Respati wikantiyoso | University of Merdeka Malang (original) (raw)
Conference Presentations by Respati wikantiyoso
Environmentally, sustainable development will increase durability to any changes in the environme... more Environmentally, sustainable development will increase durability to any changes in the environment. Planning and urban design as a form of physical intervention in urban development should anticipate phenomenon of global warming through design decisions. A balanced development between the physical environment of development and environmental conservation should be done to achieve a healthy urban environment for present and future generations. The balance between green space and developed space with an integrated system of environmental infrastructure will increase the carrying capacity of an urban environment. Green city planning and design is one solution to global warming phenomenon. Green city concept was conceived as an answer that emphasizes aspects of environmental sustainability considerations in solving the urban problems . Green city planning implications in urban planning and design approach is the realization of the overall ecological city (Eco-city). This paper aims to discuss the concept of city planning and design approach that is able to eliminate global warming. Purpose of the discussion in this article was to determine whether the product of city planning has to anticipate problems of global warming became a major issue of urban development. The discussion in this article is the result of a review of the design of Long-Term Development Plan
The problems of urban spatial structure in Indonesia is very complex, not only because of the pop... more The problems of urban spatial structure in Indonesia is very complex, not only because of the population but also because the urban development institutions that is not sufficient to control the development of the city. City planning regulations as a product of urban development policy is a policy framework that is specific and unique. Every town should have special rules for control city development couse of "No two are alike". In fact there has been a "uniformity of the architecture of the city". The aim of Banda Aceh local wisdom studies is to explore the potential of a local wisdom "Islamic city". Banda Aceh has a great chance as a city within the framework of Islamic character Nangro Aceh Darussalam. Development of the city of Banda Aceh through the process of urban planning and design, should use the foundation to realize the development of Islamic law of Banda Aceh Islamic city character. Keywords that are becoming essential in realizing the construction of the city is; potential of locality, potential local culture, sustainable development, and the development process in a broad sense. Privilege status of Nangro Aceh Darussalam is important to be able to keep the "privilege" of Aceh as an Islamic city which was based on Islamic values. Study of Banda Aceh local knowledge needed to realize the local character of the city of Banda Aceh in order to maintain identity as a city of "porch of Mecca".
ABSTRAK Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan k... more ABSTRAK Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan kota masih jauh dari kondisi " terintegrasi " baik dari sisi integrasi vertikal maupun horizontal (sektoral). Perencanaan tata ruang merupakan suatu kebijakan publik yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam pemanfaatan ruang kota. Ketidakcukupan data dan informasi dan/atau interpretasi data yang tidak tepat menjadi pangkal kualitas substansi rencana tata ruang. Integrasi dan koordinasi kebijakan antar sektor semakin penting dalam penyusunan kebijakan tata ruang. Kebijakan tata ruang sebagai bentuk kebijakan publik dan mengikat kepentingan publik mengharuskan adanya keterlibatan stakeholders dalam penyusunannya. Konflik kepentingan yang sering terjadi pada perencanaan tata ruang disebabkan oleh tidak validnya data-data spatial ruang kota yang digunakan sebagai basis data analisis rencana ruang kota. Review kebijakan ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh solusi sinergis, terintegrasi dalam mewujudkan upaya penataan ruang yang terintegrasi. Review kebijakan penataan ruang terintegrasi ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif melalui kajian pustaka, analisis kebijakan tata ruang serta wawancara dengan key person stakeholders perencanaan tata ruang. Pembahasan akan menghasilkan skema kebijakan penataan ruang kota yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam satu kerangka " One Map Policy ". Key Word: one map policy, penataan ruang terintegrasi, integrasi kebijakan perencanaan 1. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan populasi wilayah urban serta perkembangan pola konsumsi masyarakat menjadi tantangan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan saat ini dan generasi mendatang tanpa mengesampingan pertumbuhan ekonomi, ketahanan ekologis, serta kesejahteraan sosial. Isu keberlanjutan pembangunan masih akan relevan paling tidak sampai tahun 2030, bertepatan dengan berakhirnya kesepahaman SDG's. Kata kuci yang paling tepat untuk menggambarkan upaya mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan, paling tidak pada tujuan ke 11 SDG's adalah harus dilakukannya integrated urban planning. Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan kota masih jauh dari kondisi " terintegrasi " baik dari sisi integrasi vertikal maupun horizontal (sektoral). Menurut Manea (2014), dalam perencanaan terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan harus dilakukan upaya perlindungan sumber daya terestrial dengan memperhatikan; (1) Perubahan pertumbuhan dan distribusi populasi dan penggunaan lahan perkotaan; (2) perlunya perencanaan terpadu dalam pengelolaan sumber daya terestrial dengan mempertimbangkan geomorfologi dan ekohidrologi; (3) Pengelolaan sumber daya alam tingkat lokal; serta (4) pertimbangan mitigasi bencana perkotaan. Hal ini berarti informasi geospatial wilayah perencanaan menjadi sangat penting dalam menyusun sebuah perencanaan tata ruang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan. Proses pembangunan perkotaan mencakup tahapan perencanaan, penyusunan kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan pembangunan dan evaluasi implementasi pembangunan perkotaan. Perencanaan tata ruang merupakan suatu kebijakan publik yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam pemanfaatan ruang kota (Wikantiyoso, 2005). Pengembangan kota dikendalikan dengan beberapa produk PERDA
