Tatiana Morais | Universidade Nova de Lisboa (original) (raw)
Books by Tatiana Morais
Teses OM AM; vol. 52, 2020
Abstract This thesis focuses on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence cases in refugee camps. The lite... more Abstract
This thesis focuses on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence cases in refugee camps. The literature review in
Portuguese on this matter is scarce; hence, secondary data is based on two types of research developed in
two refugee camps. Yonas Gebreiyosus designed one study in the Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia. Claire
Waithira Mwangi designed the other research in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.
This thesis does not intend to analyze the prevalence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence incidents in
refugee camps; there are studies and researches developed by academics and projects developed by NGOs
since 1980, which show the prevalence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence incidents every phase of the
refugee cycle. Hence, based on the research already developed, this thesis intends to analyze which
answers could be developed to address these cases. This thesis suggests a solution for Sexual and GenderBased Violence in refugee camps based on secondary data. Therefore, it focuses on the answers given
either by Kenya’s and Ethiopia’s legal system and by the traditional justice system, e. g. Shimgelena
(traditional justice systems in Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia) and the Maslaha (traditional justice
system in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya) and draws a parallel with the retributive justice and restorative
justice, studying the impact of the introduction of a restorative mechanism in Kenya’s and Ethiopia’s legal
system, like the one introduced in Portugal and in other countries, with particular focus on mediation (one
of many of restorative justice mechanisms). Thus, drawing a parallel on both models of justice mentioned
above, this thesis suggests possible solutions for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors who cry out
for justice.
Peer Reviewed Articles by Tatiana Morais
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 18(3):193-206, 2022
Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recogni... more Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recognise those who are refugees. It provides a useful way to distinguish refugees from migrants as well as making it possible to screen for asylum seekers who are at greater risk of experiencing specific vulnerable situations, such as sexual and gender-based violence. This study therefore argues that intersectionality is useful for risk assessment processes as well as for triggering special protection mechanisms. Design/methodology/approach This research article draws from a cross-cultural empirical study conducted in Greece, Uganda, and Israel on problems asylum seekers and refugees face in host countries. Findings It is argued that while it is important to identify and screen for asylum seekers who have survived or are at greater risk of experiencing sexual and gender-based violence to provide special protection, it may lead to what has been called a “categorical fetishism”, in this case, applied to vulnerability. Such stigmatising and disempowering perceptions of refugees and their experiences may lead to the view that there are “good” refugees and asylum seekers who are worthy of protection, as opposed to “others”. Originality/value This original empirical article provides a new way of examining issues of refugee status determination to ensure fairer ways of doing so.
O presente artigo tem por foco a actual redacção do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português em res... more O presente artigo tem por foco a actual redacção do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português em resultado da entrada em vigor da Convenção de Istambul. Da análise do actual texto do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português constata-se que permanece a menção ao constrangimento como elemento do tipo legal de crime de violação. Isto apesar do artigo 36.º da Convenção de Istambul mencionar a falta de consentimento como elemento do tipo legal de crime de violação. É este o ponto de partida da nossa análise. Será indiferente mencionar constrangimento ou falta de consentimento? Quais as implicações desta opção? Que casos são abrangidos por ambos os conceitos? Qual de ambos os conceitos melhor serve os interesses das e dos sobreviventes de violação? Qual a melhor forma de interpretar o disposto do artigo 164.º do Código Português tendo em conta o teor da Convenção de Istambul e do Explanatory Report? E o que podemos esperar no que toca à implementação da Convenção de Istambul? São estas algumas das questões que orientam a presente reflexão, tendo sempre em linha de conta os interesses e direitos das e dos sobreviventes de violação, bem como os princípios que norteiam a aplicação da lei no Direito Penal.
