Eliza Orellana-González | Université de Bordeaux (original) (raw)
Séminaires by Eliza Orellana-González
by Bertrand Augier, Virgile Cirefice, Angela Cossu, Viva Sacco, Eliza Orellana-González, Philippe Lefeuvre, Marie Bossaert, Carole Mabboux, Nina Valbousquet, Bruno D'Andrea, Emilie Mannocci, and Christian Mazet
Calendrier des séances du séminaire de lectures en sciences sociales Ecole française de Rome, Pi... more Calendrier des séances du séminaire de lectures en sciences sociales
Ecole française de Rome, Piazza Navona 62
Conference Presentations by Eliza Orellana-González
1845èmes Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 2020
Les dents sont l’un des matériaux les mieux préservés des assemblages archéologiques et paléoanth... more Les dents sont l’un des matériaux les mieux préservés des assemblages archéologiques et paléoanthropologiques. Les tissus dentaires, tels que l'émail et la dentine, se forment par couches superposées qui seront préservées tout au long de la vie de l’individu. Cette séquence de couches contient l’enregistrement d'informations uniques sur de la trajectoire de développement d’une personne, et peuvent fournir des informations sur la grossesse (durée et naissance), ainsi que sur la manière dont la personne interagit avec son environnement (régime alimentaire, événements de stress). La collection « Petite souris » est composée d'environ 900 dents exfoliées naturellement appartenant à une centaine d'individus de 40 familles. Des informations détaillées sur les individus ont été récoltées dans une base de données (BdD) ; notamment la durée de la grossesse, le type de naissance, le type d’alimentation y compris l'âge du sevrage. Des analyses histologiques et physico-chimiques ont été effectuées sur un échantillon de 12 deuxièmes molaires déciduales. Les zones prénatales et postnatales de l'émail ont été analysées par microscopie électronique à balayage couplée à la spectroscopie de rayons X à dispersion d'énergie (MEB-EDS), spectroscopie Raman et spectrométrie d'émission atomique de plasma induit par laser (LIBS) pour voir si des modifications dans la composition chimique des dents peuvent être corrélées à des évènements observables sur les coupes histologiques ou enregistrés dans la BdD de la collection. Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que quand les lignes accentuées sont identifiées sur les coupes histologiques elles peuvent être corrélées à des évènements de stress signalés sur la BdD, notamment le sevrage (13/15 ont été corrélés). D’autre part, les analyses physico-chimiques nous ont permis d’observer que la distribution et intensités des éléments, par exemple pour le strontium, sont en lien avec des variations dans les apports alimentaires (lait maternel, lait artificiel et aliments solides) et le sevrage.
XI Reunión Sociedad de Odontoestomatólogos forenses iberoamericanos - SOFIA, 2019
1844èmes Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 2019
La transition vers le mode de vie néolithique (économie basée sur la domestication des plantes et... more La transition vers le mode de vie néolithique (économie basée sur la domestication des plantes et animaux) a impacté en manière significative l’état sanitaire, l'alimentation, et l'activité humaine. Les nouvelles stratégies de subsistance ont permis l’introduction d’aliments de sevrage qui ont réduit la durée de l'allaitement et limité les intervalles entre les naissances, donnant lieu à une croissance démographique. En même temps, plusieurs études suggèrent que le passage à l'agriculture ait pu provoquer une détérioration des conditions de vie et sanitaires. Les groupes néolithiques ont été impacté par des facteurs de stress environnementaux, probablement causés par des changements des pratiques alimentaires, des stratégies de subsistance, de la pression démographique et de la diffusion de nouveaux pathogènes. Reconstituer l’histoire-de-vie d’un individu de la naissance jusqu'à la fin de l’enfance, est fondamental pour apprécier les adaptations humaines. La Ligurie (nord-ouest de l'Italie) est une région clé pour l'étude des adaptations bio-culturelles humaines néolithiques grâce à la découverte de nombreux sites liés à ces communautés. Cette étude porte sur les perturbations ontogénétiques par l'analyse de l'hypoplasie linéaire de l'émail (HLE) observés sur 38 dents de 12 inhumés des grottes de Ligurie (phase chrono-culturelle VBQ, c. 5000-4300 cal BC). Les HLE ont été analysés avec des images macrophotographiques à haute résolution. Une augmentation significative des HLE a été observée entre l'âge de 2,5-3 ans, et certains auteurs avancent l'hypothèse que, dans des échantillons archéologiques, les défauts de l'émail entre deux et quatre ans pourraient être liés au stress causé par le sevrage. Même s'il est impropre de corréler un seul défaut hypoplasique à une cause spécifique, les résultats obtenus suggèrent la présence de troubles précoces de la croissance dentaire, probablement due à une adaptation environnementale associée à une période de sevrage réduite par rapport au paléolithique (4-5 ans).
