Rozana Petani | University of Zadar (original) (raw)
Papers by Rozana Petani
Prihvaćanje spolnoga identiteta te odgovorno spolno ponašanje vrlo su važan dio razvoja adolescen... more Prihvaćanje spolnoga identiteta te odgovorno spolno ponašanje vrlo su važan dio razvoja adolescenata. Neoprezno seksualno ponašanje u adolescenciji može imati neposredne i dugoročne posljedice. Od neposrednih su najvažnije neželjena trudnoća te spolno prenosive infekcije te dugoročna djelovanja na reproduktivno zdravlje pa i na trajanje života. Stoga, spolno ponašanje adolescenata ima značajne individualne i društvene posljedice. Da bi se mladima pomoglo, prije svega, potrebno je prihvatiti činjenicu da će većina mladića i djevojaka postati seksualno aktivna u drugom desetljeću svoga života, a upravo zbog toga odgovorna društvena i zdravstvena politika ima obavezu razviti i osigurati programe seksualnoga odgoja koji bi uključivali informacije o kontracepciji, spolno prenosivim bolestima te učinkovite mjere zaštite od neželjene trudnoće i spolno prenosivih bolesti. Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi spolno ponašanje, informiranost i mišljenje adolescenata o seksualnosti. Ispitano je 3...
hroughout history, certain models of rehabilitation have been developed, that relate to the integ... more hroughout history, certain models of rehabilitation have been developed, that relate to the integration of people with mild or severe disabilities into society. Integration of people with disabilities in the social environment differed, taking into account the representation of certain models of rehabilitation, as well as with regard to socio - cultural context. The aim of this paper is to show the role of the model of rehabilitation during the creation of inclusive practices today with review to the Croatian educatioal system. During the sixties of the 20th century, medical model prevailed, whereby the person with disabilities was treated as a social problem. By the turn of of the seventies and eighties of the last century, there was a deficiency model as a transition from the medical to a social model, which has done a remarkable shift in the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Unlike the medical model in which disabled people were accepted as problematic persons who pres...
Pedagoško-andragoški dnevi 2011, 2011
... Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. Title: Programi za obrazovanje roditelja kao dio cjeloživot... more ... Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. Title: Programi za obrazovanje roditelja kao dio cjeloživotnog učenja ( Programs for parents' education as part of lifelong learning ). Source: Udejanjanje načela individualizacije v vzgojno-izobraževalni praksi: Ali smo na pravi poti? ...
... Rozana Petani, prof. ... Iz usporedbi zadarskih, južnoafričkih i njemačkih studenata očito je... more ... Rozana Petani, prof. ... Iz usporedbi zadarskih, južnoafričkih i njemačkih studenata očito je da zadarski studenti pokazuju isti stupanj zadovoljstva sadržajem studija, ali veće nezadovoljstvo načinom rješavanja problema u studiju, to jest koliko im se pri tome pruža potpora od ...
Proceedings in Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, 2012
Unapređenje kvalitete života djece i mladih, 2013
11. dani Mate Demarina: Očekivanja, postignuća i …, 2010
... Bibliographic record number: 491122. Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. ... Briga za djecu, nj... more ... Bibliographic record number: 491122. Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. ... Briga za djecu, njihovo podizanje i sudjelovanje u osamostaljivanju, oduvijek je bila osnova roditeljstva,ali način na koji se taj osnovni zadatak obavljao nije uvijek bio isti. ...
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parent... more The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parenthood, about the myths of authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting in the context of their own upbringing and social expectations. Considering the influence of one’s own parents, the way of growing up and the influence of wider society and social norms, the initial assumption of the research was that the way of growing up, as a family factor and social norms, as a social factor, define parents’ opinions on myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Twelve respondents participated in the research; a qualitative method of semi-structured interview was used. The results of the research showed that family factors, such as the way of growing up and the parenting style, but also social factors such as the social environment and media, influence parents’ opinions of myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Also, it...
