francesca piselli | University of Perugia (original) (raw)
Conferences by francesca piselli
In collaboration with / en collaboration avec / in collaborazione con
Translation, both in the restricted sense of interlinguistic rewriting and the broader sense of a... more Translation, both in the restricted sense of interlinguistic rewriting and the broader sense of a set of cultural and political activities, has increasingly featured in studies promoting a critical understanding of the development of political ideas and of global history. The humanities and the social sciences have experienced a translational turn, and are increasingly using translation as an analytical concept rather than merely a metaphor designating shifting disciplinary boundaries and cultural encounters in contemporary societies. Translation practices have played and continue to play a key role in a number of social and political fields. It is through translation that political concepts emerging in one cultural environment travel to other spaces and impact intellectual and social debates in new contexts. Intergovernmental diplomacy has often been conducted through translation, and social and international conflicts are often mediated, assuaged, or exacerbated through translation. Translation remains one of the main vehicles through which globalization processes are enabled; it operates at the interstices of military, economic and cultural power. Both governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as international entities such as the UN and the EU, rely on translation for the dissemination of information as well as for purposes of intelligence and propaganda. Translation also plays an instrumental role in new(s) media, and hence in circulating or resisting alternative narratives and ideologies. The conference seeks to address four areas of particular interest. The first area concerns the role of translation in the development and dissemination of political ideas; the second area considers how translation operates in the context of institutional politics; the third looks at how social movements and interest groups use translation to advance their agendas or political demands; finally, the fourth area concerns translation practices in the media, focusing on international politics. We welcome proposals at the interface of translation and politics from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. Topics to be addressed include, but are not restricted to, the following: Translation and political communication Translation policies in multilingual institutions and states Political terminology and translation Corpus-based studies of translated political discourse Translation and the circulation of information in social networks Transnational media and translation News translation and international relations
A partire da una prospettiva concretamente interdisciplinare, che riunisce studiosi di Storia del... more A partire da una prospettiva concretamente interdisciplinare, che riunisce studiosi di Storia del pensiero politico e specialisti della critica della traduzione, il Convegno si sofferma sulle versioni, tra Francia e Italia, di alcuni testi classici della politica. Tra le linee di indagine che si intendono perseguire, si segnalano: la problematizzazione dello status degli autori politici ritenuti "classici", alla luce del fatto che la traduzione concorre a definirne la "fortuna"; l'indagine dei contesti all''interno dei quali le traduzioni vengono concepite e realizzate; l'analisi contrastiva di alcune traduzioni in prospettiva sincronica e/o diacronica; la riflessione sull'atto del tradurre come operazione ideologica in sé, dettata da intenzioni e obiettivi che a volte non coincidono, o coincidono solo in parte, con quelli degli autori dei testi tradotti.
Papers by francesca piselli
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction
French as Language of Intimacy in the Modern Age, 2017
A new serie by Amsterdam University Press
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 20, 2022
Le Génie du Christianisme (1802) fut l'objet d'un grand nombre de traductions italiennes ... more Le Génie du Christianisme (1802) fut l'objet d'un grand nombre de traductions italiennes au cours de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Cette contribution propose d'examiner trois d'entre elles (1802 ; 1827 ; 1847) sous leurs aspects lexicologiques et traductologiques. En particulier, les trois versions du chapitre XI (Politique et gouvernement) du sixième livre de la quatrième partie (Culte) sont passées au crible pour en faire aussi ressortir les choix lexicaux et stylistiques opérés par les traducteurs.
