Josep-Anton Fernàndez | Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (original) (raw)

Articles by Josep-Anton Fernàndez

Research paper thumbnail of La creació poètica i l’enigma del suïcidi: Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik

Intercanvis: Papers de psicoanàlisi, 2019

Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i e... more Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i el suïcidi, a partir de l’obra de dos poetes que es van llevar la vida: el nord-americà Hart Crane i l’argentina Alejandra Pizarnik. Amb el suport teòric d’autors del camp psicoanalític com Vincenzo Marzulli i de crítics literaris com Al Alvarez i Allen Grossman, l’assaig parteix de l’anàlisi del poema «Literatura», de Gabriel Ferrater, per plantejar com en la creació poètica existeix una violència intrínsecament vinculada amb el llenguatge i amb l’intent d’expressar l’inefable. Es tracta d’una violència que, en determinades condicions, es pot girar contra el poeta mateix. L’article explora les diferents maneres com Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik articulen aquesta relació amb la violència de la representació. En el cas de Crane, intentant transcendir-la tot postulant un règim que aboleix la diferència sexual i aspira a una comunicació sense mediacions: l’encontre traumàtic amb la mancança i l’excés es resol mitjançant una solució mística que no suporta ni sosté les exigències de la carn. En el cas de Pizarnik, mitjançant una identificació amb el buit existencial, que deixa la subjectivitat de la poeta exposada a una lògica maligna que redueix el subjecte a un pur objecte lingüístic i, en última instància, articula un desig de mort.

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocated Temporalities: Immigration, Identity, and Sexuality in Najat El Hachmi's "L'últim patriarca"

Caplletra: Revista internacional de filologia, 2018

Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, as well as immigration, but has overlook... more Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, as well as immigration, but has overlooked temporality. Yet migrations are not only a matter of space (of demographic movements and geographical relocations), but also of time: immigration questions the idea of origins and the possibility of a shared future, and problematizes the rhythms of everyday life. Temporality, in fact, is a key axis in the formation of identities and in cultural conflicts, not just regarding the uses of the past and the projection of societies towards the future, but also in relation to the normative uses of the body. The coexistence of asynchronous temporalities provoked by immigration is a factor in both cultural and psychic conflict. Najat El Hachmi's novel "L'últim patriarca" (2008) is an excellent example of these phenomena. Here the circular temporality, based on the repetition of cycles, of Morocco's traditional society comes to a halt in the failure of the narrator's father to reproduce patriarchal domination in Catalonia. The novel roots this experience in modern referents through a dialogue with the Catalan literary tradition, and questions the idea of temporality understood as succession of generations by problematizing biological reproduction and gender subordination and through the shattering effects of anal sexuality. This article offers an integrated analysis of these issues by reference to psychoanalysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age

DIgitHum, 13, 2011

Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary appr... more Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand the phenomena of identification in the contemporary world. This article provides critical analysis of the discourses on language and identity in modernity, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and explores the new theoretical frameworks that question the sociological and anthropological traditions that assume that the phenomena of identity is intrinsically linked to territory. In a globalised context characterised by mobility, we need new paradigms in social sciences that are not based on the static geographic nature of human formations. Among other aspects, attention needs to be paid to the timeframe for social phenomena. For this reason, we set out the need to develop understanding of this temporality in our disciplines in order to learn to historicise or place in time the social and cultural processes involved in today’s construction of identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Xarxa Llull: The University Network of Catalan Studies Abroad

Journal of Catalan Intellectual History, 2017

This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside t... more This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside the Catalan-speaking territories. This network is coordinated and managed by the Institut Ramon Llull, the public body created by the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the city of Barcelona with the mission to promote the Catalan language and culture abroad. It consists of 145 universities in 28 countries, of which 87 universities receive funding from the IRL. The article describes the main characteristics and activities of this network, defines the value it creates for the various stakeholders that participate in it, and outlines its main objectives and projects for the immediate future.

Research paper thumbnail of Tres mirades sobre el cas Puig Antich

Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2015

The arrest, trial, and execution of the anarchist activist Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 were some... more The arrest, trial, and execution of the anarchist activist Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 were some of the most crucial events in the final years of general Franco's regime. These facts gave rise to an enormous political mobilisation both in Catalonia and in Europe, and turned Puig Antich into a symbol of anti-Franco resistance within Catalan democratic culture. At the same time, due to both this symbolic status and the traumatic nature of the events, as well as the manifest injustice with which they concluded, the Puig Antich case has been the object of regular commemoration in the media and in diverse forms of cultural production. This makes it particularly interesting for an analysis of the uses of the past in Cata-lan culture. This article proposes a comparative analysis of three books on Puig Antich's case that have been published in Catalan over a period of thirty years: La torna de la torna: Salvador Puig Antich i el M.I.L., by the Carlota Tolosa collective (1985), Compte enrere: La història de Salvador Puig Antich (2001), by Francesc Escribano, and Salvador Puig Antich, cas obert: La revisió definitiva del procés (2013), by Jordi Panyella. These three journalistic texts, published at different but highly significant historical moments, allow us to reflect on the rewriting of the Puig Antich case and its meaning for Catalan society, especially with regards to the political and national sentimentality they construct around the relationship of Catalan society with political violence and the trauma of Francoist repression.

Research paper thumbnail of Hero, Martyr, or Saint? Rewriting Anti-Franco Resistance in Manuel Huerga's "Salvador"

Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 2014

The execution of anarchist militant Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 was one of the most important ev... more The execution of anarchist militant Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 was one of
the most important events in the final years of Franco’s dictatorship. It gave rise to an
enormous political mobilisation in Catalonia, and acquired a crucial symbolic status in
Catalan democratic culture, with Puig Antich as a myth of anti-Franco resistance.
Manuel Huerga’s biopic "Salvador" (2006) presents a deeply engaging narrative of these
events. The film, a manifestation of the drive towards so-called “recuperació de la memòria històrica” in the last two decades, has been widely acclaimed by the critics but
also attacked for its sentimental, depoliticised presentation of the figure of the anarchist
militant. What is at stake in the fictional revision of Puig Antich? This article analyses
the uses of the past in Huerga’s "Salvador" by examining the social antagonisms this film
might be addressing and the kinds of consensus it tries to build.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction. Resistance and Normalization: Uses of the past and Cultural Discourses in Contemporary Catalonia

Research paper thumbnail of “I don't come from the past, I come from now”: AIDS and temporality in three Catalan texts

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2012

This article analyses literary representations of HIV/AIDS in Catalan against the background of c... more This article analyses literary representations of HIV/AIDS in Catalan against the background of current debates in Queer Theory about sexuality and temporality, taking into account the invisibility of the disease within Catalan culture, which is symptomatic of a representational crisis. Through a psychoanalytic reading of Maria-Antònia Oliver’s "Tallats de lluna" (2000), Xavier Fernàndez i Gené's "Del roig al vermell" (1999) and Pepe Sales’s "Sense re, sense remei" (2009), the essay raises three questions related to AIDS, sexuality, subjectivity, and temporality. Firstly, what do the temporal relations and structures in the representations of AIDS available in Catalan tell us about subjectivity with regards to finitude, contingency, and mortality? What does it mean to read literary representations of AIDS in 2012, when this very act seems an anachronism? Finally, what do these representations tell us about the nature of witnessing and its ethical implications, especially when witnessing involves speaking on somebody else’s behalf? The essay argues that these texts and their marginal position within contemporary Catalan literature raise questions about the effects of the ideologies of canonicity on the representation of illness and, more specifically, the representation of HIV/AIDS. It is precisely the marginal status of these texts, the critical oblivion to which they have been subjected, that makes them appear almost as archaeological objects outside their time, as anachronistic as the gesture of discussing AIDS today. I claim, however, that such a critical gesture and its corresponding focus on temporality, mortality, and remembrance, are crucial for understanding the present condition of Catalan culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Llengua, cultura i identitat en l'era global

