Ana Carolina Cordilha | Université Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle (original) (raw)
Books by Ana Carolina Cordilha
Brill, 2023
In Public Health Systems in the Age of Financialization, I unpack policy shifts that have transfo... more In Public Health Systems in the Age of Financialization, I unpack policy shifts that have transformed public health systems into vehicles for financial speculation and capital accumulation. While it is commonly thought that these systems are being cut back in the period of financialization, I show that current changes in public health financing go far beyond budget cuts and privatization measures. I examine how public health systems are adopting financial instruments and participating in financial accumulation strategies, with harmful impacts on transparency, democratic accountability, and health service provision. With an in-depth study of both the French and Brazilian systems, I explore the different ways in which this process unfolds in central and peripheral countries.
Publications by Ana Carolina Cordilha
Doctoral Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, 2022
Contemporary capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization - the expansion of the ... more Contemporary capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization - the expansion of the financial sector in size, scale, and power. Although this process is a key driver of transformations in the global economy, the mechanisms through which it reshapes Public Health Systems (PHS) remain poorly investigated. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of transformations in PHS by reassessing their trajectory from the fresh analytical framework of financialization. Incorporating this concept sheds light on actors, instruments, processes, and interests that have been critical in shaping reforms but which remain partially misapprehended.We hypothesize that PHS are being reshaped by the process of financialization in ways that are functional for the expansion of the financial sector and the accumulation of financial capital. To investigate this hypothesis, we combine a theoretical discussion with an empirical investigation of two universal health systems, in France and Brazil. Following a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative information, we demonstrate the implementation of financialized policies in each PHS since the 1990s. This means policies leading them to adopt financial logics, engage with financial instruments, and participate in financial accumulation strategies.The first chapter introduces the topic of financialization and the inroads of finance into social provision. The second chapter conceptualizes PHS and suggests how to incorporate the notion of financialization into the analysis. The third and fourth chapters present the empirical findings. The conclusion systematizes these findings and elaborates a critical discussion on the problems associated with the adoption of financialized policies. We show that these policies transform PHS into vehicles for financial accumulation, decrease the stability of funding, and pose serious problems to democratic participation
Review of Social Economy, 2021
Public Health Systems (PHS) are under continuous transformation in line with economic, political,... more Public Health Systems (PHS) are under continuous transformation in line with economic, political, and ideological changes in capitalist economies. The current stage of capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization, meaning an increasing dominance of financial actors, markets, practices, measurements, and narratives over other agents, including the State. This article examines how financialization has been reshaping PHS, with an in-depth study of the French case. First, we suggest how to incorporate the concept of financialization into the research on PHS transformation. We then apply this concept to reassess the trajectory of the French system from the 1990s onwards. We show the increasing participation of financial capital for long-term, short-term, and infrastructure financing, occupying roles previously fulfilled by the public sector. We then discuss how the adoption of financialized strategies led to shifts in how public actors behave, and the potentially adverse effects for solidarity, stability, and democratic participation.
EPOG Policy Briefs, 2020
Through the French case, this policy brief uncovers the promises and perils of making social poli... more Through the French case, this policy brief uncovers the promises and perils of making social policies dependent on financial markets, especially during crises. It discusses alternatives that are better suited for fostering social wellbeing and economic stability in the long run.
CEPN Working Papers 03-2020, 2020
This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). T... more This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). To do so, we combine a theoretical discussion and an empirical investigation to examine the increasing participation of financial actors and instruments in these systems over the last decades. In the first part, we present the conventional approach for assessing PHCS transformation to date and argue for the need to incorporate the concept of ’financialization’. In the second part, we suggest a method for empirically examining how financialization alters the internal structures and organization of PHCS. In the last part, we apply this method to conduct an in-depth analysis of the French public health system, Assurance Maladie (AM). Our findings provide robust evidence that financialization had a major influence in the direction taken by the post-1990s reforms in this case, with new strategies allowing the increased participation of financial capital in the system’s long-term, short-term, and investment financing. In the conclusion, we provide a critical assessment of financialized strategies, highlighting their adverse impacts on core principles of PHCS such as solidarity, stability, and democratic participation.
