Ralph Chan | University of Vienna (original) (raw)
Thesis Chapters by Ralph Chan
The following master’s thesis discusses the topic of ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregati... more The following master’s thesis discusses the topic of ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregation in a Viennese New Secondary School in the context of the department project “Pathways to the Future – a longitudinal study of the social integration of young people in Vienna”. The objective of this academic qualification paper is to discuss what the reasons for segregation in school context are. By using of a multi-method design applying quantitative and qualitative methods of the empirical social research, the research interest was investigated. First insights were obtained through quantitative secondary data. For a more precise analysis, the qualitative secondary data of the department project were used.
The main outcomes of the study showed that there is no obvious ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregation perceived by the pupils of the examined class. However, there can be tendencies and mechanisms of a segregation observed.
Deutsch Jeden Tag fragen wir uns bevor wir in die Arbeit, zur Schule oder zur Uni fahren, welc... more Deutsch
Jeden Tag fragen wir uns bevor wir in die Arbeit, zur Schule oder zur Uni fahren, welche Kleidung wir anziehen sollen. Sei es ein Anzug oder eine Jogginghose – Kleidung spielt eine besondere Rolle in unserem Alltag. Jedes Kleidungsstück, das wir tragen, spiegelt nicht nur unsere Identität wieder, sondern viel mehr als wir eigentlich glauben, zu wissen. Diese Arbeit soll den LeserInnen einen Einblick in das soziologische Feld der Modesoziologie verschaffen und die westliche fremde Gesellschaft (und ihre Mode) zeigen. Der asiatische Raum und besonders die japanische Gesellschaft sind durch ihre strenge und konventionelle Lebensweise gezeichnet. (Gabbani-Hedman 2006, S. 4) Menschen, die sich dem Norm konformen Verhalten entgegensetzen beziehungsweise eine „anderes“ Ich – eine andere Identität wahrnehmen wollen, tragen japanische Straßenmode oder im Englischen besser bekannt unter japanese street fashion und ‚verkleiden’ sich als eine andere Person. Inspiriert durch das Werk „Fashion-ology. An introduction to fashion studies“ von der japanischen Soziologin Yuniya Kawamura beschäftigte ich mich mit der Frage der Identitätsbildung, der Gesellschaftsstruktur und der japanischen street fashion.
Everyday we ask ourselves before we go to work, to school or to university, what clothes we will wear. Be it a suit or a jogging trousers - clothes play an important role in our everyday life. Each piece of clothing that we wear not only reflects our identity, but much more than we actually think. This work is intended to provide readers with an insight into the sociological field of sociology of fashion. It will show an insight of the western society (and its fashion). The Asian region and particularly the Japanese society is marked by their strict and conventional lifestyle. (Gabbani-Hedman, 2006, p. 4) People who want to set against the standard-compliant behavior or perceive a "different" ego - wear japanese street fashion. Inspired by the work "Fashion-ology. An introduction to fashion studies" by the Japanese sociologist Yuniya Kawamura, I dealt with the question of the formation of identity, the social structure and the Japanese street fashion.
Papers by Ralph Chan
User Experience and Urban Creativity, 2024
Urban space plays an important role in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects, be it yout... more Urban space plays an important role in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects, be it youth exchanges, cooperation partnerships, or volunteer work. Urban spaces can be viewed as places of encounter and exchange, but also places of interaction between those involved. One of the characteristics of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects in the youth sector is the use of non-formal methods in an informal learning environment. For example, methods of dialogue to foster reflection are used in various project activities so that project participants can learn skills that are not taught in formal settings such as schools. Hence, urban space plays a central role, be it in the choice of location or in the use of public space for the project implementation itself. This article examines the functions and uses of urban space in selected Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps projects that took place in Austria in 2021-2023. In this context, seven completed projects by Austrian organisations from the current Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme period serve as case studies.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 17, 2023
This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating... more This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating the complex reality with which young people must cope nowadays when imagining and planning their future, the importance of structural factors that shape youths' conditions and identities, as well as their intersections in determining different trajectories of youth transitions. We aim to pinpoint some of the questions that are of interest to the RYOT network more broadly, delineating the state of the art and research gaps in youth transition studies.