Digithum, 13, 2011

Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary appr... more Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand the phenomena of identification in the contemporary world. This article provides critical analysis of the discourses on language and identity in modernity, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and explores the new theoretical frameworks that question the sociological and anthropological traditions that assume that the phenomena of identity is intrinsically linked to territory. In a globalised context characterised by mobility, we need new paradigms in social sciences that are not based on the static geographic nature of human formations. Among other aspects, attention needs to be paid to the timeframe for social phenomena. For this reason, we set out the need to develop understanding of this temporality in our disciplines in order to learn to historicise or place in time the social and cultural processes involved in today's construction of identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Deu reflexions sobre catalanisme i immigració

Tercer Congrés Catalanista, 2009

Autor: Josep-Anton Fernàndez Professor d'Estudis Catalans, Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats, Universit... more Autor: Josep-Anton Fernàndez Professor d'Estudis Catalans, Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Si he de ser sincer, no acabo d'entendre per què he estat convidat a redactar una ponència sobre el catalanisme del futur i la immigració: no sóc immigrant ni expert en immigració (tot i que, com la majoria de la nostra societat, tinc origen immigrat). Tanmateix, vaig acceptar aquesta invitació perquè, malgrat tot, tinc unes quantes coses a dir sobre aquestes qüestions.

Research paper thumbnail of Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Roots: Immigration and the Body in Novels by Roig, Barbal, and Jaén

Romance Quarterly, 2006

... Isidor Còn-SUMMER 2006, VOL. 53, NO. 3 229 Page 8. ... 1997, Cultura supplement, ix. Chambers... more ... Isidor Còn-SUMMER 2006, VOL. 53, NO. 3 229 Page 8. ... 1997, Cultura supplement, ix. Chambers, Iain. Migrancy, Culture, Identity. New York: Routledge, 1994. Cònsul, Isidor. “Maria Barbal: Plany de la terra perduda.” Serra d'Or 505 (2002): 54–57. Crameri, Kathryn. ...

Research paper thumbnail of "Ouch, Spain!": The Comedy of Identity and the Trauma of Invisibility in Dagoll Dagom’s "Oh! Espanya”

Catalan Review, 2005

This article explores the relationship between (in)visibility and politics as represented in Dago... more This article explores the relationship between (in)visibility and politics as represented in Dagoll Dagom's popular sitcom "Oh! Espanya" (1996). Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu, Hannah Arendt, and television studies, the author examines the ways in which the series comments on, and to a large degree contributes to maintain, the relations of domination and subordination between the Catalans and Spain at the level of representation and recognition.

Research paper thumbnail of The authentic queen and the invisible man: Catalan camp and its conditions of possibility in Ventura Pons's "Ocaña, retrat intermitent"

Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2004

In this article I offer an analysis of Ventura Pons’s first film, "Ocaña, retrat intermitent". Th... more In this article I offer an analysis of Ventura Pons’s first film, "Ocaña, retrat intermitent". The film’s emphasis on theatricality, artifice, and performance bring it close to the camp sensibility, but the documentary genre, the film’s confessional character, and its explicit political discourse perhaps make it slightly too serious to be camp. It is a Catalan film, but it is entirely spoken in Andalusian Spanish, and centres on Andalusian popular culture, which occupies a paradoxical position as both marginal and legitimate. These contradictions, however, allow us to identify two modes of camp in this film. First, a kind of camp, associated with Ocaña himself, that attempts to resolve these contradictions through a discourse of authenticity and a nostalgic look towards Andalusian popular culture that undoes camp’s denaturalizing effects. And second, a mode of camp found in Ventura Pons’s intelligent staging of parodical performances; this latter mode, I argue, resists Ocaña’s renaturalizing drive and leaves open the possibility of reading Ocaña’s performances as a contribution to a common Catalan culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Subversió, transició, tradició: política i subjectivitat a la primera poesia de Maria-Mercè Marçal

Research paper thumbnail of The Angel of History and the Truth of Love: Merce Rodoreda's "La plaça del diamant

The Modern Language Review, 1999

The main problem associated with the novel La plaça del Diamant, by the Catalan writer Mercè Rod... more The main problem associated with the novel La plaça del Diamant, by the Catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda, is the relationship established between the historical context (in particular the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath) and the construction of female subjectivity as it is presented in the novel. The article tackles this problem by looking into some motifs hitherto ignored by critics: specifically, the myth of Sodom is seen as paradigmatic of the act of looking back, the gesture that inaugurates both historical enquiry and compulsory heterosexuality. Using Walter Benjamin, Gilles Deleuze's reading of Proust, and Julia Kristeva as its main theoretical support, the article argues that homosexuality is the key to understanding this complex relationship between historical consciousness and gendered subjectivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Perverting the canon: Terenci Moix's la caiguda de l'imperi sodomita

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 1998

... JOSEP-ANTON FERNÁNDEZ violence involved in the definition of the Catalan canon totally exclud... more ... JOSEP-ANTON FERNÁNDEZ violence involved in the definition of the Catalan canon totally excludes them: indeed, can we imagine such a thing as a succession of generations of lesbian and gay authors in Catalan literature, a canon of Catalan lesbian and gay writing? ...

Research paper thumbnail of Death and the angel in Lluís Fernàndez's L'anarquista nu

Research paper thumbnail of Félix Guattari: Toward a queer chaosmosis

Angelaki-journal of The Theoretical Humanities, 1996

... josep-anton fernández FELIX GUATTARI: toward a queer chaosmosis development of the emergent q... more ... josep-anton fernández FELIX GUATTARI: toward a queer chaosmosis development of the emergent queer theory. ... It seems to me, however, that if 101 josep-anton fernandez the problem with identity is its mutable character, what we need is a theory of iden-tity as process. ...

Books by Josep-Anton Fernàndez

Research paper thumbnail of El malestar en la cultura catalana: La cultura de la normalització 1976-1999

Research paper thumbnail of Another Country: Sexuality and National Identity in Catalan Gay Fiction

Research paper thumbnail of La creació poètica i l’enigma del suïcidi: Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik

Intercanvis: Papers de psicoanàlisi, 2019

Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i e... more Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i el suïcidi, a partir de l’obra de dos poetes que es van llevar la vida: el nord-americà Hart Crane i l’argentina Alejandra Pizarnik. Amb el suport teòric d’autors del camp psicoanalític com Vincenzo Marzulli i de crítics literaris com Al Alvarez i Allen Grossman, l’assaig parteix de l’anàlisi del poema «Literatura», de Gabriel Ferrater, per plantejar com en la creació poètica existeix una violència intrínsecament vinculada amb el llenguatge i amb l’intent d’expressar l’inefable. Es tracta d’una violència que, en determinades condicions, es pot girar contra el poeta mateix. L’article explora les diferents maneres com Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik articulen aquesta relació amb la violència de la representació. En el cas de Crane, intentant transcendir-la tot postulant un règim que aboleix la diferència sexual i aspira a una comunicació sense mediacions: l’encontre traumàtic amb la mancança i l’excés es resol mitjançant una solució mística que no suporta ni sosté les exigències de la carn. En el cas de Pizarnik, mitjançant una identificació amb el buit existencial, que deixa la subjectivitat de la poeta exposada a una lògica maligna que redueix el subjecte a un pur objecte lingüístic i, en última instància, articula un desig de mort.

