Alexander Makhlayuk | Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod (original) (raw)

Papers by Alexander Makhlayuk

Research paper thumbnail of Эдикт Каракаллы de civitate peregrinis danda дебаты продолжаются

Эдикт Каракаллы de civitate peregrinis danda: дебаты продолжаются // Пути империй: мо-дели, практики, дискурсы наднациональных политий от древности до современности: Материалы международной научной конференции (XVII Чтения памяти профессора Ни-колая Петровича Соколова) (Нижний Новгород, 3–5 декаб..., 2023

The key directions in the study of the edict of the Emperor Caracalla on the granting of citizens... more The key directions in the study of the edict of the Emperor Caracalla on the granting of citizenship to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire are considered. New ideas, interpretations and discussions are highlighted regarding the Giessen Papyrus Gissensis 40 as a historical source, the reasons and contexts for issuing this constitution, consequences of the mass granting of citizenship. Special attention is paid to two recent monographs by Alexander Imri (The Antonine Constitution: An Edict for the Caracallan Empire. Leiden, 2018) and Arnaud Besson (Constitutio Antoniniana: l'universalization de la citoyenneté romaine au 3e siècle. Basel, 2020).

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Research paper thumbnail of Римский патриотизм и культурная идентичность в эпоху Империи

The article examines some characteristic features of the Roman patriotism under the Empire, traci... more The article examines some characteristic features of the Roman patriotism under the Empire, tracing their dependence on the specific conditions of a world power (such as the spread of Roman citizenship, involvement of provincial elites in state administration, urbanization and Romanization); at the same time, the author deals with the continuity of republican traditions and values, as well as interrelations of Roman patriotism with the processes and forms of cultural identification among ruling classes and intellectual elites of the Roman world. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of dual Graeco-Roman identity, which largely determined the particularity of the Roman imperial patriotism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ruthenia Classica Aetatis Novae

Franz Steiner Verlag eBooks, Mar 13, 2013

The e-book presents research mostly done by younger Russian scholars of ancient history to a read... more The e-book presents research mostly done by younger Russian scholars of ancient history to a readership that does not speak and read the Russian language. The articles cover a wide range of time and topics: Greek history from the archaic far into the Hellenistic period and Roman history from the republic to the empire – politics, finance, ideology, constitution, society with prosopography, and population. By sketching the peculiarities of research in antiquity in pre-revolutionary and socialist Russia and the conditions under which post-socialist classicists and historians work, an introductory article helps readers to understand the achievement of today's Russian studies in antiquity. Altogether the volume demonstrates that the actual Russian scholarship in ancient history has joined the international research and in which way this has been achieved.

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Research paper thumbnail of ГРАЖДАНСТВО НАГРАДА ЗА ДОБЛЕСТЬ

Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2023

The article examines the practical and ideological aspects of the spread of Roman citizenship, na... more The article examines the practical and ideological aspects of the spread of Roman citizenship, namely the tradition of awarding citizenship for merits and valor in the service of Rome. It is shown that the practice of such an award had ancient roots associated with the initial inclusiveness of the Roman civic community, and it was one of the significant mechanisms for strengthening the Roman state, in the late Republican period and under the Principate it became an important factor of imperial policy. Particular attention is paid to the ideological substantiation of this practice, which is given in the writings of Cicero, who most fully formulated the idea of citizenship as a reward for valor (praemia virtutis). Drawing on extensive epigraphic data and literary sources, the author considers specific mechanisms and precedents of granting Roman citizenship to peregrines and barbarians, primarily those who served in the imperial army and navy. It is concluded that in the Roman empire, despite various costs, the very fundamental relationship between service and activity for the benefit of Rome, military and other merits continued to exist, expressed by such concepts as virtus, pietas, fortitudo, industria, on the one hand, and the possibility to receive Roman citizenship as a reward, on the other.

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Research paper thumbnail of Поэтика империи в литературе раннего принципата

Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История», 2023

В статье рассматриваются содержание и особенности имперского дискурса в сочинениях поэтов Августо... more В статье рассматриваются содержание и особенности имперского дискурса в сочинениях поэтов Августова века. Показано восприятие римскими авторами имперского пространства как этнически разнородного и в то же время универсального, охватывающего весь населенный мир и подвластного Риму и единой власти принцепса. Выявляются представления поэтов об особойимперской миссии Рима, характере Pax Romana. Делается вывод о том, что имперские реалии были глубинной основой мировосприятия августовских поэтов,являвшихся безусловными адептами римского империализма, который нашел в их творчестве мощное образное (а у Вергилия, можно сказать, и теоретическое)воплощение, став мифом, формировавшим римскую имперскую идентичность.

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Research paper thumbnail of Emperors' Nicknames and Roman Political Humour

Klio, 2020

The article examines unofficial imperial nicknames, sobriquets and appellatives, from Octavian Au... more The article examines unofficial imperial nicknames, sobriquets and appellatives, from Octavian Augustus to Julian the Apostate, in the light of traditions of Roman political humour, and argues that in the political field during the Principate there were two co-existing competing modes of emperors’ naming: along with an official one, politically loyal, formalised and institutionally legitimised, there existed another – unofficial, sometimes oppositional and even hostile towards individual emperors, frequently licentious, humorously coloured and, in this regard, deeply rooted in Roman Republican traditions of political humour. Many of the known imperial nicknames and appellatives belong to a specific kind of folklore and express popular public opinion. They survived for us because of ancient authors’ interest in using such material for their literary and ideological intentions, particularly to express better the individual characteristics of the historical personages. But, for the very same purposes, Greek and Roman writers could invent some names and sobriquets, following special rhetorical and moralising principles, or mere love of ridicule. All in all, most imperial nicknames, both authentic and made-up, reveal a rather good quality of humour and mockery constructed by expressive linguistic devices and various rhetorical tropes. An apt derisive nickname marked anti-values, mocked the ruler’s badness and could vilify his reputation to the extreme, stigmatise his personality, or else become a widely-used quasi-cognomen. Many nicknames and appellatives were of ephemeral, ad hoc nature, their sense and effect largely dependent on the particular context; but, taken as a whole, they demonstrate the possible scope of and common trends in naming practice. The political system of the Principate and its very atmosphere of hypocrisy did promote double meaning and double thinking reflected in the double system of the rulers’ nomenclature. Imperial nicknames were a counter-hegemonic transcript and a weapon in the struggle for symbolic capital. All the efforts which many emperors took to control their nomina were ultimately powerless against the strength of the inevitable humorous counter-naming by the ruled.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part II