Papers by Respati wikantiyoso
Corporate Social Responsibility [Working Title], 2020
Sustainable urban development leads to the creation of livable cities. The Green Open Space (GOS)... more Sustainable urban development leads to the creation of livable cities. The Green Open Space (GOS) of City requires the quality of life requirements to support the ecological, socio-cultural, and urban economic functions. In Indonesia, the provision of GOS is the city government’s responsibility, which has to carried out transparently and implemented with the involvement of stakeholders. The limited funding for the provision and improvement of the quality of GOS by the city government has developed a CSR scheme from the private sector. This CSR governance model enriches the use of CSR in addition to social assistance or charity activities, which can realize for the wider city community. The city government’s role in using CSR models is significant to ensure transparency of costs, accountable design policies, and their implementation and maintenance.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
This research focuses on evaluating the shape of a tree's crown and its impact on CO2 dispersion ... more This research focuses on evaluating the shape of a tree's crown and its impact on CO2 dispersion from transportation. CO2 emissions from motor vehicles can quickly spread and cause poor air quality on the roadside. The design of tree planting is a way to control air quality by reducing CO2 dispersion. Therefore, the tree's crown shape is an essential element to consider when planting trees, as different crown shapes can have different effects on CO2 dispersion. Selecting the wrong shape for a tree's crown can have negative consequences for controlling CO2 dispersion on the roadside. To evaluate the impact of different tree crown shapes, this research examines five common shapes found in Surabaya city: round, umbrella, oval, conical, and columnar. The study area is created in 3D modelling using Sim Studio tools software. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is then used to simulate the spread of CO2 emissions on the roadside. The simulation involves four scenarios that consider CO2 dispersion in 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° wind direction. The last step of this research involves validating the data using correlation analysis. The results demonstrate that the shape of a tree's crown has a significant impact on CO2 dispersion. The oval, conical, and columnar shapes are the most suitable for planting along the roadside because they can effectively reduce the dispersion of CO2 emissions. In contrast, the round and umbrella shapes have the highest CO2 distribution and are unsuitable for planting along the roadside.
Arteks : jurnal teknik arsitektur, Dec 30, 2022
Regional disparities, and urban sprawl, will cause inequality in mobility between regions-one of ... more Regional disparities, and urban sprawl, will cause inequality in mobility between regions-one of the causes of the uneven distribution of educational facilities. The study of mobility patterns provides an overview of student movement patterns from and to school. The analysis is needed to determine the potential problems due to spatial disparities in the settlement Development Area. The research purpose; is (1) to obtain a model for determining the location and distribution of public schools based on mobility patterns in urban settlement development areas and (2) to obtain the model formulation for spatial planning distribution of educational facilities. This research uses a descriptive exploratory method with Space Syntax analysis. The research location was selected using the Classified Purposive Sampling method with an observation scale in the Development Area. The school zoning system has implications for equal distribution of education, reducing the mobility gap between regions, reducing congestion, air pollution, and dependence on motorized transportation. The study results of patterns of connectivity, accessibility, and mobility become a consideration for the placement of educational facilities in the Development Area. This study will improve the arrangement of spatial patterns and distribution of educational facilities based on studies of connectivity, regional accessibility, and student mobility.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Sustainable Development Goals are collective agreements that generally result in harmonious and s... more Sustainable Development Goals are collective agreements that generally result in harmonious and sustainable development. Harmony contains understanding related to ecological, humanities, and economic aspects. Sustainable development aims to improve the quality of life of present and future generations. In other words, sustainable city development leads to the creation of livable city ecosystems. A livable city is an ideal condition that can provide space for city life in a natural and sustainable urban area. The GOS revitalization must pay attention to the dimensions of scale, structure, shape, function, and urban spatial networks. Urban Resilience as a process can interpret as an effort to increase the ability to absorb and respond to the effects of disasters and reorganize to overcome disruptions in achieving normal conditions after disaster stress or urban changes. This discussion aims to create a sustainable urban spatial resilience model in improving the quality of livable GOS....
