MARCELLO DI FILIPPO | Università di Pisa (original) (raw)


Research paper thumbnail of Diritto dell'Unione europea. Istituzioni e politiche (2024)

Diritto dell'Unione europea. Istituzioni e politiche (2024), 2024

La conoscenza dell’Unione europea rappresenta un elemento indispensabile nella formazione del giu... more La conoscenza dell’Unione europea rappresenta un elemento indispensabile nella formazione del giurista italiano e di tutti coloro chiamati ad operare in un contesto istituzionale od operativo su cui incidono le regole dell’Unione.
Questo nuovo Manuale, curato da tre studiosi con una lunga esperienza didattica e di ricerca in materia, punta ad affiancare la descrizione rigorosa (ancorché sintetica) dei principali aspetti istituzionali del diritto dell’UE con la ricognizione di un campione significativo di settori su cui l’ordinamento statale risulta particolarmente influenzato dal livello europeo. Sarà inoltre dato conto del ruolo giocato dall’UE nei rapporti internazionali e in settori tradizionalmente associati alla sovranità statale, quali la politica migratoria e la difesa.
Un filo conduttore dell’intero Manuale è caratterizzato dalla presa in considerazione delle principali sfide che hanno sottoposto a forte pressione la tenuta del sistema europeo (Brexit, pandemia, flussi migratori, cambiamento climatico, transizione digitale, intelligenza artificiale, conflitti armati nell’immediato vicinato).
I contenuti on line offriranno la possibilità di operare – attraverso quesiti a risposta multipla – una prima verifica dello stato di apprendimento delle nozioni e del grado di padronanza della materia.

Research paper thumbnail of La protezione dei migranti ambientali nel dialogo tra diritto internazionale e ordinamento italiano

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale , 2023

The paper focuses on the issue of transnational migrations connected to natural disasters, enviro... more The paper focuses on the issue of transnational migrations connected to natural disasters, environmental degradation, and climate change, in order to discuss the growing relevance recognized in international human rights law to the protection needs of persons displaced due to the forementioned
After having described the basic human rights that may be put at risk and the subsequent triggering of the non-refoulement guarantee, the attention will be drawn to the Italian legal order, particularly open to international law thanks to the Constitution and in its living interpretation.
It will be explained that at the domestic level, Italian law is equipped with more than one legal basis fit for offering a complementary protection to environmental migrants in a vulnerable situation. In particular, the potentiality of the ‘special protection’ and of the residence permit for ‘calamitous events’ will be explored, having regard to the constitutional and legislative framework and to the interesting signals coming from administrative and judicial practice.
All this invites to a broader reflection about the limited capacity of pro tempore policy makers of altering in a substantive way the width of the protection afforded by international and constitutional legal obligations.

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. La protezione dall’allontanamento nel diritto internazionale: la garanzia di non-refoulement e l’evoluzione del suo ambito applicativo. – 2.1. Il riconoscimento esplicito della garanzia. – 2.2. L’elaborazione di obblighi di non-refoulement sul piano interpretativo: il divieto di tortura e di trattamenti e pene disumani e degradanti. – 2.3. Il diritto alla vita e i suoi contenuti tutelabili in situazioni di allontanamento: dal rischio di condanna a morte all’attenzione alla qualità della vita. – 2.4. Obblighi di non allontanamento a presidio di ulteriori diritti umani. – 3. La relazione tra obblighi di non allontanamento e contesti ambientali compromessi. – 3.1. Considerazioni generali. – 3.2. Gli eventi calamitosi quali situazioni che agevolano o accompagnano la commissione di
atti persecutori o gravemente lesivi di diritti umani, rilevanti ai fini del riconoscimento di una protezione internazionale. – 3.3. Il contesto ambientale quale fattore che determina il mancato accesso a diritti essenziali per individui vulnerabili e la possibile applicazione di forme complementari di protezione regolate dal diritto interno. – 4. Gli strumenti applicabili previsti nell’ordinamento italiano: dalla protezione umanitaria alla protezione speciale. – 5. Il permesso per calamità e il suo circoscritto
ambito applicativo. – 6. Osservazioni conclusive.



Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine's territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave o... more Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine's territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave of internationally displaced persons towards Europe since the Second World War. The EU's immediate response through the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive opens up interesting prospects for the future of the European asylum system and the need to reinforce solidarity and responsibility sharing between states. Although not immune from some inconsistencies (that however may be mitigated at the level of domestic implementation), the decision activating the temporary protection offers an interesting benchmark for an alternative system of allocation of asylum seekers and raises some doubts on the soundness of the double standard approach to crisis situations envisaged in the Pact on migration and asylum presented in 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of La protezione temporanea, da oggetto misterioso a realtà operativa: aspetti positivi, criticità, prospettive

Ordine internazionale e diritti umani (rivista di fascia A), 2022

Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine’s territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave o... more Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine’s territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave of internationally displaced persons towards Europe since the Second World War.