RYOT Network Working Paper, 2023
This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating... more This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating the complex reality with which young people must cope nowadays when imagining and planning their future, the importance of structural factors that shape youths' conditions and identities, as well as their intersections in determining different trajectories of youth transitions. We aim to pinpoint some of the questions that are of interest to the RYOT network more broadly, delineating the state of the art and research gaps in youth transition studies.
Frontiers in Education, 2021
Schools around the world have transitioned to emergency distance teaching due to the COVID-19 out... more Schools around the world have transitioned to emergency distance teaching due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In particular, the first lockdown (in early 2020) came unexpectedly for all actors and stakeholders in Austria. School authorities, parents, students and, above all, teachers were faced with considerable challenges. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the perception of Austrian elementary school teachers about distance teaching during the first lockdown. Using two different qualitative data sets from the Inclusive Home Learning (INCL-LEA) study, the following research question was investigated: what are the main challenges that elementary school teachers faced in distance teaching in Austria due to COVID-19? A multimethod qualitative research was carried out to answer the research question, and the data were evaluated using the topic analysis method. The teachers identified five greatest challenges: i) a lack of personal contact with the students; ii) additional workload and more stress, iii) non-existent technical equipment; iv) a lack of digital skills; and v) an inability to offer individual support for students at risk. This study has shown that better policies are needed to avoid these problems. Such solutions not only require the purchase of digital devices, but also the development of pedagogically wellthought-out and planned curricula and the provision of opportunities to improve digital skills. Furthermore, it also showed that sustainable working conditions needed to be created to counter the long-term effects of the heavy workload on teachers. However, the difference between distance teaching in times of the pandemic and regular online teaching also needs to be considered when developing and implementing policies.
Social Inclusion, 2019
Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can be perceived as a means of governing youth transitions. Yo... more Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can be perceived as a means of governing youth transitions. Young adults can use such programmes to try to overcome different constraints in their life course. This article explores the decisions of young adults in Vienna (Austria) and Malaga (Spain) who are participating in different LLL programmes that seek to address their transition from unemployment to employment. In order to understand these decisions, we want to explore: (1) how the young adult's experiences influenced their decision to engage with an LLL programme, (2) what role these programmes played in their biographies and (3) how young adults imagine their future. We use two theoretical lenses to explore these questions: bounded agency and projectivity. A comparative study of these two regions provides insight into how different contextual conditions influence young adults' decisions. We perform three different analyses: of the young people's past trajectories and transitions, of their imagined futures, and of their decision to enrol in the programme. Exploring young people's subjective accounts of their pasts and their imagined futures helps to improve our understanding of the role young people believe these programmes play in their lives, why they have decided to enrol in them, and how they use and interpret these pathways through, and in the framework of, different contextual conditions.
