Alin Speriusi-Vlad | West University of Timisoara (original) (raw)
Papers by Alin Speriusi-Vlad
Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara - Seria Drept, 2013
Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale ... more Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o protecție multiplă în cea mai mare parte datorită coexistenței diferitelor sisteme de protecție la nivel regional, național sau internațional aferent fiecarei categorii de creații intelectuale. Mai multe sisteme de protecție devin aplicabile deoarece o anumită creație intelectuală, dincolo de anumite caracterisitici specifice, poate constitui obiectul protecției specifice aferente mai multor categorii de creații intelectuale. Această analiză își propune să stabilească relația dintre dreptul civil, dreptul comercial și dreptul proprietății comerciale și să stabilească dreptul comun în domeniul proprietății intelectuale. În România acest aspect prezenta relevanță îndeosebi anterior noului cod civil, dar și ulterior acestuia. English Abstract: Establishing the structure of the legal regulations in the field of intellectual property is essential, irrespective of their formal, international, regional or national origin in relation to the creation, especially due to the fact that an intellectual creation can benefit from multiple types of protection mainly due to the coexistence of regional, national and international systems of protection corresponding to each category of intellectual creation. Multiple types of protection are addressed particularly due to the fact that a certain intellectual creation, provided it fulfills a number of conditions, may constitute an object for specific protection systems corresponding to several categories of intellectual creations. This analysis aims to analyze the relation between the civil law, the commercial law and the intellectual property law and to establish the subsidiary rules in the field of intellectual property. In Romania, for instance, this aspect was significant even previous to the new civil code as well as subsequent to it.
Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale ... more Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o protecție multiplă în cea mai mare parte datorită coexistenței diferitelor sisteme de protecție la nivel regional, național sau internațional aferent fiecarei categorii de creații intelectuale. Mai multe sisteme de protecție devin aplicabile deoarece o anumită creație intelectuală, dincolo de anumite caracterisitici specifice, poate constitui obiectul protecției specifice aferente mai multor categorii de creații intelectuale. Această analiză își propune să stabilească relația dintre dreptul civil, dreptul comercial și dreptul proprietății comerciale și să stabilească dreptul comun în domeniul proprietății intelectuale. În România acest aspect prezenta relevanță îndeosebi anterior noului cod civil, dar și ...
Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a... more Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a pune opera sa in contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea acesteia de a face parte din circuitul civil. Drepturile patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale se nasc similar drepturilor patrimoniale asupra bunurilor corporale, respectiv prin ”făurirea” acestora. Din momentul in care un bun este creat, spre exemplu prin prelucrarea tehnică a mai multor materii prime, subzistă un drept patrimonial asupra acestuia, un drept de proprietate al producătorului, indiferent dacă acest bun a fost pus in vânzare sau depozitat spre a fi pus ulterior in circulație.Același raționament se aplică in cazul creației intelectuale, in măsura in care indeplinește condițiile legale pentru a fi protejată prin lege. Divulgarea creației intelectuale, indiferent de modalitatea...
According to the New Code of Civil Procedure, the first appeal represents the general common proc... more According to the New Code of Civil Procedure, the first appeal represents the general common procedure for attacking a first instance judgment. The second appeal represent an extraordinary procedure for attacking a first appeal judgment but also, in some particular cases a first instance judgment. Considering the fact that according to the New Code of Civil Procedure the first appeal is an appeal on points of fact and law and the second appeal represents in all the cases an appeal on points of law only the present study represents an exhaustive enumeration of all the judgments that can be attacked by a first appeal, more precisely by an appeal on points of facts and law. Identifying these judgments represents the opportunity for an exhaustive enumeration of the first instance judgments that can be attacked only by a second appeal, meaning an appeal on points of law only. This last category is at the present only exemplified by the literature, but needs to be exhaustively revealed co...
Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a... more Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a pune opera sa in contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea acesteia de a face parte din circuitul civil. Drepturile patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale se nasc similar drepturilor patrimoniale asupra bunurilor corporale, respectiv prin ”făurirea” acestora. Din momentul in care un bun este creat, spre exemplu prin prelucrarea tehnică a mai multor materii prime, subzistă un drept patrimonial asupra acestuia, un drept de proprietate al producătorului, indiferent dacă acest bun a fost pus in vânzare sau depozitat spre a fi pus ulterior in circulație.Același raționament se aplică in cazul creației intelectuale, in măsura in care indeplinește condițiile legale pentru a fi protejată prin lege. Divulgarea creației intelectuale, indiferent de modalitatea in care a fost făcută, cu sau fără consimțământul autorului, are ca și consecință punerea creației protejate in contact cu publicul, comunicarea creației protejate conducând la epuizarea dreptului de divulgare. După epuizare, dreptul de divulgare nu mai poate fi incălcat, astfel incât ulterior divulgării creației intelectuale, orice posibilă utilizare a acesteia fără acordul autorului conduce exclusiv la incălcarea drepturilor patrimoniale ale autorului, dar posibil și a altor drepturi morale, precum dreptul la paternitatea operei, dreptul la integritatea acesteia și dreptul de retractare, in funcție de circumstanțele concrete ale cauzei. Condiționarea epuizării dreptului de divulgare de existența unei divulgări voluntare - indiferent dacă există intenția de a divulga din partea autorului sau un acor ambiguu - este greșită și conduce in mod inevitabil la bocarea circuitului civil. English Abstract: The right to disclosure the intellectual creation is the decision of the author to put his/her work in contact with the public. The rise of economic intellectual property rights has nothing to do with disclosure of the intellectual creation, but rather with its legal ability to stand on the market. Economic intellectual property rights rise similarly to economic rights over the tangible assets, namely by “forging” this assets. From the moment an asset is created, i.e. following a technological process of several raw materials, there is an economic right over it, an ownership right of product manufacturer, whether this asset was put on sale or stored to be subsequently released for sale in the future. The same reasoning fully applies to an intellectual creation, as long as it meets the legal requirements to be protected by law. Disclosure of intellectual property, regardless of how it was made, with or without the author’s agreement, leads to placing of work in contact with the public, the protected work thus communicated to the public leading to exhaustion of the right to disclosure. After exhaustion, the right to disclosure can no longer be breached, so that following disclosure of the intellectual creation, any possible use of it without author’s agreement violates only the patrimonial rights of the author and, possibly, other moral rights, such as the right of attribution, the right of integrity and the right to withdraw the work, according to the concrete circumstances of the case. Conditioning of exhaustion of the right to disclosure from the existence of voluntary disclosure – whether there is the intent of disclosure on the part of the author or an ambiguous agreement – is wrong and inevitably leads to obstruction of the circulation of the assets on the market.