Veritas Justitia | Universitas Katolik Parahyangan (original) (raw)
Papers by Veritas Justitia
This paper discusses the imposition of penal-administrative sanctions to recalcitrant tax payers.... more This paper discusses the imposition of penal-administrative sanctions to recalcitrant tax payers. Stress shall be given to the importance of legal (penal-administrative) sanctions as deterrence factor and a way to increase state earning from tax. A critical analysis shall be performed to the existing general rules and sanction mechanism as found in Law No. 20 of 2007 (general rules and procedures of taxation). Special attention shall be given to trade off made by the Prosecutor Office, on the basis of a request from the Ministry of Finance, i.e. cessation of on-going criminal investigation in return of tax payer agree to pay full amount of tax due plus punitive administrative sanction: four times the full amount due. On the basis of this critical analysis the author suggests a number of improvements to be made.
Not only natural persons but also corporations possess the ability to commit crimes. This observa... more Not only natural persons but also corporations possess the ability to commit crimes. This observation led the Indonesian government to develop policies to prevent and deter those crimes prone to be committed by corporations. A normative juridical research is performed to trace this development. As a conclusion the author argues that any programs of sustainable legal education for advocates should incorporate the subject matter of corporate crimes.
The Bandung Townhall apparently believed that development of housing apartments (condominium) is ... more The Bandung Townhall apparently believed that development of housing apartments (condominium) is the perfect solution to meet housing need of increasing urban population. However, quite a number of condominiums are constructed disregarding spatial or land use planning or building regulations. By using a socio-legal approach, the author attempts highlights a number of influencing factors explaining the violation of prevailing laws and regulations pertaining to land use, spatial planning as well as building regulations. Abstrak Pemerintah Kota kiranya percaya bahwa pembangunan kondominium adalah jawaban bagi permasalahan penyediaan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan tempat tinggal masyarakat kota, juga di Kota Bandung. Namun kerap terjadi pembangunan kondominium menyalahi peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan tata ruang, pemanfaatan tanah maupun aturan bangunan. Metoda sosio-legal digunakan untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan penyimpangan peraturan-peraturan terkait.
This paper discusses the extent to which indigenous people's (adat communities) rights has been a... more This paper discusses the extent to which indigenous people's (adat communities) rights has been accepted as part of the human right regime. The point is that even though the Indonesian constitution (Arts. 28B(2) and 28I(3) of the 1945 Constitution) guarantees the state recognition of their existence, rules and regulation containing what basic rights are given to adat (indigenous) populations remain scattered and fragmented. The author's main argument is that this legal situation should be considered unacceptable as it makes it extremely difficult to identify what exactly are the state's duties and responsibility in terms of protecting and meeting those basic rights.
This paper, using a juridical-normative approach, look into the evidentiary strength of medical r... more This paper, using a juridical-normative approach, look into the evidentiary strength of medical record and electronic medical records in relation to therapeutic transactions. The issue at hand, is that, on the one hand, hospitals and medical workers are under the legal obligation to make and keep confidential medical records and electronic medical records. On the other hand, judges are free to evaluate the evidentiary value and strength of both medical records and electronic medical records, given outside courts as written evidence or as part of expert witness statement.
Historical reality shows that Islam has, since centuries, been an inseparable part of societies l... more Historical reality shows that Islam has, since centuries, been an inseparable part of societies living in the Indonesian archipelago. Islamic law (fiqh) has been growing and developing during the high days of Islamic sultanates, Dutch-colonial times and independent Indonesia. The author, using a historical perspective, traces how Islamic law transforms during and with those changes. One important finding is that Indonesian independence has been an important turning point in Islamic law development. The state promulgated numerous laws and regulation allowing Moslems to use and implement Islamic law in various parts of their daily lives relating to marriage, inheritance, religious courts and lastly Islamic banking.
The author argues that in the absence of provisions explicitly regulating foreign peacetime milit... more The author argues that in the absence of provisions explicitly regulating foreign peacetime military activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of another states, disputes about this issue can be resolved only a case by case basis. This legal lacunae should be remedied. With that in mind, the author shall look at the negotiation process and the resulting provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. Subsequently, state practice related to the above activities shall be examined. By using both methods the author shall attempt to offer an interim solution to the problem at hand.
Revenge porn, characterized as indecent behavior (morally wrong behavior), is a new phenomenon in... more Revenge porn, characterized as indecent behavior (morally wrong behavior), is a new phenomenon in Indonesia. The author argues that it would be wrong to perceive this particular act simply as the crime of distributing pornographic material. Moreover, a formal-juridical understanding fails to provide protection and deliver justice to the victim of this particular act (revenge porn). As an alternative and to provide substantial justice, the author suggests to view revenge porn from a criminological outlook and social-cultural-structural approach. Abstrak Revenge Porn merupakan bentuk kejahatan kesusilaan yang mulai muncul di Indonesia. Tidaklah tepat menyamakan revenge porn begitu saja sebagai tindak pidana penyebarluasan informasi yang melanggar kesusilaan. Lagipula, pendekatan yuridis formal terhadap peristiwa yang dikualifikasi sebagai revenge porn hanya akan memunculkan ketidakadilan substantif bagi korban. Sebagai alternatif dan dalam rangka mewujudkan keadilan substantif, penulis menawarkan pemahaman kriminologis dan sosial-budaya-struktural atas bentuk kejahatan kesusilaan khusus ini. Kata kunci: revenge porn; kejahatan kesusilaan khusus; pendekatan sosial-budaya-struktural. Pendahuluan Revenge porn atau Pornografi sebagai balas dendam merupakan perbuatan pornografi dengan memanfaatkan kepemilikan materi pornografi yang diperoleh secara 'sah' namun disebarluaskan dengan tujuan 'balas dendam' setelah putus hubungan 1. Tujuan dari pelaku tidak hanya tersebarnya foto pornografi melainkan
The implementation of Article 156a Criminal Code on Blasphemy more often than not create and exac... more The implementation of Article 156a Criminal Code on Blasphemy more often than not create and exacerbate social tension between different religious groups. In a number of blasphemy cases, the majority or dominant (religious) groups are portrayed as victims. Apparently, the dominant group views heavily influenced the way this article is interpreted and implemented. In other words, how and when blasphemy is committed by minority groups. This article, using a socio-juridical approach, shall examine how the implementation and interpretation of the blasphemy article, influences Indonesian democratic life.