The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resultin... more The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resulting in a gap in the public policies in what concerns to the protection of the victims, was the reason for developing a legal comparative study. The first task was to collect and compare the constitutional, penal and labour law on sexual harassment in Portugal, Brazil, Canada, Spain and France, about 115 sections were analysed. The second task was intended to continue the aim of the first one, in order to analyse if the law is being put into practice. Every penal code criminalizes harassment, with the exception of the Portuguese penal code. None of the analysed penal codes has an element of the crime such as to make others to suffer or to have a severe sexual act. With regard to sentences analysed, we found that convictions occurred in cases where it was proven based on: testimonies, written and expert evidence. We believe that policy statements and workshops are the best way to prevent sexual harassment in workplace.
Chapters by Tatiana Morais
Resumo O presente trabalho foca a questão do envelhecimento da população refugiada. A idade é ... more Resumo
O presente trabalho foca a questão do envelhecimento da população refugiada. A idade é um factor que influencia a experiência de cada pessoa refugiada, tendo reflexos diferentes consoante as diferentes fases do ciclo de refúgio. Neste âmbito serão analisados, de forma não exaustiva, os programas de reinstalação e de reagrupamento familiar dos países europeus e o impacte dos mesmos na população refugiada idosa que pretenda registar-se e candidatar-se a um desses programas. Será este o ponto de partida para a análise das questões associadas à população refugiada idosa. Não obstante teremos, ainda em conta, a causa principal destes fluxos migratórios forçados em massa: os conflitos armados. Conflitos esses que são fomentados por determinados países, via produção de armamento e petrolífera. Estes países não coincidem com os países que acolhem o maior número de população refugiada. Esta questão será analisada, uma vez que tem impacte no direito a viver e a envelhecer com dignidade. Serão estes os principais pontos de análise do presente artigo.
Palavras-chave: População Refugiada; População Idosa; Dignidade; Direito à Vida.
El cincuentenario de los Pactos Internacionales de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. Homenaje a la Profesora Mª. Esther Martínez Quinteiro. María de la Paz Pando Ballesteros, Pedro Garrido Rodríguez, Alicia Muñoz Ramírez (Eds.). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2018. pp: 1282-1293. , 2018
A 8 de Novembro de 1994, o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas criou o Tribunal Penal Interna... more A 8 de Novembro de 1994, o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas criou o Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda com o objectivo de julgar as pessoas responsáveis por violações graves ao Direito Internacional Humanitário. Um dos processos transitado em julgado foi o processo n.º ICTR-96-4-T, Chamber I, de 2 de Setembro de 1998, no âmbito do qual Jean-Paul Akayesu, Presidente da Câmara de Taba, aquando do massacre da população Tutsi entre Abril e Julho de 1994, foi condenado a pena de prisão perpétua por vários crimes, entre eles, o crime de genocídio. A condenação pelo crime de genocídio incluiu toda a violência sexual praticada com o intuito de destruir, no todo ou em parte, a população Tutsi. Foi a primeira vez na história da jurisprudência de um tribunal ad hoc internacional que a violência sexual foi qualificada e punida como genocídio. A Decisão Akayesu revela múltiplas intersecções que tornaram possível a concretização da justiça no caso concreto. Será sobre a tripla intersecção presente na Decisão Akayesu que nos iremos debruçar, revisitando cada um dos critérios presentes na construção desta decisão. A pertinência da presente análise baseia-se no facto de se tratar de uma decisão histórica que lançou os alicerces para uma nova percepção da realidade do genocídio ocorrido no Ruanda em 1994. Revisitar os critérios e méritos da Decisão Akayesu é relembrar o importante papel da consagração e tutela dos Direitos Humanos ao nível universal através da Organização das Nações Unidas, uma vez que tal decisão apenas pode ser compreendida e produzida em um contexto pós-Carta Internacional de Direitos Humanos e respectivas Convenções que a complementam.