LIII RIUNIONE SCIENTIFICA Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria, 2018
With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental str... more With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental stressors, probably caused by changes in diet and subsistence, population packing, and the spread of new pathogens. Developing individuals are the most susceptible to environmental stressors, and are therefore the most representative sample to describe to the overall “well-being” of a population. Studies of stress in past populations are often based on a suite of skeletal and dental features (e.g. enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, periostotic lesions, Harris lines, and long bone dimensions) associated with either developmental disruptions, non-specific bone reactive processes, or nutritional deficiencies. Among these, the study of enamel hypoplasia has some advantages. Enamel hypoplasia consists in a reduction of normal enamel thickness or quantity of enamel due to events occurring during the amelogenesis. These defects are commonly considered a nonspecific indicator of systemic growth disturbances as the causes determining their onset may be multiple (weaning, nutritional deficiencies, diseases, infections, metabolic disorders, etc.). Furthermore, the analysis of enamel hypoplasia presents some advantages that consist in the possibility to quantify the frequency, the age of occurrence, the duration and the periodicity of the defects. It is also possible to compare populations, and groups with social and demographic differences. To date, few studies have taken into account the dental remains from Neolithic Liguria, and in these studies, tooth development had not been considered. In this work, we study the enamel defects (linear enamel hypoplasia –LEH) using a new methodological approach based on the analysis of tooth surfaces by macro-photos and microscopic observations. These methodological enhancements allow us to observe several parameters of LEH: number of defects, the duration of each LEH, the interval between successive defects, age at first defect, and the total amount of dental formation time affected by growth disruption. Specifically, the aim of this work is to make inferences on diet, disease, and timing of life history landmarks such as weaning in a sample of Neolithic subadults from Liguria. In fact, it is generally assumed that Neolithic lifestyle resulted in an overall decrease in well-being. On the other hand, one of the main competitive advantages of Neolithic farmers when compared to previous hunter-gatherers was the possibility of using weaning food, which dramatically reduces the length of infant breastfeeding and allows for a shorter inter-birth interval. The analyses were made on high-resolution dental casts of anterior unworn teeth (uppers and lowers) of 24 children and adolescents from Ligurian sites in the Finalese area (Pollera, La Matta, Bergeggi, Arene Candide, Arma dell’Aquila, Parmorari, and Strapatente). Macro-photographs were taken of all teeth to determine the presence of defects. Using ImageJ, it was possible to measure the total height of the crown for each photos, divide that into deciles and visually identify defects per decile. Furthermore, teeth surfaces were imaged and analyzed by microscopic method (Confocal Microscope, Sensoscan 6.2 programme, x20 magnification). This allowed for the identification of the perikymata (incremental growth lines on the enamel surface) of each individual, creating their spacing profiles, and measuring the distance between them from the incisal margin to the cervix. With this approach, it was possible to develop an individual chronology for LEH formation analyzing spatial anomalies among successive pairs of perikymata as indicators of hypoplasia, and relating the position of the defects to the perikymata. Systemic growth perturbation were detected by matching linear enamel hypoplasias in two different teeth of the same individual. Enamel defects that could not be matched across teeth were interpreted as tooth-specific infections or localized trauma. This study has received financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 752626, and from the French State in the framework of the “Investments for the future” Program, IdEx Bordeaux, reference ANR-10-IDEX-03-02.
Colloque du Groupe des Paléoathologistes de Langue Française, 2018
Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui f... more Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui font partie des standards épidémiologiques et elles sont systématiquement enregistrées dans des populations vivantes et passées. Elles se forment lors de l’interruption de la sécrétion de la matrice d’améloblastes. La forme plus fréquente d’HE est en sillon et est couramment appelée hypoplasie linéaire de l’émail (HLE). Même si l’étiologie des HLE est très variée, leur identification et étude est utile pour discuter des perturbations et troubles de croissance. L’émail devient ainsi un témoin des évènements de stress survenus lors du développement et il est possible d’estimer une chronologie d’apparition de ces évènements en croisant leur position relative avec les tableaux référentiels du développement dentaire. Aussi bien en clinique qu’en archéologie les HLE ont été étudiées très fréquemment à partir de l’observation directe ou avec de la photographie, enregistrant leur absence/ présence et fréquence sur des dents et sur des individus. Des travaux récents ont démontré que les observations macroscopiques ont tendance à sous-estimer la quantité des HLE présentes par rapport aux résultats basés sur des observations microscopiques. Cependant, l’utilisation des telles méthodes, comme le microscope électronique à balayage ou profilomètre optique 3D, n’est pas toujours accessible et peut être très chronophage. Ce poster a comme objectif de présenter une méthode multi-proxy pour étudier les HLE. La combinaison de l’observation directe, la macrophotographie et la microscopie surface 3D permettra d’identifier et caractériser les HLE plus objectivement. Les résultats sur la comparaison des HLE identifiées à partir des 2 techniques d’observation, la macrophotographie et le profilomètre 3D, seront également présentées. L’échantillon analysé est composé de 25 individus juvéniles provenant de Finale Ligure en Italie et datés de la période Néolithique. Les résultats attendus de ce travail nous permettront d’évaluer la méthodologie proposée et nous donneront des indications cruciales et détaillées sur la santé des enfants pendant la période Néolithique en Italie septentrionale.
V Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2013
The study of dental disease in ancient human groups seeks to rebuild and recreate the lifestyle o... more The study of dental disease in ancient human groups seeks to rebuild and recreate the lifestyle of the population related directly to their health and disease conditions. These studies, in particular, pursue to know the prevalence of dental diseases, their causes and their possible relations to the diet. Dental calculus is the mineralization of the bacterial plaque and the deposition of salts, calcium, and phosphorus that adhere to the tooth surface (crown and root), as a fouling crust that can gain important densities during the life of the individual. In the anthropological literature, two types of calculus are recognized: a) supragingival (above the neck of the tooth) and b) subgingival. The first is mainly linked to cervical enamel on the crown, a band formed by marking the position of the gingival margin. Subgingival calculus, however, is deposited on the surface of both the root and the gingival attachment level, in some cases, this type of calculus may cause another kind of diseases involving the periodontal tissue. Archaeological Project Watching Briefs at Saphi Street, in the historical center of Cusco, allowed the finding of four funerary contexts filiated to the Late Horizon period. The analysis of individual skeleton from the Funeral Context No. 4, revealed that the remains belonged to a woman of 25 to 30 years old, affected by an unusual and severe condition of dental calculus, on both maxilla and mandible.
Talks by Eliza Orellana-González
VII Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2017
In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy... more In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy of a woman who was suspected to have died during childbirth. The body was naturally mummified, and was in a good state of preservation. She was positioned on her right-hand side with her trunk extended and her legs flexed. She demonstrated folds of tissue around the circumference of her body, indicating that she had suffered from widespread edema at the time of her death. Osteobiographic analysis (including direct visual examination and the examination of plain film x-rays) confirmed that she was female, young to middle adult in age, approximately 142.5 cm tall. She had extensive even/flat dental wear exposing the pulp at the center of the tooth crowns. She demonstrated no evidence of early childhood stress. She had two rib fractures, neither of which showed signs of healing, but no other signs of trauma. Detailed examination revealed that the placenta was partially expelled from the vagina and there was (apparently) dried blood on the mat that was positioned between her legs. A placenta may be retained for three main reasons 1) it is trapped behind the cervix, 2) the myometrium failed to contract behind the placenta or 3) when there is a small amount of the placenta adhering to the wall of the uterus, preventing detachment. It is difficult to be sure of the aetiology, but the partial expulsion of the placenta may suggest the third option: partial accreta. The obstetric difficulties would have been accompanied by severe hemorrhaging, amniotic fluid embolism, or infection, in this case likely causing death. It is unclear whether the infant would have survived. However, this poignant moment demonstrates the risks facing expectant mothers in ancient times, and captures what must have been a traumatic event for the social fabric of the community.
9th World Congress on Mummy Studies, 2016
Intentional cranial deformation was a common cultural practice among ancient Andean societies. Ev... more Intentional cranial deformation was a common cultural practice among ancient Andean societies. Evidence appears as early as the archaic period and is seen in both coastal and highland scenarios. These modifications varied in shape depending on the system of deformation used and the amount of pressure applied. Several typologies for deformations have been produced in an effort to systematize the observations. The list of varieties range from two to fourteen types. There is also an extensive academic discussion concerning the reasons for this widespread practice. Gender, social status, and ethnic affinity are all cited among the main reasons, but there is no general consensus. The Chiribaya society developed in the extreme southern coast of Peru during the Late Intermediate period between 900 to 1450 of our era. Evidence of the Chiribaya is found mainly in the coastal areas with a limited number of sites found in the highlands. It is clear that there was interaction among groups at different geographical altitudes. Their economy was based on intensive agriculture, animal husbandry, and maritime activities. Cranial modification was a common practice among the Chiribaya, using mainly variations of the annular shape. This practice might have had relevance in differentiating the different ethnic groups and economic activities that converged in the Chiribaya cultural context. The interest among the Chiribaya in producing such extreme cranial alterations, plus probably a lack of sufficient practice to produce these modifications or a lack of awareness concerning the health consequences, generated cases in which it is evident that the intention to modify the shape of the cranial vault was also the cause of death. A series of skeletonized and mummified Chiribaya crania were observed using radiographic imaging to present a clear connection between the tightening of the apparatus to cause the changes and the development of osteitis, porotic hyperostosis, early cranial sinostosis, distortion in dental occlusion, and at some point the death of the child or young person involved
V Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2013
Mandibular condylar hyperplasia is an uncommon disease, first described as an overgrowth of the m... more Mandibular condylar hyperplasia is an uncommon disease, first described as an overgrowth of the mandibular condyle causing facial asymmetry and occlusal disorders and may be associated with pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. This condition is self-limiting; however, as long as it stays active, the asymmetry and occlusal changes will keep progressing. The etiology of condylar hyperplasia remains unclear, although factors such as trauma, arthritis and hormonal problems have been associated. We report the case study of a male individual, 30 to 34 years old, which shows a greater development of right mandibular condyle. The individual was registered during archaeological excavations in the Temple of Santa Ana of Yauri (Espinar - Cusco), Temple that was built over an Inca Huaca in the second half of the seventeenth century. The burial characteristics are those of the Christian tradition. Facial asymmetry secondary to condylar hyperplasia is not only an aesthetic problem as it can have functional impairments such as pain and limitation of mouth opening, the growth of the condylar head causes downward and forward displacement of the mandibular body, causing vertical maxillary discrepancy of the occlusal plane, crossbite and also interference in the temporomandibular joint movements, besides the pain caused by the compression and displacement of peripheral structures.