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocated Temporalities: Immigration, Identity, and Sexuality in Najat El Hachmi's "L'últim patriarca"

Caplletra: Revista internacional de filologia, 2018

Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, as well as immigration, but has overlook... more Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, as well as immigration, but has overlooked temporality. Yet migrations are not only a matter of space (of demographic movements and geographical relocations), but also of time: immigration questions the idea of origins and the possibility of a shared future, and problematizes the rhythms of everyday life. Temporality, in fact, is a key axis in the formation of identities and in cultural conflicts, not just regarding the uses of the past and the projection of societies towards the future, but also in relation to the normative uses of the body. The coexistence of asynchronous temporalities provoked by immigration is a factor in both cultural and psychic conflict. Najat El Hachmi's novel "L'últim patriarca" (2008) is an excellent example of these phenomena. Here the circular temporality, based on the repetition of cycles, of Morocco's traditional society comes to a halt in the failure of the narrator's father to reproduce patriarchal domination in Catalonia. The novel roots this experience in modern referents through a dialogue with the Catalan literary tradition, and questions the idea of temporality understood as succession of generations by problematizing biological reproduction and gender subordination and through the shattering effects of anal sexuality. This article offers an integrated analysis of these issues by reference to psychoanalysis.

Research paper thumbnail of Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age

DIgitHum, 13, 2011

Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary appr... more Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand the phenomena of identification in the contemporary world. This article provides critical analysis of the discourses on language and identity in modernity, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and explores the new theoretical frameworks that question the sociological and anthropological traditions that assume that the phenomena of identity is intrinsically linked to territory. In a globalised context characterised by mobility, we need new paradigms in social sciences that are not based on the static geographic nature of human formations. Among other aspects, attention needs to be paid to the timeframe for social phenomena. For this reason, we set out the need to develop understanding of this temporality in our disciplines in order to learn to historicise or place in time the social and cultural processes involved in today’s construction of identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Xarxa Llull: The University Network of Catalan Studies Abroad

Journal of Catalan Intellectual History, 2017

This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside t... more This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside the Catalan-speaking territories. This network is coordinated and managed by the Institut Ramon Llull, the public body created by the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the city of Barcelona with the mission to promote the Catalan language and culture abroad. It consists of 145 universities in 28 countries, of which 87 universities receive funding from the IRL. The article describes the main characteristics and activities of this network, defines the value it creates for the various stakeholders that participate in it, and outlines its main objectives and projects for the immediate future.

Research paper thumbnail of Tres mirades sobre el cas Puig Antich

Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2015

The arrest, trial, and execution of the anarchist activist Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 were some... more The arrest, trial, and execution of the anarchist activist Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 were some of the most crucial events in the final years of general Franco's regime. These facts gave rise to an enormous political mobilisation both in Catalonia and in Europe, and turned Puig Antich into a symbol of anti-Franco resistance within Catalan democratic culture. At the same time, due to both this symbolic status and the traumatic nature of the events, as well as the manifest injustice with which they concluded, the Puig Antich case has been the object of regular commemoration in the media and in diverse forms of cultural production. This makes it particularly interesting for an analysis of the uses of the past in Cata-lan culture. This article proposes a comparative analysis of three books on Puig Antich's case that have been published in Catalan over a period of thirty years: La torna de la torna: Salvador Puig Antich i el M.I.L., by the Carlota Tolosa collective (1985), Compte enrere: La història de Salvador Puig Antich (2001), by Francesc Escribano, and Salvador Puig Antich, cas obert: La revisió definitiva del procés (2013), by Jordi Panyella. These three journalistic texts, published at different but highly significant historical moments, allow us to reflect on the rewriting of the Puig Antich case and its meaning for Catalan society, especially with regards to the political and national sentimentality they construct around the relationship of Catalan society with political violence and the trauma of Francoist repression.

Research paper thumbnail of Hero, Martyr, or Saint? Rewriting Anti-Franco Resistance in Manuel Huerga's "Salvador"

Zeitschrift für Katalanistik, 2014

The execution of anarchist militant Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 was one of the most important ev... more The execution of anarchist militant Salvador Puig Antich in 1974 was one of
the most important events in the final years of Franco’s dictatorship. It gave rise to an
enormous political mobilisation in Catalonia, and acquired a crucial symbolic status in
Catalan democratic culture, with Puig Antich as a myth of anti-Franco resistance.
Manuel Huerga’s biopic "Salvador" (2006) presents a deeply engaging narrative of these
events. The film, a manifestation of the drive towards so-called “recuperació de la memòria històrica” in the last two decades, has been widely acclaimed by the critics but
also attacked for its sentimental, depoliticised presentation of the figure of the anarchist
militant. What is at stake in the fictional revision of Puig Antich? This article analyses
the uses of the past in Huerga’s "Salvador" by examining the social antagonisms this film
might be addressing and the kinds of consensus it tries to build.

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction. Resistance and Normalization: Uses of the past and Cultural Discourses in Contemporary Catalonia

Research paper thumbnail of “I don't come from the past, I come from now”: AIDS and temporality in three Catalan texts

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 2012

This article analyses literary representations of HIV/AIDS in Catalan against the background of c... more This article analyses literary representations of HIV/AIDS in Catalan against the background of current debates in Queer Theory about sexuality and temporality, taking into account the invisibility of the disease within Catalan culture, which is symptomatic of a representational crisis. Through a psychoanalytic reading of Maria-Antònia Oliver’s "Tallats de lluna" (2000), Xavier Fernàndez i Gené's "Del roig al vermell" (1999) and Pepe Sales’s "Sense re, sense remei" (2009), the essay raises three questions related to AIDS, sexuality, subjectivity, and temporality. Firstly, what do the temporal relations and structures in the representations of AIDS available in Catalan tell us about subjectivity with regards to finitude, contingency, and mortality? What does it mean to read literary representations of AIDS in 2012, when this very act seems an anachronism? Finally, what do these representations tell us about the nature of witnessing and its ethical implications, especially when witnessing involves speaking on somebody else’s behalf? The essay argues that these texts and their marginal position within contemporary Catalan literature raise questions about the effects of the ideologies of canonicity on the representation of illness and, more specifically, the representation of HIV/AIDS. It is precisely the marginal status of these texts, the critical oblivion to which they have been subjected, that makes them appear almost as archaeological objects outside their time, as anachronistic as the gesture of discussing AIDS today. I claim, however, that such a critical gesture and its corresponding focus on temporality, mortality, and remembrance, are crucial for understanding the present condition of Catalan culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Llengua, cultura i identitat en l'era global

Digithum, 13, 2011

Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary appr... more Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand the phenomena of identification in the contemporary world. This article provides critical analysis of the discourses on language and identity in modernity, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and explores the new theoretical frameworks that question the sociological and anthropological traditions that assume that the phenomena of identity is intrinsically linked to territory. In a globalised context characterised by mobility, we need new paradigms in social sciences that are not based on the static geographic nature of human formations. Among other aspects, attention needs to be paid to the timeframe for social phenomena. For this reason, we set out the need to develop understanding of this temporality in our disciplines in order to learn to historicise or place in time the social and cultural processes involved in today's construction of identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Deu reflexions sobre catalanisme i immigració

Tercer Congrés Catalanista, 2009

Autor: Josep-Anton Fernàndez Professor d'Estudis Catalans, Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats, Universit... more Autor: Josep-Anton Fernàndez Professor d'Estudis Catalans, Estudis d'Arts i Humanitats, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya Si he de ser sincer, no acabo d'entendre per què he estat convidat a redactar una ponència sobre el catalanisme del futur i la immigració: no sóc immigrant ni expert en immigració (tot i que, com la majoria de la nostra societat, tinc origen immigrat). Tanmateix, vaig acceptar aquesta invitació perquè, malgrat tot, tinc unes quantes coses a dir sobre aquestes qüestions.