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021
Rad prezentira rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog među 489 studenata Sveucilista u Zad... more Rad prezentira rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog među 489 studenata Sveucilista u Zadru akademske 2002/03. godine. Utvrđena je statisticki znacajna pozitivna korelacija između dominantnih personalnih i socijalnih motiva za izbor studija i zadovoljstva sadržajem studija. Istraživanjem nisu potvrđene statisticki znacajne veze između motiva za izbor studija i nacina poucavanja, sto ukazuje na potrebu podizanja kvalitete organizacije studija i rada sa studentima.
Das Bild der heutigen Familie unterscheidet sich vom Bild der traditionellen Familie, die aus dem... more Das Bild der heutigen Familie unterscheidet sich vom Bild der traditionellen Familie, die aus dem Ehepaar und deren Kindern als Kern sowie allen näheren und ferneren Blutsverwandten bestand. Veränderungen, denen gesamte Gesellschaft unterworfen ist, schlagen sich notwendigerweise auch in der Familie nieder. Die Familie macht alle gesellschaft lichen Veränderungen und Wandel durch, indem sie sich selbst, aber auch ihre gesellschaft liche Rolle ändert. Die Eltern erfüllen die erzieherische und sozialisierende Funktion der Familie, und das erfordert von ihnen eine Anpassung an verschiedene Forderungen und Bedürfnisse, welche die moderne Familie und Elternschaft nach sich ziehen. Als Folge immer größerer Forderungen und Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich die Eltern auseinandersetzen müssen, entsteht auch ein Bedarf nach verschiedenen Formen der Hilfe, Unterstützung, Beratung und Ausbildung der Eltern. Auf diese Weise kann den Eltern geholfen werden, sich zufrieden, kompetent und erfolgreic...
is the most prescribed medicinal drug for people diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity d... more is the most prescribed medicinal drug for people diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, the off-label use by healthy adults has increased over the last year due to the potential beneficial effects on cognitive performance. It causes augmented catecholaminergic neurotransmission by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine's reuptake mainly in prefrontal cortex and striatum. The aim of this review was to examine the effects of MPH on memory and attention in healthy adults. The results were ambiguous, however, MPH's beneficial effects on memory were found more consistently than effects on attention. In addition, individuals whose baseline performance was lower than average benefitted more than others. Optimal dosing seems to be dependent on the task and cognitive domain tested. The controversy about cognitive enhancing drugs arises when taking side effects, as well as ethical aspects, into consideration. Common adverse effects are insomnia and appetite loss. In conclusion, despite the positive effects of MPH on memory and attention, the use of MPH as cognitive enhancer in healthy adults is not recommended based on the lack of longitudinal studies and the risks of adverse effects. MPH self-medication is not recommended.
The inclusion of children from bilingual families in educational system ought to be considered fr... more The inclusion of children from bilingual families in educational system ought to be considered from pedagogical perspective since the emphasis is placed both on upbringing and education. The subject of bilingualism is relevant to social and pedagogical context in terms of the application of new methods and forms of work to the process of bilingual development of children in families as well as in educational institutions. Whether monolingual, bilingual or multilingual a family is one of the most important factors for child development having almost crucial influence on a child’s personality. The aim of this paper is to present the role of bilingualism in the family context which is the primary factor of education as well as its role in the context of the later inclusion of bilingual children in the institutional system of education. In the context of this study bilingualism is defined as simultaneous acquisition of two languages up to pre-school years with special emphasis being pla...
