Francesco Tacchi | Università Ca' Foscari Venezia (original) (raw)
Books by Francesco Tacchi
In the years after 1900 the autonomous activity of the Catholic laity in politics, culture and so... more In the years after 1900 the autonomous activity of the Catholic laity in politics, culture and society was opposed by ‘integralists’ in theological circles, in the laity as well as in the clergy, and last but not least in the Roman Curia. The integralists favoured a strict confessionalism and hierarchical control over all fields of Catholic life. Pope Pius X enforced this position in Italy and in France by solemnly condemning the autonomist Christian Democracy of Romolo Murri and the ‘Sillon’ movement of Marc Sangnier. In Germany, however, compromises with the Roman authorities were possible in all contentious areas: concerning the interdenominational character of the Christian trade unions, the independence of the Centre Party from the hierarchy and also during the controversy over the ‘Catholic belles-lettres’. Finally, in the papal encyclical ‘Singulari quadam’ (1912) the interconfessional Christian trade unions were at least ‘tolerated’. The present volume analyses these struggles from a comparative perspective and, by evaluating the entire accessible archival documentation, it reconstructs for the first time the respective internal decision-making processes of the Roman Curia. The result of this entire research is a profiling of three important European Catholicisms in the controversy over integralism. This conflict had a decisive bearing on the long-term positioning of French, German and Italian Catholicism within their respective national societies.
Negli stessi anni in cui la Chiesa cattolica fu alle prese con la crisi modernista, il cattolices... more Negli stessi anni in cui la Chiesa cattolica fu alle prese con la crisi modernista, il cattolicesimo tedesco manifestò profonde linee di frattura al proprio interno. In ambito culturale, politico e sindacale vi si contrapposero chiaramente due ‘correnti’ ("Richtungen"): una disponibile al confronto con la cultura moderna e alla collaborazione con la maggioranza protestante del Kaiserreich, l’altra, al contrario, risoluta nel riconoscere in tutto ciò un pericolo per l’integrità della dottrina cattolica. Questi cattolici ‘integrali’, forti del sostegno di monsignor Umberto Benigni e spesso membri attivi del "Sodalitium Pianum", denunciarono a più riprese l’esistenza di un modernismo ‘pratico’ in Germania, cercando di condizionare l’agire di papa Pio X. Basandosi su un’ampia documentazione vaticana, il volume offre per la prima volta una ricostruzione complessiva dell’atteggiamento della Santa Sede circa l’«Integralismusstreit» tedesco, dando conto fra l’altro delle reti di relazioni intessute tra Roma e la Germania e della genesi dei provvedimenti curiali, a partire dall’enciclica "Singulari quadam" con cui, nel settembre del 1912, il papa arrivò a tollerare suo malgrado i sindacati cristiani interconfessionali. Il quadro che emerge è quello di una Curia romana preoccupata per gli sviluppi interni alla Germania cattolica, che nel rapportarsi al contesto tedesco dovette tener conto delle sue particolarità, del punto di vista dell’episcopato locale e del delicato equilibrio diplomatico con il governo di Berlino.
Im September 1912 promulgierte Papst Pius X. die Enzyklika "Singulari quadam" über den Gewerkscha... more Im September 1912 promulgierte Papst Pius X. die Enzyklika "Singulari quadam" über den Gewerkschaftsstreit. Angesichts jahrelanger heftiger Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb des deutschen Katholizismus tolerierte das päpstliche Schreiben die interkonfessionellen christlichen Gewerkschaften, obwohl Pius X. selbst überzeugter Befürworter rein katholischer Arbeiterorganisationen war. Die deutschen Bischöfe hatten in der umstrittenen Frage zuvor ihre Stellungnahmen an den Heiligen Stuhl gesandt und einen grundlegenden Bezugspunkt für die Abfassung von "Singulari quadam" geliefert. Die meisten Oberhirten sprachen sich für die christlichen Gewerkschaften aus. Die Edition dokumentiert vollständig die Texte aus dem Apostolischen Vatikanischen Archiv. Erstmals wird dadurch der Entstehungsprozess der wichtigen "Gewerkschaftsenzyklika" rekonstruiert. Der Quellenband trägt erheblich dazu bei, den Gewerkschaftsstreit besser zu verstehen - ein Meilenstein der Katholizismusforschung.
