Paolo Diana | University of Salerno Italy (original) (raw)
Books by Paolo Diana
Italiani ad Atene. Una diaspora molteplice, 2019
Perché un flusso di emigrazione italiana in direzione dell'unico altro Paese europeo che vive una... more Perché un flusso di emigrazione italiana in direzione dell'unico altro Paese europeo che vive una crisi economica più forte della nostra? Chi può essere interessato ad emigrare, e a rimanere, nella Grecia di oggi e in un'area urbana come quella di Atene? Siamo forse di fronte ad un fenomeno motivato dall'adesione ad uno stile di vita altro e a valori postmaterialistici? Di cosa si occupano gli italiani ad Atene? Che ruolo hanno i tradizionali fattori di spinta e di attrazione nello spiegare un simile flusso di mobilità? Gli italiani ad Atene tendono a formare una diaspora in senso tradizionale, ovvero una comunità dotata di una relativa coesione? In questi ultimi anni stiamo assistendo ad una forte crescita dei fenomeni di emigrazione dall'Italia verso altri Paesi europei. Questo libro cerca di fornire alcune risposte alle domande relative alla migrazione degli italiani verso la Grecia e Atene.
Papers by Paolo Diana
L'istruzione a distanza è un'opportunità non solo per gli studenti con difficoltà di freq... more L'istruzione a distanza è un'opportunità non solo per gli studenti con difficoltà di frequenza, ma anche per soggetti "deboli" come donne, immigrati e detenuti. L'articolo illustra alcuni tratti di un progetto di istruzione a distanza rivolto ai detenuti dell'ICATT di Eboli (SA), tuttora in fase di realizzazione, soffermandosi sui diversi attori istituzionali e sulle principali scelte operate. Tra queste, in particolare, oltre all'opzione per la modalità e-learning, quella di offrire percorsi continui di istruzione secondaria superiore, a livello scolastico ed universitario, in una direzione coerente con i tassi medi di istruzione della popolazione detenuta italiana. L'articolo, infine, offre alcuni dettagli sulla organizzazione didattica degli insegnamenti previsti all'interno del percorso di studi online. L'e-learning in carcere: una proposta
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2018
In recent years ICT is having a significant impact upon learning and teaching processes, emphasiz... more In recent years ICT is having a significant impact upon learning and teaching processes, emphasizing collaborative discourse, knowledge building and the performance of real tasks. This paper illustrates the design activity for the undergraduate course in Social Research Methods offered as part of the bachelor degree in Sociology at the University of Salerno, which will be provided in a blended format, i.e. the use of an e-learning platform as support for the frontal lectures. In particular, the paper examines the construction processes of this online environment aimed to encourage the acquisition of methodological expertise, with students performing specific activities which characterise the social research process.
This paper presents the main results of an empirical research, carried out under a K2 Erasmus Plu... more This paper presents the main results of an empirical research, carried out under a K2 Erasmus Plus European project, lasting from September 2014 to December 2016, aimed at supporting the social inclusion of young inmates and preparing them to deal with the labor market. The research, through a mixed methods approach which consisted of a combined use of a structured questionnaire and a focus group, allowed to investigate the skills that young offenders could develop in order to foster the social integration after their release.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2019
The interest of sociologists in narratives has become more profound in the last few decades due t... more The interest of sociologists in narratives has become more profound in the last few decades due to the growing awareness that narratives are an inherent part of everyday life and are directly linked with the construction of our identity. Narrative takes on an even more significant role when contextualized in a contemporary society in which technologies are increasingly ubiquitous and are embedded in our everyday life. In this article, after having carried out a theoretical overview of the role of narrative in sociological analysis, we focus on the techniques of social research that adopt the narrative approach in the understanding of contemporary society. On this point, the main characteristics and the similarities and differences between traditional and emerging digital empirical techniques, are examined. In particular, the so-called digital methods and the subsequent changes in the implementation of social research are explored, taking into account the sociological need to identif...