The course of study characterised by its diachronic perspective shows the richness of a perspecti... more The course of study characterised by its diachronic perspective shows the richness of a perspective that anchors terminology in its diachrony, in the history of language and thought, in its evolutionary dimension as well, while confirming the need for knowledge and analysis of the disciplinary and cultural context. This perspective combines theses approaches and shows that everything is important for analyses of semantic complexity with the means offered by digital humanities. Discourse analysis, social or cultural history in lexical studies, lexical semantics, lexicometrics, socioterminology and specialized lexicography are the background of works that diachronic terminology renews, with the sharp analysis of cases concerning languages, corpora, and language histories. The conceptual and designative activities around the knowledge of the nature of terminological facts observed in a diachronic perspective - metaterminology - acquire an even more significant role, as terminological "realia" force us to verify their scope and effectiveness. Diachronic terminology makes it possible to study the evolution of forms and meanings in vocabularies and in specialized lexicography, as well as the evolution in relationships between concepts and terms, between terminology and neology, whether in the course of a given period of a specialized domain or sub-domain, in long or short diachrony. Articles by Jana Altmanova, Anne Condamines, Bruno Courbon, Pascaline Dury, Wael Farouq, Paolo Frassi, Julie Humbert-Droz, John Humbley, Aur\ue9lie Picton, Francesca Piselli, Anne-Delphine Rousseau et Maria Teresa Zanola.La fili\ue8re d\u2019\ue9tudes caract\ue9ris\ue9e par sa perspective diachronique permet de montrer la richesse d'une perspective qui ancre la terminologie dans sa diachronie, dans l\u2019histoire de la langue et de la pens\ue9e, dans sa dimension \ue9volutive aussi, tout en confirmant la n\ue9cessit\ue9 de la connaissance et de l\u2019analyse du contexte disciplinaire et culturel. Cette perspective unit les approches cit\ue9es et montre que tout est important pour pouvoir aborder des analyses de complexit\ue9 s\ue9mantique avec les moyens que les humanit\ue9s num\ue9riques nous offrent aujourd\u2019hui. L\u2019analyse du discours, l\u2019histoire sociale ou culturelle dans les \ue9tudes sur le lexique, la s\ue9mantique lexicale, la lexicom\ue9trie, la socioterminologie, la lexicographie sp\ue9cialis\ue9e sont l\u2019arri\ue8re-plan des pistes de travail que la terminologie diachronique renouvelle ainsi, avec l\u2019analyse pointue de cas concernant des langues, des corpus et des histoires langagi\ue8res. Les activit\ue9s conceptuelles et d\ue9signatives autour de la connaissance de la nature des faits terminologiques observ\ue9s en perspective diachronique \u2013 la m\ue9taterminologie \u2013 acqui\ue8rent un r\uf4le encore plus significatif, du fait que les "realia" terminologiques obligent \ue0 en v\ue9rifier la port\ue9e et l\u2019efficacit\ue9. La terminologie diachronique permet d'aborder l\u2019\ue9tude de l\u2019\ue9volution de formes et de sens dans les vocabulaires et dans la lexicographie sp\ue9cialis\ue9e, aussi bien que les rapports \ue9volutifs entre concepts et termes, entre terminologie et n\ue9ologie, que ce soit au cours d\u2019une p\ue9riode d\ue9termin\ue9e d\u2019un domaine ou d\u2019un sous-domaine sp\ue9cialis\ue9, en diachronie longue ou courte. Articles de Jana Altmanova, Anne Condamines, Bruno Courbon, Pascaline Dury, Wael Farouq, Paolo Frassi, Julie Humbert-Droz, John Humbley, Aur\ue9lie Picton, Francesca Piselli, Anne-Delphine Rousseau et Maria Teresa Zanola
Studi Francesi, 2013
Two letters from Louise Stolberg Gedern, Countess of Albany to Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Si... more Two letters from Louise Stolberg Gedern, Countess of Albany to Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi are herein edited and presented. They reveal some still unknown details not only about the friendship between the famous letter writer and the Genevan historian, but also about their relationships with Madame de Staël, a mutual friend, and other members of the Coppet group. Moreover, contemporary political issues are also debated. In particular, the two correspondents express different opinions about Napoleon. These letters, showing specific orthographical, morpho-syntactical and lexical features, represent a remarkable example of French as universal communication language at the beginning of the xix th century.
Cet ouvrage collectif et multidisciplinaire est consacré à la traduction comme modalité possible ... more Cet ouvrage collectif et multidisciplinaire est consacré à la traduction comme modalité possible de l'action politique dans les contextes linguistique français et italien (XVIe-XXe siècle) par rapport à cinq cas d'études : Guicciardini, Rousseau, Beccaria, Chateaubriand et Proudhon.