The article, continuing the overview of current Cassius Dio scholarship, focuses on the debates s... more The article, continuing the overview of current Cassius Dio scholarship, focuses on the debates surrounding issues of narrative modes and patterns of his Roman History, including the role of various speeches in their dramatic context, the correlation between annalistic and biographical techniques, Dio’s treatment of Roman public institutions and especially their evolution within the transition from the Republic to Principate. The discussions concerning Dio’s political and literary career, his political thinking, and the constitutional debate in Book 52 also are under consideration. The present survey demonstrates that modern scholars have completely abandoned the outdated preconception of Dio as a ‘copyist’ or a ‘compiler’. Currently, this historian is treated as an author who had a distinct narrative strategy, elaborated the structure of his work and made deliberate choices between historiographic methods and techniques. Recent studies show, on the one hand, the diversity of methodological agendas applied to different parts of Dio’s work, and on the other hand, a number of recurrent themes and issues. The majority of these elements of consistency belong to the sphere of the author’s political agenda, with the entire conceptual framework of Dio’s narrative being closely connected to the demonstration of paradigms of proper political leadership.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Любовь к отечеству» и гражданская идентичность в дискурсе латинских и греческих надписей

Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Всеобщая история, 2022

Based on Greek and Latin epigraphy, the article examines the main features of civil ideology asso... more Based on Greek and Latin epigraphy, the article examines the main features of civil ideology associated with the concept of “love of the fatherland” (philopatria, amor patriae and their derivatives). The corresponding categories, often emotionally colored, were widely used to characterize the virtues and behavioral motives of urban elites who acted as euergetai. The lexical and contextual analysis of the inscriptions shows that the civic patriotism of the Greek cities coexisted quite well with the political loyalty to the Roman authorities and ruling emperors. In both Greek and Latin inscriptions, there is an explicit or implicit imperial context. In the former, it is especially emphasized by title names indicating "love” for emperors and Rome (φιλόκαισαρ, φιλοσέβαστος, φιλορώμαιος). In the western provinces and Italy, there was obviously no particular need for such direct references. It is reasonable to believe that there, in urban communities consisting of Roman citizens, a sense of belonging to two homelands, as Cicero defined them, remained: Rome as communis patria / patria civitatis (iuris) and the fatherland by nature and locality (patria naturae / loci patria). In other aspects, however, a comparison of the discourses of Greek and Latin inscriptions reveals direct parallels and coincidences in the basic value orientations, due to the remaining civil-communal (polis) character of the cities of the Roman Empire.

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Research paper thumbnail of Omnia deinde arbitrio militum acta Political initiative and the agency

Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome / Edited by Roman M. Frolov, Christopher Burden-Strevens. – Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2022, 2022

Abstract This chapter assesses the political agency of the Roman army “from below” and explores t... more Abstract
This chapter assesses the political agency of the Roman army “from below” and explores the forms of initiative that could be adopted by the rank and file, including their participation in military mutinies, unrest, and coups d’ état. Who were the auctores seditionis mentioned in ancient literary sources? When, why, and in what ways did they act as a particular initiative group leading the mass of mutinous soldiers? What was the part of junior- and middle-ranking officers as a counter-force and, in some cases, as initiators, speakers, or organizers of political actions, including in the overthrow of emperors? And what were the mechanics of the troops’ collective activity and decision-making when the military acted in defense of their particular interests or as “king-makers”? To define the situation under the principate, this paper turns to a comparative analysis of the army’s political involvement in the late-republican civil wars and after the Augustan settlement. This comparison demonstrates that Augustus and later emperors failed to depoliticize the army within which the former republican traditions of military community continued to exist, and soldiers often behaved not as mere mercenaries but as a “citizenry in arms.”

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Research paper thumbnail of Празднества и игры в римской армии

Олимпийские игры в политике, повседневной жизни и культуре (от античности до совре-менности) / отв. ред. В.О. Никишин. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2021. С. 157–172, 2021

The article discusses the forms and nature of the festivals in the Roman imperial army. Combining... more The article discusses the forms and nature of the festivals in the Roman imperial army. Combining the data of literary, epigraphic and papyrological sources, the author explores the festivals and ceremonies that were included in the official calendar of the imperial army and in some cases were accompanied by athletic competitions and horse-racing, theatrical spectacles and gladiatorial games. It is shown that along with mainly religious holidays in honour of the state gods and divinities of Rome, emperors and the imperial family, the Roman military participated in local festivals and provided their own recreational activities in their units and military collegia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Институт гражданства в Римской империи_обзор современной историографии

Экономика, право, власть в древнем мире. Посвящается памяти В.И. Кузищина / отв. ред. С.Ю. Сапрыкин, И.А. Гвоздева. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2021. – С. 626–657, 2021

The article gives an overview of the most indicative approaches and newest trends in the study of... more The article gives an overview of the most indicative approaches and newest trends in the study of Roman citizenship in the age of the empire. Challenges and prospects that researchers are currently dealing with are identified. It is noted that in the last two decades there has been a revival — at a qualitatively novel methodological level — of interest in citizenship’s role in the Roman history. Moreover, the main focus of research is increasingly shifting to the correlations between citizenship and identity, to clarifying its role in the integration of individuals and groups within time and space and in connection with political and sociocultural processes. Recent studies demonstrate that Roman citizenship as a historical phenomenon revealed exceptional resilience and flexibility in changing circumstances.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part I

Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part I, 2022

This article provides a general overview of the current state of research on Cassius Dio and focu... more This article provides a general overview of the current state of research on Cassius Dio and focuses on some current trends and issues of debate in the field. The turn of the twenty-first century witnessed a real breakthrough in Dio scholarship, which has greatly advanced in many respects through increasing diversification of research topics, innovative approaches, posing new questions and producing important conceptual generalizations. International projects and wide academic collaborations, above all the Dioneia project (Lire Cassius Dion: cinquante ans après Fergus Millar: bilans et perspectives) and the Cassius Dio Network: Cassius Dio, Between History and Politics, have contributed greatly to this process. This intensive academic activity has resulted in new editions, translations and commentaries of Dio’s Roman History, numerous dissertations and monographs, which make Cassius Dio a much better understood historian than twenty or even five years ago. But there are still not a few issues of controversy and debate, including the historian’s approach to causation, particularly his vision of human nature as a factor of history. An analytical survey of the ongoing studies of that issue shows that Dio is treated as an author who independently elaborated on the themes he dealt with, without being entirely dependent on the interpretative models derived from Thucydides or elsewhere. This supports the status of Dio as a historian with his own voice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Дихотомия civis – miles в Риме позднереспубликанского и императорского времени

Махлаюк Александр Валентинович — доктор исторических наук, заведующий кафедрой истории Древнего м... more Махлаюк Александр Валентинович — доктор исторических наук, заведующий кафедрой истории Древнего мира и Средних веков Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.И.Лобачевского. Область научных интересов – история Древнего Рима; военная организация эпохи принципата; социальная роль, традиции, идеология и ментальность императорской армии; античная историческая мысль.