The main argument of this paper is that there is an urgent need in Indonesia to expand the Consti... more The main argument of this paper is that there is an urgent need in Indonesia to expand the Constitutional Court's authority. The Constitutional Court should in the future be empowered to examine and decide constitutional complaints: a legal avenue for citizens to defend their constitutional rights in case of violations. The author shall discuss to what extent this legal institution can successfully be transplanted into the Indonesian legal and state system and what socio-political barriers can be expected to arise. A comparative law method shall be utilized. Abstrak Argumentasi utama tulisan ini adalah perlu dan pentingnya memperluas kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk memeriksa dan memutus constitutional complaint. Upaya hukum ini sejatinya disediakan bagi warga Negara untuk membela diri bilamana hak-hak konstitusional mereka sebagai warga dilanggar. Akan ditelaah di sini sejauh mana upaya hukum tersebut akan sejalan dengan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia dan hambatan-hambatan sosial-politik apa yang dapat muncul. Kajian ini akan menggunakan perbandingan hukum sebagai metoda.
This article discusses the practice of individual and structural legal aid and how it has been co... more This article discusses the practice of individual and structural legal aid and how it has been contextu-alized within the dynamic of Indonesian politics and law making (especially related to Law No. 16 of 2011 re. Legal Aid). The main question addressed is the extent to which legal aid succeed in pushing real legal reform and contribute to the effort of realizing a just society. Unfortunately, the author discovers that legal reform initiated post Soeharto, initially held to be positive, failed to fulfills its intended goals. Instead law implementation and enforcement remains vulnerable to external pressure and in fact had been unable to stop ongoing human rights violations and widespread corruption.
Abstarct Basically ratification of the GPA for Indonesia is the opening of the Indonesian market ... more Abstarct Basically ratification of the GPA for Indonesia is the opening of the Indonesian market (market access) to the entrepreneur/companies from other countries, which means allowing entrepreneur/foreign companies to participate in the process of procurement of goods and services (PBJ) government in Indonesia. Similarly, the reverse with Indonesian companies. The existence of market acess makes the relation between national with international law. This is a reason of authors are interested to know further the relationship conformity with international law related to the readiness of the national Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) when Indonesia ratified the GPA views of the setting methods for selecting/ auction in the construction sector in national legislation. The method used is a normative juridical research and the purpose of research to give recommendation to the Ministry PUPR particularly regarding setting methods for selecting the procurement of construction services when Indonesia ratified the GPA. If viewed from the side PBJ arrangements in the Government in the field of construction, especially regarding the purpose, principles and method of election of, the results showed that Ministry PUPR not ready when Indonesia ratified the GPA, because there is a difference between setting purpose PBJ contained in Perpres No. 54/2010 and its amendments as well as Permen PU No 07/2010 and amendments that more give protection to national companies, while GPA has the open principle. In addition there are differences about the method of selecting good views of the types/forms (nomenclature) and its meaning. So that when Indonesia will ratify the GPA, the Government and the Ministry PUPR in particular need to make adjustments to the "purpose" of regulation PBJ as contained in the Perpres/Permen PU with "purpose" contained in the GPA. Similarly, adjustments to the forms (nomenclature) and the meaning of the audition method. Abstrak Pada dasarnya ratifikasi terhadap GPA bagi Indonesia adalah pembukaan pasar Indonesia (market access) kepada pengusaha/perusahaan dari negara lain, yang berarti mengizinkan pengusaha/perusahaan asing dapat ikut pada pengadaan barang jasa (PBJ) pemerintah di Indonesia. Begitu pula hal sebaliknya dengan perusahaan Indonesia. Adanya keterbukaan pasar menjadikan adanya keterkaitan antara hukum nasional dengan internasional. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih jauh kesesuaian hubungan hukum nasional dengan internasional terkait kesiapan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) bila Indonesia melakukan ratifikasi GPA dilihat dari pengaturan metode pemilihan/pelelangan dalam bidang konstruksi pada peraturan hukum nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan tujuan penelitian memberikan rekomendasi kepada Kementerian PUPR khususnya mengenai pengaturan metode pemilihan pada pengadaan jasa konstruksi bila Indonesia meratifikasi GPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bila dilihat dari sisi pengaturan PBJ di lingkungan Pemerintah pada bidang konstruksi khususnya
The promulgation of Law no. 23 of 2014 re. Local Government, strengthening local government's aut... more The promulgation of Law no. 23 of 2014 re. Local Government, strengthening local government's authority, is expected to provide a way out to the problem of how to harvest geothermal energy found in forest protected areas (within the jurisdiction of local government) to supply the increasing demand for electricity throughout Indonesia. For more than 10 years after the promulgation of Law no. 32 of 2004, the central government program to accelerate the utilization of geothermal energy source found within protected forest zones had come to a full stop. This article discusses the issue of how government authority (central-local) related to the above problem had been distributed and the existing tension between central-local government. The central government tendency to take back authorities previously granted to local authorities defies the whole effort at making government more accountable, efficient and prevention of externalities. Abstrak Penerbitan Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah diharapkan dapat menjawab persoalan penyediaan pasokan ketenagalistrikan di daerah melalui pemanfaatan energi panas bumi. Ini menjadi penting karena selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004, program percepatan pembangunan pembangkit listrik panas bumi dalam kawasan hutan terhenti. Tulisan ini hendak menelaah persoalan penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah di bidang penyediaan tenaga listrik serta tarik menarik kewenangan di bidang tersebut antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya resentralisasi kewenangan. Dipertaruhkan di sini adalah penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di tingkat lokal maupun pusat yang semestinya dilandaskan prinsip akuntabilitas, efisiensi dan penghindaran ekstenalitas. Kata Kunci: resentralisasi. otonomi seluas-luasnya. pembagian kewenangan. Pengantar Pada tahun 2006, hampir di semua wilayah pelosok desa di Pulau Jawa mengalami krisis pasokan ketenagalistrikan hingga terjadi pemadaman bergilir