Dix-huitième siècle, 2016
In collaboration with / en collaboration avec / in collaborazione con
Translation, both in the restricted sense of interlinguistic rewriting and the broader sense of a... more Translation, both in the restricted sense of interlinguistic rewriting and the broader sense of a set of cultural and political activities, has increasingly featured in studies promoting a critical understanding of the development of political ideas and of global history. The humanities and the social sciences have experienced a translational turn, and are increasingly using translation as an analytical concept rather than merely a metaphor designating shifting disciplinary boundaries and cultural encounters in contemporary societies. Translation practices have played and continue to play a key role in a number of social and political fields. It is through translation that political concepts emerging in one cultural environment travel to other spaces and impact intellectual and social debates in new contexts. Intergovernmental diplomacy has often been conducted through translation, and social and international conflicts are often mediated, assuaged, or exacerbated through translation. Translation remains one of the main vehicles through which globalization processes are enabled; it operates at the interstices of military, economic and cultural power. Both governmental and non-governmental agencies, as well as international entities such as the UN and the EU, rely on translation for the dissemination of information as well as for purposes of intelligence and propaganda. Translation also plays an instrumental role in new(s) media, and hence in circulating or resisting alternative narratives and ideologies. The conference seeks to address four areas of particular interest. The first area concerns the role of translation in the development and dissemination of political ideas; the second area considers how translation operates in the context of institutional politics; the third looks at how social movements and interest groups use translation to advance their agendas or political demands; finally, the fourth area concerns translation practices in the media, focusing on international politics. We welcome proposals at the interface of translation and politics from diverse theoretical and methodological perspectives. Topics to be addressed include, but are not restricted to, the following: Translation and political communication Translation policies in multilingual institutions and states Political terminology and translation Corpus-based studies of translated political discourse Translation and the circulation of information in social networks Transnational media and translation News translation and international relations
A partire da una prospettiva concretamente interdisciplinare, che riunisce studiosi di Storia del... more A partire da una prospettiva concretamente interdisciplinare, che riunisce studiosi di Storia del pensiero politico e specialisti della critica della traduzione, il Convegno si sofferma sulle versioni, tra Francia e Italia, di alcuni testi classici della politica. Tra le linee di indagine che si intendono perseguire, si segnalano: la problematizzazione dello status degli autori politici ritenuti "classici", alla luce del fatto che la traduzione concorre a definirne la "fortuna"; l'indagine dei contesti all''interno dei quali le traduzioni vengono concepite e realizzate; l'analisi contrastiva di alcune traduzioni in prospettiva sincronica e/o diacronica; la riflessione sull'atto del tradurre come operazione ideologica in sé, dettata da intenzioni e obiettivi che a volte non coincidono, o coincidono solo in parte, con quelli degli autori dei testi tradotti.
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction
French as Language of Intimacy in the Modern Age, 2017
A new serie by Amsterdam University Press
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 20, 2022
Le Génie du Christianisme (1802) fut l'objet d'un grand nombre de traductions italiennes ... more Le Génie du Christianisme (1802) fut l'objet d'un grand nombre de traductions italiennes au cours de la première moitié du XIXe siècle. Cette contribution propose d'examiner trois d'entre elles (1802 ; 1827 ; 1847) sous leurs aspects lexicologiques et traductologiques. En particulier, les trois versions du chapitre XI (Politique et gouvernement) du sixième livre de la quatrième partie (Culte) sont passées au crible pour en faire aussi ressortir les choix lexicaux et stylistiques opérés par les traducteurs.