Research paper thumbnail of Thou Shalt Not Covet Thy Roots: Immigration and the Body in Novels by Roig, Barbal, and Jaén

Romance Quarterly, 2006

... Isidor Còn-SUMMER 2006, VOL. 53, NO. 3 229 Page 8. ... 1997, Cultura supplement, ix. Chambers... more ... Isidor Còn-SUMMER 2006, VOL. 53, NO. 3 229 Page 8. ... 1997, Cultura supplement, ix. Chambers, Iain. Migrancy, Culture, Identity. New York: Routledge, 1994. Cònsul, Isidor. “Maria Barbal: Plany de la terra perduda.” Serra d'Or 505 (2002): 54–57. Crameri, Kathryn. ...

Research paper thumbnail of "Ouch, Spain!": The Comedy of Identity and the Trauma of Invisibility in Dagoll Dagom’s "Oh! Espanya”

Catalan Review, 2005

This article explores the relationship between (in)visibility and politics as represented in Dago... more This article explores the relationship between (in)visibility and politics as represented in Dagoll Dagom's popular sitcom "Oh! Espanya" (1996). Drawing on Pierre Bourdieu, Hannah Arendt, and television studies, the author examines the ways in which the series comments on, and to a large degree contributes to maintain, the relations of domination and subordination between the Catalans and Spain at the level of representation and recognition.

Research paper thumbnail of The authentic queen and the invisible man: Catalan camp and its conditions of possibility in Ventura Pons's "Ocaña, retrat intermitent"

Journal of Spanish Cultural Studies, 2004

In this article I offer an analysis of Ventura Pons’s first film, "Ocaña, retrat intermitent". Th... more In this article I offer an analysis of Ventura Pons’s first film, "Ocaña, retrat intermitent". The film’s emphasis on theatricality, artifice, and performance bring it close to the camp sensibility, but the documentary genre, the film’s confessional character, and its explicit political discourse perhaps make it slightly too serious to be camp. It is a Catalan film, but it is entirely spoken in Andalusian Spanish, and centres on Andalusian popular culture, which occupies a paradoxical position as both marginal and legitimate. These contradictions, however, allow us to identify two modes of camp in this film. First, a kind of camp, associated with Ocaña himself, that attempts to resolve these contradictions through a discourse of authenticity and a nostalgic look towards Andalusian popular culture that undoes camp’s denaturalizing effects. And second, a mode of camp found in Ventura Pons’s intelligent staging of parodical performances; this latter mode, I argue, resists Ocaña’s renaturalizing drive and leaves open the possibility of reading Ocaña’s performances as a contribution to a common Catalan culture.

Research paper thumbnail of Subversió, transició, tradició: política i subjectivitat a la primera poesia de Maria-Mercè Marçal

Research paper thumbnail of The Angel of History and the Truth of Love: Merce Rodoreda's "La plaça del diamant

The Modern Language Review, 1999

The main problem associated with the novel La plaça del Diamant, by the Catalan writer Mercè Rod... more The main problem associated with the novel La plaça del Diamant, by the Catalan writer Mercè Rodoreda, is the relationship established between the historical context (in particular the Spanish Civil War and its aftermath) and the construction of female subjectivity as it is presented in the novel. The article tackles this problem by looking into some motifs hitherto ignored by critics: specifically, the myth of Sodom is seen as paradigmatic of the act of looking back, the gesture that inaugurates both historical enquiry and compulsory heterosexuality. Using Walter Benjamin, Gilles Deleuze's reading of Proust, and Julia Kristeva as its main theoretical support, the article argues that homosexuality is the key to understanding this complex relationship between historical consciousness and gendered subjectivity.

Research paper thumbnail of Perverting the canon: Terenci Moix's la caiguda de l'imperi sodomita

Journal of Iberian and Latin American Studies, 1998

... JOSEP-ANTON FERNÁNDEZ violence involved in the definition of the Catalan canon totally exclud... more ... JOSEP-ANTON FERNÁNDEZ violence involved in the definition of the Catalan canon totally excludes them: indeed, can we imagine such a thing as a succession of generations of lesbian and gay authors in Catalan literature, a canon of Catalan lesbian and gay writing? ...

Research paper thumbnail of Death and the angel in Lluís Fernàndez's L'anarquista nu

Research paper thumbnail of Félix Guattari: Toward a queer chaosmosis

Angelaki-journal of The Theoretical Humanities, 1996

... josep-anton fernández FELIX GUATTARI: toward a queer chaosmosis development of the emergent q... more ... josep-anton fernández FELIX GUATTARI: toward a queer chaosmosis development of the emergent queer theory. ... It seems to me, however, that if 101 josep-anton fernandez the problem with identity is its mutable character, what we need is a theory of iden-tity as process. ...

Research paper thumbnail of El malestar en la cultura catalana: La cultura de la normalització 1976-1999

Research paper thumbnail of Another Country: Sexuality and National Identity in Catalan Gay Fiction

Research paper thumbnail of Carn de cànon: Postmodernitat i masoquisme a "Món mascle", de Terenci Moix

In: El gai saber: Introducció als estudis gais i lèsbics, ed. Josep-Anton Fernàndez (Barcelona: Llibres de l'Índex), pp. 329-52, 2000

Research paper thumbnail of Impossible Sutures: Loss, Mourning, and the Uses of Catalonia's Immigrant Past in TV3's "La Mari"

National Identity at the Crossroads: Literature, Stage and Visual Media in the Iberian Peninsula (ed. Xabier Payá & Laura Sáez). London: Francis Boutle, 2018, 2018

This essay analyses the representation of the experience of Andalusian immigration in Catalonia i... more This essay analyses the representation of the experience of Andalusian immigration in Catalonia in "La Mari", a television miniseries broadcast by Televisió de Catalunya in 2003. Catalonia has an extremely rich migratory past that has resulted in a large majority of the Catalan population having immigrant origins. At the same time this is in stark contrast with a poverty of representations of Spanish immigration in Catalan cultural texts during the twentieth century, to the extent that immigration could be considered an unsymbolized trauma in Catalan culture. The production of "La Mari" was a decisive intervention by the Catalan public broadcaster to promote a memory of Andalusian immigration in Catalan society at a time of new, massive migratory waves. On the basis of Salvador Cardús’s sociological account of the history of immigration in Catalonia and John Ellis’s view of television as an agent that allows audiences to work through major issues and conflicts, this essay analyses the uses of the immigrant past in "La Mari" focusing on the representation of loss and mourning, the concept of suture, and the metaphor of the roots. The essay argues that "La Mari" helped audiences to work through the loss of the idea of ethnic origins in Catalan cultural discourse, and concludes that the analysis of Catalan identity requires thinking the place and the role of mourning it its discursive constitution.