Papers by Eliza Orellana-González
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2013
Ausonius Éditions eBooks, May 2, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 30, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 15, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2017
In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy... more In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy of a woman who was suspected to have died during childbirth. The body was naturally mummified, and was in a good state of preservation. She was positioned on her right-hand side with her trunk extended and her legs flexed. She demonstrated folds of tissue around the circumference of her body, indicating that she had suffered from widespread edema at the time of her death. Osteobiographic analysis (including direct visual examination and the examination of plain film x-rays) confirmed that she was female, young to middle adult in age, approximately 142.5 cm tall. She had extensive even/flat dental wear exposing the pulp at the center of the tooth crowns. She demonstrated no evidence of early childhood stress. She had two rib fractures, neither of which showed signs of healing, but no other signs of trauma. Detailed examination revealed that the placenta was partially expelled from the vagina and there was (apparently) dried blood on the mat that was positioned between her legs. A placenta may be retained for three main reasons 1) it is trapped behind the cervix, 2) the myometrium failed to contract behind the placenta or 3) when there is a small amount of the placenta adhering to the wall of the uterus, preventing detachment. It is difficult to be sure of the aetiology, but the partial expulsion of the placenta may suggest the third option: partial accreta. The obstetric difficulties would have been accompanied by severe hemorrhaging, amniotic fluid embolism, or infection, in this case likely causing death. It is unclear whether the infant would have survived. However, this poignant moment demonstrates the risks facing expectant mothers in ancient times, and captures what must have been a traumatic event for the social fabric of the community.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2016
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2016
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2013
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2019
by Bertrand Augier, Virgile Cirefice, Angela Cossu, Viva Sacco, Eliza Orellana-González, Philippe Lefeuvre, Marie Bossaert, Carole Mabboux, Nina Valbousquet, Bruno D'Andrea, Emilie Mannocci, and Christian Mazet
Calendrier des séances du séminaire de lectures en sciences sociales Ecole française de Rome, Pi... more Calendrier des séances du séminaire de lectures en sciences sociales
Ecole française de Rome, Piazza Navona 62
1845èmes Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 2020
Les dents sont l’un des matériaux les mieux préservés des assemblages archéologiques et paléoanth... more Les dents sont l’un des matériaux les mieux préservés des assemblages archéologiques et paléoanthropologiques. Les tissus dentaires, tels que l'émail et la dentine, se forment par couches superposées qui seront préservées tout au long de la vie de l’individu. Cette séquence de couches contient l’enregistrement d'informations uniques sur de la trajectoire de développement d’une personne, et peuvent fournir des informations sur la grossesse (durée et naissance), ainsi que sur la manière dont la personne interagit avec son environnement (régime alimentaire, événements de stress). La collection « Petite souris » est composée d'environ 900 dents exfoliées naturellement appartenant à une centaine d'individus de 40 familles. Des informations détaillées sur les individus ont été récoltées dans une base de données (BdD) ; notamment la durée de la grossesse, le type de naissance, le type d’alimentation y compris l'âge du sevrage. Des analyses histologiques et physico-chimiques ont été effectuées sur un échantillon de 12 deuxièmes molaires déciduales. Les zones prénatales et postnatales de l'émail ont été analysées par microscopie électronique à balayage couplée à la spectroscopie de rayons X à dispersion d'énergie (MEB-EDS), spectroscopie Raman et spectrométrie d'émission atomique de plasma induit par laser (LIBS) pour voir si des modifications dans la composition chimique des dents peuvent être corrélées à des évènements observables sur les coupes histologiques ou enregistrés dans la BdD de la collection. Les résultats ont permis de confirmer que quand les lignes accentuées sont identifiées sur les coupes histologiques elles peuvent être corrélées à des évènements de stress signalés sur la BdD, notamment le sevrage (13/15 ont été corrélés). D’autre part, les analyses physico-chimiques nous ont permis d’observer que la distribution et intensités des éléments, par exemple pour le strontium, sont en lien avec des variations dans les apports alimentaires (lait maternel, lait artificiel et aliments solides) et le sevrage.