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Intellectual property moral rights must be carefully studied by the business community, which cou... more Intellectual property moral rights must be carefully studied by the business community, which could easily and wrongly believe that the intellectual property business involves only intellectual property economic rights. This paper represent an introduction meant to reveal a contrasting legal and economic reality concerning the effects of the intellectual property moral rights over the economic relations. This is a consistent proof that the entire intellectual property regulatory system is set not for the “enrichment” of the commerce with new intangible assets or for clarifying the legal status of this category of intangible assets, but rather to protect the authors of intellectual property that are part of the international commerce. Considering this, any unclear regulation must be interpreted in favour of the author, as they prevail over the interests of all other interested persons and, by consequence, any obligation assumed by the author or a contractor thereof, may be restricted, i.e. extended, by claiming that the author’s moral rights are violated or that they are not fully protected. In the intellectual property field, any kind of use of the protected creation involving the economic rights, is indissolubly connected to the work’s authorship claiming and, very often, with the work’s integrity compliance or withdrawal right. Any contract concluded between a person acquiring economic rights over an intangible asset, cannot deny or diminish author’s moral rights. Also considering the intertwining of moral rights with economic rights, one part of a contract can invoke the existence of a moral damage as a result of failure to comply with the author’s moral rights, which is impossible to claim in an ordinary contract not involving intellectual creations.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Moral rights are usually seen in the copyright
Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilo... more Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale, conduce la o foarte strânsă legătură între drepturile morale și drepturile patrimoniale, în sensul că exercițiul drepturilor patrimoniale poate fi influențat prin drepturile morale. Prin recunoașterea drepturilor morale ale autorului creației intelectuale s-a dorit fără îndoială să se scoată în evidență că întregul sistem de reglementare din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu a fost instituit pentru �?îmbogățirea�? circuitului civil cu noi bunuri incorporale sau pentru clarificarea statutului juridic al acestei categorii de bunuri incorporale, ci pentru protejarea autorilor creațiilor intelectuale care fac parte din circuitul civil. Orice dispoziție neclară trebuie interpretată în favoarea protejării intereselor autorilor creațiiilor intelectuale, dar și al titularilro celorlalte drepturi recunoscute în acest domeniu, datorită faptului că acestea sunt prioritare față de interesele celorlate subiecte de drept care au vreun interes în legătură cu creațiile intelectuale protejate. Orice obligație asumată de către autor sau de către un cocontractant poate fi restrânsă, sau după caz extinsă, prin invocarea faptului că drepturile morale ale autorului sunt încălcate sau nu sunt îndeajuns respectate. în cazul raporturile juridice din domeniul propprietății intelectuale, orice modalitate de utilizare a operei care ține de aspectele patrimoniale, este înstrânsă legătură cu paternitatea operei, cu integritatea acesteia sau chair cu dreptul de retractare ale acesteia. Fiecare contract încheiat între o persoană care a dobândit drepturi patrimoniale asupra unei creații intelectuale și orice alt subiect de drept, nu pot nega sau diminua drepturile morale ale autorului și nici ale oricărui alt titularul al acestora, iar în măsura în care se întrevede o astfel de posibilitate, această caluză contractuală nu este validă sau urmează să fie interpretată în sensul că efectele sale nu pot să restrângă drepturile morale recunoscute prin lege. În domeniul proprietății intelectuale, având în vedere întrepătrunderea dintre drepturile morale cu cele patrimoniale, orice persoană poate invoca existența unui prejudiciu nepatrimonial, moral, ca urmare a nerespectării clauzelor referitoare la dobândirea și transmiterea drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale. English Abstract: The mere coexistence of simultaneous exercise of moral and economic rights to the intellectual property protected by law, leads to the very close relationship between moral rights and economic rights, within the scope of which the exercise of economic rights may influence by moral rights. By regulating the author’s moral rights to the intellectual property, it was certainly wished to emphasize the fact that the entire regulatory system in the field of intellectual property has not been set for “enrichment�? of the market with new intangible assets or for clarification of the legal status of this category of intangible assets, but rather to protect the authors of intellectual property that are on the market. Any unclear regulation must be interpreted in favor of the author of intellectual property, namely the holder of the recognized right, as they prevail over the interests of all other subjects that might be interested in the intellectual property. Any obligation assumed by the author or a contractor thereof, may be restricted, i.e. extended, by claiming that the author’s moral rights are violated or that they are not fully protected. In the case of legal relationships in the field of intellectual property, any kind of use of the work that pertains to the economic side, has a close connection with the work’s authorship and, very often, with the work’s integrity compliance or withdrawal. Any agreement concluded between a person acquiring economic rights to an intellectual property and any subject, cannot deny or diminish author’s moral rights, i.e. the holder of the protected moral right and, to the extent there is any remote possibility in this regard, such a contractual clause is either invalid or interpreted to mean that its effects are not likely to restrict the moral rights recognized by law. In the field of intellectual property, considering the intertwining of moral rights with economic rights, one can invoke the existence of moral damage as a result of failure to comply with the proviso on acquired and transmitted patrimonial rights to an intellectual creation.