November 8th 1994, UN Security Council established the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in order to prosecute serious violations of international humanitarian law. One of those cases was Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, Chamber I, of 2 September 1998, under which Jean-Paul Akayesu, Taba’s Mayor during the massacre of the Tutsi between April and July 1994, was sentenced to life imprisonment for several crimes, including crime of genocide. The conviction for the crime of genocide included sexual violence with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, Tutsi. It was the first time in the history of jurisprudence of an international ad hoc tribunal that sexual violence was qualified and punished as genocide, creating a new terminology genocidal rape Akayesu case has several intersections which made possible to achieve justice in this case. In our analysis we will focus the triple intersection in Akayesu case. The importance of this analysis is due to this historical decision and the new perspective on what happened in Ruanda 1994. To analyse Akayesu Decision criteria is very important to remind ourselves the importance of establishing and declaring what Human Rights are at universal level and also the importance of the United Nations. In fact a court decision such as Akayesu can only be understood after the establishment of UN system and after the entering into force of both International Pacts from 1966 and the several Conventions that complement the protection of Human Rights.
Keyword: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Sexual Violence, Genocide, Genocidal Rape, Post-Modern Feminism, Intersections.
Conference Proceedings by Tatiana Morais
Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research; Ana Azevedo e Anabela Mesquita (eds)., 2018
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is a manifestation of a power relation and it takes place in eve... more Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is a manifestation of a power relation and it takes place in every society (although in different forms, with different levels of violence, some more subtle than others). Unfortunately, it is a timeless violence, since it has been going on for milleniums. This Phd research project focuses mainly on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee camps. There are five phases of the refugee cycle according to the UNHCR and in all those phases there are reports of SGBV. Refugee camps are especially vulnerable sites that increase multilevel power relations that may, and
often do, create the «perfect» setting for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence to take place. Hence, this Phd research will focus on this particularly phase of the refugee cycle. This PhD research, also intends to debate on the best way to address these cases whilst ensuring access to justice to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors.
Lectures by Tatiana Morais
14.02.2020 - Lecture on "Women and Girls' Protection: Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law - Uni... more 14.02.2020 - Lecture on "Women and Girls' Protection: Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law - Universal, Regional (African, European and Interamerican) and Domestic legal systems" - I Course on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: European, African and Interamerican systems at NOVA School of Law.
14.02.2020 - Aula sobre "Casos Especiais: Protecção das Mulheres e Meninas" no âmbito do Curso Direitos Humanos e Direito Humanitário em Perspetiva: os Sistemas Europeu, Africano e Interamericano na NOVA School of Law.
12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Direito Internacional Humanitário: ética e dilemas no terren... more 12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Direito Internacional Humanitário: ética e dilemas no terreno" na NOVA Law School.
12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Human Rights International Law: ethic and dilemas during fieldwork" NOVA Law School.
01.07.2019 - Tatiana Morais "Violência sexual em conflito armado" Summer School | VI Course "Conf... more 01.07.2019 - Tatiana Morais "Violência sexual em conflito armado" Summer School | VI Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
01.07.2019 - Lecture "Sexual Violence during armed conflicts". Summer School | VI Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
Topics mentioned in the Lecture: Sexual Violence during conflicts as a strategy to cause mass displacement and to access resources; SGBV during conflict against women and men; Masculinities and Femininities; Men's emasculation; The Lieber Code; Geneva Convention; WPS; Rwanda Genocide.
02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais "Civis em conflitos armados: violência sexual em população refugiada"... more 02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais "Civis em conflitos armados: violência sexual em população refugiada" Summer School | V Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais Lecture:"Civilians during Armed Conflict: Sexual Violence targeting Refugees" Summer School | V Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
11.04.2018 - Lecture: "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Femininities and Masculinities (de)const... more 11.04.2018 - Lecture: "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Femininities and Masculinities (de)construction throughout the refugee cycle" at the Course "Protecting the Rights and Lives of Migrants and Refugees", NOVA Law School.
LLM Thesis Minho Law School 2015 by Tatiana Morais
Conference Presentations - Videos by Tatiana Morais
Prssentation at M.A. Human Rights at Minho University, Dec 2012. (Sist. Estaduais de Protecção de... more Prssentation at M.A. Human Rights at Minho University, Dec 2012. (Sist. Estaduais de Protecção de Dtos Humanos).