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Research paper thumbnail of Образ Римской империи в трудах Михаила Ивановича Ростовцева (The Image of the Roman Empire in the Works of Mikhail Ivanovich Rostovtzeff)

Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. История. Т. 67. Вып. 1. С. 207– 227, 2022

The article examines the features of the image of the Roman Empire created by the outstanding his... more The article examines the features of the image of the Roman Empire created by the outstanding historian M. I. Rostovtzeff, primarily in his “Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire”. This image is contradictory and ambiguous. It involves a lot of genuine innovative ideas, bright colours, but there are also a number of obvious exaggerations and aberrations, a certain “contemporization” of economic and social realities. Paradoxically, Rostovtzeff ’s Roman Empire turns out to be an empire without imperialism. Its very “empireness”, i. e., specific ties between the center and provincial and “barbaric” periphery; the organization of space; the modes of relations between the “imperial nation” and the subordinate peoples; the unity of diversity as well as geographical (geopolitical) and economic determination of Roman imperial expansion, remains outside the historian’s scope. At the same time, Rostovtzeff perspicaciously grasps the deep drama of Roman history, irreducible either to the tyranny and extravagance of individual rulers or to the merciless struggle of social classes. A significant role in creating such a comprehensive image of the Roman Empire was ensured not only by Rostovtzeff ’s political preferences and life experience, but also by his personality and style of scholarship. This gives the “Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire” a special dimension, making it not only a fact of historiography per se but the substantial evidence of the indissoluble relationship between the personality of the historian, his ideas and the time in which he happened to live and work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spaces of Ancient History at Lobachevsky University Conference (Nizhny Novgorod, 16–17 November 2018)

Vestnik drevnei istorii

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Research paper thumbnail of Maria Romana: образы моря и римское имперское пространство

Maria nostra: море в истории европейской цивилизации от античности до Нового времени: коллективная монография / под ред. А.Н. Маслова и А.В. Махлаюка. – Нижний Новгород: Изд. Нижегородского госуниверситета, 2020

The chapter deals with the question of how marine spaces, primarily the Mediterranean Sea, but al... more The chapter deals with the question of how marine spaces, primarily the Mediterranean Sea, but also other seas and oceans that were part of the Roman empire or adjacent to its borders (Black, Azov, Red, North, Caspian, as well as the Atlantic and Southern Oceans), were included in that spatial world-view, that to a large extent determined the geopolitical strategy, imperial ideology and practical actions of the Romans during the late Republic and under the Principate. It is shown how the mental map of the Roman world combined traditional (“terrestrial, land-based”) prejudices typical of the Romans, and sovereign-thalassocratic aspirations, an imperial worldview, how ideology and propaganda influenced the perception of sea spaces, how much geographic representations differ from political and ideological constructions of imperial spaces. With the establishment of the principate, the safety of movement by sea and the benefits associated with it became an integral characteristic of Pax Romana as an ideological construct, serving as an excuse and legitimation of Roman imperialism and territorial expansion. At the same time, propaganda was aimed at representing the Roman Empire as a space encompassing the entire oecoumene (orbis terrarum), the borders of which, according to the generally accepted views in antiquity, were encircled by the Ocean. Moreover, it was the Ocean with its irresistibility, sacred meaning and secrets that was conceived, on the one hand, not just as aliud mare and alter orbis, but as the limit of nature itself, and accordingly, as the main “limiter” of Roman expansion; and on the other hand, as an element symbolically and partly practically subject to the emperor, whose power was seen as spreading throughout the world. The topic in the description of the seas and the Ocean in Roman literature is linked with the theme of the accomplishments of Alexander the Great, who also sought to reach the limits of the earth’s circle and, having reached the Ocean, even go further and whose conquest can be considered as a political myth along with mythical travels of gods and heroes. The imperial “ecumenism” recorded in Greco-Roman sources and the idea of the Ocean as the ultimate border of the Roman world were subsequently adapted in the Christian tradition, which also denoted the geographical parameters of the Roman Empire using the image of the Ocean as the natural limit of imperial expansion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quaestio classica_О новых преломлениях «морской темы» в коллективном научном проекте антиковедов и медиевистов

Maria nostra_Море в истории европейской цивилизации от Античности до Нового времени, 2020

Авторами раскрываются концептуальные и содержательные особенности нового научного издания по проб... more Авторами раскрываются концептуальные и содержательные особенности нового научного издания по проблемам восприятия и освоения морских пространств в обществах Древнего мира, Средневековья, раннего Нового времени. Характеризуется актуальность изучаемой проблематики в соотнесении с более широким спектром вопросов, поставленных благодаря т. н. «пространственному повороту» в социогуманитарном знании. Отдельное внимание уделено освещению морской истории в современной исследовательской литературе.

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История и культура античного мира (к 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.Г. Боруховича): Сборник научных трудов / отв. ред. А.В. Махлаюк. Нижний Новгород: Изд-во Нижегородского госуниверситета, 2021

The article raises the question of how far is justified the widespread in scholarly literature an... more The article raises the question of how far is justified the widespread in scholarly literature and political discourse characterization of the Roman imperial state as a paradigmatic empire, an archetype of subsequent imperial states. Having critically examined the current definitions of empire and imperialism, the author identifies a number of features of the Roman Empire that were unique and do not allow us to treat it as an exemplarity for creating a general model of imperial polity. It is concluded that the comparison of different empires and imperialisms is permissible, but can be correct only when the clarification of the conceptual apparatus is not based on speculative constructions, but fully takes into account the historical specificity and uniqueness of the phenomenon under study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial discourse in the Res gestae


The analysis of spatial and ethno-geographic categories allows us to highlight several characteri... more The analysis of spatial and ethno-geographic categories allows us to highlight several characteristic features of the imperial space presented in the text of the “Deeds of Divine Augustus”. Firstly, it is a dynamic empire space that has gone far beyond the borders of the republican borders. Secondly, this ecumenical space, which reached the farthest reaches of the inhabited world, coincided with it and actually (or in imagination) did not have another world (orbis alter) on its borders and beyond. Thirdly, it is a pacified and ordered space. Fourth, it is a differentiated and hierarchical space with the central position of Rome and Italy, with Roman citizens who dominated the provinces and dominated, in fact or potentially, over all barbarian and foreign nations. Fifth, this is a centripetal space, subordinated to a single will and focused on one person — the princeps. In general, this is a specifically imperial space created as a result of conquests, subjected to the dominant people and central sole authority.