Today, the intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal that justif... more Today, the intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal that justifies adoption of any measures necessary to protect it. Initially seen as the prerequisite for sustainable development, implementation of new technologies, and encouragement of international trade, the intellectual property, especially prior to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) international trial implementation, and also thereafter, was increasingly identified as a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information freedom of information, freedom to contract, and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). As far as international trade transactions have often a component of intellectual property that requires to be protected, it is necessary to identify the landmarks, the rules establishing de facto limits in order to protect the intellectual property without risk of infringement of fundamental rights and civil liberties of other persons, in particular users or potential users of goods and services incorporating intellectual property. The best guidelines in this regard may be provided by the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) case-law both due to its reasoning underlying the decision of the Parliament to reject ACTA ratification and the fact that the case-law of this Court, especially the most recent one, is highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property, and identifying certain cases where their primacy persist and whose analysis leads to laying down some general rules in the field.
The intellectual property protection represents a source of violation of fundamental rights and c... more The intellectual property protection represents a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information, freedom of information, freedom to contract and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). The best guideline is provided by the CJEU's and US Supreme Court's case law that are highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property. In this field we have no absolute but relative rights corresponding to a propter rem obligation of the owner of the intellectual creation's material support (i.e. electronic support), which cannot reproduce it without a breach of the author's patrimonial and moral rights, considering also that the intellectual creation, by its nature, cannot be appropriated by a person. This impossibility of appropriating a piece of work is not just a consequence of its intangibility, but it also derives from the relationship between the intellectual creations and society, universal patrimony and knowledge.
Revista Română de Drept Privat, 2021
Copyright generally refers to the right granted for the protection of literary, dramatic, musical... more Copyright generally refers to the right granted for the protection of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, as well as other other works resulting from the author's own intellectual creation. Related rights are those granted for the protection of performers, producers, broadcasters etc. In some laws, however, the term copyright is used to cover both the rights of authors and some or all of the related rights. In recent years it has become usual to refer to certain categories of rights as sui generis rights. These are rights which may be regarded as different in nature from copyright and related rights, though dealing with intellectual property in products and requiring a distinct sui generis protection. The protection provided by copyright, related rights and sui generis rights is to be distinguished from that available under laws concerning patents, trade marks, industrial designs and trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property. Patents are monopolies granted for the protection of inventions and new methods of manufacture. Patent protection depends on registration and other formalities, and is valid for a shorter period than copyright. Nevertheless, there can be an overlap between patent and copyright protection, for instance in regard to protection of computer programs or inventions related to such programs. Manufacture of an article may infringe a patent, even when the maker did not know of the patent's existence. Copyright of a work, however, is not infringed by a similar work, if the latter was created without any use of the pre-existing work. Trade marks are marks applied to goods or services in order to indicate origin. There are special rules as to what may be used as a trade mark, but no considerations of artistic quality apply. Sometimes a picture or other representation used as a trade mark will itself be subject to copyright protection, when the necessary criteria for such protection is fulfilled. Industrial designs are generally considered to be those designs used in the industrial manufacture of articles, in quantity. Some industrial designs are for purely functional objects. Other industrial designs have both functional and artistic aspects, for instance when a design for mass-produced metal lamps contains aspects that make the lamp attractive from the artistic point of view. The overlap between protection of industrial designs and copyright in artistic works is one of the most difficult areas of law in the field of intellectual property. Trade secrets are protected by the law relating to confidential information. Other forms of protection are available under laws relating to unfair competition, contracts and tortious acts, preventing prejudice to businesses by use of unlawful means. The unauthorised use of a
Rezumat: În articol este analizată calitatea procesuală a persoanei juridice. Calitatea procesual... more Rezumat: În articol este analizată calitatea procesuală a persoanei juridice. Calitatea procesuală este una dintre condiţiile de exercitare ale acţiunii civile şi semnifică identitatea între persoana reclamantului şi persoana care este titularul dreptului subiectiv dedus judecăţii, respectiv identitatea între persoana pârâtului şi cel obligat în cadrul raportului juridic dedus judecăţii. Calitatea procesuală se poate transmite pe parcursul derulării procesului civil, prin transmisiune legală sau convenţională. În cazul persoanelor juridice, transmisiunea legală operează în cazul în care persoana juridică, parte în proces, este supusă reorganizării. Exemplele practice evidenţiază modul în care s-au invocat în faţa instanţei de judecată excepţia lipsei calităţii procesuale a persoanei juridice.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
The main concern of this preliminary research is to establish the place of the intellectual prope... more The main concern of this preliminary research is to establish the place of the intellectual property rights within the classical classification of rights used by theory of law, in rights in rem and rights in personam, or as they were called by Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, multital rights and paucital rights. The analysis is based on contemporaneous legal systems, both national (Anglo-American and continental) and international and involves arguments relating to absolute and relative rights, to natural and positive law. If at the beginning it seems another complex and unanswered question regarding the intellectual property rights legal regime comparing to the classical property rules involving Lockean, Hegelian, utilitarian and monopolistic arguments, at the end my conclusion is that the intellectual property rights, more precisely the economic ones represents rights in personam, relative rights, paucital rights corresponding to a propter rem obligation of the intellectual creation material or electronic support, which cannot reproduce it or in some case even use it without intellectual property right infringement. This propter rem obligation is limited in time and so is the paucital intellectual property right, considering that an intellectual creation by its nature, cannot be appropriated by a person, being conceived, even before the creation, for the use of the general public, in order to enrich universal patrimony and the general knowledge, and not for a personal exclusively use. Keywords-absolute right, intellectual property law, intellectual property rights, multital right, paucital right, propter rem obligation, relative right, right in personam, right in rem, legal entitlement, legal protection I. INTRODUCTION: ATYPICAL ASPECTS OF THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS VERY person who begins studying intellectual property law is easily overwhelmed by the large amount of regulations. Legal rules about creations, different systems protection concerning copyright, patents, trade marks, national statutes and international conventions concerning each one of
Considering that Intellectual Property is characterized by various incoherent legal mechanisms, i... more Considering that Intellectual Property is characterized by various incoherent legal mechanisms, it is imperative to identify a common conceptual basis for any further interpretation and implementation. For this reason it is necessary to establish the place of the intellectual property rights within the classical classification of rights used by the general theory of law, in rights in rem and rights in personam. The analysis is based on common-law and continental legal systems, arguing the absolute and relative rights, the natural and positive law. If at the beginning it seems another complex and unanswered question regarding the intellectual property rights legal regime comparing to the classical property rules involving Lockean, Hegelian, utilitarian and monopolistic arguments, at the end my conclusion is that the intellectual property rights, more precisely the economic ones represents rights in personam, relative rights, paucital rights as Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld called them in op...