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022
Parenting is a very demanding and responsibility driven role in the life of any person who decide... more Parenting is a very demanding and responsibility driven role in the life of any person who decides to become a parent. Quality parenting is aimed at protecting the best interests of the child. In this sense, the parent should behave with care, provide the child with structure and guidance, respect the child as an individual and empower them at every opportunity. Today, however, parents do not have much time to raise their child. The employment of both parents necessarily includes other adults in the upbringing of children. So, parents become coordinators of educational factors by choosing "other educators" for children in an out-of-home environment. Thus, the parent becomes responsible for the upbringing in their family as well as for choosing extra-family influences. A modern parent is faced with many expectations: from knowing the characteristics of the child's psychophysical development to recognizing the needs and abilities of the child, and knowing the ways to satisfy and encourage them. Therefore, it is necessary that the parent is competent, skilled, and knows how to successfully educate. That they are well informed about the opportunities offered by society, be it legal, social, health, educational, and other related resources. That they know how to choose the best for their child, and to cooperate with those who care for their child. Thus, modern parenting has become very demanding, influenced by a number of societal changes, different from those faced by the parents of previous generations. Therefore, a successful parent should constantly learn, check their actions, and strive to improve their parenting skills. In this paper, parenting is considered as a dynamic process that has its developmental stages depending on the age of the child. With this in mind, research has been conducted with the aim of understanding the challenges of modern parenting during the process of growing up children at different stages of development. For data collection and analysis, the focus group method was applied as a qualitative form of research that includes a group discussion on the experiences and challenges of parents. The aim of this approach was to capture the subjective feelings and perceptions of parental role in parents of children of different ages and to encourage discussion about values and attitudes related to parenting, but also personal challenges and experiences. The focus group method was implemented in various cities of the Republic of Croatia (in Zadar, Split, Varaždin, Benkovac, and Biograd n/m). The paper will present an analysis of qualitative results and will consider specific topics for groups of parents of children of different ages with the categorization of experiences and challenges. The results of this research will help professionals in preparing and organizing programs aimed at strengthening parenting competencies and developing quality parenting.
Žele li ljudi djecu da bi ostvarili drustveno poželjne norme i osjetili zadovoljstvo u postizanju... more Žele li ljudi djecu da bi ostvarili drustveno poželjne norme i osjetili zadovoljstvo u postizanju punog identiteta odrasle osobe? Zbog cega ne žele djecu? Ta pitanja nemaju važnost samo za pojedinca, nego i za stabilnost i buducnost cjelokupnog drustva. Proces formiranja motivacije za roditeljstvom pocinje vrlo rano, dugotrajan je i složen proces, ali ne sasvim razjasnjen. Razliciti autori govore o razlicitim mehanizmima i razlicitim pokretacima ove motivacije, ali jos uvijek ne postoji neko jedinstveno teorijsko objasnjenje. U ovom je radu razmatran klasicni oblik roditeljstva, koji podrazumijeva oba roditelja razlicitog spola. Uzorak ovog istraživanja cinilo je 170 ispitanika, studenata Sveucilista u Zadru, a cilj je bio ispitati motivaciju za roditeljstvom te provjeriti relacije motivacije za roditeljstvom sa zadovoljstvom obiteljskim životom, ljubavnom vezom i generativnoscu. Rezultati su pokazali da je na cjelokupnom uzorku najvise izražena altruisticka motivacija za roditeljst...
Roditeljstvo je kompleksni drustveni fenomen, zajednicki vecini ljudi i to u svim povijesnim razd... more Roditeljstvo je kompleksni drustveni fenomen, zajednicki vecini ljudi i to u svim povijesnim razdobljima i kulturama. Briga za djecu, njihovo podizanje i sudjelovanje u osamostaljivanju, oduvijek je bila osnova roditeljstva, ali nacin na koji se taj osnovni zadatak obavljao nije uvijek bio isti. Stalne transformacije drustva izazvale su i stalne transformacije unutar obitelji, pa samim time i roditeljstva. Postati roditelj i prihvatiti roditeljsku ulogu jedna je od najvažnijih tranzicija, koje se događaju u životu odrasla covjeka. Posljednjih 30-tak godina roditeljska se uloga pocela sve vise ravnopravno raspodjeljivati između majke i oca, sto vodi k stabilnijem braku i kvalitetnijem roditeljstvu. Stoga se u radu razmatraju roditeljske uloge te cimbenici koji određuju roditeljsko ponasanje. Istraživanja su pokazala da se majcinstvo i ocinstvo, kao dva oblika roditeljstva razlikuju prema kolicini vremena ukljucenosti u brigu za dijete, prema vrsti dominantnih aktivnosti, nacinu odnos...
