina Europske Pravosudne Suradnje U Građanskim Stvarima – 5 Godina Hrvatske Primjene

Godišnjak Akademije pravnih znanosti Hrvatske, 2019

Načelo uzajamnog povjerenja te njegove sveobuhvatne implikacije na sustav slobodnog kretanja odlu... more Načelo uzajamnog povjerenja te njegove sveobuhvatne implikacije na sustav slobodnog kretanja odluka izazov su i starim i novim članicama Europske unije. Cilj je ovoga rada postaviti okvire europske pravosudne suradnje u građanskim stvarima te ih staviti u kontekst hrvatskih okolnosti i prakse. Rad se sastoji od triju većih cjelina s pripadajućim potpoglavljima. Prvi dio rada uvodi čitatelja u sustav koji datira od 1968., kada je prihvaćena Briselska konvencija o nadležnosti, priznanju i ovrsi odluka u građanskim i trgovačkim stvarima. Nakon tri su desetljeća Amsterdamskim ugovorom države članice povjerile nadležnost EU-u za donošenje sekundarnog zakonodavstva u prekograničnim građanskim stvarima. To je otvorilo prostor sveobuhvatnu razvoju međunarodnoga privatnog prava EU-a. Bogat korpus uredaba obuhvaća područja međunarodno obilježenih građanskih i trgovačkih stvari, razvoda braka, roditeljske odgovornosti, uzdržavanja, nasljeđivanja, bračne stečevine i imovine registriranih partne...

Research paper thumbnail of Provisional Measures and Child Abduction Proceedings

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-border recovery of maintenance taking account of the new European Account Preservation Order (EAPO)

ERA Forum, 2015

The EAPO is a separate and standalone Europe-wide order which provides a maintenance creditor wit... more The EAPO is a separate and standalone Europe-wide order which provides a maintenance creditor with the opportunity to apply without notice and to prevent transfer or withdrawal of funds held by a maintenance debtor in a bank account held in any other Member State (except in Denmark and the UK). The preservation order application procedure is in principle an ex parte written procedure based on information and evidence provided by the creditor. A significant degree of discretion is left to the court when assessing the pericolo in moro element. Despite the at first glance weak position of a debtor, he is provided sufficient legal remedies to challenge the Order. The author here identifies several weaknesses of the EAPO, but in general finds it to be a welcome tool to enforce maintenance debt throughout the EU.

Research paper thumbnail of Infringement of Privacy via Internet

Interdisciplinary Management Research, 2014

The development of the Internet has enabled instant access to information and its global transfer... more The development of the Internet has enabled instant access to information and its global transfer worldwide. Information whose content represents an infringement of personality rights and which was placed online on the Internet will go around the world in a moment. The question may be raised as to where the harmful event occurred, entailing the need for new legal regulation to possible privacy infringements. EU legislation that regulates this area has been placed to creative interpretations as it has been applied successfully in recent cases of damage inflicted by placing on the Internet content that infringes personality rights. Interpretation of the European Court of Justice is found unsatisfactory to majority of experts in private international law because it represents a limitation of the application of the relevant applicable law determined by conflict-of-law rules of a certain Member State for the purpose of ensuring the free movement of information society services. Many open...

Research paper thumbnail of Cross-Border Matrimonial Property Disputes Over Digital Assets

Research paper thumbnail of Digitalisation of legal education within the project “Time to Become Digital in Law” (Digitalizacija pravničkog obrazovanja u okviru projekta „Time to Become Digital in Law“ )