Analele Universitării din București Drept
"The authors analyzed the decision of the Supreme Court by an appeal in the interest of the ... more "The authors analyzed the decision of the Supreme Court by an appeal in the interest of the law, regarding the possibility of the party fined according to art. 187 parag. (1) pt. 1 let. a) Code of Civil Procedure, for the introduction, in bad faith, of a civil action, accessory, additional or incidental requests, as well as for the exercise of some appeals, obviously unfounded, by the same decision by which these requests were solved, to submit in the appeal filed to the superior court, criticisms concerning the judicial fine. In the opinion of the authors, the correct interpretation is that these criticisms can be formulated in the appeal filed to the superior court, together with all the other criticisms regarding the solution of the lower court, when the fine was applied by the same decision by which those requests were solved."
Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara – Seria Drept , 2014
The intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal value that justifi... more The intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal value that justifies adoption of any measures necessary to protect it. Initially seen as the prerequisite for sustainable development, implementation of new technologies, and encouragement of international trade, the intellectual property, especially prior to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) international trial implementation, and also thereafter, was increasingly identified as a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information freedom of information, freedom to contract, and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). It is necessary to identify the landmarks, the rules establishing de facto limits in order to protect the intellectual property without risk of infringement of fundamental rights and civil liberties of other persons, in particular users or potential users of goods and services incorporating intellectual property. The best guidelines in this regard may be provided by the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) case-law both due to its reasoning underlying the decision of the Parliament to reject ACTA ratification and the fact that the case-law of this Court, especially the most recent one, is highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property, and identifying certain cases where their primacy persist and whose analysis leads to laying down some general rules in the field.
Analiza regulilor de drept care stau la baza motivării apelului scoate în evidență legătura rapor... more Analiza regulilor de drept care stau la baza motivării apelului scoate în evidență legătura raportului juridic de drept material cu raportul juridic de drept litigios, prin prisma devoluțiunii acestei căi de atac. Aspectele raportului juridic de drept material, cu privire la care reclamantul este ”mulțumit” nu formează obiectul raportului juridic litigios. Pe de altă parte este de netăgăduit că în apel, conform NCPC, instanța poate soluționa cauza dincolo de ceea ce s-a supus judecății în primă instanță, respectiv de ”nemulțumirea” reclamantului și chiar dincolo de ceea ce s-a apelat, respectiv ”nemulțumirea” apelantului. Dispozițiile referitoare la judecarea apelului ne ajută să înțelegem mai bine ceea ce se supune judecății - atât în primă instanță, cât și în apel - și de ceea ce instanța de judecată ajunge să soluționeze. Limtele procesului civil sunt date de pretențiile concrete și reale invocate în fața instanței, legate de nașterea, executarea sau stingerea raportului juridic de drept material, cât și de criticile hotărârii primei instanțe. Reclamantul nu sesizează instanța de judecată doar cu o pretenție legată de un raport juridic de drept material, ci deduce judecății o situație juridică, de cele mai multe ori complexă. Această situație juridică dedusă judecății corespunde fie mai multor raporturi juridice strâns legate între ele, fie unui raport juridic complex prin prisma unua din elementele sale (subiecte, obiect) sau chiar unui raport juridic care evolează sau chiar ajunge să se stransforme într-un alt raport juridic cu totul diferit (cum se întâmplă în cazul novației). Ilustrativă pentru legătura dintre raportul litigios și raportul juridic de drept material este, însă, sintagma de limite implicite ale apelului, care fixează limtele devoluțiunii. Limitele implicite ale apelului sunt date de ansamblul argumentelor juridice şi factuale pe care se sprijină în mod explicit sau implicit soluţia primei instanţe, faţă de limitele exprese ale apelului care sunt date de argumentele factuale şi juridice ale primei instanţe criticate de către apelant.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000
Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara - Seria Drept, 2013
Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale ... more Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o protecție multiplă în cea mai mare parte datorită coexistenței diferitelor sisteme de protecție la nivel regional, național sau internațional aferent fiecarei categorii de creații intelectuale. Mai multe sisteme de protecție devin aplicabile deoarece o anumită creație intelectuală, dincolo de anumite caracterisitici specifice, poate constitui obiectul protecției specifice aferente mai multor categorii de creații intelectuale. Această analiză își propune să stabilească relația dintre dreptul civil, dreptul comercial și dreptul proprietății comerciale și să stabilească dreptul comun în domeniul proprietății intelectuale. În România acest aspect prezenta relevanță îndeosebi anterior noului cod civil, dar și ulterior acestuia. English Abstract: Establishing the structure of the legal regulations in the field of intellectual property is essential, irrespective of their formal, international, regional or national origin in relation to the creation, especially due to the fact that an intellectual creation can benefit from multiple types of protection mainly due to the coexistence of regional, national and international systems of protection corresponding to each category of intellectual creation. Multiple types of protection are addressed particularly due to the fact that a certain intellectual creation, provided it fulfills a number of conditions, may constitute an object for specific protection systems corresponding to several categories of intellectual creations. This analysis aims to analyze the relation between the civil law, the commercial law and the intellectual property law and to establish the subsidiary rules in the field of intellectual property. In Romania, for instance, this aspect was significant even previous to the new civil code as well as subsequent to it.
Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale ... more Romania Abstract: Stabilirea structurii normelor juridice din domeniul proprietății intelectuale este esențială, independent de sursa lor formală, de la nivel național, internațional sau regional, raportat la creația protejată, îndeosebi datorită faptului că aceasta beneficiză de o protecție multiplă în cea mai mare parte datorită coexistenței diferitelor sisteme de protecție la nivel regional, național sau internațional aferent fiecarei categorii de creații intelectuale. Mai multe sisteme de protecție devin aplicabile deoarece o anumită creație intelectuală, dincolo de anumite caracterisitici specifice, poate constitui obiectul protecției specifice aferente mai multor categorii de creații intelectuale. Această analiză își propune să stabilească relația dintre dreptul civil, dreptul comercial și dreptul proprietății comerciale și să stabilească dreptul comun în domeniul proprietății intelectuale. În România acest aspect prezenta relevanță îndeosebi anterior noului cod civil, dar și ...
Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a... more Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a pune opera sa in contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea acesteia de a face parte din circuitul civil. Drepturile patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale se nasc similar drepturilor patrimoniale asupra bunurilor corporale, respectiv prin ”făurirea” acestora. Din momentul in care un bun este creat, spre exemplu prin prelucrarea tehnică a mai multor materii prime, subzistă un drept patrimonial asupra acestuia, un drept de proprietate al producătorului, indiferent dacă acest bun a fost pus in vânzare sau depozitat spre a fi pus ulterior in circulație.Același raționament se aplică in cazul creației intelectuale, in măsura in care indeplinește condițiile legale pentru a fi protejată prin lege. Divulgarea creației intelectuale, indiferent de modalitatea...
According to the New Code of Civil Procedure, the first appeal represents the general common proc... more According to the New Code of Civil Procedure, the first appeal represents the general common procedure for attacking a first instance judgment. The second appeal represent an extraordinary procedure for attacking a first appeal judgment but also, in some particular cases a first instance judgment. Considering the fact that according to the New Code of Civil Procedure the first appeal is an appeal on points of fact and law and the second appeal represents in all the cases an appeal on points of law only the present study represents an exhaustive enumeration of all the judgments that can be attacked by a first appeal, more precisely by an appeal on points of facts and law. Identifying these judgments represents the opportunity for an exhaustive enumeration of the first instance judgments that can be attacked only by a second appeal, meaning an appeal on points of law only. This last category is at the present only exemplified by the literature, but needs to be exhaustively revealed co...
Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a... more Romanian Abstract: Dreptul de divulgare al creației intelectuale constă in decizia autorului de a pune opera sa in contact cu publicul. Nașterea drepturilor patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu are nicio legătură cu divulgarea creației, ci mai degrabă cu aptitudinea acesteia de a face parte din circuitul civil. Drepturile patrimoniale din domeniul proprietății intelectuale se nasc similar drepturilor patrimoniale asupra bunurilor corporale, respectiv prin ”făurirea” acestora. Din momentul in care un bun este creat, spre exemplu prin prelucrarea tehnică a mai multor materii prime, subzistă un drept patrimonial asupra acestuia, un drept de proprietate al producătorului, indiferent dacă acest bun a fost pus in vânzare sau depozitat spre a fi pus ulterior in circulație.Același raționament se aplică in cazul creației intelectuale, in măsura in care indeplinește condițiile legale pentru a fi protejată prin lege. Divulgarea creației intelectuale, indiferent de modalitatea in care a fost făcută, cu sau fără consimțământul autorului, are ca și consecință punerea creației protejate in contact cu publicul, comunicarea creației protejate conducând la epuizarea dreptului de divulgare. După epuizare, dreptul de divulgare nu mai poate fi incălcat, astfel incât ulterior divulgării creației intelectuale, orice posibilă utilizare a acesteia fără acordul autorului conduce exclusiv la incălcarea drepturilor patrimoniale ale autorului, dar posibil și a altor drepturi morale, precum dreptul la paternitatea operei, dreptul la integritatea acesteia și dreptul de retractare, in funcție de circumstanțele concrete ale cauzei. Condiționarea epuizării dreptului de divulgare de existența unei divulgări voluntare - indiferent dacă există intenția de a divulga din partea autorului sau un acor ambiguu - este greșită și conduce in mod inevitabil la bocarea circuitului civil. English Abstract: The right to disclosure the intellectual creation is the decision of the author to put his/her work in contact with the public. The rise of economic intellectual property rights has nothing to do with disclosure of the intellectual creation, but rather with its legal ability to stand on the market. Economic intellectual property rights rise similarly to economic rights over the tangible assets, namely by “forging” this assets. From the moment an asset is created, i.e. following a technological process of several raw materials, there is an economic right over it, an ownership right of product manufacturer, whether this asset was put on sale or stored to be subsequently released for sale in the future. The same reasoning fully applies to an intellectual creation, as long as it meets the legal requirements to be protected by law. Disclosure of intellectual property, regardless of how it was made, with or without the author’s agreement, leads to placing of work in contact with the public, the protected work thus communicated to the public leading to exhaustion of the right to disclosure. After exhaustion, the right to disclosure can no longer be breached, so that following disclosure of the intellectual creation, any possible use of it without author’s agreement violates only the patrimonial rights of the author and, possibly, other moral rights, such as the right of attribution, the right of integrity and the right to withdraw the work, according to the concrete circumstances of the case. Conditioning of exhaustion of the right to disclosure from the existence of voluntary disclosure – whether there is the intent of disclosure on the part of the author or an ambiguous agreement – is wrong and inevitably leads to obstruction of the circulation of the assets on the market.