Prihvaćanje spolnoga identiteta te odgovorno spolno ponašanje vrlo su važan dio razvoja adolescen... more Prihvaćanje spolnoga identiteta te odgovorno spolno ponašanje vrlo su važan dio razvoja adolescenata. Neoprezno seksualno ponašanje u adolescenciji može imati neposredne i dugoročne posljedice. Od neposrednih su najvažnije neželjena trudnoća te spolno prenosive infekcije te dugoročna djelovanja na reproduktivno zdravlje pa i na trajanje života. Stoga, spolno ponašanje adolescenata ima značajne individualne i društvene posljedice. Da bi se mladima pomoglo, prije svega, potrebno je prihvatiti činjenicu da će većina mladića i djevojaka postati seksualno aktivna u drugom desetljeću svoga života, a upravo zbog toga odgovorna društvena i zdravstvena politika ima obavezu razviti i osigurati programe seksualnoga odgoja koji bi uključivali informacije o kontracepciji, spolno prenosivim bolestima te učinkovite mjere zaštite od neželjene trudnoće i spolno prenosivih bolesti. Cilj je istraživanja bio utvrditi spolno ponašanje, informiranost i mišljenje adolescenata o seksualnosti. Ispitano je 3...
hroughout history, certain models of rehabilitation have been developed, that relate to the integ... more hroughout history, certain models of rehabilitation have been developed, that relate to the integration of people with mild or severe disabilities into society. Integration of people with disabilities in the social environment differed, taking into account the representation of certain models of rehabilitation, as well as with regard to socio - cultural context. The aim of this paper is to show the role of the model of rehabilitation during the creation of inclusive practices today with review to the Croatian educatioal system. During the sixties of the 20th century, medical model prevailed, whereby the person with disabilities was treated as a social problem. By the turn of of the seventies and eighties of the last century, there was a deficiency model as a transition from the medical to a social model, which has done a remarkable shift in the rehabilitation of persons with disabilities. Unlike the medical model in which disabled people were accepted as problematic persons who pres...
Pedagoško-andragoški dnevi 2011, 2011
... Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. Title: Programi za obrazovanje roditelja kao dio cjeloživot... more ... Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. Title: Programi za obrazovanje roditelja kao dio cjeloživotnog učenja ( Programs for parents' education as part of lifelong learning ). Source: Udejanjanje načela individualizacije v vzgojno-izobraževalni praksi: Ali smo na pravi poti? ...
... Rozana Petani, prof. ... Iz usporedbi zadarskih, južnoafričkih i njemačkih studenata očito je... more ... Rozana Petani, prof. ... Iz usporedbi zadarskih, južnoafričkih i njemačkih studenata očito je da zadarski studenti pokazuju isti stupanj zadovoljstva sadržajem studija, ali veće nezadovoljstvo načinom rješavanja problema u studiju, to jest koliko im se pri tome pruža potpora od ...
Proceedings in Electronic International Interdisciplinary Conference, 2012
Unapređenje kvalitete života djece i mladih, 2013
11. dani Mate Demarina: Očekivanja, postignuća i …, 2010
... Bibliographic record number: 491122. Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. ... Briga za djecu, nj... more ... Bibliographic record number: 491122. Journal. Authors: Petani, Rozana. ... Briga za djecu, njihovo podizanje i sudjelovanje u osamostaljivanju, oduvijek je bila osnova roditeljstva,ali način na koji se taj osnovni zadatak obavljao nije uvijek bio isti. ...
The Person and the Challenges. The Journal of Theology, Education, Canon Law and Social Studies Inspired by Pope John Paul II
The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parent... more The aim of this research was to investigate the opinions of parents at different stages of parenthood, about the myths of authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting in the context of their own upbringing and social expectations. Considering the influence of one’s own parents, the way of growing up and the influence of wider society and social norms, the initial assumption of the research was that the way of growing up, as a family factor and social norms, as a social factor, define parents’ opinions on myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Twelve respondents participated in the research; a qualitative method of semi-structured interview was used. The results of the research showed that family factors, such as the way of growing up and the parenting style, but also social factors such as the social environment and media, influence parents’ opinions of myths about authoritarian parenting and gender stereotypes in parenting. Also, it...