The EU’s immediate response through the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive opens up interesting prospects for the future of the European asylum system and the need to reinforce solidarity and responsibility sharing between states.

Although not immune from some inconsistencies (that however may be mitigated at the level of domestic implementation), the decision activating the temporary protection offers an interesting benchmark for an alternative system of allocation of asylum seekers and raises some doubts on the soundness of the double standard approach to crisis situations envisaged in the Pact on migration and asylum presented in 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Le misure sulla ricollocazione dei richiedenti asilo adottate dall'Unione europea nel 2015: considerazioni critiche e prospettive

Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, 2015

Sommario: Premessa. - 1. La delimitazione dell'ambito di applicazione delle recenti decisioni e l... more Sommario: Premessa. - 1. La delimitazione dell'ambito di applicazione delle recenti decisioni e le potenziali ripercussioni sul conseguimento degli obiettivi perseguiti dal piano di ricollocazione. - 2. La scarna disciplina della procedura per la realizzazione del trasferimento e la rilevanza del preambolo delle decisioni e del regolamento Dublino III. - 3. L'obbligatorietà del piano di relocation per (tutti) gli Stati membri e le difficoltà emergenti dalla prima prassi applicativa. - 4. Spunti per agevolare l'attuazione del piano di ricollocazione. - 5. La riforma del regolamento Dublino III finalizzata ad inserire un meccanismo permanente di ricollocazione in situazioni di crisi: valutazioni de iure condendo. - Considerazioni conclusive

Research paper thumbnail of Walking the (Barbed) Wire of the Prohibition of Collective Expulsion: An Assessment of the Strasbourg Case Law

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction. – 2. The meaning of the prohibition of collective expulsion i... more TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Introduction. – 2. The meaning of the prohibition of collective expulsion in the ECHR following Hirsi. – 3. What the Grand Chamber of the Court said in N.D. & N.T.: The (apparent) confirmation of previous case law and the introduction of a ‘bad behaviour’ exception. – 4. What is not convincing in the legal construction and in the actual evaluation of facts. – 5. The way ahead: A plea for a restrictive reading of the ‘bad behaviour’ exception. – 6. Conclusion.

Following the Hirsi judgment dating back to 2012, the prohibition of collective expulsion gained a prominent role in the European system of protection of human rights. Its implications on the restrictive migration policies implemented by European States at the borders or elsewhere are far-reaching. With the N.D & N.T. judgment of February 2020 the Strasbourg Court had the occasion to assess the controversial Spanish policy of hot returns at its terrestrial border with Morocco. Contrary to the previous findings of the Chamber, the Grand Chamber held that no violation of Article 4 Protocol no. 4 of the Convention occurred. This article critically assesses the reasoning followed by the Court in introducing a sort of ‘bad behaviour exception’ to that provision: several flaws and questionable passages, both in abstract and in the application to the circumstances of the case, are highlighted. It then argues that it is possible and desirable to significantly reduce the impact of this unfortunate precedent on future cases dealing with collective rejections.

Research paper thumbnail of The human right to liberty in the context of migration governance: some critical remarks on the recent practice in the light of the applicable legal framework

International Institute of Humanitarian Law (ed.), Deprivation of Liberty and Armed Conflicts: Exploring Realities and Remedies, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019

In the framework of even more restrictive migration policies shaped by destination countries (EU ... more In the framework of even more restrictive migration policies shaped by destination countries (EU and its Member States showing a strong activism to that end), policy and law makers too often forget the basic premises of the human right to liberty: detention of migrants is becoming the rule, notwithstanding the stringent requirements deriving by international human rights standards.

This chapter focuses on the detention of migrants as a possible restriction to the right to the liberty (or personal freedom) of the concerned persons. After having assessed the several requirements dictated by human rights law on the recourse to detention for migrants and the dubious legality of provisions and practices enforced in the last years, the author advances the need to (seriously) explore alternatives to detention, to resume the debate on regularization measures, and to look beyond the pathology of migration governance.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrasto dell’immigrazione irregolare e conseguenze negative sullo status del migrante: il caso del richiedente visto nel diritto dell’Unione europea

M.C. Amato et alia (eds.), Immigrazione, marginalizzazione, integrazione, Giappichelli, 2018, ISBN 9788892117747, 2018

SOMMARIO: 1. Delimitazione dell’indagine. – 2. Cenni alla normativa dell’Unione europea sull’ingr... more SOMMARIO: 1. Delimitazione dell’indagine. – 2. Cenni alla normativa dell’Unione europea sull’ingresso e il soggiorno per brevi periodi. – 3. I visti di corta durata nel diritto UE: aspetti generali. – 4. I requisiti da soddisfare e la relativa documentazione da presentare: in particolare, la sincerità dell’intenzione di non trasformarsi in un overstayer. – 5. Diniego di visto e motivazione, tra forma e sostanza. – 6. I meccanismi di ricorso e l’esigenza di prendere in considerazione la peculiare situazione del richiedente visto.