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts alarmierte das Wachstum der internationalen sozialistischen Bewegu... more Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts alarmierte das Wachstum der internationalen sozialistischen Bewegung die katholische Kirche. Im Sozialismus erkannte sie einen Ausdruck und zugleich ein Vehikel des antichristlichen Säkularisierungsprozesses. Das katholische Lehramt interpretierte den Sozialismus nicht nur als Negation der göttlichen Offenbarung, sondern auch als Antithese zur traditionellen christlichen Gesellschaftsordnung. Wie konnte eine solche ‚Gefahr‘ abgewendet werden? Dieser Band analysiert den katholischen antisozialistischen Diskurs und seine konkreten Ausdrucksformen in der Zeit von Papst Pius X. (1903–1914). Dies geschieht in einer transnational vergleichenden Perspektive. Der Blick auf den Alltag des katholischen Antisozialismus, wie er in den Stadt- und Landpfarreien im Bistum Mainz und im Erzbistum Pisa durchgefochten wurde, kann in vielerlei Hinsicht als exemplarisch für den Katholizismus im wilhelminischen Deutschland bzw. in Italien gelten.
The remarkable and still increasing expansion of the international Socialist movement at the begi... more The remarkable and still increasing expansion of the international Socialist movement at the beginning of the 20th century was an important matter of concern for Catholic Church. This identified socialism as the last standard bearer of a basically anti-Christian modernity, as outcome and together vehicle of the secularization process, which was deemed as a deadly enemy of the traditional Christian social order and of religion itself. Thus for the Catholic world was the fight against the further spread of Socialist ‘heresy’ an absolute need. This research focuses precisely on the nature, forms and elements of Catholic antisocialism during the pontificate of Pius X (1903–1914). In doing so, it examines both the Italian and German context, which are investigated by means of two specific case studies: the diocese of Mainz for Germany, the archdiocese of Pisa for Italy. The analysis of the diocesan dimension, therefore of urban and rural parishes – the lowest level of the ecclesiastical framework –, allows to recognise the actual ways in which Catholic clergymen and lay people attempted to counter the growth of socialism in their communities, as well as their thought patterns. Furthermore, the comparative approach of the reaserch brings to light similarities and differences which ultimately concern not only to the selected cases but, with the proper precautions, even Italian and German Catholicism as a whole. The volume is organised in three main parts and several chapters. Topic of the first part is theoretical Catholic antisocialism, that is the representation of socialism in Catholic culture between the 19th and 20th centuries. The second and the third part focus on practical antisocialism, regarding respectively the diocese of Mainz and of Pisa. Finally the results of this study, which follow from the adopted methodology, are shown in the last pages.
Articles in peer-reviewed journals by Francesco Tacchi
The aim of the article is to briefly outline the contours of Pius XII's - and hence the Holy See'... more The aim of the article is to briefly outline the contours of Pius XII's - and hence the Holy See's - relationship with Germany in the years between 1945 and 1958, providing a reconstruction of the "status quaestionis" useful for the development of further investigations and thus making an original contribution to Italian-language historiography. The basis for this reconstruction coincides with a scientific literature mostly written in German. Especially in the last pages, then, an attempt is made to reflect on some possible research paths in light of the recent opening of the Vatican archives for the Pacelli pontificate.
This paper aims to analyse the thoughts published in the Jesuit journal «Stimmen der Zeit» about ... more This paper aims to analyse the thoughts published in the Jesuit journal «Stimmen der Zeit» about the relationship between Catholics and Protestants during the years of the Weimar Republic, and in doing so to outline the attitude of the German Jesuits towards Protestantism. As for the “separated brethren”, the journal focused above all on two issues: on the one hand the coexistence between the Christian denominations in post-war Germany, and on the other the development of the ecumenical movement in the international context. The «Stimmen» were not immune to a traditional anti-Protestant prejudice and called for the “return” of Protestants to the Catholic Church, as Pius XI’s encyclical "Mortalium animos" did in 1928. However, Father Max Pribilla (1874-1956) worked to prevent the papal document from completely extinguishing the attention of German Catholics towards the ecumenical efforts, recognizing in them positive elements to be safeguarded.[ more ](;)[](
The paper analyses the content of the "relationes ad limina" drawn up by German bishops between 1948 and 1958. In their abundance of information, these documents make it possible, among other things, to shed light on the episcopate's view of the material and moral condition of the German Catholic population in the immediate post-war period and in the 1950s, as well as on the situation of the Catholic Church in the two German states (FRG and GDR) separated by the 'Iron Curtain'. In the last years of Pius XII's pontificate, a cause of great concern for the ecclesiastical hierarchy was on the one hand 'practical' materialism in a West Germany that was experiencing a phase of rapid economic growth, and on the other dialectical materialism in an East Germany under Soviet influence.
This paper reconstructs the debate on the moral legitimacy of strike action within German-speakin... more This paper reconstructs the debate on the moral legitimacy of strike action within German-speaking Catholicism in the decades between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. To this end, it first examines the reflections of Catholic moral theologians. In German Kaiserreich, the intra-Catholic discussion on this topic was quite lively because of the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" ("trade union controversy"), which at the beginning of the 20th century saw two different schools of thought in harsh opposition to one other. The discussion focused especially on the "Meliorationsstreik", i.e. the protest aimed at obtaining wage improvements. In spite of the negative description of strikes in the encyclical "Rerum novarum" (1891), the possibility of "Meliorationsstreik" was generally accepted in Catholic culture, although serious concerns about it were raised.