Book of Abstracts - SRCE DEI 2022, 2022

Encouraged by the impact of digitalisation on science and knowledge transfer, the Universities of... more Encouraged by the impact of digitalisation on science and knowledge transfer, the Universities of Aberdeen, Milan and Zagreb (SRCE), led by the Faculty of Law of the University of Osijek, applied for a public call to fund the DIGinLaw project through the Erasmus + program. They were entrusted with two years of funding for the activities. The overall goal of the DIGinLaw project is to improve the use of digital technologies in higher education in the field of law. Two complementary aspects of the project (development of digital competences; research on the impact of digitalization on law) aim to achieve four specific objectives. By developing digital competencies of teachers, the Project contributes to improving the success of distance learning (online) in higher education in the field of law. The project also responds to the challenges of the modern labor market in the context of the legal profession. Through trainings, summer school, book club for doctoral students and high-standard online courses, it develops transferable digital competencies of law students (EQF levels 7 and 8). Inclusive and open education is achieved through 12 MOOC’s thematically focused on the digitalisation of law. Finally, by encouraging research and publishing on the topic of legal phenomena developed under the influence of information and communication technologies, it contributes to socially relevant open science. The implementation of the project has a direct positive effect on teachers and students of law faculties as a target group, but also an indirect positive effect on participants in the labor market of legal services.

Research paper thumbnail of Prekogranično odvođenje i zadržavanje djece – hrvatska praksa i europska očekivanja

Knjiga sažetaka. Međunarodna konferencija o nestaloj djeci "Čija djeca su nestala djeca", 2018

Prekogranično roditeljsko odvođenje i zadržavanje djece posljedica je intenzivnih prekograničnih ... more Prekogranično roditeljsko odvođenje i zadržavanje djece posljedica je intenzivnih prekograničnih migracija radne snage, novih oblika životnih zajednica te nesređenih međusobnih pravnih odnosa roditelja, odnosno skrbnika djeteta. Hrvatska nadležna tijela u tim postupcima obvezuje međunarodni (Haška konvencija o građanskopravnim aspektima međunarodne otmice djece iz 1980 (dalje: Haška konvencija o otmici djece), Konvencija o pravima djece 1989.) i regionalni -europski pravni okvir djelovanja (Uredba Vijeća (EZ) br. 2201/2003 od 27. studenoga 2003. o nadležnosti, priznavanju i izvršenju sudskih odluka u bračnim sporovima i u stvarima povezanim s roditeljskom odgovornošću, kojom se stavlja izvan snage Uredba (EZ) br. 1347/2000 (dalje: Uredba Brussels IIbis); Povelja Europske unije o temeljnim pravima iz 2000.; Konvencija za zaštitu ljudskih prava i temeljnih sloboda iz 1950.) Polazište istraživanja je činjenica kako sustavna analiza kombinirane primjene međunarodnih, europskih i hrvatskih pravnih izvora u pogledu roditeljske otmice djece (unutar odnosno izvan EU) nikada nije učinjena i kako postoji potreba za prikupljanjem, obradom i analizom podataka koji će omogućiti objektivnu, kumulativnu i kvantitativnu analizu slučajeva, koja će biti javno dostupna, sa zadržanom anonimnošću. Angažmanom glavnog istraživača, suradnika, gosta istraživača te 4 doktoranda obradilo se postupanje četiri regionalno najveća općinska suda te nadležnih tijela u određenom razdoblju. Svrha istraživanja bila je potvrditi ili osporiti tvrdnju da nadležna hrvatska tijela pogrešno postupaju u predmetima prekograničnih otmica djece na način da se prikupe i znanstveno obrade predmeti općinskih sudova (Općinski građanski sud u Zagrebu, Općinski sud u Splitu, Općinski sud u Rijeci, Općinski sud u Osijeku) te postupanja drugih tijela u primjeni odredbi Haške konvencije o otmici djece te članaka 10. i 11. Uredbe Brussels IIbis, u postupcima započetim u razdoblju od srpnja 2013. do srpnja 2017. Ciljevi istraživanja bili su: 1. Utvrditi broj i način rješavanja relevantnih predmeta: a) anketiranjem dionika procesa pravosuđenja, b) prikupljanjem anonimiziranih odluka nadležnih tijela. 2. Statistički i znanstveno analizirati pojedine odluke, izraditi sažetke i komentare. 3. Učiniti javno dostupnima rezultate: a) široj hrvatskoj i međunarodnoj zainteresiranoj javnosti objavom na mrežnoj stranici www.pravos.unios.hr i INCADAT bazi, b) izradom i objavom zaključaka s okruglog stola, c) objavom tri znanstvena rada.