ICERI2021 Proceedings, 2021
Rad prezentira rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog među 489 studenata Sveucilista u Zad... more Rad prezentira rezultate empirijskog istraživanja provedenog među 489 studenata Sveucilista u Zadru akademske 2002/03. godine. Utvrđena je statisticki znacajna pozitivna korelacija između dominantnih personalnih i socijalnih motiva za izbor studija i zadovoljstva sadržajem studija. Istraživanjem nisu potvrđene statisticki znacajne veze između motiva za izbor studija i nacina poucavanja, sto ukazuje na potrebu podizanja kvalitete organizacije studija i rada sa studentima.
Das Bild der heutigen Familie unterscheidet sich vom Bild der traditionellen Familie, die aus dem... more Das Bild der heutigen Familie unterscheidet sich vom Bild der traditionellen Familie, die aus dem Ehepaar und deren Kindern als Kern sowie allen näheren und ferneren Blutsverwandten bestand. Veränderungen, denen gesamte Gesellschaft unterworfen ist, schlagen sich notwendigerweise auch in der Familie nieder. Die Familie macht alle gesellschaft lichen Veränderungen und Wandel durch, indem sie sich selbst, aber auch ihre gesellschaft liche Rolle ändert. Die Eltern erfüllen die erzieherische und sozialisierende Funktion der Familie, und das erfordert von ihnen eine Anpassung an verschiedene Forderungen und Bedürfnisse, welche die moderne Familie und Elternschaft nach sich ziehen. Als Folge immer größerer Forderungen und Schwierigkeiten, mit denen sich die Eltern auseinandersetzen müssen, entsteht auch ein Bedarf nach verschiedenen Formen der Hilfe, Unterstützung, Beratung und Ausbildung der Eltern. Auf diese Weise kann den Eltern geholfen werden, sich zufrieden, kompetent und erfolgreic...
is the most prescribed medicinal drug for people diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity d... more is the most prescribed medicinal drug for people diagnosed with attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder. However, the off-label use by healthy adults has increased over the last year due to the potential beneficial effects on cognitive performance. It causes augmented catecholaminergic neurotransmission by blocking dopamine and norepinephrine's reuptake mainly in prefrontal cortex and striatum. The aim of this review was to examine the effects of MPH on memory and attention in healthy adults. The results were ambiguous, however, MPH's beneficial effects on memory were found more consistently than effects on attention. In addition, individuals whose baseline performance was lower than average benefitted more than others. Optimal dosing seems to be dependent on the task and cognitive domain tested. The controversy about cognitive enhancing drugs arises when taking side effects, as well as ethical aspects, into consideration. Common adverse effects are insomnia and appetite loss. In conclusion, despite the positive effects of MPH on memory and attention, the use of MPH as cognitive enhancer in healthy adults is not recommended based on the lack of longitudinal studies and the risks of adverse effects. MPH self-medication is not recommended.
The inclusion of children from bilingual families in educational system ought to be considered fr... more The inclusion of children from bilingual families in educational system ought to be considered from pedagogical perspective since the emphasis is placed both on upbringing and education. The subject of bilingualism is relevant to social and pedagogical context in terms of the application of new methods and forms of work to the process of bilingual development of children in families as well as in educational institutions. Whether monolingual, bilingual or multilingual a family is one of the most important factors for child development having almost crucial influence on a child’s personality. The aim of this paper is to present the role of bilingualism in the family context which is the primary factor of education as well as its role in the context of the later inclusion of bilingual children in the institutional system of education. In the context of this study bilingualism is defined as simultaneous acquisition of two languages up to pre-school years with special emphasis being pla...