XI Reunión Sociedad de Odontoestomatólogos forenses iberoamericanos - SOFIA, 2019
1844èmes Journées de la Société d’Anthropologie de Paris, 2019
La transition vers le mode de vie néolithique (économie basée sur la domestication des plantes et... more La transition vers le mode de vie néolithique (économie basée sur la domestication des plantes et animaux) a impacté en manière significative l’état sanitaire, l'alimentation, et l'activité humaine. Les nouvelles stratégies de subsistance ont permis l’introduction d’aliments de sevrage qui ont réduit la durée de l'allaitement et limité les intervalles entre les naissances, donnant lieu à une croissance démographique. En même temps, plusieurs études suggèrent que le passage à l'agriculture ait pu provoquer une détérioration des conditions de vie et sanitaires. Les groupes néolithiques ont été impacté par des facteurs de stress environnementaux, probablement causés par des changements des pratiques alimentaires, des stratégies de subsistance, de la pression démographique et de la diffusion de nouveaux pathogènes. Reconstituer l’histoire-de-vie d’un individu de la naissance jusqu'à la fin de l’enfance, est fondamental pour apprécier les adaptations humaines. La Ligurie (nord-ouest de l'Italie) est une région clé pour l'étude des adaptations bio-culturelles humaines néolithiques grâce à la découverte de nombreux sites liés à ces communautés. Cette étude porte sur les perturbations ontogénétiques par l'analyse de l'hypoplasie linéaire de l'émail (HLE) observés sur 38 dents de 12 inhumés des grottes de Ligurie (phase chrono-culturelle VBQ, c. 5000-4300 cal BC). Les HLE ont été analysés avec des images macrophotographiques à haute résolution. Une augmentation significative des HLE a été observée entre l'âge de 2,5-3 ans, et certains auteurs avancent l'hypothèse que, dans des échantillons archéologiques, les défauts de l'émail entre deux et quatre ans pourraient être liés au stress causé par le sevrage. Même s'il est impropre de corréler un seul défaut hypoplasique à une cause spécifique, les résultats obtenus suggèrent la présence de troubles précoces de la croissance dentaire, probablement due à une adaptation environnementale associée à une période de sevrage réduite par rapport au paléolithique (4-5 ans).
LIII RIUNIONE SCIENTIFICA Preistoria e Protostoria della Liguria, 2018
With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental str... more With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental stressors, probably caused by changes in diet and subsistence, population packing, and the spread of new pathogens. Developing individuals are the most susceptible to environmental stressors, and are therefore the most representative sample to describe to the overall “well-being” of a population. Studies of stress in past populations are often based on a suite of skeletal and dental features (e.g. enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, periostotic lesions, Harris lines, and long bone dimensions) associated with either developmental disruptions, non-specific bone reactive processes, or nutritional deficiencies. Among these, the study of enamel hypoplasia has some advantages. Enamel hypoplasia consists in a reduction of normal enamel thickness or quantity of enamel due to events occurring during the amelogenesis. These defects are commonly considered a nonspecific indicator of systemic growth disturbances as the causes determining their onset may be multiple (weaning, nutritional deficiencies, diseases, infections, metabolic disorders, etc.). Furthermore, the analysis of enamel hypoplasia presents some advantages that consist in the possibility to quantify the frequency, the age of occurrence, the duration and the periodicity of the defects. It is also possible to compare populations, and groups with social and demographic differences. To date, few studies have taken into account the dental remains from Neolithic Liguria, and in these studies, tooth development had not been considered. In this work, we study the enamel defects (linear enamel hypoplasia –LEH) using a new methodological approach based on the analysis of tooth surfaces by macro-photos and microscopic observations. These methodological enhancements allow us to observe several parameters of LEH: number of defects, the duration of each LEH, the interval between successive defects, age at first defect, and the total amount of dental formation time affected by growth disruption. Specifically, the aim of this work is to make inferences on diet, disease, and timing of life history landmarks such as weaning in a sample of Neolithic subadults from Liguria. In fact, it is generally assumed that Neolithic lifestyle resulted in an overall decrease in well-being. On the other hand, one of the main competitive advantages of Neolithic farmers when compared to previous hunter-gatherers was the possibility of using weaning food, which dramatically reduces the length of infant breastfeeding and allows for a shorter inter-birth interval. The analyses were made on high-resolution dental casts of anterior unworn teeth (uppers and lowers) of 24 children and adolescents from Ligurian sites in the Finalese area (Pollera, La Matta, Bergeggi, Arene Candide, Arma dell’Aquila, Parmorari, and Strapatente). Macro-photographs were taken of all teeth to determine the presence of defects. Using ImageJ, it was possible to measure the total height of the crown for each photos, divide that into deciles and visually identify defects per decile. Furthermore, teeth surfaces were imaged and analyzed by microscopic method (Confocal Microscope, Sensoscan 6.2 programme, x20 magnification). This allowed for the identification of the perikymata (incremental growth lines on the enamel surface) of each individual, creating their spacing profiles, and measuring the distance between them from the incisal margin to the cervix. With this approach, it was possible to develop an individual chronology for LEH formation analyzing spatial anomalies among successive pairs of perikymata as indicators of hypoplasia, and relating the position of the defects to the perikymata. Systemic growth perturbation were detected by matching linear enamel hypoplasias in two different teeth of the same individual. Enamel defects that could not be matched across teeth were interpreted as tooth-specific infections or localized trauma. This study has received financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 752626, and from the French State in the framework of the “Investments for the future” Program, IdEx Bordeaux, reference ANR-10-IDEX-03-02.