The aim of the Dublin system is to prevent positive and (most commonly) negative conflicts of com... more The aim of the Dublin system is to prevent positive and (most commonly) negative conflicts of competence regarding the determination of a peculiar prsonal status, by rapidly identifying a single responsible Member State (MS).
This article discusses the performance of this set of rules, drawing inspiration from other areas where a need for coordination of State powers arises and aims to ascertain whether the current Dublin III Regulation complies with the relevant guidelines and principles
spelled out in EU primary law, in the Geneva Convention, and in the international regime on Search and Rescue at Sea.
After having determined the unsatisfactory outcomes of the present rules, the essay takes a different approach, partially echoed in a report recently adopted by the European Parliament on the reform of the Dublin system and based on several indispensable and mutually reinforcing elements: an enhanced recourse to connecting criteria inspired by a genuine link approach; the introduction of a permanent system of mandatory shares of applications, according to a proper reading of art. 80 TFEU; the adoption of reasonable incentives for States and applicants to fully participate in the system (including a qualified freedom of movement for work purposes); the simplification of the procedures.
In doing so, the article takes the recent case law of the European Court of Justice into due account.

Research paper thumbnail of Can EU free movement rights be abused? Critical remarks on the “marriages of convenience clause”

CONTENTS: 1. Preliminary remarks. – 2. Situations to which free movement law applies. – 3. The l... more CONTENTS:
1. Preliminary remarks. – 2. Situations to which free movement law applies. – 3. The legal framework. – 4. A survey of critical issues raised by the Commission’s Handbook. – 4.1. Definitional aspects. – 4.2. Scope of the Handbook: what about registered partnerships? – 4.3. The frequent transnational dimension of the phenomenon and the doubt about the chance to conduct a serious and balanced investigation. – 5. The ultimate dilemma: recourse to (more) detailed provisions, or room for open clauses such as the one on marriages of convenience? – 6. Conclusion.


Summary: 1. The Dublin system as a tool for coordinating States jurisdiction and the lessons lear... more Summary: 1. The Dublin system as a tool for coordinating States jurisdiction and the lessons learnt from public and private international law. – 2. Family unity. – 3. The “authorization principle” and the country of first irregular entry: an irrational rationale. – 4. A criterion not suited for the subject at stake: party autonomy or “free choice”. – 5. A genuine link approach: a way deserving further enquiry in the view of the reform of the Dublin system.

Research paper thumbnail of Dublin 'reloaded' or time for ambitious pragmatism?

A critical evalutation of the proposal for a Dublin IV Regulation, presented by the Commission in... more A critical evalutation of the proposal for a Dublin IV Regulation, presented by the Commission in May 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of The strange procedural fate of the actions for annulment of the EU relocation scheme

Some critical remarks on the procedural behaviour of the applicants, of the defendant (the Counci... more Some critical remarks on the procedural behaviour of the applicants, of the defendant (the Council of the EU), of the same ECJ (and in particular of its President), of the European Commission and of the other Member States.

Research paper thumbnail of L'accompagnamento immediato alla frontiera di un cittadino UE allontanato per motivi imperativi di pubblica sicurezza: evoluzioni normative e disorientamenti applicativi


Research paper thumbnail of From Dublin to Athens: A Plea for a Radical Rethinking of the Allocation of Jurisdiction in Asylum Procedures

The so called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstratio... more The so called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstration of the unsustainability of the Dublin system and the need of a radical change in the modalities of allocation of the competence for the exam of asylum claims in the EU. This Policy Brief provides sound arguments both for supporting the demand for a new approach, and for the determination of new criteria which combines fairness, realism, solidarity, cooperation. A quota approach would be combined with a " genuine link " approach, thus trying to find a proper balance between the States' interests and the point of view (and related behaviors) of asylum seekers. The need to turn the page with the Dublin age warmly suggests to choose, for the new proposed regulation, a nick name which evokes the features of the current historical (and dramatic) passage of European integration and our deep sense of belonging to a place where much part of our way of thinking and of being a society are rooted: Athens. A first step is a new conception of the role of the asylum seeker, who should be allocated to the State with which he/she has a substantial link: the configuration of the relevant connecting factors should pay due regard to the empirical dimensions of the phenomenon and to the need to avoid unnecessary sufferance and waste of public funds and time. Lacking any connection with a given country, the State with the lowest performance in fulfilling a reference quota should be the competent one. If the asylum seeker has genuine links with more States, a certain relevance to his/her free choice should be awarded. In the same time, an already overburdened country should be afforded the possibility to refuse responsibility, provided that some basic family ties are safeguarded. In such cases, a less connected country should be responsible, or the one less engaged in hosting asylum seekers and refugees, or as extrema ratio the country of first entrance or where the application is lodged. As an accompanying measure, a system of financial incentives/disincentives for Member States should be conceived.