The course of study characterised by its diachronic perspective shows the richness of a perspecti... more The course of study characterised by its diachronic perspective shows the richness of a perspective that anchors terminology in its diachrony, in the history of language and thought, in its evolutionary dimension as well, while confirming the need for knowledge and analysis of the disciplinary and cultural context. This perspective combines theses approaches and shows that everything is important for analyses of semantic complexity with the means offered by digital humanities. Discourse analysis, social or cultural history in lexical studies, lexical semantics, lexicometrics, socioterminology and specialized lexicography are the background of works that diachronic terminology renews, with the sharp analysis of cases concerning languages, corpora, and language histories. The conceptual and designative activities around the knowledge of the nature of terminological facts observed in a diachronic perspective - metaterminology - acquire an even more significant role, as terminological "realia" force us to verify their scope and effectiveness. Diachronic terminology makes it possible to study the evolution of forms and meanings in vocabularies and in specialized lexicography, as well as the evolution in relationships between concepts and terms, between terminology and neology, whether in the course of a given period of a specialized domain or sub-domain, in long or short diachrony. Articles by Jana Altmanova, Anne Condamines, Bruno Courbon, Pascaline Dury, Wael Farouq, Paolo Frassi, Julie Humbert-Droz, John Humbley, Aur\ue9lie Picton, Francesca Piselli, Anne-Delphine Rousseau et Maria Teresa Zanola.La fili\ue8re d\u2019\ue9tudes caract\ue9ris\ue9e par sa perspective diachronique permet de montrer la richesse d'une perspective qui ancre la terminologie dans sa diachronie, dans l\u2019histoire de la langue et de la pens\ue9e, dans sa dimension \ue9volutive aussi, tout en confirmant la n\ue9cessit\ue9 de la connaissance et de l\u2019analyse du contexte disciplinaire et culturel. Cette perspective unit les approches cit\ue9es et montre que tout est important pour pouvoir aborder des analyses de complexit\ue9 s\ue9mantique avec les moyens que les humanit\ue9s num\ue9riques nous offrent aujourd\u2019hui. L\u2019analyse du discours, l\u2019histoire sociale ou culturelle dans les \ue9tudes sur le lexique, la s\ue9mantique lexicale, la lexicom\ue9trie, la socioterminologie, la lexicographie sp\ue9cialis\ue9e sont l\u2019arri\ue8re-plan des pistes de travail que la terminologie diachronique renouvelle ainsi, avec l\u2019analyse pointue de cas concernant des langues, des corpus et des histoires langagi\ue8res. Les activit\ue9s conceptuelles et d\ue9signatives autour de la connaissance de la nature des faits terminologiques observ\ue9s en perspective diachronique \u2013 la m\ue9taterminologie \u2013 acqui\ue8rent un r\uf4le encore plus significatif, du fait que les "realia" terminologiques obligent \ue0 en v\ue9rifier la port\ue9e et l\u2019efficacit\ue9. La terminologie diachronique permet d'aborder l\u2019\ue9tude de l\u2019\ue9volution de formes et de sens dans les vocabulaires et dans la lexicographie sp\ue9cialis\ue9e, aussi bien que les rapports \ue9volutifs entre concepts et termes, entre terminologie et n\ue9ologie, que ce soit au cours d\u2019une p\ue9riode d\ue9termin\ue9e d\u2019un domaine ou d\u2019un sous-domaine sp\ue9cialis\ue9, en diachronie longue ou courte. Articles de Jana Altmanova, Anne Condamines, Bruno Courbon, Pascaline Dury, Wael Farouq, Paolo Frassi, Julie Humbert-Droz, John Humbley, Aur\ue9lie Picton, Francesca Piselli, Anne-Delphine Rousseau et Maria Teresa Zanola
Studi Francesi, 2013
Two letters from Louise Stolberg Gedern, Countess of Albany to Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Si... more Two letters from Louise Stolberg Gedern, Countess of Albany to Jean-Charles-Léonard Simonde de Sismondi are herein edited and presented. They reveal some still unknown details not only about the friendship between the famous letter writer and the Genevan historian, but also about their relationships with Madame de Staël, a mutual friend, and other members of the Coppet group. Moreover, contemporary political issues are also debated. In particular, the two correspondents express different opinions about Napoleon. These letters, showing specific orthographical, morpho-syntactical and lexical features, represent a remarkable example of French as universal communication language at the beginning of the xix th century.
Cet ouvrage collectif et multidisciplinaire est consacré à la traduction comme modalité possible ... more Cet ouvrage collectif et multidisciplinaire est consacré à la traduction comme modalité possible de l'action politique dans les contextes linguistique français et italien (XVIe-XXe siècle) par rapport à cinq cas d'études : Guicciardini, Rousseau, Beccaria, Chateaubriand et Proudhon.
Dix-huitième siècle, 2016
Studi Francesi
Orfana, educata in convento, sposa infelice di Charles Edward Stuart, pretendente al trono d’Ingh... more Orfana, educata in convento, sposa infelice di Charles Edward Stuart, pretendente al trono d’Inghilterra; tendre amie di Vittorio Alfieri; la separazione dal marito, con il beneplacito del cognato, l’influente cardinale di York; la fuga in convento; la successiva convivenza con il poeta astigiano per quasi trent’anni; la morte di questi nel 1803 e, per finire, la discussa amicizia con il pittore francese Francois-Xavier Fabre sono solo alcuni degli episodi della vita, senza dubbio romanzesca,...
TTR : traduction, terminologie, rédaction
La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen ... more La diffusion ou la divulgation de ce document et de son contenu via Internet ou tout autre moyen de communication ne sont pas autorisées hormis dans un cadre privé.