Colloque du Groupe des Paléoathologistes de Langue Française, 2018
Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui f... more Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui font partie des standards épidémiologiques et elles sont systématiquement enregistrées dans des populations vivantes et passées. Elles se forment lors de l’interruption de la sécrétion de la matrice d’améloblastes. La forme plus fréquente d’HE est en sillon et est couramment appelée hypoplasie linéaire de l’émail (HLE). Même si l’étiologie des HLE est très variée, leur identification et étude est utile pour discuter des perturbations et troubles de croissance. L’émail devient ainsi un témoin des évènements de stress survenus lors du développement et il est possible d’estimer une chronologie d’apparition de ces évènements en croisant leur position relative avec les tableaux référentiels du développement dentaire. Aussi bien en clinique qu’en archéologie les HLE ont été étudiées très fréquemment à partir de l’observation directe ou avec de la photographie, enregistrant leur absence/ présence et fréquence sur des dents et sur des individus. Des travaux récents ont démontré que les observations macroscopiques ont tendance à sous-estimer la quantité des HLE présentes par rapport aux résultats basés sur des observations microscopiques. Cependant, l’utilisation des telles méthodes, comme le microscope électronique à balayage ou profilomètre optique 3D, n’est pas toujours accessible et peut être très chronophage. Ce poster a comme objectif de présenter une méthode multi-proxy pour étudier les HLE. La combinaison de l’observation directe, la macrophotographie et la microscopie surface 3D permettra d’identifier et caractériser les HLE plus objectivement. Les résultats sur la comparaison des HLE identifiées à partir des 2 techniques d’observation, la macrophotographie et le profilomètre 3D, seront également présentées. L’échantillon analysé est composé de 25 individus juvéniles provenant de Finale Ligure en Italie et datés de la période Néolithique. Les résultats attendus de ce travail nous permettront d’évaluer la méthodologie proposée et nous donneront des indications cruciales et détaillées sur la santé des enfants pendant la période Néolithique en Italie septentrionale.
V Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2013
The study of dental disease in ancient human groups seeks to rebuild and recreate the lifestyle o... more The study of dental disease in ancient human groups seeks to rebuild and recreate the lifestyle of the population related directly to their health and disease conditions. These studies, in particular, pursue to know the prevalence of dental diseases, their causes and their possible relations to the diet. Dental calculus is the mineralization of the bacterial plaque and the deposition of salts, calcium, and phosphorus that adhere to the tooth surface (crown and root), as a fouling crust that can gain important densities during the life of the individual. In the anthropological literature, two types of calculus are recognized: a) supragingival (above the neck of the tooth) and b) subgingival. The first is mainly linked to cervical enamel on the crown, a band formed by marking the position of the gingival margin. Subgingival calculus, however, is deposited on the surface of both the root and the gingival attachment level, in some cases, this type of calculus may cause another kind of diseases involving the periodontal tissue. Archaeological Project Watching Briefs at Saphi Street, in the historical center of Cusco, allowed the finding of four funerary contexts filiated to the Late Horizon period. The analysis of individual skeleton from the Funeral Context No. 4, revealed that the remains belonged to a woman of 25 to 30 years old, affected by an unusual and severe condition of dental calculus, on both maxilla and mandible.
VII Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2017
In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy... more In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy of a woman who was suspected to have died during childbirth. The body was naturally mummified, and was in a good state of preservation. She was positioned on her right-hand side with her trunk extended and her legs flexed. She demonstrated folds of tissue around the circumference of her body, indicating that she had suffered from widespread edema at the time of her death. Osteobiographic analysis (including direct visual examination and the examination of plain film x-rays) confirmed that she was female, young to middle adult in age, approximately 142.5 cm tall. She had extensive even/flat dental wear exposing the pulp at the center of the tooth crowns. She demonstrated no evidence of early childhood stress. She had two rib fractures, neither of which showed signs of healing, but no other signs of trauma. Detailed examination revealed that the placenta was partially expelled from the vagina and there was (apparently) dried blood on the mat that was positioned between her legs. A placenta may be retained for three main reasons 1) it is trapped behind the cervix, 2) the myometrium failed to contract behind the placenta or 3) when there is a small amount of the placenta adhering to the wall of the uterus, preventing detachment. It is difficult to be sure of the aetiology, but the partial expulsion of the placenta may suggest the third option: partial accreta. The obstetric difficulties would have been accompanied by severe hemorrhaging, amniotic fluid embolism, or infection, in this case likely causing death. It is unclear whether the infant would have survived. However, this poignant moment demonstrates the risks facing expectant mothers in ancient times, and captures what must have been a traumatic event for the social fabric of the community.