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Research paper thumbnail of Вторая софистика, историческая память и греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской империи

Homo omnium horarum: Сборник статей в честь 70-летия А.В. Подосинова / Под ред. А.В. Белоусова и Е.В. Илюшечкиной. – М.: Издательство Университета Дмитрия Пожарского, 2020. С. 370–401, 2020

В статье показывается, что греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской империи, укорененный, в конечном... more В статье показывается, что греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской
империи, укорененный, в конечном счете, в гражданско-общинных структурах, был в значительной степени производным от коллективной исторической памяти, относящейся к прошлому как Эллады в целом, так и отдельных полисов. Ее хранителями выступали как греческие интеллектуалы, прежде всего риторы и софисты, обращавшиеся к истории в разных формах и во многом конструировавшие ее в соответствии с требованиями момента, так и городская знать, поддерживавшая полисные институты и традиции ради собственного символического капитала и престижа, но в согласии с интересами Рима, для которого прошлое Эллады становилось частью и его истории. Римская власть, выступая как покровитель эллинства, не только позволяла грекам сохранять свою идентичность (в том числе через активное культивирование исторического патриотизма), но и использовала их культурное и историческое наследие для управления мировой державой.

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Research paper thumbnail of Эдикт Каракаллы de civitate peregrinis danda дебаты продолжаются

Эдикт Каракаллы de civitate peregrinis danda: дебаты продолжаются // Пути империй: мо-дели, практики, дискурсы наднациональных политий от древности до современности: Материалы международной научной конференции (XVII Чтения памяти профессора Ни-колая Петровича Соколова) (Нижний Новгород, 3–5 декаб..., 2023

The key directions in the study of the edict of the Emperor Caracalla on the granting of citizens... more The key directions in the study of the edict of the Emperor Caracalla on the granting of citizenship to the inhabitants of the Roman Empire are considered. New ideas, interpretations and discussions are highlighted regarding the Giessen Papyrus Gissensis 40 as a historical source, the reasons and contexts for issuing this constitution, consequences of the mass granting of citizenship. Special attention is paid to two recent monographs by Alexander Imri (The Antonine Constitution: An Edict for the Caracallan Empire. Leiden, 2018) and Arnaud Besson (Constitutio Antoniniana: l'universalization de la citoyenneté romaine au 3e siècle. Basel, 2020).

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Research paper thumbnail of Римский патриотизм и культурная идентичность в эпоху Империи

The article examines some characteristic features of the Roman patriotism under the Empire, traci... more The article examines some characteristic features of the Roman patriotism under the Empire, tracing their dependence on the specific conditions of a world power (such as the spread of Roman citizenship, involvement of provincial elites in state administration, urbanization and Romanization); at the same time, the author deals with the continuity of republican traditions and values, as well as interrelations of Roman patriotism with the processes and forms of cultural identification among ruling classes and intellectual elites of the Roman world. Particular attention is paid to the emergence of dual Graeco-Roman identity, which largely determined the particularity of the Roman imperial patriotism.

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Research paper thumbnail of Ruthenia Classica Aetatis Novae

Franz Steiner Verlag eBooks, Mar 13, 2013

The e-book presents research mostly done by younger Russian scholars of ancient history to a read... more The e-book presents research mostly done by younger Russian scholars of ancient history to a readership that does not speak and read the Russian language. The articles cover a wide range of time and topics: Greek history from the archaic far into the Hellenistic period and Roman history from the republic to the empire – politics, finance, ideology, constitution, society with prosopography, and population. By sketching the peculiarities of research in antiquity in pre-revolutionary and socialist Russia and the conditions under which post-socialist classicists and historians work, an introductory article helps readers to understand the achievement of today's Russian studies in antiquity. Altogether the volume demonstrates that the actual Russian scholarship in ancient history has joined the international research and in which way this has been achieved.

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Research paper thumbnail of ГРАЖДАНСТВО НАГРАДА ЗА ДОБЛЕСТЬ

Вестник Нижегородского университета им. Н.И. Лобачевского, 2023

The article examines the practical and ideological aspects of the spread of Roman citizenship, na... more The article examines the practical and ideological aspects of the spread of Roman citizenship, namely the tradition of awarding citizenship for merits and valor in the service of Rome. It is shown that the practice of such an award had ancient roots associated with the initial inclusiveness of the Roman civic community, and it was one of the significant mechanisms for strengthening the Roman state, in the late Republican period and under the Principate it became an important factor of imperial policy. Particular attention is paid to the ideological substantiation of this practice, which is given in the writings of Cicero, who most fully formulated the idea of citizenship as a reward for valor (praemia virtutis). Drawing on extensive epigraphic data and literary sources, the author considers specific mechanisms and precedents of granting Roman citizenship to peregrines and barbarians, primarily those who served in the imperial army and navy. It is concluded that in the Roman empire, despite various costs, the very fundamental relationship between service and activity for the benefit of Rome, military and other merits continued to exist, expressed by such concepts as virtus, pietas, fortitudo, industria, on the one hand, and the possibility to receive Roman citizenship as a reward, on the other.

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Research paper thumbnail of Поэтика империи в литературе раннего принципата

Электронный научно-образовательный журнал «История», 2023

В статье рассматриваются содержание и особенности имперского дискурса в сочинениях поэтов Августо... more В статье рассматриваются содержание и особенности имперского дискурса в сочинениях поэтов Августова века. Показано восприятие римскими авторами имперского пространства как этнически разнородного и в то же время универсального, охватывающего весь населенный мир и подвластного Риму и единой власти принцепса. Выявляются представления поэтов об особойимперской миссии Рима, характере Pax Romana. Делается вывод о том, что имперские реалии были глубинной основой мировосприятия августовских поэтов,являвшихся безусловными адептами римского империализма, который нашел в их творчестве мощное образное (а у Вергилия, можно сказать, и теоретическое)воплощение, став мифом, формировавшим римскую имперскую идентичность.