The awareness that phenomena (social, natural) are for the most part complex and consequently req... more The awareness that phenomena (social, natural) are for the most part complex and consequently require more realistic models has led to the development of powerful new concepts and tools to detect, analyse, and understand non-stationarity and apparently random behaviour. Almost all existing linear and nonlinear techniques used for the study of time series presume some kind of stationarity, but the application of such tools to non-stationarity and apparently random time series produces misleading results. Recurrence analysis is an advanced technique for nonlinear data analysis used to identify the general structure, non-stationarity, and hidden recurring elements in a time series. Differently from traditional time series techniques that previously assume the nature of the series, the recurrence analysis can be conceived as a diagnostic tool which provides an exploratory analysis identifying the structure of the series. After a general overview of the epistemological and technical unde...
Scopo di questo capitolo è esaminare i processi economici e sociali che hanno condotto alla compa... more Scopo di questo capitolo è esaminare i processi economici e sociali che hanno condotto alla comparsa e allo sviluppo delle imprese del comparto turismo e benessere nell’area GAL, i connotati e l’andamento del mercato su cui insistono, le problematiche inerenti alla gestione interna e ai rapporti con il mondo delle altre imprese e delle istituzioni locali, le prospettive di sviluppo ulteriore e le iniziative che vengono prospettate dagli operatori economici quale valido e utile supporto nella sfida della competizione
This paper illustrates preliminary results of a multidimensional study on adolescents living in G... more This paper illustrates preliminary results of a multidimensional study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, a geographical area in Campania, a Southern Italy Region. Following the path of the youth research program promoted by Italian Institute IARD (2002), our contribution focuses on the analysis of the Selfperception dimension that was surveyed using a battery of items with a self-anchoring scale. Data analysis relied on the sequential application of factor analysis and cluster analysis. The first technique was performed to identify the latent factors underlying the data; the second, to group the interviewees according to those factors. The result of the cluster analysis was the identification of 4 groups related to dimensions concerning the satisfaction with interpersonal relationships and some aspects of everyday life
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2010
Distance learning is benefcial not only to those students who encounter diffculties when attendin... more Distance learning is benefcial not only to those students who encounter diffculties when attending courses, but also to “weak” individuals such as women, immigrants and prison inmates. This article discusses several aspects of a distance learning programme for the inmates of ICATT in Eboli (SA), which is still being carried out, focusing on both the various institutional actors and the main choices made. These include, in addition to the option of e-learning, the offer of continual learning paths at secondary school and university levels, in line with the average educational rates of the Italian prison population. Finally, the article provides several details about the didactic organisation of the lessons within the online course.
The new challenges arising from the complexity of contemporary society, the availability of diffe... more The new challenges arising from the complexity of contemporary society, the availability of different kinds of data and new data sources, in addition to the data analytics tools that merge different disciplines are contributing to a reconfiguration of Social Research Methods. This article aims to analyze the keywords of 985 scientific papers published from 2003 to 2018 in three main methodological journals in order to identify the trending topics and the leading edges of Social Research Methods. To do this, we carried out empirical research aimed at investigating the recurring themes and the possible new directions of this scientific domain by building and analyzing a bibliometric dataset through an analysis of keywords co-occurrence based on both network and factorial approaches.