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During the early years of the 20th century, attempts at dialogue with modern culture and practical collaboration with the Protestant majority in the Kaiserreich emerged in German Catholicism in order to overcome the condition of 'inferiority' that characterized the Catholic population. In the context of the anti-modernist repression enacted by the Roman Curia of Pope Pius X, however, the proponents of forms of interdenominational organization, the autonomy of the laity from the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and openness towards secularized modernity more generally attracted the criticism of the so-called integralist Catholics. The latter saw a danger to the Catholic faith and to the prerogatives of the Roman Church in these developments and, ultimately, a manifestation of modernist 'heresy'. Among the targets of the integralist accusations were the Volksverein and the Centre Party, as well as the interdenominational Christian trade unions. The paper aims to shed light on the contents and characteristics of German Catholic integralism in the years following the encyclical Pascendi (1907): to this end, the specific case of the Cologne priest Andreas Müller (1862–1938) is examined; through dozens of letters addressed to the Nuncio of Munich and the Holy See itself, he denounced the (alleged) infiltration of Modernism in Germany.
In the final years of the pontificate of Pius X, that is during the Modernist crisis, the Catholi... more In the final years of the pontificate of Pius X, that is during the Modernist crisis, the Catholic Integralist circles linked to Umberto Benigni's Sodalitium Pianum were characterized by a marked anti-Jesuitism. Suspected of "liberalism" and "modernizzantismo", "semi-modernism", the Society of Jesus became the object of frequent attacks. This contribution aims to shed light on the attitude taken by the Society itself, and in particular by its General Franz Xaver Wernz, in the face of Integralist anti-Jesuitism, thus initiating exploration of the problem of the relationship between religious Orders and modernism/anti-modernism. To this end, some particularly indicative cases are analysed: that of the Jesuit journals "Stimmen aus Maria Laach" (Germany), "Études" (France) and "La Civiltà Cattolica" (Italy), as well as that of the Austrian Jesuits grappling with the accusations of the Integralist newspaper "Österreichs katholisches Sonntagsblatt".
How was anticlericalism perceived and represented on the Catholic side? The essay basically aims ... more How was anticlericalism perceived and represented on the Catholic side? The essay basically aims to answer this question, focusing on the case of Italian Catholicism at the beginning of the 20th century. In this way it intends to fill a historiographical void: if anticlericalism as a political and cultural phenomenon has attracted the attention of scholars even in recent decades, the point of view of those who were the “recipients” – in spite of themselves – of anticlerical sentiment has instead remained neglected. The pastoral letters of the Italian bishops are especially examined: from them it emerges how anticlericalism was interpreted not only as an aversion to “clerical” influence in the public sphere, but also as a “persecution” motivated by satanic hatred and aimed at destroying religion itself. Overall, the bishops tried to refute the anticlerical accusations against the ecclesiastical institution and the clergy, and to offer the faithful a consolatory representation in which the “persecution” appeared as a necessary prelude to the sure triumph of the Catholic Church.
In the first years of the 20th century, the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" (“trade union controv... more In the first years of the 20th century, the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" (“trade union controversy”) was a hot topic for the Catholic minority in German Empire. This consisted in the contrast between two very different concepts of trade unionism which Catholics could belong to and particularly of its activities, its attitude towards Protestants and, most of all, towards the ecclesiastical authority. The Roman Curia of Pius X (1903-1914), which after 1907 was deeply absorbed by the repression of Modernism, could not avoid turning its attention to the issue, also in view of the numerous requests coming from Germany itself. To put an end to the sharp divisions inside German Catholicism, the Pope promulgated a specific Encyclical on the "Gewerkschaftsstreit" in September 1912 , the "Singulari quadam". Basing on material in the Vatican Secret Archives, the paper aims at providing a detailed reconstruction of the origin of this important papal document for the first time.
In March 1915 the Holy See decided to implement a proposal by the Archbishop of Pisa Pietro Maffi... more In March 1915 the Holy See decided to implement a proposal by the Archbishop of Pisa Pietro Maffi and as a result established the Opera Nazionale per la Buona Stampa («National Agency for the “Good Press"»). The charter of the organization stated that the institution’s aim was both to support the Catholic press throughout Italy and simultaneously to oppose the circulation of “evil” media content (especially that disseminated by liberal, socialist and anticlerical media). Yet the eruption of the First World War ended up seriously subverting the efforts and aims of the Opera – right up to 1918. But this essay also argues that the war also generated unprecedented conditions for the reimagining of the Opera and its work in terms of a novel rhetoric of war. The new rhetoric of war the Opera embraced described the “good press” as a mighty weapon, a vehicle of truth and morality, and the instrument of a new evangelization which had to contribute to the victorious resolution of the war and nourish the religious “awakening” produced by the conflict, understood as the first step to a peacetime corresponding to the emergence of a new Christian social order, and the fulfillment of the social reign of Christ.