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2022
This research takes a case study of traditional architecture in Lampung Province with the materia... more This research takes a case study of traditional architecture in Lampung Province with the material and method used is descriptive qualitative by taking data and analyzing it deductively. The data was obtained from secondary data in the form of books, journals, and other sources related to the traditional architecture of Lampung. The analytical technique used is descriptive exploratory with the results of the analysis of the Kenali traditional house showing a broad understanding of space and adaptation to the environment. The form and system that supports the building are one of the community's efforts to complement and explore its natural and cultural potential. In terms of structure, construction, and connection system, this traditional house also has local wisdom that can be developed and can be used as an alternative for construction completion and natural disaster management to date.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the control model of providing Green Open Space (GOS) in... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the control model of providing Green Open Space (GOS) in the development of residential areas, as an anticipative effort to develop rapidly developing housing areas. The rapid acceleration of small cluster housing construction is worsening the achievement of the quantity of GOS. This research uses a descriptive exploration approach, with spatial data analysis of the development of housing areas (large-small clusters) in the provision of green open space. The provision of small cluster housing has the potential to reduce the availability of green space by more than 68% compared to a large-medium scale. This fact has consequences from the importance of efforts to plan, control, supervise, and monitor the provision of GOS in the area of housing development. The conversion of agricultural land into residential areas in the spatial plan has to anticipate by substitute the GOS provided by the developer.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
The Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil (KBG) Tourism Destination development faces significant design chall... more The Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil (KBG) Tourism Destination development faces significant design challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic require adjustments to the design of KBG tourist facilities through physical intervention. Prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through health protocols is one of the criteria for facility design interventions in KBG tourist destinations. The uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic ending has forced us to adapt to new conditions, new requirements (social and physical distancing), and new arrangements (physical, social, and health), which are considered in developing spatial intervention design criteria. Community participation is the potential of local wisdom in developing rural tourism destinations. Some basic questions include: (1) What is the role of the Grangsil community in the preparation of health protocols as criteria for the design of physical interventions in KBG Destinations? (2) What are the spatial implications of the need for social and physical distance in rural tourism activities? (3) What are the physical design intervention criteria for tourist destinations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for visitors? The descriptive exploration method was used to obtain design criteria for the physical intervention of tourist destinations. A participatory approach is essential in exploring these non-physical aspects of planning and design criterion preparations. The study results are the criteria for spatial intervention for KBG destinations facing the risk of COVID-19 infection. This study enriches the spatial design requirements of rural tourist destinations based on the risk mitigation of COVID-19 transmission.
Local Wisdom, Jan 15, 2022
ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 2021
Green city development policies have an essential role in improving the ecological functions of a... more Green city development policies have an essential role in improving the ecological functions of a municipality. According to Law 26/2007 on spatial planning, it contains provinsions for green open space which oblige the government to set aside 30% of the city as green open space. However, the main obstacle in providing green open space remains the limited availability of urban land. Therefore, efforts are needed to detect urban land that is available for use as green open space. The purpose of this study is to determine the initial description of the availability of green open space in Malang City. This study uses an integrated method of calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with land cover classification. NDVI analysis reveals the distribution value of vegetation density in Malang City. Based on NDVI analysis results, green open space requires medium and high density vegetation. In Malang City, only 2946.56 ha, or 26.60% of the city, meets these requirements...
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2022
Indonesia is a country that has an area with a thick and unique culture. The cultural uniqueness ... more Indonesia is a country that has an area with a thick and unique culture. The cultural uniqueness of each region is also a tourist attraction so that there are many villages that have turned into tourist villages. In this case, many tourist villages have lost their cultural values and identity. This study will examine and examine the local cultural wisdom in the Penglipuran Traditional Village which is a bastion of cultural resilience in tourism development and activities. Using a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach to examine what attributes can be cultural resilience in cultural tourism villages. The results obtained are the need for customary institutions, principles of life, strict customary rules, nature conservation and infrastructure, so that the culture in tourist villages can survive in the midst of tourism activities.