Le vicende storiche italiane dimostrano gli effetti drammatici della diffusione, in certi contest... more Le vicende storiche italiane dimostrano gli effetti drammatici della diffusione, in certi contesti socio-territoriali italiani, del fenomeno mafioso soprattutto per la sua influenza in tutti i settori della società accompagnata dalla sua capacità di riprodursi in presenza di forme di consenso sociale, e che vanno evidentemente riferiti alle varie disuguaglianze sociali che connotano l’esperienza italiana. A partire da queste considerazioni, proponiamo un’analisi della cultura della legalità che tenga conto dei valori relativi sia alla socialità, sia all’interpretazione delle norme del sistema giuridicoformale e delle istituzioni ad esso connesse. Tale approccio alla legalità assume maggiore efficacia euristica se adottato per indagare i percorsi adolescenziali che riguardano quella particolare fase della vita più vicina alla maggiore età e quindi al pieno esercizio del diritto di voto e della cittadinanza in generale
Southern Europe has become a crossroads of international migration in recent years. The paper foc... more Southern Europe has become a crossroads of international migration in recent years. The paper focuses on one of these recent migratory flows, that is, the lifestyle migration, or the mobility of people who choose to live in a southern European country as a part of their project of life. The sociological literature has shown that this phenomenon can influence many other relevant social processes, from the definition and re-definition of personal and social identity at the micro level, to local and regional development at the macro level. After a short discussion on the concept of lifestyle migration, we present some preliminary results of a research project on lifestyle migration in Italy, compared with some other Southern European countries. Based on data from Eurostat, OECD, and national statistical offices databases, the analysis will provide a general overview on the presence and territorial distribution of lifestyle migrants in Italy.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2016
Starting with an overview of the opportunities provided by e-learning in the educational environm... more Starting with an overview of the opportunities provided by e-learning in the educational environment, this paper discusses a blended course in social science methodology offered to around 160 students taking the undergraduate Sociology degree at the University of Salerno (Italy). In particular, it provides a reflection on ten challenges of the discipline (e.g. relationship theory and practice, quantitative vs qualitative methods) which emerged during our teaching experience and discusses how they might be addressed by adopting e-learning. To evaluate the impact of the blended course upon the experience of learner, a web survey involving 114 students is carried out. Principally, the survey focuses on the study method and the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and learning. The process that we followed (reflection on the characteristics of the discipline and the needs of students, implementation of the blended course, evaluation) aims to design a val...
Cahiers de praxématique, 2010
The sociological concept of Social Cohesion, after a first stage in which it gained spread and no... more The sociological concept of Social Cohesion, after a first stage in which it gained spread and notoriety within social sciences, has been abandoned in favor of other similar concepts, such as integration and solidarity. However, during the last twenty years, the concept has regained relevance mainly thanks to the intervention of several institutions, both national and international (OECD, EU, World Bank, Governments of some countries, such as England, France and Canada), that have reconsidered the concept of Social Cohesion, adapting it to their governance needs. The present work aims at proposing an effective and reliable theoretical and operational definition for the concept of Social Cohesion, starting from the contribution of those scholars (Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi 2009) that claimed the inadequacy of measuring the welfare of a country only through economic indicators. In other words, the aim of this contribution is to provide a concept of Social Cohesion that will take into account not only economic factors, but also other fundamental dimensions that define the Welfare of a country, such as active citizenship, trust, shared values and integration. The concept of Social Cohesion is defined with the aid of several databases (Eurostat, but also academic datasets) from which different socioeconomic indicators for the 27 EU Member States will be drawn. Data are analyzed through an explorative factor analysis approach, whose main result will be the creation of a Social Cohesion composite index. The Social Cohesion Index will rank the 27 EU Member States. Moreover, the research will consider a comparative analysis among different models of Social Cohesion observed in the European countries, with particular reference to the differences between the States of Southern Europe and those with different welfare systems, typical of Northern Europe.
Italian Sociological Review, 2014
The paper illustrates a study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, an area in a Southern... more The paper illustrates a study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, an area in a Southern Italy Region. Following the path of the youth research program promoted by Italian Institute IARD, our contribution focuses on the analysis of the Self-image dimension that was surveyed using a battery of OSIQ items. Data analysis relied on the sequential application of factor analysis and cluster analysis. The result is the identification of a self-image typology to explore the relationships with self-satisfaction in everyday life.