In the decades at the turn of the twentieth century, Socialists and Catholics in Germany stood at... more In the decades at the turn of the twentieth century, Socialists and Catholics in Germany stood at two opposite poles of a propaganda battle over the possibility of osmosis between their respective milieus. According to the former, a "Katholik" had several reasons for being a "Sozialdemokrat" as well; for the latter, on the contrary, Christianity and Socialism were two elements of an irreconcilable antithesis: this idea was conveyed through a series of publications that continued until the first postwar period. While the Catholic point of view seemed very clear theoretically, in practical terms things were far more complicated. What attitude should Catholic priests take towards those believers who sympathized with the socialist ideal or had embraced it, and nonetheless wanted to continue their life within the Church? This paper investigates this question through the case study of the Diocese of Mainz, where some parish priests in the early twentieth century wondered as to the advisability of absolving, in the confessional, readers of socialist newspapers, and of granting church burials to SPD militants. It then considers the postwar situation, when the German episcopacy decided for the first time to intervene as a body in order to determine guidelines for the pastoral care of Socialist-Catholics.
In summer 1871 the Episcopal Ordinariate of the Diocese of Mainz asked the local parish priests f... more In summer 1871 the Episcopal Ordinariate of the Diocese of Mainz asked the local parish priests for information on the conditions of the industrial workers. It was an unprecedented initiative in German Catholicism, due to the pronounced interest of Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler, the "social" bishop of Mainz, in the situation of the working class. The paper focuses on the origin of this survey and analyzes the content of the reports of the diocesan clergy.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Catholic "Rivista internazionale... more At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Catholic "Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali e discipline ausiliarie" paid significant attention to Italian public debate about labour and social legislation, conveying a point of view which seemed relatively "progressive" inside Italian Catholicism. The prism of the periodical in analyzing Italy's nascent Welfare State was that of subsidiarity: public intervention had to fix issues where the private sector clearly appeared unable to achieve results for the common good on its own. Giuseppe Toniolo was the main figure among this group, together with those young Christian-Democrats who where influenced by Romolo Murri's ideas.
In 1913, the Catholic Church held a global celebration of the 16th Centenary of the Edict of Mila... more In 1913, the Catholic Church held a global celebration of the 16th Centenary of the Edict of Milan, with which the Emperor Constantine conceded freedom of cult to Christians after the age of persecution. While the subject of commemoration was centuries-old, the message of the Centenary was very much conceived for the present: the traditional Catholic criticism of the process of secularization – countered with an ideal return to the 'societas christiana' – was, first and foremost, articulated in the form of criticism of the relationship between the Church and the Modern State, with the latter accused of limiting the freedom of the former. In Italy, the Centenary was therefore an opportunity for the Catholic world to return the Roman question to the centre of debate, presenting it as a stage along the journey of reorganisation of the fracture caused by the Breach of Porta Pia.
Book chapters by Francesco Tacchi
The paper examines the attitude of the ecclesiastical authority towards the 'Spanish' flu epidemi... more The paper examines the attitude of the ecclesiastical authority towards the 'Spanish' flu epidemic that in Italy raged with particular virulence in the months between 1918 and 1919. Specifically, it focuses on the two cases of the archdiocese of Pisa and the diocese of Livorno, which were respectively ruled by Archbishop Pietro Maffi and Bishop Sabatino Giani.
On the basis of extensive unpublished documentation, the contribution reconstructs the position o... more On the basis of extensive unpublished documentation, the contribution reconstructs the position of the Holy See regarding the "Controversy over Integralism" which characterised German Catholicism during the pontificate of Pius X. Particular attention is given to the genesis of the encyclical "Singulari quadam" on Christian trade unions and its aftermath.
In the years after 1900 the autonomous activity of the Catholic laity in politics, culture and so... more In the years after 1900 the autonomous activity of the Catholic laity in politics, culture and society was opposed by ‘integralists’ in theological circles, in the laity as well as in the clergy, and last but not least in the Roman Curia. The integralists favoured a strict confessionalism and hierarchical control over all fields of Catholic life. Pope Pius X enforced this position in Italy and in France by solemnly condemning the autonomist Christian Democracy of Romolo Murri and the ‘Sillon’ movement of Marc Sangnier. In Germany, however, compromises with the Roman authorities were possible in all contentious areas: concerning the interdenominational character of the Christian trade unions, the independence of the Centre Party from the hierarchy and also during the controversy over the ‘Catholic belles-lettres’. Finally, in the papal encyclical ‘Singulari quadam’ (1912) the interconfessional Christian trade unions were at least ‘tolerated’. The present volume analyses these struggles from a comparative perspective and, by evaluating the entire accessible archival documentation, it reconstructs for the first time the respective internal decision-making processes of the Roman Curia. The result of this entire research is a profiling of three important European Catholicisms in the controversy over integralism. This conflict had a decisive bearing on the long-term positioning of French, German and Italian Catholicism within their respective national societies.