Proses roasting kopi secara manual dengan mengabaikan suhu dan waktu sangria dapat menimbulkan ma... more Proses roasting kopi secara manual dengan mengabaikan suhu dan waktu sangria dapat menimbulkan masalah yaitu pada tingkat kematangan dan aroma kopi tersebut. Permasalahan ini perlu diberikan solusi untuk proses sangria pada penentuan suhu dan waktu sangria. System kendali otomatis dalam penerapannya pada suhu dan waktu sangria dapat dilakukan dengan merancang system kendali otomatis pada suhu dan waktu sangria . Metode fuzzy logic dapat diterapkan pada system kendali tersebut dengan input suhu dan jumlah kopi yang akan disangrai serta output berupa waktu proses sangria. Dimana jumlah kopi dengan suhu yang telah ditentukan akan memberikan pengaruh pada waktu proses sangrai, jumlah kopi 100 gram dengan suhu 110OC membutuhkan waktu sangrai + 50 menit.
Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas kemurahan yang telah dicurahkan kepada kita semua, kh... more Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas kemurahan yang telah dicurahkan kepada kita semua, khususnya pada hari Kamis & Jumat, 17-18 Juni 2010 Seminar Nasional & Workshop dengan tema URBAN THERMAL COMFORT dapat terselenggara dengan baik. Seminar & Workshop ini merupakan butir pertama dari untaian kegiatan ilmiah Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta yang pada tahun 2010 ini telah berhasil merumuskan arah dan orientasi pendidikannya, yaitu mewujudkan keberlanjutan arsitektur dalam bingkai kebudayaan dan kelestarian alam atau populer disebut Sustainable Culture, Architecture and Nature (SCAN). Oleh karena itu kegiatan kali ini juga diberi label SCAN#1:2010 dengan harapan dapat dilanjutkan dengan SCAN#2:2011 dan seterusnya dengan tema-tema yang diyakini mampu menjadi inspirasi munculnya pemikiran-pemikiran yang kritis tentang keberlanjutan. Waktu persiapan yang sangat terbatas ternyata tidak menghalangi para pemikir di bidang arsitektur perkotaan ...
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2014
In this issue we are attempting to discuss local wisdom in an effort to learn more about local kn... more In this issue we are attempting to discuss local wisdom in an effort to learn more about local knowledge and wisdom as an important way of understanding local concepts, planning experience, historical asset management and planning methods as potential assets in order to create better city planning. Study of concepts, theory, and best practices on local knowledge of the past results in design outcomes through the review of the design and practice of urban planning in an effort to develop sustainable urban design practices. Local wisdom in spatial city planning that characterizes a city is an important aspect in the process of spatial city planning. Thus urban development through planning policy must be able to accommodate local knowledge in order to create better city planning.
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2021
Limbungan (Bale Tani) merupakan rumah tradisional vernakular sasak yang ada di kabupaten lombok t... more Limbungan (Bale Tani) merupakan rumah tradisional vernakular sasak yang ada di kabupaten lombok timur. Dengan berkembangnya era moderenisasi, budaya lokal semakin tergeser ekstesitensinya. Penelitian dapat dilakukan dengan dokumentasi bale tani, untuk mengangkat nilai – nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam pembangunan rumah tradisional yang ada di Kabupaten lombok timur, dan dapat dipelajari bagi arsitek, pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat khususnya didaerah Pulau Lombok (Sasak). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan tentang rumah tradisional yang secara bijaksasna didesain oleh nenek moyang. Kabupaten lombok timur merupakan kabupaten yang penuh dengan rumah tradisional serta adat dan budaya yang sangat kental. Sehingga kajian ini dapat memberikan masukan dan dapat tercipta bangunan yang memperhatikan konsep ekologis serta kearifan lokal suku sasak.