INTED2022 Proceedings, 2022
Parenting is a very demanding and responsibility driven role in the life of any person who decide... more Parenting is a very demanding and responsibility driven role in the life of any person who decides to become a parent. Quality parenting is aimed at protecting the best interests of the child. In this sense, the parent should behave with care, provide the child with structure and guidance, respect the child as an individual and empower them at every opportunity. Today, however, parents do not have much time to raise their child. The employment of both parents necessarily includes other adults in the upbringing of children. So, parents become coordinators of educational factors by choosing "other educators" for children in an out-of-home environment. Thus, the parent becomes responsible for the upbringing in their family as well as for choosing extra-family influences. A modern parent is faced with many expectations: from knowing the characteristics of the child's psychophysical development to recognizing the needs and abilities of the child, and knowing the ways to satisfy and encourage them. Therefore, it is necessary that the parent is competent, skilled, and knows how to successfully educate. That they are well informed about the opportunities offered by society, be it legal, social, health, educational, and other related resources. That they know how to choose the best for their child, and to cooperate with those who care for their child. Thus, modern parenting has become very demanding, influenced by a number of societal changes, different from those faced by the parents of previous generations. Therefore, a successful parent should constantly learn, check their actions, and strive to improve their parenting skills. In this paper, parenting is considered as a dynamic process that has its developmental stages depending on the age of the child. With this in mind, research has been conducted with the aim of understanding the challenges of modern parenting during the process of growing up children at different stages of development. For data collection and analysis, the focus group method was applied as a qualitative form of research that includes a group discussion on the experiences and challenges of parents. The aim of this approach was to capture the subjective feelings and perceptions of parental role in parents of children of different ages and to encourage discussion about values and attitudes related to parenting, but also personal challenges and experiences. The focus group method was implemented in various cities of the Republic of Croatia (in Zadar, Split, Varaždin, Benkovac, and Biograd n/m). The paper will present an analysis of qualitative results and will consider specific topics for groups of parents of children of different ages with the categorization of experiences and challenges. The results of this research will help professionals in preparing and organizing programs aimed at strengthening parenting competencies and developing quality parenting.
Žele li ljudi djecu da bi ostvarili drustveno poželjne norme i osjetili zadovoljstvo u postizanju... more Žele li ljudi djecu da bi ostvarili drustveno poželjne norme i osjetili zadovoljstvo u postizanju punog identiteta odrasle osobe? Zbog cega ne žele djecu? Ta pitanja nemaju važnost samo za pojedinca, nego i za stabilnost i buducnost cjelokupnog drustva. Proces formiranja motivacije za roditeljstvom pocinje vrlo rano, dugotrajan je i složen proces, ali ne sasvim razjasnjen. Razliciti autori govore o razlicitim mehanizmima i razlicitim pokretacima ove motivacije, ali jos uvijek ne postoji neko jedinstveno teorijsko objasnjenje. U ovom je radu razmatran klasicni oblik roditeljstva, koji podrazumijeva oba roditelja razlicitog spola. Uzorak ovog istraživanja cinilo je 170 ispitanika, studenata Sveucilista u Zadru, a cilj je bio ispitati motivaciju za roditeljstvom te provjeriti relacije motivacije za roditeljstvom sa zadovoljstvom obiteljskim životom, ljubavnom vezom i generativnoscu. Rezultati su pokazali da je na cjelokupnom uzorku najvise izražena altruisticka motivacija za roditeljst...
Roditeljstvo je kompleksni drustveni fenomen, zajednicki vecini ljudi i to u svim povijesnim razd... more Roditeljstvo je kompleksni drustveni fenomen, zajednicki vecini ljudi i to u svim povijesnim razdobljima i kulturama. Briga za djecu, njihovo podizanje i sudjelovanje u osamostaljivanju, oduvijek je bila osnova roditeljstva, ali nacin na koji se taj osnovni zadatak obavljao nije uvijek bio isti. Stalne transformacije drustva izazvale su i stalne transformacije unutar obitelji, pa samim time i roditeljstva. Postati roditelj i prihvatiti roditeljsku ulogu jedna je od najvažnijih tranzicija, koje se događaju u životu odrasla covjeka. Posljednjih 30-tak godina roditeljska se uloga pocela sve vise ravnopravno raspodjeljivati između majke i oca, sto vodi k stabilnijem braku i kvalitetnijem roditeljstvu. Stoga se u radu razmatraju roditeljske uloge te cimbenici koji određuju roditeljsko ponasanje. Istraživanja su pokazala da se majcinstvo i ocinstvo, kao dva oblika roditeljstva razlikuju prema kolicini vremena ukljucenosti u brigu za dijete, prema vrsti dominantnih aktivnosti, nacinu odnos...