Negli stessi anni in cui la Chiesa cattolica fu alle prese con la crisi modernista, il cattolices... more Negli stessi anni in cui la Chiesa cattolica fu alle prese con la crisi modernista, il cattolicesimo tedesco manifestò profonde linee di frattura al proprio interno. In ambito culturale, politico e sindacale vi si contrapposero chiaramente due ‘correnti’ ("Richtungen"): una disponibile al confronto con la cultura moderna e alla collaborazione con la maggioranza protestante del Kaiserreich, l’altra, al contrario, risoluta nel riconoscere in tutto ciò un pericolo per l’integrità della dottrina cattolica. Questi cattolici ‘integrali’, forti del sostegno di monsignor Umberto Benigni e spesso membri attivi del "Sodalitium Pianum", denunciarono a più riprese l’esistenza di un modernismo ‘pratico’ in Germania, cercando di condizionare l’agire di papa Pio X. Basandosi su un’ampia documentazione vaticana, il volume offre per la prima volta una ricostruzione complessiva dell’atteggiamento della Santa Sede circa l’«Integralismusstreit» tedesco, dando conto fra l’altro delle reti di relazioni intessute tra Roma e la Germania e della genesi dei provvedimenti curiali, a partire dall’enciclica "Singulari quadam" con cui, nel settembre del 1912, il papa arrivò a tollerare suo malgrado i sindacati cristiani interconfessionali. Il quadro che emerge è quello di una Curia romana preoccupata per gli sviluppi interni alla Germania cattolica, che nel rapportarsi al contesto tedesco dovette tener conto delle sue particolarità, del punto di vista dell’episcopato locale e del delicato equilibrio diplomatico con il governo di Berlino.
Im September 1912 promulgierte Papst Pius X. die Enzyklika "Singulari quadam" über den Gewerkscha... more Im September 1912 promulgierte Papst Pius X. die Enzyklika "Singulari quadam" über den Gewerkschaftsstreit. Angesichts jahrelanger heftiger Auseinandersetzungen innerhalb des deutschen Katholizismus tolerierte das päpstliche Schreiben die interkonfessionellen christlichen Gewerkschaften, obwohl Pius X. selbst überzeugter Befürworter rein katholischer Arbeiterorganisationen war. Die deutschen Bischöfe hatten in der umstrittenen Frage zuvor ihre Stellungnahmen an den Heiligen Stuhl gesandt und einen grundlegenden Bezugspunkt für die Abfassung von "Singulari quadam" geliefert. Die meisten Oberhirten sprachen sich für die christlichen Gewerkschaften aus. Die Edition dokumentiert vollständig die Texte aus dem Apostolischen Vatikanischen Archiv. Erstmals wird dadurch der Entstehungsprozess der wichtigen "Gewerkschaftsenzyklika" rekonstruiert. Der Quellenband trägt erheblich dazu bei, den Gewerkschaftsstreit besser zu verstehen - ein Meilenstein der Katholizismusforschung.
Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts alarmierte das Wachstum der internationalen sozialistischen Bewegu... more Zu Beginn des 20. Jahrhunderts alarmierte das Wachstum der internationalen sozialistischen Bewegung die katholische Kirche. Im Sozialismus erkannte sie einen Ausdruck und zugleich ein Vehikel des antichristlichen Säkularisierungsprozesses. Das katholische Lehramt interpretierte den Sozialismus nicht nur als Negation der göttlichen Offenbarung, sondern auch als Antithese zur traditionellen christlichen Gesellschaftsordnung. Wie konnte eine solche ‚Gefahr‘ abgewendet werden? Dieser Band analysiert den katholischen antisozialistischen Diskurs und seine konkreten Ausdrucksformen in der Zeit von Papst Pius X. (1903–1914). Dies geschieht in einer transnational vergleichenden Perspektive. Der Blick auf den Alltag des katholischen Antisozialismus, wie er in den Stadt- und Landpfarreien im Bistum Mainz und im Erzbistum Pisa durchgefochten wurde, kann in vielerlei Hinsicht als exemplarisch für den Katholizismus im wilhelminischen Deutschland bzw. in Italien gelten.