Revista Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 2018
(English version) Since the post-War period, social protection systems have experienced continuou... more (English version)
Since the post-War period, social protection systems have experienced continuous reforms , either extending or, more often, reducing the scope and the scale of public provision. This paper seeks to present how healthcare systems have evolved both in France and in Brazil recently , in order to comprehend mechanisms through which financialization has been reshaping public care provision. This comparative analysis unveils distinct financialization dynamics of healthcare systems, built upon universalism principles. After featuring both systems, underlying their private dimension – either complementary or supplementary – the article points out how the financial sector is broadening its share in the supply of healthcare services. In what follows, the sector's process of internationalization/centralization is analyzed and lastly the regulatory role of the State in strengthening private provision is defined. Despite radically different institutional paths, the findings corroborate that in both cases finance is a driving force in reshaping the healthcare sector.
(Portuguese version)
Desde a segunda metade do século XX, reformas tornaram-se contínuas no âmbito dos sistemas de proteção social, ampliando ou, com mais frequência, restringindo o escopo e a escala da provisão pública. Neste artigo, cotejamos a evo-lução recente dos sistemas de saúde na França e no Brasil, de modo a apreender os mecanismos atra-vés dos quais a " financeirização " vem reforma-tando a provisão pública. Essa abordagem com-parada tem por finalidade explicitar dinâmicas diferenciadas de penetração do capital financeiro em sistemas de saúde que se pautaram por princí-pios universalistas. Após caracterizar brevemente ambos os sistemas de saúde, destacando o alcance da provisão privada seja complementar, seja su-plementar, o artigo mostra como o setor financeiro vem ampliando sua participação na oferta de ser-viços de saúde. Em seguida, analisa como se dá o processo de internacionalização/centralização do setor, e, finalmente, sintetiza o papel regulatório do Estado no fortalecimento da provisão privada. Os resultados indicam que, a despeito de trajetó-rias institucionais radicalmente opostas, a marcha da financeirização avança no setor de saúde.
Master thesis at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (text in Portuguese). Advisor: Prof. Lena L... more Master thesis at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (text in Portuguese).
Advisor: Prof. Lena Lavinas
Desde os anos 90, as desonerações tributárias vêm se consolidando como um dos principais instrumentos do governo brasileiro para estimular a indústria nacional, que tem na desoneração da folha de pagamentos adotada no início do mandato de Dilma Rousseff em 2011 um de seus maiores exemplos recentes. Ao mesmo tempo em que tais medidas não se provam capazes de contrarrestar a visível perda de dinamismo do setor, implicam em uma renúncia crescente a receitas vinculadas ao financiamento da proteção social no país. Este trabalho se propõe a analisar os impactos da desoneração da folha sobre a competitividade e a política social brasileira, com base na trajetória das renúncias tributárias, exportações, importações e emprego em dois dos primeiros segmentos beneficiados pela medida, vestuário e couro/calçados. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de que tal política, assim como as desonerações tributárias em geral aplicadas no Brasil, possuem uma natureza essencialmente “espúria” – isto é, incapazes de garantir ganhos econômicos sustentáveis e compatíveis com efetivo progresso social no longo prazo.
In: Nadya Araujo Guimaraes; Margaret Maruani; Bila Sorj (Org.). Genre, race, classe - Travailler ... more In: Nadya Araujo Guimaraes; Margaret Maruani; Bila Sorj (Org.). Genre, race, classe - Travailler en France et au Brésil. 1ed. Paris: Hartmann, 2016, v.1 p.111-133
In: Alice Rangel de Paiva Abreu, Helena Hirata e Maria Rosa Lombardi (Org.). Gênero e trabalho no... more In: Alice Rangel de Paiva Abreu, Helena Hirata e Maria Rosa Lombardi (Org.). Gênero e trabalho no Brasil e na França. Perspectivas interseccionais. 1 ed. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2016.
Master thesis at Université Paris 13. Advisor: Prof. Marc Lavoie Co-advisor: Prof. Gary Dimsky ... more Master thesis at Université Paris 13.