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2020
Environmentally, sustainable development will increase durability to any changes in the environme... more Environmentally, sustainable development will increase durability to any changes in the environment. Planning and urban design as a form of physical intervention in urban development should anticipate phenomenon of global warming through design decisions. A balanced development between the physical environment of development and environmental conservation should be done to achieve a healthy urban environment for present and future generations. The balance between green space and developed space with an integrated system of environmental infrastructure will increase the carrying capacity of an urban environment. Green city planning and design is one solution to global warming phenomenon. Green city concept was conceived as an answer that emphasizes aspects of environmental sustainability considerations in solving the urban problems . Green city planning implications in urban planning and design approach is the realization of the overall ecological city (Eco-city). This paper aims to discuss the concept of city planning and design approach that is able to eliminate global warming. Purpose of the discussion in this article was to determine whether the product of city planning has to anticipate problems of global warming became a major issue of urban development. The discussion in this article is the result of a review of the design of Long-Term Development Plan
The problems of urban spatial structure in Indonesia is very complex, not only because of the pop... more The problems of urban spatial structure in Indonesia is very complex, not only because of the population but also because the urban development institutions that is not sufficient to control the development of the city. City planning regulations as a product of urban development policy is a policy framework that is specific and unique. Every town should have special rules for control city development couse of "No two are alike". In fact there has been a "uniformity of the architecture of the city". The aim of Banda Aceh local wisdom studies is to explore the potential of a local wisdom "Islamic city". Banda Aceh has a great chance as a city within the framework of Islamic character Nangro Aceh Darussalam. Development of the city of Banda Aceh through the process of urban planning and design, should use the foundation to realize the development of Islamic law of Banda Aceh Islamic city character. Keywords that are becoming essential in realizing the construction of the city is; potential of locality, potential local culture, sustainable development, and the development process in a broad sense. Privilege status of Nangro Aceh Darussalam is important to be able to keep the "privilege" of Aceh as an Islamic city which was based on Islamic values. Study of Banda Aceh local knowledge needed to realize the local character of the city of Banda Aceh in order to maintain identity as a city of "porch of Mecca".
ABSTRAK Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan k... more ABSTRAK Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan kota masih jauh dari kondisi " terintegrasi " baik dari sisi integrasi vertikal maupun horizontal (sektoral). Perencanaan tata ruang merupakan suatu kebijakan publik yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam pemanfaatan ruang kota. Ketidakcukupan data dan informasi dan/atau interpretasi data yang tidak tepat menjadi pangkal kualitas substansi rencana tata ruang. Integrasi dan koordinasi kebijakan antar sektor semakin penting dalam penyusunan kebijakan tata ruang. Kebijakan tata ruang sebagai bentuk kebijakan publik dan mengikat kepentingan publik mengharuskan adanya keterlibatan stakeholders dalam penyusunannya. Konflik kepentingan yang sering terjadi pada perencanaan tata ruang disebabkan oleh tidak validnya data-data spatial ruang kota yang digunakan sebagai basis data analisis rencana ruang kota. Review kebijakan ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh solusi sinergis, terintegrasi dalam mewujudkan upaya penataan ruang yang terintegrasi. Review kebijakan penataan ruang terintegrasi ini dilakukan dengan metode deskriptif melalui kajian pustaka, analisis kebijakan tata ruang serta wawancara dengan key person stakeholders perencanaan tata ruang. Pembahasan akan menghasilkan skema kebijakan penataan ruang kota yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam satu kerangka " One Map Policy ". Key Word: one map policy, penataan ruang terintegrasi, integrasi kebijakan perencanaan 1. PENDAHULUAN Pertumbuhan populasi wilayah urban serta perkembangan pola konsumsi masyarakat menjadi tantangan dalam memenuhi kebutuhan saat ini dan generasi mendatang tanpa mengesampingan pertumbuhan ekonomi, ketahanan ekologis, serta kesejahteraan sosial. Isu keberlanjutan pembangunan masih akan relevan paling tidak sampai tahun 2030, bertepatan dengan berakhirnya kesepahaman SDG's. Kata kuci yang paling tepat untuk menggambarkan upaya mewujudkan tujuan pembangunan berkelanjutan, paling tidak pada tujuan ke 11 SDG's adalah harus dilakukannya integrated urban planning. Problematika penataan ruang pada 3 dekade terakhir menunjukkan bahwa produk perencanaan kota masih jauh dari kondisi " terintegrasi " baik dari sisi integrasi vertikal maupun horizontal (sektoral). Menurut Manea (2014), dalam perencanaan terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan harus dilakukan upaya perlindungan sumber daya terestrial dengan memperhatikan; (1) Perubahan pertumbuhan dan distribusi populasi dan penggunaan lahan perkotaan; (2) perlunya perencanaan terpadu dalam pengelolaan sumber daya terestrial dengan mempertimbangkan geomorfologi dan ekohidrologi; (3) Pengelolaan sumber daya alam tingkat lokal; serta (4) pertimbangan mitigasi bencana perkotaan. Hal ini berarti informasi geospatial wilayah perencanaan menjadi sangat penting dalam menyusun sebuah perencanaan tata ruang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan. Proses pembangunan perkotaan mencakup tahapan perencanaan, penyusunan kebijakan, implementasi kebijakan pembangunan dan evaluasi implementasi pembangunan perkotaan. Perencanaan tata ruang merupakan suatu kebijakan publik yang terintegrasi dan berkelanjutan dalam pemanfaatan ruang kota (Wikantiyoso, 2005). Pengembangan kota dikendalikan dengan beberapa produk PERDA