Papers by Tatiana Morais
Teses OM AM; vol. 52, 2020
Abstract This thesis focuses on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence cases in refugee camps. The lite... more Abstract
This thesis focuses on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence cases in refugee camps. The literature review in
Portuguese on this matter is scarce; hence, secondary data is based on two types of research developed in
two refugee camps. Yonas Gebreiyosus designed one study in the Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia. Claire
Waithira Mwangi designed the other research in the Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya.
This thesis does not intend to analyze the prevalence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence incidents in
refugee camps; there are studies and researches developed by academics and projects developed by NGOs
since 1980, which show the prevalence of Sexual and Gender-Based Violence incidents every phase of the
refugee cycle. Hence, based on the research already developed, this thesis intends to analyze which
answers could be developed to address these cases. This thesis suggests a solution for Sexual and GenderBased Violence in refugee camps based on secondary data. Therefore, it focuses on the answers given
either by Kenya’s and Ethiopia’s legal system and by the traditional justice system, e. g. Shimgelena
(traditional justice systems in Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia) and the Maslaha (traditional justice
system in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya) and draws a parallel with the retributive justice and restorative
justice, studying the impact of the introduction of a restorative mechanism in Kenya’s and Ethiopia’s legal
system, like the one introduced in Portugal and in other countries, with particular focus on mediation (one
of many of restorative justice mechanisms). Thus, drawing a parallel on both models of justice mentioned
above, this thesis suggests possible solutions for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors who cry out
for justice.
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care 18(3):193-206, 2022
Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recogni... more Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recognise those who are refugees. It provides a useful way to distinguish refugees from migrants as well as making it possible to screen for asylum seekers who are at greater risk of experiencing specific vulnerable situations, such as sexual and gender-based violence. This study therefore argues that intersectionality is useful for risk assessment processes as well as for triggering special protection mechanisms. Design/methodology/approach This research article draws from a cross-cultural empirical study conducted in Greece, Uganda, and Israel on problems asylum seekers and refugees face in host countries. Findings It is argued that while it is important to identify and screen for asylum seekers who have survived or are at greater risk of experiencing sexual and gender-based violence to provide special protection, it may lead to what has been called a “categorical fetishism”, in this case, applied to vulnerability. Such stigmatising and disempowering perceptions of refugees and their experiences may lead to the view that there are “good” refugees and asylum seekers who are worthy of protection, as opposed to “others”. Originality/value This original empirical article provides a new way of examining issues of refugee status determination to ensure fairer ways of doing so.
O presente artigo tem por foco a actual redacção do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português em res... more O presente artigo tem por foco a actual redacção do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português em resultado da entrada em vigor da Convenção de Istambul. Da análise do actual texto do artigo 164.º do Código Penal português constata-se que permanece a menção ao constrangimento como elemento do tipo legal de crime de violação. Isto apesar do artigo 36.º da Convenção de Istambul mencionar a falta de consentimento como elemento do tipo legal de crime de violação. É este o ponto de partida da nossa análise. Será indiferente mencionar constrangimento ou falta de consentimento? Quais as implicações desta opção? Que casos são abrangidos por ambos os conceitos? Qual de ambos os conceitos melhor serve os interesses das e dos sobreviventes de violação? Qual a melhor forma de interpretar o disposto do artigo 164.º do Código Português tendo em conta o teor da Convenção de Istambul e do Explanatory Report? E o que podemos esperar no que toca à implementação da Convenção de Istambul? São estas algumas das questões que orientam a presente reflexão, tendo sempre em linha de conta os interesses e direitos das e dos sobreviventes de violação, bem como os princípios que norteiam a aplicação da lei no Direito Penal.