Research paper thumbnail of The Definition(s) of Terrorism in International Law

in Ben Saul (ed.), Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism, Edward Elgar, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Considerazioni critiche in tema di sistema di asilo dell’UE e condivisione degli oneri

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le linee guida del sistema di asilo dell’UE e le disarmonie applicati... more SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le linee guida del sistema di asilo dell’UE e le disarmonie applicative. – 3. Spunti per un diverso approccio fondato sulla ricorrenza di un collegamento effettivo tra richiedente asilo e Stato membro. – 4. I limiti della proposta di istituire un sistema di quote tra Stati membri. – 5. Mutuo riconoscimento delle decisioni positive di asilo e libertà di soggiorno per i titolari di protezione internazionale: una reale panacea? – 6. Prospettive.

Research paper thumbnail of After Mare Nostrum: delinking the acceptation of disembarkation and the assumption of responsibility for asylum seekers rescued at sea

A position paper from the IIHL for the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection at Sea (Geneva, December 2014... more A position paper from the IIHL for the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection at Sea (Geneva, December 2014)

International practice and discussions around the follow up of rescue operations at sea clearly show how the SAR regime is under pressure, due to the fact that the State accepting disembarkation is subsequently bound to assume responsibility of asylum seekers and to manage the presence of other migrants, with an irregular status as far as entry and stay are concerned.
Here a pilot project to put into practice a scheme of burden sharing among EU Member States is advanced, compatible with current legislation and based on the use of substantial links between asylum seekers and a EU Member State, other than the ones spelled in Dublin Regulation III.

Research paper thumbnail of De Mare Nostrum a Triton: ¿nuevas formulas por viejos desafios?

Conferencia dictada el 5 de Noviembre de 2014 a Jerez de la Frontera, en el contexto de las Jorna... more Conferencia dictada el 5 de Noviembre de 2014 a Jerez de la Frontera, en el contexto de las Jornadas “RETOS PARA LA SEGURIDAD INTERNACIONAL EN LA FRONTERA SUR EUROPEA” , organizadas por la Universidad de Cadiz, el Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) y el Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEI-MAR).

Research paper thumbnail of Immunity from suit of international organisations versus individual right of access to justice: an overview of recent domestic and international case law

Summary: 1. The need to take into account the individual´s position when immunity from suit appl... more Summary:
1. The need to take into account the individual´s position when immunity from suit applies.
2. The remission to internal forum of the IOs.
3. The reductive interpretation of the provisions according immunity.
4. The right to access to court as a peremptory rule.
5. The prominence given to Human Rights Treaties: The case of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
6. The use of domestic legal standards: the review of constitutionality of treaties and the public order.
7. The attempt to establish a nexus between the enjoyment of immunity and the implementation of the duty to set up adequate remedies.
8. The indications coming from the case law of international tribunals: the International Court of Justice and the administrative tribunals.
9. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
10. Conclusion.

Research paper thumbnail of Diritto dell'Unione europea. Istituzioni e politiche (2024)

Diritto dell'Unione europea. Istituzioni e politiche (2024), 2024

La conoscenza dell’Unione europea rappresenta un elemento indispensabile nella formazione del giu... more La conoscenza dell’Unione europea rappresenta un elemento indispensabile nella formazione del giurista italiano e di tutti coloro chiamati ad operare in un contesto istituzionale od operativo su cui incidono le regole dell’Unione.
Questo nuovo Manuale, curato da tre studiosi con una lunga esperienza didattica e di ricerca in materia, punta ad affiancare la descrizione rigorosa (ancorché sintetica) dei principali aspetti istituzionali del diritto dell’UE con la ricognizione di un campione significativo di settori su cui l’ordinamento statale risulta particolarmente influenzato dal livello europeo. Sarà inoltre dato conto del ruolo giocato dall’UE nei rapporti internazionali e in settori tradizionalmente associati alla sovranità statale, quali la politica migratoria e la difesa.
Un filo conduttore dell’intero Manuale è caratterizzato dalla presa in considerazione delle principali sfide che hanno sottoposto a forte pressione la tenuta del sistema europeo (Brexit, pandemia, flussi migratori, cambiamento climatico, transizione digitale, intelligenza artificiale, conflitti armati nell’immediato vicinato).
I contenuti on line offriranno la possibilità di operare – attraverso quesiti a risposta multipla – una prima verifica dello stato di apprendimento delle nozioni e del grado di padronanza della materia.