Corporate Social Responsibility [Working Title], 2020
Sustainable urban development leads to the creation of livable cities. The Green Open Space (GOS)... more Sustainable urban development leads to the creation of livable cities. The Green Open Space (GOS) of City requires the quality of life requirements to support the ecological, socio-cultural, and urban economic functions. In Indonesia, the provision of GOS is the city government’s responsibility, which has to carried out transparently and implemented with the involvement of stakeholders. The limited funding for the provision and improvement of the quality of GOS by the city government has developed a CSR scheme from the private sector. This CSR governance model enriches the use of CSR in addition to social assistance or charity activities, which can realize for the wider city community. The city government’s role in using CSR models is significant to ensure transparency of costs, accountable design policies, and their implementation and maintenance.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
This research focuses on evaluating the shape of a tree's crown and its impact on CO2 dispersion ... more This research focuses on evaluating the shape of a tree's crown and its impact on CO2 dispersion from transportation. CO2 emissions from motor vehicles can quickly spread and cause poor air quality on the roadside. The design of tree planting is a way to control air quality by reducing CO2 dispersion. Therefore, the tree's crown shape is an essential element to consider when planting trees, as different crown shapes can have different effects on CO2 dispersion. Selecting the wrong shape for a tree's crown can have negative consequences for controlling CO2 dispersion on the roadside. To evaluate the impact of different tree crown shapes, this research examines five common shapes found in Surabaya city: round, umbrella, oval, conical, and columnar. The study area is created in 3D modelling using Sim Studio tools software. Computational fluid dynamics (CFD) analysis is then used to simulate the spread of CO2 emissions on the roadside. The simulation involves four scenarios that consider CO2 dispersion in 0°, 90°, 180°, and 270° wind direction. The last step of this research involves validating the data using correlation analysis. The results demonstrate that the shape of a tree's crown has a significant impact on CO2 dispersion. The oval, conical, and columnar shapes are the most suitable for planting along the roadside because they can effectively reduce the dispersion of CO2 emissions. In contrast, the round and umbrella shapes have the highest CO2 distribution and are unsuitable for planting along the roadside.
Arteks : jurnal teknik arsitektur, Dec 30, 2022
Regional disparities, and urban sprawl, will cause inequality in mobility between regions-one of ... more Regional disparities, and urban sprawl, will cause inequality in mobility between regions-one of the causes of the uneven distribution of educational facilities. The study of mobility patterns provides an overview of student movement patterns from and to school. The analysis is needed to determine the potential problems due to spatial disparities in the settlement Development Area. The research purpose; is (1) to obtain a model for determining the location and distribution of public schools based on mobility patterns in urban settlement development areas and (2) to obtain the model formulation for spatial planning distribution of educational facilities. This research uses a descriptive exploratory method with Space Syntax analysis. The research location was selected using the Classified Purposive Sampling method with an observation scale in the Development Area. The school zoning system has implications for equal distribution of education, reducing the mobility gap between regions, reducing congestion, air pollution, and dependence on motorized transportation. The study results of patterns of connectivity, accessibility, and mobility become a consideration for the placement of educational facilities in the Development Area. This study will improve the arrangement of spatial patterns and distribution of educational facilities based on studies of connectivity, regional accessibility, and student mobility.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2021
Sustainable Development Goals are collective agreements that generally result in harmonious and s... more Sustainable Development Goals are collective agreements that generally result in harmonious and sustainable development. Harmony contains understanding related to ecological, humanities, and economic aspects. Sustainable development aims to improve the quality of life of present and future generations. In other words, sustainable city development leads to the creation of livable city ecosystems. A livable city is an ideal condition that can provide space for city life in a natural and sustainable urban area. The GOS revitalization must pay attention to the dimensions of scale, structure, shape, function, and urban spatial networks. Urban Resilience as a process can interpret as an effort to increase the ability to absorb and respond to the effects of disasters and reorganize to overcome disruptions in achieving normal conditions after disaster stress or urban changes. This discussion aims to create a sustainable urban spatial resilience model in improving the quality of livable GOS....