Research paper thumbnail of Catalan Autobiographies between Resistance and Normalisation: Cuts, Parentheses, and Sutures in Joan Triadú's "Memòries d'un segle d'or"

Funcions del passat en la cultura catalana contemporània: Instititucionalització, representacions i identitat (ed. Josep-Anton Fernàndez i Jaume Subirana). Lleida: Punctum., 2015

Research paper thumbnail of La novel·la familiar del "no-nacionalisme"

L’ull despert: Per a una anàlisi crítica dels discursos d’avui (ed. Vicent Salvador). València: Tres i Quatre , 2012

In the last 25 years or so, so-called “non-nationalism” has acquired a prominent position in publ... more In the last 25 years or so, so-called “non-nationalism” has acquired a prominent position in public discourse as an ideological construct that naturalises Spanish nationalism. In Catalonia, this discourse has been promoted by well-known figures that in the 1990s gathered in groups such as the Foro Babel to campaign against the language policy of the Catalan government, and later participated in the creation of a political party, Ciudadanos. Interestingly, many of the Catalan intellectuals that have supported the discourse of “non-nationalism” have written autobiographies in which a personal narrative is articulated with a political narrative about language, culture, identity, and the relationship between Catalonia and Spain. These autobiographical texts delineate a personal trajectory that illustrates and legitimates an intellectual and political evolution usually presented as “dissidence” (in that it culminates in opposition to a supposedly dominant Catalan nationalism). Thus the rereading and rewriting of the personal, political, and historical past is here inseparable from the play of identifications, recognitions, and misrecognitions (both in the familial and the social spheres) that intervenes in the construction of the subject, and therefore an ideological critique might be unable on its own to explain the full set of implications of this kind of discourse. I argue that psychoanalysis, through the trope of the “family romance”, provides the necessary theoretical support for the analysis of the personal/political autobiographical narrative that underpins the discourse of “non-nationalism”. I make reference to two autobiographical texts published in Catalan: Xavier Pericay’s "Filologia catalana: Memòries d’un dissident" (2007), and Lluís Maria Todó’s "El mal francès" (2006).

Research paper thumbnail of Translating the Enigma: Temporality and Subjectivity in Ventura Pons’s "Barcelona, un mapa”

Barcelona: Visual Culture, Space, and Power, ed. by Helena Buffery and Carlota Caulfield (Cardiff: University of Wales Press), 2012

Although Ventura Pons’s film "Barcelona: Un mapa" (Barcelona: A Map, 2007) seems to point out, by... more Although Ventura Pons’s film "Barcelona: Un mapa" (Barcelona: A Map, 2007) seems to point out, by its very title, to the centrality of issues of place and location, these are mapped onto a temporal dimension which is at once historical and linked to sexuality and subjectivity. Based on Lluïsa Cunillé’s award-winning play "Barcelona: Mapa d’ombres" (Barcelona: Map of Shadows, 2005), Pons’s film presents a series of disjointed dialogues between characters whose narratives are marked as much by social and historical conflict (the Civil War, immigration, speedy urban change and erosion of community) as by individual trauma (illness, death, separation, professional failure). These are set against the background of non-normative uses of the body –incest, cross-dressing, homosexuality– that, while questioning dominant notions of origin and authenticity, are firmly located in the private realm of the family secret. The characters exchange confidences about events whose truth cannot be ascertained (like the fire that destroyed the Gran Teatre del Liceu in 1994); their insistent return to traumatic scenes does not reach any coherent or definite conclusion, no clear understanding of their present. Rather than explaining the present by reference to the past, or implying that the former is determined by the latter, Pons’s film enigmatically frames the narrative using archival images, both real and manipulated, that bring together historical trauma (the occupation of Barcelona by Franco’s armies in 1939) and a family secret of seduction and incest, thus highlighting the seemingly incomprehensible paradoxes and ambivalences of Catalan society’s relationship with Francoism. Thus in Pons’s framing the characters’ desire to annihilate Barcelona’s landmark monuments, both old and new, mirrors the Francoist project of obliterating Catalan culture, yet at the same time the skyline of Barcelona in 1939 uncannily coincides with that of 2007. This kind of enigmatic framing, I will argue by reference to Jean Laplanche's work, reveals a space of radical otherness or strangeness, a queer temporality that is crucial for reading cultural representations of historical conflict and trauma. This paper will explore these issues in the light of recent critical debates in Queer Theory about temporality and relationality, and within a general psychoanalytic framework.

Research paper thumbnail of De "Les exxcursionistes calentes" a les "Elegies de Bierville", i viceversa: Els estudis culturals

In: Margalida Pons i Mercè Picornell (eds.), Literatura i cultura: Aproximacions comparatives (Pa... more In: Margalida Pons i Mercè Picornell (eds.), Literatura i cultura: Aproximacions comparatives (Palma: Lleonard Muntaner , 2009), pp. 61-91.

Research paper thumbnail of Immortal/Undead: The Body and the Transmission of Tradition in Ventura Pons’s "Amic/Amat”

In: Joan Ramon Resina (ed.), Burning Darkness: A Half Century of Spanish Cinema (Albany, NY: Stat... more In: Joan Ramon Resina (ed.), Burning Darkness: A Half Century of Spanish Cinema (Albany, NY: State University of New York Press, 2008), pp. 211-233.

Research paper thumbnail of L’anus de la revolució: "El bell país on els homes desitgen els homes", de Biel Mesquida

"Poètiques de ruptura", ed. Maria Muntaner, Mercè Picornell, Margalida Pons & Josep Antoni Reynés (Palma: Lleonard Muntaner), 2008

This essay offers a reading of Biel Mesquida’s collection of poems "El bell país on els homes des... more This essay offers a reading of Biel Mesquida’s collection of poems "El bell país on els homes desitgen els homes" (1973) in order to show how the author elaborates a thought and a set of images around homosexual desire, the role of the anus, and the interplay of the social and the psychic. This analysis is performed from the standpoint of a double contextualisation. On the one hand, I situate Mesquida’s book with 1970s’ discourses on sexual politics with regards to the specific position of homosexuality vis-a-vis social reproduction and the possibility of liberation; here I make reference to the writings of Guy Hocquenghem and Deleuze and Guattari. On the other hand, I read "El bell país" in the light of more recent debates within Queer Theory, regarding the relationship between homosexual desire, relationality and sociality, and particularly by reference to the “antisocial thesis” proposed by Leo Bersani and Lee Edelman, among others. I aim to show the value of theories elaborated in the 1970s for today’s debates, the filiation between Hocquenghem and more recent theorists, and the relevance of Mesquida’s poetry as a figuration of some of the questions posed by theorists past and present. I focus on two dimensions that articulate homosexual desire as it is represented in "El bell país": the role of space, regarding the private/public and inside/outside binaries, insofar as they structure gay subjectivity and relationality; and temporality, with regards to the shattering effects of anal sexuality and its association with non-reproduction and death, but also with the past and with tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of Sex, Lies, and Traditions: La Cubana’s "Teresina, S.A"

Constructing Identity in Contemporary Spain: Theoretical Debates and Cultural Practice, ed. by Jo Labanyi (Oxford: Oxford University Press), 2003

"Teresina, S.A.", a 13-episode sitcom produced by performance group La Cubana for Televisió de Ca... more "Teresina, S.A.", a 13-episode sitcom produced by performance group La Cubana for Televisió de Catalunya (1993), could be over-hastily classified as a "costumbrista" comedy. However, this programme, which achieved high audience ratings, contains a number of elements that make it attractive for the cultural critic. On the one hand it re-presents the main Catalan traditions to a mass audience through a technological medium, and reinvents them by placing them within the late capitalist economy. On the other hand, it redefines some key Catalan values (work ethics, for instance), certain notions of community, and the concept of labour itself, through the representation of an underground economy. Moreover, this series reflects on the relationship between truth and lies in social dynamics, disrupting the typically middle-class norm of "keeping up appearances" and reformulating the interaction of public/private spaces, mainly through questions of gender and sexuality. It is thus logical that this should be a highly self-reflexive programme whose episodes all include a "TV within TV" component. Finally, "Teresina, S.A." is both a parody and a re-elaboration of Eugeni d'Ors's myth of Teresa, "la Ben Plantada", the strong and independent woman who safeguards social order and tradition; the protagonists (three mature, unmarried sisters) are all called teresa. This essay argues that "Teresina, S.A." mobilises an effort to revise the traditions, social practices, and rules of the game of Catalan society, pointing to new models which are open to change and socially inclusive while not doing violence to cultural tradition.