Almenara Revista Extremena De Ciencias Sociales, 2014
espanolEl ambito de estudios sobre el desarrollo ha experimentado recientemente un profundo cambi... more espanolEl ambito de estudios sobre el desarrollo ha experimentado recientemente un profundo cambio de perspectiva. Aun hoy hay enfoques que se centran principalmente en el cambio estructural y en sus implicaciones en relacion con el nivel y la calidad de vida de la poblacion. Sin embargo, junto a ellos tambien hay enfoques que se centran en el desarrollo desde el punto de vista de los actores. En este trabajo nos inspiramos en uno de ellos, la perspectiva orientada al actor definida por el sociologo Ingles Norman Long, para examinar el discurso sobre el desarrollo local en un area rural del sur de Italia, Irpinia. EnglishThe field of development studies has recently experienced a major change of perspective. Today we continue to utilize approaches devoted to the analysis of structural change and its implications related to the level and quality of life of the population. But apart from these, there are also approaches that look at the development from the point of view of the actors. In this paper we build from such a theoretical and methodological starting point, namely the actor-oriented perspective defined by the English sociologist Norman Long, to examine the discourse on local development in a rural area of southern Italy, Irpinia.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a com... more Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a common task where each individual depends on and is accountable to each other. These include both face-to-face conversations, working group and online forums, chat, etc. The aim of this paper is to outline the main features of a project of collaborative learning in an international context: the Erasmus Intensive Programme Sono un Migrante to be implemented at the University of Salerno. Funded by the Italian Erasmus LLP Authority, the project involves the participation of students and teachers from 7 different universities of 6 EU countries.
On-line learning has been considered a valid tool in favouring the education of “weak” individual... more On-line learning has been considered a valid tool in favouring the education of “weak” individuals, such as women, immigrants as well as prison inmates. In particular as regards the latter, there have been in Europe, in recent years, several projects supported by European or national funds. However, as it was outlined in the European meeting “Pathways to social inclusion” (Budapest, February 2010), there are not systematic data “on the implementation and distribution of e-learning provision in prisons […] there is no overview of how many prisons offer ePathways to Inclusion […] and how many participants take up this offer […]. There is also no systematic knowledge about the implementation or evaluation of e-learning”. The collection of systematic information on these various aspects is therefore a major priority for the development of the area. This article stems from a Grundtvig 2009 learning partnership project, EEPP-Elearning education for prisoners and prisoners professionals, t...
Italiani ad Atene. Una diaspora molteplice, 2019
Perché un flusso di emigrazione italiana in direzione dell'unico altro Paese europeo che vive una... more Perché un flusso di emigrazione italiana in direzione dell'unico altro Paese europeo che vive una crisi economica più forte della nostra? Chi può essere interessato ad emigrare, e a rimanere, nella Grecia di oggi e in un'area urbana come quella di Atene? Siamo forse di fronte ad un fenomeno motivato dall'adesione ad uno stile di vita altro e a valori postmaterialistici? Di cosa si occupano gli italiani ad Atene? Che ruolo hanno i tradizionali fattori di spinta e di attrazione nello spiegare un simile flusso di mobilità? Gli italiani ad Atene tendono a formare una diaspora in senso tradizionale, ovvero una comunità dotata di una relativa coesione? In questi ultimi anni stiamo assistendo ad una forte crescita dei fenomeni di emigrazione dall'Italia verso altri Paesi europei. Questo libro cerca di fornire alcune risposte alle domande relative alla migrazione degli italiani verso la Grecia e Atene.
L'istruzione a distanza è un'opportunità non solo per gli studenti con difficoltà di freq... more L'istruzione a distanza è un'opportunità non solo per gli studenti con difficoltà di frequenza, ma anche per soggetti "deboli" come donne, immigrati e detenuti. L'articolo illustra alcuni tratti di un progetto di istruzione a distanza rivolto ai detenuti dell'ICATT di Eboli (SA), tuttora in fase di realizzazione, soffermandosi sui diversi attori istituzionali e sulle principali scelte operate. Tra queste, in particolare, oltre all'opzione per la modalità e-learning, quella di offrire percorsi continui di istruzione secondaria superiore, a livello scolastico ed universitario, in una direzione coerente con i tassi medi di istruzione della popolazione detenuta italiana. L'articolo, infine, offre alcuni dettagli sulla organizzazione didattica degli insegnamenti previsti all'interno del percorso di studi online. L'e-learning in carcere: una proposta
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2018
In recent years ICT is having a significant impact upon learning and teaching processes, emphasiz... more In recent years ICT is having a significant impact upon learning and teaching processes, emphasizing collaborative discourse, knowledge building and the performance of real tasks. This paper illustrates the design activity for the undergraduate course in Social Research Methods offered as part of the bachelor degree in Sociology at the University of Salerno, which will be provided in a blended format, i.e. the use of an e-learning platform as support for the frontal lectures. In particular, the paper examines the construction processes of this online environment aimed to encourage the acquisition of methodological expertise, with students performing specific activities which characterise the social research process.