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Research paper thumbnail of Emperors' Nicknames and Roman Political Humour

Klio, 2020

The article examines unofficial imperial nicknames, sobriquets and appellatives, from Octavian Au... more The article examines unofficial imperial nicknames, sobriquets and appellatives, from Octavian Augustus to Julian the Apostate, in the light of traditions of Roman political humour, and argues that in the political field during the Principate there were two co-existing competing modes of emperors’ naming: along with an official one, politically loyal, formalised and institutionally legitimised, there existed another – unofficial, sometimes oppositional and even hostile towards individual emperors, frequently licentious, humorously coloured and, in this regard, deeply rooted in Roman Republican traditions of political humour. Many of the known imperial nicknames and appellatives belong to a specific kind of folklore and express popular public opinion. They survived for us because of ancient authors’ interest in using such material for their literary and ideological intentions, particularly to express better the individual characteristics of the historical personages. But, for the very same purposes, Greek and Roman writers could invent some names and sobriquets, following special rhetorical and moralising principles, or mere love of ridicule. All in all, most imperial nicknames, both authentic and made-up, reveal a rather good quality of humour and mockery constructed by expressive linguistic devices and various rhetorical tropes. An apt derisive nickname marked anti-values, mocked the ruler’s badness and could vilify his reputation to the extreme, stigmatise his personality, or else become a widely-used quasi-cognomen. Many nicknames and appellatives were of ephemeral, ad hoc nature, their sense and effect largely dependent on the particular context; but, taken as a whole, they demonstrate the possible scope of and common trends in naming practice. The political system of the Principate and its very atmosphere of hypocrisy did promote double meaning and double thinking reflected in the double system of the rulers’ nomenclature. Imperial nicknames were a counter-hegemonic transcript and a weapon in the struggle for symbolic capital. All the efforts which many emperors took to control their nomina were ultimately powerless against the strength of the inevitable humorous counter-naming by the ruled.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part II

The article, continuing the overview of current Cassius Dio scholarship, focuses on the debates s... more The article, continuing the overview of current Cassius Dio scholarship, focuses on the debates surrounding issues of narrative modes and patterns of his Roman History, including the role of various speeches in their dramatic context, the correlation between annalistic and biographical techniques, Dio’s treatment of Roman public institutions and especially their evolution within the transition from the Republic to Principate. The discussions concerning Dio’s political and literary career, his political thinking, and the constitutional debate in Book 52 also are under consideration. The present survey demonstrates that modern scholars have completely abandoned the outdated preconception of Dio as a ‘copyist’ or a ‘compiler’. Currently, this historian is treated as an author who had a distinct narrative strategy, elaborated the structure of his work and made deliberate choices between historiographic methods and techniques. Recent studies show, on the one hand, the diversity of methodological agendas applied to different parts of Dio’s work, and on the other hand, a number of recurrent themes and issues. The majority of these elements of consistency belong to the sphere of the author’s political agenda, with the entire conceptual framework of Dio’s narrative being closely connected to the demonstration of paradigms of proper political leadership.

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Research paper thumbnail of «Любовь к отечеству» и гражданская идентичность в дискурсе латинских и греческих надписей

Вестник Российского университета дружбы народов. Серия: Всеобщая история, 2022

Based on Greek and Latin epigraphy, the article examines the main features of civil ideology asso... more Based on Greek and Latin epigraphy, the article examines the main features of civil ideology associated with the concept of “love of the fatherland” (philopatria, amor patriae and their derivatives). The corresponding categories, often emotionally colored, were widely used to characterize the virtues and behavioral motives of urban elites who acted as euergetai. The lexical and contextual analysis of the inscriptions shows that the civic patriotism of the Greek cities coexisted quite well with the political loyalty to the Roman authorities and ruling emperors. In both Greek and Latin inscriptions, there is an explicit or implicit imperial context. In the former, it is especially emphasized by title names indicating "love” for emperors and Rome (φιλόκαισαρ, φιλοσέβαστος, φιλορώμαιος). In the western provinces and Italy, there was obviously no particular need for such direct references. It is reasonable to believe that there, in urban communities consisting of Roman citizens, a sense of belonging to two homelands, as Cicero defined them, remained: Rome as communis patria / patria civitatis (iuris) and the fatherland by nature and locality (patria naturae / loci patria). In other aspects, however, a comparison of the discourses of Greek and Latin inscriptions reveals direct parallels and coincidences in the basic value orientations, due to the remaining civil-communal (polis) character of the cities of the Roman Empire.

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Research paper thumbnail of Omnia deinde arbitrio militum acta Political initiative and the agency

Leadership and Initiative in Late Republican and Early Imperial Rome / Edited by Roman M. Frolov, Christopher Burden-Strevens. – Leiden; Boston: Brill, 2022, 2022

Abstract This chapter assesses the political agency of the Roman army “from below” and explores t... more Abstract
This chapter assesses the political agency of the Roman army “from below” and explores the forms of initiative that could be adopted by the rank and file, including their participation in military mutinies, unrest, and coups d’ état. Who were the auctores seditionis mentioned in ancient literary sources? When, why, and in what ways did they act as a particular initiative group leading the mass of mutinous soldiers? What was the part of junior- and middle-ranking officers as a counter-force and, in some cases, as initiators, speakers, or organizers of political actions, including in the overthrow of emperors? And what were the mechanics of the troops’ collective activity and decision-making when the military acted in defense of their particular interests or as “king-makers”? To define the situation under the principate, this paper turns to a comparative analysis of the army’s political involvement in the late-republican civil wars and after the Augustan settlement. This comparison demonstrates that Augustus and later emperors failed to depoliticize the army within which the former republican traditions of military community continued to exist, and soldiers often behaved not as mere mercenaries but as a “citizenry in arms.”

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Research paper thumbnail of Празднества и игры в римской армии

Олимпийские игры в политике, повседневной жизни и культуре (от античности до совре-менности) / отв. ред. В.О. Никишин. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2021. С. 157–172, 2021

The article discusses the forms and nature of the festivals in the Roman imperial army. Combining... more The article discusses the forms and nature of the festivals in the Roman imperial army. Combining the data of literary, epigraphic and papyrological sources, the author explores the festivals and ceremonies that were included in the official calendar of the imperial army and in some cases were accompanied by athletic competitions and horse-racing, theatrical spectacles and gladiatorial games. It is shown that along with mainly religious holidays in honour of the state gods and divinities of Rome, emperors and the imperial family, the Roman military participated in local festivals and provided their own recreational activities in their units and military collegia.