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Intellectual property moral rights must be carefully studied by the business community, which cou... more Intellectual property moral rights must be carefully studied by the business community, which could easily and wrongly believe that the intellectual property business involves only intellectual property economic rights. This paper represent an introduction meant to reveal a contrasting legal and economic reality concerning the effects of the intellectual property moral rights over the economic relations. This is a consistent proof that the entire intellectual property regulatory system is set not for the “enrichment” of the commerce with new intangible assets or for clarifying the legal status of this category of intangible assets, but rather to protect the authors of intellectual property that are part of the international commerce. Considering this, any unclear regulation must be interpreted in favour of the author, as they prevail over the interests of all other interested persons and, by consequence, any obligation assumed by the author or a contractor thereof, may be restricted, i.e. extended, by claiming that the author’s moral rights are violated or that they are not fully protected. In the intellectual property field, any kind of use of the protected creation involving the economic rights, is indissolubly connected to the work’s authorship claiming and, very often, with the work’s integrity compliance or withdrawal right. Any contract concluded between a person acquiring economic rights over an intangible asset, cannot deny or diminish author’s moral rights. Also considering the intertwining of moral rights with economic rights, one part of a contract can invoke the existence of a moral damage as a result of failure to comply with the author’s moral rights, which is impossible to claim in an ordinary contract not involving intellectual creations.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
Moral rights are usually seen in the copyright
Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilo... more Romanian Abstract: Simpla coexistență și exercițiul simultan a drepturilor morale și a drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale, conduce la o foarte strânsă legătură între drepturile morale și drepturile patrimoniale, în sensul că exercițiul drepturilor patrimoniale poate fi influențat prin drepturile morale. Prin recunoașterea drepturilor morale ale autorului creației intelectuale s-a dorit fără îndoială să se scoată în evidență că întregul sistem de reglementare din domeniul proprietății intelectuale nu a fost instituit pentru �?îmbogățirea�? circuitului civil cu noi bunuri incorporale sau pentru clarificarea statutului juridic al acestei categorii de bunuri incorporale, ci pentru protejarea autorilor creațiilor intelectuale care fac parte din circuitul civil. Orice dispoziție neclară trebuie interpretată în favoarea protejării intereselor autorilor creațiiilor intelectuale, dar și al titularilro celorlalte drepturi recunoscute în acest domeniu, datorită faptului că acestea sunt prioritare față de interesele celorlate subiecte de drept care au vreun interes în legătură cu creațiile intelectuale protejate. Orice obligație asumată de către autor sau de către un cocontractant poate fi restrânsă, sau după caz extinsă, prin invocarea faptului că drepturile morale ale autorului sunt încălcate sau nu sunt îndeajuns respectate. în cazul raporturile juridice din domeniul propprietății intelectuale, orice modalitate de utilizare a operei care ține de aspectele patrimoniale, este înstrânsă legătură cu paternitatea operei, cu integritatea acesteia sau chair cu dreptul de retractare ale acesteia. Fiecare contract încheiat între o persoană care a dobândit drepturi patrimoniale asupra unei creații intelectuale și orice alt subiect de drept, nu pot nega sau diminua drepturile morale ale autorului și nici ale oricărui alt titularul al acestora, iar în măsura în care se întrevede o astfel de posibilitate, această caluză contractuală nu este validă sau urmează să fie interpretată în sensul că efectele sale nu pot să restrângă drepturile morale recunoscute prin lege. În domeniul proprietății intelectuale, având în vedere întrepătrunderea dintre drepturile morale cu cele patrimoniale, orice persoană poate invoca existența unui prejudiciu nepatrimonial, moral, ca urmare a nerespectării clauzelor referitoare la dobândirea și transmiterea drepturilor patrimoniale asupra creației intelectuale. English Abstract: The mere coexistence of simultaneous exercise of moral and economic rights to the intellectual property protected by law, leads to the very close relationship between moral rights and economic rights, within the scope of which the exercise of economic rights may influence by moral rights. By regulating the author’s moral rights to the intellectual property, it was certainly wished to emphasize the fact that the entire regulatory system in the field of intellectual property has not been set for “enrichment�? of the market with new intangible assets or for clarification of the legal status of this category of intangible assets, but rather to protect the authors of intellectual property that are on the market. Any unclear regulation must be interpreted in favor of the author of intellectual property, namely the holder of the recognized right, as they prevail over the interests of all other subjects that might be interested in the intellectual property. Any obligation assumed by the author or a contractor thereof, may be restricted, i.e. extended, by claiming that the author’s moral rights are violated or that they are not fully protected. In the case of legal relationships in the field of intellectual property, any kind of use of the work that pertains to the economic side, has a close connection with the work’s authorship and, very often, with the work’s integrity compliance or withdrawal. Any agreement concluded between a person acquiring economic rights to an intellectual property and any subject, cannot deny or diminish author’s moral rights, i.e. the holder of the protected moral right and, to the extent there is any remote possibility in this regard, such a contractual clause is either invalid or interpreted to mean that its effects are not likely to restrict the moral rights recognized by law. In the field of intellectual property, considering the intertwining of moral rights with economic rights, one can invoke the existence of moral damage as a result of failure to comply with the proviso on acquired and transmitted patrimonial rights to an intellectual creation.