This paper presents the main results of an empirical research, carried out under a K2 Erasmus Plu... more This paper presents the main results of an empirical research, carried out under a K2 Erasmus Plus European project, lasting from September 2014 to December 2016, aimed at supporting the social inclusion of young inmates and preparing them to deal with the labor market. The research, through a mixed methods approach which consisted of a combined use of a structured questionnaire and a focus group, allowed to investigate the skills that young offenders could develop in order to foster the social integration after their release.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2019
The interest of sociologists in narratives has become more profound in the last few decades due t... more The interest of sociologists in narratives has become more profound in the last few decades due to the growing awareness that narratives are an inherent part of everyday life and are directly linked with the construction of our identity. Narrative takes on an even more significant role when contextualized in a contemporary society in which technologies are increasingly ubiquitous and are embedded in our everyday life. In this article, after having carried out a theoretical overview of the role of narrative in sociological analysis, we focus on the techniques of social research that adopt the narrative approach in the understanding of contemporary society. On this point, the main characteristics and the similarities and differences between traditional and emerging digital empirical techniques, are examined. In particular, the so-called digital methods and the subsequent changes in the implementation of social research are explored, taking into account the sociological need to identif...
The awareness that phenomena (social, natural) are for the most part complex and consequently req... more The awareness that phenomena (social, natural) are for the most part complex and consequently require more realistic models has led to the development of powerful new concepts and tools to detect, analyse, and understand non-stationarity and apparently random behaviour. Almost all existing linear and nonlinear techniques used for the study of time series presume some kind of stationarity, but the application of such tools to non-stationarity and apparently random time series produces misleading results. Recurrence analysis is an advanced technique for nonlinear data analysis used to identify the general structure, non-stationarity, and hidden recurring elements in a time series. Differently from traditional time series techniques that previously assume the nature of the series, the recurrence analysis can be conceived as a diagnostic tool which provides an exploratory analysis identifying the structure of the series. After a general overview of the epistemological and technical unde...
Scopo di questo capitolo è esaminare i processi economici e sociali che hanno condotto alla compa... more Scopo di questo capitolo è esaminare i processi economici e sociali che hanno condotto alla comparsa e allo sviluppo delle imprese del comparto turismo e benessere nell’area GAL, i connotati e l’andamento del mercato su cui insistono, le problematiche inerenti alla gestione interna e ai rapporti con il mondo delle altre imprese e delle istituzioni locali, le prospettive di sviluppo ulteriore e le iniziative che vengono prospettate dagli operatori economici quale valido e utile supporto nella sfida della competizione
This paper illustrates preliminary results of a multidimensional study on adolescents living in G... more This paper illustrates preliminary results of a multidimensional study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, a geographical area in Campania, a Southern Italy Region. Following the path of the youth research program promoted by Italian Institute IARD (2002), our contribution focuses on the analysis of the Selfperception dimension that was surveyed using a battery of items with a self-anchoring scale. Data analysis relied on the sequential application of factor analysis and cluster analysis. The first technique was performed to identify the latent factors underlying the data; the second, to group the interviewees according to those factors. The result of the cluster analysis was the identification of 4 groups related to dimensions concerning the satisfaction with interpersonal relationships and some aspects of everyday life
Journal of e-learning and knowledge society, 2010
Distance learning is benefcial not only to those students who encounter diffculties when attendin... more Distance learning is benefcial not only to those students who encounter diffculties when attending courses, but also to “weak” individuals such as women, immigrants and prison inmates. This article discusses several aspects of a distance learning programme for the inmates of ICATT in Eboli (SA), which is still being carried out, focusing on both the various institutional actors and the main choices made. These include, in addition to the option of e-learning, the offer of continual learning paths at secondary school and university levels, in line with the average educational rates of the Italian prison population. Finally, the article provides several details about the didactic organisation of the lessons within the online course.