Advisor: Prof. Marc Lavoie
Co-advisor: Prof. Gary Dimsky
Abstract: This study systematizes relations between income distribution and economic growth on the Structuralist and Post-Keynesian schools of thought, using such contributions to discuss the evolution of the Brazilian economy in the last fifteen years, when redistribution policies gained a huge momentum as drivers of a new growth strategy. Based on the assumption of its “rise and fall” from 2000 to 2015, the main goal is to discuss possible explanations for such an evolution according to different frameworks of economic theory. Considering the observation of a change on income distribution in this period, this is done by comparing predicted outcomes of such process over economic growth with empirical results, using each particular framework to infer causal relations and explain eventual inconsistencies between theory and reality.
The first chapter presents different interpretations on how income redistribution affects economic growth (and other crucial elements of capitalist economies) according to two heterodox schools of thought, Structuralism and the post-keynesian theory of “growth regimes”.
The choice of these specific branches is justified not only by the centrality assumed by this relation in their theoretical frameworks as well as by the fact that they are two of the main references for
the discussion of the Brazilian case in recent times. The second chapter provides an empirical basis to discuss such interpretations, presenting the evolution of different economic and social indicators from 2000 to 2015. Finally, the last chapter uses the selected economic theories as a
background to discuss the outcomes observed during the period of an alleged shift on economic distribution. By recovering predicted causal relations and comparing it to what seems to have occurred in practice, it allows to identify potentially important obstacles for the establishment of a sustainable path of economic development based on a more fair redistribution of income in Brazil, as expected in the beginning of this period.
A Desoneração da Folha de Pagamentos adotada pelo governo Dilma vem sendo exaltada por grande par... more A Desoneração da Folha de Pagamentos adotada pelo governo Dilma vem sendo exaltada por grande parte dos setores público e privado como uma medida necessária e eficaz para promover a competitividade da indústria nacional, sofrendo contínua expansão desde o inicio de sua implementação em 2011: de 4 setores econômicos inicialmente beneficiados para mais de 50 em 2014. 1 Adotada sob caráter temporário, declarações do Ministério da Fazenda afirmam que a partir de 2015 a regra deve tornar-se permanente e ainda mais ampla, implicando uma renúncia de recursos que somente para este ano foi estimada em R$ 21,6 bilhões. 2 No entanto, seu caráter não é inovador: a concessão de benefícios tributários ao setor privado têm sido uma constante dentre as principais políticas de incentivo do governo brasileiro desde os anos 90, ganhando ainda mais destaque com sua ampla utilização para combate aos efeitos recessivos da crise internacional após 2008, e apoiando-se cada vez mais na renúncia a recursos destinados à Política Social. Este artigo procura relativizar as perspectivas de efetividade da política de desoneração da folha de pagamentos, dimensionando-a dentro da extensa trajetória de concessão de benefícios tributários como instrumento de estímulo econômico do governo brasileiro. Busca-se refletir sobre a natureza potencialmente espúria dos ganhos de competitividade associados a tais instrumentos – isto é, incapazes de garantir uma inserção internacional sustentável e com maior inclusão social. O argumento sustenta-se na ideia de que, embora os incentivos tributários tenham crescido desde o final do século XX, a persistência dos problemas de competitividade interna e externa enfrentados pela indústria brasileira (sinalizada pelo baixo crescimento da indústria de transformação, especialmente em setores expostos à concorrência internacional, e pela deterioração da Balança Comercial com crescente dependência dos produtos primários) parece indicar sua incapacidade em contrabalançar diversas forças contrárias à elevação da competitividade nacional, garantindo os resultados esperados. A primeira dimensão do caráter potencialmente espúrio dos ganhos decorrentes das desonerações tributárias, como a da folha de pagamentos, se daria pela manutenção de obstáculos sistêmicos que há décadas prejudicam a competitividade brasileira, conferindo-lhes assim efetividade duvidosa no longo prazo. A segunda dimensão, o conflito com o progresso social, fundamentar-se-ia pela concessão de benefícios ao setor privado apoiados em recursos próprios da Seguridade Social, instituição central para garantia de acesso a direitos universais básicos e redução da pobreza e desigualdade no Brasil.