The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resultin... more The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resulting in a gap in the public policies in what concerns to the protection of the victims, was the reason for developing a legal comparative study. The first task was to collect and compare the constitutional, penal and labour law on sexual harassment in Portugal, Brazil, Canada, Spain and France, about 115 sections were analysed. The second task was intended to continue the aim of the first one, in order to analyse if the law is being put into practice. Every penal code criminalizes harassment, with the exception of the Portuguese penal code. None of the analysed penal codes has an element of the crime such as to make others to suffer or to have a severe sexual act. With regard to sentences analysed, we found that convictions occurred in cases where it was proven based on: testimonies, written and expert evidence. We believe that policy statements and workshops are the best way to prevent sexual harassment in workplace.
Resumo O presente trabalho foca a questão do envelhecimento da população refugiada. A idade é ... more Resumo
O presente trabalho foca a questão do envelhecimento da população refugiada. A idade é um factor que influencia a experiência de cada pessoa refugiada, tendo reflexos diferentes consoante as diferentes fases do ciclo de refúgio. Neste âmbito serão analisados, de forma não exaustiva, os programas de reinstalação e de reagrupamento familiar dos países europeus e o impacte dos mesmos na população refugiada idosa que pretenda registar-se e candidatar-se a um desses programas. Será este o ponto de partida para a análise das questões associadas à população refugiada idosa. Não obstante teremos, ainda em conta, a causa principal destes fluxos migratórios forçados em massa: os conflitos armados. Conflitos esses que são fomentados por determinados países, via produção de armamento e petrolífera. Estes países não coincidem com os países que acolhem o maior número de população refugiada. Esta questão será analisada, uma vez que tem impacte no direito a viver e a envelhecer com dignidade. Serão estes os principais pontos de análise do presente artigo.
Palavras-chave: População Refugiada; População Idosa; Dignidade; Direito à Vida.
El cincuentenario de los Pactos Internacionales de Derechos Humanos de la ONU. Homenaje a la Profesora Mª. Esther Martínez Quinteiro. María de la Paz Pando Ballesteros, Pedro Garrido Rodríguez, Alicia Muñoz Ramírez (Eds.). Salamanca: Ediciones Universidad de Salamanca, 2018. pp: 1282-1293. , 2018
A 8 de Novembro de 1994, o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas criou o Tribunal Penal Interna... more A 8 de Novembro de 1994, o Conselho de Segurança das Nações Unidas criou o Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda com o objectivo de julgar as pessoas responsáveis por violações graves ao Direito Internacional Humanitário. Um dos processos transitado em julgado foi o processo n.º ICTR-96-4-T, Chamber I, de 2 de Setembro de 1998, no âmbito do qual Jean-Paul Akayesu, Presidente da Câmara de Taba, aquando do massacre da população Tutsi entre Abril e Julho de 1994, foi condenado a pena de prisão perpétua por vários crimes, entre eles, o crime de genocídio. A condenação pelo crime de genocídio incluiu toda a violência sexual praticada com o intuito de destruir, no todo ou em parte, a população Tutsi. Foi a primeira vez na história da jurisprudência de um tribunal ad hoc internacional que a violência sexual foi qualificada e punida como genocídio. A Decisão Akayesu revela múltiplas intersecções que tornaram possível a concretização da justiça no caso concreto. Será sobre a tripla intersecção presente na Decisão Akayesu que nos iremos debruçar, revisitando cada um dos critérios presentes na construção desta decisão. A pertinência da presente análise baseia-se no facto de se tratar de uma decisão histórica que lançou os alicerces para uma nova percepção da realidade do genocídio ocorrido no Ruanda em 1994. Revisitar os critérios e méritos da Decisão Akayesu é relembrar o importante papel da consagração e tutela dos Direitos Humanos ao nível universal através da Organização das Nações Unidas, uma vez que tal decisão apenas pode ser compreendida e produzida em um contexto pós-Carta Internacional de Direitos Humanos e respectivas Convenções que a complementam.