Kinder und Jugendliche stellen eine der vulnerabelsten Gruppen in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Sie s... more Kinder und Jugendliche stellen eine der vulnerabelsten Gruppen in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Sie sind von der Pandemie stark betroffen, spüren die Auswirkungen und die damit einhergehenden politischen Maßnahmen. Gerade Kinder und Jugendliche stecken in wichtigen Entwicklungsphasen, worauf mehrere Lockdowns, social distancing, remote learning, fehlende persönliche Interaktionen zu Peers, uvm. großen Einfluss auf ihre Entwicklung und Zukunft nehmen. Es war und ist zu beobachten, dass Kindern und Jugendlichen im öffentlichen Diskurs rund um das Thema der Pandemie, kaum bis gar keine Stimme gegeben wurde. In wichtigen politischen Fragen, die sie betrafen, wurden sie nicht gefragt (siehe Matura, Schulöffnung, etc.). Sie werden als passive, statt als aktive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft wahrgenommen und derzeit meist auf eine einzige soziale Rolle reduziert, die der Schüler*innen. Aktuelle Studien geben Einblicke in die Lage unserer Kinder und Jugend in Zeiten von Corona. Die Kindheits-und Jugendforschung ist ein unerlässlicher Forschungsbereich und bedarf allgemein mehr Aufmerksamkeit in der wissenschaftlichen Community. Diese Ad-hoc Gruppe richtet folglich ihr Augenmerk auf die aktuelle Forschung in der Kindheits-und Jugendforschung in Zeiten einer Pandemie und Krise. Mittels der Ad-hoc Gruppe möchten wir Forscher*innen eine Gelegenheit bieten, die verschiedenen theoretischen Beiträge und empirischen Forschungsprojekte, die zuvor und während der Pandemie entstanden sind, zu diskutieren und zu reflektieren. Folgende Fragen können als Leitfragen dienen: • Wie geht es der "Generation Corona"? Wie nehmen Kinder und Jugendliche die Pandemie wahr? Woher beziehen sie ihre Informationen und welche Bedeutung haben diese für sie? • Welche sozialen Auswirkungen und Folgen hat die Rollenzuschreibung, dass Jugendliche Teil des Infektionsgeschehens sind (Stichwort "Coronaparties")? • Welche neuen Zukunftsängste hat Corona bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ausgelöst? • Welche kurz-und langfristigen sozialen Folgen (z.B. im Familienleben, peer group, Nutzung digitaler Medien, geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen und Verhaltensweisen) könnte diese Pandemie für die Kindheit und Jugend der "Generation Corona" haben? Die zweistündige Sitzungsdauer der Ad-Hoc Gruppe umfasst 3 Vorträge samt Diskussion (30 Min). Des Weiteren sind drei Kurzinputs (10 Min) geplant, die speziell von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen (Master-und Doktoratsstudierende) bespielt werden sollen. Außerdem soll im Rahmen der Ad-Hoc Gruppe die Gründung einer Sektion Kindheits-und Jugendforschung innerhalb der ÖGS diskutiert und implementiert werden. Bitte schicken Sie Ihren Beitragsvorschlag (Vortragstitel und Abstracts) im Umfang von max. 3000 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen) per PDF bis zum 09. April an ralph.chan@univie.ac.at. Bis zum 23. April erhalten Sie eine Nachricht, ob Ihr Beitragsvorschlag angenommen wird.
USA/Deutschland/Philippinen: Der Film "Quezon's Game" behandelt historische Aspekte... more USA/Deutschland/Philippinen: Der Film "Quezon's Game" behandelt historische Aspekte, die bisher noch wenig bekannt sind: die amerikanische Besatzung der Philippinen, die Präsidentschaft von Manuel Quezon und die Aufnahme jüdischer Flüchtlinge während des Nazi-Regimes.
Philippinen: Junge Filipin@s gehen gemeinsam auf Wurzelreise und erkunden ihre Identität innerhal... more Philippinen: Junge Filipin@s gehen gemeinsam auf Wurzelreise und erkunden ihre Identität innerhalb der Diaspora und der philippinischen Heimat. Das Buchprojekt "Gemeinsam verschieden" fasst ihre Erfahrungen zusammen.
südostasien - Zeitschrift für Politik • Kultur • Dialog, 2020
Philippinen: Politische Themen in der Musik ziehen sich durch die jüngere Landesgeschichte. Entsp... more Philippinen: Politische Themen in der Musik ziehen sich durch die jüngere Landesgeschichte. Entsprechende Songs – inspiriert durch persönliche Erfahrungen und/oder der Kritik an den Herrschenden – entfalten in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext besondere Wirkung.