The remarkable and still increasing expansion of the international Socialist movement at the begi... more The remarkable and still increasing expansion of the international Socialist movement at the beginning of the 20th century was an important matter of concern for Catholic Church. This identified socialism as the last standard bearer of a basically anti-Christian modernity, as outcome and together vehicle of the secularization process, which was deemed as a deadly enemy of the traditional Christian social order and of religion itself. Thus for the Catholic world was the fight against the further spread of Socialist ‘heresy’ an absolute need. This research focuses precisely on the nature, forms and elements of Catholic antisocialism during the pontificate of Pius X (1903–1914). In doing so, it examines both the Italian and German context, which are investigated by means of two specific case studies: the diocese of Mainz for Germany, the archdiocese of Pisa for Italy. The analysis of the diocesan dimension, therefore of urban and rural parishes – the lowest level of the ecclesiastical framework –, allows to recognise the actual ways in which Catholic clergymen and lay people attempted to counter the growth of socialism in their communities, as well as their thought patterns. Furthermore, the comparative approach of the reaserch brings to light similarities and differences which ultimately concern not only to the selected cases but, with the proper precautions, even Italian and German Catholicism as a whole. The volume is organised in three main parts and several chapters. Topic of the first part is theoretical Catholic antisocialism, that is the representation of socialism in Catholic culture between the 19th and 20th centuries. The second and the third part focus on practical antisocialism, regarding respectively the diocese of Mainz and of Pisa. Finally the results of this study, which follow from the adopted methodology, are shown in the last pages.
The aim of the article is to briefly outline the contours of Pius XII's - and hence the Holy See'... more The aim of the article is to briefly outline the contours of Pius XII's - and hence the Holy See's - relationship with Germany in the years between 1945 and 1958, providing a reconstruction of the "status quaestionis" useful for the development of further investigations and thus making an original contribution to Italian-language historiography. The basis for this reconstruction coincides with a scientific literature mostly written in German. Especially in the last pages, then, an attempt is made to reflect on some possible research paths in light of the recent opening of the Vatican archives for the Pacelli pontificate.
This paper aims to analyse the thoughts published in the Jesuit journal «Stimmen der Zeit» about ... more This paper aims to analyse the thoughts published in the Jesuit journal «Stimmen der Zeit» about the relationship between Catholics and Protestants during the years of the Weimar Republic, and in doing so to outline the attitude of the German Jesuits towards Protestantism. As for the “separated brethren”, the journal focused above all on two issues: on the one hand the coexistence between the Christian denominations in post-war Germany, and on the other the development of the ecumenical movement in the international context. The «Stimmen» were not immune to a traditional anti-Protestant prejudice and called for the “return” of Protestants to the Catholic Church, as Pius XI’s encyclical "Mortalium animos" did in 1928. However, Father Max Pribilla (1874-1956) worked to prevent the papal document from completely extinguishing the attention of German Catholics towards the ecumenical efforts, recognizing in them positive elements to be safeguarded.[ more ](;)[](
The paper analyses the content of the "relationes ad limina" drawn up by German bishops between 1948 and 1958. In their abundance of information, these documents make it possible, among other things, to shed light on the episcopate's view of the material and moral condition of the German Catholic population in the immediate post-war period and in the 1950s, as well as on the situation of the Catholic Church in the two German states (FRG and GDR) separated by the 'Iron Curtain'. In the last years of Pius XII's pontificate, a cause of great concern for the ecclesiastical hierarchy was on the one hand 'practical' materialism in a West Germany that was experiencing a phase of rapid economic growth, and on the other dialectical materialism in an East Germany under Soviet influence.
This paper reconstructs the debate on the moral legitimacy of strike action within German-speakin... more This paper reconstructs the debate on the moral legitimacy of strike action within German-speaking Catholicism in the decades between the nineteenth and the twentieth centuries. To this end, it first examines the reflections of Catholic moral theologians. In German Kaiserreich, the intra-Catholic discussion on this topic was quite lively because of the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" ("trade union controversy"), which at the beginning of the 20th century saw two different schools of thought in harsh opposition to one other. The discussion focused especially on the "Meliorationsstreik", i.e. the protest aimed at obtaining wage improvements. In spite of the negative description of strikes in the encyclical "Rerum novarum" (1891), the possibility of "Meliorationsstreik" was generally accepted in Catholic culture, although serious concerns about it were raised.
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During the early years of the 20th century, attempts at dialogue with modern culture and practical collaboration with the Protestant majority in the Kaiserreich emerged in German Catholicism in order to overcome the condition of 'inferiority' that characterized the Catholic population. In the context of the anti-modernist repression enacted by the Roman Curia of Pope Pius X, however, the proponents of forms of interdenominational organization, the autonomy of the laity from the ecclesiastical hierarchy, and openness towards secularized modernity more generally attracted the criticism of the so-called integralist Catholics. The latter saw a danger to the Catholic faith and to the prerogatives of the Roman Church in these developments and, ultimately, a manifestation of modernist 'heresy'. Among the targets of the integralist accusations were the Volksverein and the Centre Party, as well as the interdenominational Christian trade unions. The paper aims to shed light on the contents and characteristics of German Catholic integralism in the years following the encyclical Pascendi (1907): to this end, the specific case of the Cologne priest Andreas Müller (1862–1938) is examined; through dozens of letters addressed to the Nuncio of Munich and the Holy See itself, he denounced the (alleged) infiltration of Modernism in Germany.