November 8th 1994, UN Security Council established the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda in order to prosecute serious violations of international humanitarian law. One of those cases was Case No. ICTR-96-4-T, Chamber I, of 2 September 1998, under which Jean-Paul Akayesu, Taba’s Mayor during the massacre of the Tutsi between April and July 1994, was sentenced to life imprisonment for several crimes, including crime of genocide. The conviction for the crime of genocide included sexual violence with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, Tutsi. It was the first time in the history of jurisprudence of an international ad hoc tribunal that sexual violence was qualified and punished as genocide, creating a new terminology genocidal rape Akayesu case has several intersections which made possible to achieve justice in this case. In our analysis we will focus the triple intersection in Akayesu case. The importance of this analysis is due to this historical decision and the new perspective on what happened in Ruanda 1994. To analyse Akayesu Decision criteria is very important to remind ourselves the importance of establishing and declaring what Human Rights are at universal level and also the importance of the United Nations. In fact a court decision such as Akayesu can only be understood after the establishment of UN system and after the entering into force of both International Pacts from 1966 and the several Conventions that complement the protection of Human Rights.
Keyword: International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda, Sexual Violence, Genocide, Genocidal Rape, Post-Modern Feminism, Intersections.
Proceedings of the International Conference on Gender Research; Ana Azevedo e Anabela Mesquita (eds)., 2018
Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is a manifestation of a power relation and it takes place in eve... more Sexual and Gender-Based Violence is a manifestation of a power relation and it takes place in every society (although in different forms, with different levels of violence, some more subtle than others). Unfortunately, it is a timeless violence, since it has been going on for milleniums. This Phd research project focuses mainly on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee camps. There are five phases of the refugee cycle according to the UNHCR and in all those phases there are reports of SGBV. Refugee camps are especially vulnerable sites that increase multilevel power relations that may, and
often do, create the «perfect» setting for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence to take place. Hence, this Phd research will focus on this particularly phase of the refugee cycle. This PhD research, also intends to debate on the best way to address these cases whilst ensuring access to justice to Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors.
14.02.2020 - Lecture on "Women and Girls' Protection: Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law - Uni... more 14.02.2020 - Lecture on "Women and Girls' Protection: Human Rights Law and Humanitarian Law - Universal, Regional (African, European and Interamerican) and Domestic legal systems" - I Course on Human Rights and Humanitarian Law: European, African and Interamerican systems at NOVA School of Law.
14.02.2020 - Aula sobre "Casos Especiais: Protecção das Mulheres e Meninas" no âmbito do Curso Direitos Humanos e Direito Humanitário em Perspetiva: os Sistemas Europeu, Africano e Interamericano na NOVA School of Law.
12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Direito Internacional Humanitário: ética e dilemas no terren... more 12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Direito Internacional Humanitário: ética e dilemas no terreno" na NOVA Law School.
12.02.2020 - 12.03.2020 - Workshop: “Human Rights International Law: ethic and dilemas during fieldwork" NOVA Law School.
01.07.2019 - Tatiana Morais "Violência sexual em conflito armado" Summer School | VI Course "Conf... more 01.07.2019 - Tatiana Morais "Violência sexual em conflito armado" Summer School | VI Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
01.07.2019 - Lecture "Sexual Violence during armed conflicts". Summer School | VI Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
Topics mentioned in the Lecture: Sexual Violence during conflicts as a strategy to cause mass displacement and to access resources; SGBV during conflict against women and men; Masculinities and Femininities; Men's emasculation; The Lieber Code; Geneva Convention; WPS; Rwanda Genocide.
02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais "Civis em conflitos armados: violência sexual em população refugiada"... more 02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais "Civis em conflitos armados: violência sexual em população refugiada" Summer School | V Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
02.07.2018 - Tatiana Morais Lecture:"Civilians during Armed Conflict: Sexual Violence targeting Refugees" Summer School | V Course "Conflitos Armados - Perspectivas Jurídicas e de Relações Internacionais", Law School Minho University, Braga.