Paper published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Latino-Americanos (text in Portuguese). Resumo ... more Paper published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Latino-Americanos (text in Portuguese).
A proposta deste artigo é analisar a estratégia de redução das desigualdades sociais característica de governos latino-americanos a partir da década de 2000 e suas possíveis limitações no que se refere à promoção efetiva de maior equidade social no longo prazo. Tais barreiras dar-se-iam principalmente devido (i) à expansão de um modelo neoliberal de Política Social, calcado na crescente focalização e mercantilização de bens e serviços essenciais; (ii) aos avanços no mercado de trabalho como fator de liderança do processo recente de inserção social, caminho vulnerável aos ciclos econômicos e restrito a uma parcela da população, em detrimento ao fortalecimento de sistemas institucionalizados de Proteção Social; e (iii) pela elevada fragilidade e/ou regressividade dos sistemas tributários da região.
Palavras-chave: América Latina, desenvolvimento econômico, desigualdade social, equidade.
Limits for the reduction of social inequalities in Latin America
This paper analyzes strategies for reducing social inequalities by latin american governments since the 2000’s decade, as well as its possible limitations for promoting social equity in the long run. The argument is that such obstacles could emerge mainly due to (i) the expansion of a neoliberal model of Social Policy, increasingly based on targeting and commodification of essential goods and services; (ii) the leading role of labor market changes in the recent process of social inclusion at the expense of strengthening Social Protection Systems; (iii) highly fragile and/or regressive tax systems.
Key-words: Latin America, economic development, social inequality, social equity
Book chapter. In: Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo e Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Org.). Austeridade para ... more Book chapter. In: Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo e Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Org.). Austeridade para quem? balanço e perspectivas do governo Dilma Rousseff. 1ed. São Paulo: Carta Maior/Friedrich Ebert, 2015,
Conference Presentations by Ana Carolina Cordilha
Presentation at the 8th Annual Conference in Political Economy (IIPPE)
Presentation at the Festival For New Economic Thinking 2017
Brill, 2023
In Public Health Systems in the Age of Financialization, I unpack policy shifts that have transfo... more In Public Health Systems in the Age of Financialization, I unpack policy shifts that have transformed public health systems into vehicles for financial speculation and capital accumulation. While it is commonly thought that these systems are being cut back in the period of financialization, I show that current changes in public health financing go far beyond budget cuts and privatization measures. I examine how public health systems are adopting financial instruments and participating in financial accumulation strategies, with harmful impacts on transparency, democratic accountability, and health service provision. With an in-depth study of both the French and Brazilian systems, I explore the different ways in which this process unfolds in central and peripheral countries.
Doctoral Thesis, Sorbonne Paris Nord University, 2022
Contemporary capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization - the expansion of the ... more Contemporary capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization - the expansion of the financial sector in size, scale, and power. Although this process is a key driver of transformations in the global economy, the mechanisms through which it reshapes Public Health Systems (PHS) remain poorly investigated. This thesis contributes to a better understanding of transformations in PHS by reassessing their trajectory from the fresh analytical framework of financialization. Incorporating this concept sheds light on actors, instruments, processes, and interests that have been critical in shaping reforms but which remain partially misapprehended.We hypothesize that PHS are being reshaped by the process of financialization in ways that are functional for the expansion of the financial sector and the accumulation of financial capital. To investigate this hypothesis, we combine a theoretical discussion with an empirical investigation of two universal health systems, in France and Brazil. Following a mixed-method approach that combines qualitative and quantitative information, we demonstrate the implementation of financialized policies in each PHS since the 1990s. This means policies leading them to adopt financial logics, engage with financial instruments, and participate in financial accumulation strategies.The first chapter introduces the topic of financialization and the inroads of finance into social provision. The second chapter conceptualizes PHS and suggests how to incorporate the notion of financialization into the analysis. The third and fourth chapters present the empirical findings. The conclusion systematizes these findings and elaborates a critical discussion on the problems associated with the adoption of financialized policies. We show that these policies transform PHS into vehicles for financial accumulation, decrease the stability of funding, and pose serious problems to democratic participation
Review of Social Economy, 2021
Public Health Systems (PHS) are under continuous transformation in line with economic, political,... more Public Health Systems (PHS) are under continuous transformation in line with economic, political, and ideological changes in capitalist economies. The current stage of capitalism is underpinned by the process of financialization, meaning an increasing dominance of financial actors, markets, practices, measurements, and narratives over other agents, including the State. This article examines how financialization has been reshaping PHS, with an in-depth study of the French case. First, we suggest how to incorporate the concept of financialization into the research on PHS transformation. We then apply this concept to reassess the trajectory of the French system from the 1990s onwards. We show the increasing participation of financial capital for long-term, short-term, and infrastructure financing, occupying roles previously fulfilled by the public sector. We then discuss how the adoption of financialized strategies led to shifts in how public actors behave, and the potentially adverse effects for solidarity, stability, and democratic participation.