Research paper thumbnail of Provisional measures and child abduction procedures

The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abductio... more The purpose of the established system of the proceedings in cases of international child abduction, as set out in the Hague Convention on Child Abduction, which has been strengthened, in relation to the EU Member States, by the provisions of the Brussels II bis Regulation, is to secure a prompt return of the child that has been wrongfully removed or retained to his/her Member State of origin. The return of the child must provide full protection of the child both in the state where the child was unlawfully resident and in the state where the child has to return. In these respect, the competent authorities have at their disposal legal mechanisms for provisional and protective measures provided for by the Brussels II bis Regulation and the Hague Convention on Measures for the Protection of Children. The possibility of taking these measures will depend on the national law of the state in question and on the specific circumstances of the case. In this paper, a legal framework will be presented for the imposition of provisional measures in cases of cross-border child abduction, which will be supported by the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union. Case examples gathered under the project “Cross-border removal and retention of a child – Croatian practice and European expectations” will illustrate the difficulties encountered by the courts in the Republic of Croatia when it comes to applying the relevant provisions.



By taking into account the principle of the sincere cooperation many of the EU regulations set th... more By taking into account the principle of the sincere cooperation many of the EU regulations set the obligation to the Member States to make a proper assessment of its own legal system and to notify or declare on the laws and schemes related to the ratione materiae of the regulation in matter. Among other, Member States are obliged to notify and nominate on a body responsible for certain actions prescribed by a regulation. Thus, the Regulation No 606/2013 on the Mutual Recognition of the Protection Measures in Civil Matters prescribes the obligation of the Member States to provide the information on authorities which are competent in the matters falling within its scope, including information on the authorities which are competent to order protection measures and issue certificates. Such a certificate grants protection measure that freely circulates throughout EU for 12 months. Adjudication of the protection measures is within Croatian system provided by misdemeanor and criminal courts, whereas a 606/2013 Regulation belongs to a civil matters package. Following a precise obligation of the Regulation, Republic of Croatia has indicated that it is not possible to issue a 606/2013 certificate due to a lack of the "issuing body". Against that background, the Regulation clearly prescribes the obligation of autonomous interpretation of the "issuing bodies", and that the national system may belong to either civil, criminal or administrative body. Hypothesis of the authors is that such a national interpretation can deprive the citizens of their rights and enjoyment of the same level of protection as in the rest of the EU. The objectives of this paper is to research the legal force of the notification that Member States provide to the European Commission, respectively whether the notification has a constitutive or indicative value and to assess the question of direct application of the regulation regardless the existence and content of the notification. The research will took into consideration the EU principles and CJEU case law on proper application of the EU secondary legislation and its affect to the legal rights that citizens are given by that legislation.

Research paper thumbnail of Judicial training on the Digital Competences of the European Judge

The aim of the training is to train judges for the application of modern digital tools of judicia... more The aim of the training is to train judges for the application of modern digital tools of judicial cooperation in the EU and beyond. The training is conducted in cooperation with judges of the Osijek County Court and the Supreme Court of the Republic of Croatia. The organizers of the training are the Faculty of Law Osijek and the Association of Croatian Judges.


Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigu... more Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigurano slobodno kretanje osoba. Isto je navedeno u čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režima (dalje u tekstu: Uredba bračnoj imovini) i čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1104 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima imovinskih posljedica registriranih partnerstva (dalje u tekstu: Uredba o imovini partnera). Radi postizanja navedenog cilja Unija donosi mjere koje se odnose na pravosudnu suradnju u građanskim stvarima s prekograničnim elementom. Primjeri tih mjera su i predmetne Uredbe.



Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigu... more Cilj Europske Unije je održavanje i razvoj područja slobode, sigurnosti i pravde u kojem je osigurano slobodno kretanje osoba. Isto je navedeno u čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1103 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima bračnoimovinskih režima (dalje u tekstu: Uredba bračnoj imovini) i čl. 1. preambule Uredbe Vijeća (EU) 2016/1104 od 24. lipnja 2016. o provedbi pojačane suradnje u području nadležnosti, mjerodavnog prava te priznavanja i izvršenja odluka u stvarima imovinskih posljedica registriranih partnerstva (dalje u tekstu: Uredba o imovini partnera). Radi postizanja navedenog cilja Unija donosi mjere koje se odnose na pravosudnu suradnju u građanskim stvarima s prekograničnim elementom. Primjeri tih mjera su i predmetne Uredbe.

Research paper thumbnail of Young Researchers'Career Development Project - Training New Doctoral Students (Digitalization of Law)

Goal: The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral a... more Goal: The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral and stable programme of funding young researchers at the doctoral and post-doctoral levels. This Programme finances the development of scientific careers of young researchers, striving toward continuous education and exchange of knowledge with the ultimate aim of creating a network of scientists whose skills can compete in the international scientific community.
The project is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (DOK-2021-02-6700). The doctoral student researches in the field of digitalization of law.

Date: 18 October 2021 - 17 October 2025

Research paper thumbnail of Young Researchers'Career Development Project - Training New Doctoral Students (International Family Law)

Goal: The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral a... more Goal: The goal of the “Young Researchers’ Career Development Project” is to develop an integral and stable programme of funding young researchers at the doctoral level. This Programme finances the development of scientific careers of young researchers, striving toward continuous education and exchange of knowledge with the ultimate aim of creating a network of scientists whose skills can compete in the international scientific community.
The project is funded by the Croatian Science Foundation (DOK-2018-01-5001). The doctoral student researches in the field of international family law.

Date: 3 September 2018 - 2 September 2022

Research paper thumbnail of Time to Become Digital in Law (DIGinLaw)

Goal: The project contributes to the digitalization of legal education and development of transfe... more Goal: The project contributes to the digitalization of legal education and development of transferable digital competences. DIGinLaw project is run by a consortium of higher education institutions aware how strongly digitalization affects the society, science and transfer of knowledge. While taking advantage of modern technologies at low environmental costs, DIGinLaw raises awareness of digital demands in HE in law and fosters the creation of digital literacy and digital competence that is needed in the law labour market, thereby fostering free circulation of highly educated workers; and creating open and inclusive society of legal knowledge and open access to scientific area dealing with effects of digitalization on law and legal education.

Project partners: University of Aberdeen, University of Milan, University of Osijek and University of Zagreb (SRCE).

The overall objective is to advance utilization of digital technologies in the higher education in law. There are four specific objectives. Firstly, DIGinLaw aims to contribute to building and advancement of performance of online HE teaching in law. Secondly, DIGinLaw aims to address the needs of labour market in the law profession by providing a high-quality training on digital competences to law students, as well as by their enrolment on high standard online courses. Third specific objective of DIGinLaw is to create open online resources in law by the development of 12 high standard e-learning courses in law (MOOCs); which will be open and available not only to law students of the 3 law faculties involved but also available for students worldwide. Fourth specific objective of DIGinLaw is to foster open access research area addressing issues of digitalization of legal education and law by means of research activity in the area of digitalization of legal education and law, which will be delivered to the scientific community through an online streamed conference and an open access journal publication. The target groups are lecturers, students, academics, stakeholders at law labour market.

Web: https://diginlaw.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DIGinLaw
Twitter: https://mobile.twitter.com/diginlaw

Date: 1 April 2021 - 31 March 2023