11.04.2018 - Lecture: "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Femininities and Masculinities (de)const... more 11.04.2018 - Lecture: "Sexual and Gender-Based Violence: Femininities and Masculinities (de)construction throughout the refugee cycle" at the Course "Protecting the Rights and Lives of Migrants and Refugees", NOVA Law School.
Prssentation at M.A. Human Rights at Minho University, Dec 2012. (Sist. Estaduais de Protecção de... more Prssentation at M.A. Human Rights at Minho University, Dec 2012. (Sist. Estaduais de Protecção de Dtos Humanos).
El cincuentenario de los pactos internacionales de derechos humanos de la ONU: Libro homenaje a la profesora M.ª Esther Martínez Quinteiro, 2018, ISBN 9788490128503, págs. 1281-1292, 2018
This dissertation will focus on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee camp, because this is... more This dissertation will focus on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee camp, because this issue has scarce references in portuguese, we will focus two researches developed in two refugee camps. One research was developed by YONAS GEBREIYOSUS in Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia. The other research was developed by CLAIRE WAITHIRA MWANGI in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya. With this thesis we do not intend to try to diagnosis the situation of refugee in the refugee camp, recent studies and projects and researches developed by NGOs, which have focused on Sexual and Gender-Based Violence, since the 1980's, will allow us to understand the refugee situation and their experiences in every phase of the refugee cycle. What we propose to do in this dissertation is based on the researches already developed, to reflect which answers could be given to these cases. In order to do that we will try to develop an iure constituendo solution for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence in refugee camp based in issues already developed in other researches analysed in this dissertation. Therefore, we will focus on the solutions given either by Kenya's and Ethiopia's legal system and also by the traditional justice system, e. g. Shimgelena (traditional justice system in Mai Ayni refugee camp in Ethiopia) and the Maslaha (traditional justice system in Kakuma refugee camp in Kenya) and draw a parallel with the retributive justice and restorative justice, studying the impact of the introduction of a restorative mechanism in the Kenya's and Ethiopia's legal system, like the one introduced in Portugal and in other countries, with special focus on mediation (one of restorative justice mechanisms). Based on that parallelism between those models of justice mentioned above we will explore a possible solution for Sexual and Gender-Based Violence survivors who cry out for justice.
Qual é a ordem do progresso? Análise diacrónica dos direitos humanos no Brasil entre os anos de 2... more Qual é a ordem do progresso? Análise diacrónica dos direitos humanos no Brasil entre os anos de 2008 e 2012
International Journal of Migration, Health and Social Care
Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recogni... more Purpose This paper argues that intersectionality ought to be a vital tool to identify and recognise those who are refugees. It provides a useful way to distinguish refugees from migrants as well as making it possible to screen for asylum seekers who are at greater risk of experiencing specific vulnerable situations, such as sexual and gender-based violence. This study therefore argues that intersectionality is useful for risk assessment processes as well as for triggering special protection mechanisms. Design/methodology/approach This research article draws from a cross-cultural empirical study conducted in Greece, Uganda, and Israel on problems asylum seekers and refugees face in host countries. Findings It is argued that while it is important to identify and screen for asylum seekers who have survived or are at greater risk of experiencing sexual and gender-based violence to provide special protection, it may lead to what has been called a “categorical fetishism”, in this case, ap...
The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resultin... more The lack of visibility of sexual harassment as violence and a violation of human rights, resulting in a gap in the public policies in what concerns to the protection of the victims, was the reason for developing a legal comparative study. The first task was to collect and compare the constitutional, penal and labour law on sexual harassment in Portugal, Brazil, Canada, Spain and France, about 115 sections were analysed. The second task was intended to continue the aim of the first one, in order to analyse if the law is being put into practice. Every penal code criminalizes harassment, with the exception of the Portuguese penal code. None of the analysed penal codes has an element of the crime such as to make others to suffer or to have a severe sexual act. With regard to sentences analysed, we found that convictions occurred in cases where it was proven based on: testimonies, written and expert evidence. We believe that policy statements and workshops are the best way to prevent sexual harassment in workplace.