EPOG Policy Briefs, 2020
Through the French case, this policy brief uncovers the promises and perils of making social poli... more Through the French case, this policy brief uncovers the promises and perils of making social policies dependent on financial markets, especially during crises. It discusses alternatives that are better suited for fostering social wellbeing and economic stability in the long run.
CEPN Working Papers 03-2020, 2020
This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). T... more This article seeks to show how financialization is reshaping Public Health Care Systems (PHCS). To do so, we combine a theoretical discussion and an empirical investigation to examine the increasing participation of financial actors and instruments in these systems over the last decades. In the first part, we present the conventional approach for assessing PHCS transformation to date and argue for the need to incorporate the concept of ’financialization’. In the second part, we suggest a method for empirically examining how financialization alters the internal structures and organization of PHCS. In the last part, we apply this method to conduct an in-depth analysis of the French public health system, Assurance Maladie (AM). Our findings provide robust evidence that financialization had a major influence in the direction taken by the post-1990s reforms in this case, with new strategies allowing the increased participation of financial capital in the system’s long-term, short-term, and investment financing. In the conclusion, we provide a critical assessment of financialized strategies, highlighting their adverse impacts on core principles of PHCS such as solidarity, stability, and democratic participation.
Revista Ciência e Saúde Coletiva, 2018
(English version) Since the post-War period, social protection systems have experienced continuou... more (English version)
Since the post-War period, social protection systems have experienced continuous reforms , either extending or, more often, reducing the scope and the scale of public provision. This paper seeks to present how healthcare systems have evolved both in France and in Brazil recently , in order to comprehend mechanisms through which financialization has been reshaping public care provision. This comparative analysis unveils distinct financialization dynamics of healthcare systems, built upon universalism principles. After featuring both systems, underlying their private dimension – either complementary or supplementary – the article points out how the financial sector is broadening its share in the supply of healthcare services. In what follows, the sector's process of internationalization/centralization is analyzed and lastly the regulatory role of the State in strengthening private provision is defined. Despite radically different institutional paths, the findings corroborate that in both cases finance is a driving force in reshaping the healthcare sector.
(Portuguese version)
Desde a segunda metade do século XX, reformas tornaram-se contínuas no âmbito dos sistemas de proteção social, ampliando ou, com mais frequência, restringindo o escopo e a escala da provisão pública. Neste artigo, cotejamos a evo-lução recente dos sistemas de saúde na França e no Brasil, de modo a apreender os mecanismos atra-vés dos quais a " financeirização " vem reforma-tando a provisão pública. Essa abordagem com-parada tem por finalidade explicitar dinâmicas diferenciadas de penetração do capital financeiro em sistemas de saúde que se pautaram por princí-pios universalistas. Após caracterizar brevemente ambos os sistemas de saúde, destacando o alcance da provisão privada seja complementar, seja su-plementar, o artigo mostra como o setor financeiro vem ampliando sua participação na oferta de ser-viços de saúde. Em seguida, analisa como se dá o processo de internacionalização/centralização do setor, e, finalmente, sintetiza o papel regulatório do Estado no fortalecimento da provisão privada. Os resultados indicam que, a despeito de trajetó-rias institucionais radicalmente opostas, a marcha da financeirização avança no setor de saúde.