In the final years of the pontificate of Pius X, that is during the Modernist crisis, the Catholi... more In the final years of the pontificate of Pius X, that is during the Modernist crisis, the Catholic Integralist circles linked to Umberto Benigni's Sodalitium Pianum were characterized by a marked anti-Jesuitism. Suspected of "liberalism" and "modernizzantismo", "semi-modernism", the Society of Jesus became the object of frequent attacks. This contribution aims to shed light on the attitude taken by the Society itself, and in particular by its General Franz Xaver Wernz, in the face of Integralist anti-Jesuitism, thus initiating exploration of the problem of the relationship between religious Orders and modernism/anti-modernism. To this end, some particularly indicative cases are analysed: that of the Jesuit journals "Stimmen aus Maria Laach" (Germany), "Études" (France) and "La Civiltà Cattolica" (Italy), as well as that of the Austrian Jesuits grappling with the accusations of the Integralist newspaper "Österreichs katholisches Sonntagsblatt".
How was anticlericalism perceived and represented on the Catholic side? The essay basically aims ... more How was anticlericalism perceived and represented on the Catholic side? The essay basically aims to answer this question, focusing on the case of Italian Catholicism at the beginning of the 20th century. In this way it intends to fill a historiographical void: if anticlericalism as a political and cultural phenomenon has attracted the attention of scholars even in recent decades, the point of view of those who were the “recipients” – in spite of themselves – of anticlerical sentiment has instead remained neglected. The pastoral letters of the Italian bishops are especially examined: from them it emerges how anticlericalism was interpreted not only as an aversion to “clerical” influence in the public sphere, but also as a “persecution” motivated by satanic hatred and aimed at destroying religion itself. Overall, the bishops tried to refute the anticlerical accusations against the ecclesiastical institution and the clergy, and to offer the faithful a consolatory representation in which the “persecution” appeared as a necessary prelude to the sure triumph of the Catholic Church.
In the first years of the 20th century, the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" (“trade union controv... more In the first years of the 20th century, the so-called "Gewerkschaftsstreit" (“trade union controversy”) was a hot topic for the Catholic minority in German Empire. This consisted in the contrast between two very different concepts of trade unionism which Catholics could belong to and particularly of its activities, its attitude towards Protestants and, most of all, towards the ecclesiastical authority. The Roman Curia of Pius X (1903-1914), which after 1907 was deeply absorbed by the repression of Modernism, could not avoid turning its attention to the issue, also in view of the numerous requests coming from Germany itself. To put an end to the sharp divisions inside German Catholicism, the Pope promulgated a specific Encyclical on the "Gewerkschaftsstreit" in September 1912 , the "Singulari quadam". Basing on material in the Vatican Secret Archives, the paper aims at providing a detailed reconstruction of the origin of this important papal document for the first time.
In March 1915 the Holy See decided to implement a proposal by the Archbishop of Pisa Pietro Maffi... more In March 1915 the Holy See decided to implement a proposal by the Archbishop of Pisa Pietro Maffi and as a result established the Opera Nazionale per la Buona Stampa («National Agency for the “Good Press"»). The charter of the organization stated that the institution’s aim was both to support the Catholic press throughout Italy and simultaneously to oppose the circulation of “evil” media content (especially that disseminated by liberal, socialist and anticlerical media). Yet the eruption of the First World War ended up seriously subverting the efforts and aims of the Opera – right up to 1918. But this essay also argues that the war also generated unprecedented conditions for the reimagining of the Opera and its work in terms of a novel rhetoric of war. The new rhetoric of war the Opera embraced described the “good press” as a mighty weapon, a vehicle of truth and morality, and the instrument of a new evangelization which had to contribute to the victorious resolution of the war and nourish the religious “awakening” produced by the conflict, understood as the first step to a peacetime corresponding to the emergence of a new Christian social order, and the fulfillment of the social reign of Christ.
In the decades at the turn of the twentieth century, Socialists and Catholics in Germany stood at... more In the decades at the turn of the twentieth century, Socialists and Catholics in Germany stood at two opposite poles of a propaganda battle over the possibility of osmosis between their respective milieus. According to the former, a "Katholik" had several reasons for being a "Sozialdemokrat" as well; for the latter, on the contrary, Christianity and Socialism were two elements of an irreconcilable antithesis: this idea was conveyed through a series of publications that continued until the first postwar period. While the Catholic point of view seemed very clear theoretically, in practical terms things were far more complicated. What attitude should Catholic priests take towards those believers who sympathized with the socialist ideal or had embraced it, and nonetheless wanted to continue their life within the Church? This paper investigates this question through the case study of the Diocese of Mainz, where some parish priests in the early twentieth century wondered as to the advisability of absolving, in the confessional, readers of socialist newspapers, and of granting church burials to SPD militants. It then considers the postwar situation, when the German episcopacy decided for the first time to intervene as a body in order to determine guidelines for the pastoral care of Socialist-Catholics.