The new challenges arising from the complexity of contemporary society, the availability of diffe... more The new challenges arising from the complexity of contemporary society, the availability of different kinds of data and new data sources, in addition to the data analytics tools that merge different disciplines are contributing to a reconfiguration of Social Research Methods. This article aims to analyze the keywords of 985 scientific papers published from 2003 to 2018 in three main methodological journals in order to identify the trending topics and the leading edges of Social Research Methods. To do this, we carried out empirical research aimed at investigating the recurring themes and the possible new directions of this scientific domain by building and analyzing a bibliometric dataset through an analysis of keywords co-occurrence based on both network and factorial approaches.
Le vicende storiche italiane dimostrano gli effetti drammatici della diffusione, in certi contest... more Le vicende storiche italiane dimostrano gli effetti drammatici della diffusione, in certi contesti socio-territoriali italiani, del fenomeno mafioso soprattutto per la sua influenza in tutti i settori della società accompagnata dalla sua capacità di riprodursi in presenza di forme di consenso sociale, e che vanno evidentemente riferiti alle varie disuguaglianze sociali che connotano l’esperienza italiana. A partire da queste considerazioni, proponiamo un’analisi della cultura della legalità che tenga conto dei valori relativi sia alla socialità, sia all’interpretazione delle norme del sistema giuridicoformale e delle istituzioni ad esso connesse. Tale approccio alla legalità assume maggiore efficacia euristica se adottato per indagare i percorsi adolescenziali che riguardano quella particolare fase della vita più vicina alla maggiore età e quindi al pieno esercizio del diritto di voto e della cittadinanza in generale
Southern Europe has become a crossroads of international migration in recent years. The paper foc... more Southern Europe has become a crossroads of international migration in recent years. The paper focuses on one of these recent migratory flows, that is, the lifestyle migration, or the mobility of people who choose to live in a southern European country as a part of their project of life. The sociological literature has shown that this phenomenon can influence many other relevant social processes, from the definition and re-definition of personal and social identity at the micro level, to local and regional development at the macro level. After a short discussion on the concept of lifestyle migration, we present some preliminary results of a research project on lifestyle migration in Italy, compared with some other Southern European countries. Based on data from Eurostat, OECD, and national statistical offices databases, the analysis will provide a general overview on the presence and territorial distribution of lifestyle migrants in Italy.
Italian Journal of Sociology of Education, 2016
Starting with an overview of the opportunities provided by e-learning in the educational environm... more Starting with an overview of the opportunities provided by e-learning in the educational environment, this paper discusses a blended course in social science methodology offered to around 160 students taking the undergraduate Sociology degree at the University of Salerno (Italy). In particular, it provides a reflection on ten challenges of the discipline (e.g. relationship theory and practice, quantitative vs qualitative methods) which emerged during our teaching experience and discusses how they might be addressed by adopting e-learning. To evaluate the impact of the blended course upon the experience of learner, a web survey involving 114 students is carried out. Principally, the survey focuses on the study method and the relationship between information and communication technologies (ICT) and learning. The process that we followed (reflection on the characteristics of the discipline and the needs of students, implementation of the blended course, evaluation) aims to design a val...
Cahiers de praxématique, 2010
The sociological concept of Social Cohesion, after a first stage in which it gained spread and no... more The sociological concept of Social Cohesion, after a first stage in which it gained spread and notoriety within social sciences, has been abandoned in favor of other similar concepts, such as integration and solidarity. However, during the last twenty years, the concept has regained relevance mainly thanks to the intervention of several institutions, both national and international (OECD, EU, World Bank, Governments of some countries, such as England, France and Canada), that have reconsidered the concept of Social Cohesion, adapting it to their governance needs. The present work aims at proposing an effective and reliable theoretical and operational definition for the concept of Social Cohesion, starting from the contribution of those scholars (Stiglitz, Sen and Fitoussi 2009) that claimed the inadequacy of measuring the welfare of a country only through economic indicators. In other words, the aim of this contribution is to provide a concept of Social Cohesion that will take into account not only economic factors, but also other fundamental dimensions that define the Welfare of a country, such as active citizenship, trust, shared values and integration. The concept of Social Cohesion is defined with the aid of several databases (Eurostat, but also academic datasets) from which different socioeconomic indicators for the 27 EU Member States will be drawn. Data are analyzed through an explorative factor analysis approach, whose main result will be the creation of a Social Cohesion composite index. The Social Cohesion Index will rank the 27 EU Member States. Moreover, the research will consider a comparative analysis among different models of Social Cohesion observed in the European countries, with particular reference to the differences between the States of Southern Europe and those with different welfare systems, typical of Northern Europe.