Research paper thumbnail of La protezione dei migranti ambientali nel dialogo tra diritto internazionale e ordinamento italiano

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale , 2023

The paper focuses on the issue of transnational migrations connected to natural disasters, enviro... more The paper focuses on the issue of transnational migrations connected to natural disasters, environmental degradation, and climate change, in order to discuss the growing relevance recognized in international human rights law to the protection needs of persons displaced due to the forementioned
After having described the basic human rights that may be put at risk and the subsequent triggering of the non-refoulement guarantee, the attention will be drawn to the Italian legal order, particularly open to international law thanks to the Constitution and in its living interpretation.
It will be explained that at the domestic level, Italian law is equipped with more than one legal basis fit for offering a complementary protection to environmental migrants in a vulnerable situation. In particular, the potentiality of the ‘special protection’ and of the residence permit for ‘calamitous events’ will be explored, having regard to the constitutional and legislative framework and to the interesting signals coming from administrative and judicial practice.
All this invites to a broader reflection about the limited capacity of pro tempore policy makers of altering in a substantive way the width of the protection afforded by international and constitutional legal obligations.

SOMMARIO: 1. Introduzione. – 2. La protezione dall’allontanamento nel diritto internazionale: la garanzia di non-refoulement e l’evoluzione del suo ambito applicativo. – 2.1. Il riconoscimento esplicito della garanzia. – 2.2. L’elaborazione di obblighi di non-refoulement sul piano interpretativo: il divieto di tortura e di trattamenti e pene disumani e degradanti. – 2.3. Il diritto alla vita e i suoi contenuti tutelabili in situazioni di allontanamento: dal rischio di condanna a morte all’attenzione alla qualità della vita. – 2.4. Obblighi di non allontanamento a presidio di ulteriori diritti umani. – 3. La relazione tra obblighi di non allontanamento e contesti ambientali compromessi. – 3.1. Considerazioni generali. – 3.2. Gli eventi calamitosi quali situazioni che agevolano o accompagnano la commissione di
atti persecutori o gravemente lesivi di diritti umani, rilevanti ai fini del riconoscimento di una protezione internazionale. – 3.3. Il contesto ambientale quale fattore che determina il mancato accesso a diritti essenziali per individui vulnerabili e la possibile applicazione di forme complementari di protezione regolate dal diritto interno. – 4. Gli strumenti applicabili previsti nell’ordinamento italiano: dalla protezione umanitaria alla protezione speciale. – 5. Il permesso per calamità e il suo circoscritto
ambito applicativo. – 6. Osservazioni conclusive.



Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine's territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave o... more Russia's armed aggression against Ukraine's territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave of internationally displaced persons towards Europe since the Second World War. The EU's immediate response through the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive opens up interesting prospects for the future of the European asylum system and the need to reinforce solidarity and responsibility sharing between states. Although not immune from some inconsistencies (that however may be mitigated at the level of domestic implementation), the decision activating the temporary protection offers an interesting benchmark for an alternative system of allocation of asylum seekers and raises some doubts on the soundness of the double standard approach to crisis situations envisaged in the Pact on migration and asylum presented in 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of La protezione temporanea, da oggetto misterioso a realtà operativa: aspetti positivi, criticità, prospettive

Ordine internazionale e diritti umani (rivista di fascia A), 2022

Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine’s territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave o... more Russia’s armed aggression against Ukraine’s territorial integrity has provoked the largest wave of internationally displaced persons towards Europe since the Second World War.

The EU’s immediate response through the activation of the Temporary Protection Directive opens up interesting prospects for the future of the European asylum system and the need to reinforce solidarity and responsibility sharing between states.

Although not immune from some inconsistencies (that however may be mitigated at the level of domestic implementation), the decision activating the temporary protection offers an interesting benchmark for an alternative system of allocation of asylum seekers and raises some doubts on the soundness of the double standard approach to crisis situations envisaged in the Pact on migration and asylum presented in 2020.

Research paper thumbnail of Le misure sulla ricollocazione dei richiedenti asilo adottate dall'Unione europea nel 2015: considerazioni critiche e prospettive

Diritto, immigrazione e cittadinanza, 2015

Sommario: Premessa. - 1. La delimitazione dell'ambito di applicazione delle recenti decisioni e l... more Sommario: Premessa. - 1. La delimitazione dell'ambito di applicazione delle recenti decisioni e le potenziali ripercussioni sul conseguimento degli obiettivi perseguiti dal piano di ricollocazione. - 2. La scarna disciplina della procedura per la realizzazione del trasferimento e la rilevanza del preambolo delle decisioni e del regolamento Dublino III. - 3. L'obbligatorietà del piano di relocation per (tutti) gli Stati membri e le difficoltà emergenti dalla prima prassi applicativa. - 4. Spunti per agevolare l'attuazione del piano di ricollocazione. - 5. La riforma del regolamento Dublino III finalizzata ad inserire un meccanismo permanente di ricollocazione in situazioni di crisi: valutazioni de iure condendo. - Considerazioni conclusive

Research paper thumbnail of Walking the (Barbed) Wire of the Prohibition of Collective Expulsion: An Assessment of the Strasbourg Case Law

Diritti umani e diritto internazionale, 2020

TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. Introduction. – 2. The meaning of the prohibition of collective expulsion i... more TABLE OF CONTENTS
1. Introduction. – 2. The meaning of the prohibition of collective expulsion in the ECHR following Hirsi. – 3. What the Grand Chamber of the Court said in N.D. & N.T.: The (apparent) confirmation of previous case law and the introduction of a ‘bad behaviour’ exception. – 4. What is not convincing in the legal construction and in the actual evaluation of facts. – 5. The way ahead: A plea for a restrictive reading of the ‘bad behaviour’ exception. – 6. Conclusion.