9th World Congress on Mummy Studies, 2016
Intentional cranial deformation was a common cultural practice among ancient Andean societies. Ev... more Intentional cranial deformation was a common cultural practice among ancient Andean societies. Evidence appears as early as the archaic period and is seen in both coastal and highland scenarios. These modifications varied in shape depending on the system of deformation used and the amount of pressure applied. Several typologies for deformations have been produced in an effort to systematize the observations. The list of varieties range from two to fourteen types. There is also an extensive academic discussion concerning the reasons for this widespread practice. Gender, social status, and ethnic affinity are all cited among the main reasons, but there is no general consensus. The Chiribaya society developed in the extreme southern coast of Peru during the Late Intermediate period between 900 to 1450 of our era. Evidence of the Chiribaya is found mainly in the coastal areas with a limited number of sites found in the highlands. It is clear that there was interaction among groups at different geographical altitudes. Their economy was based on intensive agriculture, animal husbandry, and maritime activities. Cranial modification was a common practice among the Chiribaya, using mainly variations of the annular shape. This practice might have had relevance in differentiating the different ethnic groups and economic activities that converged in the Chiribaya cultural context. The interest among the Chiribaya in producing such extreme cranial alterations, plus probably a lack of sufficient practice to produce these modifications or a lack of awareness concerning the health consequences, generated cases in which it is evident that the intention to modify the shape of the cranial vault was also the cause of death. A series of skeletonized and mummified Chiribaya crania were observed using radiographic imaging to present a clear connection between the tightening of the apparatus to cause the changes and the development of osteitis, porotic hyperostosis, early cranial sinostosis, distortion in dental occlusion, and at some point the death of the child or young person involved
V Paleopathology Association Meeting in South America, 2013
Mandibular condylar hyperplasia is an uncommon disease, first described as an overgrowth of the m... more Mandibular condylar hyperplasia is an uncommon disease, first described as an overgrowth of the mandibular condyle causing facial asymmetry and occlusal disorders and may be associated with pain and temporomandibular joint dysfunction. This condition is self-limiting; however, as long as it stays active, the asymmetry and occlusal changes will keep progressing. The etiology of condylar hyperplasia remains unclear, although factors such as trauma, arthritis and hormonal problems have been associated. We report the case study of a male individual, 30 to 34 years old, which shows a greater development of right mandibular condyle. The individual was registered during archaeological excavations in the Temple of Santa Ana of Yauri (Espinar - Cusco), Temple that was built over an Inca Huaca in the second half of the seventeenth century. The burial characteristics are those of the Christian tradition. Facial asymmetry secondary to condylar hyperplasia is not only an aesthetic problem as it can have functional impairments such as pain and limitation of mouth opening, the growth of the condylar head causes downward and forward displacement of the mandibular body, causing vertical maxillary discrepancy of the occlusal plane, crossbite and also interference in the temporomandibular joint movements, besides the pain caused by the compression and displacement of peripheral structures.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2013
Ausonius Éditions eBooks, May 2, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 30, 2022
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 15, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2017
In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy... more In 2016, a multidisciplinary team assembled at Centro Mallqui, in Ilo, Peru, to examine the mummy of a woman who was suspected to have died during childbirth. The body was naturally mummified, and was in a good state of preservation. She was positioned on her right-hand side with her trunk extended and her legs flexed. She demonstrated folds of tissue around the circumference of her body, indicating that she had suffered from widespread edema at the time of her death. Osteobiographic analysis (including direct visual examination and the examination of plain film x-rays) confirmed that she was female, young to middle adult in age, approximately 142.5 cm tall. She had extensive even/flat dental wear exposing the pulp at the center of the tooth crowns. She demonstrated no evidence of early childhood stress. She had two rib fractures, neither of which showed signs of healing, but no other signs of trauma. Detailed examination revealed that the placenta was partially expelled from the vagina and there was (apparently) dried blood on the mat that was positioned between her legs. A placenta may be retained for three main reasons 1) it is trapped behind the cervix, 2) the myometrium failed to contract behind the placenta or 3) when there is a small amount of the placenta adhering to the wall of the uterus, preventing detachment. It is difficult to be sure of the aetiology, but the partial expulsion of the placenta may suggest the third option: partial accreta. The obstetric difficulties would have been accompanied by severe hemorrhaging, amniotic fluid embolism, or infection, in this case likely causing death. It is unclear whether the infant would have survived. However, this poignant moment demonstrates the risks facing expectant mothers in ancient times, and captures what must have been a traumatic event for the social fabric of the community.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2016
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2016
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2013
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Oct 1, 2018