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2022
This research takes a case study of traditional architecture in Lampung Province with the materia... more This research takes a case study of traditional architecture in Lampung Province with the material and method used is descriptive qualitative by taking data and analyzing it deductively. The data was obtained from secondary data in the form of books, journals, and other sources related to the traditional architecture of Lampung. The analytical technique used is descriptive exploratory with the results of the analysis of the Kenali traditional house showing a broad understanding of space and adaptation to the environment. The form and system that supports the building are one of the community's efforts to complement and explore its natural and cultural potential. In terms of structure, construction, and connection system, this traditional house also has local wisdom that can be developed and can be used as an alternative for construction completion and natural disaster management to date.
IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science, 2020
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the control model of providing Green Open Space (GOS) in... more The purpose of this study is to evaluate the control model of providing Green Open Space (GOS) in the development of residential areas, as an anticipative effort to develop rapidly developing housing areas. The rapid acceleration of small cluster housing construction is worsening the achievement of the quantity of GOS. This research uses a descriptive exploration approach, with spatial data analysis of the development of housing areas (large-small clusters) in the provision of green open space. The provision of small cluster housing has the potential to reduce the availability of green space by more than 68% compared to a large-medium scale. This fact has consequences from the importance of efforts to plan, control, supervise, and monitor the provision of GOS in the area of housing development. The conversion of agricultural land into residential areas in the spatial plan has to anticipate by substitute the GOS provided by the developer.
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development
The Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil (KBG) Tourism Destination development faces significant design chall... more The Kampoeng Boenga Grangsil (KBG) Tourism Destination development faces significant design challenges in the face of the COVID-19 pandemic. The challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic require adjustments to the design of KBG tourist facilities through physical intervention. Prevention of the spread of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through health protocols is one of the criteria for facility design interventions in KBG tourist destinations. The uncertainty of the COVID-19 pandemic ending has forced us to adapt to new conditions, new requirements (social and physical distancing), and new arrangements (physical, social, and health), which are considered in developing spatial intervention design criteria. Community participation is the potential of local wisdom in developing rural tourism destinations. Some basic questions include: (1) What is the role of the Grangsil community in the preparation of health protocols as criteria for the design of physical interventions in KBG Destinations? (2) What are the spatial implications of the need for social and physical distance in rural tourism activities? (3) What are the physical design intervention criteria for tourist destinations to reduce the risk of COVID-19 transmission for visitors? The descriptive exploration method was used to obtain design criteria for the physical intervention of tourist destinations. A participatory approach is essential in exploring these non-physical aspects of planning and design criterion preparations. The study results are the criteria for spatial intervention for KBG destinations facing the risk of COVID-19 infection. This study enriches the spatial design requirements of rural tourist destinations based on the risk mitigation of COVID-19 transmission.
Local Wisdom, Jan 15, 2022
ARTEKS : Jurnal Teknik Arsitektur, 2021
Green city development policies have an essential role in improving the ecological functions of a... more Green city development policies have an essential role in improving the ecological functions of a municipality. According to Law 26/2007 on spatial planning, it contains provinsions for green open space which oblige the government to set aside 30% of the city as green open space. However, the main obstacle in providing green open space remains the limited availability of urban land. Therefore, efforts are needed to detect urban land that is available for use as green open space. The purpose of this study is to determine the initial description of the availability of green open space in Malang City. This study uses an integrated method of calculating the Normalized Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) with land cover classification. NDVI analysis reveals the distribution value of vegetation density in Malang City. Based on NDVI analysis results, green open space requires medium and high density vegetation. In Malang City, only 2946.56 ha, or 26.60% of the city, meets these requirements...
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2022
Indonesia is a country that has an area with a thick and unique culture. The cultural uniqueness ... more Indonesia is a country that has an area with a thick and unique culture. The cultural uniqueness of each region is also a tourist attraction so that there are many villages that have turned into tourist villages. In this case, many tourist villages have lost their cultural values and identity. This study will examine and examine the local cultural wisdom in the Penglipuran Traditional Village which is a bastion of cultural resilience in tourism development and activities. Using a qualitative descriptive method with a case study approach to examine what attributes can be cultural resilience in cultural tourism villages. The results obtained are the need for customary institutions, principles of life, strict customary rules, nature conservation and infrastructure, so that the culture in tourist villages can survive in the midst of tourism activities.