Book Reviews by Ralph Chan
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue – EWR, 2023
Why are young people more prone to violence today? Why is it important to take care of mental hea... more Why are young people more prone to violence today? Why is it important to take care of mental health in youth? Do young people have ethical concerns about using artificial intelligence in their schoolwork? These are social issues youth researchers are interested in. Research with or about young people [1] helps to gain knowledge about their living environments as well as their actions, and thus to better understand a large group of today's society. The anthology ‚Jugend-Lebenswelt-Bildung. Perspektiven für die Jugendforschung in Österreich' [trans: 'Youth-Lifeworld-Education.
Philippine Sociological Review, 2021
Review of Rethinking Filipino Millennials: Alternative Perspectives on a Misunderstood Generation... more Review of Rethinking Filipino Millennials: Alternative Perspectives on a Misunderstood Generation, edited by Jayeel S. Cornelio. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, 2020.
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 2019
Book Review: Werning, R. & Schwieger, J. (2019). Handbuch Philippinen. Gesellschaft-Politik-Wirts... more Book Review: Werning, R. & Schwieger, J. (2019). Handbuch Philippinen. Gesellschaft-Politik-Wirtschaft-Kultur.
Asian Politics & Policy, 2020
Nation-Empire: Ideology and Rural Youth Mobilization in Japan and its Colonies. Ithaca/London: Co... more Nation-Empire: Ideology and Rural Youth Mobilization in Japan and its Colonies. Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press. 347 pages. ISBN 9781501730757. Hardcover, USD 55. Sayaka Chatani. 2018.
Asian Studies Review, 2020
Books by Ralph Chan
Landscapes of Lifelong Learning Policies across Europe. Comparative Case Studies, 2022
Common Diversities. Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2022
Academics as well as experts with a migration background struggle with more hurdles than people w... more Academics as well as experts with a migration background struggle with more hurdles than people without a migration background. They are confronted with a wide range of problems such as language barriers or discrimination. This is likewise the case for Filipinos in Austria. Despite many attempts to introduce equality and diversity, the situation has changed only moderately. This chapter aims to examine why Filipino academics or experts are not very prominent in Austria. Interviews with five Austrian-Filipinos or Filipino academics or experts from the second and third generation who were living in Austria at the time that the interviews were conducted. The interview partners are of the opinion that personal and social networks are lacking in the Filipino community. This, however, can help to make Filipino academics or experts more visible. At the same time, however, they were able to show that, despite all the difficulties, it is possible to pursue other career paths in areas where people do not expect Filipinos.
The following master’s thesis discusses the topic of ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregati... more The following master’s thesis discusses the topic of ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregation in a Viennese New Secondary School in the context of the department project “Pathways to the Future – a longitudinal study of the social integration of young people in Vienna”. The objective of this academic qualification paper is to discuss what the reasons for segregation in school context are. By using of a multi-method design applying quantitative and qualitative methods of the empirical social research, the research interest was investigated. First insights were obtained through quantitative secondary data. For a more precise analysis, the qualitative secondary data of the department project were used.
The main outcomes of the study showed that there is no obvious ethnic and social or socioeconomic segregation perceived by the pupils of the examined class. However, there can be tendencies and mechanisms of a segregation observed.
Deutsch Jeden Tag fragen wir uns bevor wir in die Arbeit, zur Schule oder zur Uni fahren, welc... more Deutsch
Jeden Tag fragen wir uns bevor wir in die Arbeit, zur Schule oder zur Uni fahren, welche Kleidung wir anziehen sollen. Sei es ein Anzug oder eine Jogginghose – Kleidung spielt eine besondere Rolle in unserem Alltag. Jedes Kleidungsstück, das wir tragen, spiegelt nicht nur unsere Identität wieder, sondern viel mehr als wir eigentlich glauben, zu wissen. Diese Arbeit soll den LeserInnen einen Einblick in das soziologische Feld der Modesoziologie verschaffen und die westliche fremde Gesellschaft (und ihre Mode) zeigen. Der asiatische Raum und besonders die japanische Gesellschaft sind durch ihre strenge und konventionelle Lebensweise gezeichnet. (Gabbani-Hedman 2006, S. 4) Menschen, die sich dem Norm konformen Verhalten entgegensetzen beziehungsweise eine „anderes“ Ich – eine andere Identität wahrnehmen wollen, tragen japanische Straßenmode oder im Englischen besser bekannt unter japanese street fashion und ‚verkleiden’ sich als eine andere Person. Inspiriert durch das Werk „Fashion-ology. An introduction to fashion studies“ von der japanischen Soziologin Yuniya Kawamura beschäftigte ich mich mit der Frage der Identitätsbildung, der Gesellschaftsstruktur und der japanischen street fashion.