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), made orally or in written form, is used as the basis for draft... more Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), made orally or in written form, is used as the basis for drafting a contract containing elaboration of the parties' specific rights and duties. MoU may thus be understood as a preliminary agreement to draft a contract. The author, starting from the Indonesian contract law, intend to analyze the extent to which MoU may be considered legally binding by the parties. To that purpose a comparison with how common law system recognize and regulate MoU will be considered necessary. The author's main argument is that, notwithstanding the fact that there is no rule explicitly recognizing or mentioning the name, MoU's containing the main understandings reached by parties should be treated as morally binding by the parties. Abstrak Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Nota Kesepahaman adalah dasar penyusunan kontrak yang didasarkan pada hasil permufakatan para pihak baik, yang dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis maupun lisan. Hasil permufakatan ini mendahului pembuatan perjanjian yang lebih terperinci yang memuat hak dan kewajiban para pihak. Penulis di sini hendak menganalisis kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat memorandum of understanding (MoU) berdasarkan hukum perjanjian di Indonesia serta membandingkannya dengan keberlakuan MoU dalam sistem hukum common law. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik ialah bahwa MoU sebagai nota kepahaman memuat kesepakatan dalam pokok-pokoknya saja dan dalam sistem hukum perikatan Indonesia tetap harus dipandang mengikat setidaknya pada tataran moral. Kata Kunci: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), kontrak-perjanjian. Pengantar Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum yaitu negara yang berlandaskan pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dan dijadikan pedoman dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Peraturan-peraturan tersebut bertujuan tercapainya masyarakat Indonesia yang baik, tentram dan damai. Hukum perjanjian merupakan bagian dari hukum di Negara Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan kesepakatan antara pihak satu dengan pihak lainnya. Perjanjian dapat dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, baik para pihak di dalam negara maupun antar Negara. Di era globalisasi ini, dengan perkembangan bisnis yang sangat pesat, negara-negara (khususnya ASEAN) melakukan perjanjian dengan tujuan
Domestic violence had been and is still underreported. Inhibiting factor is the widely held perce... more Domestic violence had been and is still underreported. Inhibiting factor is the widely held perception that outside intervention in cases of domestic violence is unwelcome and asking outside help will bring shame to the family. It is and should be treated by family members among themselves. To make matter worse, there is the general tendency to shift the blame to the victim. This article discusses domestic violence, especially those directed against women, from the legal (normative) as well as criminological perspective. It is telling that after its recognition as a special crime by virtue of the Penal Code (in general terms) and by Law no. 23 of 2004 re. abolition of domestic violence, the public perception shifted for the better. Consequently, more and more victims of domestic violence, with the support of their families, report their case to the police. Abstrak Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga umumnya sulit untuk terungkap dan jarang dilaporkan dan diperiksa sebagai tindak pidana. Selain dianggap urusan internal dan pelaporan membuat malu keluarga, masyarakat cenderung pula menyalahkan korban. Tulisan ini akan menyoroti fenomena kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, khususnya terhadap perempuan, baik dari sudut pandang pengaturannya di dalam hukum maupun dari perspektif kriminologis. Dapat dicermati bahwa sejak pengaturannya sebagai kejahatan baik secara umum di dalam KUHPidana dan kemudian secara khusus di dalam Undang-Undang No. 23 tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga persepsi umum masyarakat tentang KDRT mengalami perubahan.. Hal ini terbukti dari meningkatnya laporan tentang laporan KDRT. Kata Kunci: Kriminologi, Kekerasan terhadap perempuan, KDRT. Pengantar Keutuhan dan kerukunan rumah tangga yang bahagia, aman, dan damai merupakan dambaan setiap orang dalam rumah tangga. Untuk mewujudkan keutuhan dan kerukunan tersebut sangat tergantung pada setiap orang dalam lingkup rumah tangga, terutama kadar kualitas perilaku dan pengendalian diri setiap orang dalam lingkup rumah tangga tersebut. Keutuhan dan kerukunan keluarga dapat terganggu jika kualitas dan pengendalian diri tidak dapat
This article analyses issues related to the implementation of fee liberalization by the ASEAN Eco... more This article analyses issues related to the implementation of fee liberalization by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and its effect to the legal service business sector. Indonesian lawyers, as a consequence, will then have to compete with foreign legal service providers. It is assumed that through fair and transparent competition a more accountable business atmosphere can be created. However, a number of legal regulations at the national level establishes non-trade barriers, effectively obstructing the AEC' market liberalization project. The authors standing here is that the policy of protecting domestic lawyers or advocates should be rescinded and to that purpose Indonesia should amend the prevailing Law on Advocate. Abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menganalisis penerapan " liberalisasi fee " dalam konteks Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang membuka pasar perdagangan jasa hukum dan sekaligus memaksa advokat Indonesia untuk turut berkompetisi dengan advokat asing di Indonesia. Diandaikan bahwa dengan kompetisi yang fair dan transparan akan tercipta peluang usaha yang akuntable. Namun demikian, sejumlah ketentuan dalam perundang-undangan nasional justru menghambat liberalisasi legal services di Indonesia. Titik tolak tulisan ini adalah sudah tidak masanya lagi Indonesia mempertahankan kebijakan 'melindungi advokat local-nasional' dari keterbukaan pasar MEA melalui ketentuan-ketentuan dalam perundang-undangan nasional terutama Undang-Undang Advokat. Kata Kunci: liberalisasi Fee. Advokat Asing. Advokat yang Akuntable. Pengantar Arus Bebas Jasa (Free Flows of Services), termasuk Jasa Keuangan di dalamnya, telah dicanangkan oleh para pemimpin negara-negara ASEAN sebagai salah satu pilar utama dari pembentukan satu pasar tunggal dan basis produksi di kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang disebut sebagai Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (ASEAN Economic Community atau AEC). Cetak biru AEC 2015 menyebutkan bahwa liberalisasi sektor jasa dimaksudkan untuk menghilangkan hambatan penyediaan jasa oleh pemasok ataupun pendirian jasa baru lintas negara di kawasan ASEAN dengan tetap tunduk pada regulasi domestik.
In this current digital era, the issue how to protect private-personal electronic or digital data... more In this current digital era, the issue how to protect private-personal electronic or digital data creates the need for the recognition of a new legal right (right to be forgotten/right to delete). Legal recognition of this right must be balanced with the duty of internet service provider to control and monitor the dispersion of negative content (resulting in copyright infringements, infringements of the sanctity of personal-private data, etc.). With the amendment of Law No. 11 of 2008 re. Electronic Information and Transactions, it becomes appropriate to discuss the right to be forgotten in terms of moral principles. The existence of this moral right is reflected in the legal protection of copyright as well as protection of private-personal data. The main argument here is that moral principle or right as part of natural law should be used to explain the existence and importance of the right to be forgotten. Abstrak Di era digital sekarang ini, persoalan bagaimana melindungi data memunculkan konsep hukum baru yaitu hak untuk dilupakan (right to be forgotten/right to delete). Pengaturan tentang hak untuk dilupakan perlu diiringi pembebanan kewajiban kepada penyelenggara sistem elektronik untuk membuat mekanisme kontrol terhadap penyebaran konten negatif (pelanggaran hak cipta, data pribadi atau lainnya). Dengan dimasukkannya ketentuan tentang hak untuk dilupakan ke dalam amandemen Undang-undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, maka relevan membahas hak untuk dilupakan ini sebagai prinsip atau hak moral yang juga tercermin dalam perlindungan hak cipta maupun perlindungan atas data pribadi. Argumen utama di sini adalah bahwa adanya prinsip atau hak moral sebagai bagian hukum kodrat menjadi titik tolak untuk menjelaskan adanya hak untuk dilupakan.