Following the Hirsi judgment dating back to 2012, the prohibition of collective expulsion gained a prominent role in the European system of protection of human rights. Its implications on the restrictive migration policies implemented by European States at the borders or elsewhere are far-reaching. With the N.D & N.T. judgment of February 2020 the Strasbourg Court had the occasion to assess the controversial Spanish policy of hot returns at its terrestrial border with Morocco. Contrary to the previous findings of the Chamber, the Grand Chamber held that no violation of Article 4 Protocol no. 4 of the Convention occurred. This article critically assesses the reasoning followed by the Court in introducing a sort of ‘bad behaviour exception’ to that provision: several flaws and questionable passages, both in abstract and in the application to the circumstances of the case, are highlighted. It then argues that it is possible and desirable to significantly reduce the impact of this unfortunate precedent on future cases dealing with collective rejections.

Research paper thumbnail of The human right to liberty in the context of migration governance: some critical remarks on the recent practice in the light of the applicable legal framework

International Institute of Humanitarian Law (ed.), Deprivation of Liberty and Armed Conflicts: Exploring Realities and Remedies, Franco Angeli, Milano, 2019

In the framework of even more restrictive migration policies shaped by destination countries (EU ... more In the framework of even more restrictive migration policies shaped by destination countries (EU and its Member States showing a strong activism to that end), policy and law makers too often forget the basic premises of the human right to liberty: detention of migrants is becoming the rule, notwithstanding the stringent requirements deriving by international human rights standards.

This chapter focuses on the detention of migrants as a possible restriction to the right to the liberty (or personal freedom) of the concerned persons. After having assessed the several requirements dictated by human rights law on the recourse to detention for migrants and the dubious legality of provisions and practices enforced in the last years, the author advances the need to (seriously) explore alternatives to detention, to resume the debate on regularization measures, and to look beyond the pathology of migration governance.

Research paper thumbnail of Contrasto dell’immigrazione irregolare e conseguenze negative sullo status del migrante: il caso del richiedente visto nel diritto dell’Unione europea

M.C. Amato et alia (eds.), Immigrazione, marginalizzazione, integrazione, Giappichelli, 2018, ISBN 9788892117747, 2018

SOMMARIO: 1. Delimitazione dell’indagine. – 2. Cenni alla normativa dell’Unione europea sull’ingr... more SOMMARIO: 1. Delimitazione dell’indagine. – 2. Cenni alla normativa dell’Unione europea sull’ingresso e il soggiorno per brevi periodi. – 3. I visti di corta durata nel diritto UE: aspetti generali. – 4. I requisiti da soddisfare e la relativa documentazione da presentare: in particolare, la sincerità dell’intenzione di non trasformarsi in un overstayer. – 5. Diniego di visto e motivazione, tra forma e sostanza. – 6. I meccanismi di ricorso e l’esigenza di prendere in considerazione la peculiare situazione del richiedente visto.


The aim of the Dublin system is to prevent positive and (most commonly) negative conflicts of com... more The aim of the Dublin system is to prevent positive and (most commonly) negative conflicts of competence regarding the determination of a peculiar prsonal status, by rapidly identifying a single responsible Member State (MS).
This article discusses the performance of this set of rules, drawing inspiration from other areas where a need for coordination of State powers arises and aims to ascertain whether the current Dublin III Regulation complies with the relevant guidelines and principles
spelled out in EU primary law, in the Geneva Convention, and in the international regime on Search and Rescue at Sea.
After having determined the unsatisfactory outcomes of the present rules, the essay takes a different approach, partially echoed in a report recently adopted by the European Parliament on the reform of the Dublin system and based on several indispensable and mutually reinforcing elements: an enhanced recourse to connecting criteria inspired by a genuine link approach; the introduction of a permanent system of mandatory shares of applications, according to a proper reading of art. 80 TFEU; the adoption of reasonable incentives for States and applicants to fully participate in the system (including a qualified freedom of movement for work purposes); the simplification of the procedures.
In doing so, the article takes the recent case law of the European Court of Justice into due account.

Research paper thumbnail of Can EU free movement rights be abused? Critical remarks on the “marriages of convenience clause”

CONTENTS: 1. Preliminary remarks. – 2. Situations to which free movement law applies. – 3. The l... more CONTENTS:
1. Preliminary remarks. – 2. Situations to which free movement law applies. – 3. The legal framework. – 4. A survey of critical issues raised by the Commission’s Handbook. – 4.1. Definitional aspects. – 4.2. Scope of the Handbook: what about registered partnerships? – 4.3. The frequent transnational dimension of the phenomenon and the doubt about the chance to conduct a serious and balanced investigation. – 5. The ultimate dilemma: recourse to (more) detailed provisions, or room for open clauses such as the one on marriages of convenience? – 6. Conclusion.