Everyday we ask ourselves before we go to work, to school or to university, what clothes we will wear. Be it a suit or a jogging trousers - clothes play an important role in our everyday life. Each piece of clothing that we wear not only reflects our identity, but much more than we actually think. This work is intended to provide readers with an insight into the sociological field of sociology of fashion. It will show an insight of the western society (and its fashion). The Asian region and particularly the Japanese society is marked by their strict and conventional lifestyle. (Gabbani-Hedman, 2006, p. 4) People who want to set against the standard-compliant behavior or perceive a "different" ego - wear japanese street fashion. Inspired by the work "Fashion-ology. An introduction to fashion studies" by the Japanese sociologist Yuniya Kawamura, I dealt with the question of the formation of identity, the social structure and the Japanese street fashion.
User Experience and Urban Creativity, 2024
Urban space plays an important role in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects, be it yout... more Urban space plays an important role in Erasmus+ or European Solidarity Corps projects, be it youth exchanges, cooperation partnerships, or volunteer work. Urban spaces can be viewed as places of encounter and exchange, but also places of interaction between those involved. One of the characteristics of Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps projects in the youth sector is the use of non-formal methods in an informal learning environment. For example, methods of dialogue to foster reflection are used in various project activities so that project participants can learn skills that are not taught in formal settings such as schools. Hence, urban space plays a central role, be it in the choice of location or in the use of public space for the project implementation itself. This article examines the functions and uses of urban space in selected Erasmus+ Youth and European Solidarity Corps projects that took place in Austria in 2021-2023. In this context, seven completed projects by Austrian organisations from the current Erasmus+ and European Solidarity Corps programme period serve as case studies.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), Mar 17, 2023
This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating... more This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating the complex reality with which young people must cope nowadays when imagining and planning their future, the importance of structural factors that shape youths' conditions and identities, as well as their intersections in determining different trajectories of youth transitions. We aim to pinpoint some of the questions that are of interest to the RYOT network more broadly, delineating the state of the art and research gaps in youth transition studies.
RYOT Network Working Paper, 2023
This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating... more This working paper aims at investigating the multi-faced nature of youth transitions, delineating the complex reality with which young people must cope nowadays when imagining and planning their future, the importance of structural factors that shape youths' conditions and identities, as well as their intersections in determining different trajectories of youth transitions. We aim to pinpoint some of the questions that are of interest to the RYOT network more broadly, delineating the state of the art and research gaps in youth transition studies.
Frontiers in Education, 2021
Schools around the world have transitioned to emergency distance teaching due to the COVID-19 out... more Schools around the world have transitioned to emergency distance teaching due to the COVID-19 outbreak. In particular, the first lockdown (in early 2020) came unexpectedly for all actors and stakeholders in Austria. School authorities, parents, students and, above all, teachers were faced with considerable challenges. The aim of the present study is to evaluate the perception of Austrian elementary school teachers about distance teaching during the first lockdown. Using two different qualitative data sets from the Inclusive Home Learning (INCL-LEA) study, the following research question was investigated: what are the main challenges that elementary school teachers faced in distance teaching in Austria due to COVID-19? A multimethod qualitative research was carried out to answer the research question, and the data were evaluated using the topic analysis method. The teachers identified five greatest challenges: i) a lack of personal contact with the students; ii) additional workload and more stress, iii) non-existent technical equipment; iv) a lack of digital skills; and v) an inability to offer individual support for students at risk. This study has shown that better policies are needed to avoid these problems. Such solutions not only require the purchase of digital devices, but also the development of pedagogically wellthought-out and planned curricula and the provision of opportunities to improve digital skills. Furthermore, it also showed that sustainable working conditions needed to be created to counter the long-term effects of the heavy workload on teachers. However, the difference between distance teaching in times of the pandemic and regular online teaching also needs to be considered when developing and implementing policies.