The purpose of this article is to discuss, from the perspective of cyber law, the relevant rules ... more The purpose of this article is to discuss, from the perspective of cyber law, the relevant rules and regulation as found in the prevailing law on copyright (Law No. 28 of 2014) and how it provides effective protection to copyright creations. The author shall highlight the most important rules and norms or principles. The discussion shows that a number of rules in the Law No. 28 of 2014 has not been able to fully accommodate the need to respond to new development in virtual technology. A number of issues concerning who enjoy protection, the object being protected, registration system, period of protection, restriction on copyright and its relation to educational interest and scientific research still needs to be regulated in detail.
Since 1997 Indonesia possessed a Law specifically regulating child court (Law No. 3 of 1997). The... more Since 1997 Indonesia possessed a Law specifically regulating child court (Law No. 3 of 1997). The law's perspective, however, was still based on retributive justice. This was apparent in how the court handles juvenile delinquents. To provide better protection to the handling of children before criminal courts, the government amended Law No. 3 of 1997 by Law No. 11 of 2012 re. Juvenile Court System. This new law was founded upon the theory of restorative justice and provide for diversion. Diversion is used to prevent children from being sent to prison and in general purports to improve societal condition. This article discusses problems related to the use of diversion. One recommendation offered is that diversion should be taken into consideration without discrimination, not only in the case the penal sanction is below 7 years (imprisonment) but also above this number. In deciding the need for diversion, while also taking into consideration the seriousness of the crime committed, expediency should also be a deciding factor. Abstrak Sejak 1997 Indonesia memiliki UU khusus tentang pengadilan anak (Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997). Namun landasan pikir yang digunakan masihlah keadilan retributif (pembalasan), yakni ketika Undang-Undang ini digunakan dalam menangani anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum (ABH). Untuk meningkatkan perlindungan hukum bagi anak (sebagai pelaku pidana: ABH), maka Undang-Undang No. 3 tahun 1997 dicabut dan digantikan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak (UUSPPA) yang menggunakan teori keadilan restoratif melalui upaya diversi. Tujuannya adalah menghindarkan anak dari hukuman penjara secara khusus, dan perbaikan kondisi masyarakat secara umum. Tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan persoalan yang terkait dengan diversi. Satu rekomendasi penting yang dapat diajukan ialah bahwa diversi seharusnya diwajibkan tidak hanya untuk ancaman pidana di bawah 7 (tujuh) tahun tapi juga di atas 7 (tujuh) tahun tanpa pembedaan. Berat atau ringannya pidana yang dilakukan sebagai pertimbangan penegak hukum untuk diversi seharusnya didasarkan pada kemanfaatan dan tidak dibatasi oleh UUSPPA itu sendiri.
The common but differentiated responsibility is or will become an important principle of internat... more The common but differentiated responsibility is or will become an important principle of international environmental law, specifically related to the management of tropical rain forest. The issue at hand is how this principle is understood by developing states, which by its geographical position, is entrusted with the responbility to manage tropical rain forest. In this article the author traces the reason justifying the differentiation of (international) responsibilities and attempts to relate this (misunderstanding ng of the principle to Indonesia' s unwillingness or inability to manage its tropical rain forest. Abstrak Gagasan Common but Differentiated Responsibility ditengarai sudah atau akan menjadi prinsip penting dalam hukum lingkungan internasional, khususnya berkaitan dengan pengelolaan hutan hujan tropika. Persoalannya adalah bagaimana prinsip CBDR ini dimaknai terutama oleh Negara-negara yang karena posisi geografis menguasai hutan hujan tropika. Tulisan ini menelusuri rationale dibalik pembedaan tanggungjawab (hukum) internasional antara negara maju dengan Negara berkembang dan mencoba mengaitkannya pada ketidak (mau-an atau sanggupan) Negara Indonesia mengelola dengan baik hutan hujan tropika yang berada di bawah kedaulatan teritorialnya. Kata kunci: common but differentiated responsibility, pengelolaan hutan tropis. Pengantar Kawasan hutan hujan tropika (tropical rain forest) hanya dapat ditemukan di negara-negara yang berada di bentangan khatulistiwa, terutama Indonesia dan Brazil. Hutan hujan tropika ditengarai merupakan paru-paru bumi dan situs bagi kekayaan alam (flora-fauna) yang sudah atau belum tereksploitasi berupa 1 Tulisan ini merupakan rangkuman dari bagian disertasi yang disampaikan dalam Seminar Kemajuan Penelitian pada Mei 2016 dan ditulis ulang oleh Tristam P. Moeliono sebagai kenangan akan alm. Ibu Sri Rahayu Oktoberina, dosen Fakultas Hukum UNPAR dan mahasiswa Program Doktoral UNPAR. Beliau meninggal sebelum sempat menuntaskan program doktoralnya di bawah bimbingan Huala Adolf (UNPAD) dan Tristam P. Moeliono (UNPAR).
This paper discusses the imposition of penal-administrative sanctions to recalcitrant tax payers.... more This paper discusses the imposition of penal-administrative sanctions to recalcitrant tax payers. Stress shall be given to the importance of legal (penal-administrative) sanctions as deterrence factor and a way to increase state earning from tax. A critical analysis shall be performed to the existing general rules and sanction mechanism as found in Law No. 20 of 2007 (general rules and procedures of taxation). Special attention shall be given to trade off made by the Prosecutor Office, on the basis of a request from the Ministry of Finance, i.e. cessation of on-going criminal investigation in return of tax payer agree to pay full amount of tax due plus punitive administrative sanction: four times the full amount due. On the basis of this critical analysis the author suggests a number of improvements to be made.