Today, the intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal that justif... more Today, the intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal that justifies adoption of any measures necessary to protect it. Initially seen as the prerequisite for sustainable development, implementation of new technologies, and encouragement of international trade, the intellectual property, especially prior to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) international trial implementation, and also thereafter, was increasingly identified as a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information freedom of information, freedom to contract, and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). As far as international trade transactions have often a component of intellectual property that requires to be protected, it is necessary to identify the landmarks, the rules establishing de facto limits in order to protect the intellectual property without risk of infringement of fundamental rights and civil liberties of other persons, in particular users or potential users of goods and services incorporating intellectual property. The best guidelines in this regard may be provided by the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) case-law both due to its reasoning underlying the decision of the Parliament to reject ACTA ratification and the fact that the case-law of this Court, especially the most recent one, is highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property, and identifying certain cases where their primacy persist and whose analysis leads to laying down some general rules in the field.
The intellectual property protection represents a source of violation of fundamental rights and c... more The intellectual property protection represents a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information, freedom of information, freedom to contract and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). The best guideline is provided by the CJEU's and US Supreme Court's case law that are highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property. In this field we have no absolute but relative rights corresponding to a propter rem obligation of the owner of the intellectual creation's material support (i.e. electronic support), which cannot reproduce it without a breach of the author's patrimonial and moral rights, considering also that the intellectual creation, by its nature, cannot be appropriated by a person. This impossibility of appropriating a piece of work is not just a consequence of its intangibility, but it also derives from the relationship between the intellectual creations and society, universal patrimony and knowledge.
Revista Română de Drept Privat, 2021
Copyright generally refers to the right granted for the protection of literary, dramatic, musical... more Copyright generally refers to the right granted for the protection of literary, dramatic, musical and artistic works, as well as other other works resulting from the author's own intellectual creation. Related rights are those granted for the protection of performers, producers, broadcasters etc. In some laws, however, the term copyright is used to cover both the rights of authors and some or all of the related rights. In recent years it has become usual to refer to certain categories of rights as sui generis rights. These are rights which may be regarded as different in nature from copyright and related rights, though dealing with intellectual property in products and requiring a distinct sui generis protection. The protection provided by copyright, related rights and sui generis rights is to be distinguished from that available under laws concerning patents, trade marks, industrial designs and trade secrets and other forms of intellectual property. Patents are monopolies granted for the protection of inventions and new methods of manufacture. Patent protection depends on registration and other formalities, and is valid for a shorter period than copyright. Nevertheless, there can be an overlap between patent and copyright protection, for instance in regard to protection of computer programs or inventions related to such programs. Manufacture of an article may infringe a patent, even when the maker did not know of the patent's existence. Copyright of a work, however, is not infringed by a similar work, if the latter was created without any use of the pre-existing work. Trade marks are marks applied to goods or services in order to indicate origin. There are special rules as to what may be used as a trade mark, but no considerations of artistic quality apply. Sometimes a picture or other representation used as a trade mark will itself be subject to copyright protection, when the necessary criteria for such protection is fulfilled. Industrial designs are generally considered to be those designs used in the industrial manufacture of articles, in quantity. Some industrial designs are for purely functional objects. Other industrial designs have both functional and artistic aspects, for instance when a design for mass-produced metal lamps contains aspects that make the lamp attractive from the artistic point of view. The overlap between protection of industrial designs and copyright in artistic works is one of the most difficult areas of law in the field of intellectual property. Trade secrets are protected by the law relating to confidential information. Other forms of protection are available under laws relating to unfair competition, contracts and tortious acts, preventing prejudice to businesses by use of unlawful means. The unauthorised use of a
Rezumat: În articol este analizată calitatea procesuală a persoanei juridice. Calitatea procesual... more Rezumat: În articol este analizată calitatea procesuală a persoanei juridice. Calitatea procesuală este una dintre condiţiile de exercitare ale acţiunii civile şi semnifică identitatea între persoana reclamantului şi persoana care este titularul dreptului subiectiv dedus judecăţii, respectiv identitatea între persoana pârâtului şi cel obligat în cadrul raportului juridic dedus judecăţii. Calitatea procesuală se poate transmite pe parcursul derulării procesului civil, prin transmisiune legală sau convenţională. În cazul persoanelor juridice, transmisiunea legală operează în cazul în care persoana juridică, parte în proces, este supusă reorganizării. Exemplele practice evidenţiază modul în care s-au invocat în faţa instanţei de judecată excepţia lipsei calităţii procesuale a persoanei juridice.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2014
The main concern of this preliminary research is to establish the place of the intellectual prope... more The main concern of this preliminary research is to establish the place of the intellectual property rights within the classical classification of rights used by theory of law, in rights in rem and rights in personam, or as they were called by Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld, multital rights and paucital rights. The analysis is based on contemporaneous legal systems, both national (Anglo-American and continental) and international and involves arguments relating to absolute and relative rights, to natural and positive law. If at the beginning it seems another complex and unanswered question regarding the intellectual property rights legal regime comparing to the classical property rules involving Lockean, Hegelian, utilitarian and monopolistic arguments, at the end my conclusion is that the intellectual property rights, more precisely the economic ones represents rights in personam, relative rights, paucital rights corresponding to a propter rem obligation of the intellectual creation material or electronic support, which cannot reproduce it or in some case even use it without intellectual property right infringement. This propter rem obligation is limited in time and so is the paucital intellectual property right, considering that an intellectual creation by its nature, cannot be appropriated by a person, being conceived, even before the creation, for the use of the general public, in order to enrich universal patrimony and the general knowledge, and not for a personal exclusively use. Keywords-absolute right, intellectual property law, intellectual property rights, multital right, paucital right, propter rem obligation, relative right, right in personam, right in rem, legal entitlement, legal protection I. INTRODUCTION: ATYPICAL ASPECTS OF THE INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY RIGHTS VERY person who begins studying intellectual property law is easily overwhelmed by the large amount of regulations. Legal rules about creations, different systems protection concerning copyright, patents, trade marks, national statutes and international conventions concerning each one of
Considering that Intellectual Property is characterized by various incoherent legal mechanisms, i... more Considering that Intellectual Property is characterized by various incoherent legal mechanisms, it is imperative to identify a common conceptual basis for any further interpretation and implementation. For this reason it is necessary to establish the place of the intellectual property rights within the classical classification of rights used by the general theory of law, in rights in rem and rights in personam. The analysis is based on common-law and continental legal systems, arguing the absolute and relative rights, the natural and positive law. If at the beginning it seems another complex and unanswered question regarding the intellectual property rights legal regime comparing to the classical property rules involving Lockean, Hegelian, utilitarian and monopolistic arguments, at the end my conclusion is that the intellectual property rights, more precisely the economic ones represents rights in personam, relative rights, paucital rights as Wesley Newcomb Hohfeld called them in op...