Social Inclusion, 2019
Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can be perceived as a means of governing youth transitions. Yo... more Lifelong learning (LLL) programmes can be perceived as a means of governing youth transitions. Young adults can use such programmes to try to overcome different constraints in their life course. This article explores the decisions of young adults in Vienna (Austria) and Malaga (Spain) who are participating in different LLL programmes that seek to address their transition from unemployment to employment. In order to understand these decisions, we want to explore: (1) how the young adult's experiences influenced their decision to engage with an LLL programme, (2) what role these programmes played in their biographies and (3) how young adults imagine their future. We use two theoretical lenses to explore these questions: bounded agency and projectivity. A comparative study of these two regions provides insight into how different contextual conditions influence young adults' decisions. We perform three different analyses: of the young people's past trajectories and transitions, of their imagined futures, and of their decision to enrol in the programme. Exploring young people's subjective accounts of their pasts and their imagined futures helps to improve our understanding of the role young people believe these programmes play in their lives, why they have decided to enrol in them, and how they use and interpret these pathways through, and in the framework of, different contextual conditions.
Kinder und Jugendliche stellen eine der vulnerabelsten Gruppen in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Sie s... more Kinder und Jugendliche stellen eine der vulnerabelsten Gruppen in unserer Gesellschaft dar. Sie sind von der Pandemie stark betroffen, spüren die Auswirkungen und die damit einhergehenden politischen Maßnahmen. Gerade Kinder und Jugendliche stecken in wichtigen Entwicklungsphasen, worauf mehrere Lockdowns, social distancing, remote learning, fehlende persönliche Interaktionen zu Peers, uvm. großen Einfluss auf ihre Entwicklung und Zukunft nehmen. Es war und ist zu beobachten, dass Kindern und Jugendlichen im öffentlichen Diskurs rund um das Thema der Pandemie, kaum bis gar keine Stimme gegeben wurde. In wichtigen politischen Fragen, die sie betrafen, wurden sie nicht gefragt (siehe Matura, Schulöffnung, etc.). Sie werden als passive, statt als aktive Mitglieder der Gesellschaft wahrgenommen und derzeit meist auf eine einzige soziale Rolle reduziert, die der Schüler*innen. Aktuelle Studien geben Einblicke in die Lage unserer Kinder und Jugend in Zeiten von Corona. Die Kindheits-und Jugendforschung ist ein unerlässlicher Forschungsbereich und bedarf allgemein mehr Aufmerksamkeit in der wissenschaftlichen Community. Diese Ad-hoc Gruppe richtet folglich ihr Augenmerk auf die aktuelle Forschung in der Kindheits-und Jugendforschung in Zeiten einer Pandemie und Krise. Mittels der Ad-hoc Gruppe möchten wir Forscher*innen eine Gelegenheit bieten, die verschiedenen theoretischen Beiträge und empirischen Forschungsprojekte, die zuvor und während der Pandemie entstanden sind, zu diskutieren und zu reflektieren. Folgende Fragen können als Leitfragen dienen: • Wie geht es der "Generation Corona"? Wie nehmen Kinder und Jugendliche die Pandemie wahr? Woher beziehen sie ihre Informationen und welche Bedeutung haben diese für sie? • Welche sozialen Auswirkungen und Folgen hat die Rollenzuschreibung, dass