Not only natural persons but also corporations possess the ability to commit crimes. This observa... more Not only natural persons but also corporations possess the ability to commit crimes. This observation led the Indonesian government to develop policies to prevent and deter those crimes prone to be committed by corporations. A normative juridical research is performed to trace this development. As a conclusion the author argues that any programs of sustainable legal education for advocates should incorporate the subject matter of corporate crimes.
The Bandung Townhall apparently believed that development of housing apartments (condominium) is ... more The Bandung Townhall apparently believed that development of housing apartments (condominium) is the perfect solution to meet housing need of increasing urban population. However, quite a number of condominiums are constructed disregarding spatial or land use planning or building regulations. By using a socio-legal approach, the author attempts highlights a number of influencing factors explaining the violation of prevailing laws and regulations pertaining to land use, spatial planning as well as building regulations. Abstrak Pemerintah Kota kiranya percaya bahwa pembangunan kondominium adalah jawaban bagi permasalahan penyediaan dan pemenuhan kebutuhan tempat tinggal masyarakat kota, juga di Kota Bandung. Namun kerap terjadi pembangunan kondominium menyalahi peraturan perundang-undangan yang terkait dengan tata ruang, pemanfaatan tanah maupun aturan bangunan. Metoda sosio-legal digunakan untuk mengungkap faktor-faktor yang menyebabkan penyimpangan peraturan-peraturan terkait.
This paper discusses the extent to which indigenous people's (adat communities) rights has been a... more This paper discusses the extent to which indigenous people's (adat communities) rights has been accepted as part of the human right regime. The point is that even though the Indonesian constitution (Arts. 28B(2) and 28I(3) of the 1945 Constitution) guarantees the state recognition of their existence, rules and regulation containing what basic rights are given to adat (indigenous) populations remain scattered and fragmented. The author's main argument is that this legal situation should be considered unacceptable as it makes it extremely difficult to identify what exactly are the state's duties and responsibility in terms of protecting and meeting those basic rights.
This paper, using a juridical-normative approach, look into the evidentiary strength of medical r... more This paper, using a juridical-normative approach, look into the evidentiary strength of medical record and electronic medical records in relation to therapeutic transactions. The issue at hand, is that, on the one hand, hospitals and medical workers are under the legal obligation to make and keep confidential medical records and electronic medical records. On the other hand, judges are free to evaluate the evidentiary value and strength of both medical records and electronic medical records, given outside courts as written evidence or as part of expert witness statement.
Historical reality shows that Islam has, since centuries, been an inseparable part of societies l... more Historical reality shows that Islam has, since centuries, been an inseparable part of societies living in the Indonesian archipelago. Islamic law (fiqh) has been growing and developing during the high days of Islamic sultanates, Dutch-colonial times and independent Indonesia. The author, using a historical perspective, traces how Islamic law transforms during and with those changes. One important finding is that Indonesian independence has been an important turning point in Islamic law development. The state promulgated numerous laws and regulation allowing Moslems to use and implement Islamic law in various parts of their daily lives relating to marriage, inheritance, religious courts and lastly Islamic banking.
The author argues that in the absence of provisions explicitly regulating foreign peacetime milit... more The author argues that in the absence of provisions explicitly regulating foreign peacetime military activities in the Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ) of another states, disputes about this issue can be resolved only a case by case basis. This legal lacunae should be remedied. With that in mind, the author shall look at the negotiation process and the resulting provisions of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) 1982. Subsequently, state practice related to the above activities shall be examined. By using both methods the author shall attempt to offer an interim solution to the problem at hand.
Revenge porn, characterized as indecent behavior (morally wrong behavior), is a new phenomenon in... more Revenge porn, characterized as indecent behavior (morally wrong behavior), is a new phenomenon in Indonesia. The author argues that it would be wrong to perceive this particular act simply as the crime of distributing pornographic material. Moreover, a formal-juridical understanding fails to provide protection and deliver justice to the victim of this particular act (revenge porn). As an alternative and to provide substantial justice, the author suggests to view revenge porn from a criminological outlook and social-cultural-structural approach. Abstrak Revenge Porn merupakan bentuk kejahatan kesusilaan yang mulai muncul di Indonesia. Tidaklah tepat menyamakan revenge porn begitu saja sebagai tindak pidana penyebarluasan informasi yang melanggar kesusilaan. Lagipula, pendekatan yuridis formal terhadap peristiwa yang dikualifikasi sebagai revenge porn hanya akan memunculkan ketidakadilan substantif bagi korban. Sebagai alternatif dan dalam rangka mewujudkan keadilan substantif, penulis menawarkan pemahaman kriminologis dan sosial-budaya-struktural atas bentuk kejahatan kesusilaan khusus ini. Kata kunci: revenge porn; kejahatan kesusilaan khusus; pendekatan sosial-budaya-struktural. Pendahuluan Revenge porn atau Pornografi sebagai balas dendam merupakan perbuatan pornografi dengan memanfaatkan kepemilikan materi pornografi yang diperoleh secara 'sah' namun disebarluaskan dengan tujuan 'balas dendam' setelah putus hubungan 1. Tujuan dari pelaku tidak hanya tersebarnya foto pornografi melainkan
The implementation of Article 156a Criminal Code on Blasphemy more often than not create and exac... more The implementation of Article 156a Criminal Code on Blasphemy more often than not create and exacerbate social tension between different religious groups. In a number of blasphemy cases, the majority or dominant (religious) groups are portrayed as victims. Apparently, the dominant group views heavily influenced the way this article is interpreted and implemented. In other words, how and when blasphemy is committed by minority groups. This article, using a socio-juridical approach, shall examine how the implementation and interpretation of the blasphemy article, influences Indonesian democratic life.
The main argument of this paper is that there is an urgent need in Indonesia to expand the Consti... more The main argument of this paper is that there is an urgent need in Indonesia to expand the Constitutional Court's authority. The Constitutional Court should in the future be empowered to examine and decide constitutional complaints: a legal avenue for citizens to defend their constitutional rights in case of violations. The author shall discuss to what extent this legal institution can successfully be transplanted into the Indonesian legal and state system and what socio-political barriers can be expected to arise. A comparative law method shall be utilized. Abstrak Argumentasi utama tulisan ini adalah perlu dan pentingnya memperluas kewenangan Mahkamah Konstitusi untuk memeriksa dan memutus constitutional complaint. Upaya hukum ini sejatinya disediakan bagi warga Negara untuk membela diri bilamana hak-hak konstitusional mereka sebagai warga dilanggar. Akan ditelaah di sini sejauh mana upaya hukum tersebut akan sejalan dengan sistem ketatanegaraan Indonesia dan hambatan-hambatan sosial-politik apa yang dapat muncul. Kajian ini akan menggunakan perbandingan hukum sebagai metoda.