Summary: 1. The Dublin system as a tool for coordinating States jurisdiction and the lessons lear... more Summary: 1. The Dublin system as a tool for coordinating States jurisdiction and the lessons learnt from public and private international law. – 2. Family unity. – 3. The “authorization principle” and the country of first irregular entry: an irrational rationale. – 4. A criterion not suited for the subject at stake: party autonomy or “free choice”. – 5. A genuine link approach: a way deserving further enquiry in the view of the reform of the Dublin system.

Research paper thumbnail of Dublin 'reloaded' or time for ambitious pragmatism?

A critical evalutation of the proposal for a Dublin IV Regulation, presented by the Commission in... more A critical evalutation of the proposal for a Dublin IV Regulation, presented by the Commission in May 2016.

Research paper thumbnail of The strange procedural fate of the actions for annulment of the EU relocation scheme

Some critical remarks on the procedural behaviour of the applicants, of the defendant (the Counci... more Some critical remarks on the procedural behaviour of the applicants, of the defendant (the Council of the EU), of the same ECJ (and in particular of its President), of the European Commission and of the other Member States.

Research paper thumbnail of L'accompagnamento immediato alla frontiera di un cittadino UE allontanato per motivi imperativi di pubblica sicurezza: evoluzioni normative e disorientamenti applicativi


Research paper thumbnail of From Dublin to Athens: A Plea for a Radical Rethinking of the Allocation of Jurisdiction in Asylum Procedures

The so called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstratio... more The so called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstration of the unsustainability of the Dublin system and the need of a radical change in the modalities of allocation of the competence for the exam of asylum claims in the EU. This Policy Brief provides sound arguments both for supporting the demand for a new approach, and for the determination of new criteria which combines fairness, realism, solidarity, cooperation. A quota approach would be combined with a " genuine link " approach, thus trying to find a proper balance between the States' interests and the point of view (and related behaviors) of asylum seekers. The need to turn the page with the Dublin age warmly suggests to choose, for the new proposed regulation, a nick name which evokes the features of the current historical (and dramatic) passage of European integration and our deep sense of belonging to a place where much part of our way of thinking and of being a society are rooted: Athens. A first step is a new conception of the role of the asylum seeker, who should be allocated to the State with which he/she has a substantial link: the configuration of the relevant connecting factors should pay due regard to the empirical dimensions of the phenomenon and to the need to avoid unnecessary sufferance and waste of public funds and time. Lacking any connection with a given country, the State with the lowest performance in fulfilling a reference quota should be the competent one. If the asylum seeker has genuine links with more States, a certain relevance to his/her free choice should be awarded. In the same time, an already overburdened country should be afforded the possibility to refuse responsibility, provided that some basic family ties are safeguarded. In such cases, a less connected country should be responsible, or the one less engaged in hosting asylum seekers and refugees, or as extrema ratio the country of first entrance or where the application is lodged. As an accompanying measure, a system of financial incentives/disincentives for Member States should be conceived.

Research paper thumbnail of The Definition(s) of Terrorism in International Law

in Ben Saul (ed.), Research Handbook on International Law and Terrorism, Edward Elgar, 2014

Research paper thumbnail of Considerazioni critiche in tema di sistema di asilo dell’UE e condivisione degli oneri

SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le linee guida del sistema di asilo dell’UE e le disarmonie applicati... more SOMMARIO: 1. Premessa. – 2. Le linee guida del sistema di asilo dell’UE e le disarmonie applicative. – 3. Spunti per un diverso approccio fondato sulla ricorrenza di un collegamento effettivo tra richiedente asilo e Stato membro. – 4. I limiti della proposta di istituire un sistema di quote tra Stati membri. – 5. Mutuo riconoscimento delle decisioni positive di asilo e libertà di soggiorno per i titolari di protezione internazionale: una reale panacea? – 6. Prospettive.

Research paper thumbnail of After Mare Nostrum: delinking the acceptation of disembarkation and the assumption of responsibility for asylum seekers rescued at sea

A position paper from the IIHL for the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection at Sea (Geneva, December 2014... more A position paper from the IIHL for the UNHCR Dialogue on Protection at Sea (Geneva, December 2014)

International practice and discussions around the follow up of rescue operations at sea clearly show how the SAR regime is under pressure, due to the fact that the State accepting disembarkation is subsequently bound to assume responsibility of asylum seekers and to manage the presence of other migrants, with an irregular status as far as entry and stay are concerned.
Here a pilot project to put into practice a scheme of burden sharing among EU Member States is advanced, compatible with current legislation and based on the use of substantial links between asylum seekers and a EU Member State, other than the ones spelled in Dublin Regulation III.

Research paper thumbnail of De Mare Nostrum a Triton: ¿nuevas formulas por viejos desafios?