Jugendliche Teil des Infektionsgeschehens sind (Stichwort "Coronaparties")? • Welche neuen Zukunftsängste hat Corona bei Kindern und Jugendlichen ausgelöst? • Welche kurz-und langfristigen sozialen Folgen (z.B. im Familienleben, peer group, Nutzung digitaler Medien, geschlechtsspezifische Auswirkungen und Verhaltensweisen) könnte diese Pandemie für die Kindheit und Jugend der "Generation Corona" haben? Die zweistündige Sitzungsdauer der Ad-Hoc Gruppe umfasst 3 Vorträge samt Diskussion (30 Min). Des Weiteren sind drei Kurzinputs (10 Min) geplant, die speziell von Nachwuchswissenschaftler*innen (Master-und Doktoratsstudierende) bespielt werden sollen. Außerdem soll im Rahmen der Ad-Hoc Gruppe die Gründung einer Sektion Kindheits-und Jugendforschung innerhalb der ÖGS diskutiert und implementiert werden. Bitte schicken Sie Ihren Beitragsvorschlag (Vortragstitel und Abstracts) im Umfang von max. 3000 Zeichen (inkl. Leerzeichen) per PDF bis zum 09. April an ralph.chan@univie.ac.at. Bis zum 23. April erhalten Sie eine Nachricht, ob Ihr Beitragsvorschlag angenommen wird.
USA/Deutschland/Philippinen: Der Film "Quezon's Game" behandelt historische Aspekte... more USA/Deutschland/Philippinen: Der Film "Quezon's Game" behandelt historische Aspekte, die bisher noch wenig bekannt sind: die amerikanische Besatzung der Philippinen, die Präsidentschaft von Manuel Quezon und die Aufnahme jüdischer Flüchtlinge während des Nazi-Regimes.
Philippinen: Junge Filipin@s gehen gemeinsam auf Wurzelreise und erkunden ihre Identität innerhal... more Philippinen: Junge Filipin@s gehen gemeinsam auf Wurzelreise und erkunden ihre Identität innerhalb der Diaspora und der philippinischen Heimat. Das Buchprojekt "Gemeinsam verschieden" fasst ihre Erfahrungen zusammen.
südostasien - Zeitschrift für Politik • Kultur • Dialog, 2020
Philippinen: Politische Themen in der Musik ziehen sich durch die jüngere Landesgeschichte. Entsp... more Philippinen: Politische Themen in der Musik ziehen sich durch die jüngere Landesgeschichte. Entsprechende Songs – inspiriert durch persönliche Erfahrungen und/oder der Kritik an den Herrschenden – entfalten in ihrem jeweiligen Kontext besondere Wirkung.
Erziehungswissenschaftliche Revue – EWR, 2023
Why are young people more prone to violence today? Why is it important to take care of mental hea... more Why are young people more prone to violence today? Why is it important to take care of mental health in youth? Do young people have ethical concerns about using artificial intelligence in their schoolwork? These are social issues youth researchers are interested in. Research with or about young people [1] helps to gain knowledge about their living environments as well as their actions, and thus to better understand a large group of today's society. The anthology ‚Jugend-Lebenswelt-Bildung. Perspektiven für die Jugendforschung in Österreich' [trans: 'Youth-Lifeworld-Education.
Philippine Sociological Review, 2021
Review of Rethinking Filipino Millennials: Alternative Perspectives on a Misunderstood Generation... more Review of Rethinking Filipino Millennials: Alternative Perspectives on a Misunderstood Generation, edited by Jayeel S. Cornelio. Manila: University of Santo Tomas Publishing House, 2020.
Austrian Journal of South-East Asian Studies, 2019
Book Review: Werning, R. & Schwieger, J. (2019). Handbuch Philippinen. Gesellschaft-Politik-Wirts... more Book Review: Werning, R. & Schwieger, J. (2019). Handbuch Philippinen. Gesellschaft-Politik-Wirtschaft-Kultur.