[Research paper thumbnail of Funcions del passat en la cultura catalana contemporània. Institucionalització, representacions i identitat  [Punctum, 2015]](

Edició de Josep-Anton Fernàndez i Jaume Subirana. Amb textos de Jaume Subirana, Sharon G. Feldman... more Edició de Josep-Anton Fernàndez i Jaume Subirana. Amb textos de Jaume Subirana, Sharon G. Feldman, P. Louise Johnson, Laura Solanilla i F. Xavier Medina, Anna Titus, Jordi Larios, Mario Santana, Cristina Badosa Mont, Enric Bou, Helena Buffery, Andrew Dowling, Joan Fuster-Sobrepere, Josep-Anton Fernàndez, Jordi Amat i Jaume Claret.

Research paper thumbnail of Calçasses, gallines i maricons: Homes contra la masculinitat hegemònica

Research paper thumbnail of El gai saber: Introducció als estudis gais i lèsbics

Research paper thumbnail of Resistance and Normalization: Uses of the Past and Cultural Discourses in Contemporary Catalonia

Research paper thumbnail of Institutionalizing Cultural Studies

Hispanic Research Journal, 9: 1, 2008

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Proceedings of the Joint NACS/A-CS Conference: Eton College, 2004, ed. Josep-Anton Fernàndez i Elisa Martí-López

Catalan Review, 19: 1-2, 2005

Research paper thumbnail of Funcions del passat en la cultura catalana contemporània: Institucionalització, representacions i identitat / Functions of the Past in Contemporary Catalan Culture: Institutionalisation, Representations, and Identity

This project examines the uses of the past in the discourses and representations belonging to the... more This project examines the uses of the past in the discourses and representations belonging to the two main paradigms of contemporary Catalan culture in the second half of the twentieth century, and in the context of late Francoism, the restoration of the constitutional regime, and the recovery of the Generalitat de Catalunya. These two paradigms have been termed resistencialisme and normalització. The project focuses on the cultural production and activity of the 1960s, 1970s, and 1980s, as well as on certain forms of cultural production of later years. It analyses the meaning that the past (for instance, Modernisme, Noucentisme, the republican period or the Civil War) acquires in the cultural discourses and representations of resistencialisme, and how this meaning is significantly transformed —or replaced by a focus on other historical periods— as the cultural and political discourses of normalització are being developed.

Our hypothesis is that this evolution in the discursive uses of the past is a crucial factor in the formulation of the various projects for the institutionalization of Catalan culture, and that it contributes to explaining the differences in the discourses on Catalan identity that were set in circulation during the period studied. This interdisciplinary research project (involving cultural history, literary studies, and cultural studies) has three specific objectives:

1. To study the kinds of reference to the past made since 1960 (and particularly since 1979-1980, with the democratization of local councils and the creation of the Departament de Cultura of the Generalitat de Catalunya) in the private and public efforts towards the institutionalization of Catalan culture (publishing, public institutions, cultural industries, private organizations, etc.).

2. To analyse the kinds of reference to the past made by literary and audiovisual discourses between 1960 and 1989; to analyze literary and audiovisual representations of the same period made in later decades.

3. To analyse the ways in which Catalan identity discourses since the early 1960s refer to the past, and to what effect; to analyse the ways in which autobiographical texts written by the actors of resistencialisme and normalització construct an individual identity in relation to collective identity and by reference to the historical period these actors lived.

Research paper thumbnail of Memorias de las masculinidades disidentes en España e Hispanoamérica

Este proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental realizar una investigación en obras de carácter exp... more Este proyecto tiene como objetivo fundamental realizar una investigación en obras de carácter explícita o implícitamente "autobiográfico" en torno a la construcción de la masculinidad que han sido creadas por personas que manifiestan su disidencia sexual y/o de género. El corpus se centrará especialmente en piezas literarias, artísticas y audiovisuales creadas en España e Hispanoamérica, a lo largo del siglo XX y hasta la actualidad. Con tal propósito, se acotará y analizará un amplio conjunto de creadores y creaciones de manera que pueda profundizarse en la evolución individual y

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocated Temporalities

<div> <p>Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, but has overlooked ... more <div> <p>Recent Catalan criticism has focused on place and space, but has overlooked temporality. Yet migrations are not only a matter of space, but also of time: immigration questions the idea of origins and the possibility of a shared future. Temporality, in fact, is a key axis in the formation of identities and in cultural conflicts, also in relation to the normative uses of the body. The coexistence of asynchronous temporalities provoked by immigration is a factor in both cultural and psychic conflict. Najat El Hachmi's novel <i>L'últim patriarca</i> (2008) is an excellent example of these phenomena. Through a dialogue with the Catalan literary tradition and a focus on the shattering effects of anal sexuality, the novel problematizes biological reproduction and gender subordination, and challenges patriarchal temporality, understood as a succession of generations. This essay offers an integrated analysis of these issues by reference to psychoanalysis.</p> </div>

Research paper thumbnail of L Anus De La Revolucio El Bell Pais on Els Homes Desitgen Els Homes De Biel Mesquida

Lleonard Muntaner, Editor, 2008

We employ numerical simulations of galaxy mergers to explore the effect of galaxy mass ratio on m... more We employ numerical simulations of galaxy mergers to explore the effect of galaxy mass ratio on merger-driven starbursts. Our numerical simulations include radiative cooling of gas, star formation, and stellar feedback to follow the interaction and merger of four disc galaxies. The galaxy models span a factor of 23 in total mass and are designed to be representative of typical galaxies in the local universe. We find that the merger-driven star formation is a strong function of merger mass ratio, with very little, if any, induced star formation for large mass ratio mergers. We define a burst efficiency that is useful to characterize the merger-driven star formation and test that it is insensitive to uncertainties in the feedback parametrization. In accord with previous work we find that the burst efficiency depends on the structure of the primary galaxy. In particular, the presence of a massive stellar bulge stabilizes the disc and suppresses merger-driven star formation for large mass ratio mergers. Direct, coplanar merging orbits produce the largest tidal disturbance and yield the most intense burst of star formation. Contrary to naive expectations, a more compact distribution of gas or an increased gas fraction both decrease the burst efficiency. Owing to the efficient feedback model and the newer version of smoothed particle hydrodynamics employed here, the burst efficiencies of the mergers presented here are smaller than in previous studies.