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Research paper thumbnail of Институт гражданства в Римской империи_обзор современной историографии

Экономика, право, власть в древнем мире. Посвящается памяти В.И. Кузищина / отв. ред. С.Ю. Сапрыкин, И.А. Гвоздева. – СПб.: Алетейя, 2021. – С. 626–657, 2021

The article gives an overview of the most indicative approaches and newest trends in the study of... more The article gives an overview of the most indicative approaches and newest trends in the study of Roman citizenship in the age of the empire. Challenges and prospects that researchers are currently dealing with are identified. It is noted that in the last two decades there has been a revival — at a qualitatively novel methodological level — of interest in citizenship’s role in the Roman history. Moreover, the main focus of research is increasingly shifting to the correlations between citizenship and identity, to clarifying its role in the integration of individuals and groups within time and space and in connection with political and sociocultural processes. Recent studies demonstrate that Roman citizenship as a historical phenomenon revealed exceptional resilience and flexibility in changing circumstances.

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Research paper thumbnail of Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part I

Studia Dionea novissima_Historical Narrative, Interpretations of the Past and Political Contexts of Cassius Dio’s “Roman History”. Part I, 2022

This article provides a general overview of the current state of research on Cassius Dio and focu... more This article provides a general overview of the current state of research on Cassius Dio and focuses on some current trends and issues of debate in the field. The turn of the twenty-first century witnessed a real breakthrough in Dio scholarship, which has greatly advanced in many respects through increasing diversification of research topics, innovative approaches, posing new questions and producing important conceptual generalizations. International projects and wide academic collaborations, above all the Dioneia project (Lire Cassius Dion: cinquante ans après Fergus Millar: bilans et perspectives) and the Cassius Dio Network: Cassius Dio, Between History and Politics, have contributed greatly to this process. This intensive academic activity has resulted in new editions, translations and commentaries of Dio’s Roman History, numerous dissertations and monographs, which make Cassius Dio a much better understood historian than twenty or even five years ago. But there are still not a few issues of controversy and debate, including the historian’s approach to causation, particularly his vision of human nature as a factor of history. An analytical survey of the ongoing studies of that issue shows that Dio is treated as an author who independently elaborated on the themes he dealt with, without being entirely dependent on the interpretative models derived from Thucydides or elsewhere. This supports the status of Dio as a historian with his own voice.

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Research paper thumbnail of Дихотомия civis – miles в Риме позднереспубликанского и императорского времени

Махлаюк Александр Валентинович — доктор исторических наук, заведующий кафедрой истории Древнего м... more Махлаюк Александр Валентинович — доктор исторических наук, заведующий кафедрой истории Древнего мира и Средних веков Нижегородского государственного университета им. Н.И.Лобачевского. Область научных интересов – история Древнего Рима; военная организация эпохи принципата; социальная роль, традиции, идеология и ментальность императорской армии; античная историческая мысль.

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Research paper thumbnail of Образ Римской империи в трудах Михаила Ивановича Ростовцева (The Image of the Roman Empire in the Works of Mikhail Ivanovich Rostovtzeff)

Вестник Санкт-Петербургского университета. История. Т. 67. Вып. 1. С. 207– 227, 2022

The article examines the features of the image of the Roman Empire created by the outstanding his... more The article examines the features of the image of the Roman Empire created by the outstanding historian M. I. Rostovtzeff, primarily in his “Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire”. This image is contradictory and ambiguous. It involves a lot of genuine innovative ideas, bright colours, but there are also a number of obvious exaggerations and aberrations, a certain “contemporization” of economic and social realities. Paradoxically, Rostovtzeff ’s Roman Empire turns out to be an empire without imperialism. Its very “empireness”, i. e., specific ties between the center and provincial and “barbaric” periphery; the organization of space; the modes of relations between the “imperial nation” and the subordinate peoples; the unity of diversity as well as geographical (geopolitical) and economic determination of Roman imperial expansion, remains outside the historian’s scope. At the same time, Rostovtzeff perspicaciously grasps the deep drama of Roman history, irreducible either to the tyranny and extravagance of individual rulers or to the merciless struggle of social classes. A significant role in creating such a comprehensive image of the Roman Empire was ensured not only by Rostovtzeff ’s political preferences and life experience, but also by his personality and style of scholarship. This gives the “Social and Economic History of the Roman Empire” a special dimension, making it not only a fact of historiography per se but the substantial evidence of the indissoluble relationship between the personality of the historian, his ideas and the time in which he happened to live and work.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spaces of Ancient History at Lobachevsky University Conference (Nizhny Novgorod, 16–17 November 2018)

Vestnik drevnei istorii

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Research paper thumbnail of Maria Romana: образы моря и римское имперское пространство

Maria nostra: море в истории европейской цивилизации от античности до Нового времени: коллективная монография / под ред. А.Н. Маслова и А.В. Махлаюка. – Нижний Новгород: Изд. Нижегородского госуниверситета, 2020

The chapter deals with the question of how marine spaces, primarily the Mediterranean Sea, but al... more The chapter deals with the question of how marine spaces, primarily the Mediterranean Sea, but also other seas and oceans that were part of the Roman empire or adjacent to its borders (Black, Azov, Red, North, Caspian, as well as the Atlantic and Southern Oceans), were included in that spatial world-view, that to a large extent determined the geopolitical strategy, imperial ideology and practical actions of the Romans during the late Republic and under the Principate. It is shown how the mental map of the Roman world combined traditional (“terrestrial, land-based”) prejudices typical of the Romans, and sovereign-thalassocratic aspirations, an imperial worldview, how ideology and propaganda influenced the perception of sea spaces, how much geographic representations differ from political and ideological constructions of imperial spaces. With the establishment of the principate, the safety of movement by sea and the benefits associated with it became an integral characteristic of Pax Romana as an ideological construct, serving as an excuse and legitimation of Roman imperialism and territorial expansion. At the same time, propaganda was aimed at representing the Roman Empire as a space encompassing the entire oecoumene (orbis terrarum), the borders of which, according to the generally accepted views in antiquity, were encircled by the Ocean. Moreover, it was the Ocean with its irresistibility, sacred meaning and secrets that was conceived, on the one hand, not just as aliud mare and alter orbis, but as the limit of nature itself, and accordingly, as the main “limiter” of Roman expansion; and on the other hand, as an element symbolically and partly practically subject to the emperor, whose power was seen as spreading throughout the world. The topic in the description of the seas and the Ocean in Roman literature is linked with the theme of the accomplishments of Alexander the Great, who also sought to reach the limits of the earth’s circle and, having reached the Ocean, even go further and whose conquest can be considered as a political myth along with mythical travels of gods and heroes. The imperial “ecumenism” recorded in Greco-Roman sources and the idea of the Ocean as the ultimate border of the Roman world were subsequently adapted in the Christian tradition, which also denoted the geographical parameters of the Roman Empire using the image of the Ocean as the natural limit of imperial expansion.