Proses roasting kopi secara manual dengan mengabaikan suhu dan waktu sangria dapat menimbulkan ma... more Proses roasting kopi secara manual dengan mengabaikan suhu dan waktu sangria dapat menimbulkan masalah yaitu pada tingkat kematangan dan aroma kopi tersebut. Permasalahan ini perlu diberikan solusi untuk proses sangria pada penentuan suhu dan waktu sangria. System kendali otomatis dalam penerapannya pada suhu dan waktu sangria dapat dilakukan dengan merancang system kendali otomatis pada suhu dan waktu sangria . Metode fuzzy logic dapat diterapkan pada system kendali tersebut dengan input suhu dan jumlah kopi yang akan disangrai serta output berupa waktu proses sangria. Dimana jumlah kopi dengan suhu yang telah ditentukan akan memberikan pengaruh pada waktu proses sangrai, jumlah kopi 100 gram dengan suhu 110OC membutuhkan waktu sangrai + 50 menit.
Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas kemurahan yang telah dicurahkan kepada kita semua, kh... more Puji Syukur kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa atas kemurahan yang telah dicurahkan kepada kita semua, khususnya pada hari Kamis & Jumat, 17-18 Juni 2010 Seminar Nasional & Workshop dengan tema URBAN THERMAL COMFORT dapat terselenggara dengan baik. Seminar & Workshop ini merupakan butir pertama dari untaian kegiatan ilmiah Program Studi Arsitektur Fakultas Teknik Universitas Atma Jaya Yogyakarta yang pada tahun 2010 ini telah berhasil merumuskan arah dan orientasi pendidikannya, yaitu mewujudkan keberlanjutan arsitektur dalam bingkai kebudayaan dan kelestarian alam atau populer disebut Sustainable Culture, Architecture and Nature (SCAN). Oleh karena itu kegiatan kali ini juga diberi label SCAN#1:2010 dengan harapan dapat dilanjutkan dengan SCAN#2:2011 dan seterusnya dengan tema-tema yang diyakini mampu menjadi inspirasi munculnya pemikiran-pemikiran yang kritis tentang keberlanjutan. Waktu persiapan yang sangat terbatas ternyata tidak menghalangi para pemikir di bidang arsitektur perkotaan ...
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2014
In this issue we are attempting to discuss local wisdom in an effort to learn more about local kn... more In this issue we are attempting to discuss local wisdom in an effort to learn more about local knowledge and wisdom as an important way of understanding local concepts, planning experience, historical asset management and planning methods as potential assets in order to create better city planning. Study of concepts, theory, and best practices on local knowledge of the past results in design outcomes through the review of the design and practice of urban planning in an effort to develop sustainable urban design practices. Local wisdom in spatial city planning that characterizes a city is an important aspect in the process of spatial city planning. Thus urban development through planning policy must be able to accommodate local knowledge in order to create better city planning.
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2021
Limbungan (Bale Tani) merupakan rumah tradisional vernakular sasak yang ada di kabupaten lombok t... more Limbungan (Bale Tani) merupakan rumah tradisional vernakular sasak yang ada di kabupaten lombok timur. Dengan berkembangnya era moderenisasi, budaya lokal semakin tergeser ekstesitensinya. Penelitian dapat dilakukan dengan dokumentasi bale tani, untuk mengangkat nilai – nilai kearifan lokal yang terkandung dalam pembangunan rumah tradisional yang ada di Kabupaten lombok timur, dan dapat dipelajari bagi arsitek, pemerintah setempat dan masyarakat khususnya didaerah Pulau Lombok (Sasak). Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperkaya pengetahuan tentang rumah tradisional yang secara bijaksasna didesain oleh nenek moyang. Kabupaten lombok timur merupakan kabupaten yang penuh dengan rumah tradisional serta adat dan budaya yang sangat kental. Sehingga kajian ini dapat memberikan masukan dan dapat tercipta bangunan yang memperhatikan konsep ekologis serta kearifan lokal suku sasak.
Abdimas: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat Universitas Merdeka Malang, 2020
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2021
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2020
International Review for Spatial Planning and Sustainable Development, 2020