Research paper thumbnail of La creació poètica i l’enigma del suïcidi: Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik

Intercambios=Intercanvis: papers de psicoanàlisi=papeles de psicoanálisis, 2019

Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i e... more Aquest article s’interroga sobre la relació entre la imaginació literària, la creació poètica i el suïcidi, a partir de l’obra de dos poetes que es van llevar la vida: el nord-americà Hart Crane i l’argentina Alejandra Pizarnik. Amb el suport teòric d’autors del camp psicoanalític com Vincenzo Marzulli i de crítics literaris com Al Alvarez i Allen Grossman, l’assaig parteix de l’anàlisi del poema «Literatura», de Gabriel Ferrater, per plantejar com en la creació poètica existeix una violència intrínsecament vinculada amb el llenguatge i amb l’intent d’expressar l’inefable. Es tracta d’una violència que, en determinades condicions, es pot girar contra el poeta mateix. L’article explora les diferents maneres com Hart Crane i Alejandra Pizarnik articulen aquesta relació amb la violència de la representació. En el cas de Crane, intentant transcendir-la tot postulant un règim que aboleix la diferència sexual i aspira a una comunicació sense mediacions: l’encontre traumàtic amb la mancança i l’excés es resol mitjançant una solució mística que no suporta ni sosté les exigències de la carn. En el cas de Pizarnik, mitjançant una identificació amb el buit existencial, que deixa la subjectivitat de la poeta exposada a una lògica maligna que redueix el subjecte a un pur objecte lingüístic i, en última instància, articula un desig de mort.

Research paper thumbnail of Ouch, Spain!": The Comedy of Identity and the Trauma of Invisibility in Dagoll Dagom's Oh! Espanya

Catalan Review, 2005

O enfoque desta investigação foi o trabalho colaborativo e reflexivo entre professores do Departa... more O enfoque desta investigação foi o trabalho colaborativo e reflexivo entre professores do Departamento Curricular de Línguas da Escola Básica de Elias Garcia, na Sobreda, e o seu objetivo foi descobrir em que medida o trabalho colaborativo entre os professores contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento profissional e para a melhoria das aprendizagens dos seus alunos. Para tal, e optando por uma metodologia qualitativa apresentando um estudo de caso, foi levado a cabo um projeto de investigação-ação colaborativa entre os elementos do Departamento, tentando, continuamente, encontrar soluções para o desinteresse dos alunos pela aprendizagem, o desrespeito pela figura do professor e a agitação e indisciplina constantes em aula. O plano de trabalho desta investigação foi apresentado e acreditado pelo Conselho Científico da Formação Contínua e considerado projeto de formação de professores pelo Centro de Formação Almadaforma. No decorrer desta investigação, os professores foram experimentando e partilhando materiais e estratégias pedagógicas e recebendo o "feedback" dos alunos através de três inquéritos aplicados ao longo dos 2º e 3º períodos. A análise e interpretação dos resultados recebidos através de diários escritos pelos professores participantes e dos inquéritos aos alunos, apontam para algum sucesso desta investigação-ação, com os professores a conseguirem maior motivação e concentração dos alunos e maior acalmia das turmas e a aprendizagem das três línguas que compõem o Departamento a apresentarem uma ligeira melhoria de resultados. Os professores evidenciaram superação de estados de desânimo com entusiasmo pelas suas práticas, gosto pela partilha e colaboração e desejo de se tornarem professores reflexivos e investigadores. Palavras e expressões-chavetrabalho colaborativo; investigação-ação; desenvolvimento profissional dos professores; professores reflexivos e investigadores; alunos reflexivos.

Research paper thumbnail of Narratives of Violence

This book is an invitation to read a selection of narratives of violence with the purpose of fost... more This book is an invitation to read a selection of narratives of violence with the purpose of fostering global imaginaries based on respect, recognition, and empathy, especially towards those who are most vulnerable. It offers critical readings of nine works of various genres, originally written in different languages, by Caterina Albert (Catalonia), Mrīrīda n'ait 'Atiq (Morocco), Eva Koch (Denmark), Pius Alibek (Iraq-Catalonia), Janina Hescheles (Poland), Leila Abdelrazaq (Palestine), María Galindo and Sonia Sánchez (Argentina), Arundhati Roy (India), and Juan Pablo Villalobos (Mexico).

Research paper thumbnail of Hero, Martyr, or Saint? Rewriting Anti-Franco Resistance in Manuel Huerga's Salvador

Resum: L'execució del militant anarquista Salvador Puig Antich el 1974 va ser un dels esdevenimen... more Resum: L'execució del militant anarquista Salvador Puig Antich el 1974 va ser un dels esdeveniments més importants dels últims anys de la dictadura franquista. Va donar lloc a una enorme mobilització política a Catalunya, i va adquirir un estatus simbòlic crucial en la cultura democràtica catalana, en la qual Puig Antich figura com a mite de la resistència antifranquista. La pel•lícula Salvador (2006), de Manuel Huerga, presenta un relat profundament emotiu d'aquests fets. La pel•lícula, una manifestació de l'impuls cap a l'anomenada "recuperació de la memòria històrica" de les darreres dues dècades, ha estat molt ben rebuda per la crítica, però també atacada per la seva presentació sentimental i despolititzada de la figura del militant anarquista. Què hi ha en joc en la revisió ficcional de Puig Antich? Aquest article analitza els usos del passat a Salvador de Manuel Huerga, tot examinant els antagonismes socials que tracta la pel•lícula i les menes de consens que intenta construir.

Research paper thumbnail of La familiar del "no nacionalisme

In the last 25 years or so, so-called “non-nationalism” has acquired a prominent position in publ... more In the last 25 years or so, so-called “non-nationalism” has acquired a prominent position in public discourse as an ideological construct that naturalises Spanish nationalism. In Catalonia, this discourse has been promoted by well-known figures that in the 1990s gathered in groups such as the Foro Babel to campaign against the language policy of the Catalan government, and later participated in the creation of a political party, Ciudadanos. Interestingly, many of the Catalan intellectuals that have supported the discourse of “non-nationalism” have written autobiographies in which a personal narrative is articulated with a political narrative about language, culture, identity, and the relationship between Catalonia and Spain. These autobiographical texts delineate a personal trajectory that illustrates and legitimates an intellectual and political evolution usually presented as “dissidence” (in that it culminates in opposition to a supposedly dominant Catalan nationalism). Thus the rereading and rewriting of the personal, political, and historical past is here inseparable from the play of identifications, recognitions, and misrecognitions (both in the familial and the social spheres) that intervenes in the construction of the subject, and therefore an ideological critique might be unable on its own to explain the full set of implications of this kind of discourse. I argue that psychoanalysis, through the trope of the “family romance”, provides the necessary theoretical support for the analysis of the personal/political autobiographical narrative that underpins the discourse of “non-nationalism”. I make reference to two autobiographical texts published in Catalan: Xavier Pericay’s &quot;Filologia catalana: Memòries d’un dissident&quot; (2007), and Lluís Maria Todó’s &quot;El mal francès&quot; (2006).