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Research paper thumbnail of Quaestio classica_О новых преломлениях «морской темы» в коллективном научном проекте антиковедов и медиевистов

Maria nostra_Море в истории европейской цивилизации от Античности до Нового времени, 2020

Авторами раскрываются концептуальные и содержательные особенности нового научного издания по проб... more Авторами раскрываются концептуальные и содержательные особенности нового научного издания по проблемам восприятия и освоения морских пространств в обществах Древнего мира, Средневековья, раннего Нового времени. Характеризуется актуальность изучаемой проблематики в соотнесении с более широким спектром вопросов, поставленных благодаря т. н. «пространственному повороту» в социогуманитарном знании. Отдельное внимание уделено освещению морской истории в современной исследовательской литературе.

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История и культура античного мира (к 100-летию со дня рождения профессора В.Г. Боруховича): Сборник научных трудов / отв. ред. А.В. Махлаюк. Нижний Новгород: Изд-во Нижегородского госуниверситета, 2021

The article raises the question of how far is justified the widespread in scholarly literature an... more The article raises the question of how far is justified the widespread in scholarly literature and political discourse characterization of the Roman imperial state as a paradigmatic empire, an archetype of subsequent imperial states. Having critically examined the current definitions of empire and imperialism, the author identifies a number of features of the Roman Empire that were unique and do not allow us to treat it as an exemplarity for creating a general model of imperial polity. It is concluded that the comparison of different empires and imperialisms is permissible, but can be correct only when the clarification of the conceptual apparatus is not based on speculative constructions, but fully takes into account the historical specificity and uniqueness of the phenomenon under study.

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Research paper thumbnail of Spatial discourse in the Res gestae


The analysis of spatial and ethno-geographic categories allows us to highlight several characteri... more The analysis of spatial and ethno-geographic categories allows us to highlight several characteristic features of the imperial space presented in the text of the “Deeds of Divine Augustus”. Firstly, it is a dynamic empire space that has gone far beyond the borders of the republican borders. Secondly, this ecumenical space, which reached the farthest reaches of the inhabited world, coincided with it and actually (or in imagination) did not have another world (orbis alter) on its borders and beyond. Thirdly, it is a pacified and ordered space. Fourth, it is a differentiated and hierarchical space with the central position of Rome and Italy, with Roman citizens who dominated the provinces and dominated, in fact or potentially, over all barbarian and foreign nations. Fifth, this is a centripetal space, subordinated to a single will and focused on one person — the princeps. In general, this is a specifically imperial space created as a result of conquests, subjected to the dominant people and central sole authority.

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Research paper thumbnail of Вторая софистика, историческая память и греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской империи

Homo omnium horarum: Сборник статей в честь 70-летия А.В. Подосинова / Под ред. А.В. Белоусова и Е.В. Илюшечкиной. – М.: Издательство Университета Дмитрия Пожарского, 2020. С. 370–401, 2020

В статье показывается, что греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской империи, укорененный, в конечном... more В статье показывается, что греческий патриотизм в эпоху Римской
империи, укорененный, в конечном счете, в гражданско-общинных структурах, был в значительной степени производным от коллективной исторической памяти, относящейся к прошлому как Эллады в целом, так и отдельных полисов. Ее хранителями выступали как греческие интеллектуалы, прежде всего риторы и софисты, обращавшиеся к истории в разных формах и во многом конструировавшие ее в соответствии с требованиями момента, так и городская знать, поддерживавшая полисные институты и традиции ради собственного символического капитала и престижа, но в согласии с интересами Рима, для которого прошлое Эллады становилось частью и его истории. Римская власть, выступая как покровитель эллинства, не только позволяла грекам сохранять свою идентичность (в том числе через активное культивирование исторического патриотизма), но и использовала их культурное и историческое наследие для управления мировой державой.

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Research paper thumbnail of Римскии императорскии двор как политическии и социокультурныи феномен

Римский императорский двор как политический и социокультурный феномен (B. Kelly, A. Hug (eds.). The Roman Emperor and His Court, c. 30 BC – c. AD 300. Vol. 1: Historical Es-says. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. xix, 585 p. ISBN 978-1-316-51321-7; Vol. 2: A Sourcebook. Cambridge: Camb..., 2024

Рассматривается новейший коллективный труд по истории римского императорского двора под редакцией... more Рассматривается новейший коллективный труд по истории римского императорского двора под редакцией Б. Келли и А. Хуг (The Roman Emperor and His Court, c. 30 BC–c. AD 300. Volume 1: Historical Essays / Ed. by Benjamin Kelly, Angela Hug. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022. xix, 585 p. ISBN 978-1-316-51321-7; The Roman Emperor and His Court, c. 30 BC–c. AD 300. Volume 2: A Sourcebook / Ed. by Benjamin Kelly, Angela Hug. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2022). В контексте текущей историографической ситуации дана оценка предлагаемых авторами подходов и выводов по ключевым проблемам темы, прежде всего по вопросу о своеобразии римского двора (aulaCaesaris) в сравнении с аналогичными институтами других традиционных обществ и его роли в системе власти, а также как социокультурного феномена. Отмечается, что данная коллективная монография является действительно значимым вкладом в понимание устройства верховной власти в Римском мире с точки зрения ее потаённых механизмов и внешнего антуража.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Le Bohec Y. La IIIe légion Auguste. P., 1989; idem. L’armée romaine sous le Haut-Empire. P., 1989

Вестник древней истории. 1995. № 1. С. 211–218

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Research paper thumbnail of Римская императорская армия в контексте социальной истории

Вестник древней истории. 2002. № 3. С. 130–153, 2002

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of Nelis-Clément J. Les benificiarii militaires et administrateurs au service de l’Empire

Вестник древней истории. 2003. № 2. С. 232–241, 2003

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Research paper thumbnail of Глобализация по-римски Review of Globalisation and Roman world

This is the review of Globalisation and the Roman World: World History, Connectivity and Material... more This is the review of Globalisation and the Roman World: World History, Connectivity and Material Culture / ed. by M. Pitts, M.J. Verluys. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2015

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Research paper thumbnail of «СОФИСТЫ» ФИЛОСТРАТА В РУССКОМ ПЕРЕВОДЕ_Махлаюк ВДИ_2018_78 3.pdf

Review of ФЛАВИЙ ФИЛОСТРАТ. Жизни софистов. Под общим руководством Е.Г. Рабинович. М., 2017

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Research paper thumbnail of Rev. of Cassius Dion_nouvelles lectures_BMCR 2017.pdf

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Research paper thumbnail of Реставрация как революция (Рец. Межерицкий_Восстановленная республика)

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Research paper thumbnail of Рецензия на Циркина_Исторический Вестник_19_2017.pdf

Review of recent Russian book on the Third century crisis in the Roman empire and "Miltary Anarchy".