Analele Universitării din București Drept
"The authors analyzed the decision of the Supreme Court by an appeal in the interest of the ... more "The authors analyzed the decision of the Supreme Court by an appeal in the interest of the law, regarding the possibility of the party fined according to art. 187 parag. (1) pt. 1 let. a) Code of Civil Procedure, for the introduction, in bad faith, of a civil action, accessory, additional or incidental requests, as well as for the exercise of some appeals, obviously unfounded, by the same decision by which these requests were solved, to submit in the appeal filed to the superior court, criticisms concerning the judicial fine. In the opinion of the authors, the correct interpretation is that these criticisms can be formulated in the appeal filed to the superior court, together with all the other criticisms regarding the solution of the lower court, when the fine was applied by the same decision by which those requests were solved."
Analele Universității de Vest din Timișoara – Seria Drept , 2014
The intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal value that justifi... more The intellectual property protection is no longer an absolute social and legal value that justifies adoption of any measures necessary to protect it. Initially seen as the prerequisite for sustainable development, implementation of new technologies, and encouragement of international trade, the intellectual property, especially prior to ACTA (Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) international trial implementation, and also thereafter, was increasingly identified as a source of violation of fundamental rights and civil liberties, i.e. the right to protection of personal data, the right to privacy, freedom to send and receive information freedom of information, freedom to contract, and freedom to carry out economic activities (freedom of commerce). It is necessary to identify the landmarks, the rules establishing de facto limits in order to protect the intellectual property without risk of infringement of fundamental rights and civil liberties of other persons, in particular users or potential users of goods and services incorporating intellectual property. The best guidelines in this regard may be provided by the CJEU (Court of Justice of the European Union) case-law both due to its reasoning underlying the decision of the Parliament to reject ACTA ratification and the fact that the case-law of this Court, especially the most recent one, is highly complex and nuanced, not denying in any way the importance of intellectual property, and identifying certain cases where their primacy persist and whose analysis leads to laying down some general rules in the field.
Analiza regulilor de drept care stau la baza motivării apelului scoate în evidență legătura rapor... more Analiza regulilor de drept care stau la baza motivării apelului scoate în evidență legătura raportului juridic de drept material cu raportul juridic de drept litigios, prin prisma devoluțiunii acestei căi de atac. Aspectele raportului juridic de drept material, cu privire la care reclamantul este ”mulțumit” nu formează obiectul raportului juridic litigios. Pe de altă parte este de netăgăduit că în apel, conform NCPC, instanța poate soluționa cauza dincolo de ceea ce s-a supus judecății în primă instanță, respectiv de ”nemulțumirea” reclamantului și chiar dincolo de ceea ce s-a apelat, respectiv ”nemulțumirea” apelantului. Dispozițiile referitoare la judecarea apelului ne ajută să înțelegem mai bine ceea ce se supune judecății - atât în primă instanță, cât și în apel - și de ceea ce instanța de judecată ajunge să soluționeze. Limtele procesului civil sunt date de pretențiile concrete și reale invocate în fața instanței, legate de nașterea, executarea sau stingerea raportului juridic de drept material, cât și de criticile hotărârii primei instanțe. Reclamantul nu sesizează instanța de judecată doar cu o pretenție legată de un raport juridic de drept material, ci deduce judecății o situație juridică, de cele mai multe ori complexă. Această situație juridică dedusă judecății corespunde fie mai multor raporturi juridice strâns legate între ele, fie unui raport juridic complex prin prisma unua din elementele sale (subiecte, obiect) sau chiar unui raport juridic care evolează sau chiar ajunge să se stransforme într-un alt raport juridic cu totul diferit (cum se întâmplă în cazul novației). Ilustrativă pentru legătura dintre raportul litigios și raportul juridic de drept material este, însă, sintagma de limite implicite ale apelului, care fixează limtele devoluțiunii. Limitele implicite ale apelului sunt date de ansamblul argumentelor juridice şi factuale pe care se sprijină în mod explicit sau implicit soluţia primei instanţe, faţă de limitele exprese ale apelului care sunt date de argumentele factuale şi juridice ale primei instanţe criticate de către apelant.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2000