Research paper thumbnail of FUNCIONS DEL PASSAT EN LA CULTURA CATALANA CONTEMPORÀNIA Institucionalització, representacions i identitat

Research paper thumbnail of Dislocated Temporalities: Immigration, Identity, and Sexuality in Najat El Hachmi’s «L’últim patriarca»

Caplletra. Revista Internacional de Filologia, 2018

Temporalitats dislocades: immigració, identitat i sexualitat en L’últim patriarca, de Najat el Ha... more Temporalitats dislocades: immigració, identitat i sexualitat en L’últim patriarca, de Najat el Hachmi La crítica catalana recent ha analitzat l’espai, el lloc i la immigració, però ha ignorat la temporalitat. Tanmateix, les migracions no només tenen a veure amb l’espai (amb moviments demogràfics i reubicacions geogràfiques), sinó amb el temps: la immigració qüestiona la idea dels orígens i la possibilitat d’un futur compartit, i problematitza els ritmes de la vida quotidiana. La temporalitat és crucial en la formació de les identitats i en els conflictes culturals, no només quant als usos del passat i la projecció de les societats cap al futur, sinó també quant als usos normatius del cos. La coexistència de temporalitats asíncrones causada per la immigració és un factor en els conflictes culturals i psíquics. La novel·la de Najat El Hachmi L’últim patriarca (2008) n’és un bon exemple. En aquest text la temporalitat circular, basada en la repetició de cicles, de la societat tradicion...

Research paper thumbnail of Xarxa Llull: The University Network of Catalan Studies Abroad

Journal of Catalan Intellectual History, 2017

This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside t... more This article provides an outline of the network of universities where Catalan is taught outside the Catalan-speaking territories. This network is coordinated and managed by the Institut Ramon Llull, the public body created by the governments of Catalonia and the Balearic Islands and the city of Barcelona with the mission to promote the Catalan language and culture abroad. It consists of 145 universities in 28 countries, of which 87 universities receive funding from the IRL. The article describes the main characteristics and activities of this network, defines the value it creates for the various stakeholders that participate in it, and outlines its main objectives and projects for the immediate future.

Research paper thumbnail of Language, Culture and Identity in the Global Age

Digithum, 2011

Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary appr... more Research into language, culture and identity in the global age requires an interdisciplinary approach in order to understand the phenomena of identification in the contemporary world. This article provides critical analysis of the discourses on language and identity in modernity, based on the work of Pierre Bourdieu, and explores the new theoretical frameworks that question the sociological and anthropological traditions that assume that the phenomena of identity is intrinsically linked to territory. In a globalised context characterised by mobility, we need new paradigms in social sciences that are not based on the static geographic nature of human formations. Among other aspects, attention needs to be paid to the timeframe for social phenomena. For this reason, we set out the need to develop understanding of this temporality in our disciplines in order to learn to historicise or place in time the social and cultural processes involved in today's construction of identities.

Research paper thumbnail of Tres mirades sobre el cas Puig Antich

Studia Romanica Posnaniensia, 2015

Research paper thumbnail of magnituds comparades. Els destrets de la masculinitat i la crisi de l'autoria en dues novel. les de Quim Monzó

El contemporani: revista d'història, 2001

... magnituds comparades. Els destrets de la masculinitat i la crisi de l'autoria en dues no... more ... magnituds comparades. Els destrets de la masculinitat i la crisi de l'autoria en dues novel.les de Quim Monzó. Autores: Josep-Anton Fernández; Localización: El contemporani: revista d'història, ISSN 1133-519X, Nº. 23, 2001 , págs. 39-45. Fundación Dialnet. ...

Research paper thumbnail of El malestar en la cultura catalana: La cultura de la normalització 1976-1999

... es representen la subordinació i la re-sistència en els productes culturals, tant pel que fa ... more ... es representen la subordinació i la re-sistència en els productes culturals, tant pel que fa als contin-3 Josep Maria Muñoz Lloret, «La cultura ... 12 Brad Epps, «La ética de la promiscuidad: Reflexiones en torno a Néstor Perlongher», Iberoamericana, 18 (2005), 145-62 (p. 146). ...

Research paper thumbnail of Sex, Lies, and Traditions: La Cubana's Teresina SA

… Identity in Contemporary Spain: Theoretical Debates …

&quot;Teresina, S.A.&quot;, a 13-episode sitcom produced by performance group La Cubana f... more &quot;Teresina, S.A.&quot;, a 13-episode sitcom produced by performance group La Cubana for Televisió de Catalunya (1993), could be over-hastily classified as a &quot;costumbrista&quot; comedy. However, this programme, which achieved high audience ratings, contains a number of elements that make it attractive for the cultural critic. On the one hand it re-presents the main Catalan traditions to a mass audience through a technological medium, and reinvents them by placing them within the late capitalist economy. On the other hand, it redefines some key Catalan values (work ethics, for instance), certain notions of community, and the concept of labour itself, through the representation of an underground economy. Moreover, this series reflects on the relationship between truth and lies in social dynamics, disrupting the typically middle-class norm of &quot;keeping up appearances&quot; and reformulating the interaction of public/private spaces, mainly through questions of gender and sexuality. It is thus logical that this should be a highly self-reflexive programme whose episodes all include a &quot;TV within TV&quot; component. Finally, &quot;Teresina, S.A.&quot; is both a parody and a re-elaboration of Eugeni d&#39;Ors&#39;s myth of Teresa, &quot;la Ben Plantada&quot;, the strong and independent woman who safeguards social order and tradition; the protagonists (three mature, unmarried sisters) are all called teresa. This essay argues that &quot;Teresina, S.A.&quot; mobilises an effort to revise the traditions, social practices, and rules of the game of Catalan society, pointing to new models which are open to change and socially inclusive while not doing violence to cultural tradition.

Research paper thumbnail of issue editors: David Howarth

Page 1. issue editors: David Howarth Aletta J. Norval executive editors: Charlie Blake Pelagia Go... more Page 1. issue editors: David Howarth Aletta J. Norval executive editors: Charlie Blake Pelagia Goulimari Aletta J. Norval Barry Stocker Sarah Wood general editor Pelagia Goulimari managing editor: Gerard Greenway contributing editors: Iinnie Blake Josep-Anton Fernandez Nick Groom Sara Guyer Gary Hall Stefan Heidenreich David Howarth Forbes Morlock Timothy S. Murphy Melina Nathan Ben Norland Yanna Popova Mozaffar Qizilbash Roy ...

Research paper thumbnail of Another Country: Sexuality and National Identity In Catalan Gay Fiction

This book studies the emergence, in the late 1960s and 1970s, of a sophisticated body of gay fict... more This book studies the emergence, in the late 1960s and 1970s, of a sophisticated body of gay fiction in Catalan, and examines the relation between the representation of homosexuality and the discourses on national identity that legitimate modern Catalan literature. Gay fiction, ...

Research paper thumbnail of Selected Proceedings of the Joint Nacs/a-cs Conference

Research paper thumbnail of Introduction: New Directions for Catalan Studies

Research paper thumbnail of Homosexual Desire in the Poetry of Blai Bonet


This article examines the interplay between homosexual desire and anxiety in the poetry of Blai B... more This article examines the interplay between homosexual desire and anxiety in the poetry of Blai Bonet, one of the most important, complex, and problematic figures in modern Catalan literature. Bonet is usually presented as a homosexual author, but the way his poetry articulates same-sex desire is far from straightforward. Critics have highlighted the sensuality and eroticism of his poetry, as well as the importance of mysticism and Catholic imagery. However, a specific analysis of homosexual desire in Bonet’s poetry has never been undertaken. Through a psychoanalytically-oriented reading of various poems by Bonet, this essay traces the movement and the effect of anxiety in a textual corpus characterised by a tension between a body mortified by pain, illness, and guilt, and an ecstatic body that seeks satisfaction in the social underworld, in voyeurism and fantasy, and in textual play. Blai Bonet’s literary project promotes a textual revolution through the dissolution of genres and t...