Conferencia dictada el 5 de Noviembre de 2014 a Jerez de la Frontera, en el contexto de las Jorna... more Conferencia dictada el 5 de Noviembre de 2014 a Jerez de la Frontera, en el contexto de las Jornadas “RETOS PARA LA SEGURIDAD INTERNACIONAL EN LA FRONTERA SUR EUROPEA” , organizadas por la Universidad de Cadiz, el Instituto Español de Estudios Estratégicos (IEEE) y el Campus de Excelencia Internacional del Mar (CEI-MAR).

Research paper thumbnail of Immunity from suit of international organisations versus individual right of access to justice: an overview of recent domestic and international case law

Summary: 1. The need to take into account the individual´s position when immunity from suit appl... more Summary:
1. The need to take into account the individual´s position when immunity from suit applies.
2. The remission to internal forum of the IOs.
3. The reductive interpretation of the provisions according immunity.
4. The right to access to court as a peremptory rule.
5. The prominence given to Human Rights Treaties: The case of the European Convention on Human Rights (ECHR).
6. The use of domestic legal standards: the review of constitutionality of treaties and the public order.
7. The attempt to establish a nexus between the enjoyment of immunity and the implementation of the duty to set up adequate remedies.
8. The indications coming from the case law of international tribunals: the International Court of Justice and the administrative tribunals.
9. The case law of the European Court of Human Rights.
10. Conclusion.

Research paper thumbnail of The Dublin Saga and the Need to Rethink the Criteria for the Allocation of Competence in Asylum Procedures

Securitising Asylum Flows Deflection, Criminalisation and Challenges for Human Rights - Brill - Series: Immigration and Asylum Law and Policy in Europe, Volume: 46 - Editors: Valsamis Mitsilegas, Violeta Moreno-Lax, and Niovi Vavoula, 2020

The so-called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstratio... more The so-called refugee crisis of 2015 had several effects, among which the definitive demonstration of the unsustainability of the Dublin system and the need of a radical change in the modalities of allocation of the competence for the examination of asylum claims in the EU. In that respect, the Commission has released in 2016 a proposal for amending the Dublin Regulation, followed by a sharply different position advanced by the European Parliament. While the discussions among Member States prove disappointingly inconclusive, this chapter starts from the premise that it is conceivable to elaborate new criteria which combine fairness, realism, solidarity, and cooperation: in particular, a quota approach to be combined with a ‘genuine link’ approach, thus trying to find a proper balance between the States’ interests and the point of view (and related behaviors) of asylum seekers, and also between the objections of human rights defenders and the concerns of European public opinion. Such an idea is circulating among the academics and some stakeholders at least since 2010, and has now received a formal endorsement by the European Parliament. The purpose of the paper is to underline the urgent need for a radical shift in the design of the Dublin system and to give sound arguments towards that direction.

Research paper thumbnail of Lineamenti di Diritto internazionale ed europeo delle migrazioni

Lineamenti di Diritto internazionale ed europeo delle migrazioni, 2021

Il Volume offre una panoramica complessiva e aggiornata sui profili più rilevanti della disciplin... more Il Volume offre una panoramica complessiva e aggiornata sui profili più rilevanti della disciplina internazionale e sovranazionale riguardo alla mobilità delle persone e al trattamento dei cittadini stranieri, delineando in modo chiaro i limiti che la discrezionalità statale incontra in materia di migrazioni, mettendo in evidenza la protezione – talora minima – garantita agli individui in relazione con uno Stato diverso dal proprio e guardando anche alle possibili prospettive di evoluzione in un’ottica de lege ferenda.

L’opera tiene conto degli sviluppi, a tratti ‘tumultuosi’, che la materia ha registrato negli ultimi anni. A fronte dell’approfondimento dei meccanismi di cooperazione a livello universale e regionale, sono emerse nuove esigenze e figure di migranti bisognose di specifica tutela (ad es., in conseguenza dei cambiamenti climatici, degli squilibri demografici e di fattori legati alla sicurezza) e, al contempo, si è reso necessario rispondere ai diversi scenari emergenziali dell’ultimo decennio e al loro impatto sulla regolamentazione dei fenomeni migratori: la crisi economico-finanziaria, la c.d. ‘crisi dei rifugiati’ del 2015, la pandemia di COVID-19.

Tenendo ben presente la necessità che le condotte statali siano in linea con la tutela dei diritti fondamentali ed il rispetto dei valori dello stato di diritto e che un esame attento è richiesto verso il ricorso a strumenti sui generis o prassi informali, sempre più frequente in ambito migratorio, il Volume si rivolge agli studenti universitari, ma anche agli studiosi, ai professionisti del diritto (in particolare, avvocati e magistrati), agli operatori delle forze dell’ordine e degli altri enti pubblici chiamati a governare i fenomeni migratori, così come agli operatori sul campo che a diverso titolo si occupano della materia.