With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental str... more With the shift to a Neolithic way of life, humans experienced a major change in environmental stressors, probably caused by changes in diet and subsistence, population packing, and the spread of new pathogens. Developing individuals are the most susceptible to environmental stressors, and are therefore the most representative sample to describe to the overall “well-being” of a population. Studies of stress in past populations are often based on a suite of skeletal and dental features (e.g. enamel hypoplasia, cribra orbitalia, periostotic lesions, Harris lines, and long bone dimensions) associated with either developmental disruptions, non-specific bone reactive processes, or nutritional deficiencies. Among these, the study of enamel hypoplasia has some advantages. Enamel hypoplasia consists in a reduction of normal enamel thickness or quantity of enamel due to events occurring during the amelogenesis. These defects are commonly considered a nonspecific indicator of systemic growth disturbances as the causes determining their onset may be multiple (weaning, nutritional deficiencies, diseases, infections, metabolic disorders, etc.). Furthermore, the analysis of enamel hypoplasia presents some advantages that consist in the possibility to quantify the frequency, the age of occurrence, the duration and the periodicity of the defects. It is also possible to compare populations, and groups with social and demographic differences. To date, few studies have taken into account the dental remains from Neolithic Liguria, and in these studies, tooth development had not been considered. In this work, we study the enamel defects (linear enamel hypoplasia –LEH) using a new methodological approach based on the analysis of tooth surfaces by macro-photos and microscopic observations. These methodological enhancements allow us to observe several parameters of LEH: number of defects, the duration of each LEH, the interval between successive defects, age at first defect, and the total amount of dental formation time affected by growth disruption. Specifically, the aim of this work is to make inferences on diet, disease, and timing of life history landmarks such as weaning in a sample of Neolithic subadults from Liguria. In fact, it is generally assumed that Neolithic lifestyle resulted in an overall decrease in well-being. On the other hand, one of the main competitive advantages of Neolithic farmers when compared to previous hunter-gatherers was the possibility of using weaning food, which dramatically reduces the length of infant breastfeeding and allows for a shorter inter-birth interval. The analyses were made on high-resolution dental casts of anterior unworn teeth (uppers and lowers) of 24 children and adolescents from Ligurian sites in the Finalese area (Pollera, La Matta, Bergeggi, Arene Candide, Arma dell’Aquila, Parmorari, and Strapatente). Macro-photographs were taken of all teeth to determine the presence of defects. Using ImageJ, it was possible to measure the total height of the crown for each photos, divide that into deciles and visually identify defects per decile. Furthermore, teeth surfaces were imaged and analyzed by microscopic method (Confocal Microscope, Sensoscan 6.2 programme, x20 magnification). This allowed for the identification of the perikymata (incremental growth lines on the enamel surface) of each individual, creating their spacing profiles, and measuring the distance between them from the incisal margin to the cervix. With this approach, it was possible to develop an individual chronology for LEH formation analyzing spatial anomalies among successive pairs of perikymata as indicators of hypoplasia, and relating the position of the defects to the perikymata. Systemic growth perturbation were detected by matching linear enamel hypoplasias in two different teeth of the same individual. Enamel defects that could not be matched across teeth were interpreted as tooth-specific infections or localized trauma. This study has received financial support from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie grant agreement No 752626, and from the French State in the framework of the “Investments for the future” Program, IdEx Bordeaux, reference ANR-10-IDEX-03-02.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Jan 27, 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Aug 1, 2013
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Sep 1, 2019
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Nov 29, 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), May 1, 2018
Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui f... more Les hypoplasies de l’émail dentaire ont été reconnues comme des défauts de l’émail dentaire qui font partie des standards épidémiologiques et elles sont systématiquement enregistrées dans des populations vivantes et passées. Elles se forment lors de l’interruption de la sécrétion de la matrice d’améloblastes. La forme plus fréquente d’HE est en sillon et est couramment appelée hypoplasie linéaire de l’émail (HLE). Même si l’étiologie des HLE est très variée, leur identification et étude est utile pour discuter des perturbations et troubles de croissance. L’émail devient ainsi un témoin des évènements de stress survenus lors du développement et il est possible d’estimer une chronologie d’apparition de ces évènements en croisant leur position relative avec les tableaux référentiels du développement dentaire. Aussi bien en clinique qu’en archéologie les HLE ont été étudiées très fréquemment à partir de l’observation directe ou avec de la photographie, enregistrant leur absence/ présence et fréquence sur des dents et sur des individus. Des travaux récents ont démontré que les observations macroscopiques ont tendance à sous-estimer la quantité des HLE présentes par rapport aux résultats basés sur des observations microscopiques. Cependant, l’utilisation des telles méthodes, comme le microscope électronique à balayage ou profilomètre optique 3D, n’est pas toujours accessible et peut être très chronophage. Ce poster a comme objectif de présenter une méthode multi-proxy pour étudier les HLE. La combinaison de l’observation directe, la macrophotographie et la microscopie surface 3D permettra d’identifier et caractériser les HLE plus objectivement. Les résultats sur la comparaison des HLE identifiées à partir des 2 techniques d’observation, la macrophotographie et le profilomètre 3D, seront également présentées. L’échantillon analysé est composé de 25 individus juvéniles provenant de Finale Ligure en Italie et datés de la période Néolithique. Les résultats attendus de ce travail nous permettront d’évaluer la méthodologie proposée et nous donneront des indications cruciales et détaillées sur la santé des enfants pendant la période Néolithique en Italie septentrionale.
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Apr 1, 2021
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Dec 14, 2021
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés. Diagnosi di fluorosi nella popolazione romana di Cuma (Italia, II secolo a.C.-I secolo d.C.): un approccio multidisciplinare applicato ai resti umani cremati
Bulletins et mémoires de la société d'anthropologie de Paris
Diagnostic de la fluorose dans la population romaine de Cumes (Italie, II e siècle av. J.-C.-I er... more Diagnostic de la fluorose dans la population romaine de Cumes (Italie, II e siècle av. J.-C.-I er siècle apr. J.-C.) à partir d'une approche multidisciplinaire archéométrique et paléopathologique appliquée aux restes humains brûlés Diagnosis of fluorosis in Roman Cumae population (Italy, 2 nd century BC-1 st century AD) using a multidisciplinary archaeometric and paleopathological approach applied to cremated human remains
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), Mar 25, 2021