In summer 1871 the Episcopal Ordinariate of the Diocese of Mainz asked the local parish priests f... more In summer 1871 the Episcopal Ordinariate of the Diocese of Mainz asked the local parish priests for information on the conditions of the industrial workers. It was an unprecedented initiative in German Catholicism, due to the pronounced interest of Wilhelm Emmanuel von Ketteler, the "social" bishop of Mainz, in the situation of the working class. The paper focuses on the origin of this survey and analyzes the content of the reports of the diocesan clergy.
At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Catholic "Rivista internazionale... more At the end of the 19th and the beginning of the 20th century the Catholic "Rivista internazionale di scienze sociali e discipline ausiliarie" paid significant attention to Italian public debate about labour and social legislation, conveying a point of view which seemed relatively "progressive" inside Italian Catholicism. The prism of the periodical in analyzing Italy's nascent Welfare State was that of subsidiarity: public intervention had to fix issues where the private sector clearly appeared unable to achieve results for the common good on its own. Giuseppe Toniolo was the main figure among this group, together with those young Christian-Democrats who where influenced by Romolo Murri's ideas.
In 1913, the Catholic Church held a global celebration of the 16th Centenary of the Edict of Mila... more In 1913, the Catholic Church held a global celebration of the 16th Centenary of the Edict of Milan, with which the Emperor Constantine conceded freedom of cult to Christians after the age of persecution. While the subject of commemoration was centuries-old, the message of the Centenary was very much conceived for the present: the traditional Catholic criticism of the process of secularization – countered with an ideal return to the 'societas christiana' – was, first and foremost, articulated in the form of criticism of the relationship between the Church and the Modern State, with the latter accused of limiting the freedom of the former. In Italy, the Centenary was therefore an opportunity for the Catholic world to return the Roman question to the centre of debate, presenting it as a stage along the journey of reorganisation of the fracture caused by the Breach of Porta Pia.
The paper examines the attitude of the ecclesiastical authority towards the 'Spanish' flu epidemi... more The paper examines the attitude of the ecclesiastical authority towards the 'Spanish' flu epidemic that in Italy raged with particular virulence in the months between 1918 and 1919. Specifically, it focuses on the two cases of the archdiocese of Pisa and the diocese of Livorno, which were respectively ruled by Archbishop Pietro Maffi and Bishop Sabatino Giani.
On the basis of extensive unpublished documentation, the contribution reconstructs the position o... more On the basis of extensive unpublished documentation, the contribution reconstructs the position of the Holy See regarding the "Controversy over Integralism" which characterised German Catholicism during the pontificate of Pius X. Particular attention is given to the genesis of the encyclical "Singulari quadam" on Christian trade unions and its aftermath.
The paper investigates the attitude of the German Jesuit journal "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach" (renam... more The paper investigates the attitude of the German Jesuit journal "Stimmen aus Maria-Laach" (renamed "Stimmen der Zeit" in 1914) during the years of the Modernist crisis.
The paper focuses on the antisocialism of Father Victor Cathrein SJ (1845–1931), contextualizing ... more The paper focuses on the antisocialism of Father Victor Cathrein SJ (1845–1931), contextualizing it within the anti-socialist reflection in German Catholicism and pointing out its influence on Italian Catholic culture in the years between the 19th and 20th centuries.
Biographical portrait of Carl Forschner, priest of the Diocese of Mainz and founder of the local ... more Biographical portrait of Carl Forschner, priest of the Diocese of Mainz and founder of the local Catholic Worker movement.
The German Controversy on Integralism and the Making of the Encyclical "Singulari quadam" - Works... more The German Controversy on Integralism and the Making of the Encyclical "Singulari quadam" - Workshop "The Roman Curia and the German Controversy on 'Integralism' in the European Context", Venice, 24.-25.01.2020
PhD Thesis in Contemporary History awarded with 70/70 cum laude (Italian mark) and summa cum laud... more PhD Thesis in Contemporary History awarded with 70/70 cum laude (Italian mark) and summa cum laude (German mark). The thesis defense took place in Pisa (Scuola Normale Superiore) on November 29, 2016.
Through the analysis of two diocesan case studies and its comparative approach, this work investigates the theoretical and practical elements of Catholic antisocialism between the 19th and 20th centuries. Thanks to the attention to local-national relations, the results of the research refer ultimately to the general context both of Italian and of German Catholicism.