Master thesis at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (text in Portuguese). Advisor: Prof. Lena L... more Master thesis at Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (text in Portuguese).
Advisor: Prof. Lena Lavinas
Desde os anos 90, as desonerações tributárias vêm se consolidando como um dos principais instrumentos do governo brasileiro para estimular a indústria nacional, que tem na desoneração da folha de pagamentos adotada no início do mandato de Dilma Rousseff em 2011 um de seus maiores exemplos recentes. Ao mesmo tempo em que tais medidas não se provam capazes de contrarrestar a visível perda de dinamismo do setor, implicam em uma renúncia crescente a receitas vinculadas ao financiamento da proteção social no país. Este trabalho se propõe a analisar os impactos da desoneração da folha sobre a competitividade e a política social brasileira, com base na trajetória das renúncias tributárias, exportações, importações e emprego em dois dos primeiros segmentos beneficiados pela medida, vestuário e couro/calçados. Os resultados corroboram a hipótese de que tal política, assim como as desonerações tributárias em geral aplicadas no Brasil, possuem uma natureza essencialmente “espúria” – isto é, incapazes de garantir ganhos econômicos sustentáveis e compatíveis com efetivo progresso social no longo prazo.
In: Nadya Araujo Guimaraes; Margaret Maruani; Bila Sorj (Org.). Genre, race, classe - Travailler ... more In: Nadya Araujo Guimaraes; Margaret Maruani; Bila Sorj (Org.). Genre, race, classe - Travailler en France et au Brésil. 1ed. Paris: Hartmann, 2016, v.1 p.111-133
In: Alice Rangel de Paiva Abreu, Helena Hirata e Maria Rosa Lombardi (Org.). Gênero e trabalho no... more In: Alice Rangel de Paiva Abreu, Helena Hirata e Maria Rosa Lombardi (Org.). Gênero e trabalho no Brasil e na França. Perspectivas interseccionais. 1 ed. São Paulo: Boitempo, 2016.
Master thesis at Université Paris 13. Advisor: Prof. Marc Lavoie Co-advisor: Prof. Gary Dimsky ... more Master thesis at Université Paris 13.
Advisor: Prof. Marc Lavoie
Co-advisor: Prof. Gary Dimsky
Abstract: This study systematizes relations between income distribution and economic growth on the Structuralist and Post-Keynesian schools of thought, using such contributions to discuss the evolution of the Brazilian economy in the last fifteen years, when redistribution policies gained a huge momentum as drivers of a new growth strategy. Based on the assumption of its “rise and fall” from 2000 to 2015, the main goal is to discuss possible explanations for such an evolution according to different frameworks of economic theory. Considering the observation of a change on income distribution in this period, this is done by comparing predicted outcomes of such process over economic growth with empirical results, using each particular framework to infer causal relations and explain eventual inconsistencies between theory and reality.
The first chapter presents different interpretations on how income redistribution affects economic growth (and other crucial elements of capitalist economies) according to two heterodox schools of thought, Structuralism and the post-keynesian theory of “growth regimes”.
The choice of these specific branches is justified not only by the centrality assumed by this relation in their theoretical frameworks as well as by the fact that they are two of the main references for
the discussion of the Brazilian case in recent times. The second chapter provides an empirical basis to discuss such interpretations, presenting the evolution of different economic and social indicators from 2000 to 2015. Finally, the last chapter uses the selected economic theories as a
background to discuss the outcomes observed during the period of an alleged shift on economic distribution. By recovering predicted causal relations and comparing it to what seems to have occurred in practice, it allows to identify potentially important obstacles for the establishment of a sustainable path of economic development based on a more fair redistribution of income in Brazil, as expected in the beginning of this period.