Italian Sociological Review, 2014
The paper illustrates a study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, an area in a Southern... more The paper illustrates a study on adolescents living in Golfo di Policastro, an area in a Southern Italy Region. Following the path of the youth research program promoted by Italian Institute IARD, our contribution focuses on the analysis of the Self-image dimension that was surveyed using a battery of OSIQ items. Data analysis relied on the sequential application of factor analysis and cluster analysis. The result is the identification of a self-image typology to explore the relationships with self-satisfaction in everyday life.
Almenara Revista Extremena De Ciencias Sociales, 2014
espanolEl ambito de estudios sobre el desarrollo ha experimentado recientemente un profundo cambi... more espanolEl ambito de estudios sobre el desarrollo ha experimentado recientemente un profundo cambio de perspectiva. Aun hoy hay enfoques que se centran principalmente en el cambio estructural y en sus implicaciones en relacion con el nivel y la calidad de vida de la poblacion. Sin embargo, junto a ellos tambien hay enfoques que se centran en el desarrollo desde el punto de vista de los actores. En este trabajo nos inspiramos en uno de ellos, la perspectiva orientada al actor definida por el sociologo Ingles Norman Long, para examinar el discurso sobre el desarrollo local en un area rural del sur de Italia, Irpinia. EnglishThe field of development studies has recently experienced a major change of perspective. Today we continue to utilize approaches devoted to the analysis of structural change and its implications related to the level and quality of life of the population. But apart from these, there are also approaches that look at the development from the point of view of the actors. In this paper we build from such a theoretical and methodological starting point, namely the actor-oriented perspective defined by the English sociologist Norman Long, to examine the discourse on local development in a rural area of southern Italy, Irpinia.
Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2015
Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a com... more Collaborative learning refers to methodologies and environments in which learners engage in a common task where each individual depends on and is accountable to each other. These include both face-to-face conversations, working group and online forums, chat, etc. The aim of this paper is to outline the main features of a project of collaborative learning in an international context: the Erasmus Intensive Programme Sono un Migrante to be implemented at the University of Salerno. Funded by the Italian Erasmus LLP Authority, the project involves the participation of students and teachers from 7 different universities of 6 EU countries.
On-line learning has been considered a valid tool in favouring the education of “weak” individual... more On-line learning has been considered a valid tool in favouring the education of “weak” individuals, such as women, immigrants as well as prison inmates. In particular as regards the latter, there have been in Europe, in recent years, several projects supported by European or national funds. However, as it was outlined in the European meeting “Pathways to social inclusion” (Budapest, February 2010), there are not systematic data “on the implementation and distribution of e-learning provision in prisons […] there is no overview of how many prisons offer ePathways to Inclusion […] and how many participants take up this offer […]. There is also no systematic knowledge about the implementation or evaluation of e-learning”. The collection of systematic information on these various aspects is therefore a major priority for the development of the area. This article stems from a Grundtvig 2009 learning partnership project, EEPP-Elearning education for prisoners and prisoners professionals, t...
In the university setting, e-learning courses represent a flexible resource that can tackle a ran... more In the university setting, e-learning courses represent a flexible resource that can tackle a range of difficulties pertaining to primary degree courses and post-graduate qualifications. With reference to the teaching of Social Science Methodology within a primary degree course in an Italian university, this article suggests that e-learning can help new students with weak cultural capital to overcome some of the difficulties that can often lead them to drop out of university. Keywords: cultural capital, quality, e-learning, social science methodology