This article discusses the practice of individual and structural legal aid and how it has been co... more This article discusses the practice of individual and structural legal aid and how it has been contextu-alized within the dynamic of Indonesian politics and law making (especially related to Law No. 16 of 2011 re. Legal Aid). The main question addressed is the extent to which legal aid succeed in pushing real legal reform and contribute to the effort of realizing a just society. Unfortunately, the author discovers that legal reform initiated post Soeharto, initially held to be positive, failed to fulfills its intended goals. Instead law implementation and enforcement remains vulnerable to external pressure and in fact had been unable to stop ongoing human rights violations and widespread corruption.
Abstarct Basically ratification of the GPA for Indonesia is the opening of the Indonesian market ... more Abstarct Basically ratification of the GPA for Indonesia is the opening of the Indonesian market (market access) to the entrepreneur/companies from other countries, which means allowing entrepreneur/foreign companies to participate in the process of procurement of goods and services (PBJ) government in Indonesia. Similarly, the reverse with Indonesian companies. The existence of market acess makes the relation between national with international law. This is a reason of authors are interested to know further the relationship conformity with international law related to the readiness of the national Ministry of Public Works and Public Housing (PUPR) when Indonesia ratified the GPA views of the setting methods for selecting/ auction in the construction sector in national legislation. The method used is a normative juridical research and the purpose of research to give recommendation to the Ministry PUPR particularly regarding setting methods for selecting the procurement of construction services when Indonesia ratified the GPA. If viewed from the side PBJ arrangements in the Government in the field of construction, especially regarding the purpose, principles and method of election of, the results showed that Ministry PUPR not ready when Indonesia ratified the GPA, because there is a difference between setting purpose PBJ contained in Perpres No. 54/2010 and its amendments as well as Permen PU No 07/2010 and amendments that more give protection to national companies, while GPA has the open principle. In addition there are differences about the method of selecting good views of the types/forms (nomenclature) and its meaning. So that when Indonesia will ratify the GPA, the Government and the Ministry PUPR in particular need to make adjustments to the "purpose" of regulation PBJ as contained in the Perpres/Permen PU with "purpose" contained in the GPA. Similarly, adjustments to the forms (nomenclature) and the meaning of the audition method. Abstrak Pada dasarnya ratifikasi terhadap GPA bagi Indonesia adalah pembukaan pasar Indonesia (market access) kepada pengusaha/perusahaan dari negara lain, yang berarti mengizinkan pengusaha/perusahaan asing dapat ikut pada pengadaan barang jasa (PBJ) pemerintah di Indonesia. Begitu pula hal sebaliknya dengan perusahaan Indonesia. Adanya keterbukaan pasar menjadikan adanya keterkaitan antara hukum nasional dengan internasional. Hal inilah yang menyebabkan penulis tertarik untuk meneliti lebih jauh kesesuaian hubungan hukum nasional dengan internasional terkait kesiapan Kementerian Pekerjaan Umum dan Perumahan Rakyat (PUPR) bila Indonesia melakukan ratifikasi GPA dilihat dari pengaturan metode pemilihan/pelelangan dalam bidang konstruksi pada peraturan hukum nasional. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah yuridis normatif dengan tujuan penelitian memberikan rekomendasi kepada Kementerian PUPR khususnya mengenai pengaturan metode pemilihan pada pengadaan jasa konstruksi bila Indonesia meratifikasi GPA. Hasil penelitian menunjukan bila dilihat dari sisi pengaturan PBJ di lingkungan Pemerintah pada bidang konstruksi khususnya
The promulgation of Law no. 23 of 2014 re. Local Government, strengthening local government's aut... more The promulgation of Law no. 23 of 2014 re. Local Government, strengthening local government's authority, is expected to provide a way out to the problem of how to harvest geothermal energy found in forest protected areas (within the jurisdiction of local government) to supply the increasing demand for electricity throughout Indonesia. For more than 10 years after the promulgation of Law no. 32 of 2004, the central government program to accelerate the utilization of geothermal energy source found within protected forest zones had come to a full stop. This article discusses the issue of how government authority (central-local) related to the above problem had been distributed and the existing tension between central-local government. The central government tendency to take back authorities previously granted to local authorities defies the whole effort at making government more accountable, efficient and prevention of externalities. Abstrak Penerbitan Undang-Undang No. 23 Tahun 2014 tentang Pemerintah Daerah diharapkan dapat menjawab persoalan penyediaan pasokan ketenagalistrikan di daerah melalui pemanfaatan energi panas bumi. Ini menjadi penting karena selama lebih dari sepuluh tahun sejak berlakunya Undang-Undang No. 32 Tahun 2004, program percepatan pembangunan pembangkit listrik panas bumi dalam kawasan hutan terhenti. Tulisan ini hendak menelaah persoalan penyelenggaraan otonomi daerah di bidang penyediaan tenaga listrik serta tarik menarik kewenangan di bidang tersebut antara pemerintah pusat dengan pemerintah daerah yang ditunjukkan dengan adanya resentralisasi kewenangan. Dipertaruhkan di sini adalah penyelenggaraan pemerintahan di tingkat lokal maupun pusat yang semestinya dilandaskan prinsip akuntabilitas, efisiensi dan penghindaran ekstenalitas. Kata Kunci: resentralisasi. otonomi seluas-luasnya. pembagian kewenangan. Pengantar Pada tahun 2006, hampir di semua wilayah pelosok desa di Pulau Jawa mengalami krisis pasokan ketenagalistrikan hingga terjadi pemadaman bergilir
Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), made orally or in written form, is used as the basis for draft... more Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), made orally or in written form, is used as the basis for drafting a contract containing elaboration of the parties' specific rights and duties. MoU may thus be understood as a preliminary agreement to draft a contract. The author, starting from the Indonesian contract law, intend to analyze the extent to which MoU may be considered legally binding by the parties. To that purpose a comparison with how common law system recognize and regulate MoU will be considered necessary. The author's main argument is that, notwithstanding the fact that there is no rule explicitly recognizing or mentioning the name, MoU's containing the main understandings reached by parties should be treated as morally binding by the parties. Abstrak Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) atau dalam bahasa Indonesia disebut Nota Kesepahaman adalah dasar penyusunan kontrak yang didasarkan pada hasil permufakatan para pihak baik, yang dituangkan dalam bentuk tertulis maupun lisan. Hasil permufakatan ini mendahului pembuatan perjanjian yang lebih terperinci yang memuat hak dan kewajiban para pihak. Penulis di sini hendak menganalisis kedudukan dan kekuatan mengikat memorandum of understanding (MoU) berdasarkan hukum perjanjian di Indonesia serta membandingkannya dengan keberlakuan MoU dalam sistem hukum common law. Kesimpulan yang dapat ditarik ialah bahwa MoU sebagai nota kepahaman memuat kesepakatan dalam pokok-pokoknya saja dan dalam sistem hukum perikatan Indonesia tetap harus dipandang mengikat setidaknya pada tataran moral. Kata Kunci: Memorandum of Understanding (MoU), kontrak-perjanjian. Pengantar Negara Indonesia adalah negara hukum yaitu negara yang berlandaskan pada peraturan perundang-undangan yang telah ditetapkan oleh pemerintah dan dijadikan pedoman dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Peraturan-peraturan tersebut bertujuan tercapainya masyarakat Indonesia yang baik, tentram dan damai. Hukum perjanjian merupakan bagian dari hukum di Negara Indonesia yang berkaitan dengan kesepakatan antara pihak satu dengan pihak lainnya. Perjanjian dapat dilakukan oleh berbagai pihak, baik para pihak di dalam negara maupun antar Negara. Di era globalisasi ini, dengan perkembangan bisnis yang sangat pesat, negara-negara (khususnya ASEAN) melakukan perjanjian dengan tujuan
Domestic violence had been and is still underreported. Inhibiting factor is the widely held perce... more Domestic violence had been and is still underreported. Inhibiting factor is the widely held perception that outside intervention in cases of domestic violence is unwelcome and asking outside help will bring shame to the family. It is and should be treated by family members among themselves. To make matter worse, there is the general tendency to shift the blame to the victim. This article discusses domestic violence, especially those directed against women, from the legal (normative) as well as criminological perspective. It is telling that after its recognition as a special crime by virtue of the Penal Code (in general terms) and by Law no. 23 of 2004 re. abolition of domestic violence, the public perception shifted for the better. Consequently, more and more victims of domestic violence, with the support of their families, report their case to the police. Abstrak Kekerasan dalam rumah tangga umumnya sulit untuk terungkap dan jarang dilaporkan dan diperiksa sebagai tindak pidana. Selain dianggap urusan internal dan pelaporan membuat malu keluarga, masyarakat cenderung pula menyalahkan korban. Tulisan ini akan menyoroti fenomena kekerasan dalam rumah tangga, khususnya terhadap perempuan, baik dari sudut pandang pengaturannya di dalam hukum maupun dari perspektif kriminologis. Dapat dicermati bahwa sejak pengaturannya sebagai kejahatan baik secara umum di dalam KUHPidana dan kemudian secara khusus di dalam Undang-Undang No. 23 tahun 2004 tentang Penghapusan Kekerasan Dalam Rumah Tangga persepsi umum masyarakat tentang KDRT mengalami perubahan.. Hal ini terbukti dari meningkatnya laporan tentang laporan KDRT. Kata Kunci: Kriminologi, Kekerasan terhadap perempuan, KDRT. Pengantar Keutuhan dan kerukunan rumah tangga yang bahagia, aman, dan damai merupakan dambaan setiap orang dalam rumah tangga. Untuk mewujudkan keutuhan dan kerukunan tersebut sangat tergantung pada setiap orang dalam lingkup rumah tangga, terutama kadar kualitas perilaku dan pengendalian diri setiap orang dalam lingkup rumah tangga tersebut. Keutuhan dan kerukunan keluarga dapat terganggu jika kualitas dan pengendalian diri tidak dapat
This article analyses issues related to the implementation of fee liberalization by the ASEAN Eco... more This article analyses issues related to the implementation of fee liberalization by the ASEAN Economic Community (AEC) and its effect to the legal service business sector. Indonesian lawyers, as a consequence, will then have to compete with foreign legal service providers. It is assumed that through fair and transparent competition a more accountable business atmosphere can be created. However, a number of legal regulations at the national level establishes non-trade barriers, effectively obstructing the AEC' market liberalization project. The authors standing here is that the policy of protecting domestic lawyers or advocates should be rescinded and to that purpose Indonesia should amend the prevailing Law on Advocate. Abstrak Tujuan tulisan ini adalah menganalisis penerapan " liberalisasi fee " dalam konteks Masyarakat Ekonomi Asean (MEA) yang membuka pasar perdagangan jasa hukum dan sekaligus memaksa advokat Indonesia untuk turut berkompetisi dengan advokat asing di Indonesia. Diandaikan bahwa dengan kompetisi yang fair dan transparan akan tercipta peluang usaha yang akuntable. Namun demikian, sejumlah ketentuan dalam perundang-undangan nasional justru menghambat liberalisasi legal services di Indonesia. Titik tolak tulisan ini adalah sudah tidak masanya lagi Indonesia mempertahankan kebijakan 'melindungi advokat local-nasional' dari keterbukaan pasar MEA melalui ketentuan-ketentuan dalam perundang-undangan nasional terutama Undang-Undang Advokat. Kata Kunci: liberalisasi Fee. Advokat Asing. Advokat yang Akuntable. Pengantar Arus Bebas Jasa (Free Flows of Services), termasuk Jasa Keuangan di dalamnya, telah dicanangkan oleh para pemimpin negara-negara ASEAN sebagai salah satu pilar utama dari pembentukan satu pasar tunggal dan basis produksi di kawasan Asia Tenggara, yang disebut sebagai Masyarakat Ekonomi ASEAN (ASEAN Economic Community atau AEC). Cetak biru AEC 2015 menyebutkan bahwa liberalisasi sektor jasa dimaksudkan untuk menghilangkan hambatan penyediaan jasa oleh pemasok ataupun pendirian jasa baru lintas negara di kawasan ASEAN dengan tetap tunduk pada regulasi domestik.