A Desoneração da Folha de Pagamentos adotada pelo governo Dilma vem sendo exaltada por grande par... more A Desoneração da Folha de Pagamentos adotada pelo governo Dilma vem sendo exaltada por grande parte dos setores público e privado como uma medida necessária e eficaz para promover a competitividade da indústria nacional, sofrendo contínua expansão desde o inicio de sua implementação em 2011: de 4 setores econômicos inicialmente beneficiados para mais de 50 em 2014. 1 Adotada sob caráter temporário, declarações do Ministério da Fazenda afirmam que a partir de 2015 a regra deve tornar-se permanente e ainda mais ampla, implicando uma renúncia de recursos que somente para este ano foi estimada em R$ 21,6 bilhões. 2 No entanto, seu caráter não é inovador: a concessão de benefícios tributários ao setor privado têm sido uma constante dentre as principais políticas de incentivo do governo brasileiro desde os anos 90, ganhando ainda mais destaque com sua ampla utilização para combate aos efeitos recessivos da crise internacional após 2008, e apoiando-se cada vez mais na renúncia a recursos destinados à Política Social. Este artigo procura relativizar as perspectivas de efetividade da política de desoneração da folha de pagamentos, dimensionando-a dentro da extensa trajetória de concessão de benefícios tributários como instrumento de estímulo econômico do governo brasileiro. Busca-se refletir sobre a natureza potencialmente espúria dos ganhos de competitividade associados a tais instrumentos – isto é, incapazes de garantir uma inserção internacional sustentável e com maior inclusão social. O argumento sustenta-se na ideia de que, embora os incentivos tributários tenham crescido desde o final do século XX, a persistência dos problemas de competitividade interna e externa enfrentados pela indústria brasileira (sinalizada pelo baixo crescimento da indústria de transformação, especialmente em setores expostos à concorrência internacional, e pela deterioração da Balança Comercial com crescente dependência dos produtos primários) parece indicar sua incapacidade em contrabalançar diversas forças contrárias à elevação da competitividade nacional, garantindo os resultados esperados. A primeira dimensão do caráter potencialmente espúrio dos ganhos decorrentes das desonerações tributárias, como a da folha de pagamentos, se daria pela manutenção de obstáculos sistêmicos que há décadas prejudicam a competitividade brasileira, conferindo-lhes assim efetividade duvidosa no longo prazo. A segunda dimensão, o conflito com o progresso social, fundamentar-se-ia pela concessão de benefícios ao setor privado apoiados em recursos próprios da Seguridade Social, instituição central para garantia de acesso a direitos universais básicos e redução da pobreza e desigualdade no Brasil.
Paper published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Latino-Americanos (text in Portuguese). Resumo ... more Paper published in Revista Brasileira de Estudos Latino-Americanos (text in Portuguese).
A proposta deste artigo é analisar a estratégia de redução das desigualdades sociais característica de governos latino-americanos a partir da década de 2000 e suas possíveis limitações no que se refere à promoção efetiva de maior equidade social no longo prazo. Tais barreiras dar-se-iam principalmente devido (i) à expansão de um modelo neoliberal de Política Social, calcado na crescente focalização e mercantilização de bens e serviços essenciais; (ii) aos avanços no mercado de trabalho como fator de liderança do processo recente de inserção social, caminho vulnerável aos ciclos econômicos e restrito a uma parcela da população, em detrimento ao fortalecimento de sistemas institucionalizados de Proteção Social; e (iii) pela elevada fragilidade e/ou regressividade dos sistemas tributários da região.
Palavras-chave: América Latina, desenvolvimento econômico, desigualdade social, equidade.
Limits for the reduction of social inequalities in Latin America
This paper analyzes strategies for reducing social inequalities by latin american governments since the 2000’s decade, as well as its possible limitations for promoting social equity in the long run. The argument is that such obstacles could emerge mainly due to (i) the expansion of a neoliberal model of Social Policy, increasingly based on targeting and commodification of essential goods and services; (ii) the leading role of labor market changes in the recent process of social inclusion at the expense of strengthening Social Protection Systems; (iii) highly fragile and/or regressive tax systems.
Key-words: Latin America, economic development, social inequality, social equity
Book chapter. In: Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo e Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Org.). Austeridade para ... more Book chapter. In: Luiz Gonzaga de Mello Belluzzo e Paulo Zahluth Bastos (Org.). Austeridade para quem? balanço e perspectivas do governo Dilma Rousseff. 1ed. São Paulo: Carta Maior/Friedrich Ebert, 2015,