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Research paper thumbnail of Rev of Ruling the Greek World Approaches to the Roman Empire in the East

Reviewed by Aleksandr Makhlaiuk, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod (makhl@imomi.unn... more Reviewed by Aleksandr Makhlaiuk, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhny Novgorod ( Publisher's Preview [The Table of Contents is listed below.]

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Research paper thumbnail of Эллада и Рим sub specie comparationis (A Companion to Greek Democracy and the Roman Re-public / Ed. by D. Hammerю Malden – Oxford, 2015)

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Research paper thumbnail of Рецензия на: А.Б. Егоров. Юлий Цезарь. Политическая биография. СПб., 2014

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Research paper thumbnail of Махлаюк Негин Рецензия А В

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Research paper thumbnail of Рецензия на: Белоусов А.В. Флавий Филострат в религиоз- ном контексте своего времени: «Жизнь Аполлония» и «Героика». М.: Изд-во ПСТГУ, 2012.

Рассматриваются концептуальные подходы, основные положения и выводы нового российского исследован... more Рассматриваются концептуальные подходы, основные положения и выводы нового российского исследования, посвященного творчеству Флавия Филострата и религиозным процессам в Римской империи III в. н.э. Оцениваются также возможные перспективы дальнейшего изучения идеологии и литературной истории периода Второй софистики.

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of: Kemezis, Adam M. Greek narratives of the Roman Empire under the Severans: Cassius Dio, Philostratus and Herodian. Greek culture in the Roman world. Cambridge; New York: Cambridge University Press, xii, 340 p. in: Bryn Mawr Classical Review 2015.07.24

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Research paper thumbnail of "Золотой век", или мечта как идеологическая категория (Рецензия на: Чернышов Ю. Древний Рим_мечта о золотом веке

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Research paper thumbnail of У истоков идеологии принципата (Рецензия на: Токарев А.Н. Становление официальной идеологии

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Research paper thumbnail of Рецензия_Данилов_Война и разведывательная деятельность

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Research paper thumbnail of Review of N. MORLEY. Roman Empire: Roots of Imperialism (in Russian)

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Research paper thumbnail of Рецензия на: Абрамзон М.Г. Монеты как средство пропаганды

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Research paper thumbnail of Махлаюк А. В., Негин А. Е. Повседневная жизнь римской армии_22.05.21

Повседневная жизнь римской армии, 2021

В монографии рассматриваются различные аспекты и традиции по вседневной жизни римской армии в кон... more В монографии рассматриваются различные аспекты и традиции по
вседневной жизни римской армии в контексте социальной, политической и культурной истории римской державы I в. до н. э. — III в. н. э. Подробно освещаются армейские будни и праздники, различные виды строительной деятельности, административно-полицейские функции, служебная рутина, учения и тренировки, повседневный быт и развлечения римских солдат, воссоздается как материальная среда, в которой существовало и действовало воинское сообщество, так и внутренние и внешние социальные связи, семейные и межличностные отношения, правовой и общественный статус, доходы и привилегии, корпоративная и групповая идентичность римских военных, характерная для них картина мира, система ценностей и социальная психология, религиозные верования. Для изложения всех этих аспектов наряду с литературными и юридическими источниками широко используются свидетельства надписей и папирусов, археологические данные, изобразительные памятники. При интерпретации материалов источников учитываются результаты новейших исследований по истории римской военной организации в эпоху принципата.

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Research paper thumbnail of Римские легионы в бою. М.: Эксмо; Яуза, 2012. – 512 с. (Легионы в бою. Римские войны) / Roman Legions in Battle

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Research paper thumbnail of Армия Римской империи. Очерки традиций и ментальности: Монография. Н. Новгород: Изд-во ННГУ, 2000 (The Army of the Roman Empire. Essays on Traditions and Mentality)

Книга посвящена исследованию социально-политических и военно-этических традиций римской император... more Книга посвящена исследованию социально-политических и военно-этических традиций римской императорской армии. Эти традиции трактуются как противоречивое единство древних полисно-республиканских установлений и реалий профессионального войска, представлявшего собой своеобразное корпоративное сообщество. В центре внимания автора — специфика римского воинского этоса, пронизанного "корпоративным духом" и основанного на особых стереотипах поведения и ценностях.'На основе широкого круга нарративных и документальных источников рассматривается морально-психологическое, аксиологическое и практическое значение традиций воинского товарищества и дисциплины, анализируются представления, связанные с воинскими доблестями, честью и славой, а также отношение солдат к воинским почестям и военным знаменам.

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Research paper thumbnail of Солдаты Римской империи. Традиции военной службы и воинская ментальность / Soldiers of the Roman empire. The Traditions of Military Service and Martial Mentality (English Summary)

Книга посвящена исследованию социально-политических и военно-этических традиций римской император... more Книга посвящена исследованию социально-политических и военно-этических традиций римской императорской армии (I в. до н. э. – III в. н. э.) на основе историко-антропологического и цивилизационного подходов. Эти традиции трактуются как противоречивое единство древних полисно-республиканских установлений и реалий профессионального войска, представлявшего собой своеобразное корпоративное сообщество, особый социальный организм и субъект политической истории. В центре внимания автора – специфика римского воинского этоса, пронизанного «корпоративным духом» и основанного на особых стереотипах поведения и ценностях. На основе широкого круга литературных и документальных источников рассматривается морально-психологическое, аксиологическое и практическое значение традиций воинского товарищества и дисциплины, анализируются представления, связанные с социально-политическими и моральными качествами воинов, воинскими доблестями, честью и славой, знаками отличия и военной карьерой, раскрывается взаимосвязь римского воинского этоса и армейской религии. Исследуются также механизмы и формы участия армии в политических процессах, взаимоотношения императора и войска.

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