In this current digital era, the issue how to protect private-personal electronic or digital data... more In this current digital era, the issue how to protect private-personal electronic or digital data creates the need for the recognition of a new legal right (right to be forgotten/right to delete). Legal recognition of this right must be balanced with the duty of internet service provider to control and monitor the dispersion of negative content (resulting in copyright infringements, infringements of the sanctity of personal-private data, etc.). With the amendment of Law No. 11 of 2008 re. Electronic Information and Transactions, it becomes appropriate to discuss the right to be forgotten in terms of moral principles. The existence of this moral right is reflected in the legal protection of copyright as well as protection of private-personal data. The main argument here is that moral principle or right as part of natural law should be used to explain the existence and importance of the right to be forgotten. Abstrak Di era digital sekarang ini, persoalan bagaimana melindungi data memunculkan konsep hukum baru yaitu hak untuk dilupakan (right to be forgotten/right to delete). Pengaturan tentang hak untuk dilupakan perlu diiringi pembebanan kewajiban kepada penyelenggara sistem elektronik untuk membuat mekanisme kontrol terhadap penyebaran konten negatif (pelanggaran hak cipta, data pribadi atau lainnya). Dengan dimasukkannya ketentuan tentang hak untuk dilupakan ke dalam amandemen Undang-undang No. 11 Tahun 2008 tentang Informasi dan Transaksi Elektronik, maka relevan membahas hak untuk dilupakan ini sebagai prinsip atau hak moral yang juga tercermin dalam perlindungan hak cipta maupun perlindungan atas data pribadi. Argumen utama di sini adalah bahwa adanya prinsip atau hak moral sebagai bagian hukum kodrat menjadi titik tolak untuk menjelaskan adanya hak untuk dilupakan.
The purpose of this article is to discuss, from the perspective of cyber law, the relevant rules ... more The purpose of this article is to discuss, from the perspective of cyber law, the relevant rules and regulation as found in the prevailing law on copyright (Law No. 28 of 2014) and how it provides effective protection to copyright creations. The author shall highlight the most important rules and norms or principles. The discussion shows that a number of rules in the Law No. 28 of 2014 has not been able to fully accommodate the need to respond to new development in virtual technology. A number of issues concerning who enjoy protection, the object being protected, registration system, period of protection, restriction on copyright and its relation to educational interest and scientific research still needs to be regulated in detail.
Since 1997 Indonesia possessed a Law specifically regulating child court (Law No. 3 of 1997). The... more Since 1997 Indonesia possessed a Law specifically regulating child court (Law No. 3 of 1997). The law's perspective, however, was still based on retributive justice. This was apparent in how the court handles juvenile delinquents. To provide better protection to the handling of children before criminal courts, the government amended Law No. 3 of 1997 by Law No. 11 of 2012 re. Juvenile Court System. This new law was founded upon the theory of restorative justice and provide for diversion. Diversion is used to prevent children from being sent to prison and in general purports to improve societal condition. This article discusses problems related to the use of diversion. One recommendation offered is that diversion should be taken into consideration without discrimination, not only in the case the penal sanction is below 7 years (imprisonment) but also above this number. In deciding the need for diversion, while also taking into consideration the seriousness of the crime committed, expediency should also be a deciding factor. Abstrak Sejak 1997 Indonesia memiliki UU khusus tentang pengadilan anak (Undang-Undang Nomor 3 Tahun 1997). Namun landasan pikir yang digunakan masihlah keadilan retributif (pembalasan), yakni ketika Undang-Undang ini digunakan dalam menangani anak yang berhadapan dengan hukum (ABH). Untuk meningkatkan perlindungan hukum bagi anak (sebagai pelaku pidana: ABH), maka Undang-Undang No. 3 tahun 1997 dicabut dan digantikan oleh Undang-Undang Nomor 11 Tahun 2012 tentang Sistem Peradilan Pidana Anak (UUSPPA) yang menggunakan teori keadilan restoratif melalui upaya diversi. Tujuannya adalah menghindarkan anak dari hukuman penjara secara khusus, dan perbaikan kondisi masyarakat secara umum. Tulisan ini akan mendiskusikan persoalan yang terkait dengan diversi. Satu rekomendasi penting yang dapat diajukan ialah bahwa diversi seharusnya diwajibkan tidak hanya untuk ancaman pidana di bawah 7 (tujuh) tahun tapi juga di atas 7 (tujuh) tahun tanpa pembedaan. Berat atau ringannya pidana yang dilakukan sebagai pertimbangan penegak hukum untuk diversi seharusnya didasarkan pada kemanfaatan dan tidak dibatasi oleh UUSPPA itu sendiri.
The common but differentiated responsibility is or will become an important principle of internat... more The common but differentiated responsibility is or will become an important principle of international environmental law, specifically related to the management of tropical rain forest. The issue at hand is how this principle is understood by developing states, which by its geographical position, is entrusted with the responbility to manage tropical rain forest. In this article the author traces the reason justifying the differentiation of (international) responsibilities and attempts to relate this (misunderstanding ng of the principle to Indonesia' s unwillingness or inability to manage its tropical rain forest. Abstrak Gagasan Common but Differentiated Responsibility ditengarai sudah atau akan menjadi prinsip penting dalam hukum lingkungan internasional, khususnya berkaitan dengan pengelolaan hutan hujan tropika. Persoalannya adalah bagaimana prinsip CBDR ini dimaknai terutama oleh Negara-negara yang karena posisi geografis menguasai hutan hujan tropika. Tulisan ini menelusuri rationale dibalik pembedaan tanggungjawab (hukum) internasional antara negara maju dengan Negara berkembang dan mencoba mengaitkannya pada ketidak (mau-an atau sanggupan) Negara Indonesia mengelola dengan baik hutan hujan tropika yang berada di bawah kedaulatan teritorialnya. Kata kunci: common but differentiated responsibility, pengelolaan hutan tropis. Pengantar Kawasan hutan hujan tropika (tropical rain forest) hanya dapat ditemukan di negara-negara yang berada di bentangan khatulistiwa, terutama Indonesia dan Brazil. Hutan hujan tropika ditengarai merupakan paru-paru bumi dan situs bagi kekayaan alam (flora-fauna) yang sudah atau belum tereksploitasi berupa 1 Tulisan ini merupakan rangkuman dari bagian disertasi yang disampaikan dalam Seminar Kemajuan Penelitian pada Mei 2016 dan ditulis ulang oleh Tristam P. Moeliono sebagai kenangan akan alm. Ibu Sri Rahayu Oktoberina, dosen Fakultas Hukum UNPAR dan mahasiswa Program Doktoral UNPAR. Beliau meninggal sebelum sempat menuntaskan program doktoralnya di bawah bimbingan Huala Adolf (UNPAD) dan Tristam P. Moeliono (UNPAR).