Asian Politics & Policy, 2020
Nation-Empire: Ideology and Rural Youth Mobilization in Japan and its Colonies. Ithaca/London: Co... more Nation-Empire: Ideology and Rural Youth Mobilization in Japan and its Colonies. Ithaca/London: Cornell University Press. 347 pages. ISBN 9781501730757. Hardcover, USD 55. Sayaka Chatani. 2018.
Asian Studies Review, 2020
Landscapes of Lifelong Learning Policies across Europe. Comparative Case Studies, 2022
Common Diversities. Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2022
Academics as well as experts with a migration background struggle with more hurdles than people w... more Academics as well as experts with a migration background struggle with more hurdles than people without a migration background. They are confronted with a wide range of problems such as language barriers or discrimination. This is likewise the case for Filipinos in Austria. Despite many attempts to introduce equality and diversity, the situation has changed only moderately. This chapter aims to examine why Filipino academics or experts are not very prominent in Austria. Interviews with five Austrian-Filipinos or Filipino academics or experts from the second and third generation who were living in Austria at the time that the interviews were conducted. The interview partners are of the opinion that personal and social networks are lacking in the Filipino community. This, however, can help to make Filipino academics or experts more visible. At the same time, however, they were able to show that, despite all the difficulties, it is possible to pursue other career paths in areas where people do not expect Filipinos.
Common Diversities. Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2022
Common Diversities. Junge Filipin@s im deutschsprachigen Raum, 2022
Filipinos are everywhere—this may sound like a sweeping statement, but it is one that rings true.... more Filipinos are everywhere—this may sound like a sweeping statement, but it is one that rings true. In 2006, Filipino-American literary and cultural critic E. San Juan, Jr. even published a book on the Filipino migrant experience entitled Filipinos Everywhere: Displaced, Transported Overseas, Moving On In the Diaspora. The title of E. San Juan’s book captures an experience which is all too familiar to the Filipino nation: leaving home and finding a new place to call home. We have a ‘culture of migration,’ supplying labor to countries worldwide (Asis, 2006). The Taglish term mag-abroad—used by Filipinos looking for better opportunities elsewhere—speaks of this experience. Indeed, so commonplace is the experience of Filipino migration that much literature has been written and continues to be written about it. However, many of the first-generation immigrants have already established families in the places where they now live. It is now time to tell the stories of the generations that come after them. Theirs may be a rather different story. It is not about leaving home, but rather about understanding a self that is a result of both homes—one where they grew up in and another where their elders came from.
Wege in die Zukunft: Lebenssituationen Jugendlicher am Ende der Neuen Mittelschule, 2020
Poster-Session - Masterarbeiten in Abschlusskonferenz "Wege finden... Übergänge im Jugendalter aus einer Längsschnittperspektive", 2022
Die Masterarbeit behandelte das Thema der ethnischen und sozialen oder sozioökonomischen Segregat... more Die Masterarbeit behandelte das Thema der ethnischen und sozialen oder
sozioökonomischen Segregation in einer Wiener Mittelschule im Rahmen des Institutsprojekts „Wege in die Zukunft: Eine Längsschnittstudie über die
Vergesellschaftung junger Menschen in Wien“. Ziel dieser Qualifikationsarbeit war die Erörterung durch welche Faktoren Segregation im schulischen Kontext verursacht wird. Mittels eines Multi-Method-Designs unter Verwendung von quantitativen und qualitativen Methoden wurde das Thema beforscht. Erste Erkenntnisse konnten durch quantitative Sekundardaten erhoben werden. Für eine genauere Analyse wurden die qualitativen Sekundardaten des Institutsprojekts verwendet. Die Hauptergebnisse der Studie zeigten, dass eine ethnische und eine soziale oder sozioökonomische Segregation von den Schüler*innen der untersuchten Klasse nicht eindeutig wahrgenommen wurde. Es können jedoch Tendenzen einer Segregation wahrgenommen werden.